dianapopescu · 2 months
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7 august: Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla, una dintre cele mai mari femei ascetice din România, s-a născut în satul Vânători, din județul Neamț, în prima jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea, și a fost una din cele două fiice ale lui Ștefan Joldea și soției lui. https://www.diane.ro/2024/08/7-august-sfanta-teodora-de-la-sihla.html
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jurnaldebucovina · 10 months
E cel puţin interesant să descoperi un autor american, destul de cunoscut, că vorbeşte intr-un articol despre bogaţia şi sărăcia SUA şi a lumii occidentale, oferind ca soluţie pentru problemele identificate în societatea actuală tocmai viaţa cuvioasei Teodora de la Sihla….3 minute de lectura, merită! O scenă urâtă (dar din nefericire din ce în ce mai des văzută) s-a petrecut recent în New…
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acumtv · 2 years
Sfințirea bisericii ”Sf. Mare Mucenic Dimitrie Izvorâtorul de Mir și Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla”
Sfințirea bisericii ”Sf. Mare Mucenic Dimitrie Izvorâtorul de Mir și Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla”
Sfințirea bisericii ”Sf. Mare Mucenic Dimitrie Izvorâtorul de Mir și Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla”
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Baishi Pahacha Odia Book By Pandita Daityari
Baisi Pahacha is a mix of two words 'Baisi' and 'Pahacha'. In nearby Odia language 'Baisi' signifies '22' and 'Pahacha' signifies 'Step', so 'Baisi Pahacha' signifies '22 Stages'. These 22 stages found at the 'Simha Dwara', the Lion's entryway of Master Jagannath sanctuary, Puri. Subsequent to entering the Lions' door of the sanctuary, lovers need to climb these 22 sacred moves toward arrive at the second internal entryway (known as Baisi Pahacha Gumuta), in the wake of passing the second entryway they will arrive at the patio from where they can get into the fundamental sanctuary to see Ruler Jagannath.
According to belief, all sins of the devotees disappear who touch these steps even once, so devotees usually touch these 22 steps in hand while climbing them and also allowed their children to slowly roll over these steps from the top to the bottom in expectation of spiritual bliss. Pilgrims get a sense of fulfillment after putting a fleck of dust from the surface of these 22 steps on their forehead. Width of the middle 15 steps varies from 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 3 inches and the rise is 6 inches to 7 inches. The size of the remaining 7 steps is smaller in length and width. A black color stone known as 'Yama Shila' is engraved in the middle of the 3rd step. As per the belief, devotees must step on this stone while going up the steps because it frees themfrom 'Yama Danda' (Punishment of Yama, the God of death), ' but must not step on this stone on their way back since it will take away all the 'Punya' (values collected after visiting Lord Jagannath temple).
Various holy activities and rituals are performed on these 22 steps throughout the year, out of those 'Sradha' ritual is the most important one. Sradha is the annual Pinda Daana ritual of Hindus, a ritual in which food is offered to the ancestors, is usually performed on both sides of these 22 steps. The ancestral souls are believed to be satisfied by it. There is a small stone on the 7th step known as 'Pitru Shila'. Devotees offer Anna Mahaprasad, the holy rice of the temple that has been offered to Lord Jagannath, to this stone for feeding their ancestors to liberate their departed souls. It is also believed that during the annual car festival several Gods, Goddesses, Demi Gods, other heavenly bodies, the souls of the ancestors (near the Pitru Shila), Chitragupta and Yamadootas (near the Yama Sihla)came to these steps to see the grand Pahandi ceremony of Lord Jagannath. Madana Mohana, the representative idol of Lord Jagannath, offers Pinda Daana on these steps to his ancestors (Nanda and Yashoda, Devaki and Vasudeva, Koushalya and Dasaratha). Another ritual known as 'Badabadia Daka' (call the elders) is performed on these steps on the day of Deepavali. Devotees burn kaunria kathis (bundle of a particular kind of sticks which easily catch fire) on these steps on the Deepavali day to light up the path of their ancestral souls. The idols of Kasi Biswanath, Lord Rama, Nursingha and Ganesha have been installed on the southern side of the Baisipahacha.
