lil-yardstick · 2 years
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The only thing I could think of for this prompt was the song Mr. Fear by Siaméz so here’s a thumbnail redraw
This was day 9 for susiste.art on instagram’s mindtober list!
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fyrefrostanimus · 4 months
what's your favorite song to imagine a little animatic in your head to?
A lot so here's a list organized by fandom (there's so little OC stuff tbh that I'm leaving it out) and music artist/band
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) by Will Wood: I think it works for FNaF 3
Willard! by Will Wood: I feel like it's pretty much Evan, being slightly awkward around people for various reasons
Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger: it is literally Monty
Hey, I Don't Work Here by Tom Cardy: listen to it and tell me what you see when keeping FNaF in mind
The Milk Carton by Madilyn Mei: FNaF 4 from Evan's perspective
Missing Mr. Cat (Milk Carton Reprise): Cassidy as the other half of GoldenDuo, right before her death
ANTIVILLAIN by Ivycomb Music: Glitchtrap and Vanessa with a little angel design for Glitchy (I have a WiP of the design even)
Rat by Penelope Scott: Michael's views on William
Circus Hop by YonKaGor: it's a heavily canon-divergent AU that has nothing to do with the lore at all but I do want to post more of it some time (I do have a drawing of it on my blog but my art's changed a little since then)
& by Tally Hall: a little trip through time, but the first part I thought of was with the last verse just before the part used in the animation meme since it fits the Ruin characters
Turn The Lights Off by Tally Hall: it's FNaF 4 again but instead of Evan's PoV, it fits MIchael's more. The song does seem to be about adolescence and all
Curses by The Crane Wives: Ruin Roxy
There's others but the names of songs/artists are slipping my mind
Slay The Princess
The Main Character by Will Wood: three of the Princesses (specifically The Tower, The Nightmare, and The Razor)
BlackBoxWarrior (OKULTRA) by Will Wood: mentioned this one before in the past, but it's The Razor specifically through Mutually Assure Destruction
Love, Me Normally by Will Wood: The Burned Gray is such a crazy route with the way you get there (resist slaying The Princess after not having any intention to do so, then slaying The Damsel then yourself, and finally we're with The Burned Gray) that honestly it is the opposite of normal love
Mr. Fear by SIAMEZ (I think that's how it's spelled): The Nightmare through The Moment of Clarity
Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives: The Witch through The Thorn
Angry Too by Lola Blanc: The Prisoner through The Drowned Gray
Ready To Die by Andrew W.K.: The Adversary through The Eye of the Needle
Vulture Culture by Fangclub: The Beast through The Den
And I think that's all I can pull from my head for now
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oumaheroes · 2 years
I second what the prev ask said. You, sir, are an inspiration to England enjoyers everywhere! the richness of your England-centric writings and interpretations put those haters to shame!
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Ahhhhh thank you! 😭 you're making my heart ache jsbsish ❤
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aph-zoomcall-collab · 4 years
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Here’s our final piece for the zoom call! 
Thank you everyone who took part, we had so many submissions this year it was awesome! :D like last year, all of our artists are listed under the read more tab. 
I would also like to give a special thanks to @hariible @canadiatuxedo @freakshow-salts @adriette418 @onetimespilly (instagram) and @dereks_a_bitch (instagram) for the extra help filling the leftover spots after some last minute drop offs - and an extra special thank you to @paperuniverse for adding on everyone’s usernames for me. It was a big help!! 
See you all next time, and stay safe!
