#shoutout to the klaine one though haha
tuiyla · 3 years
Gif maker appreciation! Talk a bit about your five favourite gifsets that you've done and send this to five other creators <3<3<3
Aah okay getting around to this!
I'm just gonna do Glee ones since Glee got me back into gif making anyway. These are in chronological order btw.
Naya's 34th birthday
I remember spending a while on this one and don't regret a second of it. Blew up a bit too and I think it's my most popular gifset, which I'm not complaining about. If anything, I'm glad it's this one. Feels strange to say but there's love put into it. The sharp knife of a short life indeed.
Every Santana song: New Directions group numbers
I wanted to mention one of these here and this took by faaaar the most time. Selecting and organizing was a pain but I liked it in the end and even though I'd do it differently today, a year later, I'm still happy with it. One day I might actually finish giffing all her performances lol.
the original five + connections they’ve made (and +Bram version)
The first paintbox prompt! I'd say this and paintbox as a whole is what reaaally got me back into making gifs so it's special in that but this also just happens to be pretty much the only gifset that turned out (almost) exactly as I imagined it. I'm never truly satisfied with how things turn out but I'd change very few things, if anything, about this one. Plus it was just fun to make.
Underrated mash-ups
I really thought I'd pick the Glee girls edition here but there's just something about this one that sparks joy? I did it in a single day which I almost never do and I dig the colours and layouts. Home/Homeward Bound could have been better, what with being my fav song of the bunch but overall yeah I like it.
Quinn + mad at god
Listen I'm not 100% satisfied, like I say I rarely ever I am, but it was such an effort and I tried so many new things with it, plus the song would not leave my mind until I got it done. So I'm happy to have made something for her Skankness and tried my hand at lyrics gifs because I wanna do more of those.
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tuiyla · 3 years
kurt for the ask game!
Let's gooo
favorite thing about them
Kurt's compassion is really unparalleled on Glee and I'll maintain that him not only forgiving Dave but actively trying to help him was incredible. He would have had every right to not want to see Karofsky again but Kurt was kind to him even before On My Way happened. That stuff is so powerful.
least favorite thing about them
Nothing that truly stands out as something I actively dislike about him but I think he does have a tendency to take things as an attack when they aren't, e.g. with Burt. I get it, it's a defense mechanism because he is hurt so much and it's only human to react this way so I like it on a narrative level that he's still flawed but yeah. Also, on the topic of On My Way, even though I get what the writers tried to do there I really dislike the exchange between Kurt and Quinn. From both sides but with Kurt for dismissing Quinn's trauma.
favorite line
Gotta go with a comedic one because “Hi I’m Kurt Hummel and I’ll be auditoning for the role of kicker” is pure gold
Shoutout to Kurtcheltana but Kurtcedes are the ultimate besties 
I don’t even know what the popular Kurt ships are but I guess I’m fine with most of them. Probs Kurtbastian, I don’t have strong feelings but it’s also not something I could get behind.
Santana          🤝           Kurt
Sebastian ship being a nOTP
random headcanon
He and Blaine celebrate his mom’s birthday every year by dressing up and just going to Central Park or maybe upstate. Just a quiet day of remembering, a day they set aside to sit with feelings. They make an attempt to be in Lima for dinner with Burt and Carole but that doesn’t always work out.
Finn’s first birthday after his death sneaks up on Kurt and hits him like a ton of bricks but from what would have been his 21st on Kurt and Blaine also do a similar tradition for him. Sometimes they spend the day with Rachel, often with Burt and Carole. In any case they make an effort to schedule around it like they do with Kurt’s mom’s birthday just to allow that one day of reflection. They take long strolls in nature and take a moment to be grateful for what they have in life.
unpopular opinion
If only I knew what counts as unpopular haha. I suppose I don’t see many people acknowledging the menace season 1 Kurt could be; and to be very clear I do not mean his crush on Finn and I highly disagree when people call him creepy or even predatory for that. But just in general how he was more sneaky and I guess Slytherin-like. It was a fun quality. It might also be unpopular to just acknowledge he was flawed? Kurt gets babied quite a bit as a character imo and I find it wholly unnecessary to pretend he never made mistakes - but sometimes Gleeks can’t like characters unless they’re purely ~unproblematic~. Oh and depending on how popular we view this opinion as, people who say he was a walking stereotype grind my gears so much. Even if they also acknowledge his importance it’s still a shitty take.
song i associate with them
Again I can only think of Glee ones, the two standouts being Rose’s Turn and Not the Boy Next Door but I’m also partial to his Beatles solos. Adore Blackbird and ever since rewatching the episode I’ve been obsessed with I Want To Hold Your Hand. It’s the recontextualisation for me. Also Bad Romance.
favorite picture of them
Any picture of his side profile because I’m obsessed but this is also a good one:
Tumblr media
the h a i r
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