#show your pride with spacers choice
eld0ts · 2 years
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*cuts to the crew absolutely Decked Out in pride merch*
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fandomanxiety-fa · 3 years
"Fluffy February"- Day Two
The Outerworlds
Maximillian Desoto X Captain Dottie
Summary: Dottie is teaching Max chess. After getting her hands on a old game board she paints it, transforming it into a chess board. She takes old service awards and paints them two different colors with little drawings of each piece from the game on top. After designing the board and pieces, she begins to teach him. One another begin to get to know each other and bond over their game.
Note: I am not following the prompts (if there are any), I am kinda just doing what I want. I also missed day one. So, yeah.
"Do you understand?"
"Yes, quite the intellectual game," he spoke as he admired the chess pieces, watching as she put some of the pieces back to ready for a match.
"Okay, you can move first, Vicar," Dottie spoke, and he scooted a piece down the board.
She watched, and quickly moved hers in retaliation. Max had been curious of the Captain as she hopped around the system taking up "little orphans" (as she called her newly found crewmates), and helped someone who seemed to be a madman. He didn't even know much about her as she did so, and she wasn't exactly forthcoming with the information either. She seemed to be protecting the notorious Welles, who was known to The Board and everyone else, as a criminal. A madman who was a well known thief and criminal who was commiting crimes against the colony. She wouldn't even allow people into her room, not even SAM. Well, not until now.
They were further into the game now, and she was beating him. He mumbled a curse word as she took one of his pieces, once again, off the board.
The Board.
The Board was definitely a soon-to-be problem, and she wasn't helping it either. Between bouncing back and forth between there good side and bad side, he wasn't sure the "peace" between The Board and the Captain was going to last for long.
"You thinking awfully hard, Vicar," she watched the board, not looking up at him.
"Just thinking about you, Captain."
As soon as the words hit air, he realized that he didn't mean it that way. He was just being honest, and now he was worried she took it that way. If she where to bring it up, he would try to play it off, like he never said it. Because how he felt for her was complicated, and that was it. He was frustrated with himself, because it was the last thing he inteded to have happen.
For Laws sake it was even intent.
It was a mistake, just like the sentence, yet here he was with odd harbored feelings that was so complicated for him.
"And here I was thinking your mind was boggled about chess," she nervously laughed, as she leaned back in her chair, eyes never leaving the board.
He peered up at her from his seat, and watched as she ran her fingers though her hair. Her eyes showed focus as he assumed she had thought that he meant that.
Law, was she nervous now. She couldn't bring her eyes off the board now, especially right now! She invited him into her room, and this was what she got? Not him bombarding her with questions right off the bat, but hitting her with that? Lovely...Law she needed to stop this. He was the ship's Vicar for pete's sake, and here she was thinking he flirted with her. In her room!
"I am worse than a teenager..."
"Well, you are quite secretive. This is the first time anyone has ever been in your room, and we have no idea what you affiliation with Welles is," the Vicar stated, and she gazed up at him.
"It's only fair you have questions, I guess. I mean, your traveling with someone who didn't even know what a Sprat was..." she spoke, and his eyes followed her.
They both watched each other for one moment. One moment they looked up from the board, and when there eyes met she smirked.
"I win."
His eyes darted to the board as she looked at him with pride. He found himself frustrated with the loss, and this was visible.
"How? I looked away for a second, how did she-?"
"You where never focused, Vicar. It takes a while to be able to think about perplexing, beautiful things such as moi, and play chess," she laughed, and he glared at her for a moment.
"You do that on purpose," he accused her, and she cocked a playful eyebrow.
"Do what, Vicar?"
"Use the French language to poke at me," he huffed, fixing the board back in place.
"That I do, but don't worry. I only know small things, and at least you don't know what they all mean," she chuckled, as she opened up a Purpleberry Punch.
He was tossed a candy, which fell in his lap, "A candy for effort, Vicar."
"You know I don't have a sweet tooth, Captain," he sighed picking up the candy and examining it.
"To bad, Vicar. Maybe that's why your so bitter," she joked, and he rolled his eyes.
"Maybe that's why your sweet with every person you meet, Captain. That'll get you hurt one day, you know," he replied, and she rolled her eyes.
"I could do with a lecture, haven't had one in years," she laughed, and he gave her a serious look.
"Speaking of years, Captain...how old are you?" He asked, and her eyes widened.
"How rude! You never ask a lady's age!" She scolded him, and he looked at her to see she was serious.
"I apologise, Captain. That was rude," he spoke, a bit embarrassed.
"He hated that. He forgot it was rude to ask-."
"Maximillian, your to serious. I was kidding," she smiled sweetly, and it could've made his tooth ache.
Sugar sweet smiles that not even Rizzos could create was one other thing that helped made things complicated. Because he had feelings for her. Terrible, terrible feelings, that he knew was not in his path. He was here to kill Chaney. That was it. Then try to figure out this book. Find a translator, get off this ship, and get as much space between him and this ship's sweet, yet mysterious Captain.
"Go first, Maximillian," she said, and then popped the candy in her mouth.
Law, his name sounded lovely coming from her...
"Captain, are you ever going to reveal why you are involved with Phineas Welles?" He asked, while moving a piece.
"He woke me up from cryosleep on the Hope," she stated, and she moved a piece.
"You expect me to believe that?" He asked, and she shook her head.
"I don't expect you to. Honestly, it's hard to believe myself. I'm still thawing out. Like frozen peas," she spoke softly, which caused him to look at her.
"Say I do believe you," he began, "why didn't you just leave after being set free?"
"Well, I owe him. He got me out of that human meat freezer. Plus, it's the right thing to do, and I definitely don't plan on slaving away for Spacers Choice. Have you seen what they've don't to poor Martin?" She said, and he moved a piece.
"Well, I suppose I can see that. What did you work for before? You never really said anything about it," he asked, and she glided a piece on the board.
"I was a bartender. Always been good with people, and don't mind hearing them yap on. Plus, booze was at a discount, which was nice. I am also very good a splitting and ending fights," she explained, and he looked at her from his side of the table.
"Have you ever been prone to fights then, Captain?" Max asked her, his curiosity peaked.
"Never looked for trouble, but I never ran from it either. How about you, Vicar? You a brawler?" She asked him, and he moved another piece.
"I have always have been violently enthusiastic," Max replied, and she chuckled.
