#shower sealing gold coast
At Superior Waterproofing we are committed to providing solution-oriented waterproofing services in Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Tweed Coast, whilst maintaining the highest standards when working on your project. We understand the waterproofing process and the need to get the job done right. We work with each of our clients to understand their individual requirements, and ensuring a smooth progression through to completion of the work.
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jacks-tracks · 10 months
Beaches and birds
Despite or perhaps because of the great heat here, i have been to 3 beaches this week. Temperatures have been 33 in the day(90 oldspeak) dropping only to 25 at night. A mild tehuantepc wind stirred from the south bringing big waves, so that when i went to Agua Blanca with Pete, Jill and Lorraine the tide pools were giant washing machines, swirling in breaking foam, then gushing out with terrific force over the sand bar. This made for a swift cruise downstream then a difficult standup. So difficult that i could only plant my feet and wait for the flow to moderate(it really never stopped) before wading out. I seriously considered if I were swept out to sea could I body surf to shore further down the strand.. There were no crocodiles visible, nor fish nor birds in the lagoon, largely because a net caster had muddied the waters.
The beach kitchen we were at had a good palm thatched palapa right on the shore with a 180 degree view up and down the coast., developed to the north btu empty for miles south Good shade and a good breeze. As usual the breakfasts were tepid eggs. I think they cook each plate sequentially, so that by the time the third is done the first is cold. Knowing this from past experience I brought leftover pancakes. and washed them down with a coconut. Some hammock time and good conversations then taxied back to Santa Elaina just in time to step into a van to Puerto. I hopped out at the Mercado and bought the biggest chicken breast I,ve ever seen, bigger than most whole chickens. The bakery had Polvorones, the closest thing a Mexican bakery can come to an edible cookie, and I bought 10, thinking to stretch them out over days. Hah!Ate 3 a day and they are gone!
Trying to get up earlier before the heat bakes the streets, and did get to manzanillo beach for some snorkeling and sand loafing. Palm shade, soft gold sand, a pareau to lay on and a book to read, pretty satisfactory. mind you by 11 AM it,s getting hot and the beach fills with tourists, so I climb the steep stairs and the long hill back to the highway. Home to shower and swim in the bath temp pool..ahh.
Had to get to my favorite beach Carrizillo, which is a perfect golden crescent at the bottom of a very steep hill, 160 cement steps, and a long way up! There was shade under the big sea grape tree, and while the sea was warm,the waves were big, over 40 surfers learning on the inside corner of the bay. I had to time my way out of the surf to coincide with a wave running up the beach over the dropoff. most beaches have Mexicans rolling in happiness in small waves, shrieking with excitement. Even the old Grannies wading in their black dresses get knocked down "accidently" and join in the mirth. Not so at carizzillio, swimmers only. Manzanillo was where Jan saved 2 people from drowning when they stepped over the drop off and had no idea of how to swim. We were lounging in the shade when Jan suddenly bolted down the beach and seal dove into the water. She,d correctly spotted their inexperience and panic and with powerful strokes pushed them coughing back over the drop off edge where they collapsed in fright. I,d not seen the crisis coming, but Jan saved them, receiving the utmost thanks from the anxious family.
All this beaching involves riding combis, the taxi trucks that run a regular route along the highway and indeed off into the hills to remote villages. 12 pesos this year, a 100% increase over 3 years. Flagging a combi is easy after you dash across the relentless traffic and casually wave a languid hand downwards. They stop in the most awkward of places, and sometimes climbing down onto the welded slippery back step is fraught with peril. Being a courteous folk, the locals always help old folks (not me yet!) in and out, passing clinging children and off loading everything from baskets of nopales(cactus leaves) to flats of homemade cake. I always say Buenas Dias as appropriate and true to their culture everyone replys the same. Some drivers a re cowboys running on the theory that the sooner you make the trip the sooner you can come back for more passengers, or maybe they just like speeding. Happily the highway is increasingly dotted with topes(speed bumps) and even the cowboys slow right down to save their trucks a hammering. Most drivers are sane, and all goes well. Traffic here has exceeded the capacity of the 4 lane road, all this increase in the last 5 years since the Carreterra was 2 lanes. The addition of traffic lights(surprisingly obeyed) have broken up the flow, but a t busy times there can be 10 minute backups , rush hour in Puerto!
Birds! Well i have no bird book, but over the years have noted over 100 different species. Most of them were in the Manialtepec lagoon where the migrant birds nest and feed. A surprising number are right here in the backyard where trees overhang the end of the pool. Grackles are common, as a re doves both big and small, pigeons, sparrows, and swooping turkey buzzards, while far overhead the frigate birds glide effortlessly never moving a wing. Recently it,s been small lemon yellow birds with black tail tops and wing bars. They are flighty and twitch their long tails like sparrows. They prefer the ficus tree that shades my cabana, picking insects off the leaves. That same tree often has hummingbirds zipping about, both the thumb sized all black one up to the light orange much larger birds with bright orange big bills. One tried very hard to pull off a trailing fig vine for nesting material. By the pool grows a leguminous tree perhaps 10 meters tall with newly setting seed pods that start pea green , then shade to pink and curl into a coil, finally turning bright red and spitting out brown flat seeds like lentils. Very popular with all the birds, both for the seeds and for the insects that gather there. Finally got a good look at a woodpecker, not the cactus nesting ladderback but a breeding plumage smaller bird with dun feathers and a yellow nape and a red mask. Busily pecking on the loose bark of a dying tree. The female lacked the red face but had the yellow nape in a more subdued shade. All this backyard birding is done while floating in the pool, gazing up at the trees. Good excuse for loafing in the bath temp water.
A neighbours neglected cat has adopted me. Very skinny black and white male, bit of a yowler, but very friendly Probably got worms and ear mites, but I,ll get meds and do a treatment This cat did not know what a raw egg was but did an impressive job chewing a chicken carcass down to a few big bones. Much quieter when fed! Now the cat has taken to lying on my doormat and waiting to be petted or better still fed fish scraps. The hotel has a don,t fed the cats policy, but this one is starving and I,m a sucker. No more squirrel raids on my fruit bowl since I have a cat. My kitchen is all outdoors under the big thatch roof that covers all the cabana, and night raiders were eating avocadoes.
Heavy rains at night . i got up to go to my outdoor bathroom and was puzzled to see the cement path between my cabana and the neighbours was running an inch deep in water. Just had a downpour! the rain helps break the humidiy but by 10 AM it,s sunny and hot. Not complaining, indeed things are going very well. Don't mind having to alternate hammock book reading with pool cooling, and with 3 full on fans I can watch netflics a t night and sleep without a sheet cover till dawn. More as it happens.
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Best Floors Waterproofing in Sydney
At AB Sydney Waterproofing, We provide the best Floors waterproofing Sydney, We provide various services such as suit tiles, floors, rooftops, bathrooms, balconies, terraces, courtyards, laundries, box gutters, planter boxes, brick walls, Dincel walls, swimming pools, Water leak detection and lift shafts throughout Sydney, Australia. Our waterproofing layer areas of strength for is, tear-safe and versatile and can take any shape it is laid over, and is equipped for turning up and extend over walls and other development highlights. The layer can be presented to the sun and can stay stable in every single weather pattern. There may be many justifications for why you want waterproofing Membrane. While normal ones incorporate inappropriate development a long time back, breaks, steady openness to water, etc. Anything that might be the explanation, we ensure that you get the best administrations that settle every one of your issues. The two kinds of waterproofing film are utilized in view of whether it is new development or a current structure.
As Bathroom Shower Waterproofing Sydney, AB Sydney waterproofing is a main waterproofing organization and medicinal waterproofing project workers in Sydney, giving best waterproofing administrations at reasonable expense. Our waterproofing experts in Sydney are specialists in waterproofing spilling shower, overhang spilling, rooftop waterproofing, waterproof moist consideration - clammy sealing, restroom waterproofing, rooftop waterproofing and spill fixing with the best layers. Waterproofing administrations all areas of Sydney and encompassing rural areas offering the greatest norms of administrations that are supported by authentications and licenses.
