#shuya komaki
hellcatinnc · 1 year
Our Private Home Room Game Review
Includes Spoilers....(Love365 App)
Shuya Komaki
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He is super strict at school and like a big brother telling you what to do when your at his house. Gets a bit annoying but you can tell they grew up together he also has his softer sides along the way its just catching them. Like you can tell he cares from the moment he runs back into you after years not being in touch. He has some of the sweetest moments that make me want to cuddle him. Omg as things get closer between you and you talk about old times you find that both of you are like totally on the same page. Like its too damn cute... he really cherishes his sweet girl thats been part of his world and heart forever. Honestly I think I saw him being in love the moment he saves you that night soon as he saw you all his feelings flooded through. I will say this much though he is very attentive like even to the point of making sure your hair is dry, when your right out of the shower even gets the towel and dryer himself to do it for you. Its sweet and endearing in itself though.
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I honestly wasn't sure I would like him but he grew on me with his sweet sentimental things he would do. Like when he would stare at you in class in the middle of the test or smile with his eyes as he walks past your desk. He takes forever to give into his feelings to tell you because he is worried about what others may think or that he could hurt you but when he finally tells you how he feels you know he is the only man in the world that matters from that point on. There is even a point where its a love triangle between him and your other best friend. This man really is wonderful and feels more real than the other two and I loved each story but he was the one I thought I would like the least and he won my heart over the most.
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Ryota Mochizuki
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This man took me by surprise for someone who seemed to be all prim and proper mr perfect teacher. He cared about his students but not too much until circumstances changed and then he would go through hell to save this one girls future as well as her life from a stalker. He even admits at one point because he let himself fall it made him a bad teacher and he failed his students however he would cook and take care of you any way he can. He was willing to even quit his job, and fight with the principal to keep it where you can have your dreams even if he has to give up his to do it. He never thought anyone could love him because although everyone sees the clean neat side of him at school he hates to clean and his room is a nasty mess. The moment he hears another person say they love him he is all in his heart is forever yours. I love that he loves to joke around often and honestly felt like the perfect non perfect guy if that makes sense. .
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Like it was nice to see how he was so relaxed yet when he needed to be he was dominate and protective. He spoils you with your favorite meals, candy for a sweet tooth, and just love and care. He has a bit of a naughty side sadly you never get to see much of it even in the seductive side which sucks cause I feel like he might be pretty sexy in the bedroom. I would love to see more of him and plan to read more of his story. What I got of him was main story only but damn is this man sexy. He is also very caring like when someone tries to force their way on to you he stops them but then holds you like he has never hold you before. It doesn't take long to realize he has fallen in love as well. This guy is my favorite from the series and there is only 3 guys anyways.
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Yohji Furuya
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Oh my this man is sexy and sweet in all the right ways. He ends up being your lost love from 10 years before and that story makes this all the sweeter. He loves to joke around even with flirty jokes and even though you don't find out until the end that he called you kid and all and tried to divert you that he had no interest in you when all along he had been in love with you since he was a kid. Yes its a lot of lines crossed with him her teacher and her a student but if they have known each other before all that can that really even be counted anymore. Anyways you could tell he had a good heart from the start however was nice seeing him let you in all at once in the end.
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I wish it had ended on a more seductive spot because between all the flirting he was dishing out over the time, even though he would say he was joking he really wasn't. The point being to get the seductive ending and he is your first kiss in the story. That being said never went past that when I expected like some heated up scene of they waited 10 years and couldn't wait to rip each others clothes off and make love all night. Instead I just got a simple kiss at the end of this. It is a good love story and love interest just hard to be my favorite due to that though.
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em-neko · 4 years
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song: the heart wants what it wants by selena gomez
my fav onii-san
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 9 of the 60 days of voltage challenge
click here for the questions.
⇦ day 8 | day 10 ⇨
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alright, i couldn’t pick one so i picked three. your welcome, so now you have options.
first off, satsuki kitaoji from seduced in the sleepless city. this man is filthy rich, he literally has no need to be nice, he could be a total jerk 24/7 and his quality of life wouldn’t be affected. yet, he’s still an absolute sweetheart. he’s generous, he’s kind, he’s thoughtful, he’s literally so precious, please protect him at all cost.
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next is hiroto chitose from my wedding and 7 rings. although he’s obnoxiously flirty, he has this really soft and gentle aura to him that i find to be really attractive.
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finally, we have shuya komaki from our private homeroom. he is the ultimate onii-san! he’s sweet, he’s caring and he’s really protective of mc in a non agressive way, which is nice for a change!
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pettyotome · 4 years
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Wait, I had no idea Our Private Homeroom and My First Last Kiss were in the same universe OMG
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nakajimaakane · 4 years
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Me and you could not be more relatable to each other...
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Me trying to cheer up friends
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I want Soryu Oh to be the man I marry but I want Shuya Komaki to be my first love.
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tsumikashares · 6 years
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先生と秘密の同居中♡・Our Private Homeroom
Season 2
小牧柊也・Shuya Komaki
私を、大人にして下さい編・Make Me Yours
Voltage Inc
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n-iflheim · 6 years
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grandduchessmiki · 6 years
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I present to you the Mochi Fan Club
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voltageotome · 6 years
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"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." - The Little Prince 
 Shuya Komaki out now in Love 365: Find Your Story
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madamlilac · 6 years
Ryota 😂😂😂
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Shuya 😂😂😂
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MC summed these two up well 😂
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(I live for any moments with Mochi in every route 😂)
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lxvescramble · 6 years
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Best Kept Secrets He is more dramatic than my grandmother !!! 😂😂😂
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emilyplaysotome · 6 years
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It me
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otaku-garbage · 6 years
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Damnnnn Shuya got spunk
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minnie-thriver · 6 years
Why Shuya Komaki is a damn sweetheart
- Light spoilers for Shuyas Route in form of Screenshots -
I‘m not that much into the protective, caring type but Shuya wears glasses and has this smart, strict and kinda philosophical attitude, which is a turn on for me. So I bear his sickening cuteness 😁❤️ here you go...
1) Blushing Shuya
Look at him, how he can‘t stop thinking about how cute MC is and then his slighly angry face! Please, don‘t get killed, you prince of a teacher
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2) He loves the stars! I love the stars! This must be fate. + 3) He seems to forget absolutely nothing about their shared childhood... he‘s adorable
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4) Younger Shuya! 💖
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5) I almost forgot the best one: He‘s a terrible cook. I can relate.
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