"Should've known. You seem the type," she shook her head with a grin.
"What gave me away, Captain?" Max chuckled a bit.
"Your anger. You have the attitude of a natural blindly angered fighter," she stated matter-a-factly.
"I wouldn't say that. I just don't tolerate stupidity," he shot back, suddenly defensive.
"Fighting is stupid if not done rightously. I know I've been and will be in stupid fights. But also rightous ones," she spoke.
"And what makes you the person to decide that, Captain?" Max growled a bit.
He didn't like being scrutinized, especially by her. Who was she to say these things?
"Righteous fighting is taking up for your family and friends by socking someone in the jaw or using them to mop the floor. But someone you don't agree with or you just don't like- like how you feel about Felix, Max. Just fighting them because you don't like or agree with them? That's stupid," she said as she opened another candy.
"Your right, Captain," he sighed frustrated with himself.
"I don't need to get mad like that, I need to be above that. I need to find peace in the Plan. And she's right, whether or not I want to admit that. Plus, it's just her opinion. Find peace in the Plan. Ask another question. Get out of this topic."
"When are we getting to Monarch?" Max asked, as she popped the candy in her mouth.
"Yes, talk about something important. Something far more important than anything else. It's in the Plan. His path. He is destined to kill Chaney. That's all he wants right now."
"Soon? I suppose soon. Just have to get that Navkey from Gladys. Once we get to Roseway everything should be smooth sailing," the Captain replied with a long, drawn out sigh.
Max looked up at her and she smiled sadly at the board.
"Something vexing you, Captain?" He questioned her.
"Honestly, when you leave, the ship won't be the same without you. I'll miss this. I'll miss you."
"Then make this time we have now, last. Alright, Dottie?" Max replied kindly to her.
Suddenly, he opened the candy. Then, popped it in his mouth, watching as she beat him again.
"I believe I'll miss you too...Dot."
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the-laridian · 4 years
Rowan Dane: Sing for your supper
For @jumpship90, some Rowan fluff.
Home, Rowan thought, as he climbed back to the floor with the kitchen. (Floor? Level? What was appropriate on a ship?) This ship was home now. He hadn’t really thought of it like that yet, but it was. And it was roomy compared to his old place. Sure, there were mysterious smells sometimes and things sparked now and then, but Rowan trusted that Parvati was getting everything fixed up as fast as she could.
And he wasn’t the only one living here, either.
Rowan looked at the instructions on the back of the noodles package. Looked easy enough, especially for someone who could boil water. He began to sing again, softly, as he found the flavor packets and tried to figure which one would go best. There weren’t enough noodles to feed everyone, far from it, but noodles with the B&B and maybe some of this flavor would work.
He’d make dinner for everyone, and it would actually have some decent taste to it, and they’d probably be amazed that he did this. He hadn’t cooked yet.
This was honestly the happiest he’d felt in so long. And no LBF, either! It was a genuine, pleasant happiness. Rowan prayed it would last, even just until bedtime.
He finally tested each flavor packet by opening one of each and carefully tasting just a bit. Whatever he picked had to be strong enough to cover the taste of B&B, but still actually taste good. (Couldn’t do anything about the “we’re eating tumors” problem.) Citrus didn’t work, but a packet labeled “PepperMento” did; just spicy enough, Rowan decided. Time to cook some noodles, mix them with B&B, add PepperMento and serve.
~ ~ ~
ADA had stayed quiet since the visit to Welles’ asteroid. A human might say she had much to think about, but ADA had lots of power to think, and could come to conclusions easily, even while navigating the ship. Sitting on a landing pad was much less strenuous. A human might have decided it was bored, but ADA could not get bored; she prided herself on it.
What she did instead was observe. It was easy to come to a conclusion on little or no data, and extrapolation. Observation was the only way to determine if the conclusion was correct. And observing everyone, everywhere, on the Unreliable, was not difficult for ADA.
Now, her current Captain was singing in the kitchen as he prepared food. He wasn’t very loud, but it was definitely singing. Captain Hawthorne had often sung when he was happy. Therefore, Captain Dane must also be happy at this moment; it was the first time he had sung since he had come aboard.
(ADA did not have capacity for grief or emotion. It was still possible that the spike of activity in certain intelligence drive sectors at the memories of her previous Captain might be construed by humans as grief. Humans ascribed their own emotions to anything, even inanimate objects.)
What was unusual was that her Captain was not singing any song or advertising jingle she knew. She triple-checked her data storage; no, not there either. Was he making it up himself? Captain Hawthorne had sometimes changed the words to advertising jingles, usually to something obscene or profane, but he always thought his new words were funny. Whatever song Captain Dane was using, it was not one ADA knew, and she had all of Halcyon’s official, approved songs in storage.
The melody was simple enough, and there was a repeated section of the same words at regular intervals, and the song was about a spacer crew (but not Spacer’s Choice, it seemed), and their antics. Harmless, as far as songs went, but unlikely to ever be Board-approved.
The vicar was also listening, from the hallway leading to the kitchen, but he showed no signs of entering and possibly disturbing the Captain. ADA approved. If the Captain was finally happy enough to sing, it must mean his health was improving at last. If that were true, ADA had no wish to interrupt him and potentially ruin the moment.
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"Fluffy February"- Day Two
The Outerworlds
Maximillian Desoto X Captain Dottie
Summary: Dottie is teaching Max chess. After getting her hands on a old game board she paints it, transforming it into a chess board. She takes old service awards and paints them two different colors with little drawings of each piece from the game on top. After designing the board and pieces, she begins to teach him. One another begin to get to know each other and bond over their game.
Note: I am not following the prompts (if there are any), I am kinda just doing what I want. I also missed day one. So, yeah.
"Do you understand?"
"Yes, quite the intellectual game," he spoke as he admired the chess pieces, watching as she put some of the pieces back to ready for a match.
"Okay, you can move first, Vicar," Dottie spoke, and he scooted a piece down the board.
She watched, and quickly moved hers in retaliation. Max had been curious of the Captain as she hopped around the system taking up "little orphans" (as she called her newly found crewmates), and helped someone who seemed to be a madman. He didn't even know much about her as she did so, and she wasn't exactly forthcoming with the information either. She seemed to be protecting the notorious Welles, who was known to The Board and everyone else, as a criminal. A madman who was a well known thief and criminal who was commiting crimes against the colony. She wouldn't even allow people into her room, not even SAM. Well, not until now.
