#Meis rambles
scarianslab · 6 months
It honestly makes me so happy to see the lengths that the rest of the hermitcraft/life gang go to in order to make sure that Scar is included in things
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niadrawsstuff · 2 months
I need to know what happened to Sean Schemmel in the recording booth because those were screams of bloody murder holy fucking shit
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Repress It, Mk!
Mei and Red Son wouldn't be his backup singers (because they support going to therapy) so he had to improvise. He's fine, all good all the time all good
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 1 year
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made a thing to help convince my friends and family to join me in the LMK hole EDIT: If you're convinced by this and are wondering where to watch it, DM me, I have my ways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Hello folks, it's Miles here! You may know me as the guy who deduced what Rayman is snorting in episode 5 of Captain Laserhawk! And today, I'll be going over how...
There Are 6 Types of Magic in LEGO Monkie Kid
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You can honestly stop here if you don't want to get into the most convoluted stuff ever. If you're vaguely interested but don't have much time, click read more and scroll down to Red Son, because he's where shit gets interesting.
A disclaimer! I've literally never broken down or written a magic system before, I'm just like. writing down and making sense of what I've noticed while watching the show. If you disagree with my assessment of a character's magic, think there's a better term for something I've described, or think I'm just plain wrong, please let me know so I can update the post! I don't know what I'm doing, and I've never looked into magic systems before!
An important thing to note is that LEGO Monkie Kid adheres somewhat to the power systems in Chinese mythology, so I will be bringing up concepts from Chinese mythology that are not talked about in the show. Honestly, if you went 100% on the show and not on Chinese mythology at all, there wouldn't be a magic system in the first place.
Now, let's begin!
First, vocabulary.
Magic Class: The root of a user's magic. Classes are not exclusive, but actually compounding. For example, Wukong has Intrinsic-based Actively Cultivated Magic. Magic Subtype: A modifier to a class; additional information to explain how a user's magic came to be or how it works. For example, Tang has Revitalized Bestow-Inherited Actively Cultivated³ Magic — the subtype goes before the class because it's a modifier. (Yes, I will explain why his Actively Cultivated Magic is cubed.)
(In the naming scheme of magic, everyone has a full classification and then a shorthand classification. The classifications above were all shorthand.)
Magical Energy: The basic form of magic; unfiltered energy that can be channeled, manipulated, and cultivated. This energy can be used to attack directly or utilized in a spell. MAGICAL ENERGY IS QI, "MAGIC" IS JUST BEING USED BECAUSE THIS IS WRITTEN FOR A WESTERN AUDIENCE. Power: A defined ability, such as a spell or a technique. Not all Powers are explicitly named, but powers have defined forms and details whereas Magical Energy is usually a geometric shape. Examples of Powers: 72 Transformations, Golden Sight, teleportation. Magical Expression: How Magical Energy and Powers form upon release. Examples of Magical Expression are glowing eyes, full body glowing, magical seals, anime-esque energy blasts, Red Son's* fire, Ne Zha's fire (two VERY different forms of Magical Expression), and Macaque's purple shadow outline. Ne Zha's Wind Fire Wheels are examples of Magical Expression with a conduit. Zero Magical Expression ≠ zero release, but can. Conduits: Anything that can hold, channel, or manipulate Magical Energy. All living beings and magical artifacts are examples of conduits.
Channeling: Collecting magical energy internally Releasing: The basis of Magical Expression; using collected magical energy for an attack
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(Mei showcasing channeling and releasing in Rip and Tear) You can always tell when a character is channeling and releasing.
Knowing which class of magic a character is using can be hard — they all tend to utilize anime-esque energy blast graphics and glowing bodies for Magical Expression — so you have to pay close attention. I'll be going over how to identify the specific magic types as we go through them.
Each type of magic has a "poster child" — a character that fully embodies that type — and I'll be using them to explain how the magic works. Once we finish the easily categorized magics, we'll get into the Special Cases.
