#sick han
feverishly-kpop · 9 months
Jisung & Stray Kids - Difficult Patient
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“Please let me come to the studio today” Jisung whined. “Or can we just work here?”
Jisung had been laid up for the past three days with a nasty fever and headache. Nobody was exactly sure what he had managed to come down with but whatever it was had him absolutely miserable.
“Absolutely not” Changbin said, handing Jisung a few fever reducers and a glass of water. “You’re benched until your fever’s broken.”
Jisung looked up at Chan with a pout, hoping that he’d have a different answer than Changbin. Chan just chuckled and shook his head. “You must be delirious if you think I’d let you work like this. Hyunjin is at Minho’s, the two of them and Felix will be heading to the studio in a couple of hours but Seungmin and Jeongin should be around all day if you need anything.”
If he needed anything.
He needed to work.
Within the next few minutes Chan and Changbin left, leaving their apartment silent. Once he was certain that neither of them had forgotten something and they weren’t coming back Jisung pulled out his phone and texted Minho:
“Can I catch a ride with you to the company?”
He waited a few seconds to get a response from his hyung:
“Hyunjin says you’re still running a temp…I’m assuming that’s why you didn’t go in with Chan and Changbin?”
Dammit Hyunjin. What a snitch.
Jisung tossed his phone to the side, frustrated that he couldn’t work, frustrated that he was alone, and, most of all, frustrated that he was still sick.
Just as he was about to doze off he heard the rustle of keys and the front door being unlocked. Before he could get out of bed to investigate there was a soft knock on his bedroom door.
Seungmin didn’t wait for Jisung to answer, slowly opening the door to find Jisung leaning against his elbow, looking confused and exhausted. Seungmin sighed at the sight. It was hard seeing members feeling less than their best.
“I heard you were trying to work” Seungmin said, taking a seat at the end of Jisung’s bed. “You look like shit.”
Jisung rolled his eyes as he flopped back against his pillows. “Yeah well I kind of feel like shit too. But I’m so bored.”
“Well maybe I can help with that?” Seungmin replied with a shrug. “Want to watch TV or play games or something?”
“I’m just so tired…” Jisung yawned but was surprised when Seungmin stood up, leaving his room, only to return a few minutes later with a cool cloth.
“Scoot over” Seungmin instructed as he laid the compress over Jisung’s forehead. Once Jisung had made room for him he promptly laid down next to him “Wake me if you need anything” Seungmin added, glancing over at Jisung who was already dozing off.
Seungmin smiled before closing his own eyes.
And to think he wanted to work today.
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Triple Threat (Part 2)
if you haven’t read the first part go read it first here
(mostly fluff☁️☁️)
The next morning, none of the boys felt much better. They had all forgotten that it was Han’s birthday and Felix’s the next day, due to all the chaos of the night prior.  But the rest of the group was determined to make it special, even if both birthday boys were under the weather. A cake was out of the picture, seeing as it would definitely not be good for the boys to eat right now, especially Han. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t celebrate. They thought it would be best to do a joint party for both Han and Felix, so they didn’t have to disrupt their rest two days in a row. So, Changbin and Hyunjin went to buy some simple decorations (and some more medicine since they were low), and while the sick boys were all sleeping they hang them up. Nothing too extravagant, but there were some streamers and a couple balloons. When they were just about done, Jisung woke up to urgently bend over his bucket, but only dry heaving without bringing anything up. When he finished, he was about to go right back to sleep, but then he looked around to see that the living room was decorated, and remembered that it was his birthday.
“Drink some water Ji. You need to stay hydrated.” Chan said, holding a bottle of water out to his dongsaeng.
“When did you do all this?” Han said, ignoring Chan.
“Earlier when you guys were sleeping. it’s already 1:00 pm. Now drink your water. I’m not kidding around with dehydration.Happy Birthday.”
The birthday boy took the bottle from his hyung and took a few careful sips before returning it to the older, before it dawned on him that it was 1:00.
“Oh shit. I was supposed to do my birthday live at noon. I should get on for a little, I don’t want to disappoint Stay.”
“Hang on there Hannie. We called the managers already, and they put out a statement about the 3 of you guy’s health. Stay isn’t disappointed they just want you to get better. You can go on bubble and say something if you’re feeling up to it.”