They were further into the game now, and she was beating him. He mumbled a curse word as she took one of his pieces, once again, off the board.
The Board.
The Board was definitely a soon-to-be problem, and she wasn't helping it either. Between bouncing back and forth between there good side and bad side, he wasn't sure the "peace" between The Board and the Captain was going to last for long.
"You thinking awfully hard, Vicar," she watched the board, not looking up at him.
"Just thinking about you, Captain."
As soon as the words hit air, he realized that he didn't mean it that way. He was just being honest, and now he was worried she took it that way. If she where to bring it up, he would try to play it off, like he never said it. Because how he felt for her was complicated, and that was it. He was frustrated with himself, because it was the last thing he intended to have happen.
For Laws sake it wasn't even intent.
It was a mistake, just like the sentence, yet here he was with odd harbored feelings that was so complicated for him.
"And here I was thinking your mind was boggled about chess," she nervously laughed, as she leaned back in her chair, eyes never leaving the board.
He peered up at her from his seat, and watched as she ran her fingers though her hair. Her eyes showed focus as he assumed she had thought that he meant that.
Law, was she nervous now. She couldn't bring her eyes off the board now, especially right now! She invited him into her room, and this was what she got? Not him bombarding her with questions right off the bat, but hitting her with that? Lovely...Law she needed to stop this. He was the ship's Vicar for Pete's sake, and here she was thinking he flirted with her. In her room!
I am worse than a teenager...
"Well, you are quite secretive. This is the first time anyone has ever been in your room, and we have no idea what you affiliation with Welles is," the Vicar stated, and she gazed up at him.
"It's only fair you have questions, I guess. I mean, your traveling with someone who didn't even know what a Sprat was..." she spoke, and his eyes followed her.
They both watched each other for one moment. One moment they looked up from the board, and when there eyes met she smirked.
"I win."
His eyes darted to the board as she looked at him with pride. He found himself frustrated with the loss, and this was visible.
"How? I looked away for a second, how did she-?"
"You where never focused, Vicar. It takes a while to be able to think about perplexing, beautiful things such as moi, and play chess," she laughed, and he glared at her for a moment.
"You do that on purpose," he accused her, and she cocked a playful eyebrow.
"Do what, Vicar?"
"Use the French language to poke at me," he huffed, fixing the board back in place.
"That I do, but don't worry. I only know small things, and at least you don't know what they all mean," she chuckled, as she opened up a Purpleberry Punch.
He was tossed a candy, which fell in his lap, "A candy for effort, Vicar."
"You know I don't have a sweet tooth, Captain," he sighed picking up the candy and examining it.
"To bad, Vicar. Maybe that's why your so bitter," she joked, and he rolled his eyes.
"Maybe that's why your sweet with every person you meet, Captain. That'll get you hurt one day, you know," he replied, and she rolled her eyes.
"I could do with a lecture, haven't had one in years," she laughed, and he gave her a serious look.
"Speaking of years, Captain...how old are you?" He asked, and her eyes widened.
"How rude! You never ask a lady's age!" She scolded him, and he looked at her to see she was serious.
"I apologise, Captain. That was rude," he spoke, a bit embarrassed.
He hated that. He forgot it was rude to ask-.
"Maximillian, your to serious. I was kidding," she smiled sweetly, and it could've made his tooth ache.
Sugar sweet smiles that not even Rizzos could create was one other thing that helped made things complicated. Because he had feelings for her. Terrible, terrible feelings, that he knew was not in his path. He was here to kill Chaney. That was it. Then try to figure out this book. Find a translator, get off this ship, and get as much space between him and this ship's sweet, yet mysterious Captain.
"Go first, Maximillian," she said, and then popped the candy in her mouth.
Law, his name sounded lovely coming from her...
"Captain, are you ever going to reveal why you are involved with Phineas Welles?" He asked, while moving a piece.
"He woke me up from cryosleep on the Hope," she stated, and she moved a piece.
"You expect me to believe that?" He asked, and she shook her head.
"I don't expect you to. Honestly, it's hard to believe myself. I'm still thawing out. Like frozen peas," she spoke softly, which caused him to look at her.
"Say I do believe you," he began, "why didn't you just leave after being set free?"
"Well, I owe him. He got me out of that human meat freezer. Plus, it's the right thing to do, and I definitely don't plan on slaving away for Spacers Choice. Have you seen what they've don't to poor Martin?" She said, and he moved a piece.
"Well, I suppose I can see that. What did you work for before? You never really said anything about it," he asked, and she glided a piece on the board.
"I was a bartender. Always been good with people, and don't mind hearing them yap on. Plus, booze was at a discount, which was nice. I am also very good a splitting and ending fights," she explained, and he looked at her from his side of the table.
"Have you ever been prone to fights then, Captain?" Max asked her, his curiosity peaked.
"Never looked for trouble, but I never ran from it either. How about you, Vicar? You a brawler?" She asked him, and he moved another piece.
"I have always have been violently enthusiastic," Max replied, and she chuckled.
"Should've known. You seem the type," she shook her head with a grin.
"What gave me away, Captain?" Max chuckled a bit.
"Your anger. You have the attitude of a natural blindly angered fighter," she stated matter-a-factly.
"I wouldn't say that. I just don't tolerate stupidity," he shot back, suddenly defensive.
"Fighting is stupid if not done rightously. I know I've been and will be in stupid fights. But also rightous ones," she spoke.
"And what makes you the person to decide that, Captain?" Max growled a bit.
He didn't like being scrutinized, especially by her. Who was she to say these things?
"Righteous fighting is taking up for your family and friends by socking someone in the jaw or using them to mop the floor. But someone you don't agree with or you just don't like- like how you feel about Felix, Max. Just fighting them because you don't like or agree with them? That's stupid," she said as she opened another candy.
"Your right, Captain," he sighed frustrated with himself.
I don't need to get mad like that, I need to be above that. I need to find peace in the Plan. And she's right, whether or not I want to admit that. Plus, it's just her opinion. Find peace in the Plan. Ask another question. Get out of this topic.
"When are we getting to Monarch?" Max asked, as she popped the candy in her mouth.
"Yes, talk about something important. Something far more important than anything else. It's in the Plan. His path. He is destined to kill Chaney. That's all he wants right now."
