masticadoresdeletras · 9 months
Se acaba 2023… El menos leído de 2023
Y además de agradecer vuestra compañía, les deseo unas felices Navidades y un esplendido 2024. Que sea fecundo, lleno de talento y amor. Y como cada año deciros que he publicado 339 textos (mi gimnasia de uno siario casi se ha cumplido);  y 20.300 visitas han respondido a la invitación de mi blog Barcelona. Y se han cumplido ya 10 años. Gracias! Publicaré en los próximos días: El menos leído…
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misscampacyn · 4 years
Chapter 6
Matt called his border patrol connection to detain any of the immigrants, so he could question them. They boarded a plane back to Phoenix, where they were met by Reggie.
“Are you okay?” he asks both Alexis and Kate.
“Their fine,” answers Matt.
“I didn’t ask you,” snide Reg.
“And yet I answered,” says Matt.
Alexis entered the car sitting in the middle of Matt and Alejandro. Reggie and Kate had a word or two before entering the car.
“You alright lex?” asks Reggie again, glancing at Alexis.
“I’m fine,” she answers simply.
“We can switch seat if you want,” says Kate.
“It’s fine, lets just get this over with,” says Alexis.
It had been a long day, she was annoyed, hungry, and sleepy. Matt continued to stare at her with concern written on his face.
“Since when do you let people call you Lex?” asks Matt.
Alexis only looks over at Matt but doesn’t say anything. After several minutes of silence Reggie turns on the radio, and Alexis tries to get comfortable. Not wanting to sleep on anyone’s shoulder, she leans her head back and closes her eyes falling asleep quickly.
Matt chuckles, “She’s stubborn as ever, she prefers to have pain in her neck than lean on me or on you Alejandro,” says Matt.
Alejandro only looks over at the sleeping girl. Matt notices the look in Alejandro’s eyes as he looked at his sister. With a wicked smirk Matt nudges Alexis onto Alejandro’s shoulder. Being a heavy sleeper Alexis does not wake, instead she nudges her face into Alejandro’s shoulder.
“Look at that she likes you,” jokes Matt.
“She’s going to kill you,” says Reggie who is glancing at then through the rearview mirror.
Matt only chuckled. Kate glances over at her sleeping friend and smiles.
“She hasn’t been sleeping well, she’s always rummaging in out apartment,” says Kate.
Matt and Alejandro only nod.
“You should sleep too Kate,” says Reggie.
Kate nods and leans her head to the window closing her eyes trying to catch a hour or so of sleep.
They arrive in Tucson at 2:00 am, where they are to meet up with Bob Fisks.
When Reggie parked the car behind the border patrol vehicles and turned off the car. Alejandro nudged Alexis who didn’t stir. Matt looks over at his sleeping sister and pokes her side playfully.
“Wake up sleeping beauty,” says Matt.
“Fuck you,” murmurs Alexis nudging further into Alejandro’s shoulder.
“You use that mouth to eat?” asks Matt. He continues to poke your side until you sit up straight and push his hand away from you.
“I’m awake,” says Alexis groggily. She glances over at the person she was nudging against, praying it was Reggie or Kate, instead she found out it was Alejandro. Alexis blushed and looked away from Alejandro sliding out of the car after Matt. Alejandro smiled softly at her reaction.
“Why are you holding up my transport?” asks Bod.
“Don’t worry Bob we’ll be quick,” assures Matt.
“How’s the auditor going to react with the 8,000-dollar charge of Domino’s Pizza?’ questions Bob.
“Don’t be so dramatic, alright?” asks Matt placing his hands-on Bob’s shoulders. “This is Kate Macer FBI, My sister Alexis FBI, and their friends what’s his name. It was their call,” defends Matt blaming it on the agents.
“It wasn’t our call,” says Kate. She then asks Bob for a smoke, and he advised her to finish it before she reached the detainees.
They reached the detainees and Bob asked it they need to interview all of them.
“We just need the ones that were detained around the Nogales area,” answers Alejandro.
Bob points out three groups.
“Okay the rest of them can go,” says Matt.
“Josef,” orders Bob.
“Atención, todos de nogales grupos A, D, E, grupos A, D, E, se quedan sentados todos los demás. Guardias a los autobuses,” orders Josef. (attention all from Nogales groups A, D, E; groups A, D, E stay seated. The rest guards get them into the buses)
All the people except the three groups stood up and were placed in their buses.
