#should I flesh out those future blake and yang designs??
riveluart · 1 year
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Bumbleby Week Day 7 AU
Time-travel AUs are my shit if you haven’t noticed
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nezzfiction · 6 years
ENMY Chapter 70 - Of Ash and Ember (Part Three)
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Chapter Synopsis: The finale of the Atlas Arc is here. War between Yang and Cinder versus Weiss, Ruby and Blake will meet its end. Destiny will be realized. Victory will be granted. And what it all means in the end...is anyone's guess.
Series Synopsis: Team RWBY is disbanded, and Yang must find herself new allies. For her, that might very well be yesterday’s enemies. Joining up with the likes of Emerald, Mercury, and Neo, the four will comprise Team Enemy(ENMY).
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below
Of Ash and Ember (Part Three)
The first time I met Yang, I knew she was special.
Raven and Tai understandably had their concerns. The thought of their daughter possessing the Reaper’s Semblance was a constant burden in their thoughts. A burden that only weighed heavier as Yang grew older.  
I felt guilty never telling them the truth. I could have saved them much pain and anxiety, but I think some truths can’t be told. Instead, they must be discovered. Not just for Raven and Tai’s sake, but for Yang herself.
I can see things…
Special things.
There were complications with Yang’s birth.
Raven had been in labor far too long. All of us could see the suffering she endured, her life being stretched thin. Just watching and not being able to do a single thing for her.
I’d never seen Raven fight so hard in my entire life. And if Raven is anything, she’s a fighter.
Right until that moment, she spoke to me about her worries. How often she had nightmares of killing her own child. How her Reaper’s Semblance spelled death for anything and anyone she touched. I could only think how silly that was, while watching her pour every ounce of her body and soul into keeping her yet to be born daughter alive.
The worst was coming to pass. I knew what Raven was thinking. She was ready to forfeit her own life if it meant her child was safely delivered into this world.
And then, I saw her. Yang Xiao Long.
Little bundle of fire. Tiny, curled fists punching the air. Cries that pierced your heart. She showed Raven’s spirit in her already—her tenacity. So warm and full of life in my arms.
And I knew Raven died giving birth to her.
I watched the last wisps of her life fade. At the time, I wished with everything in my heart for the power to rewrite what fate designed. But there was nothing.
Tai and Qrow were in a panic. I could only watch, frozen in my own sorrow. Until I felt little Yang wriggling in my arms. Something indescribable flowed from her. A light.
I knew what she wanted. She reached out for her mother and I brought her near.
As soon as Yang touched Raven…
Life sparked her body once more.
It wasn’t long until everyone celebrated the miracle. Raven was dead for five full minutes. The doctors said it was a rare occurrence but nothing unheard of. Qrow had witnessed the very same thing himself.
Sometimes, the body simply found in itself the will to persevere, with just a little help from luck.
But I knew.
I, alone, knew Yang was the one who saved Raven. It’s why I never worried about what the future or her Semblance held in store for her.
She embodied Raven’s fire, as well as Tai’s kindness. She would grow into someone who strengthened those around her, emboldened them beyond what they thought they could be. There would be tough times ahead of her, but I knew for certain she would conquer the challenges life threw her way.
The first time I met Yang, I knew she was special.
She would be a Life Giver. She would be the heart of her loved ones and the backbone of her allies.
And in their darkest moments, when they were most lost—
Yang would be the one to guide them home.
-Summer Rose, Diary Entry XXXX
Cinder awoke to find her surroundings frozen in time.
She was still in the Never Realm. The ruins of Gjallarhorn remained below, sinking into the rising level of lava and strange winter frost.
An injured Weiss kneeled on a lone iceberg, looking up in shock. Seemingly retreating to a distant stalactite, were Ruby and Blake. And there—
Sideways standing in stout protection of her, was Yang. Her partner wore an expression mixed of worry and surprise.
I remember now.
Cinder pawed the left side of her face. She felt nothing but blood and carved flesh, where her eye used to be.
I lost it saving Yang’s life.
Hmph. No wonder she looks so dumbstruck.
What compelled me to do something so foolish?
The voice resounded with a clarity behind her.
