#shut up what if they make zap apple candy together !!
lesbian-sunshim · 4 months
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rare pairs for your consideration - apple bloom x twist
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unhonest-iago · 2 years
Alphabet Improv
Victorious AU; Ted's Tori, Schlatt's Jade & Charlie's Cat
‘So today we’re going to be doing some alphabet improv. What is alphabetical improv you ask.’ Mr. Philza raising his hand in the air like a student would. ‘So I answer. It’s when we give a letter to the first actor who speaks in the scene. If we use the letter A for example.’ Asking for an example from Cooper, ‘Apples are falling out of my butt’
‘Now who wants to lead the first group?’ Ted volunteering, wanting revenge for the previous day’s events. ‘Alright Tori, choose your actors’ Ted walking up the little pedestal-stage area. ‘Traves, Charlie, Cooper & Schlatt’ Schlatt raising an eyebrow, sitting in his seat with arms crossed wanting nothing to do with Ted. ‘Yeah, you.’ Nodding, Schlatt gets up.
‘Schlatt, kiss you partner on your own time.’ Philza uncomfortably passing them, joining the rest of their classmates as an audience member. ‘Oh, I will.’ Schlatt going to stand between Ted & Charlie. ‘If you start your line with the wrong letter—‘ Philza make a buzzer noise ‘—you’re out’
Stomping the chair with his foot, ‘Noah, give us a letter.’ his ventriloquist doll answering for him. ‘P.’ The doll  and Noah looking at each other. ‘Oh I was going to say P!’ Moving on with class, ‘Okay the scene can be about anything you want. The first letter of the first line is P. Tori, Action!’
Ted turning towards Schlatt, pointing a finger in his direction, ‘Please go take a shower.’ Schlatt has his hands on his hips in defiance, ‘Quit telling me what to do.’ Cooper stepping in-between Schlatt and Ted. ‘Relax boys, let’s all try to get along.’ It being Charlie’s turn now, ‘Totally!’ resulting in a buzzer noise from Phil. ‘Charlie, your line had to start with an S.’ 
‘Oh my life’s the worst’ Phil taking a piece of candy from his pocket holding it out towards Charlie. ‘Here’s a piece of candy.’ Charlie running to grab it before sitting down next to Noah. ‘Yay I love candy!’ 
‘Alright Traves, letter S to you.’ Traves stumbling for a sentence, thinking of what to say, ‘Uh, Somethin’ just bit my toe’ acting as if his foot has an aching pain. Ted pointing to the toe, picturing an invisible turtle. ‘Turtle. That turtle just bit his toe.’ Schlatt waving off Ted, resting his arm on the other, ‘Unbelievable that you’re even here.’ Cooper having an unspoken argument with Schlatt through their eyes but not in a way that would suggest hate sex. ‘Very immature of you to say that.’ It back to being Traves’ turn. ‘Uh…’
‘C’mon Traves, W.’ Phil prompting. ‘What if the turtle bite broke my toe-bone?’ Ted responding, ‘X-rays are the only way to find out’ which led to Schlatt jumping to retaliate, ‘You should shut up.’ Cooper pointing towards Traves’ toe as to deflect. ‘Zap! I just healed your toe with my magic finger.’ Traves acting on reflexes, ‘Thanks!’ Another buzzer noise from Phil. ‘Traves, your line had to start with an A, sit down.’
‘Aw, and I just got my toe-bone fixed,’ his seat in front of Phil’s. Ted as if having an ah-ha moment, ‘Aliens are the only people who can heal toes by finger-zapping.’ Schlatt walking in front of Cooper, blocking him from Ted’s view. ‘By the way,’ Schlatt blows a raspberry in Ted’s face before returning back to where he was standing, leaning against the wall. ‘Correct, I am an alien.’
Gasping, ‘Don’t hurt me, please!’ placing a hand against his chest, a vulnerable position. ‘Even though he’s extremely annoying.’ Cooper falling to the floor, acting short of breath. ‘Fainting because I can’t breathe your Earth’s air.’ Leaving the scene to Schlatt and Ted bickering. ‘Gosh it fainted.’ Phil, clapping his hands together, ‘Excellent! Ted & Schlatt, keep going, the next letter’s H.’ Schlatt with a pretend pair of binoculars ‘Hey, why don’t you go jump off that cliff over there?’ Ted clasping his hands, I think you should.’ 