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gokhan-gulmez · 8 months
Haber merkezimizin Kurşunlanmasını Önleyen Bahçelievler İlçe Emniyetine Teşekkürler
Bu gün güne güzel başladık ancak Sabah gelen telefonla Uzun zamandır Bizleri Ölümle Tehdit eden Uyuşturucu Satıcısı Telefonda İçtiği uyuşturucununda etkisiyle arayarak Haber merkezimizi kurşunlıyacağını Sihla tarayacağım diyerek Tehdit edince bizde derhal İstanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğünü telefonla arayarak durumu bildirdik. İstanbul Emniyet müdürlüğüyle daha biz telefonla konuşurken bir baktık Bizim…
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La ragazza non resiste e bacia il giornalista australiano durante le riprese tv: “Sei molto carino”
Colto alla sprovvista, il giornalista australiano è stato interrotto durante le riprese televisive da una donna che lo ha baciato sulla guancia. Il video immortalata JohnPaul Gonzo, del Network 10 News First, mentre conduce, in piedi, con il microfono in mano, davanti alla chiesa di Santa Teodora di Sihla nella capitale moldava di Chisinau. Il reporter era impegnato nella realizzazione di un…
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tomaslacika · 4 years
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Meandre Kamenisteho potoka. . This place was absolutely amazing. Forgotten village in the middle of the mountains, almost 1000m above sea level with a creek curved like this for good 5 kilometers. Another perfect sunset on a perfect place. The only thing worrying me were bear-like sounds from the surrounding forest. . By tge way, sater is very clean. Its color is red because of copper ore in the mountains. . #sihla #meandrekamenistehopotoka #meandre #meander #polana #brezno #detva #hrinova #klenovskyvepor #rudohorie #zabudnutemiesta #creek #slovenskojekrasne #naturephotography #sunsetphotography #sunset #copper #copperore #natureloversgallery #slovenskonafotke #slovakiatravel #slovakianaturehd #slovenskobezfiltrov #slovakwild #slovakadventures #europe #traveller #travelblog #travelphotography #travellingthroughtheworld . . @photographersf4f @thevisionphotos @na.ture.photo @photoslovakia @canonczsk @canon_photos @canon.photographers @livingslovakia @thisisslovakia (at Sihla) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEneMFnQvF/?igshid=1fsf6ryk30zi6
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mercuryislove · 3 years
happy funny question Friday, what are your OCs favorite Sonic drinks?
once again i am asking that you pretend i'm answering this in a timely manner instead of four days later on a tuesday night ._.
also for what it's worth, when i go to sonic i get either an m&m blast (with an extra scoop of m&ms) or a cherry limeade. i used to love the hot fudge malt, but it sits like a brick in my stomach and this is coming from the whitest most dairy-obsessed person i can think of so like. you know something ain't right in that frozen dairy beverage
Yixing: classic cherry limeade slush babeyyyy
Ciaran: peach slush, but he's convinced that at one point in time they had a version with real fruit and he's so upset they don't have them anymore
Anwei: half sweet tea, half lemonade (who on this earth doesn't love an arnold palmer?)
Go-Eun: strawberry milkshake and she doesn't care that it wrecks her stomach (she's severely lactose intolerant lol)
Sihla: m&m blast with TWO extra scoops of m&ms (seriously have you seen how much they skimp on the mix-ins with blasts now? The whole time she's like “god I wish I was at cookout instead” lmao)
Fetiva: chocolate malt but he's convinced they gave him a regular chocolate shake instead and he insists they make another one
Sonam: strawberry limeade and she always gets mad because people mess up the order all the time and give her cherry instead and she HATES cherries
Wren: route 44 sized watermelon slush with nerds (didn't they used to do pop rocks as an add in? If that's still a thing, she gets pop rocks instead of nerds)
Ulli: ocean water slush and she fucking hates it. How do people drink this. She takes one sip and hands it off to Wren who pours it into the 44oz bucket that is her watermelon slush and mixes it together and guzzles the whole damn thing. Vile.
Robin: snickers blast with extra snickers pieces. He can tie the cherry stem in a knot with his tongue and Wren and Dove are both sooooo sick of him showing off his stupid little party trick.
Dove: diet cherry limeade
Vera: ocean water slush and she fucking loves it. How do people NOT drink this.
Andhira: dr pepper slush with cherry and vanilla added
Azetahn: oreo blast with extra oreos to eat in the car, then a route 44 sized grape slush to have for the rest of the day
Josef: coke with real cherries (don't tell Luka it isn't diet)
Luka: one plain black coffee please (BORING) realistically he and Josef wouldn't be caught dead there because they're both kind of health nuts. He shudders at the thought of a 44oz sugary drink.
