#shoutout to robo scar
scarianslab · 6 months
It honestly makes me so happy to see the lengths that the rest of the hermitcraft/life gang go to in order to make sure that Scar is included in things
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babsaros · 7 years
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was lowkey inspired by @kunaigirl ‘s numerous wonderful robot oc’s to make my own! their name is moma and i love them and they have some stuff to work out
more about them under the cut so i don’t clog ur dash~
bits and details:
can swivel full 360 at hips and neck. likewise, their ball joints allow for a ton of movement
left wrist and leg had to be replaced…..
functions as a voice recorder and speaks in either morse code or recordings
overheats a lot, and gets super tired and mopey when that happens
hates getting wet, and while they are mostly waterproof, they like to wear that lil vinyl vest to just be on the safe side
paints “nails”
likes to blast music while they work
face screen can be programmed to show any image but some of the pixels are dead, making those lil “scars”
has some memory blocks and tries not to think about it too much…..
overall just kinda naive, but v loving and happy and loves helping their human friends with stuff.
doesn’t exactly hate being called a machine but like feels there are some negative connotations to that, thus the name change.
torso is transparent (but also i know nothing about robots so i just winged all that inner machinery)
i know nothing about machinery WINK
plastic, esp bubble wrap
music music music!!!
when people talk too quietly and they can’t easily record what’s being said
using the tools in their fingertips. it just feels weird.
the color green. it’s a bad color. no thanks says moma
they were found by a bunch of humans, already broken and fixed up like that and wandering a scrapyard. the memory blocks make it so they can’t remember anything about where thee came from, aside from like blurry memories of running diagnostics checks and stuff. they can tell you anything about their purpose and capabilities, their model number, all that, but they don’t know how they know that. so now they just kinda live with these humans and help make stuff and chill out. loves their new human friends and takes every opportunity to tell them this. human friends always blush and laugh bc they love their robot friend too. running joke among the group is that someone needs to put pants on the robot which always devolves into a discussion about what kind of pants a robot /would/ wear.
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