‘Just where did you think you come from?’ ‘Kangaroos.’ Schlatt walking past Ted, ‘Lousy animals, kangaroos, they’re awkward and dirty.’ This making Ted turn around to face him, ‘Maybe they learned from you.’ The class intrigued as no one really stands up Schlatt. ‘No one talks to me like that.' Going along with the assignment but ultimately becoming more frustrated with Ted. ‘Obviously someone should.’ 
‘Please jump in front of a bus.’ ‘Quite obnoxious of you to say’  ‘Really?’ ‘Sure was’ Their responses increasing in pace, now back and forth quips. ‘Thanks,’ Schlatt elongating the word. ‘Up your nose, I see boogers’ Ted titling his head, correcting his posture to be taller than Schlatt. ‘Very clever.’ With a smirk, ‘Wish you’d thought of it?’ 
‘X marks the spot I’d like to punch.’
‘Your finger smells weird’ Ted now starting to struggle. ‘Zero is what you are on a scale of one to ten.’ Now devolving to insults. Phil reminding them of their letter position once more as they returned to the beginning of the alphabet. The two creating some distance between each other, the tension in the air palpable. ‘As if I care what you thing,’ the sentiment untrue as of yesterday’s events when they first met. ‘Better watch yourself.’ 
‘Can’t take it?’ Ted licking his lips after making sure to be cockier than ever. This ultimately being payback on his part for the spilt coffee. ‘Don’t push me!’ 
‘Eat your pants!’ 
‘You eat your pants! Wait!’ Schlatt messing up the order as the next letter was ‘F I know!’ Stomping away to his seat. ‘Keep the scene going, letter G’ Cooper lifting himself off the ground with the vague help of Ted. ‘Get up alien’ clasping a hand around his arm. ‘Head, feels dizzy’ 
‘I know what will make you feel better’ Schlatt’s eyes opening wide at that, thinking he was going to kiss him, his boyfriend. Cooper confused, ‘Jumping jacks?’ Ted next words, ‘Kiss me’ made Schlatt to sit up in his seat. ‘Let’s do it’ Schlatt mouth agape at seeing them kiss.
‘Man, I love this school.’
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jungshookz · 6 years
hi h-how about a scenario where y/n is doing some holiday shopping and meets cute cashier jungkook hehe
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🎄 pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
🎄 genre: cashier!kook, fluff!!!!!!!!, u and kook are both kinda awkward but it’s adorable  
🎄 wordcount: 2.6k
the one thing you hate about christmas has to be christmas shopping
frankly you think that the most important part of christmas is spending time with your loved ones!!!
okay that’s a little white lie because you do really like getting presents
and it’s not like you don’t like giving presents
because it’s totally worth it to see the look on someone’s face when you present them with an amaZing gift
but it’s just
shopping takes sO much effort
and it drains all the energy out of you
and it drains all the money out of your bank account
and also the malls are always so hectic at this time of the year
and you have to fight people off to get the perfect present
last year you squared up with an old lady over a crock pot that your mom really really wanted
obviously you ended up with the crock pot because u ain’t no lil bitch
(no old ladies were harmed in the process of getting the crock pot)
anyways you usually only get presents for your mom and your dad and some of your cousins and obviously you get a present for tae (and you get one or two presents for yourself and label them from santa so you feel less guilty about it hehe)
but this year not only do you have to get a present for tae
you have to get a present for tae and jin and jimin and namjoon aND yoongi AND hoseok because you’ve made quite a lot of new friends this year young lady good for u!!!
you’ve been at the mall for nearly six hours and you’re pretty sure your feet are bleeding in your shoes from how much walking you’ve done
you’re pretty sure you’re one more purchase away from maxing out your credit card
every time you tap it against the machine you make a face because every purchase is a RISK
you have all your gifts ready for the boys
yoongi gets a new microphone for his studio
namjoon gets a new pair of sunglasses
jin gets a customised apron
hobi gets a new pair of nike air force 1s
and sweet angel baby jimin gets a customised shampoo and conditioner set with a frEE loofah!!