"Soon? I suppose soon. Just have to get that Navkey from Gladys. Once we get to Roseway everything should be smooth sailing," the Captain replied with a long, drawn out sigh.
Max looked up at her and she smiled sadly at the board.
"Something vexing you, Captain?" He questioned her.
"Honestly, when you leave, the ship won't be the same without you. I'll miss this. I'll miss you."
"Then make this time we have now, last. Alright, Dottie?" Max replied kindly to her.
Suddenly, he opened the candy. Then, popped it in his mouth, watching as she beat him again.
"I believe I'll miss you too...Dot."
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annakie · 4 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part One
A lot of these posts are going to be just my impressions, things I love, cool things to point out, I don’t know.  Rambles about how much I love this game and everything about it.
To start off I’ll talk about my OC a little bit, and how I got into Mass Effect. Then we dive into the prologue.
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So we all have our Main OC Shepards. Mine is Annakie.
Annakie is a name from an MST3k episode that I have loved since the first time I saw it in the early 90′s.  I started using the name Annakie in IRC shortly thereafter, specifically in the SciFi channel’s IRC server, which used to be fairly active back in the day.  And by the day I literally mean circa 1995. They used to host some pretty cool, especially for 1995, events there, like authors and writers of their shows would come in and do Q&A’s, including Kevin, Mike and Bill from MST3k.  Kevin Murphy recognizing where my nick came from immediately was a moment of pride for me.
So I’ve basically always been Annakie online, even after knowing that it’s a real actual name some people have, I’ve still managed to snag it most places on the internet.  And most of the time when I play a new game, I start out playing Annakie, or one of two or three other names I regularly use sometimes.  But naming my first Shepard Annakie and having her look more or less like this every time I play is just... what I normally do.
Also I normally play goody two-shoes the first time I play through any game with moral decisions.  The first time I played through Mass Effect, though, she was an engineer.  I think the second time onward she’s always been a vanguard.  
She’s a Spacer, because I love having her mom alive and get to talk to her.  I like that she didn’t start from trauma.  But she’s a sole survivor, because I like how that shows how strong she became.  I also like that it gives her extra incentive to hate Cerberus later on.
Discovering Mass Effect
I’ve been gaming since I was seven in 1982 when my parents brought home our first Atari 2600.  When RPGs became a thing I liked JRPGs a lot on the family Nintendo and some action RPGish games like Super Metroid, but when Western-Style RPGs like Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights came out, I found my true video game love.  
Before Mass Effect, my favorite game was Knights of the Old Republic.  And it’s still way up there in my list of favorite games of all time.  And I really loved Carth Onasi. Although I’d loved other video game love interests before him, Arin Gend, Valen Shadowbreath, Celes/Locke... Carth was my favorite.  That also inspired me to try my hand at fanfic for the first time.  That never saw the light of day and I’m pretty sure I lost it like 3 hard drive crashes ago.
So when I heard that the same company that made KotOR was making a new, non-Star Wars space game, I was excited.  Until I went and looked at some of the trailers, gameplay preview videos, etc, and saw no female protagonist option.  I must have looked somewhat early on because even on message boards I looked at the answer was “they haven’t said anything” or “I don’t think so”.  And I was *crushed*, then stopped paying attention to that video game. After it came out, I heard it was a pretty good game, but if you could only play a guy, I wasn’t that interested.  
It wasn’t until 2009 when I finally got an XBox 360 and realized I had no idea what games to play on it that I didn’t already have on PC.  I joined a game trading thread on a forum I was on, and bought a few titles, and someone was selling Mass Effect cheap, so I thought... what the hell, I’ll probably like it even if I have to play a dude.  
A few nights later I was curled up on my couch with controller in hand and... hmm this music is pretty good.  OK New Game... Create Profile... wait what?  Custom or default Female character?  You can play as a woman?!? WHAT??  Damn, I should have looked at this game more closely.  Okay.
So I made my Annakie Engineer... and honestly I don’t remember what origins I picked then... but the game started.
I recognized one of the first two voices I heard but couldn’t place it.  And then a third guy was talking over these space scenes and someone walking scenes and... hang on, is that Seth Green?!?!  Neat!  Real cool space imagery here, great music... and then the intro was over and another guy started talking.
That. Is. Carth. Onasi’s. Voice.  
Then I stood up walked into my office, sat down at my PC, googled “Carth Onasi Voice Actor Mass Effect”, found the character’s name, then googled “Kaidan Alenko romance”.  Found the wiki page, saw the answer was yes, and screamed again.  Really, really mad at myself.  This game had been out for two years.  A space RPG where you can play as a lady and the same voice actor I already ADORED was in it playing another romanceable character.  I knew then, two minutes into the game, that I was going to fucking LOVE THIS GAME and I should have played it TWO YEARS AGO.
I went back, played all night, and for the next several nights until I beat the game.  And then joined forums and everything I could get my hands on to find fellow fans, then replayed the game, and played again, and again, and again until I had all the achievements.  Then I bought it on PC so I could get all the achievements on PC and be ready to import saves for when Mass Effect 2 came out.
The one good thing about waiting so long to play ME1 was, I only had a year to wait until ME2.  That year was basically all about Mass Effect for me.
The Prologue
Anyway, while we’re here, let’s talk about the prologue.
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First off, who else, the first time you played, when in character creation you heard the “Profile Corrupted!” message thought you fucked something up or maybe your game disc was bad.  Anyone?  Not just me, right? I  may have restarted my Xbox.
The class descriptions I think are a little wonky.  I chose Engineer the first time through because I like utility classes and I like healing.  But the classes don’t really... play that way I guess.  Hitting F to heal (or whatever it’s mapped to on the controller) doesn’t really matter, and a couple of classes have access to First Aid.  Nobody is really a “healer”.  Hence switching to Vanguard later.
The prologue itself does a really great job, though, of setting up the game, and the world.  It starts with the great move of telling you a little bit about your own character, helping you to understand those choices that you made “Spacer” “Earthborn” “War Hero” “Sole Survivor”,  That was a good move.  It took me until my second playthrough to connect those two guys talking about me to being Anderson and Udina.  
Also, nice that they explained what Mass Effect actually *is* and placed you in a year, so you have an idea how far ahead this game is from our own time.
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And then this...
