#shota is the ichiban
sana-yan · 2 years
tmdk's placement on the upcoming card makes me wonder about the trajectory of both factions, especially post sakura genesis
sorry to tmdk enjoyers but i'm here mainly for the soyboy and his adopted kid, even back in old pwnoah days i wasn't a fan of zacku's lads... i liked JONAH and bad dude tito's presentation a year ago but now tmdk struggles as a whole unit to be relevant... but maybe that could change
comparing how zack got a belt and was presented as a winner out of the gate post-szkg disbandment whereas j4g was on the losing end, based on the results of sakura genesis, we can potentially get these logical storylines:
tmdk = big winners: zsj retains, robbie wins belt from hiromu, both of which i think won't happen, so the next one is...
tmdk = middle of the pack: zsj retains, robbie loses. most plausible sequence at the moment to me unless they really want to give shota a push. a 15 min belt would also give him enough experience without exposing his lack of depth reserved for longer matches... but if zsj loses, it's...
tmdk = back to the drawing board & potential faction feud: honestly this is mad that i'm even implying zacku to lose the belt, i know, i dislike it too but keeping him with the tv title feels like a weight burdening him from taking on grander challenges. as the premier holder of the tv title, he's added his star power and legitimacy to it as well as had some good defenses. if i had it my way, i'd like for him to win another belt on top of it, but this is njpw and unless you're a merch mover, it's highly unlikely they'd give us two belt zachariah sabre jr
so either it'll be option 2 or 3, with a feud with lij as robbie aims for hiromu. personally, if zacku retains over shota, i can see naito challenging for the tv title. njpw loves to use lij popularity to legitimize things.
the field is murky because there is no true heel faction outside of h.o.t. getting boos from the crowd. not to say that we need face/heel always, but that in general njpw wants the heels to be booed, so they might try to see which stables can shift alignments (i.e. okada's total bitchface thing he's got going on lately that i adore. very 2017 rainmaker) so as to not steal momentum.
for example, bullet club has to go violent heel so we don't lose finlay's momentum. reverting to silly club would disrupt debbie-chan's next step into becoming The Leader. personally, i've mentioned that i'd like KENTA and elp to make their own offshoot with other members of bc coming in for bosj and leave bc for a tweener faction, and for finlay to bring in the australian tamashii boys so we can have two flavors of heel: one dedicated to derailing the matches but have the strength to back it up, and another just ready to tear their opponent apart
in that note, j5g cannot go heel. they're literally the found family underdog faction (v. similar to dark order on aew atm ). and have you seen SANADA recently? he trended on twitter every single match he had when he switched up his allegiance. the Japanese fans wanted to see him fired up like this. you would lose the surge of interest he's got going on if he decided to cheat and be dastardly.
with how factions are shaking up, tmdk's alignment could shift more into being heelish as UE is crazy over with the local japanese crowd. the camaraderie UE showed during the njcup has changed a lot of perceptions about the group. the crowd here loves fletcher and dunky's promos backstage are so good as a face.
tmdk is the one that i don't think the crowd has truly clicked with yet and so they could turn heel, but it might mean sacrificing zsj's storyline with ichiban sweet boy fujita. if they go heel, the tutor/student arc would have to then be ~evil~ and that kinda sucks since the beats in that story are wholesome and laid out nicely. one of the few tmdk storylines i find to be paced well, too.
anyway, what i wanted to say was... bring in team filthy. bring in some baddies. destroy chaos
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alinktoana · 2 years
thoughts on playable faves getting older, the people who make them and the people who play them
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because comfy tracksuit slider dad kiryu is peak character design
spoilers for ps2 Y1/K1, Y5, assumptions about Y6 + Y7 + Y8 + Yakuza Gaiden
why is RGG so afraid of Kiryu getting older? I havent played Y6 yet but I have a feeling RGG is ok with Kiryu being middle aged. They did show some uncomfortable feelings about him being single in his 40s on Y5, but him behaving as a more mature individual is there, same as the rest of the cast (yes, even Majima, lmao).
And i wouldnt go into this tangent if they hadnt dropped that Y8 footage
(correct me if im wrong, lmao) but it’s not often that people get to play franchises that span through decades of people’s lives, like (you guessed it) Yakuza. I love that. I had been avoiding the newest RGG trailers, and I still havent fully watched The Summit™️, but I watch highlights a couple weeks ago, and it took me some more time to work on this puzzle. Most Japanese people (and other ethinicities, as far as i know) look youthful well into their 50s, when compared to white people (I’m Brazilian, so I see the ethnic mix and match everyday (on my own body lol) and how that affects people’s looks). Of course there’s levels of overall self-care, sun exposure, yadda yadda. I’m fairly certain Kiryu doesnt have a skin care routine other than washing his face everyday lmao but he takes care of himself, he exercises constantly (lol), so that helps. His face is fine, awesome beautiful skin (even though i much prefer the Y5 style, compared to dragon engine botching everyone*, but he looks great). If everything is fine and dandy. Why is that a thing?
