#it would have been cute if she hung out at the farm now & then
lesbian-sunshim · 4 months
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rare pairs for your consideration - apple bloom x twist
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
To Call You Mine
Chapter 9
Authors note: Christmas Special!!! 🎄
Warnings: none, all fluff!
Word count: 4332   Nat Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist   TCYM Masterlist
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 It's been a few months since Natasha and Dima had moved in with you, and it didn’t take long for them to become fully settled into the new space. And now that it's the holiday season, that really shows. You never really went all out with your decor, other than the tree of course. The most you did before was a wreath on the outside of your front door with some lights on the front bushes. Which is still all that adorns the outside, but inside was absolutely brimming with holiday cheer.
   Lights and garland are wrapped around your staircase bannister, while even more garland and lights adorn your mantle. Above the fireplace hang three lovely stockings for each of you. Yours and Nats are from childhood, while Dimas is brand new. A few candles which smell of cinnamon are placed around the living space, they are an absolute favorite of your mates. The towels and oven mitts in the kitchen have been changed from their normal ones to cute red and green plaid ones with small gingerbread men amongst the design. And on the coffee table there are three small cat statues, each dressed as a stereotypical Christmas figure. There was a nutcracker, a reindeer and of course Santa. They were a not so subtle hint from your Omega to remind you of the cat she longs for no doubt. 
   In the corner of your living room is your freshly cut tree, it fills your house with the pine scent, which you've found is an easy way to make your Omega happy. The three of you had gone to the tree farm on the very first day of December. Nat held a very bundled up Dima close to her as you walked around to find the perfect one. Once she found one she liked and excitedly pointed to it, you went and grabbed an ax. In a few swings you found yourself sweating so you shrugged your jacket off to continue, much to Natashas excitement. 
   You were too busy chopping to notice her give a death glare in the direction of an Omega that stared at your muscular form too long for her liking. The way they quickly scurried away after getting caught in her stare made her chest puff out in pride. You were her Alpha, and she would be sure everyone knew it. Once the tree was downed you hauled it to the car with ease and made quick work of strapping it to the roof of the car. Once home, the two of you intend to spend the rest of the day decorating your tree. 
   Dima played in his bouncer nearby as you and Nat wrapped the beautiful colored lights around the branches before placing each shiny ornament on with care. There were a few ornaments that were special compared to the others though. First there was one that Natasha had hung with pride, a small silver circle that read ‘Dimas First Christmas’ along with a handprint from when he was a newborn pup. You made sure to snap a picture of her placing it on the tree. Next had been one you stumbled upon when she had asked you to hand her another bulb from her box. It was a small frame shaped like a wreath, and in it was a picture of you and Nat back in highschool. Seeing it had truly warmed your heart, it was a favorite memory of hers, and yours. Your Omega explained how she had to keep it hidden from Bruce in order to keep it safe. You were glad she had.
   The last piece of festive decor that Nat decided to put up was mistletoe, and she nearly put it everywhere she could. It was adorable really, how she would rush to her feet any time you happened to be under some. It never failed to make you laugh, but you always indulged her with a kiss. Or two even.
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   Finally, the night of Christmas Eve was upon you. Outside snow silently flutters down to the ground, further covering it along with trees and houses in a soft blanket of white. The lights on your front bushes shine magnificently through the layer of fluff, causing a cozy vibe to befall your entryway. Upstairs Dima sleeps peacefully in his nest, snug in his insulated fleece onesie with plenty of his blankets to keep him warm as he cuddles with his stuffies.
   Back downstairs in the master bedroom, you and your Omega lay cuddled together. Though asleep your arms still wrap themselves around her protectively, and this has her subconsciously shuffling impossibly closer. Her legs tangle with yours as you both sleep soundly under all her fluffy blankets. She was determined not to let herself or her beloved mate get too cold, even though that technically wasn’t even possible when you had the heat on. But you admired her care nonetheless. 
   You wake up as the early morning sunlight just begins to shine through the tops of the trees and slots in the blinds. A soft smile spreads across your face as you look down at your Omega. Her hair is a tousled mess and a bit drool is dripping from the corner of her mouth, but she's still absolutely stunning to you. Unfortunately you do have a few loose ends to tie up on with some gifts.
   “Natty” you try gently shaking her awake to no avail, “Natty baby”
   Her brows furrow as she grumbles, “Too early…go back to sleep..”
   “But it's Christmas. And I still have to pick up a few things, remember?”
   “Mhmm.” she grumbles, ignoring you to bury her face against your chest. Your laugh jolts her awake however, and she lifts her head up to glare at you, “
  “I’m sorry detka(baby). You're welcome to stay in bed until I return, ok?”
   Reluctantly she removes herself from you, and watches as you stand, “Be careful out there, printsessa(princess). The roads might be bad.”
   You lean down to kiss her, “I will be. I’ll be back within the hour. Two hours at the latest if the roads are bad.”
   She nods, “I love you, Alpha”
   “Love you too, Omega”
   She falls asleep soon after that, missing the kiss you plant on her forehead before you leave. She's awoken about half an hour later by Dimas cries through the baby monitor. She gets up and puts her Christmas themed robe on before ascending the stairs.
   “Shh malen'kiy(little one). Mamas here, I’ve got you” she coos as she picks him up. He calms down immediately and she smiles at his still sleepy expression, “You are so much like me, my sweet boy”
   She sits down in the rocking chair Wanda had gifted her and gets ready to let him suckle. He latches on and sighs happily before he begins to get his breakfast. She gently rocks him, planning on letting him eat until he's content. Eventually he lets go of her nipple and she burps him before changing his diaper. 
   She quickly redresses him in his Christmas onesie, “Merry Christmas honey” she tells him, kissing his forehead before bringing him downstairs
   She gets him set up in his highchair, and as soon as she hands him a small bowl of cut up fruit she hears your car pull into the garage. After a few minutes you enter through the door and greet your mate with a smile. She smiles back and quickly rushes over to you, stopping you beneath the mistletoe.
   “Merry Christmas moya lyubov'(my love)” she whispers before pressing her lips against yours
   You kiss her back, wrapping the arm that isn’t holding bags around her waist to pull her closer against you. Your kiss doesn’t last long as it's interrupted by your pup. 
   He starts to squeal excitedly and you can’t help but smile against your mates lips, “Sounds like someones excited for presents”
   She chuckles, “I think he's just excited for you, Alpha.”
   You beam at her admission and quickly make your way over to him. As soon as you're in front of him he begins to bounce up and down, clapping happily, “Ma ma!!”
   “Hi buddy!!” you exclaim, setting the bags down so you can pick him up
   Natasha smiles at the happy look that overtakes both your faces before her thoughts drift back to whatever you had to go out for, “Did you get everything you needed?”
   Your mind wanders to the secret mission you’d gone on, for the surprise that now waits hidden in the garage, “Yeah, no problems at all and thankfully the roads were clear and the crowds were thin.”
   “Good.” she nods, “I’m going to go get dressed before Yelena shows up, see if you can get him to finish his fruit please.”
   “Of course” 
   As your mate heads to the bedroom you place your pup back into his highchair. He eats a few more pieces by himself before his attention is fully on you. You sigh before picking up a piece and make all the silly sounds and movements with it you can think of to get him to eat it. Thankfully this plan works and he finishes just as Natasha re-emerges. 
   She's in a pair of leggings that accentuate her curves perfectly, and her sweater with Rudolplph on it is about two sizes too big. The outfit perfectly showcases her ability to be adorable and sexy at the same time, an ability you first picked up on in highschool. 
   “You look great Natty”
   A slight blush covers her face, she still gets so flustered by your compliments, “Thank you baby”
   The two of you are brought out of your little bubble when the doorbell rings, an excited bark on the other side lets you know who it is and your Omega scurries to open it for her sister. As soon as the door opens Fanny struts in. She walks right past Nat to head to her favorite person, Dima. You pick him up once more and walk into the living room. Fanny greets you with a wagging tail as Yelena pulls her older sister into a hug.
   “Merry Christmas, bol'shaya sestra(big sister)”
   Natasha smiles, “Merry Christmas, mladshaya sestra(little sister)”
   The blonde walks further into the house and smiles wide as she finds you, Dima and Fanny on the living room couch. She pats her beloved dog on the head before taking her nephew from your outstretched hands.
   “Hello my amazing little nephew!” she coos, proceeding to squeeze him in a hug only an Aunt would be capable of giving. He giggles at her cheerful tone and wraps his little arms around her just as tightly, “Merry Christmas malen'kiy(little one)”
   Your Omega joins you both, and easily takes Dima from her sister's hold so you can greet her. You quickly stand and hug the Beta, who lets out a small ‘oomph’ at the power of your embrace.
   “Merry Christmas Lena”
   She smiles, glad to finally have you as part of the family, “Merry Christmas Y/n”
   Natasha watches on with happiness blooming in her chest. She has always enjoyed this time of year. The lights, the snow, the warm glow from a fireplace, the foods and time spent with Yelena watching old Christmas movies. But this year is different. Now she has a son and a mate to share traditions with and make memories with and that has her overjoyed, something her sister can easily pick up on as she sees the way the redhead smiles.
    “You didn’t make breakfast without me, right?” Yelena asks, eagerly looking at her sister
   She shakes her head, “Of course not. I have’t told Y/n what our tradition is, so she’ll stay out here with Dima and Fanny while you and I make it.”
   The blonde nods before quickly making her way to the kitchen, not even sparing you or her nephew a second glance, and Fanny of course follows her. Natasha places Dima in his bouncer beside you before placing a quick kiss on your cheek, thinking that would be enough before attempting to follow her sister but your arms loop around her waist and stop her in her tracks.
   “Baby!” she laughs in surprise as you bring her into your lap, “I have to go help Yelena”
   You tighten your hold on her, “Not until I get a real kiss”
   She laughs again, but nods in agreement, “Of course moya lyubov'(my love)”
   Your grip loosens, allowing her to turn to face you and her hands softly cup your cheeks before her lips meet yours. You hum approvingly and pull her closer by her hips, not missing the way she whimpers at your touch. You’d gladly spend the rest of your morning like this if you could, but your peace is all too quickly interrupted. 
   “Sestra(sister)! Stop sucking your Alphas face and get out here! Do not make me send Fanny in there!!”
   Your Omega groans at being called out by your actions and you laugh at her expression, “Go on Natty, go spend time with Lena. We’ll be here.”
   She quickly does just that, practically sprinting to the kitchen in excitement leaving you with your pup. He looks at you with wide eyes before looking back to the tree and you smile as you loving ruffle his hair, “Merry Christmas honey”
   It doesn’t take long for the sisters to have breakfast prepared, and while the smell alone is enough to tell you what they've prepared you don’t spoil their fun or happiness by commenting on it.
   “Alright Y/n, bring my favorite nephew out here and come eat!” 
   You chuckle as you pick up your son, “Lena, he's your only nephew.”
   “Which is why he's my favorite” she responds, setting your plate or french toast and eggs down at the table with a smile before she and Nat take their seats as well
    The three of you eat in a peaceful silence, each too hungry and excited for the following activities to prolong breakfast by having a conversation. Once everyone is finished you hand your pup to his Aunt before taking everyone's dishes to the kitchen and cleaning up a bit.
   “Come on Alpha! It’s time for presents!”
   The movie White Christmas plays on a low volume in the background as your family opens their gifts. Dima had gotten a wide variety of things. From Santa he received: Three new outfits, two new books on dinosaurs and a new book on animals, a plush Elmo, a large tub of 240 crayons with four coloring books, and a set of figures from Bluey. From his Deda and Baba, in a large box from Russia he was sent: an adorable pair of Sesame Street overalls, a set of dinosaur figures, and a plush piggy.
    Auntie Wan and Uncle Vis gifted him: A giant plush tiger to cuddle in his nest along with wooden alphabet blocks to help him start learning. And from Uncle Clint and Auntie Laura he was sent: an adorable set of knitted mittens with matching scarf and some bath toys of various fish.
   From Natasha he had gotten: a small slide for the backyard, a ball, a farm playset with figures, a book that made animal noises to help him learn them, a rubber duckie, and a shirt with Winnie the Pooh on it. While from you he received: A plush stegosaurus, a large container of bubble soap with different sized bubble wands, a set of Winnie the Pooh figures, a small Mickey Mouse table and chairs, and little beanie with the Batman logo on it.
   And now it was time to open his gifts from Auntie Lena. She beams as she hands him a small  wrapped bundle. Just as he had done with everything else he eagerly tears apart the paper and then squeals happily as he sees the new Bluey plush in his hands. As if to show his appreciation he hugs the stuffie tightly which causes you all to chuckle.
   “You love Bluey, don’t you malen'kiy(little one)?” Nat asks as she holds her pup
   He coos happily, wiggling and bouncing his legs in excitement. Yelenas smile never falters as she hands him another small wrapped present. The paper is torn from in with lightning speed and a stuffie of Pooh Bear is revealed. He reacts in much the same way as he had with Bluey, showing he loves it just as much.
   “He loves Pooh too, don’t you mister?” you ask, waving Poohs arm at him, causing him to giggle
   “This ones still his but you’ll enjoy opening it more than he will” Yelena states, handing the gift bag over to Nat
   She opens it to find a onesie, its white and blue stripped and adorned with rubber duckies all over it. She loves it, and can’t wait to see him in it. “Thank you, he’ll look so adorable in it.”
 Lastly she slides over a medium sized box. Dima struggles a bit with the paper on this one so Natasha helps him free his present. As soon as you see the item that shows through the boxes open side your eyes widen, and you can tell your mate is just as stunned to see the atrocious object.
   Dima picks up the small yellow stick and clangs it gracelessly against the metal keys. He repeats the action a few more times and do your best to not flinch at shill noises that escape the xylophone. 
   “Yes! I knew he would love it!!” Yelena nearly shouts, and Natasha immediately glares at her, “What?? He's a natural musician!”
   You shake your head and wonder where on earth you can hide that thing so hes not pounding on it 24/7 as your Omega slides over the gifts for her sister.
   “Top one is from me and the bottom one is from Y/n.”
    The Betas excitement is apparent as she picks up the first wrapped box. Much like her nephew she quickly tears into the paper to reveal what's inside. She finds a green vest, almost military in style with lots of pockets. She excitedly puts it on over her Rudolph sweater.
   “I love it! So many pockets!”
   Nats smile widens, “I knew you’d enjoy it”
   Yelena moves on to your gift, equally excited to see what you had gotten for her. She practically tackles you after she sees the set of throwing axes with matching throwing knives.
   “Thank you thank you thank you!”
   “You're welcome Lena, I remembered how much you wanted to buy that set at the range when we went ax throwing last month”
   As if she realizes she's missing out on something, Fanny whines which prompts you to grab another box, “Don’t worry girl, Natty and I didn’t forget you.”
   Being the one with thumbs, Yelena opens the box and turns it to show the dog, “Look Fanny! Two new tennis balls, a new squeaky toy, and so many treats! You will be all set!”
   Her tail wags excitedly so the blonde tosses her a treat. She happily munches on it as Yelena grabs the gifts for you and her sister. She hands you each a small box first. “These are from Mama and Papa”
   When Natasha opens the box she can't help but gasp. There was a small necklace inside and it was absolutely beautiful. The chain was thin silver that led down to the charms, one which had your initials while the other was a small photo of you. This way her Alpha could always be with her. Yours was the same, but with her initials and a picture of her instead.
   Next she hands you each a gift bag and you both know these are from her. Nat again opens hers first. She finds a photo album inside and as she flips through the pages tears build in her eyes. It has memories in it starting at when she and Yelena were pups, moving to when she moved over to the US and met Clint before meeting Wanda and you in school, then her college years with you all, leading up to when Dima was born, and finally ending with the two of them moving in with you.
   “It's perfect sestra(sister), thank you so much.” she says, wrapping her arms around the Beta
   “You're welcome. You deserved to have your happy memories close.”
   They turn to look at you and you take that as your cue to open your present. Inside is a beautiful picture frame. It’s able to hold six photos and Yelena had chosen her six favorites of you with her sister throughout the years. The last one of course had the two of you with Dima.
   Tears build in your eyes as you observe the photos, you still sometimes have trouble believing you’d actually gotten with your friend, the Omega of your dreams.
  “Thank you Yelena. I love it so much”
   She nods, “I wanted to remind you that you always had my sister, and you always will.”
   Natasha smiles at the care her sister had taken with these gifts and hugs you tightly, “I love you so much, my Alpha”
   “I love you too my Omega, so very much”
   Yelena pats her dog's head, “Well, I think me and Fanny are gonna head out now to let the two of you share your presents in private.”
   “Are you sure?” you ask her, not wanting her to feel like she wasn’t welcome to stay longer 
   “Yeah.” she says before nervously scratching her neck, “Besides Kate invited me to join her for lunch so- ”
   “Well what are you waiting for?!” Nat shouts excitedly, “Go on! Go!”
   You laugh at her enthusiasm, “Calm down baby, at least let her properly say goodbye first.”
   Yelena does just that, giving her sister, nephew and you one last hug before she heads out to her truck. She places her gifts on the passenger side floor before letting Fanny jump into the seat. She cheerily waves goodbye as she pulls out of your driveway and you and Nat wave back from the front window. Once she's gone you all return to the living room, and you get ready to receive your gift before going to get her surprise.
   You sit down beside Nat and she excitedly hands you a wrapped box and a small gift bag. You open the bag first to find a new wallet for yourself. Your name is engraved into the money clip on the inside, a picture of her and Dima sits right inside where everyone can see it. You open the box next. The item makes your jaw drop.
  Inside a sleek black frame sits a photo of your motorcycle in the middle of the woods, and on top it sits your Omega in a set of lingerie. Her pose is not only sexy but also shows off the mark you left on her perfectly.
   “It's for your office.” she says shyly, “That way when it catches your eye you’ll remember I’m only a few rooms away and you’ll come find me”
   “I will definitely be doing just that Natty” you admit before kissing her, “You look too damn good on my bike”
   “Maybe I need my own then” she says with a cheeky smirk
   “Maybe you do…now you wait here while I go grab your gift from the garage, ok?”