“What are we looking for?” Kate asks Matt.
“Just keep watching,” says Matt walking away.
 Reggie approaches both Kate and Alexis. “What are we doing here?” he asks them.
“Don’t know,” says Kate.
Reggie looks over at Alexis, but she starts walking after Matt.
“She knows what’s going on,” says Reggie.
“Yeah, but she won’t tell us,” says Kate.
“We’re going to have to ask Matt then,” says Reggie.
“You ask see where that take you,” says Kate.
Alejandro crutches down in front of one the groups. “Quienes de aquí han estado en los Estados Unidos anteriormente?” he asks. (Which ones of you have been in the U.S. before?”
Some raised their hands other did not. Alejandro nodded and looked over at Matt and Alexis. He gets up and walks through the group. Reaching some of those who raise their hands. He crutches down again. “Donde?” he asks (Where?)
“En Arizona,” answers of the men.
“Arizona,” confirms Alejandro. “Esta casado?” he asks. (are you married?)
“Si señor,” answers the same man. (yes, sir)
“Hijos?” asks Alejandro. (children?)
“Si,” answers the man. (yes)
“Donde?” asks Alejandro. (where?)
“Chihuahua,” answers the man.
Alejandro nods, “enseñeme sus manos,” he orders the man.(show me your hands)
The man places his hands in front of Alejandor who inspected them. His hands war callous from working. “Tienes tatuajes?” asks Alejandro. (have any tattoos?)
“No señor,” answers the man. (no sir)
Alejandro nods moving on to another man, and so he did to all the people that raised their hands. He was only interested in the people that had been in Arizona. Alexis joined in the questioning to so that they could get in their buses and taken to where they needed to go.
“Matt can we talk for a minute?” calls Reggie causing Alexis to look up.
Matt motions for Alexis and Alejandro to join the meeting.
“You look very serious,” points out Matt.
“We don’t want to be kept in the dark. You tell us what we are doing, or we are walking,” says Reggie.
“Me too,” confirms Kate.
Matt glances over at Alexis, but she just shrugs.
“Guillermo told us about a tunnel we are trying to see where people crossing avoid so we can locate it,” says Matt.
“Okay that’s all we wanted to know just don’t leave us in the dark anymore,” says Reggie.
“You afraid of the dark?” asks Alejandro.
Matt turns to look at Kate and Reggie, “You two can go home, we’ll find a ride home,” says Matt.
“Alexis are you coming with us?” asks Kate.
“No, I’ll stay help them here, I’ll see you at home,” says Alexis.
Reggie and Kate leave to get some rest.
“That’s why I hate fucking lawyers,” says Matt.
“Reggie is just looking for us,” defends Alexis.
“It be easier if he didn’t question anything, I didn’t bring him you and Kate did,” says Matt.
Alexis ignores his comment and goes back to the group. After a couple of hours, they allowed most of the people back to the buses.
Steve arrives to give them a ride back to Phoenix. They had rented motel rooms for the whole team, but Alexis wanted to go home.
“I’ll give you a ride home,” offers Steve.
Matt had sensed that Steve had a thing for his sister, but he knew that Alexis did not see Steve that way.
“I take her, go get some rest,” says Matt.
Steve only nods. Alexis knew Matt wanted to ask her about her time with Diaz, but she didn’t want to share.
As they walked away, Steve looked longingly at Alexis. “I hate saying goodbye but love to see her go,” voices Steve.
“You want her to kick you in the balls again?” asks Alejandro with a chuckle.
“Well no but you got to admit she’s a looker,” says Steve.
Alejandro says nothing to the man and walks into his and Matt’s room.
The car ride was silent until Matt spoke up.
“Did you get Counseling?” asks Matt.
“Mandatory,” says Alexis.
“Fuck the last time I saw you was two years ago,” says Matt.
‘Well you didn’t call,” says Alexis.
“Would you have answered?” asks Matt.
“For you? Always,” says Alexis.
Matts smiles and holds back tears. He decides to change the subject.
“I saw you get cozy with Alejandro on our way to Tucson,” points out Matt.
“What? No, I was asleep, I had no control,” defends Alexis.
“Don’t worry Alejandro seemed to like it too,” says Matt.
“You mean your Sicario friend?” asks Alexis.
Matt glances at his sister, surprised that she picked that up so quickly.
“Did you tell Kate or Reggie?” asks Matt concerned.
