ninthextrication · 7 years
[daaaaammmmnnnnn Junpei. Back at it again with the dumb luck.]
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my boy is the most unlucky lucky person, his dumb luck makes gods quiver in their boots.
or it just gets him killed, but i mean, we don’t mention that part.
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nautalass · 7 years
“Hold on...” Sal quickly grabs at the flower before it slips out of the tendrils. He wraps a pair of the tendrils around the little stem left and hides them behind several others to make it look like it’s staying in place. There we go. “They don’t tend to keep things stuck in them like human hair.”
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rakugami-blog · 7 years
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Kikuhiko readjusted his scarf. It was cold out tonight, but usually it was no much of a problem. He did not mean to get too poetic, but the cold suited a person like him just fine. He stopped just short of pulling the scarf over his mouth and saw the consequences of it immediately when his breath crystallized into little ice pieces.
Wasn’t it supposed to be spring already? How annoying, it seemed for him the dead man hell had indeed frozen over. It was a shame he had wanted to see the cherry blossoms. Kiku lost patience finally and looked at his watch. When he looked up, there was the man he was supposed to meet. 
“There you are. It’s not good to keep and old geezer waiting you know, I could expire any second.” Kikuhiko said, but he did not look a day about twenty. He put a hand through his youthful hairline that was a slick black to vent his frustration. “Anyway, you’re the radio personality correct? I wanted to talk to you about putting Rakugo on the radio.”
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mochizushi-blog · 7 years
Ryoji was an enthusiastic individual. He seemed to love everyone and everything equally. At least he would have you believe that. That’s why if you had known him it would be no surprise that in broad daylight, he would chase down and begin shouting the name of one of Hive City’s radio personalities. 
"Flamelle! Flamelle! Sir!” He had recognized him by the sideburns from a block away and run to try to catch up with him. When he finally did though, he was sweating from the effort. He cracked a smile as if to say sorry for the commotion he had caused and fished a pen and paper out of his pockets. “Can I get your autograph sir? Your radio show really cheers me up when I feel lonely in the mornings. I always listen to you, unless I wake up next to a girl that is.”
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If it was not obvious already Ryoji seemed to lack any kind of subtlety. Still, he was smiling brightly. “I know it’s rude for fans to offer reccomendations to celebrities like you, but would you consider having a segment on your show where you give dating advice? I’m sure your listeners would love it.”
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nautalass · 7 years
[From: Salvadore Kamijikan] [To: Flammelle Evans] [Text] Hullo, is this the owner of Hive City Radio? [Text] I saw your job ad in the paper, so I wanted to check in with you about applying for a position.
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omegalegacie-blog · 7 years
“I wouldn’t wish this place on my worst of enemies.” Brendan mumbles to himself while he travels through this forested area. District Zeta, this is where he’s been placed by those maniacs. It isn’t an environmental condition he isn’t used to if that’s what they were aiming for, or more like just putting him in a place he might have already been used to and they were aware of it. It’s kind of odd to think of it that way but who knows. The point is that the conditions that surround him at this moment aren’t conditions he isn’t used to. He’s actually even managed to claim a tree house of his own not too far from here. It’s still rough around the edges, needs some more work, but it isn’t impossible. It reminds him a bit of Fortree City, where Winona is. At least the tree house parts. The environment itself closely matches that of routes 119 and 120. He just needs to get himself a few things before officially calling it a home. Like an actual bed instead of calling a patch of leaves a bed at the moment.
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“Ekko, c’mon you’re falling behind.” He calls out to his fellow friend who’s actually very fond of this place. He doesn’t blame him, this is all in his element after all. Ekko makes sure he’s walking in time with his trainer, but seems to remain cautious. It must be the plants around here that have him on edge. He hasn’t said anything, but Brendan already noticed that they’re not your everyday plants earlier. They seem to have a mind of their own. It’s something to be careful about especially if you’re new, but they haven’t done any harm to him yet so he isn’t going to be hostile against them either. There’s no point. His journey into Zeta seems never ending, he’s walked for a good hour or so now and it’s nothing but plants, trees, roots, the same old same. What exactly happened here anyway? He’s ready to call it a day but Ekko seems to find something worth looking into through a patch of bushes and trails in that direction. “Hey wait!” Brendan calls out and runs after him to only find himself standing before some type of vault, a huge one at that. “What’s this doing in the middle of this place?” He frowns while looking at it. It’s very odd and very out of place. This is weird. Whatever’s in there though, Ekko doesn’t seem to like very much because he’s glaring daggers at it. Must be dangerous. 
