fleetclan · 8 months
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OLD GAY CATS REAL??? in this economy?
also I love Auburnfang. So Much.
Frecklespeck is surprised that Marshpaw’s life is much more difficult than she had assumed it was. She decides to try and help him out, taking on a few more difficult tasks.
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burning-thistles-bt · 11 months
bt Redtail, Willowpelt, Spottedleaf: best siblings ever ✨💖✨
btr Redtail, Willowpelt, Spottedleaf: "i would fucking kill you if i got the chance"
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carrioncider · 3 months
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(some of) my cat ocs , but very shaped. in honor of most of them not making it to artfight LOL (only three of them got a page😭)
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magicwillow · 2 years
for the ask thing:
🕰, 🤓
🕰: What time is it where you are right now?
3:00 PM!
🤓: How did you get your name?
Okay, so first note my real name is very different from my handle. I’ll say both.
Real name: My real name is very uncommon, I’m the only person I or anyone I know knows with the name, and people constantly mispronounce it to the point where I just… don’t correct them. Depending on who in my family you ask, the story is different. My mom says a dream. My dad says a completely different dream that he had. My grandparents say that the name popped into their heads (?) and then a minute or so later my mom called, told them she was pregnant and that that was the name. Apparently the name has some religious meaning but I’ve also heard it meaning “noble” and “kind”. It’s actually really cool!
Handle/internet name: This was... actually the first thing that came to my mind around 2 1/2 - 3 years ago, when I joined Amino. Well, not exactly. I joined Pokemon Amino, so naturally, I chose a name related to that because I didn't entirely know how internet handles worked and thought they had to vary over different places. I chose the name MagicEevee. After a while, I finally figured out that yes, your handle can just be generic and not involving people. I decided to keep the Magic part, since that's what people online often refer to me as and I wanted the nickname to be consistent across multiple platforms. After a bit of thinking, I changed the suffix of my handle to Willow, both because the image a magic tree conjures up is nice and as an homage to my first ever OC, a Warrior Cats OC named Willowspots. I actually still go by MagicEevee on Pokemon Amino (if someone on Amino recognizes me, hi, lol!), but on almost everywhere else it's MagicWillow, and that's probably how I'm going to keep it.
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Brindlesky - thin white tom with grey dappled topcoat
Family: Greydapple (father), Willowspots (mother), Silverpaw (sister, dead) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexuall Personality: excitable, high energy, always willing to go, always acts like he just woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. First contestant is Brindlesky.  With ancestors in leadership and response warrior roles, his litter was chosen for strict training. Brindlesky was chosen to focus on his fishing skills and swimming. Given a response warrior position, Brindlesky wants to have kits so he can teach them the fun of fishing. He’s an excitable young warrior who loves having wet fur. He needs someone to keep him warm after a long day beside the water.  Brindlesky finds enjoyment in his work for the clan, and believes if he works hard, he’ll have a good clan to live in. Everyone should do their part to make their clan the best ever. Vocally talks about how good his clan is, and can be very biased against Smokeclan and Frostclan. Ideal Partner: gimme him falling for a smoke or frost warrior, or someone who really wants to give him kits, or someone who also wants to mentor a kit and teams up with brindle to pick up mollies, but they end up falling in love Position | Clan: Warrior | Brookclan
Ferretstream - solid warm brown shecat
Family: Reedtail (father), Rowansong (mother) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / fairly gay Personality: patriotic, will somehow convince you that brookclan is also the best, no matter previous beliefs, very talkative and chatty Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. Next contestant is Ferretstream. With obvious Whisperclan blood in her genes, some think Ferretstreams father is the warrior turned medicine cat Rowanthistle. Yet her loyalty remains strongly with Brookclan.  Ferretstream has a strong patriotic love for Brookclan, and believes them to be the perfect clan. The others are generations behind. First in the clan history to have a gay leader, Ferretstream is proud of the safe space Brookclan has created for their warriors. So much so that when she was an apprentice, two apprentices from Smokeclan asked to leave their clan for Brookclan.  The act of love for Brookclan , and bringing in two new warrior apprentices earned her the warrior name Ferretstream, the stream a nod to the connections she makes. She is very loudly pro-Brookclan and will find fault in all other clan members.  Ideal Partner: someone who wants to switch to brookclan, or someone she convinced to switch, or someone who is fiercely loyal to their own clan blood, but also they fw ferret Position | Clan: Warrior | Brookclan
Longstem - brown tabby and white tom
Family: Brackenfrost (father), Heatherpelt (mother), Lavendersong (sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / gay Personality: confident, take charge attitude, p much sweet on any tomcat who crosses his path tho, so watch out Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. First contestant is Longstem. Although his breeding was intended for the gene pool, it was obvious from a young ‘paw that Longstem had no intention of mating with a molly.  Mooning over his friend Fleetdust from Frostclan, Longstem does not have what it takes to be a father.  Still, he is a smart leader. When put in a decision making role he can easily assess the situation quickly and make decisions fast. Longstem has absolutely zero biased to any particular cat, and would make a great responsible leader.  Longstem is a very sweet tomcat, although he will practically find any answer other than fighting. He would rather go on a fast until he died than get into war. This might make him seem like a push over as a leader, but Brookclan has to protect itself. Ideal Partner: hes not all that picky tbh, maybe someone who is pro fighting that butts heads with long, interclan relationship replace fleetdust plz im begging you, gimme one/fire before the breakup Position | Clan: Warrior | Broookclan
Petalstorm - dark tortie shecat with more orange than black
Family: Thorntail (father), Weedwhisker (mother), Scorchspot (brother). Gender / Sexuality: shecat / bisexual Personality: hard worker, got in trouble for being too bossy, still is lowkey bossy, but respectful about it now, knows to respect her elders and how to give orders without demanding.  Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. Last contestant is Petalstorm. With a bloodline connected to Duckstar, her name is a perfect description of who she is.  Fierce daughter of an incredible response warrior mother and father, Petalstorms ambition was there from a young age. In the nursery she played leader, and her loud public opinion at four and a half moons granted her apprentice chores in camp before she earned her apprentice name.  Petalstorm learned. She made friends and listened to how senior warriors spoke. One conversation with a cat and she knows everything about them. Which makes her a scary good social butterfly.  Of course, Petalstorm plans on having a litter before she takes on leadership roles. The sun doesn’t stop for no cat, and she lets Tom’s know that it’s now or never.  Ideal Partner: someone who is ready to be a den dad, or someone who can pick up any slack of her as a mother, or gimme the partner who does want to sit around and let her take charge, be the pretty first tom of the clan lmao Position | Clan: Warrior | Brookclan
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shadowclan — year three — greenleaf
he makes russetfur deputy.
