#sif is so fun i'm having a BLAST over here
basilpaste · 3 months
OGGH I managed to reach Act 5 and it was so engrossing I kept playing all day clear through to the end of Act 6! ISAT is such a good game!!!!! All the twists and turns were so engaging and seeing all the lil callbacks and details in Act 5 was sososos good! The way things tied together in Act 6 was so nice n climactic too! I’ll def be thinking abt this game for a while now! I feel a bit bad that I’ll have to hop back and interrupt Sif’s ending and stay in Act 4 a bit longer to get some achievements I missed (mostly the dagger related ones and probably the Loop convos if I don’t get too frustrated with it) but anyway I’m glad excited to finally be able to go through your blog and see all of your posts abt Normal Man Isa-Loops and the posts that I skimmed over now that I can officially see spoilers! Cheers, and thank you again fpr being the one tp make me start up ISAT in the first place! It's been an absolute blast, and I'm already in deep enough that Im planning out a Sif cosplay before even doing my full deep dive into all the fanworks lol! ~ occasionalreplies
oh gosh!!!! im glad you enjoyed the game! its such an incredible story and im so flattered that i was the one to get you to pick it up!!!
isats a great game!!! it really has a way of sucking you in and not letting you go! basically everyone ive talked to about it has said some equivalent of 'i dont want to ruin siffrins happy ending but i NEED to look for everything i missed'.
i hope you enjoy your trip into the achievement-y side of things! the optional stuff is such a fun time!!! and all the fanworks in this fandom are GREAT?? like everyone here is so cool what even.
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originalwar · 5 years
Given / Birth Name : (lady) sif. Nickname / Preferred Name : any title that strikes fear! so just sif works.  Alias(es) : n/a she is what she is.  Birthdate / Age : spring, 994 AD (1025 yrs old)  Place of Birth : asgard.  Current Location : midgard.  Gender Identity : sif’s relationship with womanhood is... complicated. she tends to think of herself as female / neutral.  Sexual / Romantic Orientation : fellas is it gay to... etc, etc (she’s bi with a very strong leaning toward women. if you’re a man you gotta beat her in combat before she’ll think abt you.)  Ethnicity / Race / Cultural Heritage: asgardian.  Marital Status : single. a little bitter. wants a nice spouse to help her clean the blood of her sword at the end of the day. classic romcom set up.  Occupation : warrior.  Religious Beliefs : ????? norse mythology without the mythology part. catch her yelling about valhalla and jumping into traffic to battle oncoming cars. her whole belief system is centered around valhalla and asgardian culture. 
Height : 5′11″  Weight : i have no idea how to gauge an asgardian’s weight!!! marvel wiki tells me 425 lbs.  Body Type / Build : beefy....girl..... tbh she’s shaped more like a dancer but with definitely defined muscles.  Eye Color : dark blue.  Hair Color / Texture : black, black, black --- literally crafted from the blackness of night after loki chopped off her pretty golden locks when she was younger. Recognizable Features / Scars : she’s got too many to count at this point tbh! the most notable tend to be on her arms and knuckles. she doesn’t trust you if you don’t have scars.  Speech Patterns / Accent : she tends to speak a bit more old-fashioned. the longer she spends on earth, the more her speech patterns tend to mirror midgardians re: slang. her accent sounds vaguely british.  Languages Spoken : allspeak.  Powers / Skills / Abilities : strength, longevity, durability, stamina, speed, etc. her own ability as a warrior is one of the strongest in the lands.  Overall Health : look, she’s an asgardian. she’s not going to get the common cold. she has to deal with some mental health stuff, but she’s real good at shoving that deep down and pretending it’s not a thing. so she’s good! all good! completely fine. 
Order of Birth : second born Number of Siblings : 1 Father’s Status + Relationship : unknown.  Mother’s Status + Relationship : she was raised by nine mothers in a communal setting. who knows who actually gave birth to her! not me! not sif! when she was old enough to hold a weapon though, they sent her off to training. she never saw them again and does not particularly care to. she’s not a real sentimental person, especially when it comes to family.  Sibling Status + Relationship : heimdall (brother) --- their relationship is hardly existent.  heimdall is all-seeing, and sif believes that he holds little affection for her. even still, she cares for him ( as in he’s fine ) and will defend him if needed. he actually loves her quite a bit. they have never exchanged a hug before.  Loyalty / Affiliation : asgard, always. 