   She nods and waits excitedly as she hears you rooting around out there. Finally you make your way back inside and hold out a bow to her. It's wrapped but she can also see small holes in both the paper and the box.
   She grabs it from you and sets it on her lap. She slowly lifts the lid only to be met with a pair of small emerald eyes staring back at her. Her eyes widen and she gently lifts it out of the box to get a better look. She smiles as a pure black kitten with a red bow on its collar is revealed. 
   “You said life would be perfect as long as you had a cat” you state, “So, here she is”
   “Oh moya lyubov'(my love)! She's absolutely precious!!” she exclaims, holding her close, “How old is he?”
   “About 16 weeks. Still needs kitten food but she is litter box trained. She doesn’t have a name yet.”
   Her eyes sparkle as she looks back at the kitten, “She looks like a Liho to me”
   “Liho it is then” you agree, watching her hug the kitten before allowing her to explore. The kitten wanders over to where your pup lays sleeping on the sofa and she lays down beside him, curling in close to cuddle and his hand gently grabs onto her fur “Look at them. Already best friends”
   Natasha watches a few moments more, the hand in her pocket nervously fiddling with the long skinny box inside, “Y/n?”
   “Yeah Natty?”
   “I um, I have one last gift for you.” she announces, finally getting your gaze to fall on her. 
   You take the box from her and open it, freezing as you see the test that lies inside. Two purple lines show up indicating a positive result causing a wave of emotions to overtake you.
   “You…are you really?”
   She nods, “Yes Alpha, I’m with pup”
   You smile wide before crashing your lips into hers and your arms protectively wrap around her midsection, “I love you and I promise I’ll take such good care of you Omega. Keep you safe and give you anything you need or want”
   She nuzzles into you, letting her tears of happiness fall freely, “I love you too, and I know you will baby. You're such a good Alpha and Mama.”
   The two of you remain cuddled like that for a few minutes more before Nat speaks up again, “We’re gonna have another pup…I can’t wait to meet them”
   “Neither can I” you admit, nuzzling against her, “Neither can I”
   Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian @that-one-gay-mosquito @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader @tashakink
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saw that one post of yours titled "his gaze softened" and fell in love with it! i was wondering if you would mind making a version with Haley, Claire and Daia instead? (my favs from vanilla SDV, SVE and RSV, respectively). if not, that's alright.
have a great day!
Of course! Have a great day too and enjoy 💖
Click, click, click, click...
The clicking had been going on for more than 20 minutes, as Haley couldn't get a perfect picture of the forest lake with her camera. Such a beautiful summer atmosphere: sunny weather, birds singing, fish splashing, flowers fragrant - the girl was ready to sacrifice the cleanliness of her new stilettos in order not to miss and capture such a perfect moment in the forest on the photo tape.
But the blonde girl still couldn't pick any photo - none of the photos fits, everywhere there is some object spoiling the whole picture. Deciding to take a break for a couple minutes from the endless clicking of her camera button, Haley noticed that just as the "that" farmer came out of the door of the Marnie's Ranch. The same Farmer, who still continued to be friends with Haley, despite the fact that in the past she'd made some less than tactful, and at times even rude, comments about their clothing. She would have said something about it even now, to be honest: their worn blue overalls were covered in dust, earth, and grass. However, Haley had been annoyed by this scruffiness at first on the first day they'd both met, but now she thought there was some charm to it. Though it would seem - what charm could you find in a dirty farmer's clothes?
The Farmer held a lump of something white in his hands, and a small basket of sunflowers hung from the bend of their elbow. It wasn't until a few seconds later that Haley realized that the "something white" in their hands was none other than a little cute lamb. Oh, so adorable!
Not realizing what she was doing, Haley took a quick picture of the Farmer while they were playing with a farm animal they had purchased. Noticing a flash not far away near the lake, Farmer took a quick step toward Haley. The girl was only slightly startled, thinking that the Farmer didn't like the hidden camera taking pictures without their asking. But they only bestowed the girl with their snow-white smile, gave her a sunflower (her favorite...), and let her play with the lamb for a bit.
After they finished talking and the Farmer headed home, Haley started looking at the pictures she had taken earlier, and stopped at the one where the Farmer, in a straw hat, smiling toothily, was playing with the cute lamb. Her gaze softened at the sight of such a happy person, her friend, her... secret object of adoration?
Okay, she got distracted, still need to take pictures of the landscape. And that picture of the Farmer... Well, she would keep secret, away from prying eyes.
Today Claire was lucky that there weren't many customers in the Jojamart, or else her manager would have made her miss half the break time again, because "customers need to be served, and rest can wait." The red-haired girl headed towards the small pond outside the store, the only place that wasn't lined with huge vans and crates with the dull logo of Joja. Just the quiet splash of water, a couple of trees, and silence... She could quietly enjoy a break and delve into reading her favorite book.
No sooner had Claire found a bench to sit down on than she noticed a figure not far from the pond. Birds of various colors were flying noisily around the person. Sparrows, titmouse, snowbirds - the very ones that don't fly south, staying in the Stardew Valley during the winter. The feathered lumps chirped happily around (as Claire noticed after a moment) the Farmer, perched on their shoulders, arms and head, gratefully and eagerly eating the bird food the Farmer had generously scattered. The cashier raised her eyebrows in surprise, amazed as she watched the smiling Farmer and the noisy little birds.
The birds seemed to trust them enough not to be afraid of them at all. Oh, how funny the Farmer looks when the little feather lumps, even after a hearty meal, were unwilling to leave the Farmer, perched on top of them. And how the Farmer pretended to be grumpy that they was going to stay here for a long time, but was nevertheless glad of such attention from the birds.
How Claire's gaze softened at the sight of the fondling birds and such a kind person for remembering to care not only their farm animals, but for the others. And the way her cheeks flushed slightly when the Farmer spotted her and waved a hand in greeting, and Claire could have sworn that the birds that perched on the Farmer also chirped happily as they greeted the red-haired girl.
"You'll never catch up to me!"
"I am speeeeed!"
"Hee hee hee!"
The children's laughter filled the entire Ridge, not intending to end anytime soon. After all, Keahi, Trinnie and Blair had just gotten into the flavor of the game when they, squealing with joy and merriment, ran away from the Farmer who had graciously agreed to play catch-up with them. Naturally, the Farmer runs as fast as a cheetah and could have caught someone a long time ago, but that's no fun.
After an hour of playing, they dramatically fell to the grass, and the children immediately went up to the Farmer and fell on the grass too with them, celebrating their victory.
"Hehehe, we overtook you! I told you I am the speeeeed!"
While all four of them were lying on the grass and laughing, not far behind a tall poplar tree stood Daia. A noise in the forest caught her attention and the curious ninja decided to find out what was going on. Her gaze softened and her heart filled with mirth when Daia realized that it wasn't evil spirits that had managed to crawl out of Ridge Forest, but just local kids and that 'cutie farmer' from a nearby town. Oh, she wished she could join the game too!
It was a shame that grumpy Jio would be all over her about the abandoned post, so Daia just smiled again and disappeared into the mist.
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Make My Mind: A Halloween fluff
a halloween reiner x f!reader modern au
It's Shocktober fest, autumn is in the the air and reader invites a self-conscious Reiner Braun along for a spooky evening of fun at a Horror Farm. She's always liked him but never known where their friendship stands. When things don't go according to plan, she tries to see the positives, hoping to get Reiner out of his shell and not read too hard into his glances.
Suggestive themes, swearing, angst and pining; mostly just fluff, flirting... tension . My attempt at some cute Reiner interactions, or I hope they are. He sure needs them. A lil early for Halloween...Inspired by the song Make My Mind by Screaming Trees
7.0k words
“You sure about this?” Reiner muttered hands buried deep in his pockets as he took in the prying eyes of the demon before him. It was rather hammy. Barely grazing his pectorals with its yellowed latex talon, hissing in what was more likely delight; setting off a rather involuntary eye twitch on Reiner’s otherwise reserved face. Carved in marble, all of him; maybe that was what the demon had noticed.
I had.
Snorting, I ushered the ridiculous costumed being off and shook Reiner’s shoulder, my fingers brushing the wool of his collar, fighting the urge to squeeze the taught muscle under my grip that was swathed in the flattering dark denim of his jacket, “We only just got in. You want to deprive me of a Halloween Horror Farm? Me?”
He glanced down at me, his spell (or stare off) with the demon-thing broken at my touch. His mouth pressed into a firm line, towering over me and striking a broad, intimidating figure. Yet I spied a softening around the eyes.
They were such warm eyes; made the whole evening really hard to keep platonic. I had promised myself that much. This wasn’t a date. We had never used the term. Just two friends hanging out, behind their other friends back at a Shocktober Festival on a functioning farm.
For some reason it felt like we were up to no good when we hung out alone like this. Or I did anyway. If Reiner thought of me more than friends, he wasn’t explicit about it. Certainly not in comparison to my stupidly obvious vibes… we liked each other’s company. That should have been enough.
And the others could be so loud. So rare as the occasion was, I had to bask in it, never pushed for more.
Reiner’s eyes were a colour worthy of being ignited, even now as I witnessed the caution in his gentle gaze. I wanted to be the spark; it was just that I didn’t know if he was after one.
“Maybe you’ll regret wanting that. Here’s your chance to run.” Reiner nodded behind us, to the gate.
I wished he was joking. I knew that as lightly as he tried to pass it off, he meant spending time with him; fucking moron. I asked him, “From you?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, watching as a Michael Myers-esque character sidled by to annoy an oblivious flirting couple.
“Thought so,” I tugged at his sleeve until he dropped his arm down, “You said ‘yes’.”
“Because you asked.” He said it so plainly, a matter of fact.
My heart skipped a beat but I battered down that delight, “Funny that; it’s almost as if I wanted to come here with you.”
Now my heart was going to explode – goddamn Reiner was smiling. It never failed to knock the wind from me when he did that, even more so when I was the source.
Reiner nodded, “Well, I thought everyone else had said ‘no’.”
I feigned outrage, “To me?”
His chuckle rumbled; I could feel it in the air between us, in the ground beneath our feet. Shit, he was quaking my world, and it took all my power to hold on to it, not to miss a moment.
That was the hockey-masked face that had appeared before me, catching me before I could blurt out how beautiful Reiner was.
I screamed.
Reiner’s arm shot out in front of me, a thick guard against the assailant.
This was no play actor however. Otherwise it would have been highly unprofessional for them to be joining in the raucous laughter of the group of college students behind them, also in hockey-masks. Out of character too; I was pretty sure that they weren’t supposed to be collaborating with the customers.
“Hey!” Fear quickly shifted to rage and Reiner’s defence of me was more from me, forced to keep his arm steady, even as I clawed at it, “You little shits. Why don’t you drown in some lake? Huh? Or maybe Mama will do it for you-”
“Okay,” Reiner grumbled, resisting me with some struggle, “Very specific with the threats.”
The laughter rippled louder and the hockey-masked fiend patted his arse for me to kiss it. It was embarrassing really, that I could recognise him when he turned around; the long-long on top, clipped on the sides hairstyle, arrogant wiggle of his great, yet unbearable, arse.
“Porco?” I squeaked.
This just set them off louder.
Reiner dropped his arm, stumbling away from me a little, “Porco? Oh shit, what are you doing here?”
Even as he said it, as Porco pushed the mask off his face to reveal that dreadfully smug smile, he was followed by the rest of the group. The others, who were loud and annoying and totally invasive, were now all there. We should have suspected.
Bertholdt towered above everyone, and removed his mask rather sheepishly mouthing an apology in Reiner’s direction. Colt was there too, grinning, just happy to be a part of the fun. Totally shameless. Pieck flung her hair out as she removed hers, coming up behind Porco to squeeze his still dancing, obnoxious butt – it wasn’t official that they were boning, but no one voluntarily did that to him, so it had to be true.
When Zeke shook free of his own mask, he handed it to a passing girl, ruffling his hair and beard into shape before they had a grip on it. Then he lit a cigarette.
Reiner blinked, “Should I be running?” This he said to no one in particular.
“You didn’t invite us?” Porco smirked, grabbing hold of Pieck’s wrist playfully, chiding her bullying – the squeezes had turned into pummels of his cheeks - directing the question our way, “Can’t remember the last time I saw you outside of the classroom, Braun.”
Reiner blushed, shrinking in his large way. To those who didn’t know him, they would not suspect such recoil. It was a rather subtle change, yet he seemed to be disappearing inwardly. He ignored Porco.
Bertholdt was shifting uncomfortably still, locked in some silent admonishment from Reiner. So I answered, “Didn’t think this was your scene, Porco? I mean, you live each day like a horror show, right? What’s new here?”
He guffawed, “Rich coming from you. You don’t usually piss yourself when you see me.”
“Not that you know of,” I snorted.
Pieck jabbed at us both with her free index, “You know you both just admitted some questionable stuff just then.”
I buried my head in the crook of my arm, and suppressed a scream. They were so freaking annoying. When I peeked from behind it, Reiner was looking at me, half amused, half baffled. And there were his soft eyes… The little creases. I could swear that he warmed just for me, hoped it was the case.
“Where’s Annie?” he asked, breaking eye contact with a shake of his head, pointing his question towards Pieck.
“I’m not her keeper.” She huffed.
Colt chimed in, “She’s at her dad’s for the weekend.”
“Her dad’s?” Reiner’s brow furrowed, “I thought he lived overseas now-”
“Deflection,” Porco shook his head. At that, Reiner feigned a little backhand, a why-you-little kind of gesture.
Zeke clapped his hands, cigarette dangling from his mouth “Well, it’s not about where we start, but where we go from here,” He wrapped an arm around both me and Reiner, pulling us close to him; a strong whiff of Reiner’s cologne disturbed in the motion leaving me a little light-headed, “The night is young and full of terrors.” He squeezed my shoulders, “Or lacklustre whimpers.”
When I scrunched my face up, he blew a little puff of smoke out of the corner of his mouth like a tea kettle and mock-pouted back.
“You guys are tagging along?” Reiner sighed. I couldn’t give him the stink eye, what with Zeke’s luscious locks and magnificent height blocking my view, but I’m sure he felt my psychic protests.
“How very kind of you to ask.” Zeke patted us both and released, leading the way towards Chainsaw Maze. Well, I knew it was by the punctuated metallic clang of a chainsaw and the ripple of screams beyond that followed.
Porco puffed his chest out, slinging an arm around Colt and Pieck, mimicking and not quiet nailing the effortless alpha-ism of Zeke before him, “After this, I want candy apples.”
She grinned, tugging at his finger, “With extra razor blades for you.”
Colt frowned, looking between the two, “You wouldn’t, would you?”
Bertholdt still hadn’t said anything. Reiner prodded at his arm, “You hate horror parks.”
“I tried to stop them, but they already bought the masks…” He pleaded, glancing at me, “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head, “Not your fault?”
Reiner and Bertholdt exchanged another look. What was going on with them?
“And we don’t own the place, do we Reiner? Glad to have you along.” I patted Bertholdt’s elbow, and side-by-side, we pursued the others. Until I felt a little resistance, on the end of my coat. Turning, I saw Reiner gripping the hem.
Not that he said anything, simply fell into step with me and, a little behind Bertholdt, we followed the rest, united in our disturbance of the evening ahead of us.
I felt high as a kite still. What Reiner could do to me.
The Chainsaw Maze was a success, I guess. It conquered us as intended. Halfway through we had somehow split up, just as the maniac herding us through had wanted all along. In panic, it was Zeke who I found myself clinging to in pure terror, his swagger exchanged for knee-buckling. But, I distinctly recalled linking frightened arms with both Bertholdt and Reiner. Pieck was counting us off, having made it out first unfazed, puzzled by Porco’s sudden absence, having crept in eagerly together.
“Hmm, I wonder how much motor oil they must get through with that thing.” Colt pondered, offering a visibly shaken Bertholdt a sip from his water bottle.
Of course, the last to emerge were none other than Porco, illicitly spent and breathless, hanging from Reiner, pale to look upon as they stumbled free. 
I covered my mouth to disguise my bubbling snickers. Reiner was shoving Porco aside, but when he met my gaze his frown cracked open. He laughed. It was only soft, and he dipped his head, inspecting his feet, utterly self-conscious, hiding the momentary shine from his face.
They did not let us rest. Caught before I made to reach out for him, forgot that I had never been so frank like that, I was glad I suppose that I was hindered from exposing my gravitational pull towards his frame.  Yet I couldn’t help but resent, even just a little, the way they tumbled on him as they considered the next amusement. As though they were frightened he would recede. Their clutches keeping him in place. But there I stood, keeping my distance, for the same reasons.
Next up was the Horror Hay Barn ride. It was just a tractor, pulling a sheep wagon kitted out with seats; for sheep did not perch like us. Yet funny how bestial and base I felt rounded on board. When I sat down, Zeke was opposite me. But before the tractor pulled off, spotting the free seat beside me instead, Pieck on my other, he slunk into that.
“Eww, who said?” I frowned.
He nodded, “This way I don’t have to look at you.”
I giggled, shoving him.
Reiner had been beside him, but with little hesitation, shuffled up so he was opposite me. Hands clasped in his lap at first, he smiled. It faltered as the monstrous vehicle shuddered into action. Bertholdt grabbed Reiner for support.
As we ploughed over the uneven dirt roads, pale-garbed figures snuck about the treelines, popped out from behind the shrubbery. The story was that there was a secret lab in the basement of the old farmhouse, with long-forgotten failed experiments haunting the dilapidated land. The professor, thought long dead, had been rumoured to still work on his devious creations. I didn’t know why we needed to be on a tractor for it.
The themes were all over the place.
A figure, one of the test subjects, scurried alongside the wagon, trying to grab on. I reeled away, as Pieck tried to push me further out.
Reiner kicked my boot after the ordeal was done, arms crossed firmly across his wide chest, when Pieck had found something to pick at Porco over – if I was mistaken, I could have sworn that she was comparing him to one of the more nervous, lacklustre monsters peeking around the tree.
Zeke almost looked like he was dozing.
Colt was forcing Bertholdt to watch, laughing all the while.
“You okay?” He mouthed.
I nodded.
He looked tired himself, drained by the attention of the others. I pointed at him, my own question.
