cassynite · 9 months
Silaena Goes Home please!
Aaah thank you for the ask Dujour! I saw you already noticed I did already talk about this piece here but I'll share another snippet below the cut!
When she'd told the queen of her plans to run away it had been a test, will you prevent me from leaving, but it had also been a plea: make me want to stay. And her queen had passed the test but failed the entreaty, and Silaena had disappeared into the wilds, remade as Laena the Bard, and even if that freedom was a heady drought it still tasted bitter in her mouth. It was senseless, of course. Galfrey was only the queen, her entire life dedicated to emulating her own glinting profile seen in the paintings done of her leading the charge against the demons. There was no room for the actual human hidden underneath the horrendous weight of her station, the flashes of woman Silaena had seen, impressions of weak light filtering through a thick canopy of trees.
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wonda-ch · 2 years
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Time to remember
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nirahsa · 2 years
(Based on the Tailor Perk ‘You are particularly adept at scavenging cloth from humanoids’)
Being a Tailor is hard work, especially if you want to make any kind of profit and beat those margins. You have to scrimp and save utilizing everything to the full extent.
This means you have to do things you don’t normally do when adventuring in order to get what you need. Go above and beyond as my arcane teachers would say before they got mad because my spell blew up the room. That wasn’t an accident they said to eliminate the arcane construct and so i did.
So here I am on the Dragon Isle with only my wits and pragmatism to aid me.
“Silaena are you wearing his hat?” A voice called from behind her, causing the mage to look up before craning her head about to look behind her, a wide brimmed fedora upon her head.
“What? S’ Nice Hat!” She replied nonchalantly as she went back to work, unbuckling the man’s pants and giving a hard tug.
“Silaena...why are you taking his pants off!?”
“What!? He’s dead, he doesn’t need em anymore, besides this is good fabric!” She retorted with a shrug.
“That’s like super disrespectful, even if he was a bad guy you can’t just strip everyone of their clothes!”
“It would be disrespectful to leave all this good fabric laying here wasting away!”
So there I was, doing the work that others wouldn’t, all just to make some new knickers for someone else.
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
Owlcatober Day 6 - Family: Memories
The painting captured a moment so unburdened, so joyful, and free of the darkness that would soon erase the light and leave a deep, bleeding crack never to be fully closed again. Silaena’s golden hair shined in the sun, as warm as her loving smile. She could almost hear her gentle voice, encouraging her boy, telling him stories, laughing with him. By Iomedae, he had been so young. So innocent. His tiny hands gripped the seesaw in fearless glee. Time was a troublesome concept that tended to slip her mind in the center of this ongoing war, this ongoing battle. Years, decades of tragedy, and she herself the chosen idol of it all. Timeless. Unchanging. While the world around her moved forward and forward without any stopping. It never had been her decision. But it had been her duty. She wore the loneliness with the same determined pride as her crown. And still, in some secret moments, she wondered if, at any point, it would have been possible not to carry it all alone. It was a naïve, unreasonable thought and she should not be ungrateful, for Iomedae was always at her side. Family had become a foreign, faraway memory. She remembered her pain over the tragedy at Heaven’s Edge like a still throbbing scar when she allowed it, while, simultaneously, she felt removed from it all with her focus forced to stay on the big picture, not a single detail of it. Would she have been able to do more for the little traumatized boy, the one single survivor of the massacre, her only living relative? She remembered a time when he had looked at her with excitement and admiration in those green, glowing eyes, behind his charming, mischievous smiles. But eventually, in becoming older, he had grown more distant, more disdainful, and outright crude in his jokes, his diversions, and every area of his life. If there was good left in him, he didn’t show it, didn't allow it. Was it – at least partly – her failure too? Would they have been able to give each other some solace in their loneliness? If she had been there for him a little more … But there was no room for distractions of this very kind. In her ever-lasting role as the queen, the leader of the crusades, her attention had been needed elsewhere, and he – born into a place that demanded to take responsibility too, if only he wouldn't ignore it – should have been able to understand, should have been strong enough to carry it. Queen Galfrey sighed and straightened her posture when she turned away from the painting. Enough of the mournful musings. Her duties awaited her.
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marlowethelibrarian · 3 months
OC in 15!!
Tagged by @the-golden-comet! This seems super fun!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
I'm probably gonna use Rakani for this also. Yknow. MC, there's probably enough lines in there for them.
“You are a sludge pit of a human being! No wonder you’re so bitter and alone, you decrepit old hag.”
"No, I don't want to be indebted to you."
"Copper," Rakani said immediately. "Unless you want to change out all those rings in your hair and that'll take ages."
“I can’t,” Rakani signed furiously, their fingers snapping through the motions. “I have to take care of you, unless you want to die in the street."
“Buy me food first,” Rakani grumbled. “Then we can talk.”
“Suyo,” they breathed between their clenched teeth. “I’m changing, alright? I’m not stagnant, so, please- please-“
“Oh,” they said. “Okay, yeah I think I remember something like that. Was that— was that you flirting with me?”
“There have been people,” they admitted, slowly, painfully. “Who have taken advantage of me.”
“I’m useful!” they snapped. “Why not?”
“Wakma,” Rakani interrupted. “Reel it in, the tariffs don’t have anything to do with what you want me to do.”
“You think the Upae wants me assassinated?” they laughed helplessly. “I’m nobody!”
"You owe me the money, and don't tell me you're going to pay me next month. I won't be cheated."
“I can’t. I have to take care of you, unless you want to die in the street.”
“Whose going to eat your shitty ashes?” they signed. “You’d hate giving your body to the temple.”
“Thank you,” they said, quiet, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “You’ve been… you’ve been really good to me and you didn’t deserve me yelling at you. I really don’t— you’ve been too kind.”
Tagging! @saturnine-saturneight, @fortunatetragedy and @cowboybrunch, @leebrontide
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shadottie · 1 year
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Some FFXIV doodles. I got back into stuff over on Crystal/Balmung recently and wanted to doodle some old faces! I can't believe it's been four years and some change since I made Morgan. Good golly
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bite-the-bloody-hand · 2 months
Setting aside the knee-jerk 'eeeeew you're in love with your cousin' reaction to Daeran's illusion in Areelu's Lab, I need to talk a second about what a profoundly telling character moment that is for both Daeran and Galfrey.
Daeran refers to Galfrey as the 'Queen of his dreams' and mentions it being twisted by demon logic when questioned. It makes sense that demons would immediately latch on to a psychosexual implication, but it's not about having a crush on her.
The desire to have Galfrey 'out of her armor' is the desire to reconnect with the last member of his family.
He mentions when you ask about his Mother that she was a 'real' mother as opposed to a 'Countess' mother, implying that she was less interested in raising him to be a Proper Noble and more interested in just being present as his only parent. This is indicated in the glimpses we see of his younger self at the party, and in his often-stated resentment towards the necessities of 'proper comportment.'
Galfrey also mentions how close she was to Silaena, referring to her as a 'real' family member, the only person she was truly close to. From the way both of them speak about her, Silaena Arendae was a central, stabilizing part of both of their lives. Galfrey also mentions what a sweet boy Daeran was as a small child, implying a much closer relationship than the current mutual polite revulsion. @thedosianexplorer surmised to me that it's likely Galfrey was once a beloved, comforting figure in young Daeran's life, and I agree. How could she be anything else to the son of someone she so loved? And how awful must it have been to both of them to have that taken away?
Losing the rest of their noble family was certainly a blow, but neither of them even mention their names. The moment Silaena died, however, that was when they were both orphaned. What makes it all the more tragic is the grief that could have brought them closer only served to completely sever their familial connection.
Galfrey has no clue about the true reason Daeran clings so desperately to enjoying life; all she knows is that he may have physically survived but the child she loved was very much dead with the rest of them - in its place an irresponsible, flippant, spoiled brat unwilling to fill the space Silaena left behind. Daeran has no way of communicating the truth to Galfrey, and acts resentfully towards who or whatever else she puts her attention towards, while flaunting his lifestyle at every opportunity.
His lifestyle, as such, is an Emperor's Wardrobe of red flags, but it's hard to see those flags through tunnel vision stained with demon blood. Neither of them are allowed to mourn, but at least Daeran can try to be happy. But as for Galfrey, thedosianexplorer put it best in this hypothetical line:
'How dare you let yourself be happy, I haven't let myself be happy since your mother died.'
The tragedy is that Daeran's need for secrecy and Galfrey's state- and self- imposed martyrdom has created an impenetrable armor between them, and I think is at the heart of the loneliness they both feel. The cruelty of that moment, where the dream of connection is twisted into a mean joke, still sits with me.
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arendaes · 12 days
Last Six Eight Lines
I've been seeing some open tags running around for this, and wanted to share some from the next chapter of By Any Other Name since I didn't do WIP Wednesday yesterday. Technically they're not my last lines written, but I want to keep the other projects under wraps for now:
“Dae, my darling, did you hear a single thing I just said?” Daeran had not, but he still looked up at his mother with an uncharacteristically genial smile. “Of course! You were just regaling me with the provincial details of this years’ Autumnal Equinox festival. I’m sure the rabble will enjoy it all very much.” Silaena sighed, giving her son a reproachful look without much heat and a not-insignificant amount of fondness behind it. “This is important, Daeran. One day the responsibility of planning such an event will fall upon your shoulders, and I assure you that it’s not a task you want to delegate to someone else. Besides, for all your bluster, I know you enjoy the festivities.”
