#sickeningly sweet like honey don't need money all i need is you <3
bisexualrapline · 2 years
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
For Him
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Chapter 1
A/N Play this while Reading
We are runnin' so fast that dream again 
Akaashi’s pov 
If you asked me what I would be doing with my life I would never say oh I am a manga editor honestly I never thought I would be where I am today without the support of one person by my side the whole way. I can't help thinking what would life be like if you know I just vanished and gone somewhere anywhere where no one knows us what if we assumed new identities and just now started our careers as a manga editor and trainer at all I can't help but imagine it hey why don't we what's stopping us no scrap that whose to stop  us I ran to Koshi and some him up “babe wake up I've been thinking”
“About what love,” he asked 
“Us just running so far and so fast and we never look back and whatever I lack you make up”
“keiji how long have you been thinking about this”
“Awhile honestly we can do it now before my next deadline and your next training camp lets just run you and me now,” I said to Koshi and I know I must sound crazy to him right now but I don't care I am committed to this “koshi we can go anywhere be anywhere  but here “
We make a really good team
And not everyone sees
We got this crazy chemistry
Between us
Still with Akaashi’s pov 
“Babe listen We make a really good team And not everyone sees We got this crazy chemistry Between us” “well that is true and bi have always told you’re my missing link to my chain the other half of my heart we take the world on together rather than apart”. Koshi said to Akaashi
Chapter 2
Koshi pov
“This is the craziest thing we have ever come up with and without any explanation”  I sighed at him  “ this is our life our careers And you just wanna up and leave What about our families what about our friends you know what Keiji jump start the car cause the city’s a bore we can buy E cigarettes t the convenience store making up new clichés on our own little tour lets ride I'm agreeing to do this but I want an explanation along the way".
You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
Akaashi’s PoV 
"I will explain everything in the car lets go and about everyone we will phone them when we are settled somewhere"
"Ok Keiji  I'm waiting for that explanation" "Just imagine what our life would be like if we didn't start the band if no one knew us if we were practically nobodies" You don't have to say I love you to say I love you forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons no more wishing if our life could be different this is chance we could be together properly no more hiding even adopt a kid be a family"just me and you.
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Koshi’s  PoV 
"Babe about the adoption thing we don't have to go though all that" "What do you mean" "I'm a carrier which means I can have kids" all our lives we've been making shades of purple out of red and blue no more secrets Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money All I need is you All I need is you, you
Akaashi’s PoV 
Sickeningly sweet like honey babe don't need money all I need in this moment is you just you that's all I need you.
Chapter 3
Third person 
They left their jobs  house and started their Journey to anywhere as Akaashi put it they stopped by cliff to watch the sunset after stopping at the convenience store brought some beers and e cigarettes.
Akaashi’s PoV 
Well We try staying up late But we both are light weights when we get off our face, too easy And we take jokes way too far Cause sometimes living's too hard We're like two halves of one heart I can't bare the thought of living with out you. You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Koshi’s PoV
Like you said Kei you don't have to say I love you to say I love you lets get in the car and drive start our new life just me and you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons you convinced me to run away from the life we had to start a family you made me believe in you so let's drive any where We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue I want to be with the one I love Keiji that has and always will be you Sickeningly sweet like honey a little bit cheesy and we don't need money All I need is you And only you so put you foot down and drive.
Third person 
They drove for miles and miles till they ended up in a little town away from Miyagi Japan  to rhode island  or a valley they liked both so they thought they would look at both.
Meanwhile back with some of friends was waking in up or rather Shoyo was waking everyone in the shared house .
Shoyo PoV
"Yams wake up our band practice starts today" Sho yams kags and tsukki have been in a band since school now their in college their band is still together and going strong 
"Huh what time is it 4:45 sho it's stupid o'clock wake me up later I love you night" “Tch Tadashi Yamaguchi get your lazy ass out of bed now"
I then knocked on Keiji No chan door 
"Onii chan rise and shine"
No answer 
"Keiji Ni chan"
I yelled hard this time and the door Swung open to reveal thst Akaashi wasn't there the bed was left as it was the day before 
"Bokkun " I yell 
What he says back practically irritated now 
"Onii chan’s bed hasn't been slept in"
"His probably sleeping with Koshi"
Figuring Bokuto maybe right I went to wake Koshi up 
"Mom wake up"
No answer I opened the door and his bed was like Akaashi’s untouched 
"Bokkun their not here" what do you mean their not there"
Bokuto came walking up wait they are generally not here we need to phone and inform management.
Chapter 4
A/N this chapter may contain a trigger warning 
Back with Akaashi  and koshi   time skip they moved to the valley started a new life it was going well had a little girl in their life a whole family and a new identity no one knowing who they are what their life's use to be like but things started to change after Sonny may was born. 
