#shout out to diver for being the only acception to all this even if they’ll never see this
aceloha · 2 years
Now I’m not asking for much I just wish more people would see me as a living person than my English and ceramics teacher did today after learning I fainted on Friday and helped me get to safety and recover but I thinks that’s too much to ask now hsjdndjfkfmgm
#vent#I love being seen as just something to talk at or use by eveyone#I live that no one noticed when I get better or worse#I love that no one is ever genuinely proud of me and would rather get pissed about having to be involved in what they made me do#I love that no one sees me as a friend and just an extra#I love that I’ll never be good at art or athletics or sciences or anything compared to eveyone around me#I love how the people I trust grow to use me as the butt of the joke because I never fight back#I love the fact that if I died right now no one would notice and if they did they’d be happy#I love how easily the people I cared so much about can forget me after I’m taken out of the situation#I love whenever I get the small chance to talk about what I like like I’m a real person the people I’m talking to make it about themselves#or what they like or people they cate more about#I love that I’ve poured so much time and care into people who usally forgwt I exists#I love that so many people I know online now only start convos to talk about themselves and have turned to tricking me so they have someone#to talk at#I love how quickly people toss me aside after they think they’ve used me for all I’ve got#I love how diffrent people act when they think I’m not there#peace and love on the planet earth am I right#shout out to diver for being the only acception to all this even if they’ll never see this#jdjdnfnfnfn u were the only person that made sure I was ok and checks in and makes sure I’m still taking care of myself#and both shares and listens equally and talks to me and understands my boundaries and just be all around an amazing person#well that’s my vent for the month again djdjfnf#chill session with bee
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It’s Time to Stop This Diversity Shit
A couple months ago, this white woman read a book of mine and decided she wanted to be my "diversity champion." She started recommending my book and gushing about it, praising it for its non-white, non-straight characters. Horah. She had found some poor black queer author to champion so she could feel good about supposedly not being racist and homophobic. Look, mom, she's  so "woke."
It was pretty infuriating.
I never asked for a white savior. My books are good enough that I don't NEED a white savior. And honestly? I am fucking sick of listening to white people talk about "diversity" -- which is little more than a sugarcoated version of the harsh truth white people can't handle: "straight white discrimination against everyone else"
I am not "diverse." I'm a black muff-diver, bitch.
I am also tired of hearing the phrase "people of color," which I even fell into the habbit of using thanks to the slow indoctrination of the interwebs.
There is no "people of color" solidarity. It's a myth. Like intersectional feminism. I know it's a myth because I live everyday surrounded by racist, anti-black Mexicans who treat me about as badly as white poeple do. Read through some of the posts on this blog where I spoke about racist Latin cops pointing guns in my elderly mother's face and all the shit they do to me.
I don't need or want a white savior. I want readers who buy my books because they genuinely connect to my stories and genuinely love them -- not because they are filling some shitty diversity quota (“I’m reading black authors this year!”) or out on some crusade to prove they aren't racist.
All this diversity crap is pointless anyway. Why are we focused on the Oscars and the Hugos? Why have we fooled ourselves into thinking that attacking racist white celebrities on twitter is going to amount to anything?
The reality is, nothing will ever change so long as white supremacy continues. Until black people are treated like human beings in this country, until discrimination and oppression stops, you can count on seeing a steady steam of Straight White Men dominating every aspect of entertainment, science, medicine, and politics.
That's what white supremacy is. It means that white poeople rule. They stand on our necks -- as they always have -- and soak up all the sunshine while we linger in darkness.
So complaining about "diversity" isn't going to change shit. These white "diversity champions" aren't really out to help non-whites anyway. Their real goal is to not look racist while continuing to be racist on a daily basis.
So they'll get online and champion a black author, then turn around and overlook a black person's job application solely on the basis of them being black.
White racism is covert now. It's hidden behind badges. It's alibis and altered video footage. It's liberals smiling to your face and then calling your kids "super predators" behind your back. It's black teenagers with bloody mouths who somehow deserved twenty bullets even though they were unarmed and the cop outweighed them by sixty pounds.
It's the continuous, unending, irrational hatred of white people for black people, for the crime of existing in all our glory, for the crime of ruling the world as kings and queens.
Jealousy is the most dangerous emotion in the world. It can drive people to kill and steal, beat and dominate, rape and whip. White people saw us on our thrones and tore us down at the first opportunity (”tore us down” is giving them too much credit, though. They didn’t even defeat us. They waited for us to defeat each other and the moved in -- like the elves in Dragon Age!). Now they sit on our thrones, in the very castles we built, sneering down their noses at us as they take credit for our accomplishments.
Remember the palace in Dragon Age: Inquisition? Halamshiral? How it was bulit by elves and how the Orlesians moved in and took the credit? That was based on real history, like so much of white people's fiction. Those castles in Europe were black-built and black-owned. Jane Austen wasn't white -- she was black.
White people didn't build anything, didn't invent anything. They stole all the technology they have right now, all the buildings, all the knowledge of medicine and science. It was already here. Our ancestors had built an entire civilization on it that was thousands of years old when white people came along.
So to have them trying to "save us" and be our "diversity champions" now is truly ironic.
And insulting.
It's time for us to stop buying into this diversity bullshit. Stop joining white people in their mad crusade to prove they aren't racist. They can shout about how good they are now from the rooftops, but so long as we are still socially and economically oppressed, still gunned down, still beaten and humiliated, still treated like inferiors, it will remain painfully obvious that white people are not "good now."
It's time to stop policing white people on twitter. It's time to stop attacking racist white authors. It's time to stop giving a fuck about the Oscars. It's time to stop caring about white acceptance. It's time to stop asking white people to include us, as if the world belonged to them and we were mere guests at the table.
It is time to create our own things and be our own people, apart from all that is white and all that white people would order us to be.
It is time to embrace us and who we are.
Stop fighting these white people. They are never going to stop being racist and they are never going to stop oppressing us.
Stop wasting time and energy trying to educate white people and non-black racists. They do not want to be educated. They just want to not look racist and pretend they're good people.
Let them be ignorant and racist. Ignorance is a choice and they chose it.
Let these white people be.
You don't have to be complacent. But please -- stop bothering. Stop exhausting yourself. Stop teaching. Stop trying to impart lessons in human decency to people who have proven historically that they have none.
The lack of "diversity" is a symptom of white supremacy. It will not end because we add some black lesbians to the background of a few movies. It can only end when white supremacy ends. And white people will never end white supremacy.
I wish we'd stop calling it "white supremacy." How about . . .
White aggression.
White brutality.
White savagery.
White heartlessness.
White cruelty.
White hate.
Or is that too much for white people? We all know how much more important their feelings are than everyone else's.
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