Cinder turned and saw a tall woman in broken armor standing there. Half her helmet had been ripped apart from the right side, exposing half her face. Her body was stained in dark red. It was as if this person simply entered fresh from a battlefield. But what was probably the most distinguishing feature of the apparition were the two horns resting on her head.
One burned with an ashen fire, while the other cascaded with frost and ice.
“Romia, the Queen of Rebellion,” Cinder muttered.
“You can refer to me as your great grandmother, child.”
“Hmph. What is happening? I was wounded, but I shouldn’t be delusional.”
Cinder’s great grandmother breathed an exasperated sigh.
“You surely are my descendant. This vision is real, Cinder. I have appeared due to your act of Selflessness.”
“Hehehe…. HehehahahaHAHAHA!”
Tears swelled at the edge of Cinder’s eye as she fell into childish laughing fits. Her arms braced her sides that grew sore. She couldn’t remember the last time she experienced something like this. It was simply too hysterical.
“Are you quite finished?” Romia asked tensely.
“You are joking.”
“I am not the type to joke.”
“You have appeared to announce my worthy succession of the Fall Maiden’s Inheritance? Truly?”
“A succession I can still revoke.”
“Hm.” Cinder stared at the ghost of her relative, still finding humor in the situation. “This is quite the convenient test to appear in my time of need. Have you been watching me for some time now?”
“Yes. ‘We’ have.”
“I was being tested by yourself and another? Who?”
“Who do you think?”
Cinder thought for a moment before turning in the direction of a frozen Yang.
“She spoke to you?”
“Much less ‘spoke’. She did, however, communicate her intentions. That girl is very special in that regard.” Romia sauntered to Yang’s side and laid an armored hand over her fiery heart. “The hours she spent, words unspoken in the training room during quiet moments of meditation— knowing full well nothing may come of it. An honest, passionate soul of this caliber is hard to find. You would be remiss not to make her a true friend and ally.”
“Yang… acted to awaken my full Inheritance.”
“Should you ever deviate from your foul behavior and seek to do good for another benefit’s outside your own, your succession would be proposed for validity—is vaguely what she expressed. I doubt she ever knew your defining moment would come in the form of her own salvation.”
Cinder thought back to all their training sessions. How Yang helped her manage the erratic bouts of hysteria. How she spent time and time again honing her temperament of something she could barely control. All of it was sincere. Never once a lie in her intentions.
We united under a contract of business partners, you and I. We were an ends to fulfilling each other’s wishes. I would grant you what you desired. And you would assist me in my ambitions.
Nothing more and nothing less to be gained from either side.
Nothing more, nothing less…
Cinder let out a soft laugh, a warm tickle in her heart.
This certainly has become more than we bargained for, hasn’t it, Yang Xiao Long?
Cinder bade a silent thank you to her unlikely friend, and something took root in the pit of her chest. A gentle nature that immediately hardened upon returning to the discussion at hand.
“So, I’ve passed your test?” she addressed the ghost of her ancestor. “I must say, I can’t imagine a single selfless act enough to prove my embodiment of the Fall Maiden’s virtue.”
“Sometimes, it is not the magnitude of one’s actions, but its distinction. The divergence from what we know and what is safe.”
“I have done nothing remotely close to living my life in safety.”
“You’ve always done what you know would prolong your survival. Raven taught you to seek, exploit, betray. You taught yourself to compel obedience, inspire fear. But trust—that is something you never truly learned, but is second nature to others.”
“A roundabout way of informing me I have trust issues.”
“And you’ve learned to close your heart to the warmth of others. Only in the stoking fire of your ambitions, did you ever take any measure of it.”
“…You preach too much, great grandmother. If you have a point to make, get on with it.”
The Queen of Rebellion gave a half smirk.
“You’ve changed, Cinder Fall. You have allies you rely on implicitly, even if you delude yourself into thinking they are disposable tools.” She paused. “And you deluded yourself into thinking you hate someone, who you feel the most kinship with. Not a rival, not an enemy, but almost a sister.”
“That will be enough.”
“No, my great granddaughter.”  
A chuckle echoed around Cinder.
“It is only the first step.”
X  X X  X  X
“Cinder..!” The voice came from a distance.
“Cinder!!!” Now, coming closer.
