#sigh. i love don't starve so much but god damn i also hate it sometimes
imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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liljungie · 5 years
Pawn To Rescue | 2
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Science Student Jungkook
Word count: 2k
*Italic is jungkook's thoughts*
Part one is [here]
Warnings: blood and a few swear words.
× I'm gonna make a tag list let me know if you want to be added so you're notified whenever I post PTR parts :)
A/N: I don't like to describe body shapes in my stories because I don't know what the reader is imagining so I'm sorry if it bothers you, you and your body are beautiful and loved❤. But this is just to paint a picture that the girl is extremely mistreated by umbrella. Enjoy reading.
After he safely got the girl inside he felt less paranoid. He took a deep breath after the door was closed shut and locked. Usually he would just turn the lock once. But he locked it twice then turned to her. She was looking around the place.
Thankfully Jungkook wasn't a messy guy. He liked his surroundings to be clean although his desk will always be messy. And that just goes back to this weird thing about him where if his desk is clean he can't study. Other than that the dorm was clean and inviting.
"Don't worry I live alone" he walks towards his bedroom to grab his phone. He quickly typed something on it and sent it in the group chat before he tossed the phone and jogged back to her. Smiling softly at her. he figured she must be thirsty so he made his way towards the kitchen and filled up a cup of water then walked towards her handing her the cup.
The way she looked at it was like how a man looked at a treasure. Which made Jungkook wonder, so not only they starve them they also leave them to dry? because he swore that he only blinked then the water was gone completely from the glass cup.
He giggles and takes the cup from her trembling hands. "Let me fill it for you again...or would you prefer juice?" He asked softly. He knew she doesn't talk. Probably doesn't know how to. Or did umbrella cut off their tounges too? So they couldn't scream if they were tortured. Whichever way he still wanted to talk to her even if she doesn't reply. It makes things less...awkward.
But a soft spoken question made his pupils dilate "juice?" She asks staring at him with a questionable look. He laughs and lets out a sigh of relief. She talks! His research is going to be so much easier now.
"Y-Y-You...You're..t-talking!" The cup dropped from his hands shattering into pieces. Jungkook and the girl flinched from the sound of it falling but he is far more interested in the fact that she talks.
He places his arms tightly on her upper arms."You can speak!" She stared at him and nodded her head quickly. Jungkook looks between her eyes. Back and fourth. He let's go of her when he sees that she's a bit scared of him now. She must be thinking 'What he never saw a girl talk?' When he steps away from her the glass breaks beneath his feet and he realizes he should clean it up. He squats down and begins to collect the pieces.
Just now he noticed that she was barefoot and the glass was digging in her skin. Horrified at the scene. He pushes her lightly backwards away from the bigger, sharper pieces. Even though it was too late."the glass is cutting you! You didn't feel that?" He shouted-ask. She frowns and stares at her feet then back up at his face "i-it didn't hurt" she whispers. Jungkook clinches his jaw. it was going to drop. How can she not feel the pain? Although that made him confused he was far more concerned about her bleeding foot. So he collected the bigger pieces as quickly as he could then he turns to her and picks her up.
She let's out a yelp of surprise and continues to stare at him. Confused of course.He places her on the bathroom counter turning her feet towards the sink. He turns on the faucets and looks at his side. Where she sat biting her nails and staring at him. "I'm going to take them out of your feet..tell me when it hurts okay?" He firmly spoke to her. Concentrating on the task at hand.
She nodded and he turned his sight back to her feet. Which were so muddy and scratched. just in terrible shape. Did she crawl out of hell? He looks at her then pulls out the biggest piece of the three. The wound started to bleed so he places a cloth to stop the bleeding. Then pulls the other two. They didn't bleed as much as the first.
He noticed how her eyes flinched when he took the pieces out. He tended her wounds and wrapped up her foot in a bandage. "All done!..you didn't even flinch good girl!" He praises then turns to her she looks up from her hands that were on her knees and for the first time she smiles back. "T-Thank you" she softly tells him then he picks her up again.
Jungkook only smiles and places her on the couch "there's still glass on the floor that I have to clean up so don't put your feet on the floor just yet okay?" He tells her. already gone to look for the vacuum.
.                                         .                                       .
Jungkook lays down on the couch next to her and let's out a sigh. He ended up vacuuming the living room and his room because he hadn't vacuumed in awhile. His neat freak instincts were turned on as soon as the vacuum cleaner sound buzzed.
Then he hears a stomach gurgling.It wasn't his. He turned to her. Her eyes were too focused on the screen rather than her stomach. He got up and headed to the kitchen. He eyed the ingredients in his fridge. She'd probably eat anything. He's sure she doesn't have favorites.
He still wanted her to eat something that tastes good and something that'll fill up her stomach. He went for peanut butter sandwiches. Then walked towards her. She was still looking at the damn screen he was a bit annoyed at her so he turned it off. When he switched off the TV she looked at him. Finally! "I made food" he mentions for her to follow him and she does.