He simply smiled. It wasn’t an answer.
I was certain I felt Reiner’s hand brush the back of mine at the stage. A time warp was being recreated with a crew of pumpkin dancers, strange gyrating rather uncomfortable to endure in their bright orange costumes and toothy, bulbous-headed gleams.
Maybe it was that the audience couldn’t comprehend what they were seeing; many looked as though they had been there all evening throwing back the local brewed cider, vibing with the spooky atmosphere. Just going with the flow, accepting the trip; for me, much of the dance was further proof that themes were a creatively restrictive construct. That had to be why...
I glanced down at my hand, the contact brief but scorching against the chilled skin. His hand was right there, hanging beside my own, his other holding a paper cup of cider. I bit my lip when I noted that his cheeks were little flushed. He’d only had a sip.
Colt swayed to the music with Pieck, holding their cups up like lighters at a rock concert, Porco mimed grinding the air behind her, imitating the dance up on stage. Even Zeke was tapping his foot.
I stepped closer to Reiner, not that there as much distance to fill. The heat of his large body radiated from his frame.
All I did was glance up, but he was already looking down at me. I wriggled my head in a little groove. He shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. Bertholdt and myself had ordered hot – lukewarm - chocolates, not quite seeing the appeal of what may have been a rather potent moonshine.
And then he offered me a sip.
I could still smell his cologne; it clung to him even as his own masculine smell lingered beneath it. The smell of his soap, the fresh detergent on his clothes, the bitter tang of the alcohol; I was practically pressed up against him, as platonically as I could be, inhaling it all in. I pretended it was the crowd, sparse though it was, convinced myself that I was not bold at all, only cautious of others. Knowing what I did, that I could feel the shape of him through my clothes, it meant that he would feel me too. I was already drunk on him.
Still, I took the cup. His long, thick fingers grazed my own, and I allowed my imagination to run wild as I drank from it, staring up at him as he watched. Waiting for my opinion.
“Good?” he smiled, eyes dropping to the cup and then back to my own. He didn’t just look at me. The way he saw me, with caution, waiting for something. Maybe rejection, but brimming with hope? My chest ached. Some people were always waiting to be hurt. If I could make that go away…
I nodded. Tart on my tongue, I disguised my expression as he took the cup back.
It was his hand that snaked up my arm, the one I was certain had brushed my own. It traced lightly the shape of forearm, my fleshy tricep before the wide expanse of his palm pressed between my shoulder blades, absently rubbing the spot. Yet I could feel the tug. The one that was pulling me closer to him.
From this angle, the whiskers of his facial hair looked darker. I wanted to run my hands though his fair hair, pull his face down to mine, feel the bristle of his scruff on my skin. The cider was really strong.
“Ugh!” Pieck cried, covering her eyes.
We jumped apart.
“In public?” Colt shook his head, half-hearted though the statement was.
My heart pounded in my chest, I had to avoid looking at Reiner. I was sure he was doing the same.
They weren’t looking at us.
A few others in the crowd were tutting, stepping aside from a couple locked in some manic embrace on one of the picnic tables.
“Zeke, do something about your brother,” Porco shook his head in disapproval, but failed to stop his own sexy dancing.
He was the only one who could do anything and even then Eren, his brother, was a lot to handle. Mikasa was totally into that right now. They were moments away from full contact.
Zeke said nothing, threw back the rest of his cider and handed the empty cup to Bertholdt before lighting another cigarette. Then he made his way over.
Reiner and I exchanged glances. He covered his mouth and turned away, the tips of his ears a bright red. I could feel my own cheeks sting with the flush of heat, patted them with my cold hands to drain the colour out of my face. The cider couldn’t have been that strong.
Eren was yelling at Zeke. They were all hands and gestures.
We moved on once Zeke relinquished the keys of his car to Eren, apparently a trade; if they left before they got kicked out, sober though they were, they could use his car for whatever… brothers were a breed of their own.
We went to other amusements; the arcade was horror themed too. Pieck and Porco were too large for the helter-skelter yet went down together. They did almost get us kicked out. And Colt was far too violent with whack-a-zombie.
A VR of the Demon Barber of Fleet Street in the twenty-first century followed that, and a bonfire in which we witnessed a witch’s coven summon the dark spirits. The demons from before made a reappearance and Reiner and myself both rolled our eyes. They chose one person from the crowd to ‘sacrifice’, which happened to be the most frightened and hard to miss; Bertholdt. He was ready to piss himself.
“Serves him right,” Reiner muttered.
In the gift shop, the others had been lured with the promise of all sorts of sweet treats. This was where they had bought those masks; other than food, there were breakable toys and elaborate costumes and accessories on sale at reasonable prices. I rummaged through the masks, irrationally excited by a pretty authentic Freddy Kreuger get up when I noticed Reiner and Bertholdt, heads bowed close muttering amongst themselves. Bertholdt tapped Reiner’s shoulder, as he shook his head.
Typically, they were interrupted. It was Colt first, holding up a bag of chocolate honeycomb with ghost faces painted on them to Reiner. Then Porco sidled over, sucking on Pumpkin shaped lollipops, gesturing at the checkout, the empty wrapper and finally his emptier pockets with a dramatic shrug. Was he the one who maxed out on the masks? It seemed plausible. Pieck waved a basket of treats and that was all she had to do to make her point.
They pleaded, like kids. And Reiner caved so fast, bemoaning each of them, raising his voice when Pieck went to add pinwheels to the already heavy load. He herded them to the checkout, rubbing his furrowed brow, his other hand on his hip altogether looking like a troubled doting father. He wasn’t mad, I could tell.
I bit the inside of my cheek when he caught me watching. Reiner grinned at me.
That night they had turned up and thrown off whatever it was we had planned. But I could see it. They wanted him there, to be there with him. This was no harassment or extortion in jest; I think they had missed him more than they could say. Were they exploiting his wallet? A little. But one thing I knew about them, they would do a lot for him.
Reiner kept to himself a lot, even in groups. Had for a long time. This strange routine, the smothering of attention and love, the demands and the clinging; it was all to be seen, to be felt. Beyond that, they wanted Reiner to know that he was all of those things. It was what I had hoped for, what I couldn’t alone give, didn’t believe I could.
I was relieved.
And a little lonely.
Zeke shuffled beside me, rattling a bag of jelly eyeballs beneath my nose. When I turned to him, acutely aware that I had been staring at Reiner too long, he was smirking. With a wriggle of his eyebrows he handed one sweet to me and strolled out of the shop.
There was one event we had put off. Porco had said it was best the later we did it, when less people would be going in and the real ghosts would come out; the Ghost Hunt through the pumpkin patch. I reminded him that if ghosts were real, they wouldn’t stick to his schedule
“You think we’re gonna see real ghosts?” Pieck asked, regret fogging her expression at who she had chosen to hook up with on the sly. Or so I guessed.
“I can’t do this anymore, please let me go home.” Bertholdt whined.
The queue wasn’t all that long but it was harrowing for the poor guy. His requests were denied, and we were rushed through by weary workers, checking their watches, then a mock greenhouse where we were handed cheap flashlights and regular goggles – Zeke tutted about hygiene - and out into the actual vegetable patch owned by the farm.
Bloody bold of them considering how potent the cider had been earlier. They were strewn about the place, magnificent large pumpkins and squash flourishing amongst their vines and disturbed soil.
Colt kicked one of the pumpkins Reiner had crouched beside to inspect (I hid a giggle at that too, he looked so serious), lightly with the side of his foot, “They’re fake!”
Pieck cheered, “We solved the mystery.”
A whistle blew, “Hands off the props!” It was the crew, a girl younger than all of us but far more done with life.
Porco pointed an accusational finger back at them, “You’re hiding something! Is it an ancient burial ground under these props?” How much had he drunk?
She waved her walkie-talkie at us to warn us to settle down, or she would call for our removal. We had made it so far, it was not worth it to throw it all away over a plastic seasonal vegetable. Back to the path we were.
Bertholdt had found a little comfort with Colt, who had no interest in the ghost hunting aspect of the evening. Leading them away from the cast hiding behind various garden ornaments in pasty makeup and fade-out rags to look at the other faux foods, he was the antithesis of fear. Pieck and Porco were making Zeke walk ahead of them. They weren’t scared, they kept saying, only making a human shield.
That left me and Reiner. Again.
There was no more cider to make us heady, or music to sway to, no promise of a night to unfold, no privacy at all really. But I could feel him fill the space beside me.
“Here,” He held out his arm like it was change, or a bottle of water I‘d asked for, and not the muscular limb that I wanted to grab every day and hang from like some wild being “If you need to hold onto something. Could get spooky.”
I eyed it sceptically. In the lowlight, Reiner’s angles were daunting. That marble, Adonis thing was really working for him even as his ghost-hunting goggles were bushed back at his hairline, messing with his do. I was seconds away from mussing it all up. Mine had been hanging around my neck, too tight to wear, clattering against my necklace. “I thought you wanted me to run from you earlier,” I said.
He sighed, pressing back the smile he wanted with the hard purse of his lips, “The grounds uneven.”
“I’m not scared of falling.” For him I was.
“Maybe you’ll get cold.”
“Hmm, a multi-purpose arm. What more can it do?” I grasped his arm and held it up like I was inspecting the sturdiness of a footstool, “Do tell.”
The corner of his mouth curved up and he sniffed, “I suppose it can do a fair bit more.”
I wanted him to show me what more it could do.
Even as he said it, he dropped his arm, regret flooding his brief easy-going mood; like he had gone too far. Like he stopped before he felt caught.
Earlier, it had been easy. Before they had gate-crashed and reminded me of everything beyond the two of us, platonic though we were; now I could not forget every reason why it was best I never crossed the line with Reiner. His heart was big and aching; so little could knock him back. I wanted him to come back out, not force him to expose his soul anymore.
“Having you with me, I’m sure it will keep the ghosts away.” I nudged his side with my elbow. Disappointed though I was, I forced myself to keep it light.
A white, flowing cast member scurried from one corner to the next and we both shone our light on it, “Was this worth waiting for?” Reiner groaned, unimpressed.
“Porco seems to think so.”
They were having fun, I could see them creeping and peeping behind the scarecrows, pointing with excitement at ‘ectoplasm’ which was 100% duck poop; even as Bertholdt was ripping his hair out, clutching his chest, having a breakdown on the spot. The screams of delight from them were unusually wholesome.
“Is this enough horror farm for you?” Reiner whispered, leaning down, his arms crossed.
The only thing scary was how jealous I was. That the others were so candid with their affection with him. That he was right there but I didn’t know what to do. Was frightened of his recoils. The others made it easy, made me wonder that if Reiner really, genuinely thought of me as someone he could… like, that they would be okay with it.
Watching the way that the unofficial Pieck and Porco clung on each other, playfully teased as though it was nothing, the way Eren and Mikasa were so shamelessly into each other, the way Annie and Armin walked hand in hand with such ease towards the corn field-
I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Reiner’s mouth formed a little ‘O’, like a guppy.
And she spotted us too, because Annie was about to make a dash for it. Porco yelled, making all those (including the ghosts) jump in the surrounding clearing, “You’re dad got shorter, huh Annie?”
“Armin? Of all the…” Pieck trailed off, marching after them.
“Shame on her!” Colt grinned, following in her direction, Bertholdt hanging on as his flashlight trembled in his hand, barely comprehending the latest unfolding event, on his heels. Zeke pulled up the rear and in no real rush. A plume of smoke billowed above his head as he lit yet another cigarette.
I wrapped my coat closer to me, tucking my hands under my arms, like a straight-jacket. We were left alone (bar the staff) and now something hung on to us, an ellipses from earlier. I wanted to say a whole lot of different things, but all I could think of was, “Should we follow them?”
“I don’t want to.” He sighed.
I shook my head, “The peace and quiet is kind of nice.”
“That’s it,” Sheepishly, he glanced down at me, “I always find that when I’m with you.”
What could I say to that? He stared me down for as long as he could before dropping his head again. The ground was very interesting, had been all night. With a scuff, he kicked at some loose dirt with his toe.
My heart was dropkicking my ribs, my head was telling me not to read into it and yet Reiner had a way of pleading for me to accept him. I was so ready to hold on with all might. But what was I accepting? What way could I and not get hurt or hurt him? What was on the table?
And he was looking again. Forcing himself to, “I mean it.” He said.
Fucking hell.
Beyond, the cornfield was rustling again. Porco’s loud voice bemoaned that they couldn’t catch up to them.
Reiner didn’t say anything. I heard a sharp intake of breath from him, was about to turn to see if he was okay but was grabbed, his strong hand wrapped around my wrist. Before I could blink, he was dragging me into the towering corn in the opposite direction, just as the others were emerging; they didn’t notice our departure.
Reiner followed the guide of his torch, and I trailed behind, finding the burst of adrenaline pumping through my veins propelling me through some rather embarrassing ragged breathing.
When we slowed down, we were flanked on all sides by stalks, forced into a pocket, our bodies once again moulding in the air between us. I shifted awkwardly, bent double, clutching my knees wheezing but grinning like an idiot, almost smothered by the large leaves cocooning the corn. He barely broke a sweat. Yet his chest heaved, rising and falling in what some would have found almost pornographic. I was some.
“What was that about?” I giggled, giddy and dopey and terribly unsure if I had any right to feel those things.
His fingers laced behind the back of his head, arms up and biceps flexing beneath his sleeves. Lower than that, a peak of skin flashed as his shirt lifted; of course that would have been incredibly revealing too, some heel-knocking kind of miracle teasing through.
And then he said, “I’ve wanted to do that all night.” He pounded the air on the last words, sucking in the night air.
I swayed on the spot.
Still all breath, he was holding back a smile again, turning a little from me to hide his face, “Was that okay?”
“To drag me into bushes?” I snorted.
He faltered, “I guess this wasn’t what you were hoping for when you invited me here. Look, I should have said something sooner, maybe I’m jumping the gun- After all this- I shouldn’t have said anything- I’m messing this up.” He was deflating quickly, his own adrenaline was receding. I could see him thinking, the cogs clunking around his pretty head; it needed to be stopped.
“Yo, Reiner.” I pressed my palm to his heart, “I got to spend time with you and I think I got to see you happy.  I miss- we miss you when you’re hiding away but today all I saw was you being here with us, present. That was all I wanted today.”
He stared at my hand.
Yep, I knew it. I had overstepped. Not very platonic…
“I was glad when you only asked me.” He murmured, covering my fingers with his own, skin burning mine. “Those guys are such morons. Without you, maybe I would have dipped early… In the end, I was glad that I had you- I mean, that you were here… Thank you”
I gnawed on my lip, considering the little facts I was hauling together. Presumptions were my enemy. “You and me,” I flapped the minor gap between us, “So, do you ever think about it? About more?”
His shoulders slumped “Yeah, all the time… And it scares the hell out of me.”
I shuffled closer, contemplating once again, “More than the Chainsaw Maze?”
He flashed his teeth in a wide grin, shaking his head, “For sure.”
“Can I show you something that scares me?”
The air was still, we could not hear the staff or our friends, the rows of maize stifling all sound, engulfing us deeper in whatever this was. I trembled; the temperature was dropping on this autumn night, yet the heat from his body hit me in rhythmic waves. His breaths were deep. Sultry even as his Adams apple bobbed.
The nod was minute.
I dared to touch his skin, my fingers trailed up his neck, whispering along his stubble, tracing his broad jaw before cupping his cheeks. On my tip toes, I strained just a little.
And I kissed him. Catching his full lip between my own, it was just a caress. Velvet smooth and better than I could have imagined the shape of him with my own was a perfect fit. His jaw twitched as he relinquished beneath my gentle touch.
I kept it brief. When I pulled back, I examined his face. We were holding our breath; I was still.
When he kissed me, it was firmer. With his whole body. Wrapping me tight in his embrace, large hands pressed firm against my shoulders and spine, his lips were hungry, I could feel the power all the way in my toes. His rock solid abs, his firm hips, strong arms robbed me of strength and I let him hold me.
My hands had found a way into his hair, pushed the goggles off his head. Our breaths were so heavy, the wet sound of our kiss filling my ears, I never heard it’s gentle thud on the earth beneath us, joining the torches we had abandoned some time ago.
Teasing, his tongue brushed my lips. A moan escaped me.
Reiner drew back. Swollen and wet, I couldn’t take my eyes off his lips, even as they hesitated to form words, “This…”
“Exposure therapy?” I murmured, “I don’t think I’m fully cured though.”
He chuckled, “I don’t think I ever will be.” He dipped his mouth to mine again, “I’ve been waiting for this too.” This time our tongues did meet. His teeth nibbled on my lip
Hands began to roam, following the curve of my waist, firm on my hips. His had never felt so large until they cupped my arse. Of course, I had untangled from his roots, snaked my fingers beneath his jacket and revelled in the heat of his skin through his shirt, warming my hands, feeling the impressive form beyond. I was yet to brave his butt; I had enjoyed it plenty of times as one would an impressive sculpture,  but I would just about keel over if I finally got my fill of it.
Besides, the groan that rumbled from him shuddered through me. I’d made him do that… I wanted to hear more of his noises.
Reiner pulled back again, “This okay, then?”
I whined, “Christ. You think it isn’t?”
“I’m just checking.” He nipped on my cheek, the corner of my mouth, my jaw, my chin. His tongue snuck out when he placed a kiss on my throat. Lower down, his fingers were teasing the hem of my t-shirt, could feel the rough pads of his finger tips on the bare skin. “Do you think we would have done this if the others hadn’t turned up?”
I was practically purring, his kisses were so sweet, “Probably not. I’m not too sure how this even happened.”
“About time though.” His hands returned to my waist and he leant back. It was a little like being shoved off the magic carpet ride. Eyes roaming my dishevelled clothes, taking in my face; it must have looked different. I felt like I had engorged, that every part of me throbbed beneath his touch. His inquisitive eyes, the way he stared at me, I may as well have been naked “I’m gonna wake up tomorrow, and still think I’m dreaming.” His fingers, idly, squeezed the flesh of my middle, “I like you a lot.” He crooned.
“I should hope so.” I traced the hollow of his collar bone, “Let’s do this.”
