#sick seungmin
tafeekafee · 1 month
🧭🐶I’m afraid, I’m in pain, I’m okay
Title from Leave (Stray Kids)
Summary: After all the concerts and travels Seungmin gets an ear infection: He can either stay behind in America or attempt the painful plane travel with his members…
CW: emeto, medics, IVs
Sickie: Seungmin Caretaker(s): Hyung-line
It was the last concert of their America tour. Seungmin knew he should give his best, sing his heart out and dance like there was no tomorrow for STAY.
And he wanted to. If only he was feeling better. Normally he was the last person to admit to it but he was so done. There was nothing he wanted more than to crawl into bed and sleep for days. Sadly that was not to be part of his near future.
They still had about half of their concert left.
Seungmin was sure he was not the only member that was so tired. Changbin, his room mate for the past week, had been snoring the moment his head hit his pillow the last nights. Therefore Seungmin didn’t think he had any right to complain.
The tiredness and muscle aches were easily explained by weeks of shows nearly every evening. But Seungmin was also uncomfortably hot under the stage lights and there was a faint sense of dizziness hazing his vision. Or maybe that was the drops of sweat falling into his eyes. It certainly didn’t help that he hadn’t felt like eating the past two days – instead opting to sleep more. Not that it had helped apparently.
The whole feeling of unwellness was accompanied by an unwelcome, unhappy sensation in his stomach. Probably hunger, since he hadn’t eaten since lunch and his reduced appetite must have left his stomach achingly empty. That must be it.  
But that still didn’t explain the strange feeling in his right ear. It wasn’t necessarily painful, just tender when touched. He hadn’t even realized until he had put in his in-ears earlier that evening. He had used the same in-ears for the whole tour so it couldn’t be that the right one didn’t fit. Maybe something had happened to it? He did have problems hearing the backtrack and the live-singing.
Well, he could deal with it. No need to involve the technicians during the last concert and no need to let STAY down.
It was around the last songs of the evening that Seungmin realized that he completely relied on the hearing in his left ear. The sound coming from the right in-ear was extremely muffled. It was hard to keep the beat and dance in sync with the others so he tried to catch Bang Chan’s eyes. The members had stopped for a talking break and Seungmin decided to use the opportunity to get his in-ear checked out after all. He didn’t want to let the members or, even worse, STAY down.
As Chan looked into his direction, Seungmin tapped his ear and pointed backstage. The leader nodded and the vocalist hurried off-stage. He needed to be back in time for the next song.
“What’s going on, Seungmin-ah?”, his manager asked, rushing around the corner to greet him.
“I’m having problems with my in-ear”, Seungmin replied, frowning a bit. Even after taking out the offending earpiece his own voice still sounded muffled.
“Okay, let’s hurry”, the manager agreed and frantically waved a technician over. The woman fumbled around with the device and handed it back to Seungmin. He put it in and gave her access to the mic pac.
“I don’t see a problem”, she said, looking a bit confused, “it should be working fine. Obviously, I believe that you are having trouble but I don’t see what could be wrong.”
“Do we have a spare in-ear?”, Seungmin asked.
The technician shook her head. “I’m really sorry, I was looking for it earlier since I noticed it missing but it must have gotten lost between the cities.”
“Is there anything else we can do?”, the manager questioned, looking at his wrist watch.
“I can do it like this”, Seungmin said, sounding more confident than he felt, “I can rely on the left in-ear. It’s only a few songs. Thank you, noona. Hyung.” He bowed a bit.
“Alright, take care”, the manager called at him as Seungmin already jogged back up to the stage.
The concert was over. Finally. Not something Seungmin had ever believed he would think. But he really had struggled to keep up in the end. He hoped STAY hadn’t noticed. Or his members.
While the others, full of energy and adrenaline, were jumping around the dressing room and celebrating the finished tour, Seungmin just fell down onto one of the sofas. He relished in being off his feet, at last not having to hold himself up anymore. The sooner they got to the hotel, the sooner he got to sleep. But that would mean he would have to move, get changed, walk to the car, survive the drive, get up to the room and shower. That sounded like so much effort.
Seungmin had no strength to pretend he was fine and he wasn’t sure he really wanted to. His head was pounding and everything ached. He was nauseous too - not “I’m about to puke”-bad but also not just a slight feeling of unwellness. Not having to fight this on his own actually sounded nice. Maybe he wouldn’t mind for once if his members did notice.
It was as if his mind had been read. The sofa dipped next to him and as he blinked his eyes open he found Chan looking down at his slumped figure with worry in his face.
“What’s up, mate?”, the leader asked without preamble. Probably hoping to surprise Seungmin and catch him off guard enough that he would let slip that something was going on. He needn’t have tried. Seungmin was ready to admit something was off. Chan’s voice had sounded far away and his ear was hurting even after taking out the ear piece. Seungmin was too tired to figure out what that might mean.
“Don’t feel good, hyung”, the younger whispered, pulling his left knee up to his chest to rest his head on it.
Chan was taken aback, so much was clear. He hadn’t expected honesty from his stubborn main vocalist. Seungmin didn’t have enough strength to feel bad about making him worry.
“Is that why you went off-stage during the talk?”, Chan asked. By now the other members seemed to have noticed that something was up, as the dressing room was suddenly awfully quiet. Sadly, it didn’t even help Seungmin’s headache much.
“No.” He shook his head in a tiny motion. “In-ear wasn’t working.”
“What’s going on with you?”, Lee Know asked, coming over to squat down in front of the sofa to study Seungmin.
“I’ve felt better.”
A soft, cold hand landed on his forehead. Seungmin sighed. It felt good. The hand moved away and he whined, trying to follow it with his head. Somebody chuckled and the hand was placed back.
“You’re running a fever, I think”, Chan exclaimed. Oh, so it was his hand. Seungmin shrugged.
“Can we just go back to the hotel?”, the vocalist pleaded.
His hair was brushed from his forehead and somebody affirmed his question.
Consciousness returned slowly to the young vocalist.
Seungmin didn’t remember getting changed out of his stage outfit, removing the make-up or the drive to the hotel. Somebody must have put him to bed.
He groaned, wondering why he was awake in the middle of the night. It was dark in the room, so it must be night, right? He had been so exhausted, why didn’t have his body mercy and let him sleep?
That’s when he felt it.
He scrambled out of bed, his legs nearly tangling themselves in the bed covers and they fell to the ground with him. He kicked them away and raced to the bathroom, one hand over his mouth.
Seungmin collapsed to his knees in front of the toilet bowl and heaved. Immediately his stomach started to expel its contents, retches taking over his senses. He clutched at the toilet seat, desperate to keep upright amongst the disorienting vertigo.
He felt terrible. The vomiting kept his breath from him and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t stop. The bile in his mouth and nose tasted bad and burned worse. His ear was burning and pulsing in beat with his heart. Everything was spinning.
Seungmin was sure he had never felt so sick in his entire life.
His strength waning every second, he was convinced he would die in there, a small hotel in an American city he had forgotten the name of. Either choking on his stomach contents or hitting his head on the bowl from dizziness, pathetic either way. He didn’t even know when he had started to cry but the sobs were wrecking his whole body.
He was shaking and, just as he thought falling down would be the way he would go out, a comforting hand landed on his shoulder. “Help”, Seungmin gasped, trying to clutch at the other person for stability.
Soon a hand found his and he held on tight, his lifeline in a sea of nausea and waves and tears.
“Min-ah, try to calm down”, a familiar voice whispered. His Changbinnie-hyung. “I got you, puppy, you’re going to be fine.”
Seungmin didn’t care just how childlike he sounded when he whined: “I want it to…” He broke off to throw up again, only a bit of bile splashing into the disgustingness beneath him. “… I want it to stop now.”
“Shh, I know. You’re doing so good. Hyung has got you.”
Who was Seungmin to doubt his strong Changbinnie-hyung?
He found it was much easier to breathe with the older man at his side. Slowly Seungmin was able to stop gagging every few seconds and Changbin guided him away from the bowl to lean against the elder’s chest. Tears were still falling down Seungmin’s face and he felt the disgusting snot on his face.
“Hey, baby”, Changbin mumbled, brushing Seungmin’s hair out of his face. “Are you feeling better now that you got that out?”
Seungmin wasn’t sure. He still felt so sick. Everything was lost to a feverish daze, drowned out by the pain in his head, ear and stomach. Even his skin seemed to hurt.
“Hurts”, he whispered, burying his face against Changbin’s shoulder. The rapper sighed and gently dislodged Seungmin from himself. Seungmin didn’t want to let him go.
“Seungmin-ah, I just need to flush the toilet, okay? And I think you need some medication. You’re burning.”
“Sleep”, Seungmin begged.
“Soon”, Changbin promised, “let me up a sec.”
It was as if Seungmin had only blinked, then Changbin was kneeling in front of him again, asking him to open his mouth. Seungmin gagged against the thermometer, pressing a panicked hand to his mouth.
“Deep breaths”, Changbin advised, rubbing his arm.
It didn’t help. Without any more warning more vomit spilled from his lips onto his sleepshirt. Seungmin could only cry harder.
“Oh, baby, you’re really sick.” Changbin sighed and wiped Seungmin’s mouth with a damp washcloth, then his shirt. Wherever he had gotten that from Seungmin wasn’t sure.
“Can we try again?”, Changbin asked, “I know you don’t want to but I’m really worried.” Seungmin couldn’t help but keep crying. He didn’t want to try again, he just wanted to sleep. But he knew Changbin would not give up.
“Can you hold my hand?”, the vocalist mumbled, blinking up at the elder.
“Of course, Min-ah”, Changbin replied at once, taking his hand in a gentle grasp. With the other he lifted the thermometer to Seungmin’s lips. Reluctantly Seungmin opened his mouth, fighting against the urge to gag. With his hyung’s hand in his hand it was bearable.
“38,9°C”, Changbin read, “no wonder you are feeling so icky.”
Icky wasn’t the word Seungmin would have used but he agreed it fit.
“I have some fever reducers here. Do you think you can try to drink a bit and take them? Then I’ll put you to bed asap.”
The magic word bed definitely helped. Anything for that. So Seungmin let the water bottle be tipped against his lips and he managed to swallow the pill that was placed on his tongue without any major issues.
“Bed?”, he asked hopefully.
“Yeah, let’s get you into clean clothes and then horizontal”, Changbin agreed and lifted Seungmin into his arms without preamble. The vocalist, while normally not happy about being carried, was for once glad. He wasn’t sure if he would have been able to get up, let alone walk, on his own.
“It’s Seungmin. Yeah, he’s really sick. Was running a fever and threw up tonight, hyung. Can you send a medic?”
