#shumire love child
sumire-bride · 2 years
Sumire and Shuu's DEMO route, Shiro's story PART 2
((READ FOR TW!!! Some things in this contain SUICIDAL THOUGHTS/MENTION))
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SHIRO- ...
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Argh...! Hrmp...!!
*Shiro gets up*
*He runs out of the room*
SHIRO- Bleh...!!
Cough..! Cough..!
Aha...!! Haahh... Haha... haha... I suddenly feel tired..
(I.. Ah... I don't wanna live anymore..) Uh..
SHIRO- Nn... Hm...
(Where.. Am I..? Ah.. It's me and the jumping mouses room.. I can't move freely..) Cough.. (My throat hurts... As well as my head, not only that.. Where did the mouse run off to..?)
SHIRO- ..?
HINOTE- Ah.. Shiro-kun..! You're awake, thank god you scared me.
SHIRO- What..?
HINOTE- When I woke up you were missing, Mr. Reiji came asking about you.. So I couldn't find you I went looking and found you passed out in the bathroom.
There was this, blood to what it seemed in the toilet, I carried you back and now I've just been watching over you as you slept here, you really had me worried..!
SHIRO- You weirdo.. Watching me as I slept, you freak.
HINOTE- F-freak..!? Werido..!? How does that make me a freak or a weirdo if I only care about your well being..! Haah.. Honestly...
Here I made you some food, It's hamburger soup and some ginger ale.
*Hinote places the tray on Shiro's lap*
HINOTE- Please eat.
SHIRO- This is a weird thing to give someone if their sick..
HINOTE- Is it..? Back in my home town my first adoptive mother used to make this if I was sick, sometimes she would just make it to make it.. And she'd always give me a cup of ginger ale. It's actually good for you if you're sick you know..? This dish has a lot of meaning to me.
I used her special recipe so eat up..!
SHIRO- ...
Yeah.. I'll eat.
*Shiro begins eating*
SHIRO- Mm.. Hey this isn't that bad. It helps my throat a bit.
HINOTE- You really mean it..? That makes me so happy, I'd be more then willing to cook for you everyday if you want. I don't mind at all.
SHIRO- Sure why not.. As long as you don't give me yogurt or anything that has a slimy texture I'll be fine with it.
HINOTE- Will do..! Man I have so many things I can cook for you. You'll live in food heaven, I personally consider myself a good cook and baker.
SHIRO- Mhm.. (My head and throat suddenly feel more at ease.. Normally after medication I'm given a glass of water and then sent to bed..)
(I have to admit.. This isn't a bad change.. At least, I guess I shouldn't get too used to this.)
HINOTE- Hmm..?
*Hinote notices a pack of pills on the dresser*
HINOTE- Hey, what's this..? Is this your medication
SHIRO- ..!
Sorry, I guess I shouldn't be sticking my nose where it doesn't belong..
SHIRO- Yeah.. You shouldn't.. You're always so nosey all the time.. Haah...
HINOTE- Right.. I just can't help but be curious.
*The door opens*
REIJI- I see that one has finally woken up, honestly.. If you are to make a mess of this house I do expect you to clean up after yourselves, or at least get that noisy boy to clean it up for you.
That kitchen needed a better scrubbing, you cause me too much trouble for a human boy..
SHIRO- If you don't have a purpose to be in here then you should leave, quit being a asshole and leave us alone.
REIJI- Hoh..? Annoyed and mannerless after waking up..? Oh doesn't that remind me of someone,
Well for your information I do have a reason to be here.
SHIRO- Then spit it out.
REIJI- Hmph.. Here.
*Reiji passes Shiro and Hinote a cell phone*
SHIRO- ..? What's this..?
REIJI- It's exactly as it seems, it's a cell phone,
That guy sent one of this, apparently it isn't safe for a 13yr old boy and a 14 yr old run around alone in his eyes.. I just assumed that you both didn't have one.
HINOTE- Woah..! I've seen these before..! I've always wanted a cell phone. Apparently they made phones better.
SHIRO- I do have one.. But everything is locked at certain times on it besides my photo's.
REIJI- I do pray that you two will take care of these, they aren't cheap. I'm sure Shiro would be more then happy to get you set up on it..
SHIRO- Yeah yeah just get out.
REIJI- Hut.. Mannerless child.
*Reiji walks off and leaves*
HINOTE- ..!.. Uwah.. Your uncle sure is scary..
SHIRO- Scary..? I wouldn't say that. He's more a wooden stick up the ass. He quite literally has a stick up his ass.