“Cinder! CINDER!!!”
“Enough, Yang.” The Fall Maiden took the Spring Maiden’s arm and helped herself up. “I am awake. Cease your incessant worrying. You’ll give me a headache.”
“…But your eye.”
“Hm,” Cinder flashed a brief, but earnest smile. “…A small price to pay for your foolish life...”
“What was that?” Yang asked, not quite hearing her.
“I said, ‘you owe me a heavy debt in its place’! From this moment forth, you will be my left eye. Do you understand?”
Yang sensed something, an abrupt change in her ally. Not just in Aura, but in persona. The quality of life in Cinder shone with a new vitality. A fondness lingered underneath her tone.
“…Sure thing, Cinder,” Yang replied with a kind smile. “Sure thing.”
“Good. In the meantime—”
There was puff of smoke and a shadow leapt to cut Cinder down. A hand darted out and deftly caught Blake by the neck, while the assassin was mid-strike. Dark miasma then, leaked out like a tapped fountain, as if it had been waiting to be released for a while now. The toxin carried the presence of death and malcontent. It blanketed Cinder in her entirety, seeping into her pores.
But a single, amber eye shone deep in the shadowy haze. It colored of wrath and ruin, and of a most deadly light. It leaned out of the smoke and rested beside Blake’s ear.
“Curse yourself for not taking better advantage when you had the chance, little kitten.”
Cinder’s grip tightened around the soft tissue between Blake’s jaw and neck. Her nails sunk into the skin like a vise lined with knives, drawing thin trickles of blood. The corruption of the Semblance having nowhere near the effect it once had—not with the Fall Maiden’s true succession to her title.
The ring Regalia on Cinder’s finger faded and disappeared. In its place, a glass slipper took form around her left foot. It glowed with Runes and sunk its teeth into the wearer’s heels. The blood and flesh sacrificed to it elicited an illumination of power. Truer than a ring, the glass slipper signified the Regalia marking Cinder’s ascension.
The heel ignited with jet fire, blasting Cinder and her quarry across the “sky”. Unable to break the Fall Maiden’s grasp, Blake was rammed through several floating pieces of falling mountain with impunity. They came to a stop only in the deep crater of the cavern’s wall. The cat Faunus’ body nothing more than a bloody pulping mess by the end of it.
As the remains of the corpse started to regenerate, black mist transported the girl to a safe place for resurrection.
“Hmph,” Cinder scoffed and returned to Yang. “Another life taken, true to my word,” she announced upon landing.
“All ready for the finale, then.”
The two launched themselves near the ceiling and stood side by side. Each held a hand aloft, and hovering above their palms, an ethereal object manifested. A fiery crown spun in Yang’s hand, while a glistening, glass slipper formed in the other. Upon the appearance of the two artifacts, the whole underground environment shifted.
A brilliant star expanded overhead in the blink of an eye. It demolished the mountaintop and absorbed the debris through its gravitational pull. The celestial-like object pulsed with a beating heart, each reverberation sending small solar flares through the atmosphere.
At the same time, the sea of lava rose. Streams of molten liquid flowed towards Cinder. They wove together like tapestry, threads sown of their own volition. The magma coalesced at a single point and extended. Its temperature was so high, that one drip from the forged weapon burned scorch marks in the Never Realm’s reality.
“No way…” Ruby could only look up in awe.
“Ruby,” Weiss called from below. “We don’t have a choice. We have to hit them with everything we have left.”
Ruby nodded and joined her. Blake reappeared with a limp, not quite recovered from the punishment Cinder put her through.
The Winter Maiden tried to form her armor, but her legs gave out. The ambush against Yang took its toll on her body. She could not physically be part of the fight.
Weiss held her hand aloft like Cinder and Yang were. A miniature, ceremonial sword levitated above her palm. She poured her will into it and countless Glyphs answered her summons. An army of knights born into existence. Each of them accentuated a customized weapon, armor, and combat style.
Something in the motion of the other Maidens compelled Ruby to mimic them. Her hand held aloft, a vague image shaped to her calling. Its silhouette defined with more concentration until it became a key. A key that unlocked the gate to a forest. And in the forest, slept many terrible things.