MBTI : estj.  Hobbies : killin’....... she also loves loves loves the beach and collecting seashells? it’s dumb but she loves them. she really really loves them. she ends up losing them almost immediately but like. it keeps her going sometimes. she also likes forging her own weapons and armor! learning about things like that.  Bad Habits : she tends to just put her weapon (typically dirty ya know) anywhere with little regard for where that somewhere is, she will just take off her boots and let her feet stink up the place, she is kind of rude and does not have a lot of basic table manners. sif’s personality is one bad habit.  Three Positive Traits : she has fun w her work! (she does not get stressed in high level situations — she really thrives in them and knows when to let loose and make dumb jokes afterward), fiercely loyal, determined.  Three Negative Traits : a little dumb in that her belief is very Centered and she does not ever seek to challenge that belief, obsessively competitive (and willing to push herself to any lengths to win), cocky, and this is a fourth but important one — she’s GROSS. she shoves ten pizzas in her mouth and then belches and then laughs abt it for a solid minute.  Moral Alignment : lawful neutral. 
One Song : when they fight, they fight - generationals (catch sif playing this when she goes into battle. she does not get the point of the song but she LOVES it.) she likes synths a lot. she doesn’t think it’s music but she loves it.  One Quote / Piece of Art : cleopatra - john william waterhouse One Fear : not reaching her full potential as a warrior. watching asgard get beaten down until it falls. also she can’t stand swarming ants --- but she’s NOT afraid of them, she swears!!  One Strength : she’s beefy!!! literal strength. emotionally? she’s blunt and she considers that a strength.  One Object : her sword... it can cleave through DIMENSIONS!!  One Place : a campfire.  One Food : pizza... she eats an upsetting amount whenever she comes to earth.  One Scent : the sea.  One Lucky Charm : thor. :-) 
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 2
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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In the aftermath of the battle, the Marauders had all been shackled together and lined up for their trip back to Asgard, and to prison. Escorted by the Einherjar, they made their way over to where Heimdall would open the Bifrost. All the while the Vanir watched, thankful that their realm was now free from danger. The Vanir sighed. Yes, their campground and village had been destroyed and mostly burned down in the fierce battle, but they would rebuild. They were a strong race, and this is what made them a part of the Nine Realms.
Hogun the Grim was talking to a Vanir woman and her child, but broke off his conversation to rejoin Thor. “I am ready,” the warrior said, his mace at his side.
“No,” Thor began, as he gently placed his hand on the warrior’s chest. “The peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms. It’s best to be where your heart is. For now, Asgard can wait.”
Hogun clenched his black mace. He wanted Thor to know that this was his battle just as much as it was Thor’s. He wanted Thor to know that he would fight till the end to bring peace, not only to Vanaheim, but to the Nine Realms. Yet Hogun didn’t have to say this. After years of battling monsters, Frost Giants, and ungodly beasts, these two friends had an unspoken bond. Thor knew how Hogun felt. And Thor also knew that Hogun had a family to watch over. Hogun closed his eyes and sighed, then looked over at his family. Thor was right.
Hogun the Grim nodded to the Mighty Thor, grateful and thankful for his old friend’s compassion. If it wasn’t for Thor, Hogun’s people and family would not be here. “You have my thanks,” Hogun said as the two clasped wrists.
“And you, mine,” Thor said as Hogun returned to his hillside ridge and his wife and child.
“Thor looked to the bright, blue skies to signal the keeper of the Bifrost, the all-seeing, all-knowing sentry Heimdall. “Heimdall, when you are ready!” But as the Bifrost blasted down from the sky and transported everyone back to Asgard”
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Loki is in his cell pacing back and forth. Thinking of all the events that had happened.
This is about someone else you are not worthy of.
What does it mean to be worthy of someone? Odin brought Y/n here to spite him to show him what he lost and could never get back. But he didn’t let that worry him right now. He was more concerned about Y/n, those black veins appeared on neck when she was feeling stressed out.
“Does Y/n have another power?” he mumbled to himself.
Y/n appears in behind Loki. “My lord or is it my prince ?” Y/n wondered. “I don’t know nothing about royal customs.”
“How are you here?” Loki questioned as he walks up to Y/n and touches her face.
“Odin gave me the two weeks.” Y/n answered.
“I find that hard to believe.” Loki divulged.
“Wow I thought the dungeons would be dark and gloomy.” Y/n said looking around.
“Well this dress looks familiar.”
“It does doesn’t it.”
Loki grabs Y/n’s hand and spin her around and they start to sway. “Your mother is amazing and so beautiful.”
“Yes she is but I think I met a person who’s is equally as beautiful.” Loki said dipping Y/n, while doing so he looks at her neck and doesn’t see the black veins.
“I do not know of such person.” Y/n said with a smile.
“Me neither. But I guess only time will tell.”
Y/n looks at Loki, this is what true happiness is being with him even if it’s in a cell. It’s like a longing feeling she’s been having is gone. Y/n lends up and kisses Loki with every in her. The kiss was soft and slow, revealing the intensity of the moment. He pulled away and catches his breath.
“I miss you.” Loki said staring deep into Y/n’s eyes
“I miss you.” Y/n said without missing a beat.
