#shroud thoughts go brrr
traumxrei-archive · 2 years
I also love idol groups and would love to watch a concert with Idia- but if he starts gushing about a specific member or something I'd have to smoosh his face in my hands and be all "No. We both like idols, but you only like me, k? So no gushing over some girl in front of me, k? Cause that rouses my insecurities. I luv u, but plz no ❤️" I didn't realize how bad that sounds until after I finished typing it out. But like- if you're gonna gush over an idol, let me dress as one and gush over me instead 😭
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(referring to this post)
PLS i can imagine this happening so clearlyyy let me just *furious writing noises* :
idia was the one who got you into premo. after giving their albums a listen, you got hooked and now you go to premo concerts with him. this time, you're attending a live concert. as the concert starts up, you're arguing over which premo member is the best bc he thinks it's atropos but OBVIOUSLY it's clotho in your opinion- but he starts making heart eyes at atropos and you just gotta remind him that he has a whole ass living breathing partner next to him fjdskfj
you: idia, sweetie look at me, look at me.
idia: *literally drops his lightstick* wh-what- what's happening—?
you: i am your idol now. worship me.
[ it turned into a small drabble so. drabble below the cut hehe ]
and he's like ???? what ???? until a few weeks later you walk into his room and he starts screaming bloody murder bc "y-you can't just show up in atropos cosplay and nOT tell me about it—!! i'm losing health points as we speak- no, stand back, don't get closer ! uhm...t-tell ortho i need a rez-"
and idia faints. spectacularly. wonderfully. (he got so excited that his anemic-ass stood too quickly and wHABAM he blacked out) you catch him before he hits the ground, like the great partner that you are. two seconds later ortho bursts into the room and he's like "NII-SAN !! WHAT HAPPENED !!" and you shrug, idia settled into your arms, bc all you did is walk into the room in a costume. (you knew exactly what you did but it was fun to feign ignorance to see idia's reaction hehe)
oh and you don't forget to tell ortho that idia specifically requested a rez, so. yeah. ortho does something that looks suspiciously like he blasted a premo song in his ears. idia wakes up almost immediately, eyes snapping open. and he almost faints again bc your face was right in front of his. you were holding him. in your arms. YOU WERE HOLDING HIM BC HE FAINTED IN THE PREMO COSTUME- aaaaanndd ortho had to make him do breathing exercises to calm down jdfksjfk
@ the anonnie who sent this, sorry this ended up kinda. big. i just love bullying idia sm (lovingly ofc he's just so jfdksjf *squishes him like he's a nui*)
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hieludoboi · 4 years
Can I request feitan porter headcanons with an s/o who is very bubbly and silly and talkative but at the end of the day is very sweet and loving qksjsjwjfidjdisjfosjb ty ILY 😳😳😳
Yessiree! Short man who likes to torture make brain go brrr! 
A/n- Man, I had to do research, but sorry if these seem a bit ooc!
Pairing- Feitan/Gn!Reader
Summary- Feitan headcannons!
Warnings- I mean, not really, but it’s the phantom troupe sooo
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“Annoying very,”
“She here why?”
“When leaving?” 
Feitan was not that fond of you when you first bounced onto the scene
You weren’t a member of the troupe per say
But you followed them around because of your healing abilities
It confused Feitan at first, why would they need another healer? They had Machi, didn’t they?
It took him a minute before he finally realized why Chrollo valued you as much as he did
He’s thankful for your nen ability
He’s able to torture his victims without fear of having them die
As long as you’re there to keep them alive, he can keep having his fun
He of course appreciated your skill, but he was still very indifferent towards you
Whenever the troupe would come together to complete whatever they needed to, there you went skipping behind Chrollo, chattering and giggling as you went
He wondered how such a childish person could get such serious jobs done.
“Feitan-san! It’s so good to see you again!” 
The entire troupe practically froze when you threw yourself at him
And oddly enough, Feitan just stood there while you hugged him
How? The troupe couldn’t even begin to explain.
During missions Chrollo usually pairs you up with Feitan
He’ll be busy torturing someone, and you’ll be off to the side pacing the room while reciting jokes to Feitan
He finds them somewhat amusing
And then you ask him for help with a job outside of the troupe
While you work closely with the troupe, you’re mainly a hunter
You spend your days looking for ancient forms and techniques of medicine and treatment
And often times, interrogation is needed to get maps or secret herbs from unwilling hands.
Feitan learns a lot about you on those trips.
“Work with phantom troupe. Kill people many times, yet still find medicine for needy?”