Crimson vines sprouted from Ruby’s cloak and enveloped Weiss’s knights in thorns. The briar foliage extended to cover the whole base of the mountain. And in the middle of that forest, brought forth by Ruby, a giant clothed wolf snarled hungrily. Rose petals trailed from its fur as it shook itself. The little red riding hood mounted the creature’s back, like it was her rightful place. Her silver eyes matched the gleams of her wolf’s as both stared at the two Maidens in the sky.
Blake was the last to act. Although she was already suffering the aftereffects of consuming Bane, she popped several shards of the substance into her mouth. There was nothing left but to gamble the rest of her life into the next moment. There wasn’t a future worth having if it wasn’t hers to attain.
Blake opened her palm and a Grimoire materialized from the dark ether. Tattoos inked across her skin at the cursed tome’s appearance. Something strange took her over. Her consciousness barely registered her actions, as if the girl’s body was not her own.
The pages of the book flipped rapidly until they came to a stop on a certain emblem. Its design floated from its confines and activated. An etching of a wilting rose.
Shadowy mist blanketed Weiss’s knights, enhancing them further with an aspect of madness. Their weapons and armor took more sinister aesthetic, but greatly heightened ability. Horns grew atop their heads, similar to Adam’s. Their blades coated with a crimson tinge with matched markings. They twitched, unable to keep their sanity for much longer.
And so, the five faced each other as the beginning of their battle. A war of Maidens. A war that determined Rule, Justice, Love, People, and Life.
The last fairytale would be written by those who achieved victory.
—Only by those who fulfilled their Destiny.
Yang closed her hand and the star shrunk into the palm of her grasp. It rumbled, fighting to escape like a nova trapped into a mortal fist.
Cinder cooled the lava-painted weapon she wove into existence into a beautifully, elegant arrow the length of her body. Her glass slipper formed into a bow for her to notch the projectile.
The wolf Ruby rode, unhinged its enormous maw with the girth of a crocodile’s. It then, leapt with insane agility, leading the charge.
Countless summoned knights followed the rose warrior into battle and to their certain ends.
Yang plummeted towards Ruby. Her younger sister’s mount looked to devour her, while she pitched forth her strongest fist. The might brought with it, that of an undying flame that sparked soul and life.
Cinder unleashed her arrow that flew with a single hollow note. It reverberated across the plane, a hum that sung of cataclysm and a world’s end.
Gjallarhorn would never exist again after that moment. The section of the Never Realm would remain forever lost, wiped out beyond recoverability by the conflict that transpired there.
An immortal scar marking the end of an epic battle.
X  X X  X  X
The five reappeared in the lowest chamber of the lowest Tower.
Ruby, Weiss, and Blake laid unconscious on the steel floor. They showed no signs of waking anytime soon.
Only Yang and Cinder remained with their senses. The unquestionable victors of this contest of Maidens.
“That… was certainly challenging,” Cinder panted.
“That’s all you have to say?” Yang asked, also out of breath.
“I believe we should take a reprieve after today. Not a long one, mind you—but a deserved one nonetheless.”
“Not just yet.”
“Time to make good on the original part of our deal.”
“I see. Yes. One condition of many.” Cinder paused. “I am so very sorry, Yang. You’ve served your purpose well, but I think now is the time to break our contract.”
“You must have known this was coming. Do not worry. I will make your death a swift one, free of pain.”
“………Was that actually a joke?”
“Was it not good?”
“No. Not at all,” Yang waved her hand. “You’re even worse than Weiss.”
“Hm. Was it the delivery?”
“No, there’s just a time and place for it.”
“Was this not it?”
“No. It just wasn’t really good.”
“I see. Well, then. I shall endeavor to—”
An argent shield bashed into Cinder’s back and pinned her face down. A sword held slightly cutting into her neck.
“…Jaune,” Yang barely eked out.
The young man ignored her, paying only attention to Cinder.
“It’s time you paid for what you’ve done!”
“Well, this is embarrassing. To think we were so fatigued, we failed to notice this one hiding in the background.”
“Jaune! Stop it! It’s over!” Yang shouted.
“It’s not over until she dies!”
“I’m warning you, Jaune! If you kill Cinder, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!!!”