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But it’s great how they start with a shot of you, looking at Earth
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 then you see Jupiter, with an establishing shot of the spaceship you’re in.  (OK I didn’t get a great screenshot of this, I’m using gifs that are going in a gifset posting tomorrow)
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And then you fly by Neptune
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Then... wait what the fuck is this thing?
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Along with Seth Green talking to... someone?  And the movement through the ship, giving you glimpses of Jenkins, Pressley, crewmates doing their jobs, the camera constantly sweeping, something big is happening!  Something exciting!  You’re not sure what all of it is but... it sounds cool!
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The camera swings around on the person you’ve been following, and you already kinda know it’s your character, but there you are, in a very cool sweeping reveal.
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The music swells.  Then the big glowy weird scissors thing... eats the spaceship and spits it back out.
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It’s all so effective.  It’s kind of breathtaking to watch even for what must be like my 30th time, not exaggerating.
And I can never wait to do it again.  What a great way to start this game.  
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More information is at: http://handymanmcallen.org/tile-flooring-installation-near-me/
Looking for  Tile Flooring Installation Service near McAllen TX? Handyman McAllen  is the premier Tile Flooring Installation Service in the  McAllen TX. Best Tile Flooring Installation Service in McAllen TX. Cost? Free estimates! Call now or Send a quick message for an estimate. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE NOW
TILE  FLOORING INSTALLATION SERVICE IN  MCALLEN TX The Tile Flooring Installation will At Handyman McAllen, our experienced flooring experts can provide the best Tile Flooring Installation  in McAllen TX at a very reasonable price. We take pride in offering the best Tile  Flooring Installation. Our Handyman McAllen experts take pride in providing the best service in the McAllen TX area. Tile can transform any room in your home. From dynamic natural stone like granite, travertine or slate to the elegance of ceramic and porcelain, tile adds character and charm. There are many types of tile. Porcelain Porcelain is a ceramic tile that is generally made by the dust pressed method from a composition which results in a tile that is dense, impervious, fine grained and smooth, with a sharply formed face. Quarry Tile Whereas quarry tile is a glazed or unglazed tile made by the extrusion process from natural clay or shale. This tile is most common in the dark red shades; however, shades of brown and gray are also available. VCT Tile VCT is the most cost-effective hard surface flooring you can buy for your commercial space. It features easy installation and high durability. It may require sealing and waxing after initial installation for best results. TILE FLOORING Bring the natural beauty of stone into your rooms by shopping at our store for tile flooring in McAllen TX. Tile is one of the most highly sought after flooring materials on the market, making it a great choice for both homes and businesses. We are proud to offer a large selection of tile products from trusted brands. Why You Should Choose Tile Invest in your property by choosing a surface that is sure to look great throughout the decades. Tile is noted for its durability, stylishness, and longevity. Once it is properly installed, it is very difficult to damage or even stain. Whether you choose ceramic tile flooring, porcelain, natural stone, or another option, you can rest assured knowing that your floor will continue to impress long after installation. If something does happen to one of the tiles, you can easily replace just the single affected tile instead of the entire surface. Tile is also easy to clean. Simply sweep or mop it regularly to keep it clear of dust and crumbs. When something is spilled on your tile floor, all you need to do is wipe it up as soon as possible. Since tile is resistant to water damage, it works well in wet areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Certain types of tile can even withstand inclement weather, making them perfect for outdoor features. Finally, porcelain tile and all other tile types offer a unique beauty that cannot be matched by other materials. Tile comes in a wide array of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, marble, slate, natural stone, and so on. Each of these options comes in many different colors, patterns, and textures. No matter what kind of design aesthetic you are looking to achieve in your rooms, there is a tile product for you. We provide McAllen TX natural stone tile flooring installation, Manhattan natural stone tile flooring installation, Brooklyn natural stone tile flooring installation, Queens natural stone tile flooring installation, Long Island natural stone tile flooring installation, Nassau County natural stone tile flooring installation, Suffolk County natural stone tile flooring installation, Bronx natural stone tile flooring installation, Westchester natural stone tile flooring installation. Tile Installation A tile floor adds style to any room. It's also durable, easy to clean and a project you can take on with confidence. Learn how to install and grout tile. 1.Lay the first tile square at the crossing of the reference lines. For best results, lightly press and twist the tiles to set them in the mortar. 2.Place tile spacers at the edges of the first tile. 3.Continue laying tiles in the same manner along the reference lines, then add spacers. 4.Once you have completed a work section, use a rubber mallet and carpenter’s level to level the tile. 5.Remove any excess mortar with a damp sponge. 6.Continue applying thinset mortar and laying the tile in work sections in the same manner. Make adjustments as needed so the tiles are aligned straight, especially along the longest dimension of the room where variations will show. 7.Apply thinset mortar and set the cut tile in position. Add tile spacers as needed. 8.Allow the thinset mortar to dry for at least 24 hours or as recommended by the manufacturer before continuing. Be sure to give us a call so you can get our 110% price match guarantee. Our price match guarantees that no matter where you shop in McAllen TX for natural stone tile flooring, you won't find prices lower than ours. To obtain a free quote for Tile flooring installation in McAllen TX, please don’t hesitate to contact  at Handyman McAllen Floor Services. Call us for : • Preparing Floor For Tile • How To Install Ceramic Floor Tile On Wood • How To Lay Floor Tiles On Concrete • Where Do You Start Laying Floor Tiles? • How To Tile A Floor • Ceramic Wall Tile Installation • How To Lay Bathroom Tile • Tile Installation Near McAllen TX
CONTACT: Handyman McAllen Best commercial residential handyman maintenance renovation professionals in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-3488 HANDYMAN 1 CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN 2 CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL Located in McAllen, TX WEBSITE: www.handymanmcallen.org http://www.handymanservicesofmcallen.com/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572\ #handyman #commercialhandyman #residencialhandyman #moving #junk #cleaning #maintenance #renovation #mcAllen #Texas
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Best Tile Flooring Repair Contractor Las Vegas Nevada | McCarran Handyman Services
More information is at: http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/tile-flooring-installation-near-me.html
 Youtube link:  https://youtu.be/xtVMQ_ApNL4
 Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/292645991337522/videos/2123348871307013/
 Looking for Tile Flooring Installation Service near Las Vegas Nevada? McCarran Handyman Services is the premier Tile Flooring Installation Service in the Las Vegas Nevada. Best Tile Flooring Installation Service in Las Vegas Nevada. Cost? Free estimates! Call now or Send a quick message for an estimate.