“I serve Chrollo because he pulled me out of poverty. I’m simply repaying my debt. If it were up to me, I’d spend all my time in my village treating those who’re ill,” you had explained to Feitan as you both trekked through the dense rain forests that shrouded the continent
“Too late to leave now. Many people dead. All by you,” Feitan had pointed out, a frown on his face as he smacked a spider off of his shoulder
“A little, but I can still help people, can’t I?”
Feitan couldn’t say he agreed
It happened over time
With each mission the two of you seemed to grow closer
The entire troupe had even placed bets on the relationship
But if you were honest, neither one of you knew where the relationship stood
Feitan would join you on your hunter work
He had helped you gain many ancient techniques
He got to torture people and you occasionally saved his life
You two had spent so much time around one another, yet no one could even begin to explain what you two were
He often stayed with you in your home, and you followed him around almost everywhere
You sometimes cuddled, sometimes ate meals together, and looked out for each other fiercely
“You know, I think I might love you,” 
You were both inside a warm sleeping bag inside a small tent
Feitan had once again joined you on another journey, this time into a swamp
The night was somewhat cold, and relatively quiet
And then you piped up with your confession
Feitan had gone still, eyes just a little surprised
“Are we, like, an item? Are you my boyfriend?” 
“Was not already?” Feitan was confused to say the least
He let you hug him and grab him all the time
You were the only person who could tease him the way you did
He trusted you with his life
Hell, you had even gotten intimate with each other more than a few times
He genuinely thought you both were already sort of an item?
After that trip, not much changed
Shalnark and Pakunoda won some jenny while the other’s lost some jenny
And things carried on as usual
You’d tease and mess with Feitan all day
Help him with his interrogations
Go on trips in search of medicines
And rest comfortably in your little house situated away from the rest of society until Chrollo called upon you both for another job
Feitan guessed that life with you wasn’t all that bad
Torture and murder
It seemed romantic when you were around
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itssanamana · 7 years
The Perfect Jump Scare
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The Perfect Jump Scare
- Starring Sana
Word Count: 1392
*Halloween Special 2017
“Sana, are you sure you don’t want to come along? I know you're sick and all but I hear it’s the biggest Halloween party around! It’ll be lots of fun… last chance… coming?” Nayeon said as the other members left ahead of her. Nayeon was dressed as a red hot devil, with her horns poking out of her hair.
“I’m fine, I’m fine! I don’t want to ruin it for the rest of you guys so go enjoy yourselves! Be safe, guys!” Sana answered and shouted to her other members. They waved back in response as Nayeon shut the door. Sana smiled faintly before it vanished, she peeked outside, and watched all of her friends leave in their dazzling Halloween costumes. Momo was dressed up as a vampire, Tzuyu as a zombie, Nayeon as a devil, and Mina as a pirate. Of course I had to get sick now out of all of the times. Sigh, I guess that’s what I get for always washing my hair in the morning and leaving before it drys… Still! Ughhhh! Sana deflated and sunk into the couch as her friends were out of sight now.
“Well, maybe there’s still something that I can do around here…” Sana muttered to herself, as she pulled herself off of the couch. Being sick was the worst feeling ever, a sore throat, a throbbing headache, and a stuffy nose.
Ding dong!
Sana dragged herself towards the door, as soon as she saw the children outside dressed up in their cute costumes, she straightened herself up and smiled brightly even before opening the door.
“Trick or treat!” The three boys all announced in unison. They held up their garbage bags, their pumpkin buckets, and their spooky containers. Sana smiled warmly at them and gave them all a handful of chocolates and candy.
“Don’t eat too much! And remember to brush your teeth before you go to bed!” Sana reminded them before the kids ran off to the neighbors. She shut the door gently and decided that she should at least embrace the atmosphere of Halloween, she’d put on her costume and walk around the neighbourhood. Maybe I’ll even get to see (Y/N) hand out candy? Then again, he probably went to that party that Nayeon and the others are attending right now. Sigh, I would’ve loved to just spend the entire time at the party with him. Stupid cold, ugh. Sana thought to herself as she left the house.
“Trick or treat!” The children laughed and yelled again. You opened the door and rubbed your runny nose a little. You grinned widely and handed out lollipops and chips as you asked each and single child who they were for Halloween.
“Ah, I see, so Trevor’s supposed to be Batman, Patrick here is your sidekick, Robin, and Adam is… uh…” You said, scratching your head a little.
“I’m Joker, (Y/N)!” The five year old boy yelled, revealing a Joker card from his pocket.