Not only are they still bringing him for 8, and we dont fully know what that will be like, but 7 was already a cameo, so giving him more screentime on 8 doesnt make sense at all but go off, i guess. We will never fully understand why RGG has been saying goodbye to Kiryu for 6 games already and not fully letting him go. I say 6 games bc I’m considering the last 6 mainline games (6, 0, K1, K2, I’d say Y7, and apparently 8?). Gaiden and Ishin are fine, and I’m so happy about those decisions. I honestly think it’s a much better decision to keep them in spin offs if they still want bank on his brand, and give space to new characters and adventures in the mainline games (and judgement!). But then I look at that grey haired mess and im so puzzled.
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And we’ve joked about him looking like a boyband member, whatever that is. *We still dont know if that’s a disguise or a midlife crisis. And if it is a midlife crisis, and they actually take that angle of him struggling with age, i’d give them all the kudos. That would actually be a bold, beautiful move.
Is milking Kiryu just a marketing tactic, or is it something deeper within RGG? Again, correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve speculated about this before, about them being uncomfortable with their character’s age. But are they also uncomfortable with handing the story over to new characters? Do they feel trapped with Kiryu being the (middle aged, totally not elder) face of the franchise?* Or maybe theyre afraid the franchise is not gonna be relevant anymore because it isnt full of lolis and shotas? When that’s never been their goal in the first place? Yakuza has always been about having fun well into your 40s, because life isnt over once you turn 30. And japanese people fully know that. The west is very anxious about the teenage dream, the live fast die young mentality. Majima has that underlying feeling, he has talked about it here and there. And I would love if they went in on that. It’s not like Y7 wasnt successful, it was the introduction to so many people to the franchise. We know it made bank. We know people love Ichiban + the new crew. We know RGG is moving on. The bat has exchanged hands already. So Kiryu being on Y8, looking like that, on promotional material? It’s such a step back…
As of 2022, Kiryu is 54 years old. Majima is 58. There’s only so much flashbacking RGG can do so they can hide their anxiety about their mascot almost being an elder. Are they afraid of growing old themselves? NPCs have been calling Kiryu an old men since yakuza 1, and that did bother me bc *I was just playing as this baby on Y0, how dare you call him old? he’s 30 D: And I’m almost 30, so I understand my own qualms, so I can only imagine what goes on on the majority of the 50 yo department heads on RGG. And for gods sake, we know they can model awesome older characters.
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The most beautiful model Kashiwagi has ever had is his Y7 one* (Sources are kinda confusing because apparently he was born in 1948? So he’d be 71 in 2019? I mean, good for him if true!! lol) (also yes, this is the asterisc. As far as I’ve looked, Kashiwagi is by far the character who’s aged the most beautifully. I cant do anything but clap lmao) Kazama is also very handsome, and he was born in 1945, so he is 60 in Y1/K1. A more apt comparison would be Sera, who was in his 30s in Y0 and 49 on Y1. He has some streaks, you know. And then there’s Kiryu, botoxed to the gods at 51 on Y8.
We know they can do this. Majima talks about being an old man in Y5, and he was 40 then. If you wanna tell me Majima dyes his hair black because he doesnt wanna see his reflection greying, I’m 100% ok with that. But it’s about time. We’ve been playing those characters for almost 20 years, we have seen almost 40 years of their lives. These are conversations we* could be having at this point, even if it’s substories. But not all hope is lost though!
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I dont know if it’s the lighting, but his model on Gaiden does have some some grayish bits. And that’s 2018 (before Y8 even but we can let that slide bc technology, lol they can retroactively grey him). And given that Gaiden seems to be a lot more personal and small, maybe we could have that age talk then. I can only hope. TLDR: RGG. Buddy (lol). We are still gonna love Kiryu even if he’s no longer young (he is still beautiful). Please recognize the fact that we are all aging up, our bodies and our skin. And so are the characters we play with. Kiryu isnt gonna stop being a good avatar because he’s older. And also, let go. Ichiban is the new avatar. And people love him. Move on. We all have. If you (as people who make the company) are uncomfortable about getting older, use that opportunity to talk about that aging anxiety. We (the fans) will need that when we get to that point (whether we’re pushing 20, 30, 40, 70, 80). Because that white haired monstrosity needs to mean something, you couldve gone without it. Pls. Dont let that be a hair disaster like Y4 Saejima. You had the ps3 excuse then, you dont have that now, you know how to do hair lmao. Pls lmao
TLDR2: All I’m saying is. That white hair on the Y8 raises way too many unnecessary questions but then again Gaiden looks fine? I’m lost&confused pls help lol PS: I've rewatched Our Flag Means Death 4 times now (lol) and gray hair as a topic was never something I really thought about in entertainment, but when we think about ageless character on animation/games, I dont know, it seems like a relevant topic. Because, again, we've known Kiryu + Majima + the gang for almost 20 years. We've seen 4 decades of their lives. This is a longer timespan than... I dont know, british soap operas that go on for ages lol.
edit: Anyway yeah lol thanks for reading this long ramble! let me know what you think bc yeah, loads to think about
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12setsofchopsticks · 6 years
White Day 2019
Alrightty folks, it’s that time of the year again for my favorite holiday, WHITE DAY. Yes, again this year I have worked hard. I have spent the past several months meticulously crafting relationships, exceeding expectations, and perfecting my winged eyeliner and TODAY is the day that it all pays off. I made heart-shaped cookies for Valentine’s day again this year and coupled them with a personalized, hand-o-made-o heart-shaped cards of about the same size. As is the tradition, I will log the events of the day in real time as they happen. I am absolutely buzzing because I have high expectations and a good feeling about them.