Reiner nodded. It was probably the biggest smile I had seen that evening, the first he let out full-throttle. I wanted to see it every day.
“I love when you do that.” I said.
“What?” His brow furrowed.
“Beam.” I placed a kiss on the dimple in cheek,
“I’m not sure I can keep it up.” He was blushing, one of his hands shooting up to rub at his face, masking my discovery.
“Not asking you to. I’m not asking you to be anything other than you, Reiner. Good, bad, moody or hyper… sensible or stupid. I want all of it; I’ll take whatever you’re offering.” I took the hand and grazed the knuckles against my lips. “You’re okay Reiner. You know that? Don’t change.”
He was on the brink of protest; his eyes were darting sideways, even as he held me in his arms. Freeing the hand, I held his face again, caught him in my stare, “Please? I like you so much. Believe me. Otherwise I would be saying all of this to someone else.”
This time when he kissed me, it was soft and restrained. Each brush of his lips slow, savouring, an inch from bruising; I could taste him all day; “Let me be yours, If you’ll have me.” He said against my lips.
I nodded.
“MAYBE THE GHOSTS GOT THEM!” Porco was yelling somewhere not too far away. More and more I was associating him with those ridiculous dogs that bark at the window when postal workers walked by.
“I’m sorry about them. I really am.” Reiner grumbled, resting his forehead on my mine, “I can’t tell if their timing is impeccable or dreadfully off.”
“Why? We can’t control what they do.” I shrugged, reluctant as I wriggled free of him. He huffed as I did. In the end he held my hands in his, swinging my arms. “You know though, it was kind of weird how they knew where to find us earlier.”
“About that…” He took great interest in the motion he made.
I quirked a brow, “What?”
“Bertholdt dropped the ball there.”
“But he only tried to stop the prank right? How would he know about us meeting up?”
“I told him.”
I pressed my lips together. I didn’t expect Bertholdt to have loose lips but his resolve was on the weaker side. All they could have done was ask where Reiner was and he would have spilled the beans rather than lie. His sweat could have screamed the truth to be fair.
“He kept telling me to tell you how I felt.” He said. Well, he’d also confided in him too. Poor Bertie wasn’t really one for secrets. I could barely hide my glee at the thought of Reiner talking about me, though. Bertholdt suffering was not in vain, if just for this brief delight.
“-but what if they have? Then who do we call?” Porco’s grating voice was booming ever closer.
Zeke replied, “Whatever they’re doing, it’s not paranormal.”
I held my hands up, guilty. “Hell, I can’t scold you for that. I should have said something, too. Who am I to talk?” I snorted, just as Pieck began the opening lines the Good Witch sang to the Munchkins.
Reiner squeezed my hand, “They’re so annoying.”
I agreed. “They miss you.”
“I know.” He chewed on his lip, thinking to himself.
I tugged him along, behind me, my turn to lead the next steps, “Come on, let’s really shock them.”
He glanced at our joined hands, and smiled a wicked smile. Before he let me go anywhere, however, he tugged me back. Cradling my jaw in his delicate grasp, he kissed me, sucking briefly on my bottom lip. His thumb brushed my chin before he let go again.
The peace was officially ruptured by Colt and Porco carrying on the chorus to the rest of the Munchkinland song. Bertholdt was protesting, not loud enough to hear much. I was certain I even heard Zeke tell them to pack it in.
We gathered the torches and Reiner’s goggles and weaved through the corn, making a complicated way around their approach.
Were they shocked when they found us hand-in-hand? Not really. But they were crapping themselves as we finally jumped out. We had darted about, relishing in teasing them, rattling stalks and throwing pebbles; recreating the menace of our favourite horror films. Reiner even managed an impressive gurgling noise.
Porco had to wipe tears from his cheeks, soothed by Bertholdt who for once wasn’t frightened; he stared to the sky above and thanked some silent entity, the burden free from him at last. Nothing would scare him again; he had no more secrets to keep. Screw the ghosts.
Pieck was crouched; head buried in her arms, muttering about how unnecessary it was of us to get them like we did and Colt… well he patted his chest, “Phew! No missing persons reports for us!”
That was some good payback.
Zeke smirked, noticing as our fingers quickly entwined with one another’s when our hysterical laughter subsided, “Called it.”
“It’s where we go from here, right?” Reiner shrugged, tugging me closer. Zeke rolled his eyes and I stuck my tongue out.
For disturbing other customers, recklessness, and ruining the attractions… we did get kicked out, eventually.
Hope you enjoyed <3
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nimnomdimsum · 11 months
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Strawberry Jam
The context of this is that a girl named Millie from the city got stuck on the side of the road and a guy named Ben (hot sexy farmer) helped drive her to his town to the mechanic (also super hot sexy) they spend a few day together and now they making jam cuz Ben grows strawberries
"You pour the hot water into the jars so they don't break when u put in the jam," he said in a grumpy but matter of fact tone.
"I know."
He looked at me strangely, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes "What do you mean you know?"
"I used to make jam with my ma when I was younger"
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning back to stirring the strawberry jam "So yer one of those city girls."
I squinted and tilted my head to the side "What city girls?"
"The rich kind that had a garden in their backyard and 'farmed for a hobby'  the irritatin' ones"
Not feeling necessarily offended but more wronged, I huffed and said "that's mighty rude assuming I was a rich girl that had  expensive hobbies. Not that there's anything wrong with having a cute little hobby like making jam."
He looked back at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk "You sayin I'm wrong?"
"I don't like sounding cliché, but yes, my family and I weren't dying of poverty but we sure weren't rich."
"Livin in the city? You were middle class at least "
"I didn't grow up in the city"
"Then where did u grow up, here?" He asked sarcastically.
"I grew up 3 towns away, about 50 miles from the town"
He paused his stirring, his eyes grew wide and he turned to me "You grew up in Yanner? The town of dust?"
"Yup, grumpiest people you'd ever meet", I said with a smile
"Then why you and yer family in the city, no one ever leaves yanner"
"Like I said, we weren't dying and I was smart kid. I got scholarships and my pa was the only farm that had kinda decent soil to farm"
"Fuck, millie, I didn't even grow up that fuckin poor. What school did you go to?"
"The one here actually, It wasn't fun" I smiled
He looked puzzled, does that mean they went to the same school? "why did you hate it, the kids too posh" he said dryly
I giggled " Nah, it was the drive here and back. Spent most of my day in those buses. Woke up at 4 am to get to school and got home at 6pm. Just in time to make and pack jam with my ma"
"School started at 8 and ended at 2, you tellin me you spent 8 hours a day just on a fuckin bus and u still went to school and did ya chores at home???"
"Yup! It was ok tho, got most of my homework and studying done on those buses. So I had a lot of free time when I got home and over the week ends"
"What did u even do on the weekends? Sleep?"
I chuckled "I wish. I was helping my ma sell the jam at this cute little tea shop in town. Ah I fucking loved making jam with my ma, she preped the fruit, I cooked and jarred them"
"Sounds to me u did all the work" he said a bit annoyed that my mom didn't do more with me.
"It was the deal tho, if I didn't want to help pick, clean, cut and peel the fruit, I'd have to make and jar the jam myself. I hated prep"
He shook his head with a smile on his face, of course she hates prep, the lazy shit. "You said u went to the school nearby? How old are u? I never saw u around."
"I didn't see u either, maybe you graduated before me. We also hung out with very different ppl. You probably would have bullied me, heh"
He didn't say anything for a while, he was a pretty shitty kid "I'm 25, the class of 2023"
My eyes when wide "no fucking ways. You're a lying shit"
"What, why tf am I a lying shit!?" He said annoyed.
I laughed hysterically "how tf am I 3 years older than u. I was the class of 2020"
It was his turn to looked shocked "THERES NO FUCKIN WAY YER 28, YER LITERALLY STILL IN SCHOOL "
"Yes fucking way. I've been studying for 5 years dude, i just dropped out fer a while cuz I developed a stress disorder so I looked after my family and worked for a mechanic in town."
"Who? There's only 3 mechanics in this area and my best friends one of them." He said like I just told him the most unbelievable thing in the world.
I rolled my eyes,"It wasn't Jackie, it was Mike, he was fine as fuck."
"Gross, don't be thinkin nasty things while talkin to me." He said a little upset but definitely grossed out.
"What? Can't a girl appreciate a guy's  good looks"
"Not when it's u Millie, I can practically see what u thinkin and it could make a sailor blush"
"Someones blushing alright" I smirked looking at ben's red ears.He scoffed , turning back to the jam. He was clearly embarrassed and annoyed, and decided to ignore me.
I didn't mind though, the silence was nice. It allowed me to look at the house more. It was quite big since it housed 2 other men, Jackie and Grant, they were sweet fellas and kind enough to let me stay here until Jackie fixed my car.
I hopped off the counter and walked towards Ben, he took notice of this but ignored me so I got closer til my chin rested on his shoulder.
"Can ya back off a lil, I'm tryna bottle this hot shit and I don't wanna spill", he said a little disgruntled
"Nah, you’re fine, plus if ya burn yourself I'll kiss it better,"  I said with a chuckle, a joke to lighten the old grump but instead of rolling his eyes or pushing me off, he froze and looked at me with wide eyes and his ears a bright red and looked back to the jam he was pouring into a jar. He slowly tilted further and further from the jar and closer to his hand, my eyes went wide and I pulled  his hand away "WAIT! I was joking, if you wanted a kiss, could've just asked"
He burnt even redder now, turning his head as far away from me as possible, under his breath he mumbled and 'oh' and I laughed. I turned his head to face to face me and tried to stare into his eyes but he averted contact, clearly very embarrassed. I giggled again and kissed his bottom lip since I was too short to reach his full mouth.
That got his attention since he gasped and looked at me with wide eyes, now his whole face was red, from his ears to his neck and probably lower, "Do you want me to do it again?"
Heyyyy…so this is kinda embarrassing but I wanted my bbg koi to judge it cuz this has been in the making for 2 years. HOPE U LIKE MWAH MHWA
Part 2
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haztobegood · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Thank you for sending this!! Here are five that I am very fond of:
💜 We're Getting Better With Time 💜 T, 5k, Harry/Louis, Social Media au, Older Larry
Hello Harry, this may seem out of the blue, and even weirder if you don’t remember me. We hung out for a few weeks back in the summer of 82. A picture of you showed up on my facebook tonight, I think because we have a few mutual friends on here. I know we haven’t spoken in forty years, but I thought I’d just shoot you a message. I hope you’re doing well. L Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
💜 Stole My Heart 💜 NR, 3k, Harry/Louis, University au, meet cute/ugly
“Oh my god, Niall.” The door slams shut as Harry rushes into the flat. He’s still panting from his rush to get away from the scene of his crime. “You won’t believe what just happened!” Niall is sitting on the couch in their tiny living room. He looks up from his laptop. “What happened?” “The worst thing. I’ll never recover. I just reached into a box of free samples outside that new chicken restaurant. Only it wasn’t free samples. It was a man. Holding a box of chicken nuggets. His chicken nuggets. I stole this man’s food, Niall!”
💜 Close Our Eyes (Pretend We're Miles Away) 💜 E, 5k, Harry/Louis, Girl Direction, Thelma and Louise au
Louis and Harry have been on the run for a day and a half now. It’s a hard situation to be in, and they’ve been trying to cope the best they can since their relaxing girls’ weekend at a rented cabin turned into a living nightmare. Just forty eight hours ago, Harry never would have robbed a bank. Hell, she barely would have touched the gun she’d used in the robbery, let alone wave it around to threaten anyone. Forty eight hours ago, Louis hadn’t used that same gun to shoot a man.
💜 Now All The Clouds Been Lifted 💜 T, 7k, Niall/Greg James, non-traditional a/b/o
Niall Storm, certified meteorologist by day. Niall Horan, lonely alpha by night. When a new midday news anchor gets hired at the station, Niall finds he can't look away from the beta. If he dares to take a chance, his attraction just might precipitate into a crazy little thing called love.
💜 Love and Other Antidotes 💜 E, 16k, Harry/Louis, Emperor;s New Groove crossover
Arrogant pop star Harry Styles is transformed into a cow by his bandmate Amy Z after a heated argument. Left in the back of a truck, Harry finds himself at a rural farm hours away from his band. Harry has three days to make it back to London and turn back into a human before his next show. His only chance to reclaim his glamorous life rests with a kind farmer named Louis. They must work together to find the antidote before Amy Z finishes him off and takes over the band.
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depotlomo · 2 years
Farrah fawcett poster
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I’ve since heard that when the guy in Cleveland got the pictures, he went, “First of all, where’s the bikini?” He told me he wasn’t ever gonna pay me, because he hated the pictures. In the early summer of ’76 McBroom sent a package of 25 shots of Farrah indicating which one Farrah wanted to use. He took a number of shots, using his Nikon, including a sultry Farrah eating a cookie but Farrah chose the final frame that would make her one of the most famous people of the ’70s. For the backdrop McBroom grabbed the old Indian Blanket covering his car seat and hung it up, “I should have told people I styled this,” McBroom says, “but the truth is it came off the front seat of my ’37 Chevy.” When she came down in the now famous red one-piece swimsuit to cover a childhood scar on her stomach McBroom knew he had something. She modelled several different swimsuits but McBroom didn’t get excited about any of the pictures he shot. She did her own hair and they took the photos behind the home by their pool. The shoot was at Farrah’s Bel Air, Calif., home of her and then-husband, actor Lee Majors. They wanted a bikini shot of the blond beauty.
Bruce McBroom a freelance photographer had worked with Farrah before and so Pro Arts agreed to hire him for the shoot. She hadn’t yet signed on for her hit show Charlie’s Angels but got some work doing commercials. When the photo was taken Farrah Fawcett was still an unknown actress wanting to make it big. Hersh passed the idea on to Farrah who thought it was “cute” and said she had a photographer she likes to work with. After Ted finished talking Hersh was puzzled and asked, “What type of product is Farrah to be selling on the poster?” “We want to sell Farrah on the Farrah poster,” Ted explained. He soon got in touch with Fawcett’s agent Rick Hersh and tried to get a deal. Ted had never heard of Farrah but knew that if students were using ads of her then a poster would be a big seller. He admitted that he and his friends had been buying women’s magazines just to get pictures of her from the Wella Balsam shampoo ads. In April of 1976, Ted was working on his farm with the neighbor’s son Pat Partridge when Pat mentioned that if he running Pro Arts he would make a poster of Farrah Fawcett. They struggled for a few years but then a poster of the Fonz sold more than a quarter-million copies which bumped Pro Arts in the big leagues. Ohio’s number one and only Distributor of Youth-Oriented Posters. A shipment of anti-war posters soon became their number one breadwinner and so they sold the store and became the Pro Arts Inc. Mike and Ted Trikilis dropped out of Kent State in 1967 to open an art gallery that sold posters.
This poster which was released the same year as when she played Jill Munroe on the TV show Charlie’s Angels went on to sell a record 12 million copies making it one of the most famous pin-ups ever. After the war, the title was passed from various Hollywood bombshell to Hollywood bombshell but Farrah Fawcett ruled the 70’s. Picture Taken: Summer of 1976 poster released in Sept of same yearĭuring World War II Betty Grable was the pin-up queen. Photo Summary: Farrah Fawcett in a red swimsuit Where: Farrah Fawcett’s home in Bel Air, California
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zeewritez · 2 years
What Our Fotune Holds
Next Chapter >
Fandom: Star Wars
Era: Post Clone Wars (Set during Kenobi Series)
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN! Reader
Summary: Y/n, a former Jedi youngling, is gifted with a unique ability to tell the future in detail. When they are asked by a fellow survivor of the purge, Nari, to help him find Master Kenobi, they are skeptical but decide to share their vision with him. 
Warnings: Mentions of a corpse, alluding to violence
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Cool winds whipped through the air. The weather, scorching by day, was always brisk once the suns had set. The dry air of Tatooine didn’t retain much heat. I pulled my cloak shut as I continued walking through the back allies of town.
 Once I heard the tell-tale drunken laughter of the cantina, I knew I was there. I knocked thrice on the back door like I was told to. There was some shuffeling and soon enough the owner opened the door to let me in. 
 “You’re the person Nari spoke of?” he asked as I entered.
 “I am,” I replied. 
 “Why don’t you show your face?” he said with a soft smile. “You’re safe here.”
 “You can’t unsee me once I show myself,” I told him.
 He nodded and gestured for me to follow him. He took me through a narrow corridor. At the end of it was an attic door, which he pulled down to open. 
 “They’re here,” he called up then looked back at me. “Go ahead.”
 I gave him a quiet thank you as I climbed up the shaky ladder. It squeaked with every step I made.
 The attic was sparse. There was a mattress, a rug, and a light saber scattered along the floor. The only source of light was some small candles in the corner. Nari sat cross-legged in the center of the room, his eyes trained on me as I entered. 
 “So you came this time?” he asked. If his tone hadn’t sounded so hopeful I would’ve taken it as snark. 
 “Yes,” I told him. “The road was clear tonight.”
 ”I see,” he said. “Please,” - he gestured to a cushion in front of him - “have a seat.”
 I did, mirroring him by crossing my legs. 
 “What is it you wish to know?” I asked, removing the scarf that covered my face. I had come to trust him enough to show myself while using my abilities. “The future of a friend? Where an old lover resides? How you will die?” 
 He shook his head. “I need to know where I can find Master Kenobi.”
 I sharply inhaled when I heard that name. I’d never met him personally, but I heard many tales of him through whispered rumors of the Jedi temple. Even in my near isolation, stories found their way through the walls. I’d even caught glances of him through cracked doors and flowing curtains.
 Why? I wondered. Why would he possibly need to find him? The man that raised Darth Vader? I thought, but I didn’t ask. I never asked too many questions when telling someone of the future. It was really none of my business. 
 “Okay,” I agreed and closed my eyes.
 I reached out into the force and called for his name. In the dead of night, I saw him, dressed in tattered robes, making his way through the desert, towards a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. I knew that house, I’d been there. I opened my eyes once again.
“He’s going to be at the Skywalker’s house later tonight. A few hours from now. It’s a small moisture farm northeast from here,” I told him. “You should leave soon if you want to make it.”