Koshi PoV 
Our life changed after sonny people started recognising us I couldn't take the hate with the fans because we left out the blue the fans started blaming me said I put the idea in to Akaashi’s  head other bullshit like blackmail I ran to the bathroom Keiji was out so he couldn't stop me I started Eat a pill or a few to stay chill  and settle my nerves calm down and I then went to take a shower and only to  break down again. After receiving a text
K💕: hey Koshi i won't be home need a break take care of our little girl and don't look at this as a break up more as a time out.
K🔪:you don't need to go I'm about to bring emo back if you leave my home
K💕: koshi what do you mean 
K💕: Koshi  answer me
Akaashi’s PoV 
I am currently at a nightclub I have just finished dancing with someone to smashed to know who so I text Koshi after telling him I think we need a break and not to look at this as a break up he said something about bringing emo back I just shrugged it off and order another round of shoots
After the 3rd round the text started playing on my mind a little voice saying your husbands going to do something stupid I text him again
K💕: Koshi please be ok I'd panic at the disco and I hope you'd rather watch a TV show than what I think your planning to do  Then I'll squeeze your booty real hard like I'm kneading dough basically what I'm trying to say is I know we had a fight but if you want make up sex just say the word 
Fellow pretty setter , I'm speeding for ya
We can get married tonight if you really wanna
Me in a cheap suit like a sleazy lawyer get marry under our real names elope just you and me leave tonight and be who ever we want to be And if you break this lil' heart, it'd be an honour.
Koshi’s PoV 
I read Keiji’s  text but he was to late I was fadingfast but the text was sweet I love you  Keiji.
Sonny PoV 
I heard a faint I love you Keiji coming from daddy and papa's bathroom it sounded like daddy so I ran and found daddy on the floor I pick up daddy's phone and in a state called papa "papa its daddy his on the floor come quickly he's not moving"
Chapter 5
Akaashi’s PoV 
Sonny just rang me from koshi’s  phone she was in a right state "papa come quickly it's daddy his not moving his on the floor"
"Oh shit what have I done" I drove home like a mad man I got home then door burst though "sonny sonny where is daddy" "bathroom" "I got to the bathroom to see sonny was right she never mention pills or blood "sonny baby go to your room and watch frozen for me"
"But papa" "go now don't come out till I tell you I will send Mrs Harris round to look after you while I take daddy to get checked out"
"No not Mrs Harris please princess while I get daddy better” 
“Okay papa I ran to mrs Harris and said can you look after sonny for me “ “sure what’s up” “my husband tried to commit I don’t want sonny knowing that she’s already seen enough the last thing I want is my daughter tramatized 
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shuckinbeanz · 3 years
All I Need is You, You
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Credit to the lovely thaidoodles for our daily bread. 🙏
warnings/notes: reader is preggers, ya'll are married ofc like in all the other ones, and i totally think this song fits Denki, our Electrocutie #2. 💞
Underage characters are Aged Up!
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
sickeningly sweet like honey under the cut! <3
You don't know how this escalated. Your husband was absolutely adorable. You had settled in the living room's couch and called the goofball up, missing his voice. He was out of town for a couple months. You listen to him begin to sing yours and his song, giggling happily.
'We are runnin' so fast And we never look back And whatever I lack, you make up We make a really good team And not everyone sees We got this crazy chemistry Between us'
It's been about a week since you found out you were pregnant, and two weeks since he left for work.
'Jump starting your car 'cause this city's a bore Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store Making new clichés on our own little tour Let's ri-ee-i-ee-ide~'
You snort out laughter at the way he dramatically pronounces, hearing the grin in his voice.
'You don't have to say I love you to say I love you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money'
You decide to join in on the fun, yourself, a little bit, singing along with him.
"All I need is you All I need is you, you~"
And he continues.
'We try staying up late But we both are light weights Yeah we get off our face, too easy And we take jokes way too far And sometimes living's too hard'
You join in again.
"We're like two halves of one heart We are, we are, we are~"
He repeats the chorus.
'You don't have to say I love you to say I love you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money'
And you sing along one more time.
"All I need is you All I need is you, you~"
'Eat a pill stay and chill, you don't need to go I'm about to bring emo back if you leave my home I'd panic at the disco and you'd rather watch a TV show Then I'll squeeze your booty real hard like I'm kneading dough'
You laugh again, hearing the mischief in his voice.
'Pizza boy, I'm speeding for ya We can get married tonight if you really wanna!~'
You snicker to yourself at his serious tone, "We're already married, ya goof." as he continues.