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Speaking of expectations, here is the forecast for White Day 2019:
Low chance of gifts from the English teachers as Vancouver sensei tends to forget and EPS tends to not care, BUT I WOULDN’T MIND BEING PLEASANTLY SURPRISED.
Will this be the third year in a row that I don’t receive a gift from my friend Dekashita sensei? PROBABLY.
Big hype for the third year teachers since we’re all buddies.
As a general rule, I think it is safe to expect gifts from all the teachers who have their Valentine on display.
Feeling confident that I will get gifts from a few teachers, like sumo sensei and softball sensei, since they have been consistent the past two years. Let’s see if this trend keeps up.
Shimichan is a bit of a wildcard this year, and I feel like he could go either way. What will happen? No one knows!
I was thinking to myself yesterday, “Lolen, what if your expectations are too high? What if, god forbid, you don’t receive ANY gifts?” The thought gave me a chuckle. There is no way. I am Lolen, the Beloved. I am a goddamn gaijin goddess and gifts WILL BE bestowed upon me on this day.
Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 – THE DAY BEFORE WHITE DAY
1:45 pm –I was caught off-guard while eating my lunch when a teacher has come over to give me my first white day gift! How delightful, I think, as I try to thank the teacher with a mouthful of salad. This is not my cutest moment.
Thursday, March 14th, 2019 – WHITE DAY 2019
8:25 am – I have arrived at school at precisely the time I am expected to. 
What they see: a beautiful blonde waltzing in to the teacher’s room. My hair looks good, eyeliner is looking sharp and, oh, could it be? Yes…! Her outfit even matches her nails! 
What they don’t know: ya girl stayed up too late watching Netflix the night before so she’s running off 5 hours of sleep and literally ran to catch the bus this morning. She is beauty, she is grace, she is out of breath. 
8:27 am – I reach my desk and sit down. There are four additional gifts that weren’t here before. This brings the total so far to five, before the bell has even rung! I have confidence that this will be a bountiful harvest.
8:35 am – There is a shuffle as teachers begin to get up and go to their first period homeroom class. Within the chaos, I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and, heavens to Betsy, can it be?? I can hardly believe my eyes that it is actually Dekashita sensei giving me a bag of chocolate! The two year curse has been lifted and my soul can finally be at peace.
8:45 am – Sumo sensei has just come over and dropped a literal handful of chocolate on to my desk. I will award an A for intent, but I have to give a C for execution because come on, my dude, at least put them in a lil baggy or something. Regardless, choco is choco and I will accept your offering graciously.
9:01 am – I have just received two more gifts within a few moments from each other; one from the teacher who sits behind me and the other from softball sensei. So far my predictions have been accurate…will EPS and Vancouver sensei defy my expectations and come through with gifts?? It’s the question on everyone’s mind!
9:07 am – In an interesting turn of events, one of the female P.E. teachers has just given me a gift! This sets a precedent for the women here at school, I am now expecting chocolate tokens of friendship from everyone.
9:50 am – My lovely supervisor came over to give me a little baggie of white day treats! A+ execution from an A+ supervisor, 10/10.
10:32 am – The morning is swiftly passing by. Currently, I have eleven gifts but I haven’t received any more in some time now and I am wondering if this may be it for me this year. There are a few teachers that I have been lowkey watching all morning to see if they will make their move. Like a cat in the shadows, I wait.
10:39 am – JUST as I was about to abandon hope, I am approached by the cute married teacher (he’s cute, he’s married, alas) and handed a nicely boxed gift. Extra bonus points since he spoke to me in English. I didn’t even know he spoke English, today is full of surprises.
10:50 am – I am rereading my post from last year. Boy, what a wild time 2018 was! But, I am noticing that amount of gifts I am receiving and the time at which I am receiving them is REMARKABLY SIMILAR. At 10:35 am last year, I also had 12 gifts. Everything is going according to plan.
10:55 am – Bobsled sensei has just given me a gift! As an interesting note, he has opted to give cookies as opposed to a more traditional chocolate confection. On second thought, this really isn’t all that interesting.
11:04 am – One of the female English teachers just came over to give me a very cute heart-shaped cake sort of thing. I have decided that this will be the first item I eat when the time comes.
