#side order spoilers?
squidkidnerd · 7 months
man, the concept of grayscaling is So Interesting. like... it's depression? but it's also Not. you're trapped, you're complacent, you're safe. you hallucinate a colorless simulation half the time you're awake. you walk through the world like it's fine, and it's normal, and you're fine but everything isn't fine and maybe your friends know or maybe they don't but either way it's not like they can do anything... do you even want them to? is it a bad thing, really, to be like this? to be protected from everything and everyone that could hurt you? there's no joy in it, but no pain, either. the only constant is constancy, and that means you're safe. safe. safe from everything.
is it really worth it?
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the-loaf-of-calamity · 7 months
BREAKING NEWS IN THE SPIRE OF ORDER: Local loser, Panicking Alla Mambo, gets yeeted off the stage by a wandering Whirling Accelerando who was probably unaware of what happened... probably... What a frickin' loser, I love that loser.
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neo-geo-art · 7 months
i think the people that worked on Side Order were beyblade fans,,,
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shisei11 · 7 months
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let me out
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semisentientseafood · 7 months
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pansy-picnics · 7 months
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literally WHAT WAS THIS FOR??????????.???,
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rotshop · 7 months
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elevator is NOT a safe space
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dinomite2 · 7 months
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Made this in the middle of 2:30 am
But seriously though these Mfs are annoying as hell
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courtesycalling · 6 months
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woosh-floosh-art · 6 months
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Side Order
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dustyhyena · 7 months
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obsessed with this fucking thang
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taffybuns · 7 months
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really enjoying side order
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the-loaf-of-calamity · 6 months
Rin Finally Loses It (not clickbait)
Sooo... I've seen folks claim themselves as like "#1 (insert splatoon character) fan" or "(insert splatoon character)'s spouse" and whatnot. Not any of them that I've seen have been claimed for any of the enemies of the series sooo.... I claim myself as #1 Towering Nobilmente Fan. I may have lost it but I absolutely love that loser even if they're known as a "big ol' nuisance"! I understand your opinion, but because they're a difficult enemy to deal with does not make me love them any less and I can tell ya why!
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Like look at them! They're so neat and snazzy! I love 'em so much, even upon first seeing them! Plus, they're a pretty neat enemy, they're a mix of a Stinger and an Octosniper and I love that a lot! Even better, they have rather cute sounds as well. I can go on about how they're p snazzy despite me possibly just getting repetitive about my reasons. To me, they're a fun enemy and I just like them that much! (although no one will ever reach the level of my darling orb, Pinging Marciale) I actually have some plans to give some personality to the Jelletons tbh (look to Mento, who is a Towering Nobilmente), so perhaps I may work on a little thing where I make some Jelleton Losers and talk more about Mento (and Samba) at the same time as well... Anyhoo, that's it for my rambles, forgive me for going nuts for a moment there, I just wanna take time to ramble about my favorite loser, T. Nobilmente! See ya later!
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malasquid · 7 months
So. I've Cracked The Code On The Appearance Changes in Side Order.
Wall of photos and such incoming.
After a lot of testing, I've discovered there are 7 different little lights and doodads that are added to Agent 8 via upgrading certain chips, each with a basic 1st tier and and upgraded 2nd tier. The 1st tier of upgrades appear after picking up two of the same chips in that changes pool (ex: 2 Homing Shots chips), with the 2nd tier appearing after picking up five of them (ex: 5 Homing Shot chips). There is no further visual indicators added for maxing chips that go beyond 5, such as Splash Damage or Rush Attack.
Full disclaimer: This is the result of researching a LOT of my own runs, so I can say this is true with about 95% certainty. If I labeled an ability chip in the wrong visual pool, please let me know!
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Let's start with the basics - our control group. No Teal upgrades provide any visible changes to Agent 8 (or Pearl-bot for that matter), so I ran an all-teal palette to demonstrate.
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First is likely one of the more requested visual changes - the Headset. The 1st tier sports a basic metallic earpiece, with the 2nd adding an antenna and eyepiece that match your primary ink color.
Maxing Splash Damage, Sound Wave Damage, Splash Radius, Special Charge Up, Turf Lucky Chain, Rush Knockback, and Homing Shots all provide the headset!
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Next up is Ink Bubbles. The 1st tier shows transparent, slower bubbles flowing in 8's ink tank, with the bubbles being faster and more opaque in the 2nd tier.
Nabbing Poison Ink, Splat Ink Recovery, Ink Saver Sub, Ink Recovery Rate, Sticky Ink, and Explosion Knockback all provide Ink Bubbles.
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Following that is the Fins. The 1st tier shows the base shackles being added to 8's boots, with the fins themselves being added for the 2nd tier.
Picking up Run Speed, Swim Speed, Rush Attack, Mobile Ink Recovery, Mobile Special Charge, and Mobile Drone Gauge all provide the Fins.
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Now, moving on to the weapon upgrades!
First we have the Muzzle Lights, which appear at the muzzle of most weapons, and the sides of the brush and roller nearest the base. The 1st tier shows a circle and squares circling around the muzzle, with the 2nd tier being more exaggerated, with alternating squares and rectangles forming a hexagon pattern in the center.
These are exclusive to the Ink Damage, Main Damage (Close), and Main Damage (Distant) chips.
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Next up is likely the most common visual one can see on their run - the Arrows. The 1st tier shows a circle with three arrows pointing down the weapon, with the 2nd tier adding some blowback markers behind the circle.
These are on a whopping TEN upgrades, being Splatling Barrage, Main Firing Speed, Horizontal Slash Speed, Main Range, Main Piercing, Main Ink Coverage, Rush Ink Coverage, Quick Charge, Shot Spread Reduction, and Ink Saver Main.
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Last of the weapon upgrades are the Dots. The 1st tier is 3 large dots and a circle spinning at the bottom of your weapon or around your wrist, with the 2nd tier adding another circle around the dots.
These can be found on the Hindrance Damage, Ink Attack Size, Charge Storage, Moving Ink Speed, Extra Dodge Roll, Brella Cooldown, and Knockback upgrades.
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And finally, my favorite little knick-knack, the Shrimp Hook. This little guy appears on your ink tank after picking up 2 matching Luck upgrades (ex: Lucky Bomb Drop, Canned Special Drop, etc), and begins to glow after picking up 5. However, the glowing effect is not visible in the post-game screen. 😔 (I would totally buy one of these if someone made one, btw)
By the way, 7 visual upgrades * 5 chips needed to max each visual is 35 chips, which is just shy of the 36 total chips you can have on one palette, which means, in theory, you could. Have every maxed visual indicator on in one run.
Just a thought. : )
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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we need to call her out with this meme forever now
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semisentientseafood · 7 months
I knew that nintendo very likely wouldn’t outright say something like “Yes these characters are gay” but the way they were so insanely unsubtle about Pearl and Marina’s Definitely more-than-just-friends relationship in side order made me so happy to see, like there is SO much stuff that you just cannot come up with a heterosexual explanation for.
Marina’s sheer amount of swoony dialogue, dev diaries, her drawings of pearl, her desktop background WHO is doing all those things for their “best friend” . Pearl’s also shown to be concerned for and protective of Marina as well as be supportive of her infodumping about her interests
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Even some smaller and potentially not-even-totally-intentional things just Work perfectly as more subtle details such as Marina’s dev diary being represented by an infinity sign with a rainbow gradient super similar to the symbol for autism advocacy, or the flags near cipher’s siftings with similar coloration to the lesbian flag (more noticeable with a certain filter in camera mode)
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In conclusion my god these cephalopods gay good for them
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