Useful Links:
Asbestos Removal Adelaide
Bridal House Geelong
Car Detailing Sydney
Kitchen Plumbing Gold Coast
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originalmiracleking · 11 months
Best Floors Waterproofing in Sydney
At AB Sydney Waterproofing, We provide the best Floors waterproofing Sydney, We provide various services such as suit tiles, floors, rooftops, bathrooms, balconies, terraces, courtyards, laundries, box gutters, planter boxes, brick walls, Dincel walls, swimming pools, Water leak detection and lift shafts throughout Sydney, Australia. Our waterproofing layer areas of strength for is, tear-safe and versatile and can take any shape it is laid over, and is equipped for turning up and extend over walls and other development highlights. The layer can be presented to the sun and can stay stable in every single weather pattern. There may be many justifications for why you want waterproofing Membrane. While normal ones incorporate inappropriate development a long time back, breaks, steady openness to water, etc. Anything that might be the explanation, we ensure that you get the best administrations that settle every one of your issues. The two kinds of waterproofing film are utilized in view of whether it is new development or a current structure.
As Bathroom Shower Waterproofing Sydney, AB Sydney waterproofing is a main waterproofing organization and medicinal waterproofing project workers in Sydney, giving best waterproofing administrations at reasonable expense. Our waterproofing experts in Sydney are specialists in waterproofing spilling shower, overhang spilling, rooftop waterproofing, waterproof moist consideration - clammy sealing, restroom waterproofing, rooftop waterproofing and spill fixing with the best layers. Waterproofing administrations all areas of Sydney and encompassing rural areas offering the greatest norms of administrations that are supported by authentications and licenses.
Useful Links:
Bridal House Geelong
Car Detailing Sydney
Kitchen Plumbing Gold Coast
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regalshowerscreen · 1 year
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Add a touch of elegance to your home with Regal Shower Screens’ sliding wardrobe doors! Our wardrobe doors are stylish and durable, so you can rest assured that they will provide easy installation along with a long-lasting design. With different designs and options to choose from, you can create a look that's perfect for your home. Our wardrobe doors also have our innovative, sheer seal technology, ensuring an effective and effortless closure every time. So revamp your wardrobe today with Regal Shower Screens – because you deserve beautiful, stylish and long-lasting doors!
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sealemsolutions · 1 year
Exterior Maintenance Guide: The Importance of Routine Caulking for Commercial Buildings
If you own a commercial property, you’ll already be aware of the importance of routine exterior maintenance. One key element of this is Caulking. It’s more than just aesthetics, however – and not doing so can cost you money, as well as the comfort of those working there. 
Keep reading on to find out why caulking is important for commercial buildings.
What is Caulking?
Caulking uses a material called ‘caulk’ which is used to seal gaps around doors, windows, and other building materials. They are similar to sealants, but unlike sealants, caulks are more suitable for areas that don’t expand or contract. Caulks harden after drying and are applied via a caulking gun. When applied at a professional level like which Seal’em Solutions does, they blend in with the surrounding area seamlessly. Acrylic caulk can also be painted over. Caulks are versatile enough to be applied to virtually any material.
There are different types of caulk, each more suited to different specific surfaces and dryness. These include:
Painters Caulk/Acrylic Latex – Placed over small holes and cracks before being painted over. It is one of the most affordable caulks available.
Acrylic Tile Sealant – Suited to wet areas, it works well for simple repairs and patches.
Pure Silicone – Suited to wet areas such as showers, Pure Silicone is mildew and mold resistant and can effectively last for decades.
Vinyl Latex – Similar in quality to Painters Caulk but lasts longer. It is suitable for outdoors.
The Benefits of Caulking for Your Exterior
Caulking Prevents Water Damages. A simple leak might seem insubstantial on your commercial building’s exterior, but over time it can lead to water damage and can be costly to repair. This can also lead to mold. Through expertly applied caulking, you can avoid this without issue. 
You Can Prevent Insects from Entering Your Building. Even some gaps or cracks in your building’s exterior can lead to insects finding their way into your commercial building. Your best bet is to have these caulked sooner than later.
Caulking Gaps Prevent the Buildup of Dust and Allergens. Especially for those with allergies, an uncaulked gap can be problematic due to allergens coming in from outside and causing respiratory problems.
Caulking Can Improve Your Commercial Building’s Value. By handling cracks and gaps through effective caulking, you can raise the value of your commercial building. 
Why You Should Hire a Caulking Specialist Like Seal’em Solutions
Hiring a Caulking Specialist such as Seal’em Solutions ensures that your caulking is completed seamlessly, effectively, and with superior results that last for many years to come. Attempting to apply caulking ‘DIY’, runs the risk of using cheap or unreliable materials which will only lead to more issues down the line. 
Seal’em Solutions provides a personalized solution, providing a Caulking and Joint Sealing Specialist service that is fast and implements the best techniques, tools, and materials. Our fully licensed and highly experienced Professionals are ready when you are to provide you with superior service. We have caulking services in Brisbane, Gold Coast, etc.
Contact us today for a Free Consultation at 1300 377 577
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rubbishrusblog · 2 years
Best Waterproofers in Sydney
At AB Sydney Waterproofing, We provide the best Waterproofing Sydney, We provide various services such as suit tiles, floors, rooftops, bathrooms, balconies, terraces, courtyards, laundries, box gutters, planter boxes, brick walls, Dincel walls, swimming pools, Water leak detection and lift shafts throughout Sydney, Australia. Our waterproofing layer areas of strength for is, tear-safe and versatile and can take any shape it is laid over, and is equipped for turning up and extend over walls and other development highlights. The layer can be presented to the sun and can stay stable in every single weather pattern. There may be many justifications for why you want waterproofing Membrane. While normal ones incorporate inappropriate development a long time back, breaks, steady openness to water, etc. Anything that might be the explanation, we ensure that you get the best administrations that settle every one of your issues. The two kinds of waterproofing film are utilized in view of whether it is new development or a current structure.
As Waterproofers Sydney, AB Sydney Waterproofing is a main waterproofing organization and medicinal waterproofing project workers in Sydney, giving best waterproofing administrations at reasonable expense. Our waterproofing experts in Sydney are specialists in waterproofing spilling shower, overhang spilling, rooftop waterproofing, waterproof moist consideration - clammy sealing, restroom waterproofing, rooftop waterproofing and spill fixing with the best layers. Waterproofing administrations all areas of Sydney and encompassing rural areas offering the greatest norms of administrations that are supported by authentications and licenses.
Useful Links:
Gold Coast Tarago Hire
Bridal House Geelong
Car Detailing Sydney
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
one | sunlight, sweetpea
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(happy goodbyes, thank-you for a pleasant stay, we part with love)
sequel to wisteria wishes (one / two)
part one / part two (this somehow became two parts, oops)
Pairing: Inui Seishu x Fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, soft dom! Inui, smut, cunninglingus, angst (I’m sorry)
Length: 1,7 k
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You awoke with the dawn beside you, a god formed in a haze of gold, broken by ocean blue as Inui blinked at your sleeping form. You were not alone. Inui had not left. Sunlight spilt across your pillow, his hair cascading across the cotton in a shimmer of summer, his lashes glittering gold as he joined the waking world. Inui had not left, yet.
“Morning, pretty girl,” he rasped, and the arm around your waist tightened to pull you flush to his body. Soft silken skin kissed into his lean muscles and he sighed, his thumb immediately rubbing sweet circles into your bare lower back as your chests pressed together. You hummed sleepily, battering away your worries, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck, each movement carefully aware of the ache between your thighs. You whispered your hand up Inui’s chest to run your fingertips along his jaw, your dozy eyes grazing along the nicks and bruises blooming beneath his creamy skin.
“Good morning, Seishu,” you murmured, your eyelashes fluttering when Inui laid a feathery kiss to your forehead, “did you sleep well?” Are you going to leave? He nodded, the corner of his mouth crooked up in a languid smile. “Slept better with you beside me,” he admitted, recollecting the tussled nights in his empty apartment, the lonely blinking at his dark ceiling, the salt-stained memories of his youth flooding his bedroom. Your heart was quick to throw his sweetness away as a sweet nothing, an empty promise placed on ruffled pillows, soon left cold.