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heartwoodventures · 9 months
Potions Lesson
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Ziv gasps at the setup, marveling at the little alchemy stations. "Ohh how lovely..."
Leo looks around. "It looks cozy."
Ziv nods. "Potions class could not have come sooner..." he grumbles with ginger pat to his side. "I am very eager to learn how to brew a good potion. The timing is...well timed."
Leo ponders over Ziv Zorasch.
Silaena: ..Why do you need potions, exactly?
Aislinn blinks owlishly and looks up from the cup of coffee in her hands as people begin to arrive. Clearly, wandering out from the maze of her thoughts, Aislinn gives her head a shake and waves people in. “Grab a spot at any of the tables. We’ll double up and share as need be.” She explains, her low, soft-spoken voice stretching in an attempt to reach across the room.
Leo: "Is it because you have something odd going on with you and you can't take healing magic right now?"
Nonoli looks around. "There's no stools...!"
Ziv: "Potions, they help with the pain of injuries, you see..."
Leo walks up to a spot and then starts to browse through things, looking at the bottles. and things on the table.
Ziv: "The tables are short enough, I think you'll do fine."
Leo nods to Ziv Zorasch. "It should be okay Noli."
Aislinn goes and sets her coffee down on the counter as she waits for people to settle in. To Nonoli's point, she tilts her head, considering. "If you need, I can go and grab one from downstairs."
Rising Lotus had already set herself up at a table, eyes looking over all the ingredients she sort of just wanted to, dump all together haphazardly. She was able to fight the urge for now though. "...isn't this jus' like cookin' but for shite you can't exactly eat some times?"
Nonoli furrows her brow.
Riylli waves eagerly to Aislinn as she enters the classroom. "Hey! I got a Starlight present for ya! I was gonna give it to you at G'lewra's but I guess y'couldn't make it? Ill wait 'till after the class though! Dont wanna disrupt the teacher."
Ziv: "Or just jump -on- the table." Ziv shrugs at Nonoli Noli.
Nonoli is frustrated with Ziv .
Leo smiles at Ziv.
Nonoli : "And block the love of science with my rump!? I don't think so!"
Leo: "That may not be a great idea. Want me to go find you a stool Noli?"
Aislinn eyes Rising as she takes in the ingredients and decides leaving the room might not be the best idea. She looks to Leo “Aye, if you wouldn’t mind popping downstairs and grabbing a stool. Then we can get started.”
Turning to Rising, she tilts her head. "Aye, it's a little like cooking. Except supposing if you get creative in the kitchen and add too much salt it probably won't hurt you."
Silaena: Hm. Mind terribly being my station partner, Ziv?
Ziv nods to Silaena. "Not at all, by all means feel free."
M'shara approaches a table and begins going over the supplies on it.
Nonoli seems lost in thought. "I should probably get a stool from downstairs... I'll be right back."
Leo Veldha ponders over Nonoli Noli.
Silaena runs her hands over the little station, clearly familiarizing herself with the contents. "Fair warning, every time I've tried to learn alchemy, it's exploded horribly."
Ziv: "Oh dear, well at least there will be healers nearby in case a flask explodes or something.."
Leo tilted his head as he examined the contents on the table. "Some of these look familiar. Do you recognize what they are Noli? Admittedly my time in Sillfane Glade was... well, rushed. So this is one of those holes I'd like to work on filling in."
Nonoli nods to Leo. "Of course! You're looking at the third best alchemist in Heartwood you know!"
Leo smiles at Nonoli. "I thought you'd at least be the best or second best. Who has you beat? Aislinn? She does know her stuff!"
Nonoli nods to Leo.
Rising Lotus: "Well hopefully we won't be makin' anythin' too complicated then. Every time I've cooked more than jus' puttin' meat over a fire I get pretty free form with the measurements."
Clearing her throat, Aislinn turns now, her assessing gaze sweeping over the room. Most of those gathered she knew. One of two, she didn't recognize. That didn't come as a surprise to her. She regularly had her head down involved in some project or other that she lost focus of everything else, eating, for instance. Let alone poking her head out of the clinic or workshop to *meet* people.  She takes a breath and addresses the room "Alright, let's get started." ....
M'shara: "Quiet down please."
Ziv motions joyfully to Aislinn.
Aislinn: "For those that don't know me, I'm Aislinn. I work in the clinic with Lewra and in the workshop on various technological projects. I'm also an alchemist which is why Lewra asked me to teach this class. She sends her apologies but is...occupied elsewhere." There was a minor hitch over that last detail but she has a great poker face and quickly moves on. ...
Nonoli ponders over Aislinn.
Aislinn: "Alchemy is basically, the creation of potions. Good and bad." She gives a half shrug. "Like cooking but more exacting. A little foxglove can strengthen a weak heart. Too much can cause a heart attack. You gotta understand and adhere to the rules before you go getting creative and experimenting." She explains. "But today we're going to make a basic healing potion. Nothing so dire but it should give you good practice with the basics."
Riylli raises her hand, then asks her question out loud anyways. "Can we make potions that give me lots of muscles?"
Ziv swishes his tail back and forth excitedly. "Healing potions, perfect! Maybe now I won't have to pilfer from Noli's stashes..."
Leo gazes upon Aislinn in deep reflection. "I see...  so it's an art of precision."
M'shara simply pretends she hears none of this.
Nonoli senses something amiss with Ziv .
Odile rushes into the room.
Aislinn eyes Riylli with faint amusement. "You can conjure golems from the earth. How much more force do you need at your disposal?"
Leo looked at the equipment in front of him with a newfound respect. It must have been a perilous art to develop.
Rising Lotus: "If you want to be strong like me you have to earn it the true way, not cheatin' with potions and magic."
Aislinn flicks her attention briefly to Ziv and raises a brow
Leo ponders over Nonoli. "Are you okay Noli?" He had missed Ziv's comment.
Aislinn: "Anyone here have any alchemical experience?" She ventures. Basically she wants to know who she can maybe not have to watch so closely in favor of who might possibly cause an explosion. Just in case.
Riylli: "I need enough to carry Mana around when she's old obviously!"
Nonoli: "I think I just discovered why my potions keep going missing..."
Leo is taken aback by Nonoli.
Nonoli: "I do! I do!"
Silaena: ..Do you have a potion addiction, Ziv? I know -how- alchemy works, but..Yeah, practical experience is explosive at best.
Aislinn nods to Nonoli and gives the lalafell a subtle smile. "Good to know."
Ziv is taken aback by Silaena.
Leo: "I learned to brew them before, but it was a -really- long time ago. I can't remember anything about it, so I figured it best to start from scratch."
Nonoli smiles in warm satisfaction before Aislinn.
Ziv: "A what?! Of course not--potions are merely useful to a warrior such as myself who does not easily take to healing magic."
Silaena furrows her brow at Ziv Zorasch.
Odile: "But healing magic is gentler than potion recovery Ziv."
Aislinn: "Alright. A basic healing potion is good knowledge for any mercenary to have. It ain't going to miraculously patch up a bullet wound but it'll shore up stores of depleted aether in the body and buy you some time until you can get to a medic of some stripe."
Rising Lotus shook her head. "I've only ever have bought or get that sort of stuff from folk. Seems complicated with all that measurin' an' all."
Ziv frowns at Odile. It couldn't be helped. He offered a slight shrug and returned his attention to the head of the classroom.
Aislinn tilts her head to Rising. "It can be, aye. But we're gonna go through this one step by step." And hopefully minimize any sort of surprises.
Aislinn "So." She begins and motions to the contents on the tables before them. She draws close to Rising and Riylli's table. "A basic healing potion consists of distilled water, mistletoe, a powdered mushroom called a chanterelle and powdered water and lightning crystals." All of which she holds up one by one off the table as she introduces them. "The first thing we're going to do is pour the distilled water into the crucible and turn on the flame. There's a switch under the pot to get it going."
Riylli: "We're gonna... drink the crystals? Ain't that dangerous?"
M'shara reaches forward to turn on the crucible then picking up the distilled water and carefully pouring it out into the pot.
Ziv nods. "Sounds simple enough." He begins by adding the distilled water to the pot. "I figured the crystals added extra flavor or bubbles," he said to Riylli's comment as he flipped on the burner.
Nonoli had to use all her willpower to stop herself from starting an "Ackshually" prompt after Ziv's comment.
Leo smiles at Nonoli. "I guess we're starting then? Should probably check the quantities."
Rising Lotus looks over the reagents, shrugging as she dumped an unmeasured amount of water into the pot before turning up the flame way too hot. "There's some soup they used to serve in Drybone that was cold, but then they served it to you with a fire crystal to heat it up. Never got sick or nothin' from it... well you didn't eat the crystal in it of course. Jus' the stew 'round it."
Nonoli: "Turn on the burner. I'll get the water set up!"