Seungmin woke up to Changbin’s voice talking, apparently to Chan, on the phone. He blinked his eyes open and took stock of his body. The high fever from the night seemed to have gone down. He didn’t feel good but he didn’t feel as bad as he had before.
With shame he remembered crying and begging.
Thankfully Changbin was a kind person. He would never make fun of Seungmin for being sick and he certainly wouldn’t tell anybody just how pathetic he had been.
While his fever was not as present, the headache and the nausea were still there. All of it was triumphed by the pain in his ear, however. It hurt. Confused, Seungmin reached up to feel and had to bite back a cry of pain as he came into contact. It really hurt.
Changbin must have heard him as suddenly he was sitting beside Seungmin’s on the bed, smiling down at him.
“Good morning, puppy. How are you feeling? Chan, manager-nim and a medic are on their way here to check on you”, he explained.
“Better, I think”, Seungmin said slowly. Then, deciding he couldn’t and shouldn’t hide it anyway, he added: “My ear really hurts.”
“Your ear?”, Changbin asked. Seungmin nodded and turned his head.
“Oh shit, Min!” Changbin was staring at him with wide eyes. “Yeah, I’d say it hurts. It’s flaming red and … urgh, is that puss?”
Seungmin was about to reply when an urgent-sounding knock came from the door. Changbin stood up and practically raced to the door to open it, inviting their leader, their manager and the medic in.
“Hi, Min-ah”, Chan said with a lopsided smile. He sat down on Changbin’s vacated seat next to Seungmin. “I heard you had a bad night?”
“Well, except for the puking I slept well”, Seungmin mumbled, embarrassed by so many people seeing him first thing.
Changbin and the manager stood back, while the medic approached Seungmin and Chan. “Hello, Seungmin-ssi”, he greeted, “I’m sorry you are not feeling well. Can you tell me what is going on?”
Seungmin nodded and tried to push himself up to be at least sitting up, not lying down. But tried was the operative word. As soon as he managed to lift himself up a few centimeters his vision began to swim and tilt. He dropped back down, closing his eyes as he was beginning to feel like he was seasick.
“Seungmin”, Chan shouted in worry, causing the vocalist to flinch at the loud sound. The leader apologized immediately and took the vocalist's hand.
“Dizzy”, Seungmin gasped, grasping onto his hyung for stability. Oh, this really wasn’t nice.
While Seungmin tried to recuperate from the vertigo, Chan started to talk. “He admitted to not feeling good yesterday after the concert. He didn’t say what was wrong but he definitely had a fever. He was basically knocked out before we even managed to change him into comfortable clothing. Slept through the drive and everything. He was really exhausted.”
“I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard him being sick. He was throwing up for a good twenty minutes and seemed dizzy. Had a fever of 38,9°C and he was really emotional. I gave him some fever reducers and got him something to drink. He was knocked out until this morning”, Changbin added, “He said his ear was hurting. Look, it’s really red and there seemed to be puss coming out of it.” There was still a bit of disgust in his voice.
“I see”, the medic replied, “do you have anything to add, Seungmin-ssi?”
The vocalist shook his head, suddenly feeling small under all the worried glances. “Okay, can I look at your ear?”, the medic then asked.
Despite wanting anything but that, Seungmin nodded.
The medic put on some gloves and turned his head very gently, shining a flashlight into his ear. It didn’t hurt as much as he had feared, since he didn’t even try to touch it.
“That’s an ear infection alright”, the medic concluded quickly, “I want to take your temperature again but this is definitely infected. We can try to treat it with over the counter meds and ear drops. If that doesn’t help he should get antibiotics prescribed at the hospital.”
“An ear infection?” Chan grimaced. Seungmin hadn’t expected anything else yet he was devastated by the news. He didn’t want to be sick and he didn’t want to hurt. “Is he contagious?”
“No. Ear infections themselves aren’t contagious. Did you have a cold recently, Seungmin-ssi? That might be the cause of the infection and could be contagious.” The medic grabbed a few of his instruments. “Also, I want to make sure your heart rate and pulse are okay.”
Seungmin gave him access to his arm, then said quietly: “I didn’t have a cold or anything. Lixie-hyung was coughing a bit but I never was sick. Sure, run down and tired but that’s normal.”
Chan gave him an unimpressed glance but didn’t say anything about it. Instead he asked about a different cause of the infection.
“Well, you’ve been wearing your in-ears for the concerts a lot and if they didn’t get cleaned properly that could cause an ear infection. Or honestly, just wearing stuff in your ear constantly.”
Oh. Seungmin had been wearing his earphones a lot during the flights and the bus travels and sightseeing. At night he had been using earplugs due to Changbin’s snoring (which the rapper still denied). Combined with the earpieces for the concerts…
“That makes sense”, he muttered. Great. Now it was even his own fault.
Sometimes it was like the leader could read his members’ thoughts. “Min-ah, that could have happened to anybody. Don’t beat yourself up about it”, Chan said, “you will be fine in a few days, don’t worry.”
“Speaking of: Is he okay to fly today?”, the manager asked. Shit. Right. Seungmin had completely forgotten they were traveling home that day. Flying for thirteen hours on a regular day was terrible. With how he was feeling that would be torture. But staying in America alone? That was worse. Hopefully he glanced up at the medic.
He looked torn. “I really wouldn’t recommend it. The altitude and the pressure is already not good for the ears. Flying with an ear infection is not the greatest idea.”
Seungmin felt tears burn in his eyes. He didn’t want to stay here alone. He wanted to be home.
“Please”, he begged, tears he wasn’t able to stop flowing down his cheeks, “please, I want to go home with the members.” He didn’t care that he was begging again. Chan looked crestfallen, face full of worry. He gently wiped Seungmin’s tears with his thumbs.
“Is there anything we can do so he can make it home?”, Chan asked, “I mean, if he can’t fly today, I won’t allow it. I can stay here with him. But I know that Seungmin really would feel better at home.”
“Please”, Seungmin whispered, “please, I … I don’t want to stay here.”
The medic looked reluctant. The manager too.
“If your fever is and stays under 38,5°C until we fly and you can keep down a bit of food and water, we can try that. But Seungmin-ssi, you have to know it will be really painful. Once we’re in the air, you can’t just opt out, you will have to endure and it will hurt a lot if you are unlucky”, the medic explained.
Seungmin really didn’t care. “I want to be with my members.”
“Okay”, his manager said, “okay, Seungmin-ah. Follow whatever the medic says is best and the moment you feel like you can’t fly you tell somebody. We will find an arrangement for a member to stay back with you. Don’t be a hero, I know you too well.”
Seungmin nodded, relieved.
“I will get you some fever reducers and ear drops. Let your hyungs take your temperature”, the medic advised.
Three hours later they were at the airport. Seungmin’s fever had been at 38,6°C since the morning but he had argued and groveled enough that the medic had given up. 
Lots of Stays were waiting for them to say goodbye. The vocalist was already dreading the noise level the screaming would cause. He had one of Chan’s beanies pulled over his ear to hide it from prying eyes – it rubbed against the fabric and Seungmin wanted to take the hat off. He obviously couldn't, so he tried to bear it. He wished for something to dampen the sound but that was the reason for the problem in the first place. What a hellish circle.
Changbin and Chan were walking at his sides, in fact all of the members had created a barrier around him to protect him. Lee Know and I.N. were walking in the front with Hyunjin, Felix and Han taking the back. It was very sweet of them and, despite knowing that Stay would worry about him due to it, he was very grateful.
The moment they reached the private area, Seungmin pulled off the beanie and sunk onto the couch. His head was ringing from the noise and he was feeling slightly nauseous again. But if anybody found out he was done for. So he kept quiet.
“How are you feeling, baby?”, Hyunjin asked, sitting down close to Seungmin. The younger one melted against him and sighed.
“I’ve been better, hyung. But I really can fly, I promise”, he said simply.
“Okay, I’m glad. Do you want to lay down and rest a bit before boarding?” Hyunjin patted his lap and, yeah, Seungmin had to admit that sounded comfy. So he laid down on his left side, his face buried in the elder’s stomach. Soft hands smoothed down his hair. Within seconds Seungmin was asleep.
Never before (maybe except that time Minho-hyung had gotten food poisoning and kept puking the whole flight) had Seungmin been so happy that, with all their staff, Stray Kids had the first class for themselves. No spying eyes, no cameras. Just peace and quiet.
Seungmin was sitting in a middle row seat next to Changbin. On Seungmin’s left was Lee Know in a lone seat at the window and on Changbin’s side was a manager. Behind them sat Felix and Han together with Jeongin enjoying a single seat. Bang Chan and Hyunjin were surrounded by two managers in front of them. The medic was a few rows behind them.
They had to wait quite some time until all passengers had boarded and then they still had to wait. Seungmin was starting to get nervous. He always had had problems with the pressure in airplanes. He was pretty scared how bad it could be now with an infected ear.
Changbin, as if sensing his fear, reached his hand over the waist-high wall dividing them and offered it, palms up. Seungmin didn’t hesitate to take it. He was feeling quite nauseous again and he wasn’t confident it was just nerves.
“Once we’re in the air you can sleep the whole flight, Min-ah”, Minho said from his other side, giving the two a small smile. “We’ll be home before you know it.”
The plane was gaining speed at a rapid rate and they were on the way home. It was barely two minutes in the air and Seungmin was regretting ever boarding the plane. His ear pain from the night and this morning was not even close to comparable. He squeezed Changbin’s hand tightly, pressing his eyes shut.
“Are you sure you don’t want chewing gum?”, Minho asked with a frown. Seungmin had refused his previous offer before take-off, knowing from breakfast that morning that chewing was also painful.
“Gimme”, he said, ignoring how short and rude he was. Minho didn’t seem to mind and handed him one of the small rectangles over the aisle. Seungmin put it in his mouth and chewed. It certainly wasn’t a good feeling but it helped the pain a bit.
But he soon found that the pain wasn’t even the worst thing. Just as the medic had explained earlier as his last try to stop Seungmin, the change of pressure had his previous issues reaching new heights. The slight dizziness was turning into full-blown vertigo, causing Seungmin to press his head against the headrest in an attempt to ground himself. It didn’t help the uncomfortable feeling of being a weightless bag tossed around at will. 
Then the nausea hit.
Seungmin gagged, ripping his hand from Changbin’s grasp to press both hands to his mouth. It was as if his body was forced forward by the nausea, leaving him helpless in its grasp. Leaning forward, however, made the vertigo even worse and for a moment all Seungmin could see was static. 
Then a retch tore up his throat and he was sick … into the plastic bag Changbin held under his mouth, uncaring of the seatbelts signs that were still on. Seungmin had a second to think to himself how glad he was that he wasn’t throwing up on himself before every control below his tongue was taken from him.