“Ah… right, I gotcha now. Well, don’t stay out too long kiddos, it’s getting chilly!” You acknowledged him and exclaimed. The trio of boys vanished into the yard of the next house as their parents waved and watched them from afar. You waved back as you knew their families. Sigh, it’s getting late, maybe I should just leave the bucket out for the other kids. I hate being sick, I could’ve totally made it to that Halloween party, man, I bet my friends are having a great time there right now. I bet Sana and her friends are there too. Still, I guess I could go get some fresh air. Might do me some good, gotta bundle up though. You grabbed a jacket and a scarf, left a container of treats right outside your door, and closed the front door behind you. Brrr… jeez, I should have wore another layer or two, still, at least there’s no wind, not that bad. You walked around the block, scanning the streets and observing all of the children’s unique costumes as they sped around energetically. You smiled at the scene and continued to stroll around, then a peculiar costume caught your attention. That’s a cute hamster onesie. It’s so cold out though, I wonder if they wore extra layers underneath. Wait a minute, isn’t that Sana? What’s she doing out here by herself? I thought she was headed to that party… You ran up to her from behind quickly, seeing how she was shivering slightly.
“Sana! Hey!” You yelled out to her. She turned around slowly and rigidly from the cold, and her face immediately lit up once she saw you.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” Sana replied cheerfully.
“I could ask you the same thing… aren’t you freezing? Here, take my jacket.” You said, taking off your jacket without hesitation and draping it over Sana’s shoulders.
“No, no, look at you, you’re wearing a t-shirt, I can’t take this.” Sana said as she tried to hand back your jacket.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Let’s go back inside, no need to freeze ourselves out here.” You suggested. Sana nodded quickly and followed you back to your house. You went to the kitchen and prepared two cups of hot chocolate and passed one to Sana.
“Careful, it’s still a bit hot.” You commented, carefully passing the cup to her.
“Thank you.” Sana answered.
“So why aren’t you at that party? Did your friends go without you? I saw them leaving earlier.”
“Oh no, I got sick last minute… so I decided to stay home and rest up…”
“Yet you were outside in the cold weather wearing a hamster onesie.” You finished for her.
“Just teasing you, but yeah, that makes the two of us.” You started.
“You’re sick as well?”
“Yep. Lucky us. So… do you want to do something together? I mean it’s better than you staying home alone right?”
“Uh, sure, what did you have in mind?”
“Well, I rented out this horror movie that I was planning to watch by myself, but since you’re here we could watch it together. If you’re okay with horror movies that is.”
“It is Halloween, I’ll try my best…” Sana reluctantly said. You loaded up the movie and closed all of the lights. The movie progressed quite nicely and when the jump scares began you tried blinking your eyes really quickly to lessen the impact. Holy, how is Sana not reacting to this? I swear I’m going to get a heart attack from this. You turned to see how Sana was doing, and you found out that she had pulled down the hood from her onesie over her eyes. You laughed out loud once you saw this and Sana realized that she had been discovered.
“Oops…” Sana playfully said as she lifted her hood.
“Okay, okay, no hoods, no pillows, nothing to block our vision. Or else it’s not fair.”
“Ughhh…” Sana groaned as she leaned back onto the couch with a pillow in her arms.
“Come on…” You urged, removing the pillow from her hands. This time when the jumpscare hit, the two of you instinctively looked away from the screen to the side, and as a result, the two of you locked your eyes together. The screen went to pitch black, resulting in the entire house to be shrouded in darkness, yet the both of you knew that the other hasn’t moved. Then you slowly leaned in, and met Sana’s lips halfway. The demon jumped out from the darkness on the screen and the characters were all screaming for their lives. Despite all of the chaos and screams from the movie, you and Sana shared a warm and delicate kiss. Then Sana pulled away.
“Sorry, sorry… I, uhm…” Sana began.
“Did I do something wrong? No, don’t apologize.” You frantically said.
“No, no, not at all. I just didn’t want the background noise, you know, the screams and demonic noises to-”
You turned off the TV and now the entire house was in darkness, except for the pale moonlight that entered through the blinds and onto the sides of your faces.
“Better?” You said quietly.
“Much.” Sana smiled as you felt her hands pull your head in once again. I’m so glad I got sick. This is exactly what I wanted. The two of you thought to yourselves.
Sorry for the two week delay! I still really wanted to get a Halloween Special out there! BTW be sure check out my main blog’s (Momoring) Halloween Special as well! These two may have some connections... ;)
- itssanamana
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