Leo nods to Nonoli .
Aislinn shakes her head at Riylli "They'll be regents to cause a chemical reaction imperative to the potion's creation later."
Leo did as was requested and turned on the burner. At the same time, he glanced through the recipe on the page. Seemed simple enough.
Riylli: "...Ah. Yes, of course." Riylli nods along like she knows what any of those words mean. "Er, are we supposed to be starting already?"
Odile climbed up the side of the table to add the pieces of the potion into the pot.
Aislinn eyes Rising's pot. "That's gonna boil fast. You need to watch it. The minute it does, lower the flame to let it simmer." She instructs the woman.
Ziv: "Oh...I wonder if our flame is too high also."
Aislinn: "You all seem to be able to boil water. Good." If she sounds sardonic, it's not on purpose. She has seen people explode boiling water. "Once the water is boiling, add three mistletoe berries. That should be all you have on the table, and lower the flame until the water is simmering."
Odile sets the flame to medium, to boil it faster.
Silaena seems to simply watch, humming. "Maybe. Guess we'll find out."
Rising Lotus: "Uh, right." she started to watch her pot, wondering how hot simmer is. "Alright Riylli add them berries, and I'll figure out how much to turn it down by."
Aislinn: "This is the first part of precision. Boil it too hot and the berries are ruined. Too low and the toxins in the berries won't boil out."
Odile turns down the Heat and adds the berries one by one.
Leo nods to Aislinn.
Ziv drops the three berries into the pot and keeps the flame at its current setting. The fire is on the low side, causing the water to bubble slightly as it simmered the berries.
Riylli nods and pops each berry into the cauldron. "I guess I've done somethin' like this before when I'm makin' my syrup... Y'don't wanna burn out the colour!"
M'shara watches Odile, nodding in approval.
Aislinn nods to Riylli in agreement
Leo took a look at the water. "Oh, I don't think it will be long... hey, where are the berrie Noli?" He looked around the table for them.
Nonoli: "They're right in front of you..."
While they work, Aislinn takes a moment and carefully watches the room.
Rising Lotus watches the water start to bubble, giving it a few moments before she cranked it down some. "I guess if it stops bubblin' 'we'll jus' turn it back up 'til we hit the sweet spot. Also what does color have to do with a healin' potion?"
Leo grabbed the three berries in the bowl and then watched as the bubble started to come up steadily in the cauldron. "Thank you." He dropped them in and then lowered the flame.
Odile: "Red for blood. For easier identification. in case of a rushed scenerio."
Nonoli closed her eyes and sniffed at the air. "Ah, the sweet smell of science." Nonoli smiles in warm satisfaction.
Riylli: "Vibes, Rising. Vibes. The red health potions taste the best! And, I don't know, maybe it'll mess with the ingredients too."
Silaena tilts her head. "Well. It -seems- to be working out, so far."
Aislinn: “It should end up smelling almost sweet. The liquid should turn a pale yellow color as the berries cook. If it goes dark or brown or smells sharp and acrid….well, you burned it. It happens.”
Aislinn: “That’s when you toss it out and start over. But so far, I’m not picking up any weird smells so, good on you!”
Ziv stares at the lightly simmering pot, barely beginning to turn a colored hue as the berries softened up. He adjusts the fire, turning it up just a little, because he couldn't fight the urge there was something wrong.
Nonoli nods to Aislinn.
Aislinn: “Alright! Next, add one level scoop of powdered mushroom using the small metal scoop on the table and mix it slowly into the liquid  you’ve got simmering. Again, be patient. Don’t just go dumping it in and whisking it to death.”
Aislinn's definitely not looking at Rising out of the corner of her eye when she says this.
Rising Lotus "I've mostly had the blue flavored ones. Wonder how we get to blue from these red berries...that turn the water yellowish?" she snapped her fingers. "Oh wait, water crystals are blue!"
Nonoli: "I'll handle this one, Leo!"
Leo nods to Nonoli.
Nonoli carefully pushed a measuring cup into the bag of powdered fungi and slow-dripped it into the simmering water.
Riylli eyes the powdered mushroom "Mm... Chanterelle... Hey Aislinn, do we need to use ALL of it in our potions?"
Leo took a step back, "All yours Noli, show me how it's done!" He watched closely as his tail swayed back and forth.
Ziv steps back for this part, looking intimidated by the more sophisticated ingredients. "Why don't you, Silaena?"
Odile takes the measuring spoon scoops up a good amount of powdered mushroom fungi powder and uses a gloved finger to scrape out the excess and keep it measured.
Aislinn tips her head to Riylli. "No, if you do, you'll ruin it. This is where you get to practice precision."
Riylli: "Good!" Riylli declares, dipping her finger into powder and sticking it in her mouth
Odile picks up the whisk and stirs gently.
Aislinn huffs out a soft laugh of amusement at Riylli
Rising Lotus finally seemed to have a good simmery pot going, and she was about to give it a big ol' scoop of mushroom dust when Riylli tasted some. "...What's it taste like?"
Aislinn nods in approval as Nonoli levels off her scoop of mushroom powder
Silaena nods, veery carefully leveling out a scoop, before stirring the whisk. Probably a little -too- slow.
Riylli: "You've never had it? It's a pretty regular part of the keeper diet. Try some!"
Nonoli: "... don't eat the reagents, Leo."
Odile: "Likely tasting like a spore sponge."
Leo laughs at Nonoli. "I wasn't planning to Noli. Have you ever eaten the ingredients when making potions before though?"
Ziv raises the flame a little, thinking it will help somehow. The cauldron boils steadily, producing some steam.
Nonoli: "It's smart to taste them, if they're edible. But that's just to make sure they haven't gone bad."
Leo nods to Nonoli Noli. "Makes sense to me."
Rising Lotus "Hmm....no. Maybe if it wasn't dust an' a mushroom still." She scoops some of the powered, shaking off the extra but still probably a pinch to much. "Get to stirrin'." she held the spoon out to Riylli.
Riylli frowns. "Y'should level off your measuring cups with your finger, that's what Mana always does when she bakes." She explains and begins to stir carefully. "But a little extra probably wont hurt! Im betting these are mostly here for the flavour anyroad"
Leo: "You know, I am a little surprised that you don't taste more stuff though."
Nonoli ponders over Leo. "Most of this stuff is toxic before it's brewed!"
Leo: "Yeah, but I just think about all the cookie batter you steal when Coco bakes cookies."
Leo winks at Nonoli.
Ziv looks at Nonoli in surprise. "How can something that heals you be toxic?"
Rising Lotus: "That wasn't a cup though it was a spoon."
Ziv: "I don't understand it..."
Nonoli looks at Leo in surprise. "I-I do no such thing!"
Leo beams with delight at Nonoli .
M'shara: "You've clearly never been healed by me before."
Riylli: "Same thing!"
Nonoli: "It's not toxic when you drink it!"
Riylli: "They got all sorts of cups and spoons when you're bakin', and Twelve help you if you mix up a tablespoon with a teaspoon"
Silaena: Most alchemical ingredients balance out the toxicity with each other. It's a science, like that. Or how they're prepared, too.
Ziv: "I see..."
Silaena: Some of them are even only in something to make it not poisonous, too.
Aislinn: “So now you’ve got all the ingredients for a proper healing potion. And you’ve simmered them long enough for them to integrate. Which is a nice soup. Now we need a strong chemical reaction to flash it into something more.” She inhales a breath as if bracing herself. “This is one parts water crystal and two parts lighting crystal mixed and added to the bunsen flame beneath your crucibles. That’s one small spoon.” She holds up the smallest spoon that hardly looks like it could hold anything of substance. “Of blue crystals and two spoons of purple. There are wards of shielding written into the tables and if something goes wrong just step back. Quickly. Please remember the estate was just rebuilt and I don’t want to have to go through that again.”
Leo is taken aback by Aislinn. "It goes into the flame?"
Aislinn nods to Leo. "Into the flame. This creates a quick, small flash of high heat needed to transform the ingredients into a proper potion."
Rising Lotus wiped her hands on her apron. "See this is why I don't cook 'sides from jus' puttin' things over a fire. Too much work. Or at least with cookin' you can jus' like, eyeball spices an' then choke it down if it's bad." she glanced to Linn as she gave the next explanation, looking much more excited for this one. "One of blue two of purple!"
Leo: "Okay..." He grabbed a small bowl and then the blue and purple crystals. "Let's see, one part blue, two purple..."
M'shara looks to Odile, "Did you get that?"
Ziv picks up the blue crystal. "Adding crystals to fire? It's certainly not what I expected but okay. I will add this one if you'd take care of the purples."
Riylli: "My turn!" Riylli declares, proudly taking each scoop and measuring them off with her finger. Into the fire each of them goes with a quick pop of energy, leaving Riylli with a little bit of purple residue on her finger. She looks at it. She stares at it. She contemplates it. Ultimately her intrusive thoughts win through and she carefully pokes the residue with her tongue to see what it tastes like. Just a little bit!
Nonoli: "You can do it!"
Nonoli strikes a triumphant─but not too triumphant─pose for Leo Veldha.