Waves of vomit came up and all that held him up was his Minho-hyung who was stabilizing his shoulder from the other side of the aisle. Seungmin was sure that he passed out a few times for just a second or two.
It felt like an eternity later when he managed to stop turning himself inside out. Minho was now kneeling beside him on the aisle floor, holding his hand. Changbin was tying off the sick bag. Chan, the manager, the medic and a stewardess were crowding his seat.
“We can still turn around for a medical emergency”, the stewardess offered, sounding worried, “we will have no opportunity to land somewhere unplanned once we’re over the ocean.”
As Seungmin lifted his head he saw Chan and the manager looking like they were about to agree. The medic was nodding already.
“No”, Seungmin rasped, “no, I want to go on.”
“What? Min-ah, you’re really sick and we’re on a thirteen hour flight. You’ll feel much better on the ground”, Chan said worriedly, running a hand through his hair. 
Seungmin shook his head, nearly sending himself into a dizzy spiral again.
“I just wanna be home, hyung”, he whispered, “please. I’ll be uncomfortable wherever I am and I’d rather be in Korea.”
“I hate to agree”, the manager said, “but I do. I promise you’ll get a one way ticket to the hospital once in Korea if you aren’t much better when we land, but I do prefer Korean hospitals.”
Chan sighed and crouched down next to Minho. “Baby, are you sure?”
“Yes.” Seungmin was sure, “it will be better now when we are at the same altitude all the time.” He hoped.
“Alright, let’s get you some ginger ale and then you can try to sleep, hm?”, Minho suggested. Seungmin nodded tiredly and tried to sip a bit on the drink he was handed. His second-oldest hyung helped stabilize his hand as it shook.
“Do you want to lie down?”, Changbin asked and Seungmin nodded. His hyungs helped him unfold his seat into a bed so he could lie down fully. 
“We’ll wake you when you are due for the next round of medication”, Chan said and toyed with Seungmin’s hair, “feel better soon.”
Seungmin woke up disoriented. He blinked. Everything hurt. His ear ached badly and he felt really nauseous again. And there was a distinct feeling in his bladder that only meant one thing: He would have to get up to use the bathroom. He knew it would suck. Tears gathered in his eyes and he couldn’t stop them from rolling down his cheeks.
“Baby, why are you crying?”, Changbin asked worriedly. His ever-attentive hyung was looking up from his phone on the other side of the wall that was supposed to give them privacy but now felt more like a barrier than anything. On his other side Minho was asleep.
Seungmin just continued sobbing. His bladder felt awfully full and he really needed to get up and relieve himself. But he knew he was too weak and too feverish to do so on his own. What was he supposed to say? He was an adult and it was more than embarrassing asking his hyung to help him to the bathroom. Besides, he didn’t think that he would even be able to move about in the cabin alone, so somebody would have to go inside with him. 
He really didn’t want that.
But what choice did he have?
“I need to pee”, he whispered, feeling his cheeks heat up even more with shame. 
“Oh, I was really worried. That’s not a problem. Let me help you walk there, hm?”, Changbin said, comforting him. He was already halfway out of his seat to round the aisle to be by Seungmin’s side, when the younger stopped him.
“No, hyung”, Seungmin whispered, his head pounding from the crying. “I … I don’t think … I … I need help. I’m so dizzy. I’m scared.”
“Oh baby”, Changbin mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. “Don’t be embarrassed. Everything will be fine, you’ll see. Give me a minute.”
It was as if Seungmin had only blinked, then Changbin was standing by his side and gently placed a hand on his arm. “Let’s get you up, okay?” Seungmin nodded and clutched at the smaller man when everything started to spin again. He gagged into his hand and Changbin’s eyes widened nearly comically. Nothing came up, however, or maybe he was too empty. Either way both of them were thankful to avoid a mess.
“What’s going on?”, Chan asked, appearing from somewhere. He was frowning again and he mustered them with worry. “Just going to the bathroom, hyung, don’t worry”, Changbin said and he must have been convincing enough that Chan backed off. Seungmin did love Chan with all his heart but his leader could be overwhelming at times. Right now having just one member knowing of his situation was bad enough.
“Slow steps”, Changbin advised and together they shuffled to the bathroom, Seungmin just trying to stay upright on weak, shaky legs. The fever was really hitting him hard, as was the vertigo. Oh, how he wanted to be home. But he’d need to endure a bit more.
Seungmin nearly burst into tears again when Changbin stepped into the cubicle with him but at this point he was just desperate enough to not care enough. Changbin did his best to help and give him his space at the same time, so while it was still embarrassing it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.
Walking the few meters had been exhausting though and so Seungmin was grateful when he was able to sit back down in his seat. All he wanted to do was sleep but instead of letting him lie back down, Changbin knelt down next to him and Minho, who had woken up from his nap, was holding out a bottle of ginger ale again.
“I think you are due for some more medication”, the second oldest remarked. Oh there were the bottles of medication the medic had given him on Lee Know’s table.
Seungmin whined. He didn’t want medication. He would have to swallow, which would hurt, and he was already feeling close to getting sick again. He wanted to sleep above all things.
“Come on, puppy, just a few sips and the meds”, Changbin encouraged. Seungmin shook his head, tears pooling in his eyes.
“Just wanna sleep”, he whispered, “please, I’m so tired.”
“I know, baby”, Minho tried, “I promise, once you take the meds we will let you sleep for the rest of the flight.”
That did sound good but it would still mean he would have to take meds. He didn’t want that. Seungmin was so tired and suddenly the tears dripped down his face. Crying wasn’t making anything better, if so they made everything worse. The headache, the nausea, the pain. He pulled his knees to his chest and hugged himself close. Seungmin didn’t know how long he sat there like this, crying and feeling sorry for himself. Maybe he should have just stayed back in America. Too late for regrets.
“Can … can Jinnie-hyung cuddle with me?”, the vocalists asked finally, without looking up and biting his lip. 
“Of course I will”, Hyunjin replied. Seungmin hadn’t even noticed he was there but soon he was wrapped in a warm embrace. 
The older had sat down next to Seungmin on the makeshift bed, close enough for Seungmin to feel his body heat. He hadn’t even noticed how cold he was until he wasn’t anymore. Defeated, Seungmin let himself fall against his chest, cradled like a baby. Hyunjin was rocking them from side to side until the upset had vanished, leaving only a bone-deep exhaustion behind. He closed his eyes and drifted off against Hyunjin’s shoulder. 
When the dancer nudged him slightly, he slowly opened his eyes again, not happy with the action but also not about to cry anymore. He hated how fevers made him so emotional.
“Hey, puppy”, Hyunjin said, a soft hand coming up to play with Seungmin’s hair, “how about you try to take the medication and then I’ll cuddle you the rest of the flight, hm?”
Who was Seungmin to say no to an offer like that?
He nodded and looked around. Minho had sat back down in his own seat but still had the ginger ale and the meds at the ready. He couldn’t see Changbin and assumed he had returned to his own seat.
“Here you go”, Minho said and slowly Seungmin took a sip of the drink to wash down the first pill. Once he had all of them down, surprised it hadn’t hurt as badly as he had feared, he cuddled back up to Hyunjin. The dancer helped him to finally settle back down into a lying position.
Seungmin was already half asleep when something warm and wet touched his ear. He startled a bit, accidentally kicking Hyunjin a bit.
“Shh, it’s only a warm cloth, it’s supposed to help. Lixie googled it”, Changbin murmured and pulled the blanket up so that it covered Seungmin’s shoulder again, “sleep.”
Masterlist links: Tafee - Full Masterlist Tafee's Masterlist - Stray Kids
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Grumpy Puppy
request: Perhaps Seungmin is developing a headache in the morning, which gets worse after the vocal practices the group has, so when 3Racha mentions to him that he should improve in his singing, Seungmin gets stressed and ends up fighting with them and leaves the studio. He then decides to go alone to the apartment and there he realizes that his headache has turned into a migraine and ends up vomiting but no one knows about his condition because he is the only one in the apartment (Seungmin, Felix, Minho and Jeongin's apartment). Finally the other members arrive and find Seungmin asleep so one of them decides to wake him up to eat but Seungmin gets upset because they interrupt his rest and yells at him asking to be left alone. Things go downhill because he ends up sleeping alone in his room due to no one wanting to stay with him and when his fever is higher he ends up vomiting on himself and there is no one to help him, so he starts crying and Minho hears the sobs and runs to Seungmin's room to see what's wrong and comforts him. 
Minho ends up telling the leader about the situation in the apartment and everyone gathers in the apartment to take care of the sick child. 
Happy ending! c:
From the moment Seungmin woke up that morning he knew something was off. He felt developing a headache and hoped it wouldn’t end up being too bad. But sadly, that was not the case. 
The group had vocal practice today. Usually this would be Seungmin’s favorite part of the day. But today, all the loud voices, music, and high notes were only worsening his headache. To be quite frank,  Seungmin’s singing today was… not good. 
He was of key, and his voice was cracking constantly. His members sat listening to the vocalist in horror as his vocals continued to somehow get worse and worse. 
When they finished singing through the song, it was the job of 3Racha to give some notes. As producers, they had to tell Seungmin the cold hard truth that his singing needed some work for this song.
“Seungmin, for this song, you’ll definitely need to work on certain things singing. It’s a pretty challenging song. Maybe do some extra voice lessons? You can do it, but right now it looks like it will take some hard work. “
When Chan told Seungmin this, to Seungmin’s fevered brain, it sounded more like,
“You suck. Your voice is awful. You’ll never get this song right.”,
and that really pissed him off. Even if what they REALLY said was no where close.
“Maybe you guys just are bad producers. I bet that’s why. And you guys can’t even sing well yourselves, who are you to talk about my singing like that?!?”
“Woah.. Minnie, let’s calm down a bit, it shouldn’t be that much ext-“
“NO! YOU calm down. You guys are being so mean and tell ME to calm down?!?!?!!!”
“Seungmin, we really didn’t mean to-“
“Well you did. You didn’t mean to say it?! You can’t accidentally talk like that. I’m going home.”
The rest of the group just stared at him in shock as Seungmin picked up his stuff and left.
When he got home he threw himself into bed with a huff. He had calmed down a bit on the way home, but he definitely was still grumpy.  The moment his body hit the cushions, his vision swirled. It seemed that his little headache had developed into a full blown migraine as black spots dance around his vision and nausea started to build in his throat. As much as he wants to stay there in his bed, he dragged himself to the bathroom and feel to his knees in front of the toilet. The moment he was there his stomach clenched and sent the little he had eaten splashing into the bowl. With each splash, he sorta wished he hadn’t yelled at his members before, and maybe someone would be sitting beside home running their fingers through his hair and wiping his mouth. Instead his hair was falling into his watering eyes and he had to wipe his own mouth. When he was finished he trudged back to his room and was out like a light.
