#sighhh. shit sucks dog
songship · 6 months
where do you find people to talk to online who don't suck, asking for a friend
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jinkicake · 2 years
Trying to pull for my counterfeit joestar and he’s just not acting right😔 BUT YOU ARE SO RIGHT BUTING THAT STAR WOULD MAKE HIM BLUE SCREEN AND THEN ABSOLUTELY DESTROY YOU😩 I was just reading a thing about his clone fucking everywhere he can, like imagine albedo just muttering away at his desk and you come to bring him food bc fucking remember to eat and not overwork yourself 🙄 and he’s like “ that you I appreciate it, by the way can you help me with something?” And it’s him testing new potions on you😔 like if your the traveler he will be constantly dragging you into your teapot bc he can fuck you as loud as he wants there👀 I feel like he has a nice dick idk he was scientifically made to be perfect so his dick gotta be the same nice length with a good girth that makes you stare in shock like “ this mf was just hiding that??” I do adore unhinged possessive albedo who will fuck you in-front of his clone to show that your his and into he can fuck you like this…. BUT IM FOR THE STREETS SO IM PLACEING MYSELF INTO HIS AND KAEYA’S CAPABLE HANDS🥰 like they’re so mean bc kaeya likes to tease you and albedo is like how can He make you unravel the fastest. Like kaeya telling bc you how good you are and how well your taking him and albedo using his mouth to absolutely break you and he is gunna stare you dead in the eyes the whole time he sucks at eye contact any other time but when he’s fucking you he wants to see evey face you make. This mf the type to a look at you and slide it in slow
“ your doing so well for me love,just keep taking it for me.”
Like he makes people flustered on purpose bc he’s brutally honest and doesn’t get social cues so your teasing himself like “awwww you starring pretty hard, you like what you se😏” he will look you DEAD IN THE FUCKING EYE without missing a beat and be like
“ yes I do, seeing you like this makes me want to take you over that table right now and make you cum until your crying 😐”
And you’re sitting there slack jawed like,,,, hello?? And when you turn into a human tomato he’s like “??? You asked??? Is it not appropriate to talk about my desires?” DGDHDJ like he’s so open and honest you don’t need to guess what he’s thinking bc he will just say shit. Rip if you try and seduce him bc he will either not get it, get it and completely ignore you to see how far you will go, or sigh, get up from his desk and put your legs over his shoulders and just keep going until your begging him to slow down trying to grab his hands that are gripping your waist for dear life and this little shit will just smile and say” isn’t this what you asked for? You’ll take everything I have to give you” like possibly a breeding kink??👀just more about filling you up and watching it drip out of you. Like albedo is NASTY I can tell oh my god my chest hurts😭 he will do shit that has you covering your face bc where tf did he learn that?? Once again inviting Kaeya over to help you go dumb, like he knows Kaeya has the height so you can have a size kink as a treat🥰🥰 but since he’s not coming home I’m just gunna eat out sucrose infront of him while he’s like tied to a chair like nah you can’t get get anything bc your bad😤😤
omg how many wishes have you spent already? YOU STILL HAVE TIMEEEEEE!!!
theres just something abt albedo and his clone mmmmm,,,, hehehe like yes to fucking the clone and super yes to albedo getting jealous and hate-fucking because of his jealousy of the clone.... yeah! (that kinda reminds me of the xiaos..... kinda need to get raw dogged by both of them tbh)
DO NOTTTTT COME HERE TALKING TO ME ABOUT FUCKING KAEYA AND ALBEDO AT THE SAME TIME bc i will become the nastiest person on the planet..... there's just something about them sighhh
your albedo is so cute, i honestly never thought too much about him other than his ties to khaenriah but now im starting to understand the albedo love.... i truly am... from an albedo lore stan to an albedo love stan..... wow
nawrrrr albedo is NASTY i know he enjoys finishing inside and he literally cums buckets LMFAOOOOOO like it would be everywhere and he'd be so fascinated w it and probably would end up fingering it back into you.... you know,,,, for science~
also i knowwwww hed probs lose his mind in that chair LMAO like RIP the ties and break it.... ooooooh-
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pettrichore · 6 years
hnnng i know what you mean. i talk to 3 people on the reg, my sis and our parents. and it drives me fucking crazzyyyyy :') i never leave the house bc i can't drive and shit. and sometimes i sit alone for 8/9 hours bc everyone else is at work/school and if i didn't have my dog and daydreaming, i'd go insane for sure. sighhh but long story short, not having irl friends sucks so muchhh :'((( lol -lonely anon
aw man im so sorry that ghhh that really sucks. i feel for you man.. i hope you find a way to get out and can meet new ppl you like to hang out with bc finding ppl to hang w that u end up not liking is Not fun.. aka me all through high school (except freshy year) but yeah im just. idk i guess i got a sense of cabin fever sorta. and a big ole case of the late night lonelies.. BUT yEa i hope you become the NOT lonely anon asap!!! you seem v sweet and ppl deserve to interact w others
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