 I wouldn’t see Nari again until the next day when his corpse hung in the center of town. He had been found by inquisitors and made an example of. Years ago, still a strict follower of the Jedi code, I would not have let it phase me. Yet I no longer followed those rules and was left shocked and horrified by the sight.
 I knew better than to let anyone see my reaction, however, and marched forward through the street. I came out for fruits, and I wouldn’t leave until got some. My Loth-Cat and I had both been peckish that afternoon, and Lu-Lu wasn’t so cute when she was hungry. I made my way to my favorite fruit stand as though Nari’s corpse wasn’t hanging over me as an omen.
 Focused on not making myself seem suspicious, I must’ve been blind to the people around me. I walked straight into a passerby. 
 “Oh, my apologies, sir,” I spoke, lifting my head just enough to make eye contact with him. 
 “All good,” he said with a smile. 
 That accent - he was from Coruscant. His face -- it was the one I’d seen glimpses of years ago as a child. His force signature - a Jedi. 
 It was Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Author’s Note: Hey, y’all, I’m back! I watched the first two episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi yesterday, and I just had to write a story about it. I don’t usually write stories that go along with episodes, but I might for this one. 
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
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Cowboy Like Me | forever
Summary: Aaron Hotchner ends up in Georgia when he goes into witness protection with his son. Staying in the guest house behind a bed and breakfast in a town no one has ever heard of, run by the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Warnings for this chapter: pure fluff, happy ending
word count: 900
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The tennis court was covered up, once again, with a big white tent, ready for another wedding. It was a highly anticipated wedding, one that has been put off for 2 years as the world shut down and re-opened again and again. However, being trapped in a house together for all that time really cemented if they were meant to be together or not.
These two were definitely made for each other.
Spencer Reid and Josephine Bowery were the towns new it couple since he arrived in Evermory in June of 2017. Jack introduced them to each other at the end of the year BBQ hosted on the farm, it was love at first sight. 
The curvy red-head was infatuated with him, she listened intently to all his facts, her eyes lit up when he smiled at her and she hung off his arm like a needy child after just one dance with him. And he loved it. He took her on dates all summer long: to the local coffee shop, every week he bought the same bouquet of flowers from Willow for her, they visited museums and took long walks in the fields together. They kissed in the sunflowers and rolled around in the hay as the seasons changed, picked pumpkins for their shared front porch and by Christmas he was asking her to marry him. 
That was right around the time Juliet was born. The first of the Hotchner-Y/L/N children. She was a feisty little thing now, 4 years old and thinking she was the real wedding planner. 
You see, Jo was really nice to Juliet when she came over to plan with Y/N, letting her help with the flower arrangements and taste all the cake options… so now that the wedding was actually happening, she had a clipboard and a stern face as she stood beside her mother and overlooked the set-up. 
“Mama,” she looks up at her, “when are you going to have a wedding?” 
She shrugs and places a hand on her large tummy, “your dad and I are perfectly happy together this way. Plus, I don't think we could even find a dress to fit me.” 
“If you wait for a little more then baby brother could come too?” She problem solves quickly. “I wanna plan your wedding, mama.” 
She swoops down and picks up the ever-growing toddler with a groan, “oh, sweetheart, maybe one day.” 
“Will you plan my wedding one day?” She ponders her cute little face so much like Aarons. 
She could cry, both from being pregnant and the immense amounts of sweetness that came from their little girl. “Of course, honey, and you’ll have it right here so me and daddy can set it all up to perfection for you.” 
“Good,” she smiles again. “I love it here.” 
“I love having you here,” she whispers and presses their noses together. “I waited so long for you, Jules. I love you so much.” 
She snuggles into her mom's chest, holding her back with her tiny little arms. “I love you too, mama.” 
When she sets her down again, she goes running out to her dad so she can help him put out the placemats, now that all the tables were unfolded and set up. 
She’s been here before, watching Aaron set up for a wedding that wasn’t theirs with all the care and delicacy in the world. Only this time, Jack was much older, 16 and about to be a Junior in High school. Still dating his boyfriend Jeremy, the two were basically inseparable. Jack was happier than she’s ever seen him, especially now that he was getting a little brother too. He already worshiped Juliet, she could do no wrong and he would kill anyone who looked at her the wrong way. Their little family was so perfect and complete, even her dad was in love again. 
Diana moved in when Spencer did, only she ended up staying in the guest house permanently. She found it easy to cope with her struggles on the farm, finding structure and balance and even a holistic doctor over in Hockley made her lucid a lot more often than not. She’s a lovely woman, funny and smart, she took in Y/N and Aaron's kids as if they were her grandkids, and she read books to Juliet all the time, especially Shakespeare. 
It was lovely having them join the family. 
The whole BAU was visiting the farm for the wedding too. Jack was currently busy showing Henry and Mike all around the property, JJ and Will were enjoying some alone time in the BnB, Emily was at the bar and Derek was helping Spencer with his suit. 
She met Hank and Savannah earlier, as well as Dave's new wife Crystal and her daughter. The two of them fit right into the town Gossip like they were made for Evermory, sitting beside Inez as she told them everything. 
Seeing their two lives so merged and intertwined was incredible. Like a patchwork quilt all sewn together with golden string, each story so unique and different yet they all ended up here sharing the same chapter on her farm. Making memories the way her mother always dreamed they would on this giant plot of land. 
She could feel her more than ever on days like today. It was as if she was standing over her, hand on her shoulder, watching the work happen with pride. All she ever wanted was to fill their lives with love… and filled with love it was. 
And it would be, for evermore. 
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chronic-boogara · 2 years
Can you please do a slasher match up? I'm 5'2", I like to bake, garden, draw, read, and listen to music . I'm pansexual, kinda chubby, and I have dyed hair where the color is kind of hard to describe. I have green eyes, and I am prettyyy mentally unstable. You're writing is really cool and I hope you have a great day/night 💜
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𝐢 𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝗼𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡- 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝗼𝐧𝐞➵❥
♡your perfect match is the gorgeous daisy randone! she’s not the best at love but she will try her best just for you.
♡oh how she loves you and your hobbies. she is so interested and will want to talk about them with you literally all the time. food is kind of a sore subject with her but she’s way more than willing to help you bake. it’s just fun to do with by your side. ok
♡wow your hair..y/n!? she knows her parents would hate it which makes her love it all the more. she’s going to want colored hair too so please help her do it.
♡she isn’t a picky person when it comes to music. daisy is obsessed with your listening to at moment. since she wasn’t allowed to listen to music in the hospital she’s going to ask you to put her on. make her a playlist even. she will definitely cry out of happiness.
♡daisy is the complete opposite of mentally stable so there’s no judging here. she’s been in and out of the mental hospital for years now. and as for your sexuality ? she doesn’t care , it’s not really a big deal to her. she knows the world around her won’t accept the love between you two which makes her sad sometimes. that won’t stop her from planning your wedding.
♡she loves pretty colors so she is more than happy to start a garden with you. when she was young she used to love tending to her mothers roses so ofc she wants to have her own. she likes the idea of growing her own food, kind of like her own farm.
♡there wasn’t much to do when she admitted so she picked up reading and journaling. it’s a good quiet activity when her mind is too loud. her favorite genre is romance but she’s a sucker for classic horror. you’re the only one who knows so don’t tell anyone. actually that would be a cute date idea. you and daisy sitting outside on a beautiful summer afternoon reading and holding hands under a tree. <3 literally get married
♡commitment is a scary thing for her. everyone she has ever loved has left her out to dry or sent her away so she is very very clingy. lots of “would you still love me if i was a worm,bird,snail,spider(etc.)”? and “do you still love me”? she just wants a stable relationship so you’ll need lots of patience. but rest assured she will never hurt you on purpose she loves you and would do anything for you.
♡once she finds out you can draw she is alll over you. every little sketch is hung up on the fridge or in your guys rooms. and of course she will be asking you to draw her more than once.
♡daisy randone is misunderstood and just needs a little TLC and her meds. you are all she ever wanted and she is so so happy she found you.
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alovesongshewrote · 3 years
Slurp | Lady Dimitrescu HCs
rival vampire enemies to lovers but it isn’t angsty or dramatic, it’s just a meme
Tags: @blixeon​ @mxcheese​ @prismarts​  @valentimmy​
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Right, so
Re8 takes place in Romania, right?
Y’know what else is in Romania?
Y’know what’s in Transylvania?
More vampires
So what am i saying?
I’m saying you’re also a vampire 
A less moldy vampire, BUT A VAMPIRE ALL THE SAME
picture this
You somehow find your way onto Dimitrescu land
And you get your fine self all the way into the castle
You’re kinda just
Poking around there
Noting how much “wine” these people have
When your presence is noticed 
By the Lady herself
So, she goes to investigate the intruder in her house
Claws out
Daughters out
The whole nine yards
Instead of having the general thoughts most people have when they see a claw-wielding Lady D for the first time
Your brain goes
“Ohh, she’s hot.”
So, uh, yeah, you get captured
Tied up
The whole time your brain is going “preeeeeeeeeeeetty lady”
Because you look like you’re a little Capri-Sun full of blood
Lady D tries to take a sip
Of your blood
And it doesn’t work
it doesn’t work the way it should
She takes your wrist and bites it
Her teeth sink into you
Her lips trace over your skin
and when she tries to drink you
she gets
or maybe dust
you don’t know whether you should laugh or just keep simping 
Because like
Wow, she thought that would work
But also, she’s hot
You decide to laugh while silently admiring her
So you go
“Pft, you thought I was human?  I should probably be offended by that.”
And she’s a little shook, so she yells
“What- what ARE you!?”
And you just fucking grin
like the little shit you are
and you say
“I’m jjust like you, silly.  A vampire.”
It’s then that you break your bonds into tiny little pieces and stand up
You stretch while Lady D loses her mind just a bit
Then you wander over to a cabinet at the opposite end of the room, open the doors, and look inside
Just like at least half of the other cabinets in this place 
You grab a bottle and read the label 
“Sanguis Virginis, huh?  Subtle.”
“How- I- AaAgh”
You’re really driving her nuts
It’s kinda cute
You take the bottle and you’re like
“Well, this has been nice.  Maybe next time, we’ll do my place?  Right.  Ok, say goodbye to your girls for me.”
And then you jump out the fucking window
The next time you see Alcina, it is not at your place
It’s at hers
See, life on the
Gets pretty boring, so
You broke in to Castle Dimirtescu through a window and like
Hung out
Until she realized you were in her house again
She tried to kill you ofc, but you’re a vampire
You won’t go down so easily
You kept pulling that shit
Until she got used to you
And her daughters got used to you
And that, kids, is how you go from enemies to friends
You get enemies to lovers through communication 
I mean
It’s not like y’all can do much else
You learn that she’s technically a mold creature and her daughters are technically flies
which you find cool as fuck
you get really excited by the whole mold thing
She learns that you were born a vampire, and you’re actually a little bit older than she is
which she finds pretty hot tbh
You also learn that her family is fucking wild
That could be a whole other set of headcanons 
But whatever
since you’re an old fashioned vamp, who’s been doing this for a while
you help her daughters hone their craft
and seeing you interact with them makes Alcina’s heart go aksjkljdhflsajdhf
and, the lady is tall, so whenever something or someone tries to fuck with you, she just
smacks em
you have very short enemies
Whenever Alcina is feeling stressed, because of her family or otherwise
Y’all crack open a bottle of women and have a fuckin
“Wine” night
The more “wine” nights you have the flirier it gets
Until you’re fuckin
Sitting on her lap while she plays with your hair and you both sip blood
And then one day
Or rather, one “wine” night
Y’all just 
Start kissing 
Y’know the party rockers meme?
It was probably something like that
The two of you just end up smooching 
And not just on “wine” nights
After that, y’all are just
A cute vampire couple 
Going on cute vampire dates to murder people for food
Going on cute vampire dates to ikea, because god fucking damnit, daniella broke the kitchen table again
Not going on cute vampire dates to get Italian food because you’re allergic to garlic
It’s the big soft 
Also, like
Fun fact
She had to get rid of some of the crosses she had around the castle bc, y’know
You’re a classic vamp
Also, you can’t see yourself in half of her mirrors 
But it’s ok
It vibes
And like
It’s worth it if she gets to see you
She later removes any and all crosses when you move into the castle with her
“wine” nights continue 
Y’all dress impeccably, murder ruthlessly
Every season is your hot bitch summer
so yeah
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oh-obrien · 4 years
Please write a one-shot about Anthony and reader! I don’t know why, but the stove scene cracked me up. Perhaps something in which the reader, who’s very kind and nurturing, finds herself in the kitchen with Anthony and actually knows how to warm up the milk (even tho she’s highborn), and Anthony being in awe and just falling in love ✨
BET THIS IS CUTE!! If it’s not what you wanted (or if you have any other ideas) feel free to slide into my inbox again!! I even got to make a Bridgerton banner to add to my masterlist, exciting exciting!
So here’s a little quick something. It’s not proof read so they’re may be a few typos but I just got an idea for a series!!
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You quietly padded down the stairs of the Bridgerton estate, making your way towards the kitchen but not wanting to wake any of the family or the maids. Moving to London for the marriage season wasn’t something you had been all that excited about when your father had first informed you of the arrangement. Your father and Mr. Bridgerton had been quite close when they had been younger, and your mothers had also developed a rather close relationship.
You had spent many a summer with the Bridgerton children, opting to run amuck with the boys rather than learn to be the ‘prim and proper’ lady you were expected to be with the Bridgerton daughters. That had been an area where you parents seemed to disagree, but neither couple wanted to tell the others how to parent. However, upon Mr. Bridgerton’s passing your visits to see the other children started to grow rather scare and after your own mother’s passing they were nearly nonexistent. Your family was well off, with your father being one of the Queen’s most respected Generals, but had had never purchased an estate in London as he never had the time to think as far out as your first season.
With your father needing to lead his men in the ongoing war against the French Empire, he didn’t have time to help you through your first season in London. With the Queen’s help, your father had been able to quickly get in contact with Lady Bridgerton who agreed to host you for the durration of the season, and after if your father had not yet returned home. The woman quickly took you under her wing and along Daphne you were expected to be one of the diamond’s of the season.
Settling into the Bridgerton home had been quiet easy, as you always got along well with all of the children. Nights, however, often seemed to drag on and you never seemed to get a full night of restful sleep. You were used to living on a farm with your father, one of your family’s dogs asleep at the foot of your bed and another on a pillow next to the door, as if he was protecting you while you slept. Without the noise of the animals, or the dogs keeping you warm, something always seemed to feel off. Which led you to your current location.
You stood by the kettle in the kitchen, the glass container of milk held between your hands while you looked around the room for a second candle to help light the stove. As you set the milk down and and turned to look for another candle, hoping to have better luck with both hands free, you caught sight of a figure in the corner of the room. “Anthony!” You hissed after you recognized who had been lurking in the corner of the room, not sure how long he had been there. “What are you doing?”
With a sly smile Anthony pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to you, handing you an unlit lantern that you quickly used your candle to light. “You know how to make it work?” He asked, nodding towards the stove. You set the lantern down next to the stove before turning around, quirking a confused eyebrow at the man standing in front of you.
“And you don’t?” You offered him a smirk of your own while you croched down in front of the stove, opening the door on the front to show plenty of fresh coal to do the job you needed it to. “Not all of us have servants that wait on you foot and hand all day, Anthony.” You stood up and brushed off the skirt of your night dress after you had lit the stove.
“Life seems better that way sometimes,” he spoke quietly while you began to move about the kitchen. You pulled a pot to warm the milk off of the wall where it had been hung before also grabbing two mugs, tilting one towards Anthony, asking him if he wanted any. “Yes, I’d love a cup.”
You nodded to yourself while you set the pot on the stove, adding enough milk to it for two people before you turned around to face the eldest Bridgerton again. “Life is much simpler out in the country, but your family has a country estate so you should know that.” The flames from the lanterns lit up his face in the most flattering way possible, highliting all of his beautiful features.
“We still have a full staff when we live out in the country, when you and your father are home you are the only ones that tend to your animals,” he pointed out while you turned back to the milk, dipping your finger into the liquid to see if it was getting warm before picking up the pot of honey you had pulled out earlier. “I’d love to live life that way, away from,” he motioned around himself, “all of this.”
You hummed quietly, acknowledging his statement, as you pulled the spoon out of the honey pot, letting some drip into the quickly warming milk on the stove. “You can live like that if you wanted to, of course.” You picked up a spoon and began stirring the honey into the Milk, hoping it would all dissolve like it did at home. “But that means you making your own life, Anthony.”
“I want to make my own life but I fell - I feel,” the man in front of you trailed off, running a frustrated hand over his face.
“Morally obligated to do everything my father should be here doing,” he let out a long sigh, finally finding the words he wanted to. “I don’t want to have to be part of the season to find someone I want to marry, I want to marry someone I love.” You could see a few frustrated tears gathering at the corners of Anthony’s eyes, but he quickly blinked them away and you found it best not to acknowledge them.
“Nor do I, Anthony,” you dipped your finger into the warming milk, finding it to be warm enough before pulling the pot off the stove. You poured the liquid into the two cups before setting the pot back on the stove. “I just don’t know what other choice we have right now.”
You handed one mug to Anthony and kept the other for yourself, eyeing him carefully while you brought the rim of the cup up to your lips. “What if we did have about her choice?” He set his own cup down and went to grab yours out of your hands, setting it down next to him. “I-,” Anthony took in a deep breath. “I think I’ve loved you my entire life-”
“No,” he cut you off. “I love how differently you live from the other proper women, you don’t care about the standards, the tiles, the hall, you don’t care about any of it!” He grabbed your hands in is. “The last few years I’ve been, I’ve been filling this void with other women, but the perfect one has been in front of me and I didn’t even realize it.”
You stood in front of the eldest Bridgerton, shock evident on your face while you listened to him rambling. “Anthony, you’re tired, you don’t know what you’re saying right now.” You tried to shove down the shimmer of hope that started the bubble in your stomach, pushing away your desire to marry the man in front of you right then and there.