“Oh,” your cheeks warmed in betrayal, still caught in blush at your true emotions, and you ducked your head away from his steady seaswept gaze. But Inui’s fingers caught your flight, cradling your jaw to keep you in place. He rained chapped kisses over your cheeks, his lips slowly tracing your features in his affection. Your mouth met his in a hushed sigh, exchanging slumber and secretive smiles as he deepened the kiss. You clutched desperately at that sun-stained moment, hoping to seal it away forever, lest it should disappear into a memory
“Fuck, angel,” he groaned, his shoulders easily tipping you onto your back, “you’re so beautiful,” he mumbled over your lips, caging you to his chest, the gold of his hair dripping down onto your flushed skin.
You could feel him flicker to life above you, his cock growing hot and hard against the supple flesh of your thighs, which you automatically parted to accommodate the narrow of his hips. Inui laid his sunlit skin over you, offering up his warmth in a shower of kisses and coos, your praises falling from his lips in prayer. The birds twittered into song outside your window, and your favourite starling alighted upon your balcony, singing for his sunrise meal of seed and whatever stray fruit you had squirrelled away. His song dissolved away in the early sunlight of Inui’s affections, your thoughts tugged from the spring sky to the summer in your lover’s eyes as he lay above you. Inui’s fingertips ran over your body with sandpaper softness, trickling across your skin with honeyed sweetness, pressing and painting his love into every dip and curve. His lips left yours, coaxing a muted whimper from your open mouth.
“Ssh,” Inui reassured, his tongue slipping past his teeth to lap and nibble down your neck. You tilted your head back, exposing your throat to his lust-layered fangs, which he sank into your velvet skin with a hum. His breath coasted across your flesh in warm puffs, tickling the sensitive shivers of your body as he moved down your body. Inui groaned into your bare breasts, your nipples tightening at the chill of the early air as Inui pulled the sheets away from your form.
Inui’s mouth was impossibly warm when it closed over your areola, and a whispered gasp escaped your chest. Your back arched into Inui’s tongue, his fingers digging deep into the plush of your hips. “Seishu – “ a plea poured from your throat, your hands thrown over your face as Inui covered your chest in open-mouthed kisses and darkening marks. “I know, pretty girl,” he mumbled into your skin, cobalt blue washing over your body as his eyes fluttered to yours. You wondered if he really knew? If he knew how much your heart craved his, craved him? You did not know where the dark creeping fear of his departure crawled from, but now that it had set up the cage around your love, you could only clutch at its cold bars.
“Look at me when I love you, angel,” he commanded through the cracks in your fingers, his words dragging your hands from your face. You clutched at the pillow beneath your head, your knuckles drawn pale when Inui sucked a teasing kiss onto your nipple. “Good girl,” he laid a final kiss to your sternum, before shuffling the sheets down to pool at the foot of the mattress. He crouched between your spread and shivering thighs, still shaking with last night’s loving. His cock lay hot against his Adonis belt, the cream of his lust pearled onto the porcelain skin of his lower abdomen. One rough hand circled his length, giving it a few tugs at the sight of you splayed out beneath him.
Your knees began to close, covering your cunt at the thought of Inui’s cock stretching into you once more. The muscles of your thighs ached, and your lower abdomen sobbed, especially at the possibility of his penetration without preparation. Inui’s sure and steady stare understood the fear blossoming behind your eyes, and, with one hand still pumping languidly at his cock, he dropped a chaste kiss to your knee.
“Come on, love, open up for me,” he asked, his other hand slipping between your thighs to whisper his thumb over your cunt. You whimpered, but tentatively obeyed, shifting to sit up on your elbows when Inui sank his shoulders down between your legs. “’m sore, Seishu,” you mumbled, flinching when Inui’s thumbs plunged into the plush flesh of your inner thighs. “I know, angel,” Inui shuffled you up the mattress, shouldering your thighs whilst lying on his stomach. “Lemme look after you, yeah?” his eyes flashed vibrant blue at you, “lemme make my pretty girl feel better.” He wrapped his hands around your thighs and hips, holding your pussy in place in front of his face. You nodded hazily, only to receive a muted pinch to your skin. “Ask nicely for me, love,” his teeth grazed the satin of your inner thigh, “I gotta hear you ask for me, my pretty girl,” his tongue praised you with velvet lapping, his mouth just a murmur away from where you wanted him, where you needed him. His breath fell cold on your slick-saturated folds, and you felt yourself clench around nothing. “Please, Seishu,” you asked, “please make me feel better,” you breathed. Inui’s eyes glimmered, and his golden locks fell in sunlit shades over his forehead. “That’s it, love,” he purred, “do you want my mouth, pretty girl?” “Yes, Seishu, please,” you sighed as his lips kissed your clit, “want your mouth, Seishu, want you –“ Want your heart, want you forever.
And you had him. You had Inui Seishu knelt at your feet, head bowed to your glory, eyes drowned in reverence of your majesty. But reality evaded your own imagination, and rueful ice flooded through your veins. As the sun had sidled over the horizon, so had your fears of regret risen in your heart. What if this was only a single night of happiness? What if Inui regretted the night before? What if the whispered words shared between the two of you and the moon were nothing more than wishes to be swept away on the wind? Your heart thumped an anxious tattoo within your chest, almost stuttering in anticipation of your bedpartner’s abrupt departure with the morning light.
But Inui had stayed, pulling you closer to snuggle deeper into his warmth. He had stayed, and now he lay between your legs, lavishing you with his delicate tongue and dexterous touch. He started softly, puffing little gasps of air onto your sensitive pussy, his mouth curled into a smile at your whines. He followed with a series of kisses up your legs to your clit, his lips slipping between your folds to suck on your sweetness. He explored you with his tongue, dipping the tip past your tight entrance, fucking the muscle into your weeping slit. He gradually descended into a symphony of slurps and hums, creating his own paradise from your pleasure. What if that paradise was just a mirage?
“Keep your eyes on me, angel,” he demanded, blinking at you and you keened in acquiescence, fighting the urge to tilt back your head in bliss. Warmth blossomed within the cradle of your hips, encouraged by the heat of Inui’s mouth and the gentle words pouring in wine from between his lips. “You taste so good, love, so sweet,” he rumbled, “are you sweet f’me, pretty girl? This pussy is just f’me, yeah?” you could only nod and moan in response, enraptured by the building tension in your core, by the rhythmic lapping of Inui’s tongue over your clit, heightened by the tight press of his fingers into your cunt. A groan bubbled in your throat as he pushed into your walls, the tip of his digits just brushing the pressure point deep within your silky plush. “Yeah? That good?” Inui’s tongue circled your clit, spelling out his name across your sensitivity. Your climax came at you in a slow wave, the tingling spreading from your torso to your toes to the tips of your fingers, scrunched into your sheets. “Seishu,” you huffed, “gonna cum, wanna cum,” you teetered, static running through your veins, your muscles tightening into iron around Inui’s touch, your nerves skittering away with an anxious scurry. “Then cum f’me, pretty girl,” he sucked hard on your clit, the final push to orchestrate your gradual fall, letting you drift in a blue-stained wash of warmth and pleasure. Your thighs twitched and shook whilst Inui still fucked you open on his fingers, using your climax to push your walls in preparation for him. He praised you, pulling you back to him, his golden tones your lighthouse guide from the storm of his sin.
Inui crawled back up to tease you with your taste, slipping his tongue past your teeth until your arousal filled your kiss. His arms curled around you and you found yourself latching onto him, your legs looped around his waist. Salt lined your eyes, your fears forming in large drops along your lash line. “Are you gonna leave me?”