Leo motions joyfully to Nonoli.
Odile nodded. she looks to the crystals. She uses her aether to hover one blue, and two purple.
Leo: "Yes ma'am." he laughs.
Silaena nods once again, moving to measure out the purple crystal dust. The moment her hands come close to it, though, there is prompt little explosion of levin.
Leo carefully measured out the crystals. One teaspoon of blue and two teaspoons of purple. He tried not to pull any more than he needed and put them in as equal quantities. After giving them a good mix, he shrugged and added them to the flame. "Well, here goes."
Ziv looks surprised!
Rising Lotus scoffed as Riylli got to do the cool fire throwing part. She flicked a few more grains of purple in when Riylli was tasting the crushed crystal.
Odile adds the first portion of purple, then the blue, then adds the last portion of purple.
Ziv: "Well there goes our purple--!"
Silaena: ..Yep. Sorry about that. Should've let you do it.
Ziv: "It's' okay. We should try again, with two new crystals."
Ziv: "This health potion -needs- to turn out! I'm really starting to feel it now..."
Leo: "Look good?"
Nonoli seems lost in thought. "So far so good!"
Odile looks stumped.
Aislinn: “Riylli!” She catches the sight of the Keeper putting a finger of crystals in her mouth. Nymeia help her. She’s drawn next by the sound of the small explosion at Ziv’s table. Not enough to trigger the ward. “Alright, there?” She asks.
Silaena nods. "No injuries. Just a little explosion when I touched the lightning."
Ziv: "Umm...well...no. Yes, I think we just need to simply try again. Though I'm not sure why your touch would cause an explosion like that."
Ziv gazes upon Silaena in deep reflection.
Riylli smacks her tongue a few times. "Tastes like... tingling. Like there are bubbles popping on my tongue! They should put this stuff in candy..."
Aislinn hums in thought as she looks Silaena over. "Does...that usually happen when you interact with aspected aether?"
Silaena tilts her head. "Sometimes. Most times, really."
Ziv continues to fuss over their pot, stirring it steadily to prevent it from boiling over.
Aislinn quickly tosses over her shoulder, "Riylli, stop eating the crystals. Do you want aether sickness?"
Riylli: "N... No..." Riylli mumbles, properly scolded
Rising Lotus jumped a bit at the explosion, bumping some of their blue crystal dust onto the table. Her attention returns to Riylli as she describes the taste, flicking more blue dust into the flame. "Guess that makes sense, purple is lightning. Guess blue would taste wet then..." her hand got close to the blue powder when Linn called Riylli out, slowly pulling her hand back.
Aislinn returns her attention to Silaena. "Hmm. Try switching. Ziv, add the lightning crystals, let Silaena handle the water crystal."
Riylli: "Quit addin' more crystal!"
Silaena hums, nodding again. "Sure. Ready, Ziv?"
Ziv nods, exchanging the water crystal for the two lightning ones. "Yes, let's see if this way does better."
Silaena moves to measure out the water crystal. And, not a hint of explosion, it seems, as it goes into the fire.
Ziv drops the crystals into the flame like two ice cubes into a glass of water.
Rising Lotus: "Psh, it was like, hardly anymore than we needed." she went to give their pot a few stirs as she looked at the so far unremarkable hue.
Riylli: "No causin' trouble for the teacher! We gotta be EXACT! Otherwise the cookies will end up super salty! I mean, potions."
In the wake of the expected flash of heat, Aislinn studies Silaena with open curiosity. "Right, then. " As quiet as she is, she raises her voice over the room. "Your potion should now be blue in color and clear. Go ahead and pour it carefully into an empty flask using the funnel on the table to check it for color and clarity." She explains.
Leo gazes upon Nonoli in deep reflection. "Hey Noli, do you think Nolas may like this kind of thing?"
Odile: "Maybe, Leo."
Aislinn: "If it's purple. You added too much lightning and burned it. If it's still pale, it's fine to drink but I doubt it's gonna do you any good when you need it. If it smells bad...well, this is not a potion that should smell bad. Don't drink it." She ticks off the common problems found with making this potion.
Nonoli gently stirred their ingredients, glancing up at Leo before raising a brow. "I don't think kids like anything they can't eat. Potions are usually rather bitter too."
Ziv places the funnel over the flask and slowly begins to ladle the light blue concoction. Steam fills up the glass beaker as the hot liquid is poured into it. "This was not so difficult at all. With enough mistletoe and ground mushrooms this will be easy to make in my own room."
Silaena taps her chin. "Really not selling the lack of potion addiction there, buddy."
Rising Lotus gave it a few more stirs, wasn't quite as blue as ones she had purchased before, but it was a tone of blue at least. "Alrighty, guess we ought to dish it out. Get the bottle ready." she lowered the heat and went for the ladel. "...I guess we can add some blue to it to make it more blue..." she eyed those crystals again.
Leo closed his eyes. "Mm... I'd like him to try a lot of things to see if he has a hobby he likes. I guess you're right though, maybe I'll wait until he's older..." His ears perked up at Odile's words as he gave her a small smile. "Thanks Odile." He took a glance at the color of the potion. Looked blue to him!
M'shara: "Simply try not to blow up the house if you have a lab in your room."
Aislinn nods to Ziv as she eyes the color of the liquid he's pouring into the flask. "I think you've got the hang of this, Ziv."
Leo looks at M'shara in shock! "Good point... definitely when he's older..."
Ziv motions joyfully.
Riylli: "We added enough!" Riylli scolds while getting the bottle ready
Ziv: "It feels good to have the approval of a learned professional. Excellent! Perhaps next I can work on adding a grape flavor..."
M'shara checks carefully over the potion in the cauldron.
Silaena: ..Why grape, specifically?
Odile looks shocked.
Aislinn sidles up to Rising and Riylli's table and removes the vials of powdered aether. Definitely not because she overheard the plan to add more to the drink.
Riylli looks sad as her purple candy is taken away.
Ziv: "For flavor of course! Is there another fruit flavor that sounds more appealing?"
Nonoli: "I was creating alchemy fire in my room a summer ago, when Zoronado and I would go on our adventures. Napalm really saved our skins in more than a few pinches."
Aislinn gives Nonoli a look of approval. Nothing wrong with weaponizing what you need for defense.
Silaena taps her chin. "Blackberry."
Leo ponders over Nonoli. "What's napalm do?"
Nonoli: "It's like... an extremely hot liquid that ignites anything it touches. If you got it on your clothes you could leap into a lake and it would still burn!"
Leo is taken aback by Nonoli Noli.
Silaena Naellenar: Well, that's a marginally terrifying thing to be making in your room.
Leo Veldha bit his lower lip. "I think it's best Nolas stay far away from alchemy then. At least until he's much older." He cleared his throat. "Well all that aside, it does sound very useful." His ears perked at Silaena's words. "And terrifying, yes."
Nonoli: "I used every precaution!"
Ziv: "Oh...well that's a good idea as well. I will have to engineer a blackberry flavor as well."
Rising Lotus rolled her eyes at Riylli, trying to look all innocent as their crystals were confiscated. She gave the concoction one more stir before scooping some up and pouring it into the beaker until it was almost full. "How's it look. Blue enough?" she bent down some to inspect it a bit closer.
Nonoli: "There's all sorts of neat stuff you can make, with the right reagents."
Odile takes a beaker, a funnel, and ladle to fill the potion into the beaker.
Leo smiles at Nonoli.
Silaena: I think I'll stick with weapons and trinkets, myself. Alchemy clearly doesn't like me much.
Nonoli: "Potions of invisibility, elixirs of night vision, giantstride tonics. Potions of strength."
Aislinn: "Anyone have any questions regarding the state of their potion or about the recipe in general?" She asks as she sets the vials of aether on the counter and begins circulating the room, handing out papers "I have copies of the instructions here for you. Lewra and I will leave the set up here for you all to practice if you want. The clinic should have enough ingredients stored if you need."
Nonoli smiles at Aislinn.
Leo motions joyfully to Aislinn.
Riylli raises her hand again. "Is ours okay? It's not super blue"
Leo: "Thank you Aislinn."
Nonoli continued to stir the beaker to make sure nothing burned on the bottom of the glass.
Ziv takes a swig of their potion, happily accepting a leaflet. "Indeed, many thanks. This will be a skill I use most often, rest assured. No more bothering the clinic for simple potions."
Aislinn smiles and gives a nod to Leo before turning to Riylli's question. "Hmm. Let's see it?"
Leo: "Hey Noli, do you mind if I practice making some potions with you sometime? As a healer I feel like I should know more about them and, you know, not rely on my magic as much as I do."
Nonoli nods to Leo.
Leo smiles in warm satisfaction before Nonoli. "Thank you."
Rising Lotus "Yeah I've seen bluer. I'm tellin' ya it needs more blue." she eyed the crushed water crystals on the counter on the opposite side of the room as she was handed the paper.
Nonoli: "Of course! I don't... want to make anything in your house, though. Your beastly boy gets his greedy little hands into everything!"
Nonoli is frustrated with Leo.
Leo laughs at Nonoli.