“No, I know exactly what I’m saying! Tomorrow we’re doing this right,” he dropped your hands with a bright smile, “we Court through the remainder of the season and then I’ll propose!” He picked up his cup from the table and took a long sip from it. “And then, and then we’ll have the most amazing wedding that London has ever seen. We’ll move to the country and tend to our own land and it will the life I’ve long for.”
Trying to hide your smile you just nodded, a small, okay slipping past your lips.
“Okay?” Anthony asked, his own smile widening.
“Yes, okay. We’ll marry by the end of the season!” You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped past your lips when Anthony quickly crossed the room, wrapping his arms around your waist and sweeping you off your feet in a tight hug. “Now go back to bed Anthony, your sister is seeing the Duke again tomorrow, you need to be well rested to escort her.”
You saw his face drop slightly, “and of course you also need to be well rested to dance with me.”
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show-choir-gal · 3 years
How You Two Meet - Slashers Preference
Masterlist of Masterslists
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Thomas Hewitt: You were walking by the house after escaping a potential assaulter You had been walking for what seemed like hours. You had sliced clothes and open wounds. You were shivering uncontrollably and your eyes were swollen from sobbing. It was dusk when you came across a lone farm house in the middle of who knows where. You were so tired from walking, the attempted assault, and crying. Your body was finally starting to give out. You started to trip over almost every little thing. A sheriff car rolled up behind you. "Hey there, I'm sheriff Hoyt. Are you lost?" The man said as he rolled down his window to talk to you. That was the last straw and your body finally let go and you fell to the ground crying. Hoyt got out of his car and grabbed you and placed you in the passenger seat. Once you two were parked by the farm house, Hoyt called for a woman as he grabbed you and carried you into the house. He placed you down on a chair in the kitchen and a woman came running in. "Oh gosh, what happened?" The woman asked as she looked at you then Hoyt. "I don't know, she was just walking when I found her." A man in a leather mask walked into the room and immediately he was drawn to you. He stared lovingly at the woman in front of him. "Thomas, please stitch this young lady up so she can get better." The woman said as she sent the man to fetch his supplies. "I'm Luda May. I think Thomas really likes you. He'll stitch you right up and I'll fetch you a glass of water and you can explain everything, alright?"
Bubba Sawyer: Your car broke down by the farmhouse You were driving down a long dirt road when all of a sudden your car started to make a strange noise. You tried to power through it but to no avail. The car slowly came to a stop and would not turn back on. You screamed at the top of your lungs. When you looked back to the scenery in front of you, you can see two men walking towards you. "Everything good?" One of them said. "M-my car just broke down." You replied. "Ah yes, that often happens on this road. I'm Nubbins." The second man said as he smiled. "I'm sorry miss, I should've introduced myself. I'm Drayton. Nubbins and his brother are pretty good at cars and can get you on your way in no time. Would you like to come into the house to get away from this dreaded Texas heat while they work on your car?" "That would be great actually. I really appreciate the help. I'm Y/N." Nubbins stayed behind and Drayton walked you to the house. "We have a guest!" Drayton yelled as he lead you around the house and then finally lead you to the living room where an old man and another man with a mask. You sat down as Drayton explained what happend. Every now and again the other man, named Bubba, was always seeming to be staring at you. As soon as Drayton left, the old man spoke up. "Could you help me into th-" He started to ask with a smirk. "No." Bubba declared, which startled you. The old man began laughing, "Bubba seems to really like you."
Michael Meyers: You were stalked during your babysitting Your parents were going to a Halloween party and called you to come and babysit your little brother. You drove from your college to your childhood house and greeted your family as they waited for you in the living room. They handed you $20 for dinner and kissed you and your brother goodbye. You two ordered some pizza and fries and hung out for a little bit until you looked at your brother and told him that he needs to do his homework. "But why?" He begged. "Because I don't want to be yelled at for letting you get away with not doing homework. Besides, I'll do homework with you so you're not alone. After we're both done we can bake some Halloween cookies, deal?" He took and your hand and shook it, "Deal." "Alright kiddo, we got this." You two finished your homework about an hour and a half later and then once that was cleaned up you two started on the cookies. The cookies finished baking and you took them out of the oven and put them on a cooling rack. "Yo, who is that? Is that a friend of yours?" Your brother asked as he looked back out the window. "What are you talking about?" "Look!" You looked out the window to find some person in coveralls and a pale white mask, "I have no idea who that is, they're probably just trying to scare us." You grabbed a sandwich baggie and put some cookies in it and grabbed a handful of candy that was meant for tomorrow and you opened the door and looked in the direction the person was originally standing. "Halloween is tomorrow asshole, but I like your spirit. Here's some candy and cookies for the night. Make sure you stay warm, it's a bit chilly out." You placed the items on a little stool on your porch, "Have a goodnight." You said before you went inside. Michael was hiding in the woods, but suddenly felt this warmth inside him when he witnessed your kindness and just not being scared or freaked out by him.
Brahms Heelshire: You were looking after Brahms (in doll form, obvi) This goes right along with the movie, but before Greta. Forget Greta even happened.
Jason Voorhees: You were renting a cabin for the summer You just wanted a nice and peaceful summer, so you rented a cabin right by the popular Camp Crystal Lake a few towns over. You pulled up to your cabin and took a little tour before you started to bring your bags inside. Unbeknownst to you though, while you were bringing your bags inside, Jason was watching you bring your bags inside. Jason would normally be observing to kill but, he was intrigued by you. You weren't loud and partying, you didn't dress in only sleazy tops and short shorts. You were by yourself, quiet, kept to yourself. He watched as you finished unpacking and sat on the front porch and...just started to read a book . The wind was blowing your hair out of your face and you were smiling gently to yourself. Jason really liked that about you. You were different to the people he killed, and he liked and appreciated different.
Billy Loomis: He saw you at the local coffee shop You had just moved to Woodsboro with your parents. You moved because your father found a better studio to write for and so you all moved with him. You weren't one to complain, this could be worse, it could be a lot worse even. Once the final moving boxes were put away, you kissed your parents goodbye and heading to find some nice places around the town. You found some nice boutiques and parks and a beautiful movie theatre but you came across a really cute coffee shop and chose to stop by. You ordered a latte and a muffin and started to subtly people watch. Your eyes were caught on a boy who was already looking in your direction. You smiled at him and he smiled back and you finished your latte and you left. Stu was going on and on about how he should make a move, but Billy just watched you as you left the shop, a smile never leaving his face.
Stu Macher: You were assigned as partners for a project This was the final English project before midterms and you were just hoping that you didn't do all the work again. Your teacher was assigning groups aloud when she called your name, "You're working with Stu Macher." Kids snickered and the teacher shushed them all and you just slung your head back. "If you can get him to do his work, I owe you a spa day." Your best friend whispered in your ear. "You just earned yourself a bet!" You exclaimed in a whisper as you held you hand out to shake. The project was a breakdown of a book turned movie and the differences between the two. Class eventually ended and you packed up your things and headed straight to Stu's locker. You spotted him and made your way over. "Hey Stu, we got assigned as partners for an English. We can talk about the project tomorrow in class. I chose Psycho for our project, I think I remember you talking about it a few times so I hope you don't mind. See you tomorrow." You said with a smile as you walked away to your own locker.
Bo Sinclair: You stop for gas at his gas station You were on your way to visit some friends and had to make a quick pit stop to use the restroom and get gas. You pulled into this run of the mill gas station and went inside to use the restroom. Bo had been staring at you since you pulled up but you brushed it off thinking that it's just his job. You walked out after washing your hands and grabbed a few snacks on the way to the counter. You placed your items in front of the gas station attendant - Bo. "What is a pretty young thing doing here today?" He asked with a smirk. "Just making a pit stop while heading to see some friends." You replied with a smile. "Well they must be lucky to have a friend like you. How much do you want on your pump?" "$17 please." "Snacks are on me, as long as you give me your number." He said with a wink. You blushed and wrote your number down on some receipt paper and handed it to him. You grabbed your snacks and headed out to your car and then started to fill it up.
Vincent Sinclair: Bo takes you home to kill you You were just chilling at the local bar when gas station attendant Bo started to strike up a conversation with you. You two hit it off pretty well so you two decided to ditch the grimy club and head over to his place. Bo was a gentleman and opened all the doors for you. He gave you a brief tour of his house and led you to the living room, he had you sit on the couch and he asked if you wanted anything to drink. You said you only wanted a water and he smiled and went to the kitchen but there was immediately some commotion. Vincent came out to see Bo's newest victim, but when he looked at you he fell head over heels for you. Bo didn't like this, but Vincent never felt this type of way for anyone so Bo gave up his blood thirsty ideas. He came back with some water and said, "My brother Vincent thinks you're pretty and wants to get to know you." Bo said with a smile
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thenigotthisfamily · 3 years
Summary: Reimagined version of what Christmas Day after the events of Hawkeye would look like, but if Natasha had actually come back.
Word Count: 3,390
Natasha runs her hands through her sister’s blonde hair absently as Yelena leans heavily on her shoulder in the back seat. Clint smiles at her in the rearview mirror and the two Avengers share a meaningful look as Clint drives them toward his farm.
Kate shifts anxiously in the passenger seat. “Are you sure your family is okay with me coming for Christmas?”
“Ya, won’t be the first time I’ve brought a stray home.” Clint says, smirking at Natasha in the back.
Natasha opens her mouth to retort but Yelena beats her to it. “Watch it Barton, I will still beat you up with my widow baton if you insult my sister.”
Clint rolls his eyes as Natasha smirks. “I see she gets her death threats from you Nat.”
“Ba! My threats are far better!” Yelena interjects.
“She did threaten me with a fork yesterday.” Kate comments.
“It would have been with multiple forks, but you weirdly only have one!”
“Like I said, I am one person!”
“You need friends Kate Bishop.”
“I have friends!”
“Who, Clinton?”
“I wouldn’t say we’re friends.” Clint interjects.
“You just said we were partners yesterday!”
“It was a moment of weakness.”
“Aww poor Kate Bishop.”
“Yelena.” Natasha scolds her sister.
“Yes poser?” Yelena looks innocently up at Natasha and the redhead sighs, not even able to pretend to chastise the adorable blonde.
“It’s okay Kate, Clint refused to admit we were partners for years.” Natasha remarks to the young archer.
“That is not true!”
“Uh huh. You just didn’t like to admit you had a partner that was better than you. Just like now.” Natasha winks at Kate who grins.
Clint slams on the breaks. “Alright, everyone out! You guys are uninvited to Christmas.”
“Aww he’s so sensitive.” Yelena teases.
Natasha rolls her eyes, “Clint we’re literally 2 minutes from your house. We could just walk.”
Clint looks at Natasha in the mirror unimpressed, “Why did I ever bring you to meet my family?”
Natasha shrugs, “Guess I’m just that charming.”
“Ha, more like such a poser that Barton felt the need to bring you in to teach you how not to pose.”
Natasha looks down at her sister, “I thought you didn’t like people insulting me.”
“Oh other people can’t insult you, but I certainly can insult you all day every day.” Yelena grins smugly up at her sister.
“Aww that’s cute.” Kate says, looking back at the sisters.
“Shut it Bishop.”
Clint pulls up to the house and Kate turns around nervously, trying to prepare herself to meet Clint’s family. Yelena smirks at Kate’s nervousness as the two get out of the car.
“Kate Bishop’s all nervous!”
Kate glares at Yelena, “No I’m not! I just, want to make a good impression.”
Yelena rolls her eyes, “Relax Bishop, the last new partner Clinton brought home was just the greatest spy the world has ever seen, I’m sure you will far surpass that.” Yelena says it with sarcasm dripping on every word.
Kate glares harder, “I should have shot you on the roof.”
Yelena’s eyes twinkle, “Aw but then you’d miss all the excitement I bring into your life.”
Kate just huffs, annoyed that she liked the crazy Russian assassin so much. “Still should’ve shot you,” Kate mutters.
“Ba! You could have tried.” Yelena scoffs
“I’ll have you know that Clint agreed with me being the world’s greatest archer!”
“Sounds like he felt bad for you.”
Kate glares.
“Besides, I was trained as an assassin for as long as you’ve been alive so there’s really no contest.”
Kate doesn’t have a response to that, frowning as she watches Yelena pull their gear from the car. She hadn’t realized training started that young for Black Widows and she dreaded to know what that was like.
Meanwhile Natasha and Clint hung back in the car for a minute, Natasha looking slightly anxiously at Clint in the mirror. “It’s been so long…”
Clint nods, “I know.” Natasha hadn’t seen his family since before Thanos snapped his fingers. “They’re gonna be so happy to see you Nat. Especially Laura and Lila. I haven’t told them.” Natasha’s eyes water and she nods a bit, getting out of the car with Clint.
Clint gestures for Kate to follow him in first, Yelena behind, and Natasha hanging back. Yelena notices Natasha’s hesitancy and grabs her sister’s hand, “You okay Sestra?” Yelena’s eyes fill with concern.
Natasha squeezes her hand, “Ya, never better little one.” Yelena just nods but hangs onto to her sister’s hand.
When Clint walks in, he’s immediately ambushed by his kids. “You made it for Christmas!”
“I told you I would, didn’t I?” None of them comment on the serious doubts they had about that promise.
“And you must be Kate!” Lila says with excitement. “I hear you’re an even better archer than my dad! Not too hard though.”
Kate grins, already liking the girl. “It’s true, I can’t take too much credit for such an easy feat.”
Clint just shakes his head as he hugs Laura. “I see you’ve brought another girl home that will bring chaos to your life.” Laura says in amusement.
Clint just grins, thinking about the redhead who was standing outside the door. “Oh you have no idea.”
At that moment Yelena walks in, looking slightly uneasy at the kids, but putting on an appearance of coolness.
“Laura, kids, meet Yelena. Natasha’s sister.”
Yelena waves a bit, “Hi.”
“Did you try to kill my dad too?” Cooper asks casually.
Yelena looks at him wide-eyed, “Ummm.”
Clint laughs, “Oh ya. That is a trait that runs in the family.”
Laura chuckles, offering Yelena a hug which the young widow hesitantly takes, enjoying the feeling of family. “Well, I am glad you left him alive. I know how skilled you must be as Natasha’s sister.” Laura’s eyes cloud over as she thinks about the dead Black Widow.
Clint’s eyes light up, “Ya about that, I wasn’t able to get all your presents this year.” The kids just roll their eyes, not really surprised. “But I do have a present that tops anything that I could have ever come up with.”
“Did you get us Captain America’s shield?” Nate asks.
“Uhh no.”
“Thor’s hammer?” Lila chimes in.
“Hmm, then not sure how this could be the best present in the world.” Cooper states, the other two kids agreeing.
“They have a point Barton.” Yelena chimes in. Clint glares at the blonde and then looks at Kate to support him but Kate just laughs and shakes her head.
“I’m not stealing my friends’ stuff for your Christmas presents!”
“You can’t pick Thor’s hammer up anyway.” Kate comments.
“Not helpful Kate.”
“Dad are you just gonna keep talking about this or are you gonna give us the gift?”
“Well the gift has been here the whole time if any of you had been paying attention.”
Everyone turns around to find Natasha leaning up against the door of the kitchen. Natasha smiles as she looks between a stunned Laura and Lila, tears coming to her eyes.
“Nat, are you really…?” Laura breathes out, stepping toward her friend.
“I’m really.” Nat responds.
Laura and Lila rush and all but tackle the redhead in a hug she returns just as fiercely.
“Aunt Nat-“ Lila sobs.
Laura pulls away to let Cooper hug Natasha as well. He grins, happy to see his aunt. “You’re right dad, this was a way better gift than Thor’s hammer.” Clint smiles, wiping tears from his own eyes as he sees his best friend reunited with his family.
Finally Lila pulls away slightly to let Natasha bend and pick up Nate. “Hey there Mister. How are you doing? You’ve gotten so big!” Nate cackles in delight as Nat peppers his face with kisses.
When the group has gotten over their initial shock about Natasha being alive, they go about getting ready for Christmas dinner. Natasha going to the kitchen to help Laura, beckoning Yelena to follow.
Natasha moves around the kitchen in sync with Laura and Yelena realizes how close Natasha is with the Bartons, trying not to feel a bit jealous. Natasha seems to sense her little sister’s trepidation as she goes squeezes the blonde’s hand in comfort.
“Nat, I really can’t believe you’re here.” Laura says.
Natasha laughs, “Ya, I’ve been back a few days, but wanted to see you guys in person.”
Laura nods, turning to Yelena. “And Yelena, I’ve heard so much about you. From Nat and Clint.”
Yelena’s eyes widen at that. “What about me exactly?”
Laura chuckles, “Well from Clint it was mostly about this sister Natasha would not stop talking about. He has been so excited to meet you for so long. Don’t tell him I told you that though.” Yelena grins widely.
“And Nat here,” Laura continues, patting Natasha on the arm, “Really wouldn’t stop talking about you, at least in the few times I was able to see her while she was on the run.” Yelena looks lovingly at her sister who shrugs sheepishly. “You must really be someone special, Natasha is hard to impress.”
Nat scoffs a bit, “Nonsense Laura, you impress me every day that you put up with Clint.”
Laura laughs, knowing Natasha is trying to get her to stop talking about how Nat talked about Yelena, so she relents. “I’m so glad you’re back Nat. And Yelena, you are part of this family now. Never think otherwise!” Yelena’s eyes widen and she nods, holding back tears. Natasha laughs and kisses her sister’s forehead.
While Nat’s back is turned, Laura silently mouths to Yelena, she loves you, in reference to Natasha.
“I saw that Laura.”
Laura laughs, “I know Nat, you’re not the only super observant former spy here.
Yelena looks curiously at Laura but that was a story for a different day. Instead Laura just smiles and Yelena nods, silently thanking Laura for welcoming her to the family.
When Laura exits the kitchen Natasha turns to face her sister. “I do love you Lena.” She murmurs it quietly, finally taking a moment to really look at her sister for the first time in almost 6 years. Yelena just nods, resting her head against Nat’s.
Natasha tilts Yelena’s chin up so that green eyes meet hazel. “And you will always be my first, and most important family.” Natasha makes it clear that Yelena has no need to worry or feel jealous about the Bartons. If Natasha had to choose between Yelena or the Bartons, she’d choose Yelena in a heartbeat.