HINOTE- Pfft.. You shouldn't make fun of him.. He might here you with his dumbo ears..
SHIRO- He could if he didn't have a over amount of ear wax in them. I bet when he's alone he probably lets it all drip out because there's so much of it stuck in his ears.
HINOTE- Ahaha..! The way he cleans it is using his togue, he must adore the taste of his own bodily fluids.. Pfft.. haha..
SHIRO- Hehe.. Speaking of bodily fluids you think he looks like a turtle when he like goes into ecstasy, bet he has some weird like, ear wax fetish..
*Hinote hits Shiro's arm*
HINOTE- You're so gross..! Haha..
SHIRO- Hahaha...! Sadly gross is the truth..--
SHIRO- ..!!
HINOTE- ..!!
*Hinote grabs Shiro pulling the two of them onto the ground behind the bed*
SHIRO- Haah.. What the hell..
*Hinote lifts up to look over the bed*
SHIRO- Hey what are you doing...
Ah...! Don't try and look stay down Shiro-kun..
SHIRO- Ahh.. Ever annoying..
I think.. the cost is clear..
SHIRO- Alright then.. Can I get up now, your hurting my head..
HINOTE- W-wait.. Hold on a minute.
*Hinote quickly turns off the light*
HINOTE- Okay, I think everything should be fine now. Get up lowly.
*Hinote holds his hand out, Shiro grabs his hand, Hinote lightly squeezes it*
HINOTE- Are you okay..? You weren't hurt anywhere right..?
SHIRO- No.. The best hurt I am was when you were pushing my head on the floor, you're so skittish.
I really don't need you to actually go through the body guard thing, I'm strong enough to take of myself.
HINOTE- But I want to, I mean what use am I if I can't do as much as protecting you. I'll protect you regardless of what you say.
SHIRO- ...
You're a idiot.
HINOTE- Gah..! Well this idiot just saved you from being shot..!
But.. The real question is.. Who would do something like this..? I mean, why..?
SHIRO- I'm aware this side of my family is targeted a lot by vampire hunters, maybe they saw me and you come in here and now they're targeting us.
Man.. I hate dealing with dead people problems.
HINOTE- Vampire hunters huh.. That must really suck..
SHIRO- It more then sucks, I get targeted enough and now this is happening, ever annoying..
*Shiro flops onto his back onto the bed, Hinote simply laying next to him*
SHIRO- Phew..
HINOTE- You never catch a break do you..? It seems like always you have something bad creeping up on you.
SHIRO- I guess so.. I can handle all of it at once, I'm fine.
And don't think about trying to stick your nose where it doesn't belong.
HINOTE- 'I can handle it all at once' I don't believe that one bit..!
You know I'm here for a reason right..? I'm here to protect you.
SHIRO- You say that all the time, yet you know your gonna get yourself killed regardless. Like just now, you could of died you know..? You are gonna die if you pull stunts like that again.
HINOTE- I'm pretty strong you know..! I can protect you, even if my life is on the line I'll continue to protect you. I made a oaf on it..!
I'm not gonna let you die, I'll protect you with my life. And if you do die then it better be because you weren't in my care or something like that. But I won't let that happen..!
SHIRO- ...
You are the weirdest guy I've ever met, and I've talked to very few people.
HINOTE- I'm a weirdo and proud. Hehe..
I mean it though. Relay on me a little won't you..?
SHIRO- ..Tut.. You really are serious about the whole body guard thing. That's like you though. Pwah.. I guess I can a bit.. If I do die I'll 80% make sure it's out of your care.
Oh my dear dedicated body guard, won't you be so kind as to placing my delicate body on a comfy spot on this bed.
HINOTE- Haha.. I don't think it's safe to sleep on the bed..
SHIRO- Ew.. You're making me sleep on the floor.. Bugs are gonna crawl in my ears and then I'm gonna die from a crazy infection. What was that about 'I won't let you die' you went on about earlier, you're already failing horribly
HINOTE- That won't happen don't be silly..! But we need to be carefully I don't wanna go to the window.
SHIRO- Wimp..
HINOTE- Stop teasing me..! I am not..!
--I had heard gun shots plenty of times, this isn't the first.
It's what makes me so on guard of my surroundings. I'm not sure why I didn't feel it coming.
I don't understand why the loud bang still shocks me.
No one tells me why, not even myself will tell me why.