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(MK showcasing Intrinsic Magic in Rip and Tear)
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(Wukong showcasing Cultivated Magic in A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Now, onto the classes of magic!
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Intrinsic Magic is a class of magic...
That's not inherently pedigree-related. Ne Zha's father Li Jing was a mortal man.
Most gods and local deities have, and some yaoguai have. (Older demons like DBK and Wukong have Intrinsic Magic, while younger demons like Pigsy and Sandy might technically have Inherited Magic. It all depends on how you want to look at it.)
That usually comes with unique powers, commonly the ability to walk and talk upon birth. (Wukong got laser eyes, and Red Son* got the Samadhi Fire).
And holders have unnatural births? Pangu's cosmic egg, Ne Zha being born a ball of flesh after being gestated for three years, Wukong's rock that's existed since the dawn of time, etc.
Ne Zha is the epitome of Intrinsic Magic! If you think Intrinsic Magic, you think Ne Zha. The unmistakable way to identify Intrinsic Magic is to look for themes. If a character has a theme to their magic, again and again, they likely have Intrinsic Magic! For example:
Ne Zha's Intrinsic Theme is (obviously) lotus flowers/petals.
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Red Son's* Intrinsic Theme is flames.
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Macaque would be a contender for intrinsic magic (we will be getting back to him, though).
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Cultivated Magic is a class of magic that has two subclasses: ACTIVE and PASSIVE, and...
That's ENTIRELY self-created. A magical pedigree can help, but no pedigree is required in Cultivated Magic — Li Jing cultivated magic as a completely human man, for example.
That NEEDS a Conduit. The conduit for Cultivated Magic can be the magic user themselves, but often it's a magical artifact or a technique. Note: a conduit doesn't require Cultivated Magic to be used, but Cultivated Magic requires a conduit. (Known Conduits include: Wukong's Cloud Somersault, Nezha's Wind Fire Wheels, and Princess Iron Fan's Banana Leaf Fan.)
That's very backstory-heavy. There's always a way that a character learned or got their power, or a description of how old they are.
A magic that you see most with yaoguai and immortals. The older the yaoguai, the more cultivated they are.
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Passive Cultivation: Every living being is a conduit for passive cultivation — by existing, you are passively cultivating. The best method of passive cultivation is age; the older something is, the more passively cultivated. A Huli jing is the best example of passively cultivated magic. According to literature, the older a fox is, the more power it accrues.
Active Cultivation: Active Cultivation is when a being seeks out magical power. The most common form of active cultivation is being taught Tao techniques (Wukong's Cloud Somersault, Li Jing's Burning Pagoda Art). In this situation, the technique is the conduit. Other forms of actively cultivating magic are yaoguai eating humans and magic-accruing technology (specifically DBK's Furnace armor, which converts rarity into magical energy.)
Cultivated Magic comes with the implication of being wise, at least in some form, and those with cultivated magic are able to teach others. Being a disciple immediately means you have Actively Cultivated Magic.
Cultivated Magic often doesn't have Magical Expression, because it's all about existing and learning. When it does have Magical Expression, it's usually depictions of strength and power or the conduit itself glowing.
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(Wukong's hairs glow as they are used as conduits for his cloning technique in Macaque)
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(Wukong and Macaque's strength is showcased through Magical Expression during a fight in Macaque)
Cultivated Magic can be seen through any technique that was stated to have learned, such as Wukong's astral projection and his speed/quick reflexes.
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(Wukong focusing in order to astral project to MK in Dumpling Destruction)
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(MK having to actively learn and practice astral projecting in Minor Scale)
MK: Monkey King! It worked! Monkey King: Hey, bud. So, you figured out astral projection, huh? MK: Yeah, and I only had five nose bleeds.
Cultivated Magic is best showcased in action, and characters cultivate over the course of the show.