Han reluctantly agreed and settled back down into his place on the couch. He went to bubble and apologized to Stay for missing the stream, but was bombarded with replies from Stay telling him not to be sorry, and that his health was more important. That truly warmed his heart, he even felt a bit better because of it
Gradually, the rest of the September line woke up, and saw the decorations. All of their fevers had gone down at least a bit which was good. Han and Seungmin barely had fevers at all at that point. Felix however, still had a fever of 38.8. When he saw the decorations, he was honestly confused, having forgotten about both his and Han’s birthday entirely. When they told him they were for him (and Han of course) he was legitimately shocked. 
They decided that it was a good time to open presents since everyone was awake. Jisung was most happy to get a brand new pair of headphones since his current ones weren’t in the best condition. Felix decided his favorite gift was not one from his members, but instead the plushie his little sister Olivia had sent him from Australia. He immediately cuddled up with the animal. His sister’s timing could not have been any better, he really had needed something like that when he felt so bleh.
Lee Know made them some chicken noodle soup that was delicious, even if you weren’t sick. Seungmin took a bite of the soup, but then felt the urge to sneeze. He tried to hold it back, but he ended up spraying the small bite of soup into his elbow. Luckily, everyone had recovered enough that they could just laugh about it and wipe it up, if that had happened yesterday, that would have been a different story. 
As mentioned earlier, cake was a no go for the night. So instead, when they sang happy birthday, (as non-obnoxious as they could, seeing that Felix still had a headache, which is harder than it seems- especially since most of the time when singing happy birthday your as obnoxious as possible) they brought out some popsicles, the best sweet treat for when you’re sick. Seungmin was especially grateful as it soothed the ache in his throat at least a bit. 
They all had a fun night. Even if 3 out of the 8 of them were sick, they still managed to make the most of it.
Of course, they were still sick. Han didn’t keep down a single thing he ate that night, Felix’s fever somehow spiked, and Seungmin was so congested he could only breathe through his mouth, but they were taken care of by their best friends, and after a couple more days of puking, coughing, and headaches, they were almost entirely recovered and ready to go back to their normal routine. They eventually ended up having a combined birthday live between the three of them and had a lot of fun together. They were glad to have a community like stay, who care so much for their health and well being.
Hope you enjoyed part 2! It was on the shorter side because it’s a part two but i liked it. The part with the gift from Felix’s sister was my favorite, it was so heartwarming and fluffy 🥹 requests are open!!
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cactus-juiceee · 9 months
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solcarow · 7 days
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How funny. I can't believe this is happening… did you forget that you promised to die?
i finally remembered to post my piece for the @orv-lovezine !!! i wasnt satisfied with the colors i submitted it with so you can find the original below + the lineart
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im starting pride month off strong by strujoshin out 🔥💥🔥💥💥
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fffrost · 4 months
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Get rekt
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hehearse · 5 months
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part 1 - 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 - 6
you can get the full pdf for free or if you feel generous get it for a few coins here ^^
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thefrsers · 15 days
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7clubs · 2 months
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dear reader, do you know that we love you?
[ ID from alt: Yoohankim with (Demon king) Dokja in the middle. Joonghyuk is embracing him from behind, hands clasped together around Dokja's waist. Joonghyuk has his eyes happily closed and his lips pursed to Dokja's ear, while Dokja reaches with one hand behind him to stroke Joonghyuk's hair at his nape. At Dokja's other side, Sooyoung is leaned into him from behind as well, nuzzling the back of his head and whispering sweetly just under his ears. One of her hands reaches down to lace fingers with Dokja's, and he has one of his black wings wrapped around her. The background is black with a single golden halo around their three heads. End ID ]
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skzdorks · 8 months
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wow okay
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rachelfoleyisntdead · 9 months
more MK memes to celebrate completing story mode
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almond-gallery · 4 months
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happy valentine's w yhk <3
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sunnishine · 5 months
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little bit of seungsung for my platonic soulmate @hanjesungs
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briankang · 8 months
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'replay the scene every 0.1 seconds, jaws drop in disbelief'
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maxanor · 7 days
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so anyway-
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amphirrhvx · 5 months
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twitter liked this so I'm posting it here too :p
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