siderealtaurus · 7 years
Little Astro Things You May Not Have Heard Before
Geminis have sharply angled jaws from the side view with a little cleft in their chin. Their arms are long and the back of their skull is kinda flat.
Cancers have really defined lips, whether big or small
Scorpios have gummy smiles and baby looking teeth
Earth signs and water signs have really round and sturdy looking skulls , unless influenced heavily by an air or fire sign (through dominants and aspects).
The Midheaven at its most natural state is meant to be in a square from the Ascendant and descendant. The Ascendant and midheaven should never be more than or less than a square away from the midheaven. This is because the Natal Chart is settled on a perfect 360 axis where it has 4 major angles setting its basic shape up; 360 divided by 4 would give us 4 perfectly aligned 90 degree angled points (MC, IC, ASC, DSC) but of course no chart can be “perfectly perfect” so many people will have interceptions: where the midheaven is sometimes more or less than a square away from the Ascendant. This is why we see some people having their Ascendant and midheaven only being 2 signs apart or even as far as 5 signs apart.
earth signs often have very small and flat foreheads with a slope
Air signs usually have very high foreheads (the hairline is far from the eyebrows)
Water signs typically have high and flat foreheads
Fire signs have small but round foreheads
Aries rules the ears and the facial features (natural resonators) so they are often at the peak of being just as good with music and instruments like Venusian ruled Taurus and Libra
Many performers have their 10th house ruler (Midheaven ruler) in the 7th house
Actors have the 10th house ruler in the 12th house
Mutable signs’ calves lots of times have a curve to them, like a bowl-legged or bow-legged however you call it lol
Earth signs have really long necks and very long natural hair
Libras (and other cardinal signs) often have a softened rectangular or oval face shape
Leos have defined canine teeth
In Esoteric astrology, Uranus Neptune and Pluto are associated with Zeus Poseidon and Hades respectively and are considered the Big Three because they hold an intense amount of staying power in a person’s life when aspected greatly.
North Node in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th indicates minimal fame but fame nonetheless
North Node in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th indicates more widespread fame
Having a water house Stellium (4th, 8th, 12th) makes you more likely to accumulate wealth in this lifetime
Jupiter in the 9th, 10th, 11th , 12th makes you more likely to be recognized for your talents in this lifetime
Having Mars or Neptune on an angle makes you more inclined to being a good dancer/take dancing seriously
Technically, Capricorn rising is the Ascendant in exaltation. Libra rising is the Ascendant in detriment. Cancer rising is the Ascendant in fall. Many wealthy and renowned people have a cardinal rising because they are able to overcome more mentally than the rest of us.
The asteroid conjunct your sun at birth can indicate any health issues you can develop in this lifetime
Gemini is Mercury as a child, excitable and willing to know more of the surrounding world. Virgo is Mercury as an adult, deep in thought and not so open to new ideas but still free thinking and willing to research until their wisdom dies out.
Uranus-MC = long term success after climbing
Inconjunct/quincunx couples stand the test of time when they work through their differences moreso than semi-sextile couples. When the semi-sextile couple works through their differences, there is so much frustration because they can see clearly the many similarities they share but even the slightest difference btw them just makes them lost all over. The quincunx couples see some similarities but many differences which allows them a broader space to map newly shared interests INTO the relationship as time progresses.
Sign placements are of least importance in examining a synastry chart. First look at house placements, then secondly look at Aspects, then look at sign placements lastly.
Juno in Earth signs love to dance with their partners
A harmonic chart is a detailed examination of the minor aspects in your chart. A conjunction in the 5th harmonic chart is actually a quintile in the regular natal chart. A conjunction in the 7th harmonic chart is actually a septile in the regular natal chart. 8th harmonic conjunctions are octiles. 9th harmonic conjunctions are noviles. 10th harmonic conjunctions are deciles. And so on so forth with other harmonics. Reasonably, you should only go up to the 36th harmonic but some go as far the 100s but I honestly don’t even know what they’d be looking at at that point.
You should take fixed stars into account for a karmic stellium, conjunctions only of course.
A sesquiquadrate is basically a softened (really weak) mixture of a trine and a quincunx. It’s not good or bad and, in that sense, has a 50/50 deal to it like a conjunction, though it does resemble the trine and quincunx more in aspect. However, if you can’t find information on a sesquiquadrate aspect, it would be wise to examine the conjunction of that aspect first then look at the the trine. Make a watered down hypothesis of the sesquiquadrate aspect after this.
Earth and Fire signs are personal, Air and Water signs are interpersonal
In Vedic astrology, Rahu is the North Node, Ketu is the South Node, Lagna is the Ascendant, and D1, D2, D3, etc are simply referring to your different harmonic charts. So D7 would be the 7th harmonic chart, which shows septiles in the Natal Chart. Rashi refers to the houses.
In Vedic astrology, the natal Navamsa Chart is the indicator of soulmates and marriage. They say to check it to find out more about your future marriage. In Western astrology, we call the Navamsa Chart the 9th harmonic chart.
In your Navamsa Chart, a planet (or planets) that is in the SAME house as it is in your Lagna (Natal Ascendant) Chart is considered to be the most powerful in your chart. Similar to a dominant planet, it is called the vargottma and your destiny is tied to this planet (or planets). This is even more powerful and significant if the planet(s) are with Rahu (North Node).
Realistically, Aspects between venus and mars are NOT indicators of marriage/lifetime commitment. In western astrology, the idealistic views of Venus and Mars have become too inflated; even in Ancient Greek and Rome, many did not correlate marriage with the two frivolous entities of Venus and Mars. They are related more to general love and lust than the more specified love and lust that is present in marriage. You would look to the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Juno for marriage between two people. All four are the basis for stability and compromising in relationships, albeit in different mannerisms. Venus and Mars are secondary to them in all aspects.
The ruler of the 1st and the ruler of the 10th are typically in the same house in the charts of celebrities.
Saturn and Jupiter both in the 1st house people are often very lean and slender
In Vedic astrology, Nakshatras (using sidereal measurements) take up the entire zodiac in 27 divisions. For example, I am Mrigasira Nakshatra Ascendant bc I was born from 23-20’ Taurus to 6-40’ Gemini in Vedic. I am Revati moon because I was born from 16-40’ Pisces to 30 Pisces. It’s confusing at first but super easy to understand if you just google it lol.
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astralcalling · 7 years
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siderealtaurus: Little Astro Things You May Not Have Heard Before PART 1Geminis have sharply angled... http://bit.ly/1XcCAmA
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