A few hours later , his roommates returned home from the rest of their practice, hungry for dinner. They decided to order takeout since no one wanted to cook. 
“What about Seungmin?” Felix asked, not wanting his roommate to go hungry.
“Go see if he wants anything, but be careful, he’s definitely in a bit of a mood today. Don’t let him bite your head off” Lee Know said.
“Good luck.”
Felix cautiously enters the dark bedroom, hearing Seungmin’s softly snoring under the covers. He debated whether or not he should wake the sleeping puppy. On the one hand Seungmin needed to eat. On the other, He wasn’t much of a puppy tonight, and more like an angry beast. But Felix felt bad leaving Seungmin without dinner. So he gently shook him awake.
“Seungmin? Do you want some food? We’re gonna order takeou-“
“Are you kidding me?” Seungmin grunted from his bed.
“N-No I…” Felix knew he made a mistake as Seungmin glared at him with half open eyes
“You woke me up over food? You think I can’t get food myself? I’m not stupid. I would eat something if I was hungry. I just wanted to sleep and now you’ve woken me up.”
“Just go away and let me rest.”
He couldn’t have left the room faster. When their food arrived, there were only 3/4 of them at the table. When they finished eating, they settled on the couch to watch a movie. It felt kinda weird without Seungmin sitting with them, but they knew he just needed some space, clearly something was bothering him, but it would surely pass with time.
About halfway through the movie, Minho decided to call it a night as well, and headed off to his room ready to fall straight asleep. But as he approached, he heard something. Was someone crying? It had to be Seungmin since Felix and I.N. were still sitting on the couch. He almost left him alone. sometimes you’ve just gotta feel your feelings, a good cry is good for you. But this seemed different, like something was wrong. He opened the door to found his dongsaeng sitting up in his bed in the dark. He also was hit with a foul scent coming from where the boy was seated. He flicked the light on and realized the reason behind the boys crys. There was a pile of vomit on his lap and on his hands, explaining the horrid smell. 
“Oh Minnie.” Lee Know said. At this, Seungmin cried even harder. He sobbing caused him to retch unproductively into his lap, as Minho’s hand trailed up and down his spine. Once Minho could finally get him to calm down, he took of the blanket and quickly cleaned it off as well as he could before throwing it into the washing machine and grabbing a spare blanket from the cabinet. He also grabbed a thermometer since the boy had all the clear signs of a fever. When he returned, he took Seungmin’s temperature, reading 38.8 degrees celsius. 
“Minnie, why didn’t you tell us you weren’t feeling well?”
“I-I’m Sor-ry” He said through tears.
“It’s alright. I’m going to call Channie hyung.”
Seungmin nodded his head and laying down, he was out before Chan even answered the phone.
When Chan heard of Seungmin’s condition he immediately rushed to the other half of the groups apartment. When he arrived, Felix an I.N. were frankly very confused why Chan was suddenly at their dorm at almost midnight, but when they found out what was going on, they were quick to also spring into action. The rest of the night was a blur of cuddles, trips to the bathroom, fevers, and medication, but they all were determined to nurse the second youngest back to health.
sorry this took so long, i’ve been crazy busy.
requests are open :>
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chahnniesroom · 5 months
in sickness and in health
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pairing: kim seungmin x female reader
summary: you're the most important thing in seungmin's life, of course his biggest fear would be losing you. it means that taking care of you when you're not feeling well comes naturally.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: a little bit of angst, sickness (fever, feeling nauseous, etc.)
a/n: partially inspired by me being ill at work and my amazing coworkers taking care of me and making sure i didn't faint lol.
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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Seungmin loves being an idol. 
He loves to sing and performing in front of Stays always thrills him. He loves the other members and really, everyone else that he gets a chance to work with. At times it can be stressful, but for the most part, it’s fairly easy to manage the downsides of being famous.
But when he started dating you, he found out that there are parts of being an idol that he hates.
He always thought that he'd be different from a lot of idols and wouldn't be afraid to show his partner off. The second he met you though, he knew he'd do anything and everything in his power to keep you safe. You understand, of course, and do your part to make sure that only your closest friends and family are aware of who you're dating.
It pains Seungmin to do this, but he knows nothing good can come out of your identity being known.
The two of you are more than careful, sometimes Seungmin feels silly with how cautious he is about meeting up with you. Yet somehow his heart always feels like it will beat out of his chest whenever he sees articles that speculate about idol relationships.
You do your best to stop him from stressing, but it’s something that Seungmin can't quite shake. You're the most important thing in his life, of course his biggest fear would be losing you.
The first time his phone rings during a livestream with the whole group, Seungmin brushes it off. The caller ID says it's an unknown number and everyone he knows has been receiving a lot of spam calls and texts lately. 
He swipes away the notification and tries to focus on just reading comments when the same number calls back, a couple minutes later. He ignores it again, but on the third call, he nudges Chan’s knee beside him and subtly tilts his phone screen so that Chan can see. His phone is on silent so nobody watching the live should be able to tell that he's getting the calls, but the timing feels too coincidental for him not to be suspicious. 
"They keep calling," he says under his breath. 
"We'll get someone to look into the number later, just keep ignoring it," Chan advises quietly.
Seungmin takes a quick screenshot of the number, then tries to get back into the conversation to distract himself. The next time he looks down at his phone again, someone is once again calling him.
Seungmin almost reflexively rejects the call, until he realises it's your nickname flashing up on his screen.
You generally don’t call Seungmin without warning, especially not during the day when there’s a higher chance that Seungmin won’t be able to readily answer.
[sent - 3:12 pm]
sorry baby, working right now, can it wait?
His stomach drops when you just call again in response. He doesn’t want to alarm any of the members or the fans when he doesn’t know what’s going on, but he has a bad feeling about this. He once again flashes his phone to Chan briefly and leans in close.
“I want to take this, I don’t know why she’s calling, but something doesn’t seem right.”
Chan bites his lip, obviously torn for a second, before he seems to make up his mind.
“We’ve been live for almost 20 minutes, give me one second and we’ll end it so that you can talk to her, yeah?” Chan puts a hand on Seungmin’s shoulder and squeezes it tightly for a moment before clapping his hands together, effectively ending the conversation that the rest of the members were having.
Seungmin makes himself smile as they all say goodbye, but it's obvious that it's forced.
Even though the live ended as quickly as possible, Seungmin still has 2 new missed calls by the time he’s found himself an empty room to use.
"Uhm hello, is this Min?" a man asks hesitantly. His voice is unfamiliar and it scares Seungmin. The only thing that brings a little bit of comfort is knowing that you’re careful to never call Seungmin by his full name when talking about him with friends or coworkers, you even have his contact information set as a nickname.
"Who is this?" he asks instead. “Where’s Y/n?”
"My name is Hyunwoo, I work with Y/n-ssi. I’m very sorry for interrupting you, but Y/n-ssi said that you were one of her emergency contacts. We tried to call with another number previously, but weren’t able to reach you."
“Sorry, I generally do not answer calls from unknown numbers. Is Y/n okay?” Seungmin swallows hard, his mouth suddenly dry. “Can I- can I please speak to her?”
“She’s just not feeling well and needs to go home. She’s resting in another room, but I can get her, one moment please.” 
There’s a bit of background noise, the sound of footsteps, murmuring, then finally, your voice.
“Minnie?” you ask, sounding groggy. “I’m sorry for bothering you, I know you were working today.”
“Hey baby, it’s okay. You don't have to worry about me. You know that you’re more important than work to me right? I’m glad you got them to call me. How are you doing?”
“I'm tired. I'm okay, just, I was feeling light-headed and have a headache so I can't work. Hyunwoo said he thinks I have a fever.”
“Okay, I’m going to pick you up and bring you home then. Just continue resting until I get there. I'll see you soon.”
Seungmin doesn’t know what he’d do without the other members. As soon as he finishes explaining the situation to them, they’re already calling a car and working out schedules so that there aren’t any problems.
Hyunwoo eyes Seungmin carefully when they first meet, likely due to the face mask and hat he's wearing. When Seungmin removes the mask and shakes Hyunwoo’s hand, he's relieved when he doesn't appear to recognise him. It's not exactly a surprise, men are generally less likely to follow k-pop groups and Seungmin hardly looks like an idol when he's barefaced and in the jeans and t-shirt that he wore for the live.
“Thank you for calling me, Hyunwoo-ssi,” Seungmin says. “Sorry I didn’t pick up at first.”
“It’s okay, Min-ssi. Y/n-ssi mentioned that your work might make you difficult to contact.” Seungmin appreciates that Hyunwoo doesn’t make any attempt to pry further.
“And thank you for taking care of Y/n.”
“It’s not a problem. Y/n-ssi is a pleasure to work with and we all want her to get better as quickly as possible. Come with me, I’ll bring you to her.”
You’re lying in a small meeting room that has all the lights off and blinds drawn. The table and chairs have all been shifted to the side to fit a yoga mat that has been laid out. You squint up at Seungmin from under a mis-match of jackets with your head resting on a pillow that matches the couches that were in the reception area of your office.
“Minnie?” Your voice is soft and a little bit confused.
“Yes, it’s me, Y/n. How’re you feeling?”
Seungmin rushes to your side, crouching on the carpet so that he can cup your cheek. Your skin is flushed and hot to the touch. You reach out a hand and he clasps it tightly with his free hand.
“Mm, I wanna go home.”
“Let’s go home then.”
The company car is still parked outside of your office building, close enough that you insist on walking yourself. Seungmin tries not to hover, but he makes sure to keep his arm looped around your waist so that you don’t stumble. The drive back to your place is fairly short, but when Seungmin glances over you’re looking unwell. Maybe it’s just the dim lighting from the backseat, but you look paler than usual and your eyes are closed.
“You feeling okay?” Seungmin asks, squeezing your hand.
“A bit nauseous,” you murmur.
“We’re almost there, just take a few deep breaths through your nose for me.”
Even though it's only a few minutes before they pull onto the street that you live on, it feels like forever. Seungmmin tries to keep you preoccupied by rubbing circles into your palm. Instead of trying to help you out of the car and into your apartment, Seungmin thanks the company driver and opts to just carry you all the way in. 
He helps to change you out of your work clothes and tucks you into your bed. You link your fingers together and protest when Seungmin attempts to leave your side.
“I promise I'll be back in a second, I just want to get some things to help you feel better, okay?” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You agree, but reluctantly.
Seungmin tries to stay quiet as he rummages around your apartment, gathering some medicine, a thermometer, a glass of water, and some crackers. Next he dampens a face cloth and brings everything to your bedside table, folding up the cloth and laying it across your forehead. 
