#shout out to weeze for mycock SMP idea
jestersking · 10 months
Why in MY opinion the romance between Mr_FishyYT and shitcucker DOES NOT WORK
I'm sorry to my followers who's not used to this longer type of posts, that's just something that bothered me for a long time now and I can't stop thinking about how wrong mycock SMP community about fishyduo.
I hope this post will flash some light on why their relationship simply do not work. Enjoy!
People, in my opinion, romanticize their relationship too much. I understand that the point of fishyduo is to be tragic, but they're not romantic in the slightest, and that's my second point. I believe that cc! Mr_FishyYT and cc! shitcucker are simply queerbaiting the community with those long monologues about each other, because when you look at their relationship outside of talking, you'll find that there's nothing about them. Their actions are not based with each other in mind, hell, I'll go as far as to say that pookiebear53 and shitcucker have more romantic tension than fishyduo. You may argue that shitcucker went on his villain arc because of Fishy, but if you look back, you can clearly see that c! shitcucker was always extremely unstable and the moment where he broke was when Soupo addmited that he was working with mc_pussy. THAT WAS IT. Fishy had nothing to do with shitcucker spiraling down the drain and I'm so sick of those fanarts that draw them in very tragic poses. Also, can we talk about how shitcuckers monologue before killing Fishy was simply laughable? He was trying so hard to come up with a reason to hate Fishy. Sure, you can say that it was because he didn't actually hate him, but that would undermine shitcuckers whole character arc.
So yeah, I think that people give fishyduo too much attention. They don't actually have any meaningful moments with each other, other than when Fishy got banned. People just love them because they're gay, ignoring a more valid and interesting ship of Soupo and mc_pussy just because they're nblw and I'm TIRED of it. If you think that fishyduo is a valid ship please unfollow me because you guys are terrible :/
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