Brendan might be a curious adventurer, but he’s no idiot. Whatever’s doomed to be locked in there should remain that way no matter how curious he is. “Don’t worry I’m not going to open it.” He reassures, though thinks he doesn’t have to since Ekko knows him well.
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ninthextrication · 7 years
@sideburnsandvoice liked for a pokemon starter
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“Alright Inari, let’s be careful with this one...” Junpei was attempting to help his vulpix practice her moves, but that seemed to be causing him a fair deal of bodily harm. He had plenty of spare burn creams and many clean bandages, but man did it seem like he was using an awful lot of them... “Try out heat wave, but aim it over there, ok?” 
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“Pii!” Inari gladly obliged, aiming the attack away from her trainer- but a sudden noise startled her and she looked towards Junpei at the last moment, giving him just a bit of a burn on his arm.
“ooOOOW!” It didn’t matter how many times he got burned, it still hurt every time... he sighed and grabbed more burn cream, wondering if it would be worthwhile to invest in a fire-repellent suit. While he was applying the cream, he finally looked up to see a familiar face. “Oh, hey Flammelle.”
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utatteru-blog1 · 7 years
It’s an odd sight to anyone passing by, he’s sure of it. Standing near the edges of a pathway, his intentions had just been to take a gander at the flowers once more, taking note of all the different kinds and colors surrounding him, and yet as he’d shifted to move on from them, it seemed something had different plans.
So now here stands Gakupo, as still as a statue with a butterfly perched upon his nose and seeming as though it had no intentions of moving any time soon. He’s almost inclined to shoo it away, because the chuckles of people as they pass him by are getting a bit embarrassing, but at the same time it’s... it’s a pretty little thing. And how often does a butterfly just decide to sit on your nose?
He sees someone approaching him out of the corner of his eyes (and he can’t assume they’re some sort of staff or something, as far as he can see there’s nothing indicating such on their person), and lifts a hand as gingerly as he can as a sign to not disturb him. 
“Please don’t disturb it. I want it to stay,” comes his voice, as soft as he can muster, “...even though this is quite the odd experience.”
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nautalass · 7 years
♡ = Complimenting them
He’s a little thrown off by Flammelle’s interest in the jacket, mostly out of lack of expectations. “Oh, thanks. I was lucky to find it at one of those thrift stores. I was gonna get a better one later but...” Several of his tentacles tug at its collar.“Well, it’s better than I expected.”
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thoronfaire-blog · 8 years
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“I’m sorry, but I have to admit, I’m just not a fan.” He’s been stopped on the street by a rather strange man - a bard of sorts, as it turned out. Only, rather than playing him a song on his own instrument, he instead produced some sort of strange device to play the songs of another. Ethics of musical theft aside, the song was simply not to his tastes - the instruments used all sounded rather strange, and the beat went along much too quickly for him to appreciate.
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Headcanon: doubt, ego
Send me a word plus 'Headcanon' and I'll give a headcanon based on that word.
Ego was all Zant ever had growing up -- being raised into a world where nobody other than he had any desire or ambition, the Twili could only thrive through his sense of self-worth, his knowledge of all he deserved. He coveted kingship over the Twilight Realm so that he might have one day achieved his lofty goals of achieving power enough to take back the world rightfully belonged to the Twili.
But, as fate would have it, he was cast aside, in favor of a young princess. And that is where his doubt began to bloom. To Zant, ego and doubt meant almost the same thing, for one gave rise to the other, leading him into a maddening spiral of desire to prove himself and overcome his own doubts.
