ichayalovesyou · 2 years
The Music of Vulcan
Relevant Kir'Shara Article: What Does A Vulcan Listen To?
Songs from T'Khasi
Songs created by Vulcans, primarily in Vulkansu
Nadordatoran na'o T'Khasi (Tribute to Vulcan)
A mourning dirge for the Vulcan home world composed after it's destruction in the Kelvin Timeline, performed by T'Prion.
The Ballad of Solkar The Slut
A chiding parody ballad recounting the historical event referred to as "First Contact", specifically the handshake transpiring between Ambassador Solkar and Zefram Cochrane. Written by @yel-halansu and performed by @axelastralis
Falor's Journey
An excerpt of the musical epic known as "Falor's Journey" performed by Tuvok (played by Tim Russ) from the Voyager episode "Innocence" in Federation Standard via Universal Translator.
The Works of Sidzhan T'Gai & T'Prion
Sidzhan T'Gai's youtube channel consists of 7 original compositions in various Vulcan musical traditions and styles performed by T'Prion. The titles consist of I'kushizhau Etek Salan (Now We Shape The Wind), Ken-tor Rik'faiyan, Dvel (Choice), Sochya (Peace), IDIC, Kaiidith (What Is, Is), Fmak t'Sochya (Sanctuary of Peace). For more information go to Vulcan Legacy.
Earth Songs in Vulkansu
See the Vulcan Linguistics Post for translation tools!
Ki'orentor (You & I Have Learned)
A poem written by Leonard Nimoy in 1981 and shared on Twitter a few days before his death, translated here into Vulcan (with English subtitles).
How to Save A Life
Original song by The Fray, translated and performed by Denatonia, title translated to "Remembering A Friend" for lyrical restructuring purposes.
Aluk-kumsu (The Wellerman Song)
A translation of the New Zealand whaling shanty that took the internet by storm earlier in the pandemic, translated and performed by myself.
Rom-halan Mahk (The Parting Glass)
A translation of an old Irish drinking song into Vulkansu by myself, since dedicated to Nichelle Nichols and all beloved Star Trek actors now departed from us.
Inspired by Vulcans and Vulkansu
Songs of T'Khasi
A five playlist Masterpost composed by myself of short playlists meant to depict the grander overarching history of Vulcan. From when they first evolved into thinking humanoids in the unforgiving T'Khasi desert, to their ever changing and enlightened future among the stars.
Aluk-kumsu (The Wellerman Song)
A translation of the New Zealand whaling shanty that took the internet by storm earlier in the pandemic, translated and performed by myself.
Pon Farr: An Amok Time Tribute
A fan re-interpretation/playlist recounting the events of of Star Trek: The Original Series' "Amok Time", each song depicting a particular chapter in the narrative.
Vulcan Performance at Unifision
Theoretical waxings on the various stylings of performance from Federation worlds at a United Federation of Planets "Eurovision" instigated by @goddamnshinyrock and @swordfern. With particular description on the Vulcan performance by @aceofwands. Fanart depiction can be found here, created by @sleepysnowfinch!
Click Here to Return to the Vulcan Masterpost (Coming Soon!)
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wildewinged-fr · 6 years
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i love... memes... 
got the base over here! 
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Sidzhand Cousland : Dalish Love
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Not just plomeek soup!
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There is much more to Vulcan cuisine than plomeek soup- or as we call in Vulcan, shur t’plomik.
Vulcan cuisine is dominated by the hardy vegetables and fruits that grow in the desert climate, and, in keeping with Surakian precepts, is entirely vegan. But do not let this make you think it is plain and boring!
The Vulcan body is prepared to conserve as much moisture as possible in the desert weather, and as such, Vulcans secrete much less saliva than humans, which impacts the sense of taste. To compensate for this, most Vulcan dishes are actually really spicy and hot by human standards!
Also of note is that Vulcans become intoxicated when consuming sucrose, not alcohol like humans. Alcohol has no effect on Vulcans, but many fruit juices are very popular due to their intoxicating qualities on the Vulcan physique.
Here’s a list of some other popular Vulcan foods and drinks that aren’t shur t’plomik:
Balkra: a casserole made of a squash-like fruit. It tastes like yellow squash, but it has the texture of mashed potatoes.
Barkaya marak: a vegetable soup tasting like cream of spinach and served warm. It's made from a peanut-like legume native to Vulcan. (The one in the picture below was made by KCGeeks).