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tr flowers: @cursedmoonchild @issamomma @ravenina14 @sujiko @mrskisaki @scatoru @iridescesara @rinnsenpai @ransbatongobrr @demonslover @deajanew @rinrinfoxy @peepeepoopoot @nsiversi @randombackgroundcharactersworld @maltate123 @twochainsandrollies @eriskaitto @haruphilia
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when vacationing in florida:
tips from a born and raised floridian
wear (reef safe) sunscreen
this is a given y’all. if you’re out in the sun for longer than 10-15 minutes you need to have sunscreen on and re-apply every hour. let it soak in for about 30 minutes before you go into water. if you don’t you will get a nasty sunburn, and skin cancer isn’t fun either but it takes a lot of sunburns to get to that point. however, you can get sun poisoning from one really bad sunburn. sun poisoning, or photodermatitis, is a form of allergic contact dermatitis which is your skin having an allergic reaction to sun exposure. it can lead to swelling, difficulty breathing, burning sensations, an itchy red rash that looks like small blisters, skin peeling, nausea, and itchy brown/orange tinted blotches that mostly appear on your face/neck area and can stay there for days after the initial poising.
see the point on reef safe sunscreen to learn more about why you need to use reef safe sunscreen.
take your jewelry off before going in the ocean. sharks are attracted to jewelry, blood, and things like surfboard or boogie boards that make you look like a seal
sharks don’t eat people on purpose, they can’t see very well so they rely on their sense of smell, to smell blood, and their limited vision which mistakes shiny jewelry for shiny fish scales and boards for seals due to the similar shape. sharks do something called sensory biting, meaning they will bite you to see if you are food. don’t do things that make you look like food.
avoid swimming at night
during the day sharks tend to stay out past the sand bar, an area off the shore where sand has built up to a platform. however, at night they move closer to the shore, so try to avoid night swimming. and because the moon is out, the waves are always bigger and rougher.
stingray shuffle
the stingray shuffle is getting your feet buried slightly under the sand in the ocean and shuffling your feet aa you walk, hence the name. depending on what time of year you come it may be stingray season and it’s recommended to do this during that time to avoid getting stung.
be cautious of currents
currents can move you every which way and suddenly your 30 feet away from your set up on the sand. currents can also move you out to sea which can be extremely dangerous. so if you notice a tugging feeling or notice that your further away from your stuff, watch yourself to make sure you don’t stray to far away.
try not to shave the day of going into the water and try not to enter the water with open wounds
while oceans aren’t as bad as lakes when it comes to bacteria, they are still very bacteria filled and you can get an infection real quick. so shave a day or two before and make sure your wounds are closed because some infections can lead to rashes, bubbles, or even amputation.
check for red tide and research it
red tide isn’t talked about very often but it is disgusting. red tide is discolored sea water caused by toxic red dinoflagellates (microorganisms). it kills tons of sea life which causes said dead sea life to wash up on beaches and float in the water which attracts predators like sharks and big fish. it also releases toxins into the air which makes it hard to breathe, and for people with asthma or any other respiratory problems this can cause serious illness. the west coast of florida is dealing with some red tide right now if you want to research it.
try not to honk at people while driving
this is something taught in other southern states as well, and my parents taught it to me when i was learning to drive. if you honk at someone you are running the risk of being followed and shot. a lot of people have guns down here and they aren’t afraid to use them. now this will not happen every time you honk, i have been in cars where the driver has honked and nothing happened. but it’s better to be safe than sorry because some people don’t know how to handle their road rage.
prepare for the humidity
i know your weather app says that it’s 85 degrees but it feels like 93 when you go outside because of the humidity. that’s why florida people wear layers.
rain does not last as long here as it does in northern states
if it starts raining your day is not ruined. in florida , unless there is a hurricane or tropical storm, rain storms normally only last for like 20-30 minutes at a time. if there is a little group of them you will get spurts of rain and no rain for like an hour or two at most. when there are big storms they normally last for a couple hours, but we don’t get storms like that super often.
gator safety
something that it taught in all florida elementary schools, if an alligator is chasing you run in one direction for 10-15 feet, then make a hard turn in another direction and repeat (this is what we mean when we say running in zigzags, not like hopping side to side as you run), if an alligator has a grip on one of your limbs or someone else’s, plug your fingers or something else up it’s nose so it’s forced to open its mouth the breathe, and don’t touch gator babies, the mom can and will come for you.
shark safety
also something that is taught in all florida elementary schools, but shark safety is more common knowledge than gator safety. it a shark has a grip on you, punch them in the nose. it’s a sensitive point and they normally release you and swim away. as previously mentioned, sharks don’t like to eat people, they don’t think we taste good. so unless it’s starving sharks won’t try to eat a human that they can tell is a human. however if you don’t follow the previously stated shark safety tips, they may mistake you for a fish or seal.
unless you’re on a private beach, spots on the sand are first come first serve
just because you had a spot yesterday does not mean you have that spot for the rest of your vacation, that’s not how the beach works. you have to get there early if you want a specific spot.
don’t touch the manatees
manatees are an endangered species, meaning that you can not touch them. it’s illegal. that being said, if the manatee floats it’s happy round little self over to you and touches you then that’s fine, you can’t control what the manatee does. but if you actively swim towards and reach for the manatee and someone with a legal standing or a life guard sees you, you can get in trouble.
most sea life is not violent until provoked
manatees are not violent at all, they just float there, that’s why they’re endangered. but creatures like sharks and stingrays are not dangerous unless they think your there to fight or they mistake you for food. that’s why you stingray shuffle, because if you step on a stingray it will see you as a threat and sting you. and that’s why you take the shark prevention seriously so they don’t mistake you for food.
dolphin safety; admire from a distance
oh but dolphins are nice! wrong! dolphins are very dangerous creatures, just not in all the same ways that sharks are. they are one of the only creatures on the planet aside from humans who do malicious things knowing that they are malicious. dolphins at swim with experiences have given humans lacerations and broken bones. they are still predators and while it only happens rarely, dolphins do bite and attack people. dolphins are incredibly smart, strong, and fast. if they feel threatened they will swim at you full force and hit you with their head/body as hard as they possibly can. one woman named valerie ryan was hit by a dolphin which resulted in six spinal fractures, a damaged lung, and ptsd. dolphins are civil for the most part, but they are astonishingly smart and strong, and will attack if provoked or threatened, so it’s better to avoid close contact with them and admire from a distance or from a boat.
get reef safe sunscreen
all spray sunscreens and quite a few lotions contain toxic chemicals that are contributing to killing reefs. australian gold makes botanical reef safe sunscreen with spfs from 30 to 70, and they make a spray with the smallest amount of the toxic chemical that they can if you desperately need a spray. get reef safe sunscreen. it doesn’t matter if you’re not swimming in the ocean all run off from showers, sinks, toilets, and other water systems ends up in the ocean. so even if you spend the day in the city or at a theme park, if you come home a wash off that sunscreen it will end up in the ocean.
theme park tips
bring a mini battery powered or chargeable fan or you will wish that you did. watch the weather, if it looks like it’s going to rain head to a restaurant and eat lunch or dinner, by the time you’re done the rain will most likely be over. do what you want to do the most or what normally has the longest line right when the park opens, the line will be the shortest then. download the park apps to monitor the wait times for rides and to see if any are closed, delayed, or virtual line only. if you plan on buying souvenirs do so an 2-3 hours before the park closes, this way you won’t have to carry the bags around all day and you can beat the closing crowd. try to plan your route ahead of time so that you won’t be walking to and fro because someone wanted to do this ride that’s on the other side of the park and after that someone else wants to do a ride that’s right by the place you were before, if you don’t your feet will hurt like a mf at the end of the day and you’ll waste time walking all over the place. bring a travel sized deodorant, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, period products, and anything else you may need that they might not sell.
theme parks with kids (courtesy of my mother)
bring your own snacks and water (you’re allowed). once again, mini fan. frog togs are another way to keep kids cool without having to do much cause you just like put it on their neck. find a rest spot, my mom said that when she and my dad would take us to theme parks when we were little they had designated rest spots where they would sit and let us nap, eat snacks, and cool off in the shade. put a bead bracelet on your child with your name, their name, and your number on it if your worried that they may get lost. make reservations, hungry kids are no fun, and if they have to sit and wait for a restaurant for a long time they will get hangry, making a reservation around the time that they normally get hungry is a way to avoid this. bring a change of clothes.
think that’s all, and enjoy your vacation lol
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atombombbagel · 4 years
Companions reactions to sole dying
So I’m trying to get back into this which is way harder thanI thought it would be, it find that I have no motivation to do anything thesedays and writing doesn’t come as naturally to me as it used to, so I ask thatyou bear with me. I will add all of the companions to this eventually, like I’mprobably going to add one at a time. It’s been hard but I’m trying. I hope youenjoy it.