(Wukong showcasing his Cultivated Magic by pulling some fast ones on MK in Impossible Delivery)
(4 seasons later in Strings That Bind, Wukong and MK spar, showcasing MK's Cultivated Magic. Tumblr will NOT let me embed both videos, and the first one is more important, so this will just be a link.)
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Inherited Magic is a class of magic that has two subclasses: ANCESTERAL and BESTOWED, and...
Comes from someone else and was given to or passed down to the magic user.
Is sourced from Intrinsic or Cultivated Magic, but the magic user is not intrinsically magical/did not cultivate that magic themselves. The Intrinsic/Cultivated Magic is specific to another (perhaps deceased) being.
Can have ZERO Magical Expression or release.
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If a character has Ancestor-Inherited Magic, they'll have a family animal, a family artifact, and/or a known ancestor.
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If a character has Bestow-Inherited Magic, they were given their power by another magic user (known as the Bestower) so that they would serve that magic user, defeat a foe, or as a reward. Bestow-Inherit Magic users are often previously mortal.
Bestow-Inherited Magic is most blatantly a character giving another character magical powers, but being granted godhood, being brought back to life under a deal, and everyone receiving heavenly ranks/Wukong and Tripitaka receiving Buddhahood and Buddha titles at the end of Journey To The West is also Bestow-Inherited Magic.
A quick note: Older yaoguai (DBK, Azure Lion, Wukong) are considered to have Intrinsic Magic, but Modern yaoguai (Pigsy, Sandy) are deemed to have Inherited Magic. This is because these younger demons are not yaoguai specifically unto themselves — their status as a yaoguai comes from their ancestors. They have no unique, intrinsic powers, nor were they specifically predestined to be yaoguai despite their heritage (such as in the case of Nezha, who was predestined to be a celestial being).
For example, Pigsy. His status as a Magic User exists because of his family history. While, yes, his family is important to his character and story, it's not something he did himself — he did not cultivate his grandma — and there is nothing unique about him biology-wise besides just being a pig demon. He is a reincarnation, but being a reincarnation didn't make him a yaoguai. (That was a whole fate, symbolism deal, though.) If Pigsy hadn't been born, his family would still have a pig demon kid.
Now, onto the subtypes. (As a reminder, a subtype modifies a class!)
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Revitalized Magic is a subtype of magic. It means that the magic is from a pre-incarnation that a character unlocks and requires reincarnation.
Uuuuunless it doesn't, and it required Un-Death. Auto-Revitalization of Magic is definitely a thing, but it's not a real category. It's just a specification to explain things that have happened to a character.
For example: The reason Macaque's shadows turned into chaos magic at the end of season 5 is because he's dead. He's outside of the reincarnation cycle, he's Undead, his magic is Auto-Revitalized —so when the reincarnation cycle is broken, his magic is also changed. At least, that's my personal theory. I might be DEAD WRONG.
Okay, back to Revitalized Magic proper: Remember back when I said Tang's magic was cubed? Yeah, this is why. (Before we start, Táng Sānzàng will be referred to as Tripitaka from here on out.)
The full classification of Tang's magic is: Potential Revitalized Bestow-Inherited (Tripitaka), Revitalized Actively Cultivated (Golden Cicada), Revitalized Actively Cultivated (Tripitaka), Actively Cultivated Magic. (Maybe, we'll get into this.)
The entire reason demons tried to eat Tripitaka was because he was the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, who was a disciple of Buddha, which made Tripitaka's flesh holy. Being a disciple immediately means Actively Cultivated Magic; Tripitaka had Revitalized Actively Cultivated Magic. Tripitaka was a Buddhist disciple as well, which means he also Actively Cultivated. If Tang is a reincarnation of Tripitaka, who is a reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, then Tang has Revitalized Actively Cultivated Magic twice (or, even, 10 times, if you look at the Sandalwood Buddha thing, but Tripitaka and Golden Cicada are the important disciples so we're only counting them).