11:25 am – I have fourteen gifts now. I am wondering if, out of all the teachers, I have the most gifts. I know it *shouldn’t* be a competition but I am absolutely *treating* it like one in the deepest narcissistic pit of my heart. I think I will walk around the teacher’s room later and take some cheeky peeks at the other teachers’ desks.
11:40 am – Another female P.E. teacher just gave me a nice gift, complete with an English note of appreciation! I seem to have made some new friends in the P.E. department with my cookies this year. Exciting times!
11:45 am – Oh, these are exciting times, indeed! Just now, I have received a gift from Kocho sensei, also known as the principal. Based on his status as principal-sama, I expect that these chocolates must be of the highest kocho quality. This brings my total now to 16. At this point, I am projected to top my number from last year.
11:55 am – I have not seen EPS all day, despite him being here today. Should I call the police? Send out a search party? I’m worried that he is lost or dead. Actually, he is dead. Dead to me until he gives me white day chocolates.
12:30 pm – Another gift from another P.E. teacher! It’s quite a large box as well. I seem to be popular with the P.E. department this year, with about 60% of the teachers reciprocating chocos. My hard work is paying off and my ROI is looking great.
12:35 pm – It’s time for lunch but I’m afraid to leave my desk in case someone steals one of my precious chocos. I feel a strange attachment to them, like a dragon jealously guarding her hoard. But alas—I must go, for I am hungry. Is it strange to go out and buy lunch when I probably have over $100 worth of gourmet chocolate on my desk? I make a mental note of exactly how many chocolates there are; I will not tolerate thieves!
1:45 pm – I’m back from lunch. All seems in order. I also used this opportunity to check out some other desks. I am the clear winner in this battle royale.
2:30 pm – It’s been quiet for a while now. BUT ACTUALLY, as I was typing this, another teacher came over to deliver a gift! CONFIRMED: I am a psychic.
3:30 pm – I was just beginning to think that the gift-getting might be finished, but to my surprise I have received another! It’s getting exhausting trying to keep track of all these gifts. Interesting note: despite all NINETEEN of the gifts that I have received today, I have yet to receive one from any of the male English teachers. Just so we are clear, there are FOUR of them. This must be what the sharp knife of betrayal feels like.
4:10 pm – I couldn’t wait any longer and I ate the heart-shaped cake sort of thing. It was a delicious choice. I also made the executive decision to put all of my snacks in my desk since 1.) I was running out of space on my desk and 2.) At this point it just looks like I’m bragging (I am). Furthermore, as I mentioned above, I have a zero tolerance theft policy and these are my loss-prevention measures.
4:12 pm – I ran out of space in my designated “snack drawer” so I had to take advantage of the space in my lesser-used “lesson plans” drawer.
4:15 pm – O shit waddup, ya girl is officially at TWENTY GIFTS!! My boi Shimichan pulled through in the homestretch. If I can get my-age amount gifts does that mean that this will be my golden year?
4:17 pm – Time is precious and there are only about 45 minutes left in the day. The guy in the office must have felt the minutes squeezing by, because he just came up and gave me gift number 21. There is still time for you, EPS!!
5:01 pm  – Well, it’s time to call it a day and head home. Overall, I have to say I am very pleased with the way this year turned out. Many of my predictions turned out to be true (LOOKING AT YOU, EPS), with the notable exception of Dekashita sensei who actually pulled through this year. Now all that’s left to do is to enjoy my snacks...all TWENTY ONE OF THEM!
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5:30 pm – Just got home. Can’t wait to see what my real white date has in store for me tonight <3 
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honmakurara · 6 years
About Yasu / by Ryo
“Good evening, everyone. How have you been doing? I'm doing okay. I'm on my laptop today for the first time in a while. I guess everyone's worried about Sho-chan, right? I am, too. But it would be bad if that concern becomes a source of pressure for Sho-chan. You guys try not to worry too much, okay? That part is an absolute must. Although even if I say "I'm asking you to do me this favor." I'm sure you would worry anyway. 
It must have been really frustrating for him to be unable to be there during the press conference where a fellow member announced he would be leaving the group, and when he could not appear on his regular shows. 
I'm sure there are people out there who would've thought "he should be there, if all he did was fall at home". They didn't have had the information we had, after all. But I think being able to come out into the open about the situation this time has helped lighten his emotional burden somehow, so all that's left is the physical side of things. I pray that time will help him recover soon.
I'm not trying to make you worry or anything, but to be honest, when we were at his side, we could not even say things we normally would. He isn't able to move his body like he normally would, and even walking or changing was something that he did slowly, as if he was trying not to hurt himself. But he's steadily getting better with regard to those things, so please wait patiently for him.
We had many debates about whether or not the concert tour should be postponed or cancelled, and we had decided to postpone it at one point.
But all of us members share the view that this concert tour is going to be even more important than any of our other ones, so we chose a route that lets us do the best we can while being absolutely certain that Sho-chan won't have to push himself. That said, he'll push himself for sure. And if we realize that he's doing that, we'll keep reducing the parts that he will make appearances in. And if it turns out it's not possible for him to do it, then I don't know if we will be able to make it to the end of the concert tour. That's just how precarious the situation is with regard to this concert tour. Of course, since we've decided to carry it out, those of us who are able-bodied will do everything. And if Sho-chan cannot run, then we'll run for him.