Riylli nudges the bottle in AIslinn's direction. "I think we mighta just burned out the colour!" Riylli says, repeating the same phrase from earlier. She's clearly learned a new fun fact.
Leo: "He's a handful isn't he? But that's part of what makes him so fun. If you'd like we can move some things around in our old room here in Heartwood."
M'shara eyes the potion on her table. "A well crafted product if I can say."
Odile: "Indeed."
Nonoli: "Oh we still have our old room. Well... half of it. When we remodeled we had to fix the entire back end..."
Leo nods to Nonoli.
Aislinn carefully takes up the flask, eyes it and then gives it a sniff. She tilts her head, considering. "It's a little weak. Most likely boiled the mistletoe too hot." She hands the flask back. "It might be a little less potent than normal but it won't do you any harm if  you drink it." She stares up at Rising over the rim of her spectacles. "It does not need more ‘blue’." She states definitively. Giving them a taste of powdered crystals may have been a mistake. 
Nonoli: "All my potions... gone... gone!" Nonoli clutches her head.
Leo turned his gaze to Ziv for a moment as he smiled at Noli. "I'll help where I can..."
Riylli: "Ha! Told you!" Riylli is a teachers pet. "Y'should be the one to drink it though. How's your wound doin'?"
Ziv looks over to Odile and M'shara's table with hopeful eyes. "Are you two going to finish that? The potion?"
Nonoli: "I'm just glad I was in the clinic when it all went down... if I was snoozing in my room I'd be a pancake!"
M'shara: "What do you mean finish?"
Odile: "Yes and you are not getting one lick of it."
Ziv is taken aback by Odile .
Leo let out a sigh. "That was rough. I nearly lost it when Coco was caught up in that. It was all I could do to stop myself from slamming my body against that door instead of holding that... thing down."
Aislinn hands copies of the recipe out to Ziv and Silaena
Rising Lotus: "It's not my fault no one taught me what a simmer is." she took the potion from Aislinn, temperature testing it by tapping the side a few times. "An' it's gettin' better, should be gettin' the bandages off soon anyway. Ain't hurt as much to move." she swirled the potion a few times before throwing it back, letting out a light cough as it was a tad too hot for chugging but she managed it anyway.
Ziv: "Denying a wounded man treatment, that is cruel..."
Riylli: "...How is it? Feelin' healed?"
Odile: I had to lock up the potion cabinets after your little raid in the Med Ward."
Aislinn glances at Odile and Shara's flask and nods
Ziv shows Odile his utter disappointment. "Yes and it was not very appreciated--! I have suffered greatly..."
M'shara eyebrows slant downward in concern. "Are you stealing potions from people?"
Odile: "You are wounded mentally, not physically."
Ziv disagrees with Odile. "Supplies from the clinic were out, I was merely redirecting."
Rising Lotus smacks her lips. "I guess I feel sort of less sore, not the same kick as a normal potion though." it needed more blue.
Aislinn: "Thank you all for coming and learning a bit about alchemy. I'm thinking all of these potions turned out fairly well. Nice job." She nods
Odile: "You need a shrink, not a potion."
Ziv looks at Odile in surprise.
Riylli : "Thanks for teachin' us!"
Aislinn gives Riylli a slanted smile of appreciation
Ziv: "Oh it's nothing like that...Thank you professor Aislinn for teaching us, yes! It is good to learn self-sufficiency."
Rising Lotus nodded "Aye, thank ya. Probably will still rely on others for it, but it's fun to know what I can do with crushed crystals an' fire now!"
Silaena nods. "Mm. Thank you for the lesson. Sorry for blowing up your crystals, too."
Nonoli smiles at Aislinn.
Odile: "Ms. North I would suggest locking up all alchemy equipment from Ziv until he takes a psych test."
Nonoli: "Alchemy should be a mandatory course for any mercenary! A quick sip of a potion can be far more reliable than a proper heal!"
Leo ponders over Nonoli .
Ziv agrees wholeheartedly with Nonoli .
Ziv looks at Odile and buries his face in disbelief.
Leo: "If you say so."
M'shara clears her throat. "We can discuss those matters in private."
Aislinn turns her attention to Odile, her brow lifting. She catches Shara's reply before she can move to question the lalafell's statement and instead shares a look with the other officer. "Duly noted." She replies neutrally to Odile.
Rising Lotus rubs her chin. "Maybe I should teach a fishin' course or somethin' for folks...not that it's hard. But some of the finer details, an' how to know what fish you should eat or somethin'."
Leo: "But regardless, thank you for teaching us Aislinn."
Riylli: "Can we go volcano fishin' again?"
Ziv: "Why I've never heard such nonsense in my life. If you'll excuse me, I have much practice to do with my alembic."
Silaena: Good luck? Try not to get too into drinking the potions, I guess?
Silaena fails to understand Ziv Zorasch.
Rising Lotus: " I mean, /we/ can, but if I'm gonna teach a class or somethin' it probably would be more pratical an' like, survival trainin' an' all."
Ziv: "Oh do not listen to those overblown reactions. There is nothing wrong with taking medicine."
Riylli: "Volcanoes need survival training the most!"
Leo expresses his worry with Ziv .
Odile: "If the cleaning crew and I go into your room Ziv, tell me we would not find used potion bottles everywhere in there. We got rich last time just from bottle returns."
Silaena : Hard disagree. Too much is a dependency, Ziv. Those are a weakness folks can exploit.
Leo: "Ziv, I don't know what's going on lately, but you should take care of yourself."
Silaena: But you're a grown man. So it's not really like anyone can stop you, either. Just be careful?
Rising Lotus: "How often do we end up there though? The one time we went fishin', an' then when we returned for that hunt? Probably more practical to have like...cold places trainin'."
Riylli: "THEY'RE COOLER THOUGH! Y'gotta go somewhere cool to get students interested!"
Ziv turns a bit red from all the fuss over him. "Yes yes, I agree, a grown man indeed. There is no need to worry so much over nothing.."
Ziv looks stumped.
Odile: "We fuss, because we worry."
Leo nods to Odile .
Rising Lotus: "I mean this was pretty simple an' we were invested right?"
Ziv hurries off with his leaflet before someone tries to tell him he can't brew any potions. "Why thank you, that is very sweet. But humbly I must point to my track record. In any case, goodnight to all--I have important matters to attend."
Ziv bids farewell.
Riylli: "That's 'cuz Aislinn is cool." Riylli says, before something dawns on her. "Oh! Gotta go grab my gift for her! Be right back!"
Leo : "Are you about ready to head home Noli?"
M'shara hums along to the music.
Nonoli nods to Leo.
Leo: "Let's get going then, I'm sure Zoro and Coco are waiting."
Riylli rushes back in and right up to Aislinn, holding a clear jar full of purple stuff in her hands. It kind of looks like a potion with how purple it is, fittingly enough. "Here! This is a syrup I made outta my very own home grown sweet violets! Y'can basically use it in any cookin' you do that needs sugar if you want a bit more unique of a flavor. Mana likes it in her tea!"
Nonoli: "Let's go see what this 'cleansing ritual' your wife mentioned is all about."
Odile gives Riylli a big hug.
Leo expresses his worry with Nonoli. "It's not fun..."
Nonoli ponders over Leo.
Rising Lotus looks over the paper she was handed, trying to see any recipes that would catch her eye to try this again when Riylli came running back with the present. Something then dawned on her when she heard Nonoli mention the cleansing ritual. "Oh right. Hey Lin an' M'shara. There's a little voidsent named Zilmat that'll be workin' in the library."
M'shara: "A what now?"
Aislinn looks up from her thoughts of Ziv as Riylli returns. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise at the jar. "Oh!" Something warm lights behind her eyes. "Violets. I get it. Can't say I've ever had the privilege of trying violet syrup." She says as she takes the jar. "Thank you! I'll have to try it in tea like G’manafa, then."
Aislinn stops and blinks at Rising. "I'm sorry, what? A voidsent?" Talk about whiplash.
Riylli grins proudly. "Good! The sweet violets are special violets because they're sweet, so they make a really good syrup!" Riylli states simply, before turning to Rising. "And don't you worry, you'll get my next batch whenever its grown, okay? Can only make so much at once, especially now that its winter." She explains, then moves off to the side to let Rising deal with the voidsent fallout
M'shara: "Are you entered into a pact with this voidsent or something that can control it?"
Aislinn hugs the jar close to her as she stares at Rising, her lips forming a thin, hard line. She's not thrilled.
Rising Lotus "Aw, thank ya. I'll find ya somethin' nice...but it'll be harder since it can't jus' be fish related..anyway!" she returned back to the other matter. "Long story short, Riylli, I, an' some others went to where that tomestone lead." she motioned to Linn "Was Jackal's hideout, an' with the tone of money he said I could have, half of which went to here to fix the place up, there was a little eye voidsent fellow that has to listen to me now."
Riylli: "I told her it was a terrible idea..." Riylli mumbles from off on the side
M'shara raised a brow at the last part. "It has to or -must-?"
Rising Lotus: "I think he has to. That's what the letter said anyway. He's pretty harmless an' a huge coward, think Jackal mostly jus' fucked with him most of the time, so things should be fine. Kept a good track of all of that bastard's books, an' liked readin' so seemed like a good fit."