 Obviously by the request there’s angst, there’s a warninghere somewhere, if you don’t like reading about this sort of thing… you don’thave to. AND… this is kind of AU… AND spoilers to the end of the game… kind of?So, if you haven’t finished playing the main story… do that first 😊
“Ok, we’re all set. Its finally over.” Preston announced ashe tapped a dew keys on the terminal in front of him. He turned around to faceSole. “You ready?” He asked before noticing something was slightly off.
“You need to go,” Sole said with a fragile voice, Prestonalmost hadn’t heard what they had said. Sole held out their arm and stretchedout their fingers. “I almost hadn’t realised what it was.”
Preston took a small tube from Sole’s hand, his browsfurrowed in confusion.
“What is it?” He asked examining the empty tube. Sole bittheir lip.
“It’s a strain of the forced evolutionary virus. When I wasexploring before I found an abandoned lab dedicated to the research anddevelopment of it.” A confused expression remained on Preston’s face. Solecontinued, “When we were attacking the room with the reactor, just before I setthe charge, a courser injected this into my leg.”
Preston’s face softened as he realised what Sole had meant.
“I can’t leave the institute. I need you to finish this.”Sole was choking back tears. “I need you to take Shaun back to Sanctuary andbring back hope to the people. I know you-.”
“How can I do this without you?” Preston interjected, hisvoice cracking as he looked at Sole. Sole reached for him, cupping his cheek intheir hand. Preston relaxed into their touch.
“You can.” Sole backed up.
“What if there is a way to reverse-”
“I met a supermutant, a former institute scientist whodeliberately injected himself with his own virus to escape that retched place. Therewas a cure, the only cure… his cure. I don’t want to become one of them, yousee what they do to people. Virgil and Strong are different somehow but what ifI turn out like the rest of them? What if I can’t stop myself?”
Preston nodded; he knew that Sole would never risk anybody’ssafety even if the chanced were at the lowest percentage. He loved that aboutthem.
“I love you,” Preston whispered and Sole nodded sadly, holdingback tears.
“I love you too,” Sole paused, “Now go and protect our people.”
With a flash and a slightly tingly sensation, Preston was lookingover the Commonwealth. He was looking out at the dilapidated, broken buildings,that although destroyed, with this nightmare over they provided everyone with abeacon of hope for the future. One without the terror and the kidnappings ofthe Institute. Sure, there were other monstrosities out there, but this wasprogress.
“Preston? Where is Sole?” Preston was pulled out of histhoughts by that all too familiar voice. Sturges. He turned around with apained look etched across his face. One that told Sturges immediately of Sole’sfate. “Sole was brave and kind, hell they were the bravest person I’ve ever met,”He added.
Preston looked down at the ground. He moved his hand so ithovered over that dreaded red button, but he couldn’t bring himself to pressit. Sturges reached for his shoulder giving it a firm but reassuring squeeze.He told Preston with his eyes that he would do it. He backed up against the wall,he was unable to cry, unable to talk, he could only think of his lost love, turningand completely alone. He felt a sense of numbness, a sense of guilt that he’dfelt once before. Quincy. Only this time he felt like maybe he could have donesomething, he could of killed the synth before he had the chance, he could havetaken the shot of FEV for Sole, he could have stopped the whole thing and letthe Brotherhood deal with this mess. Or maybe, what fate intended is as itshould be. But all he knew was that Sole was gone and he felt empty.
The area was said to be abandoned, a scavenger from Sanctuaryhad informed Sole that the area was clear and full of salvage. Which was greatnews, they were low on ammunition and that gaping hole in the fence needed tobe fixed for the safety of the settlement. Hancock accompanied Sole to the building,but let’s be honest, he followed Sole everywhere. It was a tall building, anold factory which a few stories of offices above it.
“This seems to good to be true,” Hancock mumbled under hisbreath as Sole reached for the door handle. Sole shot him an optimistic look, alook that made Hancock break and smile, a look that he had come to appreciate andlove. “You’d think a gold mine like this would have been cleared out by now.”
Sole knew Hancock was probably right, but they couldn’t affordto pass up on an opportunity like this. They needed this find. Sole slowlyturned the door handle and peered inside the room, to listen for any movementbut the coast was clear. Hancock followed Sole inside, his hairless brows creasingas he immediately noticed a ticking sound.
“Sole? What is-”
Hancock had been interrupted by a loud explosion. Dust anddebris now blocked the entrance they’d come through and the opposite side, sealingthem in a small space. Sole heaved and coughed as they tried to get the dirt outfrom their lungs.
“Hancock?” Sole croaked standing up and brushing themselfoff. They turned around to see the red coat wearing ghoul on the ground coveredin trash and rubble. Sole knelt in front of him. “Hey… are you alright?” Sole rantheir fingers down the rough skin on his face. Hancock coughed and nodded. Heleaned up on his elbows.
“What the fuck was that?” He said in bewilderment. Solenoticed his voice sounded raspier than usual.
“I’m not sure.” Sole looked around, “I think maybe a tripmine or something, I didn’t see it.”
“What is that?” Hancock squinted as he looked up at the nowcrumbling ceiling. A green mist floated in the air above them. Hancock heardclicking. He looked at Sole’s arm.
“Shit,” Sole mumbled tapping their pip-boy.
“That thing is going crazy.” Hancock noted referring to the Geigermechanism inside the pip-boy.
“We need to get out of here. There is an insane amount ofradiation in the air.” Sole panicked, the clicking increasing with every passingsecond. Sole started picking at the rubble by the door in which Hancock helpedbut their efforts proved futile.
Minutes, no… hours ticked by and still no luck, they weretired and they were trapped.
“I knew something felt off,” Hancock mumbled, “I think thiswas a sick trap. Who was the scavenger who told you about this place?” Hancocklooked over at Sole. He noticed their gaunt pale skin, the life being suckedout of them.
“I don’t feel so good,” Sole whispered before doubling overand heaving before vomiting on the ground in front of them. Hancock dropped tohis knees beside Sole, rubbing their back.
“C’mon Sunshine,” He continued comforting Sole, but he knewdeep down that if they didn’t get out of there soon… it would end badly. He hadto act quickly. Hancock stood back up and tried to pull himself up through theroof knowing his body could stand the radiation. As he managed to pull hisupper body through the hole, his hand slipped which caused more debris to fall fromabove, pushing him back down to the ground and blocking their only exit. Therewas no escape, no hope. He looked back down at Sole, his face dropping.
Sole was lying on their side in the foetal position, blood tricklingfrom their nose. Sole coughed and puked, their vomit laced with blood. Hancocksat down against the wall and pulled Sole into his lap, holding them againsthim.
“This is all my fault,” He cried quietly, rocking his loverin his lap. “I knew. I knew and I let you go in anyway.” He kissed the top ofSole’s head. “Why! Why did I let you go in?!” He shouted angrily at himself, disturbingthe rubble once again, being showered in a layer of dust.
“Hancock…” Sole croaked their voice hoarse and weak.
“Shh. It’s okay Sunshine. It’s going to be okay.” Soleheaved in his lap. He stroked their hair. Tears streamed down Hancock’s face. “Ilove you so much Sunshine. You…” he paused, “You are the best thing that’s happenedto me, you’ve brought me a happiness I didn’t think I deserved. I- I love you.”He threw his head against the wall. Sole was muttering gibberish.
“Shaun? Where’s Shaun? Where’s my baby?” Sole choked out, theirbreathing heavy and coarse.
“He’s safe don’t worry, he’s asleep in his cot. He’ll bethere when you wake up.” Hancock slowly pressed his gun against Sole’s temple,his tears dripping onto Sole’s greened face. He closed his eyes.
I’m not crying… you are… 
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Top Reasons behind a Leaking Shower
A poorly maintained or a leaking shower can be a major nuisance and a mother of several other problems in the bathroom. Because of this problem, the walls can become saturated and also the plaster can start bubbling out and not to mention that the paint will also start getting damaged in some days. There are several reasons why you could experience a leaking shower in your bathroom and some of them have been listed here.
Fatigued, aged or cracked movement joints
Cracked, fatigued or missing grout
Cracked tiles
Leaking pipes
Repairs and Maintenance to Leaking Shower
According to shower sealing experts, in terms of leaking shower services, the first step involves a quick visual inspection as this would give an overview of the reason behind the leakage.
As a homeowner, if you cannot determine anything, it’s better to call a leaking shower expert for the inspection, as he would be able to trace the reason and also the kind of solutions needed in the area.