Yelena blinks back tears and nods, burying her face in Natasha’s neck as the two embrace. “I love you too Tasha.”
Meanwhile Clint is lounging on the couch, Nate in his lap and Kate sitting next to him. Lila sits next to Kate and Cooper sits on the armchair.
“So how did you two meet? Did one of you try to kill the other too?” Lila asks.
“Is that how you meet all of your friends Clint?” Kate asks.
“I told you we aren’t friends.”
“Ah he’s workplace associated you.” Cooper says.
“Meaning he only wants to consider you guys coworkers. Don’t worry, he did that with Auntie Nat too. But then she saved his life so many times that he had to upgrade her status to somewhat friends. Then she saved his life some more and he finally called her his partner.” Lila pokes fun at her dad.
Kate grins, “Well, I’ll have you know that Clint called me his partner yesterday. After just 4 days!”
Lila’s eyes widen, “Wow, I didn’t know that was possible.”
“So how many times did you save his life?” Cooper asks.
“Actually, I saved hers. That’s how we met.” Clint interjects, trying to get his kids to stop teasing him.
“Hmm well props to you then Bishop.” Cooper comments, and Kate smiles at him slightly.
“I think it was mainly because he was missing Natasha.” Kate explains.
“We all missed her.” Lila says, looking back toward the kitchen where Natasha currently was with her mom.
Kate sees Clint silently nod. “Ya, I don’t know her very well yet, but I’ve always looked up to her. She’s my second favorite Avenger after your dad.”
“Our dad is your favorite Avenger?” Cooper asks incredulously.
“Hey!” Clint protests.
Kate shrugs, “I saw him first at the battle of New York. If I had seen Natasha first maybe it would’ve been different.”
The kids laugh as Clint just rolls his eyes. “Why do I even tolerate this?”
“Because you love us dad!” Lila says happily and Clint doesn’t have an argument for that.
Lila turns back to Kate, “Nat is great though. She’s insanely tough but she’s really one of the softest and sweetest people I know. Don’t tell her I said that though.”
Kate just grins, “Not a word.”
“Her sister also seems cool.”
“Ya, how did she try to kill you dad?” Cooper asks.
Clint sighs, “Many ways. Repelling down a skyscraper. Snipers. Widow bites. Metal rods. The works.”
“Badass.” Lila says and Kate grins.
“You’re lucky it’s Christmas young lady.” Clint tries to say in a threatening voice, failing miserably.
“So are you and Yelena gonna be partners like my dad and Nat were?”
Kate’s eyes widen at that, she hadn’t had the chance to think about it much, but she’s intrigued by the prospect. “That’s not a bad idea. I’m sure we could give your dad and Natasha a run for their money.” Kate grins.
Clint just holds his hand up. “Oh no you don’t, Nat!” He calls for Natasha in the kitchen.
“What Clinton?” Yelena huffs out as the two sisters enter the room again.
“You are not Nat.” Clint says unimpressed.
Yelena shrugs, “I’m just filtering any insults from you before they get to her.”
Natasha just rolls her eyes, walking over to sit on the other couch, Yelena plopping down next to her. “What is it, Barton?”
“Kate says that she thinks her and Yelena could make a better team than us.”
“That is not what I said.”
“That’s what you implied.”
“It would be true.” Yelena says smugly, winking at Kate who grins back.
“Hmm, seems not possible.” Natasha says, earning a grin from Clint.
“Hey I’ll have you know I am every bit as skilled as you Sestra, and Bishop here has potential.”
“Just potential? I just took out like a hundred tracksuits!”
“Those guys are so stupid Kate Bishop. That is not hard.”
“I thought we’re supposed to be a team in this discussion!”
Yelena shrugs, turning back to Natasha. “See poser? We could take you on pure belief alone.”
“Oh it’s not Kate I’m questioning. I know she can hold her own.” Natasha winks at Kate whose eyes widen.
Yelena glares at her sister, “And I can’t?”
“You said it, not her.” Clint says, his eyes sparkling with teasing.
“That’s it Barton,” Yelena moves to get up and do god knows what but Natasha just laughs and pulls her sister back down.
“I’m kidding Rooskaya. Plus potes quam ego scio[1].” Natasha switches to Latin since Laura and Clint both know a bit of Russian and she only wanted Yelena to hear the words. Latin was taught in the Red Room simply because hardly anyone else used it anymore which came in handy for the two sisters.
Yelena huffs at Natasha but softens when she sees the pure sincerity in her sister’s eyes and hears the change of language, knowing Natasha really meant it. “Fine. But watch your back Clinton.” Yelena says, not really with any threat behind it.
“Exactly how many languages do you guys speak?” Kate asks.
Natasha shrugs, “Maybe like 18?”
“What??” Kate stares at her in disbelief. “I don’t know if I can even name 18 different languages.”
“Oh Kate Bishop, still so young.”
“Shut up!” Kate glares at Yelena who just smirks back. “How many languages can you speak then? Miss Too Cool To Be Here Russian.”
Yelena frowns at the nickname, unimpressed. “15.”
“Slacking compared to your sister.” Kate snarks.
Yelena looks ready to tackle Kate, but Natasha grabs her sister, chuckling a bit. “I had to learn some on the fly that we don’t normally learn in the Red Room while I was undercover at Stark Industries because Tony has the special talent of being able to create messes on every part of the globe.”
Clint nods in agreement at that. Kate turns to him, “And how many do you know?”
Clint hesitates, “I wasn’t raised in the Red Room.”
“That’s code for not very many.” Natasha teases.
Clint quickly throws a dart that embeds itself into the couch, right between Natasha’s fingers. Natasha rolls her eyes but Yelena glares at the archer, trying to reach over Nat to get the dart to throw back.
Natasha quickly pulls her sister into a tight embrace, whispering in her ear, “Little one, it’s Christmas. You can beat them up later.” Yelena just huffs but pulls back.
“You haven’t answered Kate’s question Clint,” Laura smiles at her husband.
Clint rubs his temples, “Not you too.”
Laura just laughs, “I can speak five languages. Clint can speak four.”
Yelena laughs out loud at that as Kate and Nat chuckle. Clint just rolls his eyes, “I’m still an Avenger so jokes on you guys!”
“Natasha’s an Avenger too.” Yelena just shoots back.
Clint shakes his head and turns to Kate, “Well how about you Kate huh? Since you wanted to call us all out on this.”
“That is not what I was trying to do, but I speak 2 languages.”
Yelena looks at her skeptically. “Which ones?”
Kate shrugs, “English and Sarcasm.”
Yelena can’t help but grin at the joke. “Fair. Then I speak 16 languages.” Natasha and Clint just roll their eyes.
Meanwhile the three kids look back and forth between the four of them, thinking this had to be the most chaotic team their dad had ever been on, and he had been on a lot.
Soon Laura announces dinner is ready and they all gather around the table. Clint raises his glass in toast. “To new friends.” He looks at Kate who grins, and also looks at Yelena who scoffs a bit but still smiles and holds up her drink. “And old ones.” Clint looks at Nat who nods in appreciation, toasting with everyone.
“This is the best Christmas ever.” Lila says, and Natasha smiles at the young woman in return.
“I still want Thor’s hammer.” Nate comments and they all look at the tiny child in slight shock, not having heard him say anything the most of the afternoon.
“Look I’m sorry buddy but I can’t pick up Thor’s hammer.” Clint says to his young son.
“I can.”
Clint looks up at Natasha in bewilderment. “What? No you can’t!”
Natasha just shrugs and smirks, “Can you prove that I can’t Barton?”
Clint frowns at that, knowing he had never actually seen Natasha try and supposing if Cap could pick it up, it’s not outlandish to think Nat could too.
Kate turns to Yelena, “Damn Yelena, if your sister can pick up Thor’s hammer we need more fire power if we’re going to outshine them.”
Yelena shrugs, “We’ll make a Mac and Cheese gun. Or Mac and Cheese arrows.”
“What?” Kate asks in pure confusion but also intrigued by the idea.
“I don’t know, I’m hungry. We’ll figure it out later.”
Kate just shakes her head at Yelena but begins to dig into her food herself. Natasha, Clint, and Laura share a meaningful gaze as they watch the young archer and widow and the kids eat Christmas dinner. Natasha had never felt such peace and happiness in her life.
“So what are you guys gonna do next? Knock down another Christmas tree?” Lila asks and Clint sighs as he and Kate begin to debate about what actually happened in Rockefeller center.
Meanwhile Natasha feels Yelena’s hand slip into hers and she squeezes tight. Knowing the blonde was feeling overwhelmed by the happiness of the moment as well.
“Добро пожаловать домой[2].” Yelena whispers.
Natasha locks eyes with Yelena and tightens her grip on her little sister’s hand.
“Ты всегда будешь моей домашней сестрой[3].”
Translations [1] You are more capable than anyone I know [2] Welcome home [3] You will always be my home sister
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goddesswritings · 4 years
A Change of Weather - Stardew Valley Sebastian
Title: A Change of Weather
Pairing: Stardew Valley Sebastian x Reader
Summary: Farmer Y/n has a crush on Sebastian and she’s ready to tell him how she feels with a bouquet. But things don’t go as planned thanks to Sam and his big mouth.
Word Count: 4.7k’
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“She’s so perfect, Sam. Like the way she laughs and the way she makes me feel appreciated. I never thought I would feel this way about someone but wow, here I am!” Sebastian and Sam were standing by the river in front of Sam’s house and Sebastian was smoking while he talked about the woman he liked.
Sam smiled at the happiness Sebastian exuded when talking about this ‘mystery woman’. He knew it was Abigail, but he knew Sebastian wasn’t about to admit it.
“Well Seb, you should ask her out. That way she knows how you feel, and I guarantee she feels the same!” Sam had seen the signs with Abi, so he was sure she felt the same.
Sebastian smiled when he thought about her. He never saw himself falling for a farmer, but she wasn’t always a farmer. When she moved to Pelican Town, he hadn’t been all that keen on becoming friends with her, but she was persistent. So he finally cracked, and they became friends.
“I think I might.” Tomorrow was probably the best day because they were all meeting for a pizza night at Sam’s.
“Good, you deserve to be happy and from what I can see, she likes you too!” Sam clapped a hand onto his friends shoulder.
Sebastians eyes widened. “You know who it is?”
“Of course. You two are so oblivious to think no one else can see it. It’s so cute!” All the while, Sam was under the impression it was Abigail he was talking about, he didn’t suspect it to be the farmer.
“Wow, okay. Well I’m going to do it then.” It wasn’t easy for Sebastian to feel confidence because living in a house with Demetrius for 15 years, sure did a number on him.
“Good! She’s going to love it! If you can find some Amethyst, she will love that!”
“Oh yeah! That’s perfect. I think Maru has some extra amethyst she used for an experiment. She won’t miss it.”
“Great! Oh good luck, man. Although you don’t need it, she will say yes in a heartbeat.” Sam watched as his beat friend snuffed out the cigarette butt with some water.
“This will be good.” He said as he discarded the cigarette into the trash.
“It will!”
You felt a bit nervous as you prepared for a pizza night at Sam’s. A flower bouquet sat on the dresser taunting you. The mere thought of giving the bouquet to the desired target made you nervous.
Eight months ago, when you moved to Pelican Town, you met Sebastian the second day here. You had immediately been drawn to him. His darkness appealed to you. It had taken time for him to open up to you but when he did, things really bloomed.
“Tonight is the night we ask him out.” You said as you studied your reflection. A small bark came from Cal, your German Shepard. “Don’t worry, I’m not replacing you, bud.” He whined in reply. “Yes, we can trust Sebastian.” His reply was a positive one.
In the time you had know him, Sebastian was so good at hiding his real emotions from you. But at this point, you felt like there was something more flourishing between the two of you. You were ready to ask him if he actually wanted to explore it. You were nervous but you were also really excited.
Once you were sure you looked good enough, you put the fresh bouquet into your backpack and pet Cal on your way out. Tonight was the night you admitted your feelings to Sebastian. Hopefully, he felt the same, and things would work out for you two.
Of course, you were early to Sam’s house. His parents and his little brother were away in the city for the weekend, so he had the house completely to himself.
“Y/n! You’re here!” Sam pulled you into a warm hug as you entered the house. “You’re the first.”
You giggled. “Of course I am. Well that’s okay. I can help you set up.” You stated as you set the bag gently on the ground by the door.
“Thank you, you’re so sweet. I have mostly everything ready, I am just waiting for the pizza, which Penny said she would pick up on her way over. She will be leaving soon, once she makes sure Pam doesn’t go out to the Saloon again.” Sam said it but you both knew Pam would still go to the Saloon no matter what. She poured all her problems into alcohol and everyone knew it.
“Nice. I guess Sebastian and Abigail will be coming shortly?” Your eyes lit up when you said Sebastian, but Sam didn’t catch it.
“Oh yes. Sebastian is finally going to tell her he likes her. Finally after all this time, he’s going to admit it to her. It’s going to be adorable.” He blabbered and your heart skipped a beat.
“Wait. Sebastian likes Abigail?” You were trying your best not to let the hurt seep through.
Sam smiled. “Of course he does. They are perfect for each other. He was just telling me how much he liked her two days ago. He was going on and on about how perfect she is for him and how she makes him feel appreciated. It was so cute.”
Inside, you felt your heart cracking. Your chest suddenly felt tight when you thought about it. It truly felt like you were going to crack into several pieces right there. Of course Sebastian likes Abigail. Why wouldn’t he? They have known each other for years and she really was perfect for him. How could you have ever thought anything would happen between the two of you?
“Hey, are you okay? You look pale.”
“Um, yeah. I am okay.” You tried to even your breathing, but it was getting harder by the second.
Sam’s phone buzzed in his hand. “Oh Sebastian is almost here. He’s bringing some beer.”
You tuned out what Sam was saying as your brain tried to understand what was happening. “Actually, I’m going to head home. I suddenly don’t feel particularly good. I think I worked to hard in the sun today.”
His eyes looked up at you and he frowned. “Oh no. We told you that you were working to hard. Do you want me to walk you home?”
“No, I will be okay. Enjoy the night.” You were quick to grab your bag and sling it over your shoulder. “Bye Sam.” With that, you rushed out the door, eager to get away from anyone who you didn’t want to see you break down. You rushed off towards Marnie’s farm, to access your farm through the dirt path there.
By the time you were covered by the dark, you felt the wet tears flowing down your face. ‘Stupid. I am so stupid for thinking I even had a chance. Sebastian would never see me that.’ You berated yourself as you walked. You made it to your farm and walked through the thick trees you had yet to clear from the land. Once you were walking up the steps to the farmhouse, you felt completely defeated.
Cal was at your feet the second you unlocked the door. He could tell you were upset, and he didn’t like it. “It’s okay Cal, I just got my hopes up for nothing.”
You set the backpack on the small dining table and opened it, removing the bouquet and throwing it into the sink. You would dispose of it tomorrow. Next you opened the chest where you kept your swords, you decided that instead of sitting at home and crying, you would go to the mines and cry.
“I’ll be okay, Cal. I just need to get my frustrations out at the mines. I will be back in a few hours.” You pet his head and he panted in complete love at the attention you gave him. “I love you, buddy.” You leaned down and kissed his nose. Then you fastened the sword to your back and filled your backpack with a water bottle and some snacks. Your pickaxe hung from the backpack.
The walk to the mines was quick and by the time you reached the elevator, it was 9:00. You would have several hours to explore tonight before you had to be home. You were still pretty emotional, but the crying had stopped on the walk over. Entering the elevator, you went down to level 70. You had been working hard in the mines but hadn’t reached the bottom of the mines yet.
Just last week, you first encountered the skeletons. They took you off guard when you first saw them, but you quickly learned the best way to defeat them. You stepped out on level 70, taking out your pickaxe to begin the plight of smashing rocks and fighting odd creatures that dwelled in the mine.
Sebastian was feeling happy when he walked into Sam’s house, because he was so excited to talk to Y/n and admit his feelings. He was finally ready to take the next step and he hoped you were ready too. He was quite sure you were, but he was still nervous.
“Sebastian, good to see you. Thanks for the beer, you bought the good stuff.” Sam said while taking the case of beer from his best friend.
“You know I only provide the best for my friends.”
“Oh I do. We are grateful for it. Like really grateful. I think Abigail said she was able to score some weed when she was in the city last weekend with her dad. So more fun.” He set the beer on the coffee table.
“Really? Than this is a full out party, huh?”
“You bet. I mean we do have some celebrating to do, when you tell your girl you like her. So we have plenty of options.”
“We sure do. Oh I am nervous.” Sebastian said.
Sam turned to him. “Yo man, you have nothing to be nervous about. I already told you that she for sure likes you. Just calm down and let the night happen.”
“Okay, I will try.”
The door opened and in walked Penny followed by Abigail. “Look who I ran in to on the way over.” Abi said taking a pizza box from Penny.
“Perfect, I am dying for some pizza.” Sam then promptly took the box from Abi and opened it, grabbing a slice immediately.
“Oh Seb, you got the best beer! Yes, I always knew I could trust you.” Abigail hugged Sebastian and he hugged her back. Sam was watching the two of them with a strange smile on his face. Penny nudged his side and made him stop.
“You can trust him alright. Now did you bring the weed?” Sam motioned to Abi’s bag.
“I sure did. Let’s have some fun.” She opened the bag and dropped a pretty substantial amount of weed on the table. Penny looked away in embarrassment, not liking the idea of drinking and doing drugs but she came for Sam.
Abi set up the weed, while Sam passed a beer to everyone and opened the pizza boxes. Sebastian kept glancing to the door, waiting for you to come in but the later it got, he started to realize something wasn’t right.
“Dude, you haven’t touched your pizza. Why is that?” Sam was the first to notice how distant he was, and he wasn’t going to let him mope and ruin their night.
“I uh, have a lot on my mind.”
He suddenly looked like he understood. “Oh, then maybe you and Abi should go for a walk and talk. It’s the perfect time.”
Sebastian cocked his head. “Perfect time for what?”
“Dude, you know what I’m talking about. Do it now and you will feel better.”