He supports you in sitting up slightly to take your temperature, brushing his fingers through your hair as you wait for enough time to pass. You lean into his touch slightly, humming in pleasure when Seungmin switches to giving you a light head massage. When the thermometer beeps, it confirms what Hyunwoo suspected, you have a low grade fever.
“You have a bit of a fever,” Seungmin tells you, keeping his voice low. “Do you feel up to having some water and medicine? It'll help you feel better, I think.”
“Okay,” you say, taking the pills that Seungmin hands you and swallowing them with a bit of water.
“Do you want to rest some more now? I want you to stay hydrated so I can make broth for you or get juice.”
“Do you have another schedule? You don't have to stay and take care of me.”
“I don't have to, I want to. And what did I say earlier? Don't worry about me. I'm not missing anything important.”
“So you are missing something,” you insist, your stubbornness making itself known. Seungmin can't help but find it endearing, especially the way that your bottom lip juts out to form a pout.
“Just vocal lessons. I already know how to sing, so it’s fine. Innie had his scheduled for tomorrow, the two of us are going to swap.”
“Oh,” you say, apparently satisfied by that.
“See, nothing to worry about. Now, what did you want? Broth or juice?”
“Broth,” you decide. “But that means you'll have to leave again. I don't want to be alone.”
Seungmin hesitates for a moment before reaching for something resting on the side of your bed.
“You won't be alone, Daengmo will keep you company, okay?”
Seungmin had gifted the stuffed dog to you the first time he had gone abroad after the two of you had started dating, even though it was only to Japan. You had insisted that he keep it at first, knowing how fond he was of the toy, but he had convinced you that it would prevent you from missing him whenever he was away.
“M'kay,” you say sleepily, wrapping your arms around Daengmo.
“You can close your eyes while I'm gone and I'll be back before you know it.”
“I'm not tired,” you say, although even in the dim lighting Seungmin can see that your eyes are starting to droop. “I'm going to stay awake until you come back.”
“Whatever you say,” Seungmin replies.
He leaves your room, closing the door behind him quietly, and heads towards the kitchen.
Seungmin prepares a couple of pots to make you soup. The first he prepares with some ingredients to make a simpler version of a ginseng chicken soup. He knows it'll take a while to cook though, so he adds water, powdered chicken broth, and ginger to the second. Within a few minutes, the clear broth is ready to serve.
Seungmin scoops a portion of it into a mug and slips an ice cube in so that you won't burn your mouth trying to drink it. He makes his way back to your room as quickly as he can, but careful to avoid the liquid sloshing over the sides.
When he eases the door open, he's greeted with the side of you with your eyes closed, clutching Daengmo tightly. Your breaths are deep and even, although you stir slightly when he sets the mug down on your nightstand.
“I'm here now," he reassures you quietly. “You just keep resting.”
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you say in a small voice.
“Of course, I’ll always be here for you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
657 notes · View notes
hyunsung · 14 days
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SEUNGMIN for W Korea (June 2024)
243 notes · View notes
faunandfloraas · 2 months
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215 notes · View notes
sunnishine · 5 months
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little bit of seungsung for my platonic soulmate @hanjesungs
183 notes · View notes
feelbokkie · 2 days
Breaking my silence to announce that I’m unbiasing Seungmin after the incident
The incident:
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143 notes · View notes
feverishly-kpop · 7 months
Seungmin & SKZ - Argument
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Seungmin was seeing red.
He had been frustrated all day. Mostly with himself to be honest. He had been off of his game all day, just feeling generally worn out.
“I’m not trying to be rude but the lyrics are right in front of you” Jisung said pointedly, only adding to Seungmin’s sour mood.
“It’s not the lyrics, Jisung” Seungmin snapped back. “It’s the rhythm. It doesn’t make sense to me. I’m getting mixed up.”
“It’s really not all that complicated” Jisung replied, his eyes rolling as he clapped the beat out twice over before dropping back to his seat, clearly too irritated to continue.
After a moment of silence Chan stepped in, realizing that the petty bickering between Jisung and Seungmin was teetering a bit too closely toward an actual argument for his liking. “Jisung, step out and get some air please” he said calmly, trying to bring the overall mood down, but, just as he suspected, Jisung was far too heated to let it go without a fight.
“If I step out, I’m going home” Jisung said, his eyes cold and still locked on Seungmin.
“He’s got a point, hyung.”
Great, just what Chan needed. An actual coup in the vocal studio at 10:00 PM.
“No offense, Seungmin, but you’re the only one who hasn’t gotten your part yet” Jeongin continued. “We’re so tired.”
Hyunjin nodded along in agreement, quickly taking the opportunity to interject. “Minho-hyung, Felix, and I have been here since noon. We didn’t have a break between dance and vocal. If we all can’t leave its only fair for the three of us to be excused.”
Seungmin glanced at Minho and Felix who kept their eyes cast down, but their expressions confirmed that they were in agreement with Hyunjin.
Of course they were.
And that’s when all hell broke loose.
“If they get to go, so do we” Jisung yelled as he sprung from his seat.
“Jisung sit down” Changbin shouted over the chaos.
“Bold of you to assume that you guys should be able to leave just because you got here a little earlier. Seems selfish…” Jeongin grumbled at Hyunjin on the other side of the room.
“Bold of you to talk to your hyung that way, Jeongin” Minho clapped, coming to Hyunjin’s defense.
“Guys, that’s enough” Chan said firmly but it fell on deaf ears.
Seungmin had heard enough.
“Shut up” he shouted, a sudden sharp pain sparking behind his eyes. “Seriously, stop it. Go home. All of you.”
The rest of the group suddenly grew silent. Seungmin was far from the most emotionally volatile member. He almost never raised his voice but when he did it was alarming to say the least.
“Seungmin” Felix started but Seungmin held up a hand.
“Just…go.” Seungmin understood that they were all tired. The dance line had a full day before vocal practice started, he knew that they must be dead on their feet. Just this vocal practice had left Seungmin exhausted.
Without another word Chan nodded to the rest of the members, who quietly grabbed their belongings and scrambled out of the room.
“I’m so sorry, Minnie” Chan said, his head hanging as he massaged his temples. “Jisung hasn’t been sleeping very well….”
Seungmin was too frustrated to listen to anything more.
“Hyung, just go home.” His tone made his mood clear.
And with that he reached into his bag for his headphones, making it clear that he was done with the conversation. He could see Chan’s lips moving, probably telling him not to stay too late, but he couldn’t bring himself to care what his hyung was saying. He just wanted to be alone and, within a few moments, his wish was granted and be was left to continue working by himself in the quiet studio.
It didn’t take long until the pain behind his eyes had turned into a full blown migraine. The low lights in the studio and the backing track playing in his headphones soon became too much to deal with, but there was no way he could walk home in his current condition. And he absolutely wasn’t about to call one of his members for help. He was still beyond angry with all of them.
Instead he tossed his headphones aside, unbothered as they slid across the table and landed on the floor, and curled up in the corner on the floor, using his bag as a pillow. Was there a lounge with a couch just down the hall? Yes, yes there was. But Seungmin didn’t have nearly enough energy to get himself there. The floor would be just fine as long as he could close his eyes for a few hours.
Then next morning came early which was absolutely not surprising to Seungmin. There was only so much rest he could get on the hard floor but he had hoped that it would be enough to shake his bothersome migraine. Unfortunately, it seemed to have the opposite effect. On top of his migraine his entire body ached, the pain exacerbated by the chills running through his body.
After a slow stretch in an attempt to regain some sensation in his arms and legs he stood up and checked his phone for the time.
5:00 AM.
Well shit.
Chan would be up any minute and would be on his way to bust the studio door down when he found that Seungmin hadn’t come home. Grabbing his bag he resolved to take a fast walk home, hoping to get there before Chan woke for the day.
Much to Seungmin’s surprise it was quiet when he arrived home. He glanced at the table and noticed a note from Chan:
No practice til noon tomorrow. Try and sleep in - BC
Seungmin felt the tension in his shoulders dissipated, relieved that he’d have a few hours to rest before dance practice today. After the feud that erupted the prior night Seungmin held out no hope that Minho would go easy on them.
Not wanting to waste another moment Seungmin slipped into his room, quickly changing into his pajamas while being careful not to wake any of his sleeping roommates. A few hours of sleep before leaving again would be better than none at all.
He felt like he had just closed his eyes. There was no way that hours had passed. Even minutes would be generous. It couldn’t have been more than second.
Yet Hyunjin was standing in the doorway dressed and ready to go.
“Seungmin you’ve gotta get up. Jisung will lose his shit if he finds out you’re still sleeping” Hyunjin said sympathetically. Seungmin couldn’t help to feel a little guilty about how mad he still was with his members, but his thoughts were immediately redirected to the pain in every inch of his body. Somehow it seemed to have gotten worse than it had been this morning, something that Seungmin didn’t seem to think was possible.
“Okay, I’m getting up” Seungmin said as he swung his legs over the bed, forcing himself to sit up. His stomach lurched at the movement, the pain in his head so intense that it was making him nauseous. Unfortunately for him, however, he didn’t have time to do anything about any of it.
He knew he’d be in for a rough day.
Practice was tense, just as Seungmin had anticipated. They had all taken the opportunity to get some much needed sleep that morning but that left them with no time to discuss what had happened the previous night.
Seungmin muddled through song after song, doing his best not to draw any attention to himself, but he could feel the pain wracking his body growing worse by the minute.
He made it half way through their run through of Domino before he hit the wall.
“Hyung” Seungmin called out weakly, hoping to get Minho’s attention but the music was too loud and he could hardly get his voice above a whisper.
Then his feet stopped moving. Despite his best efforts to keep up with the music his feet felt cemented to the ground. Before he could give it a further thought he felt a body crash into his, sending both of them to the floor and, just like that, Seungmin vomited on the floor in front of him. For just a second he couldn’t help but notice how much better he felt after getting sick, but that feeling was short lived as he was overcome with a sudden sense of absolute exhaustion followed by darkness.
“Jisung sit down, please.”
That was Minho’s voice. Or maybe Chan’s? But maybe Changbin?
Seungmin’s head felt foggy as he came to.
“Sit your ass down, Jisung-ah. And get the ice back on that bump. Hyunjin didn’t run across the building to get it for you for his health.”
Well that was definitely Minho’s voice.
“Hey, there you are.” Felix’s soft voice and face came into focus simultaneously. “Take your time opening your eyes, okay?”
Chan immediately joined Felix on the floor when he saw Seungmin stir. “What happened, Seungmin?” Seungmin could hear the stress in Chan’s voice despite his best efforts to mask it.
“I think I fell…” Seungmin said, trying to remember exactly how he had ended up on the floor but coming up with nothing. “Yeah I fell I guess.”