Loki grabs Y/n in his arms and start to sway. He know that he shouldn’t ask about it but he can’t help it he has to know if something is wrong, if she’s ok.
Y/n had laid her head on Loki’s shoulder lost in the moment. “Mmh.”
“Are your powers growing?” Loki said with a voice soft with affection.
“Ya, why you ask.”
“Black veins appeared on neck earlier.”
“Powers are connected to my emotions so when ever I feel strongly about something they start to flares up.” Y/n explained.
“You are going to be alright?” Loki said with a worried voice.
“Ya I am....now.” Y/n said as she lean back and wraps her arms around his neck then looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. “Since we’re asking questions, we’re you ok....back on earth?”
“Of course.” Loki lied.
“It’s just....you feel like how you was in the dream world.” Y/n said not convince.
“We are in your mind......perhaps it was something you did.” Loki said in his best to take the conversation off him.
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Heavy broadswords clashed against shields, spears were thrown at high velocity toward their targets, and armored guards battled against one another in elaborate war games. Led by Tyr, the Einherjar drill instructor known for the metal hand that replaced the real one that he had lost long ago in glorious battle, these were the Asgardian training grounds, and they were very, very active. Above it all circled two large black ravens. They watched the proceedings with keen interest before landing on a ledge next to the King of Asgard, Odin Allfather, who looked down at his troops. While still a great sovereign leader, Odin was growing older, and with age came the fatigue and weariness that only ruling can bring.
“Is Vanaheim secure?”
“As are Nornheim and Ria. Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore.” Thor said in a level way.
“You must think I'm a piece of bread that needs to be buttered so heavily.” Odin said in a curious tone.
“That was not my intent.” Thor said in his best way to assure Odin.
“For the first time since the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms are at peace. They're well reminded of our strength and you have earned their respect and my gratitude.” Odin proclaimed proudly.
“Thank you.”
“Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart.”
“This isn't about Jane Foster, Father.”
“Human lives are fleeting, they are nothing.” Odin declared. “You'd be better served by what lies in front of you.” Odin said as he briefly turns to look at Sif. “I'm telling you this not as the all-father but as your father. You are ready. The time has come for you to take the throne. Embrace and celebrate what you've won. Join your warriors. Eat and drink, revel in their celebration......At least pretend to enjoy yourself.”
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And as they celebrate, as he watches the others enjoying themselves it's obvious his heart is not in it, he walks over to the balcony to join Sif.
“There was a time you would celebrate for weeks.” Sif said with a moment's reflection.
“I remember you celebrated the battle of Haragon so much that you nearly started a second.” Thor teased softly.
“Well, the first was so much fun.” Sif joked.
They both smile. “Take a drink with me. Surely the All-Father could have no further task for you tonight.”
“No, this is one I set myself.” Thor said with his mind else where.
“It has not gone unnoticed that you disappear each night. There are Nine Realms.
Future king of Asgard must focus on more than one.” Sir said sounded slightly brittle.
“I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif.” he turns and walks off the balcony. As he’s about to leave the palace he hears a familiar voice, with curiosity he follows the sound.
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Y/n and Gambit are outside on the balcony looking over Asgard. Both of them makes an check mark in the air to symbolize that they’ve been inside a castle/palace not knowing that they wanted to. Y/n still can’t believe she’s here she never thought she would be able to come to Asgard.
“The king is letting me stay for two weeks.” Y/n announced walking on the edge of the balcony.
“Because of Loki. Y’know I would love to meet him.” Gambit said as his eyes burning a darker red then before.
“Ya, no that’s not happening, he’s not met you.“ Y/n aughed.
“Why not?” Gambit said in a curious way.
“I can see it now the ‘dad talk ‘if you hurt my Y/n, I’ll hunt you down.’” Y/n said waving her finger at Gambit.
“Hell he needs to know that if he hurts you I’ll kill him.” Gambit said meaning the words more seriously than they sounded.
You will kill him and my dad would bring him back and kill him again and then kill me for falling for him
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok here? I know your powers are growing and any little thing could set you off.” Gambit said, kneading his face.
Y/n gets down from the balcony and walks over to Gambit. She puts both of her hands on his shoulders. “Gambit, I’m gonna be fine.” Y/n said with a warm smile. “You don’t have to worry.”
“Petit, I always worry.” Gambit said, pursing his lips.
”And I love you for it.” Y/n said with a smile.
Y/n grabs Gambit arm and they walks off the balcony. “Let go back to the celebration. I don’t think we’ve drink enough.”
“Petit, you had four glasses of wine.” Gambit exposed.
“My water intake makes it really hard to get drunk you know that. I just feel funny but in a good way.” Y/n explained.
Gambit laughs.
“I could fly you around the city.” Y/n said giggled. “We’ll get to see very thing then.”
“Y/n?!” Thor called out from down the hallway.