cinderfur dies, and after the death of her mate, ashheart retires.
snakebriar graduates.
willowpaw becomes an apprentice, and blackstar decides he'll train him. cariboukit and orangekit die. i am very distressed because i quite like the name caribou.
firkit, hackberrykit, and yellowkit also die.
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joutacujo · 7 years
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Vultureswoop's parents were already senior warriors when they had him. But for the short time they were together, they loved him with all of their hearts. Willowspot, Vulturekit and Palestorm.
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gloomy-weather-cats · 3 years
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Willowstar: Oh? You're approaching me?
Rabbitfoot: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
For some reason I kept imagining this image while trying to sleep the other night lol
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sootwhiskers · 3 years
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name: ashcloud (she/her)
past names: ashkit, ashpaw
allegiance: thunderclan
rank: warrior
parents: willowspots and needlefang of thunderclan
siblings: raintail of thunderclan
mate: none yet
children: none
other family:
grandmothers: lightbreeze of thunderclan, cinderfoot of thunderclan (adopted), redcloud of thunderclan
grandfathers: mossnose of thunderclan, unknown surrogate tom
aunt: ivycloud
uncles: pebblestep, acornkit
half-aunts: crowstar, sandpaw
mentor: crowstar
apprentices: none yet
more info under readmore
takes a lot after her aunt crowstar: same round face and triangle ears
coat is same shade of black as crowstar, just with a red tone instead of blue
spots can be simplified if need be
eyes are big and owlish, pupils often dilated, has green eyes like her dad
floofy tail and body
“squashed heart”-shaped nose
has some of the thunderclan muscle but most of it is just fur, average height
SHORT LIST OF TRAITS: spacey, skittish, sensitive, kind-hearted
story info goes here (background character)
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fleetclan · 9 months
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Auburnfang, Ebonystar, and Frecklespeck have recovered from their grief.
Auburnfang is delighted to work with Fadedfern today while he recovers.
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fleetclan · 6 months
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Irisbright also has an intense reaction to her grief over Marshtrot's death, feeling like she's living through a waking nightmare. She sharpens her claws, more determined to keep the rest of her clanmates safe.
Skykit falls into a river, but is saved by Wishknoll.
Ebonystar was caught sharing prey with a rogue.
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fleetclan · 9 months
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Fadedfern escapes a small fire, but not without injuries.
Dayclaw's leg has healed after being ambushed by a rouge.
Sprucenip's grief begins to ease.
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fleetclan · 7 months
Moon 40 doesn't have much going on, so I didn't draw anything for it but here's some of the interactions if you want those!:
Fadedfern can recognize Auburnfang off of pawsteps alone.
Ebonystar sees Kitedrizzle as her best friend.
Willowspots compliments Irisbright on how sharp her claws are today.
Marshtrot can’t stand being around Wishknoll.
Dappledshadow is in a bad mood after having to put up with Dayclaw’s attitude all day.
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fleetclan · 6 months
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Willowspot’s tail has healed, Marshtrot is no longer sore, and Raggedpaw’s leg has healed.
Auburnfang realizes they've been a bit too harsh in their judgement of Centipede and her kits.
Irisbright and Wishknoll enjoy eachother's company, but it's interrupted by Ebonystar, leaving Irisbright frustrated.
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fleetclan · 7 months
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Willowspots was seen arguing, and borderline fighting with, a loner. On his way back, huffy and frustrated, a tree falls and ends up badly injuring his tail.
While sniffing around a burrow, Auburnfang, Poe, and Raggedpaw run into a very displeased badger. Raggedpaw ends up with a mangled leg.
Irisbright and Wishknoll investigate a strange smell, to find some sort of sticky candy on the ground. They aren't fans.
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