#side note midna is definitely a freeloader
Midzelink Headcanons (at 3am)
Link is a bit of an insomniac and ends up doing anything other than sleeping, does a lot of cleaning at 1am type shit
Midna is a really heavy sleeper and tends to headlock what or whoever is closest
Zelda is a decently light sleeper and half the time ends up saying awake with Link for a while before passing out again, has woken up on her couch more times than she'd like to cause of this
Midna doesnt dream, like at all and even if she does she doesnt remember them
Zelda has really vivid dreams to the point that when she'll wake up in the morning she has a hard time distinguishing between the two for a good few minutes (gaslit by her own dreams type shit)
Link's just kinda there, doesn't remember any unless they were really weird
Zelda and Midna are not morning ppl whatsoever, Zelda's a bit better but would rather not wake up before 10am
Link's used to being up with the sunrise so he doesn't actually remember if he is or isnt, he does pretty regularly take a nap in the middle of the day tho
Midna can't cook for shit and was banned from using anything more than a toaster and microwave
Zelda's one of the can make really good looking food but it tastes bland as hell kind of people, do to that Link has to do all the prep work and Zelda actually cooks otherwise Link tends to burn stuff trying to multi-task
Midna and Zelda are childhood friends troupe
Link and Midna had a enemies to lovers shit for a little bit
Zelda and Link were a forced proximity and/or they have a homie pact to cordial for the sake of Midna
Link has a southern country accent, but not like deep south yk?
Zelda has that kinda british kinda not thing BoTW Zelda has going on but a little more subdued
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