Chan and Felix exchanged a knowing glance before Chan turned back to Seungmin. “I think you did a little more than fall, Minnie. You froze during the run through and Jisung backed into you.”
Neither Chan or Felix could miss the look of confusion and pain on Jisung’s face.
“Jisung knocked you over and then you got sick and passed out” Felix added, trying to jog Seungmin’s memory.
“I’m sorry…I can clean it up” Seungmin responded before making an attempt to sit up only to find resistance from Chan’s hand on his chest.
“Don’t try to get up. You’re really sick. When did you start feeling unwell?” Chan’s tone was serious in a way that made Seungmin guilty for having been so upset with them all just a few minutes ago. He tried to respond but only a sob came out.
Just then a cold hand grabbed his and squeezed it.
“I’m so sorry. Last night. There’s no excuse” Jisung said, a tear falling down his cheek.
“It’s okay, water under the bridge” Seungmin replied, squeezing Jisung’s hand a little tighter, trying to warm it up a little. “I hate to say it, but…karma?” The room erupted with laughter at that comment, even Jisung couldn’t help but let out a chuckle despite the joke being at his expense.
“Yeah, turns out the floor is hard when you fall and whack your head on it” Jisung responded with a smile. “Who knew?”
After taking a few more minutes to get his bearings Chan sat down next to Seungmin again, setting a palm on his forehead. “All jokes aside, Minnie, you need to be in bed. Let’s get going.” Chan and Jeongin helped Seungmin to his feet, the woozy feeling that Seungmin had been feeling all day slowly creeping back.
“You’re going to bed when we get home, understood?” Minho said to Seungmin as he grabbed his bag off the floor. Seungmin responded with a silent nod, honestly too exhausted and sick to even consider doing anything but sleep. “And you too, Humpty Dumpty. Straight to bed.”
Jisung blushed but nodded in response, still holding the bag if ice to the side of his head. And with that, any hard feelings that Seungmin was still feeling from last night disappeared as they locked up the dance studio behind them.
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staygaybaby · 23 days
since people “don’t understand why skz are so popular” aka the one person who said that to me today… I have prepared an essay that no one asked for
Now, let's dive into the reasons why Stray Kids deserve all the recognition they've received.
1. Musical Talent: Stray Kids is a group of incredibly talented individuals who excel in various aspects of music production. They write, compose, and produce their own music, showcasing their versatility and creativity. Their unique sound, which blends various genres, has resonated with fans worldwide, earning them numerous (numerous babes😚😚😚) awards.
2. Performance Skills: Stray Kids is known for their high-energy performances that captivate audiences. Their synchronized dance routines, powerful vocals, and charismatic stage presence have earned them a reputation as one of the BEST FUCKING live performers in the K-pop industry.
3. Diverse Content: Stray Kids has consistently delivered diverse content to their fans, including music videos, reality shows, and variety programs. Their ability to connect with fans through various platforms has helped them build a strong and loyal fanbase.
4. Positive Impact: Stray Kids has been actively involved in various philanthropic activities, such as donating to charity and participating in environmental campaigns. Their positive influence on society has not gone unnoticed, and it's one of the reasons why they continue to receive support and recognition.
5. Fan Engagement: Stray Kids has a strong bond with their fans 'STAYs.' They frequently interact with their fans through social media, fan meetings, and live events, creating a sense of community and belonging. This strong connection with their fans has played a significant role in their success.
Imagine if Stray Kids hadn't received all the recognition they've earned. The world would be a less colorful place, with fewer catchy tunes to dance to and fewer heartwarming stories to share. We'd be deprived of their infectious energy and their ability to bring people together through music. So, the next time you hear a Stray Kids song or see one of their performances, remember that they deserve EVERY BIT of the success they've achieved.
Stay mad❤️
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hyunpic · 11 months
+ the reaction
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tafeekafee · 3 months
⏳🧸 I want to feeling my life
Title from Better (ATEEZ)
Summary: Jongho is not doing well on ISAC day but he doesn’t want to burden his hyungs. Luckily Stray Kids' Seungmin notices and gets his Lee Know-hyung who helps the ATEEZ maknae. (Stray Kids - Crossover)
Cw: emeto, kind of public emeto
Sickie: Jongho Caretakers: Seungmin + Lee Know (+ Hongjoong)
On a normal day, Jongho loved ISAC.
He enjoyed sports after all, he liked living on the high of adrenaline with exhaustion deep in his muscles. Though seeing his idol friends from other groups was definitely the highlight. Often enough their schedules wouldn’t match up for months and they would not see each other besides a short hi backstage at a stressful award show. So he had looked forward to it.
But today was not a normal day.
Jongho had woken up feeling off. At first he had blamed his exhaustion on lack of sleep due to stressful schedules but when he barely managed to choke down breakfast he had to admit to himself something was wrong. His stomach felt unwell; full and rolling. The slight ache had turned to annoying nausea over the day – which … not good. Still, he didn’t dare tell his managers or his hyungs. He didn’t want to cause problems. He wanted his hyungs to have the good time he apparently couldn’t have today. After all he might be the maknae but the moment he had joined the final KQ fellaz lineup he had promised himself he wouldn’t be a burden, he could take care of himself. He wanted to be responsible, in his family he was the hyung. So, he didn’t need to and didn’t know how to ask for help. Yet … his hyungs had broken through his defences a long time ago.
They made sure to help him balance himself out. Jongho was the maknae but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be strong. They all agreed, and he had to admit that getting taken care of by somebody else was nice sometimes.
But he couldn’t afford being sick and especially being taken care of today. He couldn’t make his hyungs miss the event they all had looked forward to. None of his hyungs were really into sports but meeting their friends was special. Also, exposure to Korean media was always good for a small company group.
Still, sitting alone on the racing track while everybody around him seemed to have an amazing time, he couldn’t help but envy his hyungs who were talking carefree with their friends. Jongho had seen Seonghwa and Hongjoong in deep talk with Bang Chan and Felix from Stray Kids and Eric from The Boyz. Yunho was catching up with Juyeon, Q and Sangyeon. Mingi was hanging out with ONEUS and Wooyoung was off somewhere with Changbin. Jongho had lost sight of San and Yeosang some time ago.
And then there he was, sitting alone and feeling more and more sick with every minute. Self-pity was normally not his way but right now it fit his situation.
An unexpected hand on his shoulder had him jumping in surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you”, Seungmin apologized, looking down at him. The older idol was a good friend of his since they had both found common ground in being terrified to work with Eunkwang from BtoB in the vocal unit on Kingdom: Legendary War.
“Ah, it’s fine”, he said quietly. Seungmin seemed to not mind his following silence and plopped down next to him so that their shoulders were touching. Jongho didn’t mind the company of the older man at all, he just hadn’t expected him to approach him when he had so many other options. Surely Seungmin wanted to catch up with him but Jongho didn’t feel up to small talk at all. He swallowed down a wave of nausea again.
After a few seconds, his hyung couldn’t seem to keep quiet. “Are you okay, Jongho-yah?”, he asked carefully, apparently noticing how out of character Jongho was acting. Jongho couldn’t blame him, he would have asked the same question if the roles were reversed. That didn’t mean he wanted to tell Seungmin that he felt like he was about to puke in front of thousands of people.
“Yeah, I’m fine, hyung”, he lied and pulled his knees to his chest. He had vowed to himself he would not disturb his members’ good times with his problems and that had to count for other idols too. Even though he desperately wanted to tell somebody.
Sitting surrounded by other idols, cameras and fans under the heat of the sun beating down at them made everything so much worse. He wished he had a fan but Wooyoung had snatched it from him some time ago. For a moment he felt close to crying, despairing over his situation. He couldn’t just leave without raising suspicion, he couldn’t tell his hyungs and ask for their help and he most certainly didn’t want to be sick in full view.
No. He was strong.
“It’s just normally you are more … lively?”, Seungmin added quietly. “I don’t mean to press but I didn’t want you to be alone.” Seungmin was so kind. Jongho hated him for it but flushed at the same time.
“I’m okay, hyung”, he answered shortly.
Out of a sudden, with no warning his stomach rolled badly, worse than it had all day. Instantly the nausea got worse and he needed to keep swallowing heavily. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. He was not about to throw up.
But the possibility that it was going to happen grew with each second.
Seungmin mustered him with something akin to worry in his eyes and Jongho’s resolves crumbled. Trusting his friend with his fear seemed to be better than trying to handle himself alone.
“I’m sorry, I lied, hyung”, he whispered, “I feel so bad. I’m so nauseous.”
Seungmin’s eyes widened in shock and he frantically looked around.
“Are you going to be sick?”, he asked, trying to calm down his own panic. Surely Seungmin had not expected these words and, while responsible, he was part of the maknae-line of Stray Kids. He was not used to helping out in this kind of way.
“Not quite yet”, Jongho said miserably. “I don’t want to.”
“Let me get one of your hyungs”, Seungmin said nervously.
“No, please”, Jongho pleaded. He didn’t want to inconvenience Seungmin but he really didn’t want his hyungs to drop everything for him. Still, he couldn’t deny the thought of a hyung helping and taking over the situation was nice. The bathrooms were far away after all and probably crowded. There was no way he could get sick there alone, in peace.
So when Seungmin offered the next solution he reluctantly agreed.
His Stray Kids’ hyung left and Jongho did all he could to act like everything was okay. He loved ATINY but he knew they would take apart every small video or photo they would get their hands on. The word “embarrassment” would not be enough to describe a situation where they caught on that he was feeling closer to puking everywhere with every passing minute.
His vision darkened as somebody knelt down in front of him, blocking him from the unrelenting sun. He blinked and looked up at the rather unfamiliar face.
“Hello, Jongho-yah”, Lee Know said gently, “Min-ah said you’re not feeling so good?”
Jongho nodded, looking up with wide eyes at the older idol. He hadn’t interacted much with him before. They had been in different units on Kingdom and while he had heard from Wooyoung, San, Yunho and Yeosang how kind of a hyung he was and the fact that he and Seonghwa were best friends, Jongho himself was very unfamiliar with him. For a second he wished he hadn’t insisted on protecting his hyungs’ fun, terrified by being left alone with a sunbae he didn’t really know while sick.
But he had dealt these cards himself, so trying to be brave, he just nodded. He was too tired and sick to converse. Besides, he trusted his hyungs’ judgement of character. Lee Know seemed awfully nice and he was the one Seungmin chose. He decided to trust him, having no real other option.
“How about we get you out of here, hm?”, Lee Know asked, “no use in sitting here feeling unwell.”
“Yes, sunbaenim”, Jongho said, “thank you.” He was glad Lee Know didn’t ask why he didn’t want his members’ help. And getting to sit in a cool dressing room out of sight seemed heavenly.