These professionals will carry out pressure test, as this would give an exact idea of the areas of a leaking shower in the area.
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Cracking to the Grout
One more reason behind a leaking shower is the cracked grout that actually gets fatigued with time and eventually breaks to generate cracks.
In case, the cracks are more intensive, it is wise to remove and replace all the grout.
However, for this you will first have to clean the shower and then, remove the grout carefully and install new grout cleanly and neatly.
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Cracked Tiles
Cracked tiles is one of the most prominent reasons behind a leaking shower and if this is the reason why you are experiencing the same, you will have to get the tiles replaced.
 New tiles will get installed in place of the old ones using an adhesive and in this situation, the surrounding grout is re-instated and the grout sealed.
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fraink5-writes · 4 years
From Darkness Into the Lantern Light - Chapter 10
We’ve reached chapter 10 and the most iconic scene of the movie!! YAY!!
Thanks to @leio13 for enabling this!
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a cold-hearted queen. Although the Tsaritsa, as she was called, possessed her own divinity, she coveted the powers of the other Archons. Aiming to steal the Geo Archon’s gnosis, she sent her strongest warriors to Liyue Harbor. But just when Rex Lapis was almost defeated, he escaped to another vessel, that of a powerless baby, and was swept away to a hidden tower for his protection.
Many years after the great fight, the young and ambitious Harbinger, Childe, arrives in Liyue to grant the Tsaritsa’s desire, but, on his search for the Geo Archon’s gnosis, he ends up tangled in a mysterious man’s dreams to see Liyue Harbor’s Lantern Rite.
This chapter can also be found on Ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
"Zhongli!" Ajax sprinted across the docks. Although he tried to run his errands in under 15 minutes, the sun was already halfway gone by the time he returned. "I'm back!" Ajax held out the spear he had bought. “This is for you.” Despite its hasty creation, the spear had an impressive aura with its stone shaft and its lozenge-shaped head embellished with gold. At the base of the spearhead, a golden diamond was encrusted. It was too heavy for Ajax’s tastes, but he was sure Zhongli could wield it with ease.
“Ah.” Ajax realized that Zhongli was still hanging onto the dragon kite, which he had bought him earlier. Even though it was just an impromptu gift, Zhongli’s attachment to it brought a smile to Ajax’s face. “Here, let me hold that for a moment.”
Ajax and Zhongli swapped items, and Zhongli examined the weapon in his hands. He maneuvered the polearm gracefully as though it were made of feathers. Then he fastened it against his back where the other spear used to be. “This shows impressive craftsmanship. Thank you.”
“I hardly did anything. I just thought you deserved a better polearm than that weathered old thing.” Ajax handed back the kite string. “We should get going—don’t want to miss the show.”
Zhongli tilted his head with a puzzled look, but he followed nonetheless.
Ajax lead Zhongli to a tiny rowboat amid the large ships. Atop one of the seats, two golden lanterns were waiting. “For such a momentous occasion, you deserve the best view.” He stepped into the boat and extended his arm with a small bow. Placing his hand in Ajax’s, Zhongli joined Ajax in the boat, and they set sail. 
As Ajax steered the boat far away from the tall sails and bright lights of the harbor, Zhongli stared vacantly at the dark sea. His pursed lips curled downwards. Even as he sat on the same boat as Ajax, his mind had drifted somewhere distant. 
“Zhongli?” Ajax asked. “What’s wrong? Are you seasick?”
“Seasick? No, I am in good physical condition; however, I can’t ignore my apprehension.”
“Apprehension? What for?”
Zhongli gazed at the tiny dragon soaring alone in the night sky. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve yearned to see the Lantern Rite. Now I’m here. What if it doesn’t meet my expectations?”
“It will.”
“How can you be so certain?”
“Have you been disappointed by Liyue Harbor so far?”
“No. In fact, it has exceeded my expectations.”
“Then there’s no way this will disappoint either!” Ajax seized Zhongli’s hands. “I promise. And we Snezhnayans don’t take promises lightly.”
The smallest smile floated briefly on Zhongli’s face before disappearing. “Say the Rite is everything I dreamed it would be, what happens when it’s inevitably over?”
“When it’s over?” Ajax let out a laugh. “What’s the point in worrying about that now?” In reality, Ajax had pondered over that very question many times, but he dreaded the future’s imminent arrival.
The frown on Zhongli’s face grew deeper.
“Why, the answer is obvious!” Ajax frantically changed approaches. “You find a new dream!”
Zhongli held his chin and furrowed his eyebrows. Given the chance, he would try to discover his next dream on their isolated boat.
“But you don’t have to decide that right away! Or even after the lanterns!” Ajax interrupted. “In fact, life’s greatest pleasures can only be found without a plan. The thrills, the battles—it’s in these unexpected adventures that you find yourself—and then, before you know it, you’ve discovered your new dream! That’s what makes life worth living—isn’t it wonderful?” Ajax beamed, excitement bubbling with him.
“Is that the philosophy that brought you to my tower?”
“Exactly! That’s why you shouldn’t worry about the future just yet.”
“Thank you. But I think I’ve already found one.”
“Found what?”
Zhongli’s eyes smiled gently. “A new dream.”
“Huh? What is it?”
“Isn’t it too early to be concerned with such matters?” Zhongli smirked victoriously.
Ajax pouted for all but a moment. He had succeeded in cheering up Zhongli, and, for that, he could smile.
When darkness had definitively settled over Liyue Harbor, the Rite began. Starting at Yujing Terrace, the flood of light poured across Feiyun Slope and into Chihu Rock before lifting into the night sky. Thousands of golden lanterns twinkled above the city and drifted slowly towards the sea like a parade of stars, their reflections dancing across the waves. 
Ajax and Zhongli wordlessly released their lanterns into the air, but, at that moment, Zhongli’s kite escaped his grasp and flew away. To Ajax’s relief, Zhongli smiled watching the freed dragon join the vagrant lights. 
As the wind currents slowed, Ajax and Zhongli were enveloped by a rain of glowing warmth. Ajax doubted he would get the chance to witness such a spectacle again. The image, which even the gentlest breeze or raindrop threatened to extinguish, printed itself in the depths of Ajax’s brain.
But the most exquisite beauty was Zhongli. The lanterns showered his dark hair in golden light, but each lantern was only a dull reflection of the dazzling amber in his eyes. The delighted curve of his lips enchanted Ajax’s perception. Even if the light of the lanterns disappeared within minutes, Ajax would willingly forget it all if it meant seeing that face for longer.
Slowly the lamps accumulated around the small boat like a blossoming field of glowing flowers. They waltzed together in sync with the waves. When the number of lanterns in the water outnumbered the ones lingering in the sky, Zhongli’s stoic face returned. “Ajax. Thank you for showing me the Lantern Rite.”
“No problem—it was my pleasure,” Ajax forced out. “Why the sudden formality?”
“It’s time for your remuneration.”
“Re...mune...ration?” Ajax refused to follow Zhongli’s line of thought.
“I will tell you everything I know about whatever you are seeking.”
Indeed, that was the payment they had agreed on a few days ago. And after Zhongli had shared all that he knew, there was one final condition: their parting. Ajax didn’t care about the repayment; he had already found the answer, and both that answer and the future tormented him. Ajax loathed the man he was a few days ago when he made that contract. 
Then Ajax laughed, both hopeful and hopeless. The solution he came to was one he doubted Zhongli would accept, but even so, he would try. “That doesn’t matter anymore. Forget about the contract.”
Zhongli immediately frowned as Ajax expected he would. “That won’t do. Under that contract, we are bound—”
Ajax put a finger to Zhongli’s lips. “That contract was between you and Childe, remember?” His hand glided to cup Zhongli’s cheek.
“I stand corrected, Ajax.” Finally, Zhongli’s grin returned to his face. His fingers wrapped gently around Ajax’s hand. “Then, shall we create a new contract?”
“A new one?” Ajax airily laughed while brushing some of the hair from Zhongli’s face with his other hand. He tucked his hand behind his ear with a massage of his thumb. “What should it say?”
“Hmm…” In that brief pause, Zhongli’s steady amber eyes transfixed Ajax’s heart. “Will you stay by my side from now on?”