“Do what?” Then it hit him. Sam was under the impression that the woman he had been talking about was Abigail. Suddenly it made all the sense in the world. “Sam you have it all wrong.” Now Sebastian needed to know where Y/n was. “Why is Y/n still not here?”
Sam laughed. “She overworked herself. Seriously, you are so thick headed. Abigail, Sebastian likes you and wants to be with you.”
Sebastian groaned and buried his head into his hands, while Abigail scowled at Sam. She knew about Sebastian liking the farmer, because she got it out of him a few months back. So of course she knew this wasn’t true. But also, Sebastian was the only one who knew Abigail fully, so of course Sam was putting the two of them together.
“Sam, you’re an idiot.” Abigail growled.
“What? Why?”
“Sebastian doesn’t like me you, dumbass. Not at all.”
“How? You’re the only girl I ever see him with. Wait, shit. Y/n. Fuck, you were talking about Y/n?” Sam slapped his forehead in complete frustration.
“Yes I was, Sam. Abigail and I are friends. You really thought I was talking about her?” Sebastian felt mad but he also needed to clear this up.
“Yes, I mean how could I not. You two are like the exact same!”
Penny was covering her mouth as she watched the exchange.
“Sam, fuck, I’m not straight. I didn’t tell you because I know you have a huge mouth that you can’t ever shut but Sebastian knows. So of course him and I would never work. We’re more like siblings than anything else.” Abi explained while Sam’s eyes went wide.
“Oh. I’m sorry Abigail. I didn’t mean to push. Shit, I am the biggest idiot.”
“You are.” Abi’s teeth were clenched.
“No, I am much worse. Y/n was here.” He clarified.
Sebastian looked up at the blonde. “Wait, she was actually here?”
Sam nodded solemnly. “She was and she was so happy until I said Sebastian was going to ask Abigail out. She went pale and she left quickly after that.”
“You really are a fucking idiot, Sam. She likes Sebastian and you just broke her heart by telling her he liked me. What the hell!” Abigail was pissed, because she didn’t want Y/n to hate her, and she also didn’t want Y/n to believe what Sam had said.
“Look, I’m sorry. How was I supposed to know. Sebastian never said a name and I didn’t think he was talking about her. You made the most sense in this situation.” He tried to defend himself, but Abi was already marching over to punch him. Sebastian grabbed her before she could.
“No, let’s not punch him. Just let him feel guilty. I’m going to go see if I can talk to her right now. Let’s hope she listens to me and that you haven’t completely messed it up for me.” Sebastian glared at Sam before he quickly left the house. He took the path beside Sam’s house, that led up to the stone walkway that would lead right to your farm. He was practically running.
When he arrived, he saw all of the lights out and cursed to himself. He knocked on the door but heard nothing. He knocked some more, before he decided to go to the back and see if you were home. His fear was confirmed when he saw nothing in the moonlight that spilled into your bedroom. You were not home.
He pulled his phone out and dialed your number. His heart dropped when he heard it ringing from inside. You left without your phone. He took a seat on the steps before a large German Shepard came from the fields and bounded up to him, whining for attention.
“Cal, where did she go?” Then he laughed at himself when he realized the dog wouldn’t be able to respond to him. Cal just rubbed his head against Sebastian leg before laying next to him on the porch. His only option was to sit and wait for you to come home from wherever you were. Given it was nearly 11 at night, so he knew you would be back soon enough.
It was a horrible idea to go to the mines when you were upset. Your focus was so off, and you made it easy for the mine creatures to attack you.
A skeleton quickly threw you back into the stone walls almost as soon as you entered the mine, the force had knocked the wind from you.
Later, a blue gray slime attacked, using it’s stun on you. Normally slimes were easy but this one was double the size of a normal slime. It took a lot to fend off the slime.
Then when you finally reached level 75, a cauldron of bats attacked, knocking your sword from your hands. You used the pickaxe to swat them away while you went for the sword. But several slammed into your head, digging their claws in. This caused a big gash below your left eye and another above your right eye near your hairline.
You called it a night after that and booked it to the elevator. Once you reached the surface, the weight of the events in the mine hit you head on as you felt the pain throughout your body.
It felt like the longest walk ever, going back to the farmhouse but you let out a breath when you saw it come into view. But your heart stopped when you saw a tall figure lying on your porch with your dog snuggled beside them.
You drew your sword and silently moved closer to them, not letting your guard down. They glanced up to see you and jumped up in complete surprise.
“Whoa Y/n, don’t stab me! It’s Sebastian!” He held his hands up in surrender.
You quickly dropped the sword to the ground. “What the hell are you doing here, it’s almost 1 am!” Cal jumped up and bounded over to you, happy you were home.
“Can we uh, talk inside?” He asked looking around in the darkness.
“Yeah.” You picked up the sword and ascended the steps before unlocking the door and flicking the lights on. Sebastian was behind you.
He shut the door behind you as you dropped the sword by the door to deal with later. “How long were you waiting?” You asked.
“Since 11.” His eyes went wide when he saw the cuts on your face. “What the hell happened?”
“Oh uh, the monsters won tonight.” Despite trying to play it off, you were thoroughly unsettled by how the night went. “Also, you waited outside for two hours?”
“I did. I really have to talk to you, but I need to clean up those injuries, they look bad.”
“It looks worse than it is.” This was a clear lie.
“No Y/n, baby, don’t do that. It’s okay to admit you’re not okay.” His voice was soft and calming now.
This was all it took before the tears were rushing out and you felt like collapsing to the floor. Sebastian saw this and caught you before you could fall. He picked you up and carried you toward the bedroom and bathroom. He sat you in the armchair by the bathroom door.
“Let me grab the first aide kit and a warm towel. I will clean you up and bandage what I can.” He said and you nodded before wiping the tears from your eyes. Sebastian was being so sweet to you.
He returned with the towel in hand. He bent down in front of you and started to gingerly clean up the cuts, you winced but let him do it. Once they were clean, he started bandage the ones on your face.
“Those monsters really got you, damn.” He whispered as he studied your face.
“Just a little.” You joked.
Sebastian stood up to put the towel in the hamper and the first aide kit back in the bathroom. “Just a little she says as I can literally see bruises forming all over her body.”
He was right. The soreness was becoming more apparent as the minutes ticked by. “Okay, so I fucked up.”
Seb shook his head. “No, you did not fuck up. I am going to blame Sam for this.”
You cocked your head. “Huh, why is Sam to blame for me going to the mines?”
“Because he told you I liked Abigail.” He said simply.
The ill feelings returned. “Oh that is nothing. I hope it went well for you two.”
“Well I don’t like her the way Sam assumed and she’s not into men, so that would not work.” He explained while helping you up from the chair. “Let’s get some comfortable clothes for you.”
You nodded. “Wait, so Sam was wrong about you liking her?”
“Completely wrong. She’s always strictly been a sister to me but for some reason Sam thought we were more.” Sebastian clenched his fists when he thought about it.
“Okay, then who was the girl you were talking about?” You had managed to find some pj’s in the dresser while Sebastian stayed next to you, to make sure you didn’t fall or get hurt again.
“Y/n, isn’t it obvious?”
“Surely you know I like you, a lot. In fact, I was going to ask you out at Sam’s. Before he decided to open his mouth and make assumptions.”
“You were going to ask me out?” Those were the words that had stuck out to you.
“Yes, I was and I still am. Y/n, will you be my girlfriend? You’re the only woman whose ever made me feel so appreciate.” His words were so soft.
“Follow me.” You said taking his hand and leading him toward the kitchen. He looked confused until you picked up the bouquet from the sink. “I was going to ask you out as well. Someone told me that giving the one you like a bouquet was the best way to ask them out.”
Sebastian smiled and took the bouquet. “I accept.” He then pulled you close and sealed it all with a kiss. One that took your breath away.
“So this means I get to call you my boyfriend, right?” You had a smile on your face as you asked.
He looked just as happy. “Yes it does. I am completely yours baby.” Once again his lips found yours in a deep kiss that made you feel as though you were floating in the clouds.
“Can you stay the night?” You asked softly, not wanting him to leave just yet. Not so soon after admitting your feelings for each other.
“Of course I can. Someone has to be here to make sure you’re okay in the morning.” He teased.
“I will be fine.” But you actually weren’t so sure.
Sebastian took your hand in his and led you back to the bedroom. “I think you’re going to be very sore tomorrow.” He stated.
“You’re right. I will.” You grabbed the pj’s off the dresser. “Here I have some pj pants that will fit you.” You grabbed them and handed them to him.
“Thank you.”
“Always, boyfriend.” Seb’s cheeks went pink and it was the cutest thing.
“My girlfriend is so beautiful.” He said as you walked to the bathroom. You turned to give him a wink before disappearing into the small room.
You and Sebastian were curled up together on your bed, just listening to each other’s heartbeats. It was an extremely calming activity that you never knew you needed. It felt like this alone could heal you.
At some point, you both drifted off to sleep in each others arms. It was the sweetest thing. You felt that you had the best sleep in a long tome with Sebastian pressed up next to you.
When morning came, you heard the calming sound of rain hitting the roof. You lived for rainy days because it meant you didn’t have to spend a lot of time watering the crops. Today that would be useful because you were so sore after yesterday.
“How are you feeling today, baby?” Sebastian’s soft morning voice asked, while pushing some hair from your face.
You turned to look at him and smiled at how adorable he was. But his hair was wet. “You were right last night, I am very sore. Why is your hair wet?”
“I went out to feed the animals. I also made sure the crops were good. Cal assisted me and well, he got more water than I did.” Seb laughed and it made you feel blissfully happy.
“You fed my animals? That’s so sweet. Thank you, Sebby.” You leaned up to kiss him, but he met you halfway, so you wouldn’t have to do too much work.
“It was the least I could do. I will happily help you whenever you need it.”
“I’m so lucky to have you.” You honestly didn’t know how you got lucky enough to meet Sebastian, but you could probably thank your grandfather.
Sebastian looked as happy as you felt. “It’s the same for me.” He then buried his face into your neck, just holding you and enjoying the moment. This was how you spent the rest of the day. Cuddled up into each other, in bed.
A week later, you had healed enough to be okay with leaving the house. Sebastian wanted you to come to the Friday night saloon ritual, because he wanted to show you off and he also wanted to make Sam apologize for being a dumbass.
“You look beautiful.” Sebastian said as you locked the farmhouse doors.
You smiled and looked at your boyfriend. “You look pretty good yourself.”
“Pretty good, huh?” He quipped.
“Alright, you look so good to me.” You cracked a smile as he pulled you in for a kiss.
“Are you ready for this, because going to the saloon together means everyone will know we’re together.” He said as you both walked into town.
“I’m ready Sebastian. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I like you and I’m extremely happy to call you mine.” You squeezed his hand as you said this.
“I’m also incredibly happy to call you mine. Let’s do this.” He looked happy about this.
The two of you walked up the path that led to the saloon. In no time, you reached the place and were walking up the stairs hand in hand. As you entered the saloon, you felt like everyone was watching you.
Robin was the first to notice and actually say something. “Sebby, does this mean what I think it does?” She asked as you both stopped in front of her and Demetrius.
“Yes, meet my girlfriend, Y/n.” Robin was ecstatic. She pulled you both into a hug. Demetrius just stood silently watching the two of you.
“What do you see in him, Y/n. He does nothing but play video games in his room all day.” Demetrius sneered.
Your blood boiled. “You clearly don’t know Sebastian at all. He has a job and that’s what he does in his room. I like him a lot and I will defend him. So if you have nothing nice to say about him or us, I suggest you leave it alone.” It was a wonder how you didn’t scream this.
Sebastian felt like he was falling deeper for you, after seeing you stand up for him like that. You had started to lead him away from there when he stopped you and kissed you right there, in front of everyone.
The two of you entered the arcade room together. Abigail and Sam were already there.
“Look, oh my god! It’s official!” Abigail cheered as Sam looked up from the Joja vending machine.
He looked toward us sheepishly, still feeling angry at himself for what happened last week. “Hi guys. I am glad to see things worked out.” He said to them.
“Yeah, no thanks to you.” Sebastian teased.
“I know. I’m sorry, I am the biggest idiot.”
You shook your head. “Hey Sam, please don’t blame yourself. It happened and we recovered. Let’s move on and forget the bad?”
“Sure, I can do that.” Sam seem relieved to know you weren’t mad at him.
“Damn, I knew there was a reason why I liked you.” Sebastian whispered into your ear, making you smile. Everything felt right and you couldn’t wait to see what the future held.
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rommahh · 3 years
Blanket Forts and Promises
{This is apart of the fratrry universe I wrote two parts of. It can be read without the prior two works but like...wheres the fun in that. I just wanted to write something short and sweet. There will be more of these two. Love, R.}
Word count: 1.2 k
Read I Carry Your Heart here
Spring break. Literally the best time for any college student. At least thats what its supposed to be. Harry and Y/N were supposed to be on their flight to the nice and sunny Florida until a huge tropical storm hit. It was so bad that hundreds of flights going into Florida were cancelled. Y/N was devastated by the news of her flight cancellation. She was so excited to be on a beach with her bubs. She couldn't wait for swimming with him, yummy tropical dinners with him, she couldn't wait to do...things with him…in their beautiful hotel room. In all she just couldn't wait to spend a beautiful non-school related trip with her boyfriend.
Y/N sighed as she hung up the phone with an airline representative who helped her receive her refund on the plane tickets. She laid on her bed back at the farm watching as the rain poured outside. Her school did not allow for students to stay on campus during breaks unless they had special circumstances- leaving Y/N to come home. Harry was back on campus in the frat house. Y/N would have stayed with him, but the frat house was the worst place to be right now. It was gross there, having been completely run down by boys.
“Y/N! Can you get me one of the brooms from the guest house? Take the truck so you don't get wet!” Y/N heard her mom yell at her. ‘Get the broom?’ Y/N thought confused. Why would her mom need the broom from the guest house. Deciding not to question her mom, Y/N threw on her thick rain jacket and mud boots before grabbing the truck keys and driving over to the guest house.
The guest house was a mile out from the main house and barn. Between the house was a field containing whatever crop her dad was growing. The animals on the farm roamed on that piece of land as well. Parking the truck on the gravel outside of the house, Y/N rushed inside to grab the broom her mother ‘drastically needed.’
Y/N’s mouth dropped in shock as she walked into the open concept house seeing a large blanket fort covering the entirety of the living room. Hearing the door slam, Harry crawled out from the mass of blankets, a smile on his face seeing his girl's shock.
“Harry? What are you doing here? Oh my gosh what is this?” She was amazed by the large fort, shoving her wet jacket and shoes off her body. Harry grabbed her arm pulling her into the fort. The fort was being held up by the two couches and a few stools from the kitchen. Sheets were used as the ceiling and plush quilts and comforters were used to pad the hardwood floors. In the middle of the spacious fort was a collection of pillows, snacks, fuzzy blankets, and Harry’s macbook and charger. Twinkle lights encompassed the tops of the fort, wrapping around from stool to stool. Y/N sat on the pillows in the middle of the fort looking around shocked.
“I know you are really upset about our trip to Florida so I wanted to do this for you. Also our anniversary is coming up so...yeah.” Harry sat beside her rubbing her thigh as the girl took in her surroundings. Suddenly she leaped out of her seat tackling Harry down onto the blanketed floor.
“Harry, you are so sweet. I love it but how’d you even do this?” She layed on top of his chest chin resting on her hands as his hands rested on her lower back.
“I called your grandmother and asked her if there was anywhere in town to stay because I knew Florida would get cancelled and she told me to just set up here. She actually bought all of the snacks and found extra blankets and pillows. She knew how special I wanted this to be for you.” He softly spoke looking at her eyes filled with admiration.
“This is perfect bubs.” She kissed him, their lips moving together perfectly. She pulled herself further up his body. Leaning on her elbow beside his head, he turned his head to reach her for more kisses. She smiled into the kiss at his eagerness. He reluctantly pulled himself away from her.
“I actually bought you some new pajamas and fuzzy socks to wear tonight- they match mine.” He grinned cheekily. Pushing her off, he nudged her towards the small gift bag containing the clothes. She plucked the bag off of the floor crawling out of the fort to change.
She came back moments later in her matching pjs and socks as harry. The pjs had cute little puppies on it making Y/N giggle at the sight. She sat next to Harry as he scrolled through disney plus in search of the right movie.
“I think you're looking for Black Panther.” Y/N jokingly whispered in his ear. His laugh filled the fort.
“Oh am I, I could've sworn I was looking for tangled?” His eyebrow rose as he continued the banter. He clicked on Black Panther, setting the laptop on top of a stack of flat pillows. He started pulling the snacks over ready to chow down. “Your mom made us sandwiches to eat. I swear I would live with your mom and grandmother for the rest of my life if I could.” He moaned at the sight of the thick sandwiches.
They ate so much food from sandwiches, chips, and sweet tea, to pieces of cake and assortments of fruit. Harry laid back full of all of the junk he ate. Y/N rubbed his full stomach chuckling at his extraness. They laid together watching her favorite movie on top of those fluffy blankets and digesting their food. Eventually, as two horny adults do, they both started to get handsy. Harrys hands drifted down to hold her bum and her hands brushed the muscle that stretches into his goodies.
He turned his head to look down at her only to find her already staring at him. He closed the space making their lips touch. This kiss was sloppy and rushed. Tongues pushed and prodded each other as hands touched intimate places. And just like Y/N wanted...things happened.
The next morning, Harry woke up wrapped in the arms of his girl. Her bare chest warmed the side of his face as her arms cradled  his head- fingers interlocked with his hair. Their legs intertwined with each other. Harry never felt happier in his life being wrapped in his lover's arms having shared a night full of laughter and genuine love. He detached himself from the girl and reached into his backpack. He pulled out a small box- smaller than a bracelet box- and just stared at it. Opening the box, he pulled out the promise ring he had been saving up for since christmas. He used all of his Christmas money and did some extra paid tutoring on campus to buy the simple jewelry. Its band was a pretty gold color, two strands twisted with each other to come together making a knot. Sliding back over to Y/N he slowly lifted her left hand and slipped the ring on her finger watching it as ifit on her finger perfectly.
He wouldn't propose just yet but he could promise her a lifetime of love and a commitment to carrying her heart with him everywhere he goes.
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