“Just act normal, like we are just walking around”, Lee Know advised and helped him to his feet. Without a word he wrapped an arm around Jongho’s waist to steady him. Staytiny would love this interaction. Jongho didn’t love it at all. His legs awfully felt like jelly now that he was upright and the sickness was hitting him hard.
“Where are your managers? Do you know which entrance you took to get out into the arena?”
Jongho shook his head. He had not taken notice of much beside how awful he was feeling all day.
“No matter, I’ll take you to our dressing room, the managers will figure something out.”
Lee Know led him past Seungmin who just smiled at them, probably knowing that Jongho didn’t want a fuss, especially not in public.
“How long have you been feeling sick? Did you throw up before?”, his sunbaenim asked as they walked towards the inside of the stadium where the changing rooms and the bathrooms were located. Some idols looked at them but they weren’t stopped. Apparently they noticed that they were not just strolling around but heading somewhere with a destination. Hopefully, they didn’t guess the right one.
“Since I woke up I felt off. Haven’t thrown up. Yet”, Jongho admitted quietly.
“You know that coming here was very irresponsible, I don’t need to tell you that. But why didn’t you tell your hyungs?”, Lee Know scolded lightly.
In his sick mental state Jongho couldn’t help but shrink into himself. He didn’t want to deal with an angry sunbae while he was sick.
“I’m sorry, Lee Know-ssi”, Jongho said, pulling away slightly and stopping to look at the older man. “I didn’t want to inconvenience my hyungs or you. I’m very sorry.”
But he had never needed to worry.
“Oh, Jongho-yah”, Lee Know replied, his voice calm and soothing, “I should be the one who is sorry, I know I can come off as too harsh. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I was just curious as to why. Your team seems so close, so I was worried.”
“My hyungs are the best”, Jongho agreed, “but I guess, I wanted them to have fun. They’ve been talking for days about how much they were looking forward to seeing so many of their friends again. If I had said I was sick Seonghwa-hyung or Hongjoong-hyung would have stayed with me and I didn’t want them to miss this.”
“I get it, though I don’t agree”, Lee Know offered, “but speaking as a hyung to six dongsaengs: If any of them were sick I would want them to know to come to me if they are unwell and that missing one event in the grand scheme of things is not a tragedy.”
“Thank you, sunbaenim”, Jongho said quietly. He truly was thankful for the reassurance but still the longer he stood, the more his stomach was starting to feel really unsettled. A queasy burp surprised both him and Lee Know. A bitter taste remained in his mouth and Jongho stared at the older idol in shock.
“Call me Minho-hyung”, Lee Know said hurriedly, “let’s get you inside.”
Rushing with a sour stomach was not a recommendable activity, Jongho mused, though puking in front of fans, cameras and other idols was definitely worse. Quickly they reached one of the doors to get inside and as soon as the door closed behind them, Jongho sunk down into a crouch, hands pressed to his mouth. Immediately Minho knelt down next to him, pushing his sweat-soaked hair from his face.
“I’m sorry for the speed”, he mumbled. If Jongho had the ability to answer at the moment he would have protested, knowing the speed was the only thing that had saved (some parts of) his dignity. But he had to focus on taking deep breaths through his nose to keep his stomach where it belonged. He gagged dryly once, but the second time a small amount of water came rushing up his throat and he helplessly spat it on the ground beside him. Tears welled up in his eyes. This was so bad.
Luckily, that seemed to be all that was coming up for now.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, staring helplessly at the clear puddle.
“Don’t worry about it. Can you get to the bathroom?”, Minho asked quietly, rubbing his back. Taking stock of his body Jongho found the nausea still very present but not as overwhelming and threatening as it was a few minutes ago. He nodded and let himself be pulled to his feet for the second time that day.
Standing upright again was a whole different task. He swayed for a second until Minho adjusted the grip on his arm. The bathrooms were further inside the stadium and by the time they found the entrance sign Jongho was sure he would be sick the moment he was in front of a toilet. He just hoped the bathroom was empty.
Luck was not on his side. The bathroom were not only not empty, there was even a line. “Hyung”, Jongho involuntarily whimpered, panicked. Lee Know just squeezed his arm and turned to address the other idols who were watching them.
Jongho’s stomach lurched. There was no time for what Lee Know was planning, no time to wait. Left with the only option beside throwing up on the floor, Jongho lurched towards the sinks where The Boyz’ Jacob was washing his hands.
He had barely made it over a sink beside the one the older idol was using before his stomach send its contents up his throat. He retched and gagged helplessly, staring down in shock at last night’s dinner as he continued to bring up mouthfuls of sick. Jongho was vaguely aware of people exclaiming in shock but his aching stomach and the unpleasantness of the situation made him block out most sounds. He thought he heard Hongjoong’s name but he wasn’t sure. He would give a lot for his hyung’s comforting presence right now.
As the heaves died down and he managed to catch his breath, he felt a steady hand on his back again. This were the worst few moments of his life, throwing up in front of so many sunbaes.
“Hyung”, he gasped and immediately Minho answered: “I’m here, baby, deep breaths.” The older idol wet a tissue under the water, simultaneously washing away most of his shame, and wiped Jongho’s mouth. If he wasn’t so unwell and able to be more embarrassed he would be. But his mental state and the sickness didn’t care about normal Jongho. Right now he wanted comfort.
Minho seemed to sense this and gently wrapped him in his arms. “It’s okay”, he whispered. “I made the others leave, they didn’t mind. Keeho and Leedo are making sure nobody is coming in and Jacob and some others are looking for one of your hyungs.”
Jongho just nodded against his shoulder, pressing his eyes shut, as Minho kept rubbing his back.
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, only pulling apart when the door was opened abruptly. They both turned around to find Hongjoong looking at them with worry and fondness in his eyes.
“Hey, baby”, his captain greeted with a tiny smile and walked over to them, brushing Jongho’s hair out of his face. “Jacob said you are sick? How are you feeling?”
“Sick, hyung, ashamed”, Jongho whispered, unable to meet his eyes. Surely Hongjoong was angry at him beneath his calm smile. After all, be had been pulled from having fun with the news of his maknae’s sickness. Even if he wasn’t he sure was not happy about the fact that Jongho had made such an uproar, inconveniencing so many of their sunbaenims.
“I’m sorry”, Hongjoong said sadly, opening his arms in a rarely initiated hug. “Hyung will help you.”
But Jongho couldn’t make himself take the step closer to his hyung. His hardworking, loving hyung who normally had so few opportunities to enjoy himself freely. His hyung who now had to take care of him on the one day he could have relaxed.
“I’m sorry, hyung. You were having fun”, Jongho said, subconsciously clutching Minho’s sleeve, needing to hold onto some stability. His stomach still ached with nausea and now with shame. He really just wanted to go home but he didn’t want Hongjoong to suffer under his illness too.
“Nothing of this, maknae. You’re sick, you have nothing to be sorry for”, Hongjoong replied, frowning.
Jongho chewed on his lip, not sure if he should give in. But a warm embrace from his hyung seemed like a dream come true, a lifeline during this awful day. Hesitatingly he took a step forward and immediately he was held in strong arms. He laid his head on Hongjoong’s shoulder and just breathed.
“I’ll go find one of your managers to take over”, Lee Know said and squeezed Jongho’s hand, “feel better soon, Jongho-yah.”
“Thank you for taking care of him, hyung”, Hongjoong said gratefully. “Let’s get you home, Jongho-yah.”
Bonus scene:
Hongjoong gently stroked the maknae’s back as he slept. He had managed to put the younger idol to bed only a few minutes ago, hours after they had left the stadium. Jongho’s nausea had gotten much worse during the ride and never before had Hongjoong been so happy that Seonghwa insisted on keeping plastic bags in the company cars. The younger man had thrown up two times on the way and even after they had escaped the moving vehicle, Jongho had stayed glued to the floor in front of the dorm’s toilet until he was empty. There had been nothing but providing water, cold clothes and cuddles that Hongjoong could do to help.
The others were due to arrive in half an hour and Hongjoong was glad for the - albeit short – time alone to reflect on the day.
Hongjoong had just been chatting with Bang Chan and Felix, Seonghwa having abandoned them to keep Yunho and Wooyoung in line, when they were approached by Jacob from ‘The Boyz’. They had all turned their attention to their sunbaenim and Hongjoong couldn’t hide the surprise when Jacob, who had seemed a bit out of breath, had addressed him: “Hongjoong-ssi, do you have a moment?”
Confused, Hongjoong had nodded. He had never really had interacted with the older idol before so the whole situation had seemed weird. They had stepped aside for some privacy and when Jacob had said “I’m really sorry to interrupt you, but I’ve been looking for you. It’s Jongho-ssi” Hongjoong hadn’t been able to stop the pang of fear in his chest.
First he had jumped to conclusions: Had the maknae managed to injure himself? What could have happened in the last ten minutes since he last saw him? Of course Hongjoong had noticed that Jongho had seemed a bit distant all morning but he had just assumed it was nervousness over attending ISAC. The maknae always shut himself off when he was nervous, so he hadn’t thought much of it. But apparently something else was wrong.
“Jongho threw up. He managed to get to the bathroom and Lee Know is with him”, Jacob had explained, grimacing a bit, “but he probably wants his leader right now.”
“Oh, yeah, probably”, Hongjoong had answered, a bit dumbfounded. He definitely had not expected this. Yet he had quickly gathered himself, seeing no use in analysing Jongho’s previous behaviour if he needed his leader now. “Thank you for finding me. Can you show me the way?”
“Come with me.”
Hongjoong sighed as he pulled himself out of his thoughts. He was very glad that other idols looked out for the younger ones, protecting them when they couldn’t do it themselves. In his mind he was already planning on what small but heartfelt gifts he could buy Jacob and Lee Know but that was a problem for a different day.
At last Jongho was safe and sound in his bed. There was no doubt that Jongho would very likely get sick again when he woke, but his youngest was at home. That was enough for Hongjoong.
Masterlist links: Tafee - Full Masterlist Tafee's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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Triple Threat (Part 2)
if you haven’t read the first part go read it first here
(mostly fluff☁️☁️)
The next morning, none of the boys felt much better. They had all forgotten that it was Han’s birthday and Felix’s the next day, due to all the chaos of the night prior.  But the rest of the group was determined to make it special, even if both birthday boys were under the weather. A cake was out of the picture, seeing as it would definitely not be good for the boys to eat right now, especially Han. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t celebrate. They thought it would be best to do a joint party for both Han and Felix, so they didn’t have to disrupt their rest two days in a row. So, Changbin and Hyunjin went to buy some simple decorations (and some more medicine since they were low), and while the sick boys were all sleeping they hang them up. Nothing too extravagant, but there were some streamers and a couple balloons. When they were just about done, Jisung woke up to urgently bend over his bucket, but only dry heaving without bringing anything up. When he finished, he was about to go right back to sleep, but then he looked around to see that the living room was decorated, and remembered that it was his birthday.
