#should’ve been her instead of nobara and gojo and nanami and
computerbabies · 5 months
i’m going to have to intervene and get mei mei to become the most popular jjk character just so gege will finally kick her and her fuckass hair off of this mortal plane
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nostaren · 3 years
Mr. Lonely
part 15 | series masterlist | next
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Spending time with your underclassmen had proved to be really refreshing, as hesitant to the idea as you had been at first. The time was as such that you ideally should’ve been asleep by now, especially considering you had places to be tomorrow, but you didn’t feel tired in the slightest.
At exactly 3 am, you, Yuuji and Nobara were venturing the school premises, walking animatedly and acting very much like drunken fools without actually having had anything to drink. It was odd how much energy the three of you had, what with having not slept since the previous night.
“I’m telling you, he must be putting wax in his hair to have it stand up like that.”
“I don’t know, Itadori… Fushiguro doesn’t seem like the person to do anything with his hair other than brush it.” 
You thought about it, Megumi standing in front of a mirror and maneuvering his hands to style each strand. You snorted at the mental image. “Definitely not.”
Itadori’s hands moved to run through his pink locks. “And I do?”
“Yes,” both you and Nobara said in unison.
His response was gleeful. “So out of the two of us, I actually take care of myself!”
You and Nobara shared a glance, immediately breaking into a fit of giggles. While not particularly regimen-conscious, Megumi definitely took better care of his hygiene, the lack of smelling of sweat nearly as frequently as Yuuji being evidence to that.
“Why are you laughing? Oh! By the way, Kugisaki, we needed to read some pages in some book until tomorrow—no, later today? I just… don’t remember which book… or which pages.”
“What!? Why the hell are you telling me now?”
“You were away with Fushiguro and Panda all day! Oh no, I forgot to tell him too—ow! Stop hitting me!”
You zoned out the rest of the conversation, not really a part of it, instead becoming lost in your thoughts while trudging along to their pace.
The original plan had been to bring Megumi with you, too, but when Yuuji had incessantly knocked on his door, his response after a few minutes was to open it, call you lot morons for waking him up over something so ridiculous, then promptly sliding it shut. Hence Megumi being the subject of discussion for a good bit of your walk when the male wasn’t there to hear any of it. Nothing too horrible was brought up, just stuff that would surely make him sneeze a couple of times.
Before Yuuji had joined in, it was Nobara that dragged you out of bed, angrily going out about how men weren’t shit and how you shouldn’t spend even one second of your precious time mulling over him. Hearing her exclaim all of that without even knowing the full story pulled at your heartstrings. Nobara proved time after time how much of an unconditional friend she was, having your back even when you didn’t ask for it.
You hadn’t really been left to sort your thoughts the whole day, having been accompanied by at least one person at all times if you didn’t count the small window between when Gojo had escorted you to your room to when Nobara had come to get you. And while it would have been comforting to spill everything to Nobara—heck, even Gojo—you held back because you couldn’t help but feel it was an irrational sadness.
Because yes, you did feel a little sad.
The feeling creeped up on you as a few minutes passed of blankly watching shadows shifting across trees and listening to the bickering of your friends, sometimes adding to it, but otherwise just tagging along.
It was from being attentive of your surroundings that allowed you to notice a fourth person. A lone figure leaned on the railing of the approaching bridge, slightly hunched over and lazily typing away at his phone. 
It was by no means odd to see a person out at this hour, but within these particular school grounds? That was odd. You were outside despite it being past curfew, and you couldn’t recognize the silhouette in the distance to be one of the students. There weren't even as many students as there were fingers on your two hands, so you'd recognize any of them.
Hopefully he wasn't a teacher that you just didn't recognize, like Nanami.
Or, if he was a teacher, you hoped he was one that was as lenient about rules as Gojo.
Either way, you'd likely just pass him by and throw a casual ‘hello’ at him. No need to work yourself up over it.
But in the day's second douse of horrendous luck, your eyes, even in the dark, happened to catch sight of the particular way black strands of hair fell over his face. Your lips puckered as you took in his quite tall frame and the outline of his legs. After a moment of contemplation, you, brows furrowing, craned your neck to get a better look at him.
Was that—?
No. Fucking. Way.
“Guys let’s go that way,” you attempted to whisper over their exhilarated yelling from a heated argument, heart hammering loudly in your ears and adding to the stress of a situation you did not want to be in. When that didn’t work, you pulled at the back of Nobara’s shirt.
“Hey, that’s going to wrinkle!” 
Her exclamation fell short when seeing your form shrunken on itself in an attempt at hiding. 
