#shurag gra-burz
lothrilzul · 7 years
Things about my Dovahkiins
A recent convo with @mrninjapineapple reminded me of this unfinished thing.
I started this questionnaire around March 28th, 2015 and it’s been sitting in my sta.sh unfinished for so long that I forgot who tagged me to do this.
Looking back, it’s quite a silly list of questions, and I originally wanted to scrap the whole thing, but I liked some of my answers, so here it is. You can compare the personalities of my different Dragonborns by their answers.
[I’m planning to make a more serious questionnaire for the characters involved in our collection of stories (The Age of Restoration). I’ll also plan to post some screenshots of them in a later post.]
Onto the questionnaire with 40 silly questions!
1. What is your name? Z: Zinnia(h Fire-Hearth) Y: Yrgrod Ragvirsson C: Casts-First-Asks-Second N: Nicholaus (the Goldsmith) S: Shurag gra-Burz
2. Do you know why you were named that? Z: No. [After a horse called Cinnia, because I thought it sounded unique.] Y: I was named after an old hero and I inherited my fathers family name too. [It was formed from parts of my name, "rág" & "Vir"] C: Yes, I named myself. [And it sounded cool!] N: No, I was too little to ask it by the time and later I was already used to it. [Because he was created on 6th of December, the day of Saint Nicholas (Mikulás in our country)] S: I don't really care about it, it's just a name... [it was formed from a part of my name, "s Virág" sounding "shwirag", with different spelling] 3. Are you single or taken? Z: Taken. Y: Taken. C: Single? I'm unique! N: Was taken. S: Single. 4. Have any abilities or powers? Z: I'm the Dragonborn and a werewolf and I have an ability called Ancestor's wrath Y: I'm the Dragonborn and a werewolf. C: I'm a Volkihar vampire N: Not that I know of, other than still being alive. S: I can go berserk answering such questions. 5. Stop being a Mary-Sue! Z: I do have a bunch of titles, but this one, I never heard of... Y: Isn't that a female name? C: Why should I? N: Silly... S: You mean Shu, right? 6. What's your eye color? Z: Pitch black. Y: Somewhere between blue and green. C: White with a red pupil. Originally my pupil was light blue. N: Green as an emerald. S: It's red. The other one's blind. 7. How about hair color? Z: It's almost black. Y: Some kind of blonde. C: Hair? Phew, filthy thing! I have beautiful horns! N: It was brownish, now it's grey. S: Brown. 8. Have you any family members? Z: A husband and adopted daughters. My parents are dead. Y: I have a wife and adopted kids. My sister and her son died during his birth. C: No, and I'm happy about it. N: I had. S: I adopted a daughter, but I haven't found true love yet. 9. Oh? How about pets? Z: I love horses and I have four: Arvak, Blaze, Frost and Shadowmere. My daughter's pet fox, Vix sometimes lets me cuddle her. Y: I'm a dog man. C: I don't know the Dead Thrall perk yet. Pity. N: I like animals, but I don't want to attach anyone again. S: I have a good horse. I don't need useless critters around me. 10. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me about something you don't like. Z: The Blades. Y: Unnecessary friction. C: Werewolves, Vigilants of Stendarr and the Silver Hand. N: Boots. S: Dragons. 11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? Z: Reading. I have a library of around three hundred books. Y: I like to sing (though some say that I shouldn't) and listen to the bards. C: I tend to drink guard's blood in Riften. Broad daylight. N: I like to craft jewellery. S: Exploring the vast wilderness of Skyrim. 12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Z: Pretty much. Bandits, creatures, some people. But I only regret some of them. Y: Yes, and he deserved it. He was the reason why my sister died. C: Most possible ways, yes. N: I did, but I wish I shouldn't have. I'm not afraid to protect myself, though. S: I gladly smash in anyone's faces, who deserves it. 13. Ever... killed anyone before? Z: I did. Most time I followed orders, but sometimes for my own good. Y: To name the most important: the usurper Ulfric Stormcloak. C: With pleasure. Also, I need hearts and flesh for crafting. N: Same as Q12. S: It was me or them. No question. 14. What kind of animal are you? Z: I'm a werewolf. And the Dragonborn. Y: I'm a werewolf. C: I'm beastfolk, not animal. I should shed your blood for this question. N: I always considered myself a small and peaceful creature, therefore a squirrel, I guess? S: Orcs are no animals. Oh, you mean metaphorically? I'm a sabrecat. 15. Name your worst habits? Z: Hoarding stuff. Especially ingredients and books. Y: I tend to be hot headed and sometimes I regret things. C: In others eyes, killing for my own amusement is one. N: I tend to be melancholic. S: Smashing in faces. 