If Tang has Revitalized Actively Cultivated Magic and Revitalized Actively Cultivated Magic, that means he has Revitalized Actively Cultivated Magic². However,
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Celestial Magic is a subclass of magic that includes any magic with a seal. It's not exclusive to Celestial beings, but it's most often used by beings with Heavenly connections.
Celestial Magic is also known as "Spells", I'm pretty sure. Wukong just dropped this terminology on us in Season 5, and spells usually require words, but like. Okay, buddy. Whatever. You're the magic guy.
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Celestial Seals have a unique symbol for every "Artist", or a Hànzì that explains the spell's purpose. For example, Li Jing's seals have a little pagoda on them, and the containment spell's seal (the only thing that can truly be called a spell here) has the character "牢", which means "prison" (or "enclosure", which is hilarious because it's containing 3 monkeys).
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Consequential Magic is any magical energy or power gained as a result of an action taken by someone who is NOT the magic user.
Consequential is not a subclass of Cultivated because the magic user had no say in acquiring/did not know they were acquiring Consequential Magic; Consequential is not a subclass of Inherited because the magic user was not intentionally given these powers and they did not come from ancestry.
(Red Son* is literally the reason this subtype exists.) Every example of Consequential Magic is different, so I'm just going to some of the ones I know of in canon:
Wukong's Golden Sight (Consequence of the Eight Trigrams Furnace; Torture-consequence)
Ao Lie having the Samadhi Fire inside him after they fucked up the seal (Samadhi Fire/Red Son*; Samadhi-consequence)
Mei Dragon's ability to harness the Samadhi Fire/the remnants left over inside her after (Samadhi Fire/Red Son*; Samadhi-consequence)
MK's human form (form as in the shape of something btw) (Xiangliu fucked his shit up; Birth Interference-Consequence)
Macaque's new Chaos Magic (Xiangliu fucked his shit up; Chaos-Consequence)
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I have spent this entire post explaining the way magic seems to work in LEGO Monkie Kid, getting slightly more and more unhinged as we go on. But there might be two things on your mind: Why? and Why does Red Son's* name have an asterisk on it every time I've mentioned him in this post?
I can answer both of those questions with one statement: Red Son does not adhere to the magic rules other characters follow. I've tried to find examples to see if I was thinking of the magic wrong — and that's fully possible — but I didn't find anything. In fact, the more I look, the more sure of this I become. It's like he actively decides against following the rules of the magic system.
He can be used as EXAMPLES of the magic system, but when you dig into his magic specifically, it's completely wack-a-doo.
First and foremost:
Red Son has a completely unique form of Magic Expression. His emotions are directly linked to his Magical Expression and release.
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Emotionally linked magic release is something no other character does, but here he is doing it over and over and over again. The only example close to it is MK's Mystic Monkey form flickering in and out when he's distraught, and that's LITERALLY CREATION-GIVEN NÜWA MAGIC, THAT'S FROM A CREATURE WHOSE CANONICALLY "OUTSIDE OF THE 10 SPECIES" AND CANNOT BE CATEGORIZED?? AND ALSO NOT QUITE THE SAME EITHER.
(This could also be attributed to the concentration part of the Samadhi Fire, but he doesn't... seem to have access to that anymore? At least, not like Mei does. We'll consider it a factor in his magic expression, though.)
About his fire,
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Red Son and his mom are the only two characters with Wuxing/Elemental Magic — every other example comes from a magical artifact. It's actually a 50/50 chance on whether or not PIF has wind powers or if the Banana Leaf Fan gives her wind powers (I'm pretty sure it gives her wind powers, but just to be safe we'll count her as having wind powers.) Wuxing Magic is not uncommon in actual Chinese mythology, but it is in the show for some reason. And it ALWAYS has an artifact as a conduit. Wuxing Magic always seems to be just a visual effect or an added addition to attacks in the show.