Well, we're in the middle of rehearsals right now, but I think we'll have a good idea of how things are going to be after Sapporo, so I think we'll be able to come up with a good way to pace ourselves. Don't worry. We'll make sure that those of you who show up will feel glad you came. Rest assured about that. We gotta make this a good concert tour. Yeah. Look forward to it, everyone.
Also, you know...  this will be the last time you'll be able to see Kanjani with seven members. There's gonna be a live broadcast for three days in a row. I wonder how that is gonna turn out? But to be honest, the only thing I have in my mind is our next stage. This is something that just can't be helped.Everyone has their own way of thinking after all. And I think it's really admirable that he's willing to start out again from total scratch. I hope he leaves the group with a bang. And it's my wish to be by his side and see what he does when he leaves. I can't exactly give him a farewell and be happy. It's not like he's going to come back in the future either. It's just a decision made by one man after all. That's something that I want to have high hopes for. I don't know if those of you who are watching will be able to enjoy it, but yeah... There are things to overcome. Such as walls, hills, and everyone's expectations. All right. It's time to kick asses.”
Ryochan’s jweb entry, 5th July 2018
credits to Kanjani8 Peru
Personal thoughts: sasuga Ryochan. His jwebs are mostly so hermetic that sometimes we’re left to wonder whether he actually carries thoughts and worries or not. He does, of course. So much. And it’s impressive also the way his words and feelings almost echo Ohkura’s (or the contrary) about their desire of protecting Yasu ♥, and the way he’s (finally) talking openly about Subaru’s decision, the concert, their fears. Ugh, Ryochan ç____ç
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trashexplorer · 6 years
BLCD Review: Koubutsu wa Kossori Kakushite Hara no Naka
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Title: Koubutsu wa Kossori Kakushite Hara no Naka (好物はこっそりかくして腹のなか)
Release Date: 2018/07/27
Author/Artist: Tsurusawa Tsutako
Nakajima Yoshiki x Ono Yuuki 
Itou Kento x Suzuki Yuuto
Eguchi Takuya x Saitou Souma 
Okitsu Kazuyuki + Kobayashi Yuusuke
Synopsis: Sequel to Koubutsu wa Ichiban Saigo ni Hara no Naka which features the lives of Noa and Kazui’s children: Noel, Kazuya, Norris. 
Review Proper
Okay so let me rephrase that synopsis. Basically we have sixteen tracks (including the omakes but excluding the cast talk) and each pair has five tracks while Noa and Kazui gets one special track. First pair actually happens to be Kazuya and Lucas who’s voiced by Eguchi Takuya and Saitou Souma, then we have Norris and Mero voiced by Nakajima Yoshiki and Ono Yuuki, and lastly Kotetsu-san and Noel who's voiced by Itou Kento and Suzuki Yuuto. Since the cover is Norris and Mero, I surmise that they are the main couple although all couples had equal exposure.
As for the order of birth, Norris and Noel are the twins while Kazuya is the youngest son born years later. 
This is so fucking confusing to me.
Let me explain.
Lucas meets Kazuya when he was a BABY but Lucas is evidently much older because he actually works with Noa-san as a fellow model. So just how big is their gap exactly? And does Lucas not age or do their kind just grow up really fast? Despite paying really hard attention to the plot, I really couldn’t understand what it was that Lucas had for him to be unable to stick to just one partner and I just gave up understanding in the end. And at the time that he starts to pursue Lucas, Kazuya says that there wouldn’t be a problem with his folks because Norris and Noel have been LONG married. 
I thought that Kazuya was just a newbie model that was a little over high school age so how the fuck could his brothers who were older than him for only a few years BE MARRIED???
So yeah. Long story short, I just gave up understanding that and moved on to listening to the second story about Norris and Mero.
What the fuck?
I’m not sure if their cohabitation spanned years but, Kotetsu-san makes it very clear that he doesn’t want to lay his hands on a MINOR - BUT HE DOES ANYWAY.
Also, Noel looks a lot like his mother, Kazui which is probably why Noa-san adores him. Noa-san always comes creepily close with him omg OKITSU STOP THIS.
My brain hurts.
I really, really, HATE child abuse and pedophilia - which explains why I loathe Super Lovers (which I used to religiously read because I thought Haru could wait) and every shota series out there. So do NOT expect me to like this. Fucking throw this in the trash can. I actually really liked the prequel so this was a big disappointment. I wish they could’ve just given us a glimpse of the lives of the couples after the prequel (especially the third one with Shirai Yusuke and Miyake Kenta) here in this CD instead. 🙄
Voice work was okay over all. Everyone did a great job and this was a step up from Ono Yuuki’s DakaOtoko performance so there’s that. Mattress mambos were... I’d rather not talk about it. I’m not sure if this is licensed but I’m glad that no one’s willing to translate the manga because we don’t need more bullshit into this world.