Aislinn shifts slightly, clearly uncomfortable. She hated anything having to do with the void. Having one occupying space under the same roof wasn’t ideal. “Alright.” It was not alright. “But why does it have to live -here-?”
M'shara draws in a deep breath then exhales slowly through her nose.
Rising Lotus: " 'Cause that's where the library is. Doesn't really leave it 'less I come get him, an' still sort of jus' hides when folks go in there. Still workin' on that, wouldn't make much of a librarian if he ain't helpin' folks."
M'shara: "What it is eating?"
M'shara: "Are you feeding it?"
Rising Lotus: "He said Jackal used to feed him scraps, when we found him he was eatin' coffee beans. So jus' normal food for his size. Nysc gave him some aether wine once."
Riylli looks back and forth between them, then starts scooting towards the door. She did not want to get involved in this well deserved scolding. "Alright, I'm, uh, off for now. Happy Starlight all!" She says, then poofs
M'shara was a hard woman to read but the way she ran her fingers through her hair was telling enough. "Well then. I suppose it will have to be taken up with her."
Aislinn lets go a perturbed sound in the back of her throat, wordlessly but vocally backing up Shara's questions. "So Nyscera knows." She shakes her head, annoyed, among other things. "Fine. I'll add some wards to the lab. The workshop. The clinic." She murmurs under her breath. So much for stepping foot in the library again. 
M'shara: "I can assist with your warding."
Aislinn tips her head gratefully to Shara. "Not exactly my specialty. You're probably better at it than I."
Rising Lotus let out pfft and a dismissive wave of her hand. "You're worryin' 'bout nothin'. I'll let ya meet him sometime, he's too small to do any damage an' too cowardly to try. Plus feel bad for the thing, Jackal was an arse to him all the time, bastard wasn't ever there for me an' left me an' my ma." she shrugged lightly.
M'shara nods her head. "Yes, I understand how you feel about it but smaller more cowardly voidsent also tend to be opportunist who will consume something larger than them at the first chance."
Aislinn: "So you're saying the thing has a reason to hold a grudge against people, considering how it's been treated." She points out.
Aislinn lets go a breath "I can't say I understand your reasoning, Rising. And I trust you but I also..." She trails off and decides against explaining her reticence. "There's nothing good about the void. I've seen that much."
Rising Lotus scratched the back of her head as she pondered what was being brought forth. "I don't think so. Seems happy jus' to be able to read mostly. Didn't have much stories back in cave after all. In the off chance he does try somethin' I think he'll be squashed pretty quick, but that ain't gonna happen."
M'shara: "Well, it'll get taken up with Nyscera I suppose. In the meantime we do have wards."
Rising Lotus: "Things will be fine." she assured them once more. "I mean, I used to think nothin' good came out of Garlemald, but then I went there an' there were good folk. I'm sure the void has to be the same then...jus' probably much lesser. But there are them voidsent that work for the saucer an' all, so there ya go."
M'shara: "Yes, well, I'd be more at ease if it was bound by contract like those at the saucer."
Rising Lotus: "I think the contract was given to me when he died, I can get you the letter to be sure, an' calls me master an' all, well did 'til I told him to stop."
M'shara: "Certainly. In the meantime I'll help Aislinn with some wards. Then I need to go get my beauty sleep."
Aislinn nods distantly, casting her gaze across the room. "Aye, that'll have to do." Inhales slowly, her thoughts retreating back behind a quiet, closed door expression. "Aye, I'm going to go ahead and start cleaning up and get back to work. Thank you both for coming."
Rising Lotus "Sure thing, thanks for teachin'. I'll drag him out of there soon so you can get a good look at 'em!" she grinned before giving them a wave and heading out the door.
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another-heroine · 1 year
Right now, I want to write about:
- Kadira and Ekaterina (@spyridonya)
- Lann and Ekaterina (didn’t forget you, @dujour13)
- Headcanons about Alina, Katya's daughter (and it involves a mongrelgirl asking to a certain silver dragon to be her teacher, @arrow90-quiver)
- Alina and Silaena causing/"solving" problems at the school (@turbulentpumpkin43)
- It's a Long Way to the Paradise and The Child Who Carried the Sun's continuation.
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foronceididntlookback · 7 months
y'all im writing some angsty post tlo ruegard fanfic, any ideas if what to add
(first line is "It wasn't until the fighting was over and they were back at camp that it finally hit Clarisse that Silaena was gone.")
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cassynite · 9 months
Silaena Goes Home 👀👀
HI CROW THANK YOU CROW did I ever mention i love Silaena. Well I do!!
This is a companion piece for All the Faces in Her Wake, my daeran centric fic that focuses on his relationsihp with his mother. It's not in the actual fic yet (ch3) but I've posted snippets and another short piece that reveal that in my canon, Silaena was actually as rebellious, if not more so, than Daeran in her youth--she explicitly ran away from home as a young adult for a period of about four years, before returning home and taking up the mantle of Countess Arendae. This fic details her arrival home, what she does in between her homecoming and her marriage to Count Arendae, and why specifically she came back.
I love it a lot but there's a possible chance that I won't post it because it features a very headcanony headcanon about Silaena and Daeran that I'm nearly positive is refuted in game--that Silaena conceived Daeran with someone else and returned home and got quick married to an old friend to legitimize him. But I still love it because I do what I want lol
Snippet under the cut!
"I'm pregnant," she said flatly, the words silencing her father's bluster. His face turned the color of puce, and then bone-white. "How--who--" "I have no idea," she cut through his spluttering. She is lying, of course--the man's name had been Kael, he of the sharp tongue and foxlike smile. They had spent months together when he had come to Mendev searching for opportunities to expand his business, free-fallen into the closest thing to love Silaena had ever experienced. When the diseased air of the Worldwound became too much, he had packed his things to go back southeast and offered to take Silaena with him. She'd refused; Mendev was blighted land riddled with cults and demons and foul air, but it was her air, and her people, and her land. Even when she ran away she had never gone far, and had come to the realization that she never would when she closed the door on their relationship. He'd left before she'd found out the gift he'd left her, and now he will never know, so she does not wonder how he'd react if he found out. What mattered was here, the present, and how she planned to take care of the growing life inside of her. "Nevis and I have already agreed that this will be a chaste marriage; my child will be claimed as his, and since the marriage will be legal before the child draws breath it will be legal heir. You give me the title and the estate, and you can keep all the other homes and riches and make everyone miserable in Nerosyan if you like, and you never speak to me again--and I will take the responsibilities of Countess Arendae, and pass them to my son."
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spyridonya · 2 years
26., 30, 32 for the OTP asks! <3
I’m answering for Daeran and Kadira this go around, but thank you so much for asking! <3 Once again it's under the cut because i blab too much!
How do they comfort each other?
Jokes are their first line of defense, but eventually they both gain several habits to comfort the other.
Daeran has a habit he developed with Kadira not long after he took to her bed and realized she'd only ask him to come every other night. Daeran had some inkling that she was giving him space for his casual encounters, though he never took the advantage. Rather, he began to go to her room and simply put his head on her lap while she worked. Eventually this transferred to the bed where he'd doze (never fully trusting himself to fall asleep) while snuggled up to her while she did her paperwork.
Kadira's habit for Daeran is doing his hair. She recognized his hair's texture early on, but it had never been her business until they became a 'not-couple'. While adventuring, Kadira would clean Daeran's hair with water and prestidigitation, the spell allowing her to remove soil and grim from his hair. She'd then use grape seed oil or olive oil on his hair, defining his curls. Daeran was very hesitant about anyone other than a proper servant touching his hair, but Kadira's method ended up relaxing him and giving his waves a less frizzy look than he ever thought possible.
What is their favorite place to kiss the other?
Daeran's casual kisses for Kadira are usually her fingertips, though when alone he'll steal her tail and kiss the spade end of it. Kadira will kiss Daeran's check and the palm of his hands, the former rarities for Daeran since his mother's death.
How do they resolve their arguments?
Daeran has no idea how to properly argue in a romantic situation, it's one of the rare instances that Kadira has more insight on. Part of this is due to his mother being his sole caretaker; Silaena never argued with a partner and Daeran never had an example of how to argue with a lover. It didn't help that Daeran's causal relationships were horribly unbalanced in terms of power to Daeran's advantage. As such he's incredibly passive aggressive and catty and much to his surprise? Kadira confronts him with full honesty about her anger before stepping away to deal with her feelings.
While her mother Irka didn't have a partner when Kadira was growing up, Kadira had examples of how to argue with her grandparents. Her grandmother and grandfather would yell with each other, though they would never swipe at each other with passive aggression but with full honesty. They would spend some time away from each other for no longer than a day before coming back and being rational about what happened earlier.
As such, that pattern began to emerge on the few times they had arguments, with Daeran quietly trying to affirm if Kadira still cared for him - something that she would always assure him of despite her anger.
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nirahsa · 7 years
Potential Potential
They all speak of my latent talent
Then shuffle me off into normal classes
Same as the less gifted
Years of study
Just to learn the ‘fundamentals’
Once I claim Zul’neth I’ll attain my potential!