16. Do you look up to anyone at all? Z: Talos. Y: Sometimes, but they mostly prove they were unworthy to it. Sad. C: No. N: Quite a number of people, yes. S: My mother, Shuzhra was the greatest personality ever. I miss her. 17. Are you gay, straight, or bisexual? Z: Straight. Y: Straight. C: I'm not picky. N: I always thought I was straight, but now I'm not that sure... S: Straight-in-your-face, what kind of unashamed question is this? 18. Do you go to school? Z: No, but I learn new tricks on a weekly basis! Y: No, I'm old enough. C: I never needed school to achieve my goals... N: No, but you are never too old to learn! S: I don't need that, unless it's about potions or fighting! 19. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? Z: Already married, first child is on his way! Y: I already am, and that second... would be good. C: I don't think so. No kids. Never. N: I had a beautiful wife and daughter, but they both died long ago. Now I'm searching for my grandson! S: Maybe... maybe not. 20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? Z: I don't know. Maybe. [She’s just modest, she has some.] Y: I... have? C: Of course. N: If I have, that's cool. S: I don't need such admiration. 21. What are you most afraid of? Z: That something happens with my family or with those who I care about. Y: Having to fight those who I called my friends once. C: The Sun. Hiss. N: Bonding. S: That I hurt someone who’s not deserving. 22. What do you usually wear? Z: Light armor crafted by myself and a hood. Y: Heavy armor without helmet, or a helmet which doesn't cover my face. I need my foes to know who bested them. C: Light armor with dark tones, hood, sabatoons, veil or scarf and a mask to hide my teeth. N: Plain clothing. I was dressed in burlap clothing with bare feet before the Sparrows made it cool. No, I'm not a religious fanatic. Does it mean I'm a hipster? S: Blades armor with a Greybeard cloak, to shorten the cooldown of my Shouts when I kill dragons. 23. What's one food that tempts you? Z: Most kind of sweets. Y: Milk. C: Hehe. Blood, my dear. N: Elves ear. My favourite spice. S: Dried venison. 24. Am I annoying you? Z: No, these questions are interesting. I love to explore myself by thinking about stuff I usually don't. Y: Not really. C: I don't know yet. N: No. S: A bit. But I manage it. 25. Well, it's still not over! Z: Good! Y: Alright. C: Go on! N: Alright. S: Oh. 26. What class are you? Low class, middle class, high class. Z: Started as middle class, now high class. Y: High class from born. C: Low class to high class in two years. N: Middle class. S: Orcs are orcs, not classy people. 27. How many friends do you have? Z: I don’t like to count, but many. Some are close, the most not much. Kharjo, J’zargo, Brelyna, Aela, Farkas, Lucan, Belethor, Urag, Lydia, Sasha (mod) and my Housecarls. Oh and Paarthurnax. [Non canonically she likes Aronansa and Jenna Sajpa] Y: Who can be sure about that anymore? The Companions, especially after purging our beast blood together. C: Anum-La, The Swamp Knight [from the interesting NPC mod] N: Some people here or there, but I don’t make want to make new friends, I’m too old. S: A few. Why? 28. What are your thoughts on pie? Z: Delicious! Y: I hope it’s a meat pie. C: Bleh. N: I don’t mind one coming my way sometimes. S: Uh, they’re food? 29. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Z: Talos! Or my father. Y: My beautiful sister Hroda. C: My enemies, so I can flay them! N: My grandson, Mercer. You heard about him? S: Right now? 30. Favourite drink? Z: Red wine and clean water. Y: Milk! C: Fresh blood. N: Mead. S: Magicka potions. They are good for thirst. 31. What's your favourite place? Z: Hm. Skyrim, as a whole, but I like Heljarchen because that where we live now. Y: Dragonsreach is nice. C: Lakeview, my place. N: Solstheim volcanic side. S: The Reach. 32. Are you interested in anyone? Z: My husband, Balimund! Y: My wife, Zinnia [copy of Zinnia as a mod] C: Not now. N: Don’t tell him but I fancy Tolfdir. S: Not right now. 33. How tall are you?
The game gives the height of the character compared to the average. Different races and sexes have different base values. (e.g. Nord males are 1,03, while Khajiit women are 0,95) I headcanonned the average to be 175 cm (5’74). If you think the average Skyrim player character has a different height value, it modifies my calculation (also, sorry, my brain works in centimeters ))
Z: 175 cm (1) Y: 187 cm (1,071=1,04*1,03) C: 175 cm (1) N: 175 cm (1) S: I'm tall enough, thanks! [It’s a bit sensitive topic for her. She’s 164 cm (0,94=0,9x1,045)] 34. Would you rather swim in a lake or in an ocean? Z: A lake. Salty water is not my type. Y: Both are fine. C: I’d rather not, but if I need; the Ocean. N: How about neither? S: Swimming in heavy armor is not good idea. A brook, maybe? 35. What's your type? Z: Bulky nords with beard! Y: My wife. C: Zero negative, but I can eat any blood type. N: Um, people like Tolfdir? S: Someone who’s brave! 36. Any fetishes? Z: Why would I tell you? Y: No. C: I might have some but it’s none of your business. N: None. S: No.