America - @hariible
Australia - @callums-hetalia-blog
Austria - @femboy-demonic
Cameroon - @exizenntial-crisis
China - @adriette418
Denmark - @onetimespilly (instagram) 
Egypt - @ask-gypt
England - @asking-liet
Estonia - @freakshow-salts
Finland - @teableeds 
France - @mustard-nymph
Germany - @aikamegu
Hong Kong - @ask-fullmetal-leon
HRE - @percifiied
Hungary - @skillerthebean2000
Iceland - @pyromilka
Japan - @fifielady
Kugelmugel - @leaf-green-spring
Ladonia - @peteradnan
Latvia - @hws-baltics-headcanons
Liechtenstein - @imliterallytrashthough
Lithuania - @teethhoarder
Luxembourg - @norwegian-butterfly
Molossia - @a5thkira
Netherlands - @oh-mein-prussia
North Italy - @canadiatuxedo
Norway - @amianartistnow
Poland - @dereks_a_bitch (instagram) 
Portugal - @rabiscando-tracos
Prussia - @paperuniverse
Republic of Pirates(OC) - @tyberiousfiresrone
Roman Empire(W+E) - @grandparomeaskblog
Romania - @hariible
Romano - @canadiatuxedo
Russia - @siameze
Scotland - @taybabatool 
Sealand - @teethhoarder
South Korea - @alfredtalia
Spain - @equinoxdust
Svalbard (OC) - @willeke-burggraaf
Sweden - @brayinghorses
Taiwan - @aoidrawsuwu
Ukraine - @happybethie
Wales - @agnessieart
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years
AHHH I love your SNS analysis they're incredibly thoughtful and well-written. made my day knowing you shared a post of mine😭 I'm yelling!!! The inherent romanticism of these two, you see it too! Perfection.
@siameze Thank you so much. :)
Your analyses are quite neat and well thought out, they need to be read by more people.
Oh Naruto and Sasuke's story is a romance of epic proportions alright. I would have never thought that the cold and dry cynic inside me would ever do anything like shipping anyone. But their story changed that about me, it humbled me. Their story is really personal to me and I don't exactly like that fact but I am ready to live with it.
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hkandiu · 4 years
For @siameze as part of the @narutosecretsanta exchange!
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the-east-art · 6 years
P? Very curious! (and/or W)
Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi or Crusader by Black Gryph0n for youAnd The Wolf by Siamez has a fantastic music video!
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afla-raspunsul · 2 years
Serengeti: ce rasă de pisici este, creștere și trăsăturile de caracter Serengeti este numele savanei din Tanzania, unde trăiesc prădători sălbatici, care se disting prin sălbăticie ...
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freemindtech · 3 years
Heilind Electronics Introduces TE Connectivity’s Termination Solutions for Aluminum Magnet Wire
Heilind Electronics Introduces TE Connectivity’s Termination Solutions for Aluminum Magnet Wire
Heilind Electronics introduces TE Connectivity’s new MAG-MATE terminals with multi-spring pins WILMINGTON, Mass. (PRWEB) October 25, 2021 Heilind Electronics, a leading global distributor of electronic components and authorized distributor for TE Connectivity (TE), a global leader in connectivity and sensors, introduces the MAG-MATE terminal with multi-spring pin and SIAMEZE terminals for…
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aim33-b · 7 years
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io acum.. siameze #mamaligashow
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modelocity-online · 5 years
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I absolutely love my dear friends Eric Floyd and Wanda Dee along with their son Siameze. #lifeisgood #friends #modelocityonline #imodelnews https://www.instagram.com/p/BzCpLgrB-pf/?igshid=xqn83m110rio
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news24hrou · 5 years
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De la staruri, la casiere de supermarket. Viața tumultuoasă, marcată de divorțuri, a siamezelor Daisy și Violet Hilton. „Când ea era cu un bărbat, eu mă întorceam și…” Părăsite de mamă, abuzate de familia adoptivă și apoi învățate de nimeni altul decât iluzionistul Harry Houdini să se „elibereze” una de cealaltă, surorile siameze Daisy și Violet Hilton au avut o viață demnă de un scenariu de film. De la staruri de vodevil, ele au ajuns să trăiască în sărăcie și să își câștige pâinea drept casiere la un supermarket. http://bit.ly/2WFe5F7
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SHBA: Ndahen motrat siameze pas 11 orësh operacion
Lexo të plotë www.rtsh.al
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#vans #cat #siameze #cute
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apelmedia · 5 years
Prioriteti i opozitës, qesja me domate
Kryetari i Partisë Demokratike, Lulzim Basha ka ndarë sot në rrjetet sociale, një foto me një pensioniste, që po e ndihmon duke i mbajtur qeset me blerjet që ka bërë.
