#shout out to @btchboisundae67
nautilus1954 · 1 year
Chapter 2 =D
This story was originally going to be longer, but I unfortunately don't have the mental capacity to write another 10,000 word story again, so sorry about that.
On the brighter side though, we get to see Linda and Ava have some Mom-and-Daghter time so Yay =D
We also get to see the return of some old characters. One of these characters just so happens to be @btchboisundae67 character "M". I order anyone who sees this post to follow them Right Now, And Like All Thier Posts AND TO REBLOG THEIR ART BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FRICKING INCREDIBLE-
We also get to see the interduction to a very interesting charecter that goes by the name of "Tegan" who we will look more into in the next story. "Tegan" was made by a mutual of @btchboisundae67, @sp1ffytegan. Both their ocs interact with one another in their own (separate) original universe, which you can read on Wattpad under the title of "Fluff Buckets" written by "KatInTheHat1763". You are also required to follow her on both Wattpad And Tumblr Because They Are Such A Damn Good Writer That It's Criminal That They Don't Receive That Much Attention AND ARE SUPER COOL AND I WILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE-
anyways enjoy =]
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nautilus1954 · 1 year
I haven't been able to read this as much as I would have liked being that I'm busy with other things, so expect mistakes.
As always @btchboisundae67 and @sp1ffytegan own M and Tegan. If you haven't followed them yet... *polishes baseball bat with nails sticking out* we will find you...
Anyways, hope you enjoy X]
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Illustration by me... pls don't judge
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nautilus1954 · 1 year
At a total of 12,000 words, this is officially my longest OC story. And being that this is my longest OC, I haven't been able to re-read most of it considering it's length, and school is slowing production, so expect mistakes.
Originally, both this and chapter two where meant to be one chapter. So thank God I didn't do that. But I have a feeling that the next chapter is gonna be just as long as this one, if not longer, so.... that'll be fun =,]
Again, @btchboisundae67 and @sp1ffytegan OCs "M", and "Tegan" are in this so shout out to them. If you haven't followed them... do that now... resistance is futile...
If you don't follow them by tonight, a cockroach will crawl in your mouth while you sleep and lay its eggs in your stomach.
Anyways, hope you enjoy =]
Illustration by @btchboisundae67
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nautilus1954 · 1 year
Do you have a favorite antagonist?
Well, all my antagonists are meant to be hated, so no. But I'm gonna assume you meant who's the worst (best) antagonist in the series, so I'll answer that.
There are a few antagonist in this story, and some I'm not gonna really write about just to stay consistent with the timeline, but if I were to choose...
It'd be a charecter I'm not gonna spoil yet because he's gonna make an appearance really soon, but I will say he is an absolute psychopath, and what's worst, he's a clever one, and what's even WORST, he's totally a "theater kid".
The next one would be Vincent's ex.(Yes he has one) She won't be showing up anytime soon, but she exists. She's a very manipulative person, and really took advantage of him in the worst ways possible.
The last one would have to go to @btchboisundae67 charecter, Silas. I have plans on incorporating him into the stories, and making him a pretty alarming threat to our main charecters. (Also if you want more information about Silas, go to @btchboisundae67 page and follow them. They are SUPER COOL and make FANTASTIC ART. Also follow them.)
And that's about it. I would put Jackie on this list, but she's not really that great (bad) of an antagonist, or at least not as great (bad) as the antagonist I just mentioned.
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nautilus1954 · 1 year
At a grand total of over 6,100 words, all finished within the time span of two weeks, I now present you the 4th addition of "My Freind The Demon".
Many changes will also be happening as of now. I like to keep these OC with in present time, and a planed OC I have is meant to take place at the end of school, but there is a chapter story that must take place before that. Therefore, this series will not come out every 4 weeks, but every 2 weeks until we get back up to speed. For my clients, as well as @darkslayernk, this means that the other "OCs" will be postponed, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
In this story, the charecter referred to as "M", was created and owned by @btchboisundae67, which if haven't followed them yet... then your gonna follow them... it was never a suggestion.
Anyways I hope you enjoy, and if you have any plot ideas I can use for these guys, that will very much be appreciated =]
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
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"The Smiling Lollipop of Deliciosness" was done by @btchboisundae67. Go follow them on their page...
... That wasn't a suggestion.
Happy Valentines Day!!! =3
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
Hello lads (nervous laugh) it's uh... it's been a while, now I've heard your um.. opinions on my past work, so we're tryin somethin a little different now.
I've had this silly idea in bed one night, thought about it for a few months, and here we are. Now I will say that "Lucifer", "Hazbin Hotel", and "Helluva Boss" somewhat inspired this OC, but are not in the same universe, just to get that out of the way. The story may seem a bit... slow, and the next few may be the same, but I'm just laying out the ground work for these guys so you can have a better understanding of them, that and I have know idea what the F### I'm doing so I'm still trying to find this OC's voice.
Also, if you have any suggestions on any scenarios to put these guys in, then that shall be most appreciated, because I got a few, but some fresh minds and ideas would be nice. Unlike the normal "2 weeks per story" that I did before, these will come out every 4 weeks, so I can work on something for my "clients" but that may change, depends on how much you like these guys and how I'm feelin..
Now with that out of the way... @btchboisundae67... with out them.. we wouldn't have a reference sheet for these guys, and can I just say, go to their page, and Follow them God dammit. They did this work free of charge, and I can never be more greatfull, they hold full responsibility, and credit for both the illustrations, and designs. And in my opinion is one of the best damn artists when it comes to human figures. @btchboisundae67 thank you again, you deserve every right for the designs of these characters, everyone go to the comment section and tell them how good of an artist they are, love your work. <3
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
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The Deul of Memes
War of 22
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
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We Did It!!!
Shout out to:
@dysfunctional deity
Thank You <3
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nautilus1954 · 1 year
So I know I said I was taking just 2 weeks off, and here we are after 6 weeks of OC silence. I will be posting these stories once every 2 weeks now though, so don't worry.
Also, I feel like this isn't my best work... again.
The plot should get better in later chapters, but sinces my brake I haven't been 'in the zone' of writing, but this should fix it.
I will also be staring someone charecters that didn't really get that much of a story in my past stories, so look out for them ;]
I will also be staring a new charecter made by @sp1ffytegan as well as reusing @btchboisundae67 charecter 'M' in this chapter, so shout out to them for making this plot possible X]
And that pretty much all I have to say really. Hope you enjoy.
WARNING: Story contains bullying, physical abuse, and disliking against the LGBT community (which I respect and only wrote to give suspence to the plot) Reader beware.
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