“I can agree to that.” Ajax tenderly lifted Zhongli’s face closer to his own. His lips glistened softly in the warm light. “How should we seal it?”
“Mmm.” Zhongli’s closed eyes and inviting face were his answer. His calm breaths tickled Ajax’s lips as he leaned in.
But then Ajax’s attention was yanked by a suspicious light from the coast accompanied by a masked person. Much as he wished to ignore it, he couldn’t deny its familiarity; he had worn a similar mask almost everyday until yesterday. Why now…?
“Ajax?” Zhongli’s eyes cracked open.
“I’m sorry. I…” Ajax let go of Zhongli. “Something came up that I have to take care of.”
“What happened?”
Ajax averted his eyes as he recommenced rowing. “It’ll be over soon, so please. Can you wait on the boat?”
“I understand.” Ajax had lost Zhongli’s smile; it had disappeared behind another distant frown.
After docking the boat in a hidden spot, Ajax hastily stood up. “I’ll be back soon, and then I won’t leave again.” I promise. He couldn’t bring those words to his lips as he turned and left.
When Ajax arrived at the source, he was confronted by the site of two easily recognizable agents in white and purple: Andrei and Ekaterina. “What are you two doing here?”
“It’s quite simple,” Andrei answered. “We used our diplomatic immunity to get out of prison, just as you told us.”
“About that day…” Ajax forced his cowardly eyes to regard their faces. “I’m sorry.”
“Enough of the pretexts, Master Childe,” Ekaterina interrupted. “We’re only interested in your partner.”
Ajax’s body tensed. “My partner?”
“We know all about it: the magic hair.”
Ajax seized Andrei’s collar, lifting him from the ground. “How did you find out about him?”
Andrei choked. “...The.. lady—”
“I was the one who informed them,” Yet another familiar, condescending voice chimed in, “Tartaglia.”
Ajax dropped Andrei and whipped around. “What are you doing here, bitch?!”
“How terribly rude… After I came all this way to salvage your mission. Surely, even a simpleton like you must have realized you were supposed to take him to Zapolyarny Palace—not Liyue Harbor.”
“How do you know about him?!”
“Hah! Who could know Zhongli better than his dear mother?”
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babysackville · 4 years
Monday 21st July 1828
1 ¾
Wrote the last 10 lines and breakfast at 10 55/60 – settled my accounts in about ½ hour and has just done this at 1 ¼ - heavy showers on or [?] was going by boat to Dunstaffrage – off at 1 55/60 to the little pier and then embarked a small light boat with 2 rowers at 2 5/60 – landed at Dunolly castle at 2 25/60 finely situated close to the water or a rock perpendicular on 3 sides, but not apparently basaltic – more like sandstone – all around breccior-rock coast – (270/415) walked up to the house – a [?] minute or 2 there – saw the dowager Mrs McDougal and her daughter Colina who have now a small house in York and the young Laird’s wife (large in a family way, her boy is 10 months old) a Miss Timmins of Chaltenham an only daughter of a Captain of an Indian-man - £7000 [?] may have about £30,000 – Mc.Dougal of Mc.Dougal a commander in the Navy the estate £1,200 a year – the jointure perhaps £200 a year, the girls portions £1000 each – Colina at 24 to be well married in autumn – the oldest son killed in Spain.
Miss Colina walked up with us to the castle (the small white house just at it’s foot) – chiefly pulled down by the great great grandfather of the present Mc.Dougal to built the house – almost nothing therefore remaining but the gutted square tower – a new garden made at the foot of the rock, close to the shore (water’s edge) – a small cave discovered with skeleton standing upright hanging against the rock (very small skull – very narrow brow) and the appearance of another cave (still unopened) close by – these caves supposed to have communicated with what was the prison – they were discovered 6 or 8 months ago in sinking and levelling for the garden
Old Mrs MacD once found guilty of stealing lace in a shop and her daughter Louisa stole all sorts of things at Redford, this history brought on by my observing Mrs MacDs saying that she and the Bromptons in York ‘were thick as thieves’ – 
The McDougals asked us to dinner but we declined the invitation – said we were not quite well and were hurried - off from Dunolly castle at 3 5/60 – land at Dunstaffnage castle at 4 12/60 founded on a promontory of breccior-rock (the foundation seen unequally rising and falling according to the unequal surface of the rock but not a very ‘bold’ one – vide. Scottish Tourist 269-70/415. a square building having 3 round towers at 3 of its corners – sad ruined staircase by which one ascends to the modern, poor, shabby, comfortless white house within the square – a large tree growing in the north round tower – the south ditto seems to have been 1 there habitable parts now quite gutted - ramparts round the square, or curtain [?] the young Laird (the heir to his uncle now and long madman in confinement) there today – talks of pulling down the old house and building a new one within the square – went to the chapel – no roof – quite a ruin – but a public burying place still – Tried the echo, too along the rock near the chapel – re-embarked and off from Dunstaffnage at 5 – fine view of Loch Nell, (Dunstaffnage castle at the mouth of Loch Etive) Lismore backed by the hills of Morven so as to seem the very foot of them – the Gold mouth coast of Mull down to Loch Buy, and the picturesque highish breccia coast towards Oban – Dunolly finely situated – 
Isle of Kerera finely shuts the in the excellent harbour of Oban, a very pretty good white village very prettily built around the bay – land near the Inn at 6 25/60, having had very fine weather, the sea as smooth as glass – like a nappe d’eau [water table] – never saw on eastern coast Scarborough sea so smooth – broad white weed here and there and starfish, at the bottom (and blister fish floating midway) a fathom or more deep close under the dark breccia rock resting on light sandstone? covered with shells – about ½ way home from Dunstaffnage saw a curiously ruffled patch in the water – twas a little shoal of maccarel – 2 seals too, in the water close in shore – on landing, went for a minute or 2 to see McDonald’s sister Mrs Waddell a very young-looking woman married most respectably to the baker here – got back to the Inn at 6 33/60 – Dinner at 7 ¼ - sat talking till 10 ½ then wrote all but the 1st few lines (11 lines written before dinner) of today which took me till 11 – Dull day but fair till 1 – then near an hours rain afterwards very fine afternoon and evening – 
Went to her bed from twelve and twenty minutes to one and three quarters very long kiss very comfortable to her at first and really good to me –  
(Dairy reference: SH7MLE110036 & SH7MLE110037)
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sealemsolutions · 1 year
Exterior Maintenance Guide: The Importance of Routine Caulking for Commercial Buildings.
If you own a commercial property, you’ll already be aware of the importance of routine exterior maintenance. One key element of this is Caulking. It’s more than just aesthetics, however – and not doing so can cost you money, as well as the comfort of those working there.
Keep reading on to find out why caulking is important for commercial buildings.
What is Caulking? Caulking uses a material called ‘caulk’ which is used to seal gaps around doors, windows, and other building materials. They are similar to sealants, but unlike sealants, caulks are more suitable for areas that don’t expand or contract. Caulks harden after drying and are applied via a caulking gun. When applied at a professional level like which Seal’em Solutions does, they blend in with the surrounding area seamlessly. Acrylic caulk can also be painted over. Caulks are versatile enough to be applied to virtually any material.
There are different types of caulk, each more suited to different specific surfaces and dryness. These include:
Painters Caulk/Acrylic Latex – Placed over small holes and cracks before being painted over. It is one of the most affordable caulks available.Acrylic Tile Sealant – Suited to wet areas, it works well for simple repairs and patches.Pure Silicone – Suited to wet areas such as showers, Pure Silicone is mildew and mould resistant and can effectively last for decades.Vinyl Latex – Similar in qualities to Painters Caulk but lasts longer. It is suitable for outdoors. The Benefits of Caulking for Your Exterior Caulking Prevents Water Damages. A simple leak might seem insubstantial on your commercial building’s exterior, but over time it can lead to water damage can be costly to repair. This can also lead to mould. Through expertly applied caulking, you can avoid this without issue. You Can Prevent Insects from Entering Your Building. Even some gaps or cracks in your building’s exterior can lead to insects finding their way into your commercial building. Your best bet is to have these caulked sooner than later.Caulking Gaps Prevents the Buildup of Dust and Allergens. Especially for those with allergies, an uncaulked gap can be problematic due to allergens coming in from outside and causing respiratory problems.Caulking Can Improve Your Commercial Building’s Value. By handling cracks and gaps through effective caulking, you can raise the value of your commercial building. Why You Should Hire a Caulking Specialist Like Seal’em Solutions Hiring a Caulking Specialist such as Seal’em Solutions ensures that your caulking is completed seamlessly, effectively and with superior results that last for many years to come. By attempting to apply caulking ‘DIY’, this runs the risk of using cheap or unreliable materials which will only lead to more issues down the line.