My teachers cower at the mention of the staff.
Forbidden, don’t use.
Fear is death
I’ll forge my own destiny
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marlowethelibrarian · 3 months
OC name tag!
from @nczaversnick!
Rules: I want to know how you came up with your original character’s names and personalities. Are they based on people in your real life? Are they straight from your brain? Are they a mix of several people?
Most of my book characters are like, rp ocs that I developed and arranged like five different puzzles into the most beautiful and most chaotic mural I could imagine. seriously, i have two versions of one character that both made it into project cannibalism. I wonder if anyone will be able to tell-- they ended up being pretty distinct.
As for the actual names in the story, they're all made up of conlangs I rolled up in the vulgar lang app. I really mostly just cram syllables together until I find something I like the sound of, sometimes stealing first letter from any base characters these versions come from. Rakani and Ravi are pretty obviously this, I think.
The names in my book are also fairly long. Suyan names are made up of three parts, the Clan name, the "ne'" which means "of" then lineage name, passed down from your mother and then the individual name which comes last.
So Rakani's full name is Okono ne' Silaena Rakani, which means they are from the Okono clan, only okono means nothing, which means Rakani is clanless, and therefore nothing.
It's a hard world out there to be Okono tbh.
In comparison, their mother was Okemae ne' Silaena Marake.
You address people by Clan first, then lineage, then individual, depending on how close you are to that person and also contextually. If you're surrounded by Daseri clansfolk, then you'll probably start referring to people by family name, and if you're just at the family reunion, you'll probably refer to people by their individual names, with titles conferring appropriate formality if necessary. It's kind of vibes based, honestly.
Taglist for Project Cannibalism, for world building!! (ask for +/-) @cowboybrunch, @mantis-lizbian, @orions-quill, @saturnine-saturneight
Tagging for the meme- any of the projecttaglist ppl obvs can go for it, and then also @fortunatetragedy, @illarian-rambling, @somethingclevermahogony!
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Along the path - Ambiguous Impressions
Male Commander/Daeran AO3 ~~~ Arendae Party House, Kenabres, Arodus 19, 4715 There was little he despised as much as those in power who failed to fulfill the duty connected to their status and influence, abused their position to rule with neither skill nor competence or even developed into a danger for those under their unworthy command. Count Daeran Arendae, however, seemed to be little more than a spoiled, pesky child, undeserving of his name, but uninterested in actively participating in Mendev’s politics and leadership, merely providing a scandal every once in a while. Despite standing in direct line for the throne, he showed no intention to raise above his role as rake and nuisance and maybe his pathetic lack of ambition was actually speaking in his favor. He had read and heard about the Arendae family in extensive detail long before his arrival in Mendev, still everyone seemed eager to provide him with bits and pieces of their history, none of them able to fill the peculiar gaps in this odd and horrendous story that had started to grow and swell big enough to become part of Mendev’s Folklore. To his surprise, they were greeted by vivid music when they finally reached the mansion and stepped through an inconspicuous passage at the back of the house to escape the attention of the demons besieging it. Hadn’t the servant emphasized that the situation was urgent, the creatures already in the house and Arendae and his guests captured in the great hall, waiting for aid?
“Check the rooms to the right,” he ordered. He would create a safe escape route for the residents, staff and visitors to flee before the attackers found a way to break through. A small group of demons had made themselves comfortable in the pantry and were dead before they got the chance to alarm their allies. Now the passage seemed free of dangers. Time to … He stopped in his thought when he spotted the thief he had freed from the cell at Defender’s Heart, stuffing his bags with everything small enough to fit – food, herbs, bottles … “Woljif, cease this at once.” The sharp rebuke caused the tiefling to pull his head out of the chest he was rummaging this very moment. “But chief, this guy is ridiculously rich! And we need it more than him.” He wouldn’t sink so low as to steal – from other nobles no less – just because he had no access to his own fortune in his current situation. His face heated up at the thought alone. “Put it back.” “Really?” Woljif sighed. “Yeah, alright chief, understood.” He turned around to leave the pantry behind. From the corner of his eye, he noticed how the tiefling quietly slid his loot into his bag anyway. He needed to talk to him as soon as they would have completed their mission. For now, there was no time to discuss the issue further. He headed for the great hall the servant had mentioned and opened the high doors by breaking the seal. It gave in with surprising ease and more and more he felt like someone was playing a prank on him. The banquet hadn’t been interrupted, musicians were playing in cheerful merriment, their song filled the large flamboyant room, encouraging half-naked dancers to move in seductive grace on tables filled with an abundance of exquisite dishes. No one seemed afraid or even vaguely concerned, the guests chatted and laughed, flirted and joked without a care – or clear thought – in the world. And there, close to the door they had just passed, at the end of the long table, sat the host of this morbid festivity, his golden hair and otherworldly radiance giving him away at first view, even among all those people. Count Arendae was an Aasimar, like his mother had been, Countess Silaena Arendae, only failing to show any hint of the amiable virtuousness people tended to attribute to those with celestial blood in their ancestral line. “What a splendid occasion, Count!” one of the guests shouted, “And this new Numerian elixir is quite something!” Apparently, tiger had escaped Ember’s arms and the orange cat ran promptly and straight ahead to Arendae’s side. The Count reached for the little animal in a lazy gesture to pet it for a short moment without even looking around from where it had come. Granted, he didn’t get much of a chance. Out of a sudden a bang echoed through the hall and the double door of the main entrance swung open, hit by a heavy attack. Salvadore drew his sword. “Oh look, such darling little creatures,” one of the nobles stated at the abyssal abominations flooding into the room. Salvadore wondered what kind of intoxicant Arendae distributed among his guests. “I must be well and truly sozzled …,” another remarked. “I’m seeing freaks with horns bah-ha!” The one who had spoken first was ripped to bloody shreds by one of the darling little creatures before he had the chance to rush towards them. It was then, when the screaming started. “I s-smell … beauty …,” a bulky Abrikandilu grunted. Chaos broke lose. “They’re – they’re demons!” a dancer yelled in all her perspicacity. “Help!” Damn. He had to enforce some kind of order through the welling panic to evacuate them while he’d keep the demons from following and kill them in a swift, fast maneuver with Seelah’s, Wenduag’s and, from a safe distance, Ember’s help. – And maybe the thief’s, in case he wasn’t running. A command to prompt the incompetent host of this disaster to move towards the door, before he’d get himself killed next, never left his lips. The count raised from his chair without any haste, appearing surprisingly calm and composed in stepping towards the invading demons. His right hand and the floor around him started to glow in golden lines of magic patterns, reflected in his shining hair, when he raised the energy for a spell. “Wonderful, now brace yourself for the smell of your own blood, you ghastly eyesore.” The Abrikandilu was torn apart by the power that hit him and only left stains of dark blood on the thick carpet. Salvadore frowned. This had been … impressive. He forced himself to focus on the battle. Apparently, the demons hadn’t expected to meet resistance. He tried to keep them away from the civilians, while slaying them in precise, clean motions. Another fell by Seela’s blade. Woljif rammed his daggers into the back of a Schir. It was a matter of minutes till the last of them died with a gurgling sound under their counter attack. With a sigh he cleaned his sword on the shreds one of the creatures was wearing, then he turned around to check for injuries among the people. Maybe Ember could speak some healing spells. Fortunately, it seemed most of the guests, servants and artists were under shock, but widely unscathed. Salvadore’s gaze found Arendae, who had participated in the battle without a second thought and in skillful, elegant efficiency. Apparently, there was a little more to him than he had assumed. He stepped closer, curious, this much he had to admit. “Greetings, valiant stranger who has just burst into my life. I am the master of this house, Count Daeran Kael ‘Myriad-Mellifluous-Monikers’ Arendae.” Salvadore raised a brow, not entirely sure if the count was making fun of him or of himself. A gleam of amusement shimmered in the luminescence of those bright green eyes. Arendae was outrageously attractive, his angelic features even more appealing than those of his fellow Aasimar due to the mischievous flair surrounding them. It was a dangerous combination, dangerous and rare. His warm, smooth bronze-skin seemed coated by the fairest hint of gold, resonating in the color of his hair, laid back in perfect curls. He noticed his pointed ears. Azata blood. – Fitting, and maybe even an explanation for a thing or two. “No need to introduce yourself – I find remembering insignificant details such as the names of passing acquaintances such a bore.” He spoke with lofty eloquence, voice high and clear, but playful in it, with a youthful, roguish charm, despite the condescending words. Something in his way of talking captured his interest enough to refrain from a rebuke and from calling attention to his own title, instead, he held back, observing. “Now that we’re finished with the niceties, tell me this … How did all those thrice-damned demons end up at my soirée?” Even for the most indifferent rake in town this question seemed bizarre. Now it was for him to show some condescendence. “It must have been some party, to miss the fact that Kenabres was being attacked by hordes of Demons and Deskari himself.” “Oh come, the party was deathly dull, rather like one of the Prelate’s interminable sermons. I really ought to be grateful to the demons for their intrusion – they certainly added a frisson to the proceedings.” Arendae’s eyes wandered