all you have to do now is find a gift for tae which is always the hardest task because he says he doesn’t care what you get him but he totally cares about what you get for him
one year you gave him a single pair of socks and he was like???? SOCKS/?????? sweetie SOCKS??????? i gave you a fuLL set of rose gold CUTLERY and you give me SoCks with- what are these- socks with hoT DOGS ON THEM
and you were like you saiD you didn’t care about what your gift was and these warm fuzzy socks were on sale-
as much as you love tae he’s very much a diva and he’s shameless about it
but you’ve learned your lesson so since the sock incident you’ve gotten him very nice gifts
so even though your organs are shutting down one by one and your body is telling you that it’s unable to go on and you need to head home noW and collapse in bed
you’re soldiering on because you have to find tae the perfect present
but you don’t think you’re going to find tae’s gift at the mall
you’ll have to go somewhere else
you adjust all the shopping bags in your arms and use your shoulder to push the door open and you’re immediately met with the crisp winter air
the sun’s starting to set and the number of people on the street is starting to dwindle down
you end up wandering around the streets for about half an hour
and you’re [this] close to giving up because
a) it’s freezing out and your nose is going to fall off
b) your arms are about to fall off because of how heavy the bags are buT the cold has made your body entirely numb so it’s counteracting the whole arms falling off thing
c) maybe you should just face the wrath of tae this year you’re a big girl you can handle it
and then
you see it
van gogh’s starry night
it’s obviously a replica of van gogh’s starry night but you know for a faCt tae would love to hang that up in his hallway or something
you look like a kid with your face pressed up against the glass because this gift is PERFEcT
it even comes with a fancy gold frame and everything anD it’s decently priced so you don’t have to worry about making more of a dent in your wallet
you take a step back and look up at the name of the store
“troves and treasures” you murmur to yourself
cute name
the little bell rings above you as you enter the store and you let out a content sigh at the warmth that welcomes you and you see an apple-pie scented candle burning away
this store is adorable!!
it’s a little cramped because there’s just sO much stuff in here but it’s still adorable
miraculously you make your way to the back of the store without knocking shit over with your bags
you feel like a bulldozer when you walk in between the narrow shelves
now where is that damn painting
“excuse me, miss? would you like to put your bags down by the front? they look kinda heavy” you turn around and nearly knoCk a lamp off the display counter
“oh no it’s okay i think i can-“  
oh wow
he’s awfully pretty isn’t he
his lips tug up in a sweet smile and he blinks at you with his warm, round eyes before reaching up to flick a couple strands of jet-black hair away from his eyes
“uhhhhh actually yeAh maybe you should take these before i accidentally destroy the entire store” you chuckle awkwardly and he immediately reaches out and takes the bags off your arms
“how have your arms not fallen off already?? it feels like you have bricks in here” he jokes before heading over to the counter and setting them down gently on the floor
“it’s because it’s so cold outside that my arms have gone completely numb” you snort and rub your sore arms before reaching down to brush your fingers over an antique clock
“good thing you came in here! i always like keeping it nice and toasty” he hums and adjusts the little apron around his waist “so are you looking for something in particular or just browsing?”
don’t let pretty boy distract you from the task at hand y/n
do nOt
but he’s just
he’s sO pretty
“um, i-“ you pause to collect your thoughts and shake your head quickly “painting.”
“painting.” he repeats and tilts his head and offers you a smirk “there are many paintings here.”
what’s wrong w u
pull it together
“the van gogh painting! it’s in the display window, that one over there-“ you point to the window “my friend’s a huge art nerd and i think that would make a perfect christmas gift.” you smile and move past him to head to the window
it’s a bit of a tight squeeze since the two of you are standing in between shelves but your hand brushes past his and you feel a little zaP
he gasps in surprise and cradles his hand quickly
but just like you he shakes his thoughts out of his head and remains professional
“ah, starry night! you’re lucky - that’s actually the last one we have in stock.” he bends over and picks the painting up gently before turning and showing it to you “are you interested in purchasing the gold frame?”
“yes, please!” you grin excitedly and keep your eyes glued on the painting because it is literally SO PERFEct you’re so excited to give this to tae “you think you can wrap it up for me too?”