Tahire: lemonade and honestly if they could just pour some citric acid in there she would love it. Sour is her favorite um non-blood taste
the Sovereign himself: limeade with extra lime god willing. Listen, these people are obsessed with sour things
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teademon22 · 6 years
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Here at the end of #pridemonth I’d like to say Happy Pride with a handful of my OCs. Just a bunch of boys that don’t know what straight™️ means (From left to right) Maverick - gay Dax - asexual panromantic Ronan - bisexual (disaster) Kage the raven - nonbinary (pronouns he/they) Sihlas - gay (disaster) Aster - demisexual Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Astăzi este prăznuită Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla este pomenită în calendarul ortodox și sărbătorită în fiecare an, la data de 7 august. 
În calendar ortodox 2020, pe data de 7 august o prăznuim pe Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla. Cuvioasa Teodora este singura româncă trecută în rândul sfinţilor. A fost fiica lui Ştefan Joldea, armaş, un fel de comandant de artilerie la Cetatea Neamţului. Ştefan Joldea a trăit în comună Vânători-Neamţ şi a avut două fiice pe Marghita (Marghiolita) şi pe Teodora.
Cine a fost Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
Sfânta Teodora se căsătorește cu Elefterie, însă nu după mult timp cei doi vor intra în cinul monahal. Teodora a intrat la Schitul Vărzăreşti-Vrancea, iar soţul ei, la Schitul Poiana Mărului. Cuvioasa Teodora ajunge ucenica egumenei mănăstirii, schimonahia Paisia. Din cauza turcilor, egumena se retrage în Munţii Buzăului împreună cu Sfânta Teodora şi cu câteva maici. După zece ani de nevoinţă în Munţii Buzăului, ajunge în Munţii Neamţului.
Cuvântul “Sihla” înseamnă pădure deasă de copaci tineri
Ieroschimonahul Pavel, duhovnicul Sihăstriei, a dus-o pe fericita Teodora în părţile Sihlei, unde se afla un bordei părăsit. Acolo a rămas singură, numai cu Hristos, şi a petrecut mulţi ani în cea mai aspră nevoinţă pustnicească. Era la sfârşitul secolului al XVII-lea. Schitul Sihla încă nu luase fiinţă. Însă pădurile din împrejurimi adăposteau numeroşi pustnici.
După un timp, Cuvioasa Teodora se mută din chilie în peştera de alături, unde rămâne până la moarte, ostenindu-se în post şi rugăciune, pentru ea şi pentru toată lumea. Puţina hrană şi-o procura fie din fructele ce i le oferea pădurea, fie mai ales dintr-un fel de iederă, ce creşte până azi pe stâncile Sihlei, numită “iarbă dulce” sau “măcrişul Sfintei Teodora”.
Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla - supranumită și “Floare duhovnicească a Moldovei”
După ce și-a mărturisti păcatele și a fost împărtășită cu Sfintele Taine, Sfânta Teodora a rostit ultimele sale cuvinte: “Slavă Ție, Doamne, pentru toate” și și-a dat duhul.
Sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a stabilit ca zi de prăznuire pentru Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla data de 7 august.
Mai târziu, după mulți ani, ieromonahul Elefterie s-a retras la Mănăstirea Secu și mai apoi la Sihla, pentru a fi cât mai aproape de aceea care i-a fost soție. A trăit sub stâncile Sihlei, iar când acesta a decedat, a fost îngropat în poiana unde se află acum schitul.
Trupul Sfintei Teodora a rămas tăinuit în peșteră până după anul 1830, atunci când familia domnitorului Mihail Sturza a reînnoit Schitul Sihla și a așezat moaștele ei în racla de preț, pe care le-a depus în biserica schitului. Ulterior, atunci când s-a zidit o biserică nouă la moșia familiei din satul Miclaușeni, Iași, moaștele au fost duse aici și multă lume venea să se închine sfintei.
Pe 20 iunie 1992, Sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a recunoscut și a proclamat sfințenia Cuvioasei Teodora de la Sihla, stabilindu-se ca zi de prăznuire data de 7 august.