Pra, sot, pas shtatë vitesh si kryetar opozitës, Lulzim Bashën e shohim më një qese domate, mund të jetë dhe mollë apo shegë, por kjo nuk ka rëndësi.
Por edhe këtë të shkretë foto nuk e bëre tamam. Skenarin e ke bërë gabim, zonjës i kë lënë tre qese, vetë mban vetëm një. Provoje ta bësh në shtëpinë tënde këtë.
Fakti është se Lulzim Basha kërkon të hiqet si një qytetar i thjeshtë që shkon e bën pazar me gjyshen, pi kafe me njerëzit në lagje, dhe këtë e ka bërë kohët e fundit, ndoshta i rekomanduar nga kompania që merret me imazhin e tij.
Por, Lulzim Basha çfarëdolloj makiazhi të përdorqë, edhe atë pudrën që e vendosi në video-mesazhin pas tërmetit, nuk gënjen dot askënd.
Të gjithë e dinë, edhe më militanti pro tij, se Lulzim Basha është një miliarder, është një njeri i zhytur në luks, që nuk gënjen dot askënd, duke përdorur pudër.
Më poshtë keni pasurinë e tij, që është rreth dy milion dollarë. Pra, dy miliardë lekë janë ato që ka deklaruar, se nuk i dimë cfarë mund të ketë Luli në off shore, si ato që pagoi Nick Muzin në SHBA.
Në kafen e lagjes dhe me qesen e domateve nuk gënjen dot as çunin e Fahriut, e jo më qytetarët shqiptarë, të cilëve do tiu shfaqet me një xhup të rreckosur, si një njeri i thjeshtë duke vendosur maskën e radhës.
Basha është një njeri që ditën e parë që ka shkelur në Shqipëri ka deklaruar vila, unaza diamanti e qindra milionë lekë pasuri.
Ai është njeriu që kërkon të fshihet duke na thënë se është një qytetar normal. Por, njerëzit e varfër, apo shtresa e mesme në Shqipëri nuk kanë vila tek oligarkët. Nuk kanë në pronësi një apo dy kate të një pallati. Nuk kanë unaza diamanti, nuk kanë dy milion dollarë pasuri. Nuk paguajnë qindra mijëra dollarë për lobim në SHBA. Nuk kanë mercedeza luksozë, nuk vendosin gjoba e nuk bëjnë shantazh ndaj biznesit.
Dhe për ta mbyllur shqiptarët dhe demokratët në veçanti nuk janë ortakë dhe nuk kanë marrëveshje me kryeministrin e vendit, atë që Luli e quan kryeoligark, ndërsa vetë është thjeshtë dhe vetëm vëllai i tij siamez.
Luli ti nuk mund ti gënjesh shqiptarët me një qese domate, me një kafe në lagje, sepse ke 16 vite në politikë dhe të njohin mirë kush je. Kot i hedh disa qindra milionë për izraelitët apo Desadën që thjeshtë dhe vetëm nuk e heqin dot pisllëkun nga fytyra jote. Je kaq i nxirë sa nuk të pastron dot më askush.
Tani ka ngelur vetëm të na tregosh si ti lyen flokët me bojë Aurela, apo kur shkon te parukierja./Apel.al
from WordPress https://apel.al/prioriteti-i-opozites-qesja-me-domate/ via IFTTT
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vetturiagb-blog · 7 years
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“I’m not sad, I’m just very tired…” Hmm, sometimes I wish someone could see through me. For me they are both the same, tiredness and sadness, they are in symbiosis. They both shatter my inner self, they both dirty my soul, they both make me hate myself, they both destroy my relationships with the world. And the problem is they never come alone, they are stuck together like some siameze twins, planning to gnaw me. This world makes me tired, this world makes me sad; But after all this time not even me could distinguish them anymore…
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