The Tile Flooring Installation will At McCarran Handyman Services, our experienced flooring experts can provide the best Tile Flooring Installation  in Las Vegas Nevada at a very reasonable price. We take pride in offering the best Tile Flooring Installation. Our McCarran Handyman Services experts take pride in providing the best service in the Las Vegas Nevada area.
Tile can transform any room in your home. From dynamic natural stone like granite, travertine or slate to the elegance of ceramic and porcelain, tile adds character and charm. There are many types of tile.
Porcelain is a ceramic tile that is generally made by the dust pressed method from a composition which results in a tile that is dense, impervious, fine grained and smooth, with a sharply formed face.
Quarry Tile
Whereas quarry tile is a glazed or unglazed tile made by the extrusion process from natural clay or shale. This tile is most common in the dark red shades; however, shades of brown and gray are also available.
VCT Tile
VCT is the most cost-effective hard surface flooring you can buy for your commercial space. It features easy installation and high durability. It may require sealing and waxing after initial installation for best results.
Bring the natural beauty of stone into your rooms by shopping at our store for tile flooring in Las Vegas Nevada. Tile is one of the most highly sought after flooring materials on the market, making it a great choice for both homes and businesses. We are proud to offer a large selection of tile products from trusted brands.
Why You Should Choose Tile
Invest in your property by choosing a surface that is sure to look great throughout the decades. Tile is noted for its durability, stylishness, and longevity. Once it is properly installed, it is very difficult to damage or even stain. Whether you choose ceramic tile flooring, porcelain, natural stone, or another option, you can rest assured knowing that your floor will continue to impress long after installation. If something does happen to one of the tiles, you can easily replace just the single affected tile instead of the entire surface.
Tile is also easy to clean. Simply sweep or mop it regularly to keep it clear of dust and crumbs. When something is spilled on your tile floor, all you need to do is wipe it up as soon as possible. Since tile is resistant to water damage, it works well in wet areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Certain types of tile can even withstand inclement weather, making them perfect for outdoor features.
Finally, porcelain tile and all other tile types offer a unique beauty that cannot be matched by other materials. Tile comes in a wide array of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, marble, slate, natural stone, and so on. Each of these options comes in many different colors, patterns, and textures. No matter what kind of design aesthetic you are looking to achieve in your rooms, there is a tile product for you.
We provide Las Vegas Nevada natural stone tile flooring installation, Manhattan natural stone tile flooring installation, Brooklyn natural stone tile flooring installation, Queens natural stone tile flooring installation, Long Island natural stone tile flooring installation, Nassau County natural stone tile flooring installation, Suffolk County natural stone tile flooring installation, Bronx natural stone tile flooring installation, Westchester natural stone tile flooring installation.
Tile Installation
A tile floor adds style to any room. It's also durable, easy to clean and a project you can take on with confidence. Learn how to install and grout tile.
1.Lay the first tile square at the crossing of the reference lines. For best results, lightly press and twist the tiles to set them in the mortar.
2.Place tile spacers at the edges of the first tile.
3.Continue laying tiles in the same manner along the reference lines, then add spacers.
4.Once you have completed a work section, use a rubber mallet and carpenter’s level to level the tile.
5.Remove any excess mortar with a damp sponge.
6.Continue applying thinset mortar and laying the tile in work sections in the same manner. Make adjustments as needed so the tiles are aligned straight, especially along the longest dimension of the room where variations will show.
7.Apply thinset mortar and set the cut tile in position. Add tile spacers as needed.
8.Allow the thinset mortar to dry for at least 24 hours or as recommended by the manufacturer before continuing.
Be sure to give us a call so you can get our 110% price match guarantee.
Our price match guarantees that no matter where you shop in Las Vegas Nevada for natural stone tile flooring, you won't find prices lower than ours.
To obtain a free quote for Tile flooring installation in Las Vegas Nevada, please don’t hesitate to contact  at McCarran Handyman Services Floor Services.
Call us for :
·         Preparing Floor For Tile
·         How To Install Ceramic Floor Tile On Wood
·         How To Lay Floor Tiles On Concrete
·         Where Do You Start Laying Floor Tiles?
·         How To Tile A Floor
·         Ceramic Wall Tile Installation
·         How To Lay Bathroom Tile
·         Tile Installation Near Las Vegas Nevada
McCarran Handyman Services
#1 Handyman Service in Las Vegas Henderson Nevada!
CALL (702) 570-4279 HANDYMAN 1, http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/
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CALL (702) 530-7597 CLEANING 1, http://www.mgmhouseholdservices.com/
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Monday to Sunday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm
WEB: www.handymanlasvegasnv.com
·         Bathroom Kitchen Basement Remodeling, Interior and Exterior Painting
·         Cabinetry and Carpentry, Commercial Residential Painting
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  SERVICE AREA: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada.
Las Vegas Neighborhoods:Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain's Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada.
Service Area Zip Codes: 88901, 88905, 89101, 89102, 89104, 89106, 89107, 89108, 89109, 89110, 89116, 89117, 89124, 89125, 89126, 89127, 89128, 89129, 89130, 89131, 89133, 89134, 89136, 89137, 89138, 89143, 89144, 89145, 89146, 89147, 89149, 89151, 89152, 89153, 89154, 89155, 89157, 89158, 89161, 89162, 89163, 89164, 89166, 89185.
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operationrainfall · 4 years
Modus Games has released new gameplay footage from their highly anticipated Cris Tales. The new gameplay shows off a new coastal kingdom and some amazing era spanning boss battles!
You can check out 20 minutes of new gameplay below:
Here are some screenshots for your viewing pleasure:
Extended Cris Tales Gameplay Trailer Shows New Time-Spanning Battles, Vibrant Environments
Indie Love Letter to Turn-Based JRPG Releases 20 Minutes of New Footage
Walnut Creek, Calif. (April 29, 2020) – Independent publishing label Modus Games, with developers Dreams Uncorporated and SYCK, today released nearly 20 minutes of new gameplay from Cris Tales, the breathtaking turn-based RPG reaching Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia later this year.