Seal’em Solutions provides a personalized solution, providing a Caulking and Joint Sealing Specialist service that is fast and implements the best techniques, tools, and materials. Our fully licensed and highly experienced Professionals are ready when you are to provide you with superior service. We have caulking services in Brisbane, Gold Coast, etc.
Contact us today for a Free Consultation at 1300 377 577
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wskaustralia01-blog · 5 years
WSK Australia
Need Frameless Shower Doors Brisbane? Call our experts now!!!
WSK Australia are pioneers in present day Shower Screens for your bathrooms. Regardless of whether you need the engineering look of frameless glass Shower Screens or the commonsense and tough completely confined or semi-surrounded alternative, WSK Australia have the information and experience to assemble your Frameless Shower Doors Brisbane with a quality completion that will keep going for quite a long time. Do you have to evacuate the current shower screen? Our master installers can offer a full expel and supplant administration. Ask us now! Frameless Shower Screens assist you with accomplishing a refined, smooth plan, causing your Bathroom to seem greater and more brilliant with an easily current touch. The frameless look is accomplished with elastic seals set in the shower screen or entryway, bringing about less places for shape or earth to collect.
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Bathroom extras are an essential segment to be given high respect and centered tender loving care, as these adornments consolidating and mixing in with the remainder of the restroom is the thing that will think about the primary hardware introduced in your restroom, for example, the shower or bath and your restroom vanity territory. Aluminium Bifold Doors Brisbane will particularly influence the general mood of your Bathroom, as they stand upstanding, encasing the shower segment of your space and catching eye directly from the beginning as somebody enters the restroom.
The scope of Mirror Sliding Doors Brisbane accessible at Who Bathroom Warehouse are accessible with the goal that the best plan, structure and shading can be chosen by your own wants. Shower Screens come in the types of being frameless, semi-surrounded and confined Shower Screens, which all hold different purposes as indicated by your preferred shower screen. Call us on 1300 66 13 28 or email us at [email protected].
We also do service for Office Partitions
Useful Links
Home Builders Perth
Bathroom Renovations Gold Coast
Roof Repairs Perth
Window Cleaning Brisbane
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itsrenovators-blog · 5 years
Best Renovators Gold Coast
Gold Coast Classic Renovations
Name: Owen
Entity name: The Trustee for Gold Coast Classic Renovations Trust
Business Name: Gold Coast Classic Renovations
Address: QLD 4226
Phone No: 0411486808
BSA License: 60217
Waterproofing License: 128 Bostik
Australian Business Number (ABN): 56434858615
Website: https://www.goldcoastclassicrenovations.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gold-Coast-Classic-Renovation-270205206748193/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldcoastrenova
Google+: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bathroom+Renovations+Gold+Coast.+Bathroom+Repairs+%26+Waterproofing+Gold+Coast/@-28.0360671,153.4940943,9z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8dc6292b1fb8a7c1!8m2!3d-27.9724919!4d153.3540831
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/goldcoastrenovation/
Business Type: Renovation
About Us:
Gold Coast classic Renovations is a company that specialises in Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations, Leaking Shower Repairs and tiling services in Gold Coast, our team prides themselves on offering the highest quality in products and workmanship in today’s competitive world. We at Gold Coast Classic Renovations like to fix leaking showers the old fashion way, we remove the tiles and get back to the original structure and apply two coats of waterproofing membrane. We only use glues recommended by those manufacturers. To get a lasting Job at a best Price possible! Call us now and let’s get your Leaking Showers repaired. Fill your details in the contact us form we will contact you within 24 hrs.
Bathroom Renovation
Kitchen Renovation
Landscaping, Pools and Rockwalls
Decor and Design
Full House Renovation Inside/Out
Adding an Ensuite
Repairing Termite damage
Waterproofing Leaking Showers
Water Mitigation around the House
Balcony Repairs in Gold Coast
Leaking Showers in Gold Coast
Balcony Repairs Gold Coast
Shower Seal Gold Coast
Leaking Shower Gold Coast
Bathroom Renovations Gold Coast
Kitchen Renovations Gold Coast
Name: Andrew Walter-Girout
Business Name: Buildavate Pty ltd
Address: ROBINA QLD 4226
Phone No: 0411314748
Website: https://www.buildavate.com.au/
Business ABN: 86628134092
Business Type: Renovation
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/buildavte/
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/buildavate01/ 
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/buildavateau/
Pinterest Page: https://in.pinterest.com/buildavateau/
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-walter-girout-94769046/ 
YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7qHmG1lN3viGg7lmY4QXg
Google Maps: https://g.page/buildavte?share
Google Review: https://g.page/buildavte/review
About UsBuildavate Pty ltd is a building and renovation company specializing in designer kitchen and bathroom renovations, alteration and extension. With a keen eye for detail whether it be an interior paint job or concrete slab we have our client’s best interests at heart. We treat every job as if it were in our own personal home or office. We offer prompt and friendly service and aim for superb job satisfaction.
Home renovations, Home extensions
Kitchen renovation, Cabinet making
Laundry renovation
Bathroom renovation
Office fit out
Home Renovations Gold Coast
Bathroom Renovations Gold Coast
Kitchen Renovations Gold Coast
Office Fit outs Gold Coast
Waterproofing Gold Coast
Equinox Homes
Name: David Kellas
Business Name: Equinox Homes
Address: Po Box 375, North Beach, WA 6920
Phone: 0418515636
Builders Reg: 12018
Website: https://www.equinoxhomes.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equinoxhomeimprovements
Google Review: https://g.page/equinoxhomesau/review
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/equinoxhomeimprovements_wa/?hl=en
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/equinoxhomesaus/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/110142032810375912860
About Us:
Equinox Homes prides itself on being established custom home builders who deliver a service that encourages clients to be involved in all aspects of building, home design and construction to achieve quality, practical and functional designs. When you plan on changing or making over the bathrooms in your house in Perth, then you want the bathroom renovation service to be the best and of great quality. And this where Equinox Homes can be of great help. Right from the design phase to the different tradesmen, the woodwork, colour schemes, the fixtures and the supplies are all taken care of by our builders. We are the builders and renovators come with a vast experience in offering a range of renovation services including kitchen renovations in Perth. So, whatever it is you are looking for a custom kitchen design, a new bench top kitchen, luxury kitchen or kitchen resurfacing, rely on us for any type of renovation ideas and more.
Kitchen Renovations
Bathroom Renovations
New Builds
Home Builders Perth
Kitchen Renovations Perth
Bathroom Renovations Perth
Name: Edwin Yesid Bran Botero
Address: 163 Todman Avenue, Kensington NSW 2033
Phone No: 0428119186
Website: https://www.branprojects.com.au/
Business ABN: 75143 229 583
Business Type: PTY LTD
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/branprojects/ 
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/BranProjects 
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/branprojectsau/ 
Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com.au/branprojectsau/ 
YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeMcIX8HgwwnitXkymbMa2g
Painting Sydney. Bran Project Painting is professional painting company in Sydney. Our Painting Contractors offers an interior and exterior painting services for residential and commercial properties in Sydney. At Bran House Cleaning Sydney we love to clean and offer you a better service that’s value for money. Whatever name you may call it by house cleaning Sydney, or residential cleaning Sydney or say even domestic cleaning Sydney, you need domestic cleaners from reliable cleaning services like say, Bran Projects to take care of it for you. Bran Projects engages in office cleaning, commercial cleaning, industrial cleaning and more and our cleaner’s only motto is to ensure that whatever work is undertaken, the result is that it leaves behind the ‘touch of clean’.
Electrical Work
Floor Sanding
Mirror and Art Work
House Cleaning
Commercial Cleaning
For more services about Renovations
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