Do I recommend this? 
Stay clear of this if you’re uncomfortable with pedophilia. (who the hell’s comfortable with that?)
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pastel-depressed · 7 years
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If anyone ever asks me who are my ichibans and nibans, I'll show them this. Kisumai: 1) Miyata Toshiya (current kamioshi) 2) Yokoo Wataru HSJ: 1) Chinen Yuri 2) Yabu Kota Eito: 1) Yasuda Shota 2) Murakami Shingo Arashi: 1) Ninomiya Kazunari 2) Sakurai Sho
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pk5u · 7 years
[Lyrics] Alternative - BLAST (Romaji+English)
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Music/Arrangement: Shota Horie Guitar: John Kanda Vocal: Youji Ikuta (Shinonome Yamato)
Original Japanese lyrics here
Tadottekita ashiato wa koko de owatteiru Zenrei nante nai  mikai no genjitsu ga akeru Shitte shimatta sentakushi wa  dore mo uso janai Sono naka de ichiban toutoi mono wo  mou kimenakucha ikenai Nee, kowai yo ne Sore ga ikirukoto Erabarenakatta subete no mirai ni kotaero Zenshin de zenrei no sentaku ni seihi nado nai sa Sekai wa kitto  sono kakugo wo matteta “Unmei mo genkai mo subete gensou da” Tsuyoku katarikakeru  sono kodou wa honmono ka Kurikaeshite kasurekitta sono keshiki wa Asete mo nijinde mo  wasureta hi nante nai Shirazushirazu toomawarishite matasete shimatta Dare mo ga katsute yume to yonda mono Nee, boku wo oboete iru ka Mou  kaeranai Kako ni natta subete o Okizari ni bokura wa yuku Soko de miteite Zenshin de zenrei no sentaku ni seihi nado nai sa Kotaeawase wa zenbu owatta ato de ii Sou yatte tsukanda shunkan wa, ketsumatsu wa Nani yori mabushii saigo no tamuke ni naru Boku ja nakattara Kimi ja nakattara Kazoe kirenai kanousei ga toikakeru Mugen ni chirabaru hoshikuzu no naka de Eranda boku ga boku de yokatta Zenshin de zenrei no sentaku ni seihi nado nai sa Sekai wa kitto  sono kakugo wo matteta “Unmei mo genkai mo subete gensou da” Furuetetatte ii Tsuyoku katarikakeru  sono kodou wa honmono ka
The footsteps I’ve been following end here Without any precedence, an unexplored reality opens The alternatives I came to know, none of those are lies But which is most important, I’ll have to make up my mind Hey, isn’t it scary That’s the thing called living Answer to every other future that you didn’t choose There’s no such thing as right and wrong when you devote your soul on your choice. The world has sure been waiting for that kind of resolve “Fate and limit, everything’s just an illusion” If that passion is real then face it head on. That scenery that’s being blurred over and over. Even if it fades, even if it’s stained, there’s not one day I’ll forget. Unknowingly taking the long way, I ended up making you wait. What everyone called a former dream Hey, would you remember me? There’s no more turning back Everything that was in the past, We are to leave those behind And then we’ll see There’s no such thing as right and wrong when you devote your soul on your choice. Questioning comes after everything’s done. Seizing the moment like that, the ending Becomes more dazzling than anything, befitting a tribute of goodbye*[1] If it hadn’t been me, If it hadn’t been you, There are countless possibilities calling out Amidst the stardust scattered within infinity. I’m glad I chose to be here. There’s no such thing as right and wrong when you devote your soul on your choice. The world has sure been waiting for that kind of resolve “Fate and limit, everything’s just an illusion” It’s okay to tremble, If that passion is real then face it head on.
NOTES: [1] - 手向け (tamuke) is an offering to a deity/spirit/a person who’s about to depart to the other world.
pk5u: This has been sitting in my drive for quite some time now. It’s my favorite BLAST song… okay maybe on equal standing with Lullabye but this came first so I technically loved this longer. Hahaha! Enjoy.
PS: We have a PENGUIN RESEARCH dedicated fan blog. I’m only helping my friend for now since I don’t have time but I’m still gonna contribute what I can. Literally click this whole paragraph to get there. Yes, click me!