"These are called sandwiches.." He tells her then slides the plate towards where she's sitting on the kitchen island. "And juice is any type of fruit that is umm.. squeezed" he cringed at his explanation but he hopes to God she understood him and knows what 'fruits' are even though she stopped paying attention when he slid her the plate and she began to devour it.
She started coughing but continued to eat. Which made jungkook's eyebrows furrow "hey hey- slow down! the sandwich is not going to fly!" he scoffs then pushed the banana juice towards her "wash it down with this" she took the bottle and chugged it down. Never in his life he saw someone eat the way she just did.
What the hell was umbrella doing to these patients? He understood why she was eating the way she did. The girl barely has weight on. When he carried her. She was so light and her bones felt like they'd snap between his hands. Her face however looked healthy. Besides the few cuts she gotten from the Bush earlier. But other than that she is beautiful...wait...am I really observing her...like that. He shakes his head to get rid of these thoughts. He'll take her back to umbrella as soon as his research is over.
He is not allowed to get attached or feel any type of way towards her! She's his patient now. And when he's done figuring out why umbrella wants her back so bad he will personally drive her to umbrella's headquarters. Where she belongs.
"I just realized...we don't know each other's names" he laughs scratching the back of his neck "do you even have one?" He asks. she looks at him and nods with her eyes. She finished eating minutes ago. "Well...mine is Jungkook...and yours is?" He raises one of his eyebrows questionly she swallowed then spoke "Z" he repeats it "Zee?" She shakes her head no repeatedly pointing to the tag attched to her lab gown "Z" then it hits him. "just one letter?" He asks She nods "hmmm definitely unique" he murmurs under his breath.
"So tell me Z why didn't you talk from the beginning?" He scoots closer to where she was seating "I was afraid that you wouldn't feed me...because if we talk they don't feed us" she slowly answers. Making his curiosity grow bigger. "Who's they?". "The Titan and sometimes doctor X and his nurses" his eyes grow wide. 'Did she just say titan?' "Who is the titan?" He asks confused and a bit scared. "He's big and... tall and- and he is programmed to guard us" she mutters.
Programmed? Hmm. "Us? You mean there's another girl like you?" She nods her head "no we're 15" 15 patients?! Who were her age mayhaps younger. why did umbrella keep them hidden? And on top of that guard by a titan! Normal security guards couldn't do the job?. He scoffs.
Should he be worried about Z now? He's starting to doubt the idea of keeping her here. She could be dangerous. And from what he just heard. Guard by a Titan! She must be or have something that is out of this world.
"Tell me about the other 15 patients...are they like you? You're all girls?" She looks away from him "no we're all very different. No one is like me and I'm not like them." She stops and takes a deep breath and continues "there used to be more of us...but the doctors- they- they killed them...and no, not all of them are girls" she spoke trembling "please don't let me go back there...they'll inject me with it-" then she broke down crying. They'll inject her?
Jungkook started to panic. The last time a girl cried in front of him was lucy..his first and last girlfriend. he took her on the ferriswheel and after they came down she puked and apparently she had a phobia of vomiting and then she started crying and kept crying until jungkook's brother came and drove them home. The very next day she broke up with him. said she was too embarrassed to be with him after what happened. Guess girls hate ferriswheel.
Z wasn't hysterically crying but she was crying nonetheless. He didn't know what to do. He felt so helpless. He awkwardly tapped her shoulder "I'm not going to take you back" 'not anytime soon at least' he thought to himself. "I'm sorry Z...don't cry please..." he cringed at his lack of manhandling the poor girl then an idea popped up in his head. She really liked the TV.  "let's go watch TV instead...is that alright?" He said cheerfully taking her by her hands.
She stopped crying. And followed him closely towards the living room. the sound of the doorbell made the both of them jump. Both of their hearts stopped. Her words were swirling like a tornado in his head.
'Titian, Titian, Titian he is the one who is ringing the doorbell.. he is here to take you' jungkook quickly snapped out of it and pushed Z aside. "I'll go check who it is and I'll be back yeah?" He reassured her then tiptoed towards the door he glanced from the peephole to see three figures outsides and from the way they stood he knew...
They were his dorky friends. Did he really forget that he texted them to come over as soon as he brought Z inside?
He let out a shaky breath of relief. He walked towards her "they're just my friends okay? I invited them" he tells her Turing back to open the door for them.
"What took you so long?! were you masturba-" yugyeom words were cut short and stopped dead in his tracks along with the other two stunned boys when their eyes landed on Z. Who stood like a deer caught in headlights in the living room when she saw them walk in. When umbrella's logo on her gown twinkled in the light. It was like as if they saw a banshee.
"fucking hell jungkook! she's one of umbrella's children!" Yeonjun shouts with a terrified expression.
/for those who don't know/
-Banshee is a female spirit whose wailing warns of a death in a house.
-Titan is an extremely large and powerful person.
(Search for resident evil mr X to get a clearer picture)
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