“Thor!” Y/n speed walks over to him. “I thought you were on Vanaheim.”
“I was.” Thor said bear hugging Y/n. “How are you here?”
“Your father brought me here.” Y/n answered.
“Because of Loki.” Thor noted.
“Ya he’s supposed to spin the rest of his days in the dungeons.” Y/n said with an eye roll.
“Loki gets what he deserves.” Thor remarked.
“Come on now we’re doing the tough guy act.....how’ve you’ve been?”
“Fine.” Thor said in a casual tone.
“Lier.” Y/n said with a small smile.
Gambit finally makes his way up to Thor and Y/n. “Thor this is Gambit, Gambit this is Thor.”
“The god of thunder..Y/n has told me a lot about you.” Gambit said holding it his hand for Thor to shake.
Thor shakes Gambit’s hand. “I wish I can say the same but it is my fault.”
“Don’t worry bout.” Gambit said with flashing eyes.
“We was just about to get A tour of the palace but the person disappeared.....” Y/n trailed of.
“I could show you around.” Thor suggested.
“I would like that.” Y/n smiled.
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It was a typically rainy day in London, and astrophysicist Jane Foster was nervous. She was running late for a meeting, but not one that had to do with science or what had happened a few years back in New Mexico. Nor was it anything S.H.I.E.L.D.-related. No, for Jane, this was much worse: Jane had a date.
Jane regarded herself in her bedroom mirror as she put on more eye shadow. Then, for the fourth time in five minutes, she brushed her brown hair. Then she fixed her shirt again. Then it was back to her hair. With a sigh, Jane finally gave in. She grabbed her jacket and made her way through her tiny flat to the door, passing a variety of scientific equipment along the way. As Jane slammed the door, she was unaware that one of her scanners had suddenly come to life and begun to go haywire.
“Inside the Italian restaurant, Jane hid her face behind her menu, lifting it only slightly to peek across at her date, Richard, and give him a practiced smile. It was clear, at least to her, that she did not want to be there. Jane is looking at her menu feeling awkward when Richard slides a napkin in front of her with the word 'Hi' written on it.
“So what's the story with you?” Richard asked.
“Why does there have to be a story, there's no story.” Jane answered.
“You've spent the first ten minutes of our date hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it. It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane. I think there's a story and I'm thinking the story involves a guy?” Richard wondered.
“It's complicated.” Jane disclosed.
“Is he still around?” Richard asked.
“No, he...went away.” Jane answered.
“I've been there. The going away, it's hard. I'd been seeing a woman and uh...she took a job in New York, eventually the distance killed it. And...and the fact that she uh...she kept sleeping with other dudes.” Richard explained.
“No!” Jane said in horror.
“Oh, so many.”
Darcy walks up to Jane and Richard's table.
“Hi. Um...could we get some wine please?” Richard asked.
“Sure, I'd love some.” Darcy said looking at Richard.
“Richard, this is Darcy.” Jane explained then she looks over at Darcy. “What are you doing here?”
Darcy grabs a chair from the opposite table and drags it across to their table.
“Oh, hello.”
Darcy sits next to Jane and helps herself to a piece of bread and starts buttering it.“So, I show up to work at the lab-slash-your mom's house, fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas eating ice cream obsessing about you know who...
“But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes, you even showered, didn't you? You smell good.” Darcy said with a encouraging smiles.
“Is there a point to all this, cause there really has to be a point to all this.” Jane stated.
“Right. You know that scientific equipment you don't look at anymore? You might wanna start looking at it now.” Darcy said gives Jane the gadget.
“This is the reason we came all the way out here.” Darcy started.
“It's malfunctioning.” Jane answered.
“That's what I said.”
Jane starts hitting the gadget on the table.
“That's what I did! But you just hit a little more scientific.” Darcy said as she shrug her shoulders.
“I’m sure it's nothing.” Jane remarked.
“Yeah.” Richard agreed.
Jane hands the gadget back to Darcy. “It didn't look like nothing. Kind of looks like the readings that Erik was rambling about.” Darcy said to Jane then look over at Richard. “Our friend Erik, kind of went banana-balls.”
“He's not interested. I'm not interested. Time for you to go now.” Jane said with a controlled smile.
“Okay.” Darcy rises and drags her chair back to where she got it from, then turns and walks off.
“Short but sweet.” Richard expressed.
“She needs help.” They start looking at their menus again, but Jane looks distracted by what Darcy told her.
“I think I'm gonna have the sea bass.” Richard announced.
“Sea bass. Yeah, sea bass is good.” Jane nodded agreeably.
To herself as she thinks about what Darcy showed her. “Sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass...sea bass. Sea bass...”
“Jane, maybe you should stop saying sea bass and go out to your friend.” Richard suggested.
Jane looks at him awkwardly. “This was so fun.”
“You know, I'll just stay here and say sea bass alone.”
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