#should have picked a different tagging system because i dont want the fandom to find me
knucklesbruised · 11 months
CANON DIVERGENCY RE: LEO. this all might change if my feelings toward them do when i finally stop being lazy and read the trials of a/pollo, but until then: i'm not the biggest fan of leo and calypso as a couple, so that's not a thing. he still landed on her island, he still came back to rescue her at the end of the book, but he didn't vanish for months without telling his friends. as soon as he could, he sent out an iris message to jason and piper, letting them know that he was okay and alive, because i refuse to believe he'd let them think he was dead for so long. he had no romantic feelings toward calypso, but he did care about her, so of course he figured out a way to come back and get her off her island, but their relationship ends there, other than just... friendship.
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popfizzles · 2 years
Fizz, I've been really thinking about moving my art from Insta to Tumblr but i dont really know how to start. Do i just post anything or do i plan it out? How did you start out?
Just posting anything is really my only plan when it comes to Tumblr! Don't be afraid, Tumblr really is the only social media site where you can post anything, and have it be found by people looking exactly for that.
I guess the only thing I really should tell you is to be mindful and aware of how tagging works on Tumblr;
You'll notice that I'm someone who tags pretty heavily on my posts, with things like fandoms spelled a little differently a few times, all individual characters even mentioned in the post, etc. This is for the search system here on Tumblr! It works pretty okay here. People can find exactly the kind of content they want this way.
But also, you'll see other tags that don't really mean anything to the post in specific: things like my personal tags. My "fizzles (verb)" tags are for archiving purposes on my blog, and if anything, available for if people want to curate their experience of my blog. If you only want to see me post art, you can blacklist my other tags so only posts tagged as "fizzles draws" show up on your dash!
And another thing about blacklisting I've seen a few people struggle with is censoring words in tags (since posting or saying words like that on other sites were an easy way to get banned). This is unfortunately counterproductive here on Tumblr, because the blacklist system can't pick up when you spell words using symbols or putting slashes between the letters. Be sure to spell out exactly what you mean to keep everyone safe. You won't get banned here for it.
One more tiny thing I've seen about tags that new users struggle with; Tumblr people talk in the tags. Sometimes additional information or comments are BEST if left in tags as opposed to in the body of the post. We love combing through notes on a post to look for nice compliments or funny jokes in tags, it's like looking for presents left by other users! It's a good habit to get into reading tags, since I myself leave stuff in tags that doesn't get read.
I wound up talking way more than anticipated but I hope this is easy to follow! Good luck in starting your tumblr!!
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