“Your threats mean nothing to me! She killed Pyrrha! You told me you would avenge her, but you lied!”
“Hm,” Cinder muttered. “The boy has a point.”
“Cinder, could you please.”
“Worry not, Yang. The boy won’t do it. He doesn’t have the stones.”
“WATCH ME!!!” Jaune cut his sword in a little deeper.
“You’re not a murderer, Jaune!” Yang inched closer, her fist aimed at the ready. “Cinder’s right about that. You don’t have it in you to do it.”
“I can’t believe you’re willing to protect her! AFTER EVERYTHING SHE’S DONE!”
“Pyrrha wouldn’t want this for you. She’d never tell you to get revenge.”
“Pyrrha isn’t here! Only my sword in her neck is! I don’t care what happens to me after this, I’m putting an end to you now, you bitch.”
“Language, Jauney boy. Did you kiss Pyrrha with that mouth?” Cinder laughed.
The moment of blind rage exposed vulnerability—a moment the Fall and Spring Maiden did not miss, especially with their Semblances.
A minor explosion from a Rune Cinder drew, sent Jaune jolting slightly up. In the next breath, Yang dashed forward, nailing the young man with a left cross.
“Ugh…” he groaned.
When he came to his senses, Yang stood over him with a grim look.
“You’ve really changed, Yang.”
“We all have.”
“You’ll thank me for this.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Yeah…… you will.”
Yang dropped her fist, sending Jaune into concussive sleep. She looked at him for a long time as Cinder brushed herself off.
“How long do you plan to stare at him? Feeling guilty? Honestly, what’s one more betrayal now?”
“No, it’s not that,” Yang said with a curious tone. “I never noticed, but I think I see a little of Pyrrha’s Aura embedded in Jaune’s.”
“Hm. She must have been the one to unlock his Aura…” Cinder paused. “Will it assist you?”
“Ups the success chance a bit, definitely.”
“How fortunate. I am elated that my being taken hostage has served more purpose than a mere distraction.”
“Yeah. Let’s get started, Cinder.” Yang stepped away from Jaune.
“Let us rewrite what fate had previously designed.”
X  X X  X  X
With that, Cinder brought forth a glass queen chess piece. A smoldering memory harbored in its polished, obsidian body. She set it onto the floor with a soft clink.
In her other hand, she produced a certain circlet. It was bronze-colored, elegant in design, but durable and made with practicality in mind.
Cinder pressed her fingers together.
The Tower hummed with life. Vast amounts of Dust were consumed as the past replayed itself according to Cinder’s command.
And then, they were at a Tower. Not the one in Atlas, but the one at the top of Beacon.
It was a memory replayed far too many times, but this would be its last.
Cinder spoke to the scarlet warrior kneeling on the ground.
“It’s unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.”
She circled her opponent like a predator its wounded prey. Cinder took the defeated’s chin in her grasp and looked deep into her bright, green eyes.
“But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined.”
The tone wasn’t spoken in the harsh manner it once was. Instead, it carried something else, something indescribable.
The reality of the memory warped at the small change from the past, but Cinder resumed without a care.
“Do you believe in Destiny?”
She frowned at the question, and then smiled.
Cinder took aim at Pyrrha’s heart and pierced it with her arrow.
Death encroached the girl’s life.
The Fall Maiden strode coldly to her and reached out. She placed the circlet she held onto Pyrrha’s head. As the warrior’s body was about to fade to flakes of burning ash, Yang stepped in and pressed her palm against Pyrrha’s back, right over where her heart would be.
“Time to come home, Pyrrha.”
The world around them folded in and out, like a delirious kaleidoscope.
Suddenly, they were no longer at the Tower, but standing on the surface of an endless ocean. A night sky full of shimmering stars stared down at them and reflected off the pool of waters.
“This is the realm of your soul, I take it?” Cinder scanned the horizon curiously.
“Yeah. Come on, no time to look surprised. We have to move quick and—”
“Yang. There!” she pointed.
A star twinkled and started to fall from the sky.
“It’s Pyrrha! After her!”
Yang and Cinder sped in pursuit. Below them, the shadows of two behemoth creatures swam just underneath the surface.