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jpntoeng · 7 years
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Shota Shimizu - love [Translation]
Transparent tears Trace down your cheeks Yeah, that invisible pain Intangible pain
The wind softly blew And summer approached again Feeling sad and lonely I gently hugged you
I felt your back in my arms I won’t let you go, can’t let you go again I want to live with you forever
How easy it would be If love didn’t come with pain The more I love you The more I hurt you
I take your hand In the soft light We want to be together No matter how many mistakes we make… I love you
All along I was searching For someone like you Yeah, someone I could share Anything and everything with
I want to sing to you One by one the kind things That went unnoticed Until now
I won’t go back to those lonely lights When I trembled in fear I want to be by your side forever
The figure quietly vanishing All alone in the mist was me But you rescued me
I take your hand In the soft light We want to be together No matter how many mistakes we make… I love you
I never learned What true love is But my heart’s love for you Is the truest part about me
How easy it would be If love didn’t come with pain The more I love you The more I hurt you
I take your hand In the soft light We want to be together No matter how many mistakes we make… I love you
Credits: JPNtoENG.tumblr
Toumei na namida ga Kimi no hoho wo tsutatteku Sou, me ni mienai Kanjitorenai itami Sotto kaze ga fuita Mata natsu ga chikadzuita Setsunakute samishikute Kimi wo sotto dakishimeta Kimi no senaka ryoute de kanjiteta Mou hanasanai hanasenai Zutto kimi to ikite itai Itami no nai ai ga areba Donna ni raku darou Kimi wo omoeba omou hodo Boku wa, kimi wo kizutsukete shimau Yawarakai hikari no naka Kimi no te nigitteru Bokura, issho ni itai no sa Tatoe, nando machigatte mo... I Love You Zutto sagashite ita Kimi no you na hito wo Sou, nanimokamo Wakachiaeru hito wo Ima made kidzukazu ni Toorisugite shimatte ita Yasashisa no hitotsu zutsu Kimi ni utaitai'n da Yoru no kodoku osorete furueteta Ano koro ni wa modoranai Zutto kimi no soba ni itai Asamoya ni shizuka ni kiete yuku hitokage wa Kitto hitoribocchi no boku sa Kimi wa, boku wo sukutte kureta ne Yawarakai hikari no naka Kimi no te nigitteru Bokura, issho ni itai no sa Tatoe nando machigatte mo... I Love You Hontou no ai nante Ima no boku ni wa wakaranai Dakedo kimi wo omou kokoro wa Boku no naka de ichiban no "hontou" sa Itami no nai ai ga areba Donna ni raku darou Kimi wo omoeba omou hodo Boku wa, kimi wo kizutsukete shimau Yawarakai hikari no naka Kimi no te nigitteru Bokura, issho ni itai no sa Tatoe nando machigatte mo... I Love You
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lyrics724 · 6 years
清水翔太 - Range Rover 歌詞
清水翔太 – Range Rover 歌詞
作詞:Shota Shimizu 作曲:Shota Shimizu
一番好きだったあの子 結局、帰ってこなかった 彼女が撮った写真を 俺はたぶん捨てないよ
できるようになったこと できなくなったこと 今の俺を見たら たぶん、驚くよ
Range Rover 君を隣に乗せて走る 憧れだった この車 この街 愛する事をやめないように なるべく遠くへ
Range Rover… Range Rover… Range Rover…
ichiban suki datta ano ko  kekkyoku, kaette konakatta  kanojo ga totta shashin o  ore wa tabun sutenai yo  dekiru yō ni natta koto  dekinakunatta koto  ima no ore o mitara  tab…
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ilyricsbuzz · 6 years
清水翔太 – Range Rover 歌詞
Range Rover 歌詞 清水翔太 (Shota Shimizu) アルバム/ Album: WHITE 作詞/ Lyricist: Shota Shimizu 作曲/ Composer: Shota Shimizu 発売日/ Release date: 2018/6/27 Language: 日本語/ Japanese KANJI LYRICS 一番好きだったあの子 結局、帰ってこなかった 彼女が撮った写真を 俺はたぶん捨てないよ できるようになったこと できなくなったこと 今の俺を見たら たぶん、驚くよ Range Rover 君を隣に乗せて走る 憧れだった この車 この街 愛する事をやめないように なるべく遠くへ Range Rover… Range Rover… Range Rover… SEE ALSO: 清水翔太 – 踊り続けよう 歌詞 ROMAJI ichiban […] Click here to view full Lyrics
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lyricsmiliyah · 7 years
[Romanized] Still feat. Shimizu Shota
Futari wo tsunaideru Utsukushiku, yowa yowashii ai no KAKERA Tatta hitokoto de Kantan ni kowarete shimau deshou Honno chiisana koto de Kizutsuke atte bakari de Sunao ni nante narenakute Mou... SAYONARA ? I still love you Mou sukoshi soba ni itai Dou sureba ii no ? Nee Tell me, baby (baby) I love you (love you) Kurushikute mo I still love you (I still love you)
I still love you (I still love you), I still love you... I still love you (I still love you), I still love you (I still love you), I still love you...