'Me in a cheap suit like a sleazy lawyer~ And if you break this lil' heart, it'd be an honor~'
He repeats the chorus, one last time, as your mind wanders off. It's been a week since you found out you were pregnant. And he wouldn't be back for another month, at least. So, you figured telling him now would be a good time; better than letting him know when he comes home in a month. When he finishes singing, you open your mouth, the sound of your heart thudding in your ears too loudly to notice the muffled jingle of keys on his end, "Hey, baby?" you call, and he hums in reply, and the moment the front door located behind you opens, "I'm pregnant." you say, hearing his shocked sputtering behind you as well as over the phone, causing you to turn around to see his rather hilarious red-faced expression.
He was supposed to be out of town a couple months. Yet, here he was, home in two weeks. "You're pregnant?!" he finally exclaims, door wide open. You laugh, leaving behind the phone to launch yourself off the couch, running around it and into his arms. He hugs you tightly, a goofy grin on his face. "That's good news! Very, very good news! Can't wait to tell the gang!" he exclaims, shimmying you and him away from the door before kicking the door shut. Then suddenly, a pout replaces his grin as he releases you. "Wait. You didn't tell them first, did you? I mean--ow!" you halfheartedly smack him up beside his head, crossing your arms. "No. I was conflicted between telling you when you got home, or telling you sooner." you tell him. And like a switch, he brightens up again, plopping down his luggage before picking you up, making you squeal in surprise. "Good thing you told me now, then! 'Cuz I'm hooome!~" he exclaims, carrying you in a fireman's carry to the back of the house, as you laugh.
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candybowbeansies · 3 years
All I Need is You, You
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Credit to the lovely thaidoodles for our daily bread. 🙏
warnings/notes: reader is preggers, ya'll are married ofc like in all the other ones, and i totally think this song fits Denki, our Electrocutie #2. 💞
Underage characters are Aged Up!
sickeningly sweet like honey under the cut! <3
You don't know how this escalated. Your husband was absolutely adorable. You had settled in the living room's couch and called the goofball up, missing his voice. He was out of town for a couple months. You listen to him begin to sing yours and his song, giggling happily.
'We are runnin' so fast And we never look back And whatever I lack, you make up We make a really good team And not everyone sees We got this crazy chemistry Between us'
It's been about a week since you found out you were pregnant, and two weeks since he left for work.
'Jump starting your car 'cause this city's a bore Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store Making new clichés on our own little tour Let's ri-ee-i-ee-ide~'
You snort out laughter at the way he dramatically pronounces, hearing the grin in his voice.
'You don't have to say I love you to say I love you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money'
You decide to join in on the fun, yourself, a little bit, singing along with him.
"All I need is you All I need is you, you~"
And he continues.
'We try staying up late But we both are light weights Yeah we get off our face, too easy And we take jokes way too far And sometimes living's too hard'
You join in again.
"We're like two halves of one heart We are, we are, we are~"
He repeats the chorus.
'You don't have to say I love you to say I love you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money'
And you sing along one more time.
"All I need is you All I need is you, you~"
'Eat a pill stay and chill, you don't need to go I'm about to bring emo back if you leave my home I'd panic at the disco and you'd rather watch a TV show Then I'll squeeze your booty real hard like I'm kneading dough'
You laugh again, hearing the mischief in his voice.
'Pizza boy, I'm speeding for ya We can get married tonight if you really wanna!~'
You snicker to yourself at his serious tone, "We're already married, ya goof." as he continues.
'Me in a cheap suit like a sleazy lawyer~ And if you break this lil' heart, it'd be an honor~'
He repeats the chorus, one last time, as your mind wanders off. It's been a week since you found out you were pregnant. And he wouldn't be back for another month, at least. So, you figured telling him now would be a good time; better than letting him know when he comes home in a month. When he finishes singing, you open your mouth, the sound of your heart thudding in your ears too loudly to notice the muffled jingle of keys on his end, "Hey, baby?" you call, and he hums in reply, and the moment the front door located behind you opens, "I'm pregnant." you say, hearing his shocked sputtering behind you as well as over the phone, causing you to turn around to see his rather hilarious red-faced expression.
He was supposed to be out of town a couple months. Yet, here he was, home in two weeks. "You're pregnant?!" he finally exclaims, door wide open. You laugh, leaving behind the phone to launch yourself off the couch, running around it and into his arms. He hugs you tightly, a goofy grin on his face. "That's good news! Very, very good news! Can't wait to tell the gang!" he exclaims, shimmying you and him away from the door before kicking the door shut. Then suddenly, a pout replaces his grin as he releases you. "Wait. You didn't tell them first, did you? I mean--ow!" you halfheartedly smack him up beside his head, crossing your arms. "No. I was conflicted between telling you when you got home, or telling you sooner." you tell him. And like a switch, he brightens up again, plopping down his luggage before picking you up, making you squeal in surprise. "Good thing you told me now, then! 'Cuz I'm hooome!~" he exclaims, carrying you in a fireman's carry to the back of the house, as you laugh.
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