“You called for us?” an elegant voice came from the phoenix.
“Yeah! Help me save my friend!” Yang commanded.
“As you wish.” The dragon charged ahead to the descending constellation.
It burst from the waters and caught Pyrrha’s soul in its mighty jaws. Using its own body, the dragon softened the impact as they both fell. A great number of tidal waves rose upon the action.
The phoenix quickly joined its partner, caressing the dying soul. When the light teetered on darkening, it reignited it, like keeping a fragile candle burning.
Yang and Cinder finally caught up to them and reached for the star held by the personified Semblances.
“Together, now!” Yang shouted.
Cinder nodded.
The two pressed their hands against the surface of the warm glow. They poured everything they had into the fledgling sphere of light. They felt the emotions and memories carried within. Pyrrha’s birth to her untimely death. Pride, love, and then sorrow.
Ruin and Rebirth intertwined.
The end—
And a New Beginning.
X  X X  X  X
(The night Cinder was freed)
Yang and Cinder stood on the snowy rooftop of Junior’s nightclub.
“I can revive, Pyrrha Nikos—if you were to assist me in my ambitions.”
(Weeks ago, in the training room of the Mantle Mansion)
“The Queen of Rebellion brought her lover back to life, huh?” Yang pondered. “Could she do it for anyone?”
“Unfortunately, a number of conditions must be met. The main one of them being the one who lost their life had to have been at the location of a Tower.”
(Earlier that night, waiting in the Tower’s main chamber)
“I wonder if she’ll forgive me—if it works, that is.”
“Having second thoughts, Yang?”
“Bringing someone back to life… It’s so selfish. What if she’s at peace?”
“She most likely is.”
“But you know… I think peace is extremely overrated.”
(The Present)
Her eyes blinked with resistance, like she had been asleep for far too long. Her body prickled with a returning sensation from numbness. She could feel the cold floor, the warm arms bracing her.
When her vision readjusted, she saw a girl with blazing hair looking down at her.
“Um, hello,” she greeted uncertainly.
Yang sniffed as tear drops fell from her eyes. She struggled to make a straight face but failed. Emotions overflowed as she barely managed to speak.
“Hey, Pyrrha. Welcome back.”
“Back?” the scarlet-haired girl sat up, while rubbing her forehead. “What do you mean—Hm? Yang, you look a bit different.”
“Ahaha… a lot of stuff happened.”
“What? Wait, what happened? Where are we? What about Beacon?”
As she took in her surroundings, her eyes widened at the girl posturing against the wall with her arms crossed.
“No! Nope! Pyrrha, it’s not what you think,” Yang held Pyrrha back from attacking Cinder.
“But, she…!”
The next thing she saw were the bodies of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Jaune strewn across the floor, heavily injured. Pyrrha gasped in horror.
“Perhaps, we should have cleaned up before attempting this,” Cinder suggested all too late.
“Did she…?”
“Well,” Yang scratched her head awkwardly. “Actually, she and I did that, but it’s complicated.”
“You know what, why don’t you just go see Jaune? I’m sure that’ll make him happy.”
“Uh… Uh…” Pyrrha’s mouth opened and closed repeatedly like a goldfish.
Seeing that Cinder made no move to continue their previous battle, Pyrrha made her way to an unconscious Jaune. Her hands pressed against his chest, as she poured her Aura into him, stimulating his recovery.
After a few seconds, Jaune began to stir.
“Jaune? Jaune, wake up!”
“Mm. Pyrrha?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“Can we please just skip Professor Port’s lecture today?”
“No, Jaune. Wake up! Something a little weird is happening.”
“………I miss you, you know.”
“Huh?!” Pyrrha blushed.
Jaune looked up at her with tears in his eyes.
“I love you. I’m sorry I never found the courage to say it.”
“Jaune?! What are you—!”
The boy took her hand tightly.
“Please, don’t go.”
Pyrrha looked back and forth between Jaune and Yang. Completely lost, she honed in on the one who made the most sense of the two.
“Yang?! What’s going on?! What happened?!”
Yang only sighed and fell flat on her back from exhaustion.
“It’s been a long story here, Pyrrha.”
She laughed cheerfully.
“It’s been a long story.”
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