Another weird ass thing about Red Son's magic is its contrast with Nezha's. I'm pretty sure Red Son's fire is actual fire that he conjures magically, in contrast to Nezha's Wind Fire Wheels (conduits that Nezha fuels, and release Wuxing Magic as a visual effect) which make specifically magical fire.
Okay, so, I've been going through this assuming you're aware of the show's visuals concerning magic, but this is important for me to cover in detail. Everyone has two magic colors (white doesn't count for this). They can change in lighting, but you'll always recognize them as being the same general colors. Other colors may be used for emphasis, but they'll only be darker versions of the colors and they'll be used as a background for the main colors. (Quick note, MK and Wukong might have only one magic color? Fun stuff.)
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The reason I think Red Son's magic is not... magic persay, is because it doesn't follow the color rule. Like, it's not actually the color of Red Son's magical energy half the time, it doesn't follow the magic color rule. Red Son's fire shifts like an actual fire, which is very cool visually, but is not how magic works.
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(Quick note, magic seems to be lighter in the celestial realm. This is because the Celestial Realm is really well-lit. The environment is literally pure sunlight or some shit, so all the characters and their magic are in perfect lighting. So Red Son's magic getting inexplicably darker would make no sense unless Red Son's magic is doing that on its own and the lighting has nothing to do with it.)
His magic also isn't the color of the Samadhi Fire, nor is his fire. That time in season 5 when Mei helped him with the seal, the two of them together made a Samadhi Fire-colored seal. He didn't seem capable of doing that by himself, which leads me to my conclusion:
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I think the suppression of the Samadhi Fire suppressed Red Son's Intrinsic Magic as a whole, and his magical core (as one user put it) is compensating by drawing directly from his element.
Characters having an element isn't a new thing. Wukong's element is metal, he's a metal guy, it's why he can't swim, and it's why MK can't swim. MK needs floaties because he'll sink like a rock because he shares the metal element with Wukong.
But this is a possible explanation for why Red Son's magic is so weird.
On the note of Mei having more access to the Samadhi Fire than him, Skellebonez (my rock through this journey of a post) brought up a good point: "[I] think it makes sense because whatever they did to remove it from him could have also added a barrier preventing its return to an extent[.] Like a filter[.]"
This Intrinsic Magic cap/Samadhi Filter might also explain why he keeps getting his shit rocked despite having such potential to be powerful (that's probably just because it's silly tho) and it could explain why his parents are so damn disappointed in him in season 1. It's because they took his magic from him (however unintentionally) and he's not as magical anymore. The only type of categorizable magic he uses is Celestial magic, which HUMANS can use and can be bestowed on ANYONE. You can just like... LEARN THAT, and I think he just did.
In canon, nobody ever seems to be hurt by Red Son's fire? It seems to just be... a thing that he does. Everyone is less and less scared of it as the show goes on, and the only thing it does major damage to is MK's apartment. He uses his fists to attack more than he uses his fire, it's generally left as a visual effect. Red Son uses his fire as an intimidation tactic, not as an actual weapon, and I think this could also be explained by an Intrinsic Magic cap. His intrinsic magic is suppressed, so he has to rely on things like physical strength/cultivation.
I also think nobody knows this in canon, they didn't know about it, or they don't understand it. I think Red Son has a magic limiter on him, which is why his parents were such raging fuckasses in season one. They thought their son was "useless", or in Wukong's words, "half-baked", after showing such promise in his childhood before an incident. They only got a healthier relationship after they stopped obsessing over power and spent some family time together, when they realized that their son being a powerful magical demon isn't the most important thing in the world. (AND WE WEREN'T SHOWN IT.)
Red Son is magic-disabled, in this essay I did.