to the window. Between the curtains a flickering minacious shine told of the fires ravaging the city. The counts attention moved back to him and he continued in the same unbothered demeanor: “… It seems as though Deskari’s occasion was altogether more of a crush than mine, if you pardon the pun.” “I experienced this crush at point-blank range,” he commented drily, “A mediocre pleasure at best as well.” He noticed a surprised flicker of merriment in Arendae’s gaze. “You don’t seem very concerned about the cities fate.” It was more of an observation than a question, still he wanted to hear his answer. After all, celebrations were harder to hold between debris and ashes. “I have no friends here whose untimely demise I would care to mourn. The only alarming thing is how easily all this happened. I don’t care for the thought that demons could come calling at my door at any moment. And just think, everyone had so much faith in the Wardstones gifted by Iomedae’s herald, and in the might of our tamed dragon. As if there had been no Drezen or a dozen other routs where the demons overcame every defense …” Suddenly, he appeared tired. He rubbed his brow in an exhausted gesture. So, the dear count was a cynic. – Clearly by no means an inappropriate stance, given the disastrous course of events during the recent days and the whole debacle of the last two crusades before. “What should I know about you, Count?” he asked slowly, eying him in all intensity. “Aside from the fact that you’re high-born and very rich?” Both attributes tended to tell fairly little about a person. He himself combined them as well or would do so again, as soon as he’d get the chance to work out his approach to reclaim what was rightfully his. “As a child, I had my very own pony,” Arendae answered in an unexpected way. “But I always dreamed of having a lamb. I was never allowed one – sheep were seen as peasant animals, utterly unsuitable for the scion of a noble line. The trauma haunts me to this day.” Salvadore returned to raising his brow. “I think of it every time I have roast lamb for dinner.” “I’m sorry that happened to you,” Ember suddenly threw in, sounding genuinely compassionate. “Such a sad story.” Salvadore felt his features soften. Cynicism dripped off from her like water from colored glass, drawing patterns and prisms of light instead. The Count seemed to realize it immediately as well. And, to his astonishment, reacted neither irritated nor in the mocking demeanor he had shown before: “I had not even the slightest intention of upsetting such a lovely child.” “I’m not lovely.” Ember seemed unburdened in turning the compliment down. “Some people have even called me a scarecrow before.” “That’s patently absurd!” Arendae proclaimed, “Why, you can’t possibly be a scarecrow with a crow following you around.” A little smile played across Salvadore’s lips. Now this had been positively adorable. Of course, the Count returned to his former attitude swiftly and Salvadore had to admit – slightly against his will –, that he found it quite endearing as well. “I’m sorry if I failed to state your curiosity. I loathe talking about myself to people I don’t know, even more to those I do know. The only thing worth knowing – aside from the fact that I am high-born and filthy rich – is that I dislike puritans and demons in equal measure. Well, perhaps demons a tad more.” “A reason more for me to expect a little gratitude for saving you.” “Of course, of course, where are my manners …” He inspected his hand, removed a ring with a large gemstone and tossed it to him. “There.” Salvadore reacted in an impulse and caught it from the air, feeling a rush of annoyance in the very same heartbeat. Neither had his comment been a request for paiment nor suggested that he’d accept such a highly degrading gesture. “You can also poke about the house and claim whatever takes your fancy. Though I imagine some of you already had that in mind.” Salvadore flinched internally. The thief! He had forgotten to have an eye on him. “I’m feeling very attacked right now,” Woljif complained. The pockets of his trousers and jacket were so full of trinkets by now that his loot drew a visible outline underneath his clothes. Salvadore raised his right hand to his forehead for a moment, closing his eyes and massaging in little circles. When he looked at Arendae again, he tried not to show his embarrassment. “I apologize for him. He isn’t used to my code of conduct. We barely just met.” Before the thief or the count got a chance to deepen the topic, he changed it: “You can go to the Defender’s Heart. It’s under the protection of Irabeth Tirabade and the Eagle Watch.” “I thank you for the invitation, but I am not quite as desperate as I may seem. At times, it is better to be surrounded by the repugnant mugs of demons than the sour and dour physiognomies of Iomedae’s righteous paladins.” He preferred to stay within the disgusting mess of those walls? – Celebrating between blood, innards and empty bottles till the next onslaught of demons would leave him with some teeth or claws in his handsome throat? Well, he had recognized and was willing to acknowledge that he was defensive and quite skilled with his spells, still he didn’t stand a chance alone with a handful of guards and servants and he didn’t like the thought of leaving him to die because of stubbornness, a dislike for paladins and flawed judgement. Seelah, who had been silent so far, raised her voice for the first time during the conversation, while using the broad side of her sword as mirror in jest. “What about my physiognomy? Sour enough for his lordship? Don’t worry, another few minutes with the dazzling count here and it will sour like week-old milk.” “What’s this?” Arendae sounded delighted again. “An attractive paladin with a sense of humor? You’re a veritable walking scandal.” Once more Salvadore wondered if the count was deliberately charming or on accident. “Either way, my mansion is now safe.” Salvadore frowned. Nothing in this city was even close to being safe, aside from Defender’s Heart, and even there the demons would attempt to attack rather sooner than later. “I have a pair of half-decent guards.” A pair? Against a demon horde? “I just need to drag them out of the storeroom and bring them to their senses … I ordered them to drink a love potion, you see, for reasons which seemed extremely witty at the time and in the state of inebriation I then found myself in.” For the sake of those guards, he hoped this prank didn’t get out of hand in the worst of possible ways. “They can guard the house while the valorous paladins beat back the demon assault. They will beat them back, yes?” Still, Salvadore would prefer to evacuate the whole mansion. If those guards where half-decent, as Arendae claimed, they would be more helpful searching for survivors or joining the resistance at Defender’s Heart as well. The count fell silent, before he added: “As regards myself, I feel like stretching my legs. I know rudimentary divine spells, I am no friend to demons, and I elevate any society that I deign to grace with my presence.” Salvadore was close to inform him that a walk through the city was an even worse idea than staying where he was, but Arendae’s next words caught him off guard: “I shall accompany you – only for a short time, of course, I have no desire to remain at the vanguard for a protracted period. What say you, my ephemeral but highly diverting acquaintance? After all, Lord Deskari spoiled my party. I now burn with the desire to spoil his.” He reacted with a little snort. “Your confidence is refreshing, Count.” And this idea far better than wandering the city alone or staying in this mansion. “Well. Thoughts?” The last question was aimed at the group. Their opinions wouldn’t influence his decision – this one already stood –, he still was interested in their arguments for or against Arendae’s company. “I don’t like this guy much at all. Not even because of his personality, but just … I sense something … dark about him,” Seelah said. Something dark? Beyond his morbid humor and indifference? Before he got a chance to ask, Wenduag stated her thoughts: “He’s handsome,” she purred, licking her lips and eying the count like her next meal. “Having a spellcaster in the party is always useful, too. If he’s strong, he’ll make a good ally. If he’s weak, he will die instead of us.” It was her usual logic with the usual flaws, starting with the small fact that they wouldn't leave anyone behind. “He has all these friends at this party, and still he looks so lonely,” Ember stated. “We can take him with us. Maybe it will make him feel better?” Her words caused him to gaze at Arendae again. The child seemed to have uttered an excellent take. This man was looking for distractions, not fulfilled by his own debauchery. – Maybe indeed a tad lonely in it? Salvadore looked to Woljif, the only one who hadn’t contributed his opinion yet. “Don’t ask me.” The thief didn’t seem happy at the prospect of taking Arendae with them. “Having him tag along would be like going for a nighttime stroll through the back-alleys with a diamond tiara on your head. Even I don’t like that kind of attention.” Well, the count sure was … hard to overlook. But the same could be said about himself. In self-assured calmness, he turned back to Arendae. Daeran. This promised to be interesting. “Deal,” he agreed in all simplicity. “Capital. Good acquaintances that begin and end at just the right moment often leave the most pleasant memories, wouldn’t you say?” Salvadore wondered why he repeated himself in emphasizing the ephemerality of this collaboration. He didn’t plan to hold him captive. The count was free to go whenever, although he preferred to have him under his direct guard until the city truly would be safe – a decision caused by his very own unreason in his reluctance to wait at Defender’s Heart like the rest of the city’s survivors. “I’m not sure I agree, but you can ready yourself for departure. I still have some questions for one of your guests.” He left the count with the others and moved his gaze through the room, searching for Aranka. His fingers played with the ring Daeran had given him. The thought still was accompanied by discontented irritation and a flicker of embarrassment. His first impulse was to put it down on one of the tables and leave it behind. He noticed the elegant letters, skillfully engraved in the exquisite gold, Daeran’s initials, D and A. Fine scratches and chips covered the metal and spoke of carelessness and the activities the small trinket had witnessed. It was in worse state than any of his own rings would ever achieve. He only knew him for less than half an hour, but this short time frame had been enough to tell that this ring was his in such a distinctive, characteristic way, that it caused him to smile in secret amusement. The smile still played across his lips when he moved towards the stage to the right and the musicians gathered there, slipping the ring into his pocket.
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