Rugăciune către Sfânta Cuvioasă Teodora de la Sihla
“O, Prea Cuvioasă Maică Teodora, care din copilărie pe Hristos L-ai iubit și pentru dragostea Lui în toată viața ta te-ai nevoit; multe nevoințe și ispite ai suferit și în viața cea pustnicească, cu darul lui Dum­nezeu, ai sporit. Cu mulțimea înfrânării și a lacrimilor celor duhovnicești, sufletul tău l-ai luminat și în singurătatea pustiei cu isprăvile faptelor tale celor bune ai strălucit. Pustia Sihlei cu viața ta o ai sfințit și pildă sihaștrilor te-ai făcut. Iar Prea Bunul Dumnezeu, la vremea cuvenită, sfințenia vieții tale a des­coperit-o și ca pe o comoară ascunsă lumii te-a arătat.
De aceea, și noi nevrednicii, cu evlavie și cu credință, cerem sfintele tale rugăciuni și te chemăm: roagă-te Prea Înduratului nostru Mântuitor ca și noi, păcătoșii, în vremea vieții noastre și în vremea sfârșitului nostru să do­bândim mila și mântuirea Lui, spre a slăvi și a ne închina în veacul de acum și în cel viitor Tatălui și Fiului și Sfântului Duh, în vecii vecilor. Amin!"
Ce nume se serbează de Sfânta Teodora Teodora;Teodor;Tudor;Tudora;Teo;Toader;Tudorel;Tudorică;Toderică;Dorin;Dorina;Doru;Dora;Dorel;Dicu.
Tot pe data de 7 august se face pomenirea pentru:
Sfântul Cuvios Pafnutie - Sfântul Zugravul;Sfântul Cuvios Mucenit Dometie Persul împreună cu doi ucenici ai săi;Sfântul Cuvios Or din Tebaida, Egipt;Cuvioșilor zece mii de pustnici din Tebaida;Sfintei Cuvioase Potamia;Sfântului Sfințit Mucenic Naris, patriarhul Ierusalimului;Sfântului Cuvios Asterie Singliticul;Sfântului Sozont din Nicomidia;Sfântului Iperehie;Sfântului Cuvios Teodosie;Sfântului Cuvios Dometie;Sfântului Cuvios Nicanor.
Sursă foto: 123rf.com
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hieromonkcharbel · 3 years
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Lying on his bed of suffering, the elder would utter the Jesus Prayer in the secrecy of his heart. Then, when his disciple would check on him, he would ask, “Fr. Paisius, do you need anything?”
Fr. Paisius, showing him the prayer rope in his hand, said to him, “Fr. Gerasim, I’m praying to God and to the sweet Mother of the Lord, for from now on that’s all that remains to me?”
A Little Corner of Paradise
The Life and Teachings of Elder Paisius of Sihla
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bast38 · 4 years
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“Prayer is not a theory that one learns in school. The prayer of the heart, that is, prayer made with the awareness of the heart, is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Whoever loves God with his whole soul, with all his strength and all his heart, will be endowed with the gift of prayer of the heart and the gift of holy tears.” —Elder Paisie of Sihastria and Sihla
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spaceexp · 5 years
NASA Selects Proposals to Further Study the Fundamental Nature of Space
NASA logo. Aug. 14, 2019 NASA has selected two proposals for concept studies that could help us better understand the fundamental nature of space and how it changes in response to planetary atmospheres, radiation from the Sun, and interstellar particles. The proposals will advance NASA’s heliophysics program and could lead to better protection for both technology and humans as we travel farther from home. Each of these Heliophysics Science Mission of Opportunity proposals will receive $400,000 to conduct a nine-month mission concept study. After the studies, NASA will choose one proposal to launch as a secondary payload on the agency’s Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP).