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mylo-space · 2 months
thinkin about Xianglu calling himself the tenth king and claiming that he's Wukong's old friend (and enemy), because the tenth king is the one in charge of reincarnating souls and if he actually knew Wukong, then chances are he saw how much good the pilgrims did for the spicy murder monkey and wanted to make sure the newest lil powerhouse he was about to unleash onto the world was at least surrounded by good people ("it all would have happened anyway, you just wouldn't have had... i wanted more for you than just the path, the sacrifice, destiny.") and he specifically chose to wake MK when three reincarnations and an ancestor were all in one place like he really did try to give MK the best possible life he could knowing what the alternative for the Harbinger was
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beameized · 5 months
tagged by @burntheupholstery thank you so much for the tag! <3
Rules: answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
⟡ favorite color(s)?
blue, turquoise, recently purple (cause of my blorbo Cyno)
⟡ last song?
Dear Phanta Rhei (it's the ending theme of Shaman King Flowers)
⟡ last movie?
Unfortunately it's The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die although I did not finish it because I found the pacing is really bad as compared to the series. If I can add the movie I finished though, Reincarnated as a Slime: Scarlet Bond Movie. It's what I expected it to be mostly, so I enjoyed it but I don't think it's really worth recommending unless you're into the anime series
⟡ currently reading?
lawbooks but let's not mention them xD
⟡ currently watching?
I just finished Queen of Tears earlier! and it is really good. Cried like a baby. I'm keeping up with dunmeshi, kaiju 8 and spice and wolf. trying to watch derry girls too but I don't think I can find the time
⟡ currently craving?
I really want to eat gabi cheese ice cream
⟡ coffee or tea?
this question is biphobic I need at least three drinks to function (but if I don't have a choice ig coffee wins)
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tagging: @eternal-flame, @yarrayora @attendre-et-esperer, @zhuoyiyun, @szczepter, @flowerhotpot, @buryam-soul, @akunii, @shuuenka,
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vimai · 7 months
Feng Xin used to always assume the worst of Mu Qing because he believed Mu Qing was a bad person inherently.
Post canon, once Feng Xin finds out that Mu Qing might actually be a GOOD person, Feng Xin hard corrects the other way.
Now even when Mu Qing is intentionally trying to be an asshole, Feng Xin somehow twists his actions to be an act of kindness, and it drives him crazy (FX isn’t as clueless as MQ thinks, he just knows it riles MQ up/flusters him when people think of him as ‘nice’ or ‘kind’)
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teatime-at-4 · 7 months
do you ever think about how Wukong, someone who has been manipulated and backstabbed by Azure, and was targeted because his youthfulness/inexperience made him more impressionable, had the instinctual reaction to protect the youngest members of his current group the second he processed that Azure was involved/in front of him?
in this shot, featuring everyone standing back as they process Azure "coming to their rescue", Wukong is to the side and to the back of the group.
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and in the very next shot, he's in front, standing directly in front of Mei and putting his arm protectively in front of MK.
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because of how MK is at the head of the group you could say Wukong was protecting everyone. but due to the positioning of the shot and how close he looks to be standing next to MK, it instead comes across to me as him protecting MK & Mei specifically.
from Azure.
someone he knows to have targeted the youthful in the past because Wukong was that youth. adding insult to injury, because of how similar they are, MK would probably fall for the exact same tricks that Wukong did when he was younger. if you think about, because of Azure tricking him into helping him save the rest of the brotherhood, he may have already fallen for one or two of the same tricks already.
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denjidenjiji · 5 months
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Happy lesbian visibility week! + my concerning attachment to Miss mei
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inou-ie · 7 months
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hnnngh they're so beautiful. i love them so much. 😣💗
imagine kafka sharing the chocolates you gave her with you, passing them to you with her mouth, and then you kiss until the chocolate melts.
then there's ruan mei feeding you the pastries she bought, purposely placing some on the corner of your lips so she can lick them off you.
aaaaa i love them and oh, have i mentioned that i love them so much because i love them so much.