Such a horrible mindset could only have led him to ruin.
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crossfadings-blog · 8 years
@sideburnsandvoice ♫ starter call
He’s not hearing that noise. Well -- actually, he hears that noise just fine, but surprisingly enough he doesn’t recognize what’s playing from this guy’s iPod. Lúcio listens to a lot of music from a lot of genres -- inspiration and all that -- but even twenty-plus years of listening leaves him centuries to catch up on and explore.
It isn’t like he’ll lose anything by being friendly anyway.
‘Couldn’t help but overhear what you were playin’. Now is that somethin’ from this century or what?’
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ninthextrication · 7 years
@sideburnsandvoice liked for an event starter
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Junpei was deciding that he really didn’t like robots. If there were nice robots out there, then he didn’t think he’d ever met one- these guys were just annoying (and not to mention, dangerous). He was mostly just spending his time looking for anything that could be useful against them that’d been dropped, as well as keeping random people out of trouble, when he spotted someone out of the corner of his eye getting snuck up on.
Well, there was no time to reasonably shout out and warn them, so all he could do was instead make a run for it, and tackle him to the ground before the robot attacked. Only then did he realize who it was- the guy from when all those cupids were going around.
He quickly pointed to the robot and then moved to duck into an alleyway, motioning for Flammelle to follow after.
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utatteru-blog1 · 7 years
Life was filled with simple pleasures, some of which varied from person to person. Others might find solace in things like the crunch of leaves under their feet in the fall, or perhaps that perfect cone of ice cream during a heated summer’s day. One of Gakupo’s simple pleasures happened to be sitting somewhere cozy, the gentle sound of music playing in the background as he buries his nose in the latest novel he’s found. Said cozy somewhere now was a quaint little cafe, where the android was seated firmly besides a small table, almost barely aware of his surroundings. He was incredibly engrossed in the story--until he notices the table besides him jolt slightly and the drink he’d had perched upon it shaking precariously. 
Thank goodness for quick reflexes, he thinks, as he grabs the cup before it has a chance to tip over and create an unwanted mess. Gakupo sighs in relief, before setting the book down to look up at whomever had caused the almost incident.
“Please don’t worry about apologizing, it was a simple-- ah?” Wait, he recognizes this man, doesn’t he? “You are... We had met previously at the flower festival, correct?” A smile now forms on his face, though he chuckles nervously. “While I had been... making a bit of a fool of myself. Well, it’s alright. Such things happen.”
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nautalass · 7 years
Oh whoops, this got really long! Name origins, trauma, and Being Arrested BS below the cut.
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?The meaning behind Salvadore is ‘saviour’ (his name just has that extra e at the end). Which is almost ironic in terms of the sense of guilt he’ll start feeling when he remembers that he’s alive and he sure as heck didn’t save any human or any of the earth from what humanity did. Not that he could help it.Believe it or not, his appearance came before his name, and when I was thinking of names, I was reminded of the character from Presentable Liberty and a fan-dub of the game. So I basically stole the name for him.
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day?Sal died by drowning. Water can kinda fuck with him.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?Participating in protests or just being black. Sal has minimal faith in human police doing any actual good.
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?Sal’s hardly likely to ever become a celebrity, but if he did, maybe it’d be for similar reasons to Bill Nye. Sal could be like. Nauti-sal the Science Gal. Look I made that up and put it on his blog awhile back.Yes hello @sideburnsandvoice maybe Sal could do science show at your radio?(I am joking, but also Flammelle really interests me?)
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tsukaretame-blog · 7 years
» music was a curious thing.
He doesn’t notice it, at first--it doesn’t sound like anything he’s accustomed to, nor does the device the sounds were coming from seem in any way familiar to him. It takes some time for it to register, and after a moment’s staring at the man and the device, Souza gives in to curiosity.
“...What would you call this?” He questions, with a gentle cant of the head, “The sound--the music, isn’t it? It’s unlike anything I’ve heard before.”
It wasn’t unpleasant, but the uchi couldn’t help but be intrigued anyways.
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