All of this.. The warmth I feel from a simple boy, I can't allow myself to get used to
The simple boy is simply apart of the "calm before the storm"
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shu-sakamaki · 2 years
(( @sumire-bride )) ((Shiro is a Shumire love child))
SHIRO- ... [he seemed to just be messing with his hair playing with the strands a bit not focussing on what's in front of him]
I guess maybe letting Hinote dye my hair wasn't such a bad idea..--
[he seems to have tripped over Shuu's legs]
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..!! Argh... [he stayed laying on the floor before turning around, his expression turned annoyed] ..Haah... "What can your father do..?!" he can sleep on the ground and become a professional tripping stone.
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Number eight...
What can I say? I'm one of a kind. Besides, who is to say I'm not the last dragon slayer to ever exist?
As you can see, I've done a pretty good job, and now, deserves a good rest...
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Shiro and Hinote. A fight?!
((My favourite thing in the world, wide eyed characters, Hinote was such a joy to draw istg. I loved drawing sm, I made sure to capture Shiro's beauty in this haha ^^", I mean Sumire and Shuu definitely would make a stunning baby, like a STUNNING baby, also ik I souldn't be posting this right after part 1 of shiro story thing but I couldn't wait any longer))
((This will actually be a illustration that will pop up in the parts so look out for that! But just enjoy Shiro looking at a certain someone protecting Hinote.. Or is Hinote protecting Shiro who knows!))
((I hope you all can tell I'm having a blast with my drawing tablet))
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SHIRO- My parents always seem to get me into trouble.. Alright tough guy.. I'll play your game after all.
HINOTE- A-ah.. Shiro... Let's not make a fuss okay..?! You don't need to do anything..!
SHIRO- He's the one who started this.. If he wants a fight I'll give him one. Just stay behind me and don't get in the way.
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sumire-bride · 3 years
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((I’m really happy I did these little demo things before doing official ones tbh, cuz when I draw Sumire’s I really wanna like them and have them well drawn, so it’s good that I did these little practice things))(
((Meaning, there’ll be a little event at one point! There’s more faces like flustered blushing ones, but those aren’t exactly drawn yet))
((I’m really happy I did these little demo things before doing official ones tbh, cuz when I draw Sumire’s I really wanna like them and have them well drawn, so it’s good that I did these little practice things))
((But interact with him as you please))
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sumire-bride · 2 years
shiro has a fiancé?
((but yes siri bob he does. I'll introduce her soon but if you were to imagine her she's basically like another version of Elizabeth from black butler (cuz that's who I referenced from) she's there as a character to watch Shiro and also to get in the way of Hinote and Shiro's relationship-- I mean friendship.))
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sumire-bride · 2 years
SHIRO- "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
HINOTE- "..."
"Guess I'm becoming dirt"
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Sumire x Shu kid?
Name- shiro sakamaki
Gender- male
General appearance- blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, sumires eye shape, he has shuus chill face and pretty face
Personality- can come off as rude but he’s just overly honest, he’s very quite he doesn’t really feel the need to speak unless there’s a need to talk, he’s quite intelligent when it comes down to it but he sucks at drawing, he gets very grumpy and angry when people wake him up whether it’s a nap or to get up for school he gets aggressive and very agitated when you do
Special Talents- he’s really good at piano and violin, obviously since sumire and shuu are little music freaks, he can also sing really good
Who they like better- Both, he loves both and doesn’t really have a favourite, though he does enjoy spending time with sumire more then Shuu because he enjoys having conversations with her and she’s a bit more open with being affectionate, while Shiro and shuus conversations are normally like “your sleeping still..?” “Yup”
Who they take after more- definitely Shuu, although he isn’t as unmotivated and lazy like him, he prefers doing things but he does sleep a lot to
Personal headcanon- sometimes they just sit in a room together and sleep or do something, they don’t say much they just sit there silently, sometimes they do make conversations but that’s sumire who starts them
Face Claim- (not sure what this means so where just gonna say who he looks like the most) he’s a mix of both, but he does have sumires face shape he has her nose but the rest is Shuu,
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Question for the people!
((Yo! I have a question!))
((So I really want to go into Shiro's story more (Shumire love child) I really enjoyed writing his after story thing but I was wondering if people would like a 3 or 5 part to that? I had a few idea's for that and I want to go into that medication thing I mentioned in there))
((Also I want to get into Shiro and Hinote's relationship to. And just want to give you guys his ending and how things go for him (I might make two endings) if that is something you guys are interested in. I want to be active more and post some stories and stuff while I write Sumire's protologue and get everything ready for that. It's gonna be a 5 part thing with one ending I just want to see if that's something that might interest you guys? Please tell me your thoughts!
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