I still love you Aishiteru hazu nano ni Surechigai wo kurikaesu Furetate to te hiekitteru Isso hanarete shimaou ka Mendou na arasoi wa NO da Oh why ? Mune ga itamu... So kitto mada kokoro no oku de Ding dong nariyande inai Hajimete atta ano koro no Me ga atta mune no kodou ME-RU wo utsute ga tomaru Sora ga Navy blue ni somaru Sunao ni naretara Kono yoru wa akeru kana I still love you Mou sukoshi soba ni itai Dou sureba ii no ? Nee Tell me, baby (baby) I love you (love you) Kurushikute mo I still love you (I still love you)
I still love you (I still love you), I still love you... I still love you (I still love you), I still love you (I still love you), I still love you... Tanoshii toki mo kanashii toki mo Ichiban saisho ni kimi wo omoidasu Konna ni wakatte ite mo Konna ni wakari aenai Sukoshi zutsu kimi ga tooku naru I still love you Mou sukoshi (mou sukoshi) soba ni itai (soba ni itai) Dou sureba ii no ? Nee Tell me, baby (oh baby) I love you (I love you) Kurushikute mo I still love you (I still love you) I still love you (I still love you), I still love you (oh baby)... (I still love you wow wow) I still love you (I still love you), I still love you (I still love you), I still love you...
I still love you
credit : lyricsmiliyah.tumblr.com
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jbeer-en · 7 years
Albert Park Japanese restaurant Brother Shota wins fans
#beer #PremiumMalts [Herald Sun Melboume]Desserts are a bit of an afterthought, but a passionfruit panna cotta ($10) had cool appeal. Japanese beer (Kirin Ichiban, Yebisu Premium Malt) is just made for Brother Shota’s food. So is sake. There’s a concise list here, from cool and semi-dry to ...
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jculture-en · 7 years
Albert Park Japanese restaurant Brother Shota wins fans
#beer #PremiumMalts [Herald Sun Melboume]Desserts are a bit of an afterthought, but a passionfruit panna cotta ($10) had cool appeal. Japanese beer (Kirin Ichiban, Yebisu Premium Malt) is just made for Brother Shota’s food. So is sake. There’s a concise list here, from cool and semi-dry to …
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honmakurara · 6 years
Thank you for the three days in Nagoya. Thank you. That's all I really need to say. Thanks for taking care of us Thanks for delivering so many emotions. Thanks for everything. Really, realizing what it means to have a whole month off relieved me so much. I burned out and became a sofa. Now I am a sofa. For the performances of Osaka, we will continue with a renewed feeling. The little one thanked me many times, but we should help each other, I do not need words. Let's support each other and live like this. Let's live. That's all! I'll have him rest until the Osaka performances! Good! Bedtime.
Ohkura’s j-web entry, 26th July 2018
credits Kanjani8 Peru
He’s realized the dream of a lifetime: living as a couch XD
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honmakurara · 6 years
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Ryo does not approve xD
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lyricsmiliyah · 7 years
[Romanized] BELIEVE feat. Shimizu Shota
Shinjiteru dakara kowakunai Kono saki futari ni nani ga okotte mo norikoete yuku Shinjiteru dakara mayo wa nai Kanarazu oikakete yukou (eh) Honki de tsukamou (eh) Hontou no jibun wo (eh) Makenaide I Believe Kokoro ore sou na toki itsumo Kimi no sonzai ni sukuwareta n'da yo Kimi to deaeta koto ga kitto Ichiban no takara mono nanda yo (Kesshite kizutsukanai you ni) (Itsumo kizukanai furi) Kakko tsuketeru dakedo fuan datta n'da (Jibun de iru koto ni) (Okubyou ni natteta no kana) Mirai no bokura wo Shinjiteru dakara kowakunai Kono saki futari ni nani ga okotte mo norikoete yuku Shinjiteru dakara mayo wa nai Kanarazu oikakete yukou (eh) Honki de tsukamou (eh) Hontou no jibun wo (eh) Makenaide I Believe Dare ni mo namida wa misetakunai Dakara tsuyogatte kuchibiru kandeta Itsu datte kimi wa tsuyoku waratte Doko made mo kirei ni kagayaiteta (Sonna ni yowaku wa nai) (Kagiri nai kanou sei) Nori koerarenai itami nante nai kara (Dore kurai no genkai) (Ittai dare ga kimeta no?) Hateshinai kono michi wo Shinjiteru dakara kowakunai Kono saki futari ni nani ga okotte mo norikoete yuku Shinjiteru dakara mayo wa nai Kanarazu oikakete yukou (eh) Honki de tsukamou (eh) Hontou no jibun wo (eh) Makenaide I Believe Namida ga nijin da ato Kawaita sora ni Futari no chikai Sakenderu Ima wa BOROBORO ni natte mo ii Kimeta kara wow Shinjiteru dakara kowakunai Kono saki futari ni nani ga okotte mo norikoete yuku Shinjiteru dakara mayo wa nai Kanarazu oikakete yukou (eh) Honki de tsukamou (eh) Hontou no jibun wo (eh) Makenaide I Believe Namida wa itsuka kareru mono (OH YEAH) Mirai wo tsuyoku egaku koto (OH YEAH) Ima wa ima dake ikiru koto (OH YEAH) Kowaku wa nai sa nani mo kamo WOW Hanasanai ima tsukanda mono (OH YEAH) Waki agaru atsui kanjou (OH YEAH) Kimi to nara tsuyoku mukaeru yo (OH YEAH) Itsu made mo zutto shinjiteru WOW
credit : lyricsmiliyah.tumblr.com
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