Image above: NASA has chosen two new science proposals for nine-month concept studies to advance our understanding of how the particles and energy in space – shown here flowing from the Sun in an illustration of the solar wind – affect the fundamental nature of space. One proposal will ultimately be chosen to launch along with NASA’s upcoming Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe in October 2024. Image Credit: NASA. The proposals were selected based on potential science value and feasibility of development plans. Total cost of this Mission of Opportunity is capped at $75 million and is funded by NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Probes program. The selected proposals are: Spatial/Spectral Imaging of Heliospheric Lyman Alpha (SIHLA) SIHLA would map the entire sky to determine the shape and underlying mechanisms of the boundary between the heliosphere, the area of our Sun’s magnetic influence, and the interstellar medium, a boundary known as the heliopause. The observations would gather far-ultraviolet light emitted from hydrogen atoms. This wavelength is key for examining many astrophysical phenomena, including planetary atmospheres and comets, because so much of the universe is composed of hydrogen. SIHLA will focus on mapping the velocity and distribution of the solar wind – the outpouring of particles from the Sun – helping to resolve our understanding of what drives structure in the solar wind and heliopause. This is an area of research undergoing rapid evolution due to data from NASA missions, such as Voyager, Parker Solar Probe and Interstellar Boundary Explorer. The principal investigator for SIHLA is Larry Paxton at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. Global Lyman-alpha Imagers of the Dynamic Exosphere (GLIDE) The GLIDE mission would study variability in Earth’s exosphere, the uppermost region of its atmosphere, by tracking far ultraviolet light emitted from hydrogen. The proposed mission would fill an existing measurement gap, as only a handful of such images previously have been made from outside the exosphere. The mission would gather observations at a high rate, with a view of the entire exosphere, ensuring a truly global and comprehensive set of data. Understanding the ways in which Earth’s exosphere changes in response to influences of the Sun above or the atmosphere below, would provide us with better ways to forecast and, ultimately, mitigate the ways in which space weather can interfere with radio communications in space. The principal investigator for GLIDE is Lara Waldrop at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. IMAP currently is scheduled to launch in October 2024 to orbit a point between Earth and the Sun known as the first Lagrangian point, or L1. From there, IMAP will help researchers better understand the interstellar boundary region, where particles from the Sun collide with material from the rest of the galaxy. This distant area controls the amount of harmful cosmic radiation entering the heliosphere, the magnetic bubble that shields our solar system from charged particles surrounding it. Cosmic rays from the galaxy and beyond affect astronauts and can harm technological systems. They also may play a role in the presence of life in the universe. From the start of IMAP mission formulation, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) planned to include secondary spacecraft on the launch under the agency’s new SMD Rideshare Initiative, which cuts costs by sending multiple missions on a single launch. This launch will also include a Heliophysics Technology Demonstration Mission of Opportunity – which will be announced separately – to test technologies that can enable future science missions, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Follow-On mission, which will expand that agency’s space weather forecasting capabilities. “Launching missions together like this is a great way to ensure maximum science return while keeping costs low,” said Peg Luce, deputy director of NASA’s Heliophysics Division. “We carefully select new heliophysics spacecraft to complement the well-placed spacecraft NASA has in orbit to study this vast solar wind system – and our rideshare initiative increases our opportunities to send such key missions into space.” Related links: NASA’s heliophysics program: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/index.html Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-selects-mission-to-study-solar-wind-boundary-of-outer-solar-system Voyager: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/voyager/index.html Parker Solar Probe: https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/parker-solar-probe Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX): https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/ibex/index.html For information about NASA and space science, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/sunearth Image (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Sean Potter/Grey Hautaluoma/Karen Fox. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
Sfinți din Neamț: Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
Sfinți din Neamț: Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
Sf. Teodora de la Sihla poate fi considerată un adevărat ghid spiritual pentru cei care doresc să trăiască cu Dumnezeu. Ea s-a născut în satul Vânători Neamț, în jurul anului 1650. A fost căsătorită pentru scurtă vreme, apoi amândoi soții au intrat în călugărie. Elefterie, soțul, a ales schitul Poiana Mărului, iar Teodora schitul Vărzărești-Râmnicu Sărat.
Sfânta Teodora, ascultând glasul lăuntric…
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icxcnika · 5 years
Look, this is pride: when you consider that you know more than another, that you can do something better than another. This is pride. And it’s very dangerous, because God does not like this pride. If you consider that you know more, that you’re more capable, that you can do more, take care that you don’t become like the man who pondered on all that he was able to accomplish, on the things that he could set aright, and on his fasting, while the one near the door wept and beat his chest because he had done nothing good. That one near the door obtained more than the one who thought to himself that he was something. This is the story of the Publican and the Pharisee (cf. Luke 18:10-14).
+Elder Paisius of Sihla
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acumtv · 2 years
Sfințirea bisericii ”Sf. Mare Mucenic Dimitrie Izvorâtorul de Mir și Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
Sfințirea bisericii ”Sf. Mare Mucenic Dimitrie Izvorâtorul de Mir și Sfânta Teodora de la Sihla
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