“Drink some water Ji. You need to stay hydrated.” Chan said, holding a bottle of water out to his dongsaeng.
“When did you do all this?” Han said, ignoring Chan.
“Earlier when you guys were sleeping. it’s already 1:00 pm. Now drink your water. I’m not kidding around with dehydration.Happy Birthday.”
The birthday boy took the bottle from his hyung and took a few careful sips before returning it to the older, before it dawned on him that it was 1:00.
“Oh shit. I was supposed to do my birthday live at noon. I should get on for a little, I don’t want to disappoint Stay.”
“Hang on there Hannie. We called the managers already, and they put out a statement about the 3 of you guy’s health. Stay isn’t disappointed they just want you to get better. You can go on bubble and say something if you’re feeling up to it.”
Han reluctantly agreed and settled back down into his place on the couch. He went to bubble and apologized to Stay for missing the stream, but was bombarded with replies from Stay telling him not to be sorry, and that his health was more important. That truly warmed his heart, he even felt a bit better because of it
Gradually, the rest of the September line woke up, and saw the decorations. All of their fevers had gone down at least a bit which was good. Han and Seungmin barely had fevers at all at that point. Felix however, still had a fever of 38.8. When he saw the decorations, he was honestly confused, having forgotten about both his and Han’s birthday entirely. When they told him they were for him (and Han of course) he was legitimately shocked. 
They decided that it was a good time to open presents since everyone was awake. Jisung was most happy to get a brand new pair of headphones since his current ones weren’t in the best condition. Felix decided his favorite gift was not one from his members, but instead the plushie his little sister Olivia had sent him from Australia. He immediately cuddled up with the animal. His sister’s timing could not have been any better, he really had needed something like that when he felt so bleh.
Lee Know made them some chicken noodle soup that was delicious, even if you weren’t sick. Seungmin took a bite of the soup, but then felt the urge to sneeze. He tried to hold it back, but he ended up spraying the small bite of soup into his elbow. Luckily, everyone had recovered enough that they could just laugh about it and wipe it up, if that had happened yesterday, that would have been a different story. 
As mentioned earlier, cake was a no go for the night. So instead, when they sang happy birthday, (as non-obnoxious as they could, seeing that Felix still had a headache, which is harder than it seems- especially since most of the time when singing happy birthday your as obnoxious as possible) they brought out some popsicles, the best sweet treat for when you’re sick. Seungmin was especially grateful as it soothed the ache in his throat at least a bit. 
They all had a fun night. Even if 3 out of the 8 of them were sick, they still managed to make the most of it.
Of course, they were still sick. Han didn’t keep down a single thing he ate that night, Felix’s fever somehow spiked, and Seungmin was so congested he could only breathe through his mouth, but they were taken care of by their best friends, and after a couple more days of puking, coughing, and headaches, they were almost entirely recovered and ready to go back to their normal routine. They eventually ended up having a combined birthday live between the three of them and had a lot of fun together. They were glad to have a community like stay, who care so much for their health and well being.
Hope you enjoyed part 2! It was on the shorter side because it’s a part two but i liked it. The part with the gift from Felix’s sister was my favorite, it was so heartwarming and fluffy 🥹 requests are open!!
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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reverbtunes · 2 years
rainy days with skz
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➤ genre : fluff fluff sweet pure fluff <3
➤ warnings : mentions of food (minho and felix), thunder and lightning
➤ a/n : its been raining so much where i live ngl kinda tired of it so i felt like writing down all the stuff i love to do on rainy days and nights :D someone get me a han jisung please and thank you <3 feedback is very much appreciated, i hope you enjoy!! lowercase intended !
➤ masterlist
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bang chan !
chan was just about to head to his studio, before lightning struck and he ended up staying over at your apartment for the night. you’d eaten dinner and were laying on the bed, talking about everything and nothing, cuddled up with a blanket on your legs. with the sound of pouring rain and chan’s favourite playlist in the background, you knew there was nowhere you’d rather be than in your boyfriend’s arms. 
lee know !
you came home to the sound of sizzling oil. minho brought you a towel and dry clothes as you rushed to the bathroom to take a warm shower. as you stepped into the kitchen, you were welcomed with the comforting smell of your favourite food, and the sight of your very own lee minho, setting the table. as both of you sat down for dinner, you couldn’t express the love you had for the man in front of you. you could only hope that your never-ending praise for him and his cooking could deliver the emotion.
changbin !
lots of rain included plenty of night drives that lasted for as long as the both of you wanted. sometimes you just took a quick round of the neighbourhood. sometimes you drove onwards, not knowing the destination. after begging changbin, he finally gave in and let you open the car windows a little bit, the slightest drizzle spraying onto your face. watching you, the streetlights illuminating your face, the cool wind blowing your hair around messily, changbin could swear you’d never looked this stunning.
as hyunjin handed you your coffee, you continued talking about your day, what made you happy, what didn’t. nights like this made you the happiest. just you and hyunjin, on the porch, talking about your days as the rain pours outside. the breeze, along with your boyfriend’s voice, calms you as you take a small sip of the coffee. just how you liked it. as you sat with him, you shuffled through topics like ‘the meaning of life’ and ‘cookies or waffles’. moments like this you appreciated. nights like this you treasured.
han !
your laughter filled the night air as han jumped around sillily in the rain. he’d dragged you out of the house and, though you didn’t want to get wet, you couldn’t say no to him. looking at his smile washed all your worries away. you followed his actions, sticking your tongue out, trying to catch raindrops in your mouth. you took his hands and spun both of you around, stumbling over your own feet clumsily, but never falling. jisung wouldn’t let you fall. in that moment, neither of you cared about catching a cold or that you had work tomorrow. you had each other and that was enough.
felix !
what more did you need? cuddled up with your boyfriend on the couch, watching your favourite sit-com for the 167th time now, with a bowl of steaming ramen in your hands as thunder sounded and lightning struck. as the both of you laughed at a corny joke, nothing else went through your mind. being with felix was like meditation. all you could feel was his warm hands on yours, his light chuckles ringing pleasantly in your ears. what more could you ask for?
seungmin !
you were woken up by a thunderclap, looking around drowsily before your eyes settle on the man lying beside you. seungmin’s arms were wrapped around you, snuggling into your warmth, his breathing steady. the rainy weather made both of you heavy-eyed and you didn’t realize when the both of you fell asleep. you didn’t realize how long you’d been gazing at your boyfriend’s sleeping profile, until seungmin slowly opened his eyes too, and gave you a half-asleep smile. you gently kissed his forehead and ran your hand through his hair, looking at him with an emotion that could only be love.
i.n !
jeongin had decided to stay over at your apartment for the night. you’d ordered pizza and the both of you were on the couch, your legs draped over his as you ended a call with your mom. you looked out the window and saw it had begun to rain. looking at jeongin cheekily, who was reading something on his phone, you quickly got up and dragged him with you to the balcony. before he could question you, you put on some classical waltz music, and took his hands in yours. both of you giggled as you led jeongin into a slow dance, his hand warm on your waist. as the music ended, you got closer and ended with a sweet kiss, both of you reveling in the other’s company.
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faunandfloraas · 14 days
"Can you speak English, please?" I don't know how to speak English, I'm sorry.
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jutdwae-archives · 8 months
Bsf!SKZ Members when they take care of you while you're sick (Maknae Line)
pairings: bsf!maknae line x gn!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff/comfort
word count: 649
mentions: being sick (coughing, sneezing), mentions of implied throwing up in I.N's section (please lmk if i've missed anything!)
hyung line ver. | maknae line ver.
this art of fiction is not meant to portray the members in real life.
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idc what you say, he will definitely make you as a blanket burrito
i just get those vibes from him
you guys would be playing nintendo and would bet who becomes a blanket burrito
he won so that's how you ended up as one
but then he'd hear a sneeze and a groan from you
one look and he rushes to your side to check your temperature
you feel cold but to him you feel hot... keeps you in the blanket burrito tho
brings you a cold washcloth to place on your forehead to calm down the fever and gives you some medicine
when it's time to eat he orders some comfort food by order i mean got lee know to make it and act as uber delivery
how you found out was when han slipped out "leeknow hyung makes the best comfort food"
big eyes and stuffed cheeks as you heard that
gave him a slight smack on the shoulder to reprimand him for asking lee know to make the food
by night he carries you up to your room and offers cuddles and studio ghilbi movies to watch
probably started singing a lullaby to push you over the edge to fall asleep
you both fall asleep watching the movie due to your previous activites letting it run in the background
you guys wake up to another movie you both like but at the sad part..
lets just say it was an emotional morning
the definition of sunshine
this man as soon as he finds out you're sick
he's baking some desserts, aromas of brownies and cookies filling the air
he'd also bring you some food to soothe the itchiness of your throat
would have searched up 'what are ways to get rid of sickness'
as he'd be baking he would chop up some onions to put in your room (if your filipino you'd know the reasoning behind this)
would quite literally come to check up on you every 5 mins
give you medicine and same with han would have a cold washcloth on your forehead to calm you down
he finds you sleeping the next time he checks up on you
so he goes to play LoL (we all know what happens when felix plays LoL)
you wake up after hearing felix shout
"Lixxxxx, it's just a gamee"
apologises that he woke you up but then goes on a tangent about how it's not just a game
would also provide amazing cuddles like chan
this man has such a soothing voice like han's
i swear the aussie line should be named the cuddle line atp
ngl it's so hard to read seungmo and how he would take care of you
i feel like it'd be another case of lee know caring for you
he would give you the basic treatment tho
food, medicine, rest, check ups
probably drag you out of your room to get some vitamin D
and for him to practice his baseball techniques
would try and cook you pancakes
we all know what happened in that ep of puppycat school 😭
but yeah i can't make out seungmin AT ALL - i apologise 😔
i can't read i.n either 😭
he'd also give the basic treatment
i feel like he'd be the type to hold your hair back if you throw up
maybe take you out on a walk to get vitamin D
only for you to become his personal photographer
gotta get pics for the gram yk
but for your efforts as you kept sneezing and coughing he would treat you to some street 어묵국 (fish cake soup)
would perform 'hug me' on the piano for you
that leads you to want cuddles from him
he'll decline but come around and let you cuddle him as he just lays there like a stick 😭
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A/N: heyyyy!! so i finally finished the maknae line.. i wasn't expecting to post it today but i had nothing else to do so yeah
hope you like this little drabble my friend gave me the idea to write this
!please reblog just to support me in my future works :)!
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