37. Seme or uke?
[I googled what these mean and not going to answer, because my dragonborns don’t know about such things.] 38. Camping or indoors? Z: Indoors. Y: Both. C: Outside. Hunting. N: Indoors. S: Camping? Adventuring! 39. Are you still wanting this quiz to end? Z: I could do other things, yes. Y: It’s indifferent to me. C: Yes. N: If there’s more question, ask. S: Kind of. 40. Well, it's over! Now tag five people to do this.
*Inaudible mumbling, noises of chairs scratching the floor, bootsteps as they leave to their realities.*
[I’m not tagging, I was tagged more two years ago!]
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lothrilzul · 5 years
Saw @prezs make this post, and I had some thoughts. (Originally I was to reblog and add, but I’d derail her post, so I start a new one.)
Of my first Dragonborn, Zinnia, I have about 4 different versions (game, story, sidekick, cameo), with similar backgrounds, and I even created an Automatron named Zi to honour her. Our other Dragonborns, Yrgrod, Casts-First-Asks-Second, Thalcalion Blackweave and Shurag gra-Burz all have their cameos in Zinnia's story.
Small brain: Make an OC to fill a role
Big brain: Pull in a different OC from a similar realm and give a *little* change in the background to make'em suitable.
Bigger brain: Let the OCs decide what kind of part they want to play in your story.
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lothrilzul · 6 years
OC Meme
Tagged by: @solesurvivorkat
Rules: Say the first three (3) things that you think of your OC(s)! (Without an explanation, of course)!
Nuclear Winter (Fallout 4) Winter: vitiligo, quirky, scarred for life Nate: Cambridge, police, sweet man Lucy Keller: brash, naive, ambitious Caitlin MacLaine: negotiator, right hand of Arthur, loyal
Other Soles: Max: kind-hearted, loyal, prefers confrontation up-close and personal Danger: lantern, bowler hat, Taffington Boathouse Crystal: cleopatra cut, cruel, cold and effective
Dragonborns: Zinnia: over-archiever, bittersweet, rasping voice Yrgrod: calm and reserved, tol, protective Casty: sassy, drinks your blood or spills it, avoids the Main Quest and the Civil War Nicholaus: named after Santa, barefoot, gay Shurag: one-eyed, shield, Markarth Serefe: turqouise green, thieving little elf, patchwork Surh’jo: master thief, effective, watercat
Other Skyrim OCs: Sindri: blacksmith, just father, gaiety Hroda: proud, has strong political opinion, fierce mother
Tagging: @val-rampage​ @scorpio-skies​ @beckiboos​ @evil-is-relative​ @marvilus73​ @purple-martin111​ @metalforhands​ @scarecrow-forest​ @norroendyrd
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lothrilzul · 6 years
Shurag gra-Burz
I just realized I never really posted anything about my angry little orc and I feel bad about it. (I feel she’ll be controversial, but her actions not exactly correlate with my preference.)
She's my fifth playthough.
She's the second I actually finished the Main Quest with.
She quickly made her way to my heart (though with Casty and Yrgrod she had a tough competition).
She was my first character to get fanart on dA.
Was around lvl 40 when I stopped loading her save.
Her nickname is Shu, but only a select few can call her like that.
She doesn’t have her own story, but she’s going to make an appearance in Zinnia’s story (The Age of Restoration). If I ever get to write it, that is.
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Always wields a one-handed melee weapon and a shield.
Always uses heavy armor.
Started as Chaotic Good, ended up Lawful Neutral. I guess it shifted somewhere mid-playthrough.
Has a short-temper, especially if she’s reminded of her shortness that she’s self-conscious about.
She killed Endarie from Radiant Rainments and served her jailtime for it. Your welcome, Solitude.
She didn’t want to marry an Orc just to marry an Orc, she pursued true love and her father (the local chief) expelled her. She never visited them again.
Lost her right eye when she left her stronghold.
Lives in Vlindrel Hall, in Markarth.
Doesn’t care about the Civil War, but if she had to pick a side it would be the Stormcloaks.
She loves to shout and wears a Greybeard mantle to reduce shout-cooldown.
Borgakh and Ghorza are her friends.
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She can’t cast spells and never tries to.
Drinks magicka potions for the taste, they do nothing to her puny magicka.
Enchants her trophies to new, powerful items to defeat more foes.
Joined the Blades.
Currently wields Dragonbane and Spell-breaker.
Regularly goes on dragon hunts.
Faint hearted should stop reading this line: she killed Paarthurnax.
Also, she used his scales and bones and his eye that turned into a garnet to gear up when she went to fight Alduin.
When she beat Alduin to death with her Dragonsteel Mace ‘Paarthurnax’, she growled, “Your Brother says Hi!”.
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She wiped out the Dark Brotherhood. 
Never joined the Thieves Guild.
Only joined the College of Winterhold because she had to. She used the Spell-breaker as a ward during lecture.
She just doesn’t sneak.
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