“of course! i’m a great wrapper.” he heads back to the front counter and you trail behind him
“oh yeah? i’d love to hear your stuff on soundcloud.” you joke
he raises his eyebrow and you SEE the question mark floating on top of his head and your face immediately starts burning up because the joke totally just flew past his head
but then
“ooOOOH like soundcloud raPPEr- that was a good one. i’m deducting a point tho because it was lame as hell” he laughs and you let out a small sigh of relief
that was almost mortifying
he places the painting in the frame gently and you can’t help but notice that his hands are also very very pretty but now there’s just this silence between the two of you
is it too late to introduce urself
u don’t really know what to say
god why are you so AWKWArd
“i’m, uh, i’m y/n, by the way.” you clear your throat and lean against the counter
he pauses in the middle of taping and looks up at you with that beautiful fricKin smile “i’m jungkook.” and then he looks back down and smooths over where he just taped
“so are you done with christmas shopping?” he asks as he prepares a pretty red bow
“pretty much! this is my last stop and then i think i’m going to get a hot drink somewhere to unfreeze my insides.” you hum and rummage through your purse for your wallet
“that sounds like a nice plan! i’m closing up shop pretty soon because it’s kind of been a lazy day”
the two of you end up talking a little while longer
you tell him about the sock incident and he tells you about how one time he accidentally dropped a present in the middle of the street and someone on a bike just raN over it
you tell him that your favourite christmas cookie is gingerbread and he argues that sugar cookies are ten times better
you tell him that hot chocolate with marshmallows is the best hot chocolate and he says that hot chocolate with a candy cane in it is the best
jungkook purposely slows down when he’s wrapping the painting just because it’s so nice talking to you :——)
thank god business was slow today because it gives him more time to talk to u
“you must really like your friend to get him a present this nice” jungkook teases as he punches a couple buttons on the cash register
“tell me about it” you snort and pull out your credit card and catch a glimpse of the price on the screen and imMEDIATELy the blood drains from your face
what the FUck
your mouth goes dry when jungkook holds his hand out to take your card
o god
you can’t tell him you don’t want the gift anymore because he wrapped it up so nicely and put it in the frame and everything
jungkook must sense your hesitation because it’s been like ten seconds and you’re clutching onto your card for dear life
and he’s technically not supposed to do this but
you seem like a sweet girl (and ur also very pretty but that’s unrelated)
“oh, would you look at that! i, uh, i put in the wrong price.” jungkook points to the screen before shaking his head “sorry, my bad! i’ve only just started working here so i’m not used to all the fancy cash registers and stuff”
that is a blatant lie he’s been working here for like a year and he knowS that your total comes to $250
“that’ll be $125, please.”
he’ll just pay for the other half out of the kindness of his heart
it’s christmas after all!!
“oh thanK god because my card definitely has less than $250” you let out a breath of relief and hand him your card
your receipt comes out of the printer and kook slips it into the bag
and the two of you are kind of dawdling around because you know you don’t really have any other reason to stay in the shop unless you wanna buy another replica of a painting
jungkook helps you with your bags and walks you to the front door
“you’re… you’re closing up for today pretty soon, aren’t you? maybe i can treat you to a hot chocolate or something?” you’re visibly kind of nervous as jungkook slips the bags back onto your arms
he pauses and is pleasantly surprised that you totally just asked him out on a date
“i’ll come if you admit that gingerbread cookies are trash.” he teases and you gape at him “kidding. but not really. give me five minutes!” he disappears into the shop and you can’t fight the goofy smile that’s found its way onto your face
jungkook has to suppress a scream of excitement because yES HE LIKES U SO MUCH AND NOW HE GETS TO GET A HOT COCOA WITH U
the two of you end up at the café for much longer than expected
somehow you end up with the peppermint hot cocoa and the sugar cookie and kook ends up with the marshmallow hot cocoa and the gingerbread cookie
and jungkook has to admit
maybe gingerbread cookies aren’t all that bad
the two of you stay until the waitress is like ok kids u guys need to get out of here for real
jungkook helps you load all your shopping bags into the trunk of your car which is very gentlemanly of him because you definitely would not have been able to lift all the bags yourself
“you sure you don’t need a lift home?” jungkook shuts the trunk for you and gives it a couple pats
“i’ll be fine. the bus stop’s right over there!” jungkook points to across the street and you nod
“well, um, thank you! for the… wrapping?”
“thank you for the hot cocoa” jungkook smiles shyly and shoves his hands into the pockets of his hoodie
“well i guess i-” and before he gets a chance to say anything else you’ve gone up on your tippy toes and given him a soft kiss on the cheek
jungkook’s face immediately goes beet red and he smiles and scratches the back of his neck and he’s trying sO hard to not scream into the void oh my god that was so cUTE
at the same time you are trying not to scream from the adrenaline because you’ve never done anything so spontaneous before but you are SO proud of yourself
you hop into your car and jungkook shuts the door for you before leaning down and propping his arms up on your open window
“i’ll text you later?”
you smile excitedly and nod 
maybe christmas shopping isn’t all that bad after all
🎄the twelve drabbles of christmas! 🎄 
❄️do you have a special christmas request? ❄️
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