#sideways tsss human au
sideways-writes · 4 years
Silver Linings
Title: Silver linings
Fandom(s): Sanders sides
Description: Virgil is walking home late. He’s worried about it but maybe there is something to this ‘positive thinking’ malarkey.
A.K.A. Virgil panics and Roman helps him calm down. Human AU.
Characters: Virgil, Roman, [Patton and Remy are mentioned]
Parings: Prinxety
Tags/warnings: Panic attack, its’ not too bad and it’s not graphic, hyperventilating, shaking, roman’s trying, Human AU, neighbours, hurt comfort, I can’t think of anything else.
Virgil wasn't scared. He was just showing a, perhaps unhealthy, amount of concern.
Yeah, okay, maybe he was scared.
The sun had set about two hours ago and he would never normally be out this late. Patton has needed him to cover a shift at the bakery, his brother had taken a tumble down the stairs that morning and Remy was in no shape to be walking anywhere.
Anything could happen while he was walking down the street. Virgil subconsciously put his hoodie around him partly protection from the harsh elements and partly as a calming gesture.
Only about a block away from his building a group of three or four people came out of a street behind him, obviously drunk, so he began to jog.
All of the fears he had been pushing down and new what-ifs alike were flooding his brain as though a dam had burst. He picked up pace, uncaring of how much attention running might bring to him, and had several near misses with lap-posts and walls before he rounded onto his street.
Heart pounding, he typed in the code to enter his apartment building with shaking fingers. He got in on the second attempt and closed the door with a loud thud that echoed around the empty stair well before giving way to the silence that had proceeded it. Silence had always unnerved Virgil.
With any imminent danger gone the adrenalin was starting to fade and the exhaustion he had felt earlier hit Virgil full force. Panic was still bubbling close to the surface but it was almost manageable now. He just needed to get home.
Pulling himself away from the wall he started to climb the stairs.
Up two floors, first lefty and down the hall exactly half way.
Leaning against the wall once again he started fumbling with his key-ring before a sound behind him made him drop them. Looking around wildly he realised it was just his neighbour, Roman Prince, walking down the hall to his apartment. Expecting the man to ignore him it was a shock when Roman stopped just before him.
“Hey, dude, are you okay there?”
“I’m fine Princy, what do you want?” It came out more harsh than he was intending but Virgil couldn’t find it in himself to care.
Roman looked slightly hurt but his expression quickly reformed into one of concern.
“I don’t want anything, Hot topic, but you’re shaking like a leaf and I’m worried.”
Drawing attention to his panic drew Virgil right back into its depths, the complete antithesis of what Roman was intending.
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry. C’mon emo breath.” -He broke off to mutter to himself for a moment- “uh, 4,7, 8 right. You want me to count you through it?” Virgil shook his head and breathed through it a few times. Things were a little less overwhelming now and the shaking was subsiding. They stood in heavy yet comfortable silence for a minuet before any word were said.
“You alright now? I’m sorry if I overstepped or anything, I was just worried and- ”
Virgil chuckled, “Your good.” before he became self-conscious, “And, uh, thanks, Roman.”
He wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to say but if the blinding smile from the other was any indication it had been along the right lines.
Equally self-conscious, Roman gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze and quickly retreated into his apartment. Blinking a few times Virgil reached down to pick up his keys and did the same. Locking the door behind him he flopped onto the sofa and groaned.
Today had been rather eventful.
First his best friend had fallen down the stairs, then he’d been rushed off his feet at Pat’s bakery before panicking all the way home and almost hyperventilating outside his door only be talked down by his annoying neighbour of a crush.
He would never describe it as pleasant by any means but maybe there was a small, teeny tiny, miniscule, silver lining in all of that and Virgil would be damned if he didn’t hold onto it.
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sideways-writes · 4 years
To AU or not to AU?
That is the question
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