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
So remember in the episode “The first Ring” from season 3 where Mei and Redson bump into each other and share a vision of Mei getting the samadhi fire? Okay, well something's been bugging me. (Here's the full image btw. )
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First off please appreciate how beautiful the artwork is because damn. Second, what does it mean? While the different color fires could be an homage to how the Samadhi Fire was first created, we would need to see the 5 elements, not the 3 fireballs we see in the photo. (pg. 575)
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Therefore, I'm going to assume this is more foreshadowing, since the LMK team is amazing at planting seeds that will only grow within future seasons. (ex. Macaque's relationship with Wukong, the lady bone demon, Mk's nature, etc etc.)
So... I'm going to dissect the hell out of this frame.
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The main focus is someone in the center taking in the power of the 3 fireballs. Their form isn't clearly defined, but we can tell it's most likely someone with the standard Lego build: Mk, Mei, Redson, PIF, Tang, etc. I always assumed this was Mei, but I feel like if it was they would have shown it. The next frame shows us Mei with the fire (and once again look at the artwork's beauty.) I have more thoughts on this, but I'll circle back.
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Next up we have the balls of fire. I saw somewhere that these might represent the traffic light trio. Although Redson has mostly been sidelined, I like the sound of that theory, so I am going to piggy back off of it.
Mei would obviously be the green color, MK seems to be the yellow fireball, but then that leaves a blue flame. Yet, not one of the traffic light trio has their signature color as blue. The only character that comes to mind is Sandy/ Mo, but he doesn't have the standard Lego build.
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Of course, this can be Redson, since the original samadhi fire was blue. However, at no point do I remember that Redson has had any teal/ blue markings. In her flashback, Redson is shown with dark red and black, the same as Mei when she eventually gains the fire.
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Maybe they character isn’t teal yet..
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Ring a bell????
That's right, the blue/teal might actually end up being Mk. Thus, giving each character a flame. (Redson = Red/yellow, Mei = Green, and Mk = Teal)
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Doing some color drops, you can see that these colors are very similar, but they aren't exactly the same. That being said, they’re close enough that it raises alarm bells in my mind.
Now, circling back to the main image and the person at its center. I think we might see Mk gain the Samadhi fire next. In the image, there is a red background, green under the person's feet, and blue fire emerging from the person's back.
Personally, I think it might be the framing of a timeline using background, middle ground, and foreground. The red background would be Redson, the person who (in this universe) was born with the fire and created it as a whole. Next up would be Mei, who gains the fire in season 3, but seems to lose it at the end of the fight with the lady bone demon. So, that only leaves the future...
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A future that I am personally hoping for...
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Edit: I fixed some grammatical errors. Sorry y’all, dyslexia never rests.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 9 months
I don't want Mk to go ape in season 5 I don't want him to snap and lash out and become something he's not and attack the people he loves i want him to break into a thousand pieces I want him to shatter into nothing I want him to truly believe he's all alone and I want his friends to fight their way through hell to get to him and find him and drag him out by the back of his jacket tearing through heaven itself and baring their teeth at anything that comes near him I want all of the world to tell mk his friends will fail him and i want mks family to spit in the world's face and take him back home
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aromanticannibal · 2 months
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t4tstarrailing · 13 days
"Ruan Mei doesn't know love"
wrong. her name comes from her parents who both died. her love for desserts comes from her aunt that bought her desserts as a child, from the treats her mother would give her after a research expedition. her love for traditional theatre comes from her grandmother's love for it. her character was born and woven with love, her very essence is a woman so deeply loved by her family that everything about her is an embroidery of these aspects.
her apathy is a direct result of this love being ripped away from her, with the death of her parents and feeling she had failed them. she is traumatized and doesn't want to feel she has failed someone ever again. and so she doesn't allow herself to get attached. but she still shows love. she shows it in remembering Stephen's favorite treats, she shows it in hand embroidering a charm for asta because she mentioned how pretty it was, an argument could be made that she shows it in the SU with her occurrence.
this isn't even a deep character analysis, this is all just... explicitly written out in her backstory
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nyoomerr · 2 months
but what if i put all the abandoned dress up binghe designs i made onto a washi tape design. what then.
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