“Of course, I didn’t,” says Alexis.
“He’s trying to stop Diaz and Alarcon,” says Matt.
“Why?” asks Alexis.
“They killed his wife and daughter,” says Matt.
“Ah so I was right, he is Alexandro Gillick,” says Alexis.  
“I’m surprised that you didn’t question me during the mission,” says Matt.
“I’m just here to do whatever I have to do, clear this world of dangerous men,” says Alexis.
“I think you and Alejandro share the same philosophy then,” says Matt.
Alexis turn in her seat and looks at her brother. “Are you trying to hook me up with your friend because if you are I will shoot you,” says Alexis.
“Oh, please you’ll be thanking me,” says Matt.
“Asshole,” says Alexis.
“Yes, we are, anyways I’m here,” says Matt.
Alexis opens the car door about to go to her apartment.
“Wait, I’ll walk you to your apartment,” says Matt.
Alexis doesn’t complain knowing that beneath his cool persona Matt was a softy.
Authors Note:
I hope you guys are like this story so far.
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN @mostlymaudlin
as a thank you for being my mutual, a good friend, and just as obsessed with my faves as i am 🥰❤️
you’re so incredibly cool, but i kinda suck at words, so i’m just gonna introduce you to my biggest, best, and dare i say craziest creation yet.
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Simon as Mario, or, Siario
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Penelope as Luigi, or, Puigi
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Baz as Princess Peach, or, Princess Peaz
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Dev as Princess Daisy, or, Princess Daive
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And last, but not least, Niall as Yoshi, or, Nioshi
all of these were handcrafted by me with love for you rory <3 i hope you’re having/had a lovely halloween because you deserve it <3
for anyone who doesn’t know, @mostlymaudlin made a lovely fic entitled “Jump Up, Chosen One!” which is a crossover between the Mario universe and the Simon Snow Trilogy. check it out here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/33381277/chapters/82912894
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atenaava · 4 years
Bache ke bodam..yadam hastesh harvakht pedaram migoft ke be hich mardi to in donya, ke mikhad jozve khonevade beshavad..ke mikhast djaye pedaramo vardare...djaye yek mardi vardare...bavar nakonam.
Chandin rooz gozasht..va yek nafar be dare khane dar mizad. Khoshal o tamiz. Vali tarsnak o kheyli nazdik.
”Pedar be man begid” - yadame.
”On raft va pedar inkaro nemikone” - yadame.
”Man omran dast bezanam be shoma, to dokhtarami...” - bale yadame.
Harfe pedaram to gosham. Tars to cheshmam. Angize to delam va badan to lebasam.
Hamechi mondesh, Vali lebasam az beyn raft.
Harfe pedaram rast moond..
”bavar nakoon...” - yadame.
Harfa kam shood. Darda poor shood.
Tars, gerye, dorogh va zardj...an mond...ba hich khoshi va rorasti.
Bozorg ke shodam..yek kasi be man goft ke nabayad bezaram hich mardi be man dast booland koone.
Nazaram hich mardi dast ro man booland koone.
Yek rozi yek kasi dar zad dar ghalbe man. Daro man baz kardam, va nadidamesh...nadidam on chagoro. Nadidam on siario to cheshmash. Nadidam on ghalbe dardnakesh.
Rozi omad ke dastash mano khafe kard. Rozi omad ke cheshmash mano to larz endakht.
Rozi omad ke tane man dige male man nabood.
Harfa be bad raft. Tars be dja omad.
Ghalbam dige sia, askham dige khoshk...khande bi peyda.
Pir ke misham, chi mishavad...?
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dyfynnu · 6 years
Dim i siario..... gofalwch peidio anadlu cyn bwyta.... neu fydda nhw wedi diflannu😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 (at @McDonaldsUk in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion) https://t.co/mVXyg9KJDi pic.twitter.com/cq1cxQubEw
— 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (@Gazbryn825) October 6, 2018
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miadiaryboy · 9 years
Sabato 13 Febbraio 16.
Serata di un 18esimo , sono riuscito a dire a una mia migliore amica quello che faccio, anche lei aveva avuto questi problemi, forse andrò ad un consultorio giovedì con lei, mi sono finalmente liberato
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floatingtrouble · 13 years
ha importanza solo tornare a respirare, stare finalmente bene, e con la consapevolezza di meritare di essere felice non potranno esistere rimpianti.
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