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Fori: a type of vegetable, served often in a wide variety of dishes.
Khara: a hardy desert bush with moisture-laden core; the soft edible pulp of its stalks tastes slightly salty.
Klitanta: also spelled Kleetanta. A popular dish, normally served with forati sauce (see below).
Pok tar: a Vulcan dish made of different components. As shown on ENT, it looks like this:
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Pre tarmeeli: a hot and spicy Vulcan vegetable entrée, much like a vegetable curry.
Shur t'bertakk: bertakk soup.
Yarmok: a dish of raw fruits and vegetables often tossed with other ingredients and served with a dressing, what humans would call “a salad” (picture source).
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Yon-bar-kas: Redspice, a spice native to Vulcan.
Forati sauce: a highly spicy sauce that’s very popular in Vulcan, tastes vaguely like garlic.
Ob'taree: "fasting meals”; a high vitamin supplements taken with water during long ritual fasts.
Krei'la: a Vulcan staple resembling flatbread or biscuits, mostly eaten during breakfast. See below for an example, as baked by Sidzhan T’Gai of Kirshara:
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Ameelah: a dessert, similar in taste to a fried banana.
Hirat: a type of fruit native to Vulcan, very similar to Terran grapes.
Kaasa: a blue-green fruit. It is often made into a distilled juice, which humans find very potent.
Pir mah: a Vulcan breakfast item that tastes much like strawberry toast.
Pla-savas: a sweet blue to black-coloured fruit (literally “blue fruit”).
Prusah kisan: a Vulcan fruit custard-like vegan pie.
Savas dukal-yel-travek: also called “globefruit”. A large, spherical fruit native to Vulcan, and known to be one of Sarek's favourite fruits.
Tufeen hushani: a Vulcan dessert, very similar to carrot cake, and usually served at wedding ceremonies.
Yon-savas: a strongly flavoured yellow to red-coloured fruit (literally “fire fruit”).
Sash-savas: a strong, citrus-like, oblong fruit (literally “acid fruit”).
Gespar: a fruit often served for breakfast. It tastes tangy and spicy, and it has a reddish-pink colour. It is grown in the temperate zone of the Kir Province. The rind of the gespar was used in the production of soap and perfume in ancient times.
Birkeen: A sweet Vulcan herb, often used to flavour water.
Hivas: a purple-coloured milkshake-like refreshment.
K'vass: a Vulcan beverage reminiscent of hot-buttered rum, although completely non-alcoholic; it does contain enough sucrose to make it an intoxicating beverage for a Vulcan.
Saya: Highly intoxicating drink made from the juice of a fruit native to Vulcan. The drink is green in colour and has a herbal taste.
Su'aasal: the potent juice of a d'lechu (a type of desert plant similar to a succulent, which has psychotropic properties). It is used ritually to prepare children for bonding ceremonies.
Theris: also called theris-masu. A slightly bitter tea made by steeping leaves of aromatic Vulcan plants in boiling water. In contrast, the Terran style of tea is called tei.
Gespar-masu: the juice of gespar (see above).
Vulcan mocha: a Vulcan take on the popular Terran coffee.
T'mara omi: a green alcoholic beverage produced in Vulcan and normally consumed after meals. Due to its alcohol content it is highly priced in the Federation, even though Vulcans cannot feel its effects. It is commonly known as “Vulcan port”.
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A Vulcan Breakfast
Official Star Trek Cooking Manual by Mary Ann Piccard
Orion Press Lexicon
Memory Alpha
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pocketss · 7 years
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Commission for FR user wildewinged. Sadzhik the perfume maker and his apprentice, Sidzhan.
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fictionandtheatre · 5 years
Everyone please tag yourself with what your Vulcan name would be mine is Tavek which means “unobtainable mountain raptor”
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nirnrootnoises · 6 years
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sneak peek of our upcoming fic of lokiin and sidzhan courtesy of @wildewinged-fr‘s incredible photoshop skills
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Sidzhan Cousland : Redcliffe Life
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Sidzhan Cousland : Broker the Peace
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Sidzhand Cousland : Oak Trees & Werewolves
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Sidzhan Cousland : Archer
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wildewinged-fr · 4 years
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skydancer saturday: sadzhik extended family edition
featuring the man himself, his daughter shael, her children vaikaya and shaya, and sadzhik’s apprentice sidzhan
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wildewinged-fr · 7 years
hmmm new boy came named tomnus and that’s p cute but i also like one of the ones from my list of vulcan names... augh
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Are there any recipes for the Vulcan foods floating around online?