The footage finds protagonist, Crisbell, setting out from the bustling harbor of St. Clarity to solve a mysterious disappearance. By inquiring with neighboring townsfolk and using her incredible power to visit the past, Crisbell discovers a lead which guides her toward a string of exciting battles and a grim realization. See how Crisbell’s time-shifting skill aids her quest for answers and lends an upper hand in combat by watching the gameplay in full here: https://youtu.be/GGDcU6Bw_E4
Learn more about the coastal town of St. Clarity in this recent reveal of the town.
Cris Tales is a captivating tribute to classic RPGs which brings the past, present, and future together on one screen. Players wield the incredible ability to battle across eras and will witness the influence of their actions on the world around them as their choices ripple across time. Cris Tales’ rich, stunningly hand-drawn imagery depicts a varied and fantastical land which is enchanting to explore, making every step of Crisbell’s overarching fight to stop an Empress’ ruthless plans as beautiful as it is compelling.
To ensure Cris Tales is in your future, download the game’s free demo and wishlist via Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1079830/Cris_Tales/) or GOG (https://www.gog.com/game/cris_tales_demo), visit www.cristalesgame.com and Modus Games’ official site (www.modusgames.com), join Modus’ Discord channel (modus.games/discord), and follow them on Twitter (@Modus_Games).
# # #
About Modus Games
Modus Games is one of the fastest-growing video game publishers in the world. The label prides itself on providing AAA publishing services to talented independent developers across the globe. Modus Studios Brazil is a full-service development studio supporting creators of inspired interactive entertainment. For more information, visit www.modusgames.com.
About SYCK
With gameplay, art or mechanics, a team of artists, geeks and pirates are creating delightfully enjoyable experiences to bring a smile to the child inside all of us.
Dreams Uncorporated is a game studio focused on using innovative gameplay and art style to tell stories that reach the world. Inspired by the art that raised us, we’re bringing our dreams into reality and sharing them through experiences never seen before.
Cris Tales Gameplay Reveals New Coastal Kingdom
Modus Games has released new gameplay footage from their highly anticipated Cris Tales. The new gameplay shows off a new coastal kingdom and some amazing era spanning boss battles!
Cris Tales Gameplay Reveals New Coastal Kingdom Modus Games has released new gameplay footage from their highly anticipated Cris Tales. The new gameplay shows off a new coastal kingdom and some amazing era spanning boss battles!
0 notes
itsworn · 7 years
Detroit Speed Third-gen Camaro Front Suspension Upgrade
The third-gen Camaro, introduced for the 1982 model year, was a quantum leap for GM’s venerable F-body (shared with the Pontiac Firebird). The Chevrolet Camaro has always been about big improvements in performance, styling, and handling with each redesign. Out of the box in 1967, the Camaro was a solid competitor for the Mustang and Barracuda with its slippery aero styling and short deck/long nose profile. The Camaro’s first major redesign in 1970 sent the ball out of the park with an exciting new demeanor and wider track. The car really rocked.
The Camaro has always out-handled its ponycar competition because it was originally designed from the bones out with a monoleaf rear suspension and conventional coil-between-the-arms front suspension bolted to an innovative bolt-on subframe you could do nearly anything with. The Camaro was all new from the inside out—not a rehash of another corporate platform. What made the Camaro better than the Mustang, Barracuda, and Javelin from a driveability standpoint was primarily its suspension and handling, along with a broader selection of engines and drivelines.
First- and second-gen Camaros were page-turners to be sure. However, when Chevrolet brought the third-gen to showrooms in the fall of 1981 it was a head-turner. It outlooked and outperformed everything in its class. It was a corner cutter with its wider track, MacPherson strut suspension, three-link rear suspension, 5.0L high-performance V-8, and a choice of four-speed or overdrive automatic. It was simply a better ponycar in every category.
For a company like Detroit Speed Inc., there is always a better way to do what Motown did in the first place with these vintage muscle cars. The Camaro has always been in Detroit Speed’s crosshairs—always looking for ways to make the driving experience better in both classic and late-models.
It is challenging to see third-gen Camaros as classics, yet that is exactly what they are today. The oldest third-gen Camaros are 35 years old, which means they’re ready for serious performance upgrades.
We’re tackling a third-gen Camaro at Detroit Speed Inc. for a complete suspension upgrade package. We’re going to show you what it is and how to install it in your home garage. For this installment, we begin with the front end on the road to great handling. In Part 2, the final installment in this series, we will tackle the rear suspension with more Detroit Speed upgrades.
1. Detroit Speed Inc.’s third-gen Camaro platform is good to go as a complete restoration build ensues. We’re ready to bolt on a complete Detroit Speed front suspension system, which will bring this third-gen Camaro’s handling into the 21st century. This is the sway bar bracket assembly, which is bolted to the subframe.
2. The Detroit Speed/JRi Front Strut Kit is a high-performance aluminum strut with “Detroit Tuned” valving for ride and handling control. This kit is a direct bolt-on assembly that includes the Detroit Speed Caster/Camber Plate Kit. There’s also an adjustable aluminum spindle bracket that allows independent tuning of strut travel in relation to vehicle ride height. The top spindle mount uses removable inserts allowing wheel camber to be adjusted in 1/16-inch increments and is available in single- or double-adjustable derivatives.
3. The Detroit Speed tubular lower control arm is installed next. Be sure the Delrin bushings have been properly lubricated. Failure to use the lube will make installation virtually impossible and these rock-hard bushings will be noisy.
4. Insert the 0-degree camber slug into the recessed oval slot in the top hole on the inside of the strut bracket. Other camber slugs included in the kit are intended for track use and can be used for more aggressive camber settings. You are then free to make finite adjustments to the camber and caster settings using the Detroit Speed Speed-LIGN technology at the top strut mounts. Detroit Speed advises torqueing the strut bolts to 150 ft-lb.
5. The Caster/Camber plate stud bracket is positioned in the strut tower as shown.
6. Here’s a close-up of the caster/camber adjustment in the strut mount. This star adjuster is located at all adjustment points to secure and lock in the settings, which makes adjustment simple at the track and on the alignment rack.