“…you okay?”
“It’s—“ you threw a pointed glance towards the figure up front. “It’s him.”
 She turned to look.
“Not so obvious,” you hissed, inwardly groaning at how there was no way a certain someone wouldn’t realize you were now talking about him if he so much as glanced up. 
Yuuji meanwhile observed your exchange, oblivious to what exactly was happening but still managing to draw some (very faulty) conclusions of his own.
“Eh? Do you know him?” Yuuji squinted his eyes as if that would make him see better in the dark. To your horror, his arm moved up in a wave. “HEEEEEY!! OVER HE—mmph!”
You tackled him to the ground with a hand pressed to his mouth, tumbling into a nearby brush just as the figure ahead looked up from his phone. That left Nobara standing there awkwardly, staring at Fushiguro looking at her as if she’d grown two heads.
Your hands moved to loosely enclose around Yuuji’s throat in a mock-choking manner, whispering, “You’re a moron, you know that?”
“I know,” he whispered back. “But what did I do wrong this time?”
Your mouth opened to take your words back because now you felt a little bad, but Nobara’s “psst” interrupted you.
You looked up from Yuuji. “What do I do!?” Nobara hissed through gritted teeth.
A few seconds of deafening silence passed whereas you tried to think of something, but you apparently thought for too long because she finally decided on very obviously ducking into the bush with the rest of the crew.
Great. Real inconspicuous, Nobara. No way he could’ve seen that.
The three of you sat looking at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to do next.
“What’s he even doing here?” you broke the silence, being mindful of keeping your voice low.
“He can’t enter without permission, so he must be here for Gojo-sensei or principal Yaga… Right?” came Nobara’s answer.
She was right. He couldn’t have gone through the barriers put up by Tengen if not invited. So had Gojo somehow found out that it was Fushiguro that was involved? Or…
You couldn’t feel even a slither of cursed energy reeking from his person, no matter how hard you concentrated, meaning he must be a civilian. Gojo had a knack for doing things inappropriately, but to invite a civilian into Jujutsu High? Surely, he didn’t…
But then again, you knew nothing of their relationship.
Either way, you just wished to remain hidden until he was done with whatever business he had here so you could make your way to the dorms and sleep the accumulated stress away.
Some shuffling from the left broke your thoughts. Yuuji was crouching down, peering through the leaves. “He’s gone.”
A collective sigh of relief was heard.
It didn’t last long.
“This peeping tom a friend of yours?”
The three of you scrambled away from the source of the sudden voice.
While the question undoubtedly was directed at you, Fushiguro didn’t seem to know who you were.
The three of you shared a knowing glace, each expression some form of shock, feeling a little disturbed over how he had managed to sneak behind all of you, civilian or not.
His eyes skimmed over your forms, back and forth and then further to the sides as if looking for someone else. Not finding it, his eyes zoned in on you and Nobara. “So, which one of you is it?”
Nobara, immediately realizing what he meant, angrily exclaimed, “Do I look that old to you!?” and pointed an accusatory finger at you, as if you were the one to cause her offense. You wanted to tell her that three years wasn’t much, and that it wasn’t really enough to tell that much of a difference, but your mouth remained clamped shut.
Green eyes met yours. “Leave us.”
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Yuuji moving to stand. “You expect us to just leave Y/n-senpai alone with you!?”
Sweet, sweet Yuuji.
Nobara moved to stand as well, grabbing Yuuji by the arm. “We’ll be on our way now. You two take your time.”
Horrible, horrible Nobara.
You thought she’d want you to—had even told you to—move past him, not to figure things out. Admittedly, you’d rather do the former than the latter because at least then you wouldn’t need to talk about feelings yuck and you hadn’t had any time to really think whether or not to forgive him, should he apologize.
Yuuji sputtered in disagreement and you could do nothing but break eye-contact with the looming man above you to watch as Nobara dragged a flailing Yuuji behind her, wishing it was you in his stead.
“You have alllll night,” she winked.
And then you were alone with Fushiguro.
taglist: @yutaeminnie @dingdongitsbees @203steph @alltimeluw @leetucethesauce @whoreuc @mistalli @sinatraass @your-consulting-fangirl @johnnysactualgf @katzurras @levicorpses @shigaraki-is-my-master @keigobby @90s-belladonna @emerald-time @reiikonee @blackhairaddict @nellieleverlin @slash3rcore @eclqypsee @kawaiipiong @achillean-affection @angsty-microwave @kkzumee @htiaf-faith @tirzamisu @luhvsnoir @fuzzybombom
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