Na’Shaya! There are indeed:
Sidzhan T’Gai of Kirshara has a recipe for krei’la biscuits.
The amazing @foodreplicator has recipes for several Vulcan dishes including Plomeek soup and several types of tea.
Also the Official Star Trek Cooking Manual by Mary Ann Piccard has recipes for ameelah, balkra, pir mah, pre tarmeeli, prusah kisan, and tufeen hushani. Unfortunately I do not have access to this book but if anyone reading this does it’d be great to see some of the Vulcan recipes! The Star Trek Cookbook by Ethan Phillips and William J. Birnes also has a couple.
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Hey! I've been reading the guide to Vulcan names you have linked in your resources, I was wondering if you had a personal interpretation of Tuvok's name meaning? (I know you didn't write the guide I'm just wondering about your thoughts on this) Multiple of the suffixes it explains About in there could fit, and from a look at the T section of the Vulcan dictionary I found online I couldn't find one obvious candidate for the base word. Do you have an idea/opinion on possibilities?
Na’Shaya! I think Sidzhan gave the etymology for Tuvok in his list as Tu Va’khen (way of the Va’khen). A Va’khen is a type of predatory bird that lives in the mountain areas of Vulcan, kind of like an eagle.
Like you said, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact meaning of Vulcan names sometimes because several prefixes might work, and the root words change etymlogically quite a bit for names so other interpretations are also possible. Personally though I think this one works really well! 🙂
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Kaiidth (”What is, is”), a song in Vulcan by the super talented Sidzhan t'Gai!
Lyrics and translation after the cut!
Nam-tor nash kaiidth
Ken-tor hagik tanafsular heh teransular rata t’kaiidth.
Is-tor au ish-veh svi’fereikanlar rik hokni-nahp.
Veshtau ruhm dan-tanafsular kisheyalar.
Puhuplamau kras.
Pupluhnkau masu.
Zatrasha ozhlar nayik kurayalar.
Tusa ein-tanafsular, dva-tor ta puyigahdau fereikan.
Hi nunau yeht-tanafsu kras-thezh, masu-ulidar, il kuraya vi’bikuv.
Nam-tor nash kaiidth.
Trel-tor ozhlar t’teransu fi’ka’athaira eh mavau sa-veh ralash-pitohlar ik ri wedzh-tor sa-veh.
Kuv vesht fa-wak saven-tor sa-veh teran, lau aisha tchachaik’es fa’orensular sa-veh yar-kurau.
Hi kal-tor yeht-teransu ralash-pitohlar kisheik kakhartau teran na’ek-uzh-kharat.
Nazh-tor ralvatif uzh-set’ko eh nam-tor ish-veh weh-rom fna’riyeht-ralash-pitohlar.
Nam-tor nash kaiidth.
Fai-tor rom-masu-halsu ta kuv puk-tor ish-veh tehn’nepilash,
fa-wak shetau ish-veh maut-zungor heh mastevau.
Hi kuv ri shetau ish-veh pahthik, fa-wak kup masu-hal-tor ish-veh na’vla eh fun-tor hagik na’gef.
Tvai kaiidth kal-tor hal-tor heh kal-tor lesh pilash t’ha’kiv etek.
Vun nar-tor etek ta fa-wak katau ish-veh etek na’ridvuyan-masular wilat fa-wak tihetilau ha-pavek k’ten t’urgam.
Nam-tor nash kaiidth.
This is kaiidth.
Artists and composers easily grasp the concept of kaiidth.
They use it in their creations without conscious thought. Even the best painters experience accidents.
Paint is spilled.
Water is splashed.
Eager fingers leave stains.
Some artists weep, believe their work is ruined.
But the true artist fits the paint-drip, watermark, or stain into the picture.
This is kaiidth.
The composer’s fingers slip on the ka’athaira and he plays notes that he did not intend.
If he were teaching composition, his awkwardness in front of students may cause him to turn green [with embarrassment].
But the true composer allows the accidental notes to guide his composition towards a whole new direction.
The melody gains new interest and is better for the wrong notes.
This is kaiidth.
The good swimmer knows that if he fights against the rip current, he will exhaust himself and drown.
But if he does not panic, he will be able to swim to the side and return to the shore with ease.
Kaiidth means letting go and allowing the current of life to carry us.
We must accept that it will bring us to the still waters where the situation will stabilize with less effort.
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