7. The caster/camber plate is installed next on top of the strut tower. The beauty of this plate is it features Detroit Speed’s Speed-LIGN technology that allows consistent and precise movements without concern for unwanted movement after the adjustment is locked in. Camber and caster can be adjusted independently of one another allowing an increased adjustment range over the factory caster/camber plate. On top is an aviation-grade monoball at the strut rod attachment for smooth, precise articulation throughout suspension travel. There are two points of adjustment. One is the monoball (strut mount, white arrows) giving you that freedom. The other is the plate (red arrow), which offers significant caster/camber adjustment.
8. The spacer is positioned on the strut rod as shown here prior to installation. Place the 0.875-inch OD x 0.630-inch ID x 1.00-inch L shaft spacer over the top of the shaft of the Detroit Speed/JRi strut rod. Next, place the 0.750-inch OD x 0.630-inch ID x 0.740-inch L monoball bushing over the top of the strut.
9. The adjustable Detroit Speed/JRi strut is installed next as shown by slipping it into the fully adjustable caster/camber plate on top. The strut and spindle are secured to the lower control arm once the coil spring has been installed.
10. This locknut and spacer secure the strut rod at the caster/camber plate. At this point just snug the locknut to the spacer; do not torque it down.
11. You will need to hold the strut rod underneath like this when the locknut is torqued on top.
12. The locknut is torqued to 50 ft-lb while someone holds onto the strut rod with a wrench underneath as shown in the previous image.
13. The coil spring and top mount install like this: with the alignment dowel/pin going into the hole at the spring pocket shown here.
14. The front coil spring seats into the pocket and mount above. This pin goes into the hole above.
15. The coil spring and control arm are located and secured next. Note the front weight jack kit inside the spring. This kit allows independent front corner height adjustment as well as front corner weight tuning. It can be adjusted with a 1/2-inch ratchet extension from the bottom side of the lower control arm and articulates on an aircraft-grade monoball to provide smooth, precise articulation through suspension travel. This corner weight system offers more inner tire clearance compared to a traditional coilover system. The included Detroit Speed coil spring has a 950 lb/in spring rate.
16. The installed lower control arm, strut, and spring look sharp and will outperform the original equipment by a wide margin. We’re ready to move on to the steering linkage.
17. The idler arm is installed in this conventional worm-and-sector steering system. Don’t forget to install all the cotter pins once the castle nuts are tight.
18. Steering is provided via a typical worm-and-sector Saginaw-style power box with a crisp steering ratio.
19. Next, the sway bar is installed and given an initial, static adjustment.
20. From there, the fully adjustable endlinks are assembled and tightened. This is an adjustment you make on the road and on the track. Drive, adjust, and road test; repeat as necessary.
21. What a difference Detroit Speed makes via their vastly improved suspension technology, which far surpasses anything we had in the 1980s.
22. The Detroit Speed front suspension system upgrade for third-gen Camaros features tubular lower control arms. Detroit Speed takes great pride in designing, developing, machining, and fabricating these components with durability in mind. These control arms are shipped complete with lower ball joints; steering stops; and greaseable, super-tough Delrin bushings.
23. A closer look at the control arm illustrates what you’re getting for your money. The beauty of these arms and their Delrin bushings is they don’t give. They hold alignment and suspension geometry once the adjustment is set. And this is what you want on a challenging road course, autocross, or the toughest mountain twisties.
Photos by Alex Stivaletti
Detroit Speed
Mooresville, NC 28115 704-662-3272 www.detroitspeed.com
  JRI Shocks
704-660-8346 www.jrishocks.com
The post Detroit Speed Third-gen Camaro Front Suspension Upgrade appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/detroit-speed-third-gen-camaro-front-suspension-upgrade/ via IFTTT
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operationrainfall · 4 years
Modus Games has released new gameplay footage from their highly anticipated Cris Tales. The new gameplay shows off a new coastal kingdom and some amazing era spanning boss battles!
You can check out 20 minutes of new gameplay below:
Here are some screenshots for your viewing pleasure:
Extended Cris Tales Gameplay Trailer Shows New Time-Spanning Battles, Vibrant Environments
Indie Love Letter to Turn-Based JRPG Releases 20 Minutes of New Footage
Walnut Creek, Calif. (April 29, 2020) – Independent publishing label Modus Games, with developers Dreams Uncorporated and SYCK, today released nearly 20 minutes of new gameplay from Cris Tales, the breathtaking turn-based RPG reaching Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia later this year.
The footage finds protagonist, Crisbell, setting out from the bustling harbor of St. Clarity to solve a mysterious disappearance. By inquiring with neighboring townsfolk and using her incredible power to visit the past, Crisbell discovers a lead which guides her toward a string of exciting battles and a grim realization. See how Crisbell’s time-shifting skill aids her quest for answers and lends an upper hand in combat by watching the gameplay in full here: https://youtu.be/GGDcU6Bw_E4
Learn more about the coastal town of St. Clarity in this recent reveal of the town.
Cris Tales is a captivating tribute to classic RPGs which brings the past, present, and future together on one screen. Players wield the incredible ability to battle across eras and will witness the influence of their actions on the world around them as their choices ripple across time. Cris Tales’ rich, stunningly hand-drawn imagery depicts a varied and fantastical land which is enchanting to explore, making every step of Crisbell’s overarching fight to stop an Empress’ ruthless plans as beautiful as it is compelling.
To ensure Cris Tales is in your future, download the game’s free demo and wishlist via Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1079830/Cris_Tales/) or GOG (https://www.gog.com/game/cris_tales_demo), visit www.cristalesgame.com and Modus Games’ official site (www.modusgames.com), join Modus’ Discord channel (modus.games/discord), and follow them on Twitter (@Modus_Games).
# # #
About Modus Games
Modus Games is one of the fastest-growing video game publishers in the world. The label prides itself on providing AAA publishing services to talented independent developers across the globe. Modus Studios Brazil is a full-service development studio supporting creators of inspired interactive entertainment. For more information, visit www.modusgames.com.
About SYCK
With gameplay, art or mechanics, a team of artists, geeks and pirates are creating delightfully enjoyable experiences to bring a smile to the child inside all of us.
Dreams Uncorporated is a game studio focused on using innovative gameplay and art style to tell stories that reach the world. Inspired by the art that raised us, we’re bringing our dreams into reality and sharing them through experiences never seen before.
Cris Tales Gameplay Reveals New Coastal Kingdom Modus Games has released new gameplay footage from their highly anticipated Cris Tales. The new gameplay shows off a new coastal kingdom and some amazing era spanning boss battles!
0 notes