#silahtar mustafa pasha
rughydrangea · 1 year
Okay I’m finally making my way through s2 of mck as fast as I can (the semester is over, I’m taking advantage of some free time!), and must write down random silly thoughts:
--I’m in the middle of episode 49 right now. I dislike Silahtar so strongly but I do kind of love it when he’s blatantly a bad guy? It’s like a less good version of Ibrahim’s arc from the mothership, and Lord knows I adored bad-guy Ibrahim.
--I’m sorry, I can’t stand Farya. The character makes no sense to me, even leaving aside this franchise’s bizarre obsession with Christian princesses in the harem. She enters with such a clear purpose and within five episodes it’s all gone, thrown away so she can devote herself to a guy who treats her like crap? And then once she’s in the harem, she’s just kind of dramatically inert as a character? No shade to the actress, who has some good moments (her blow-up at Murad over Sanavber was great), but I just don’t understand what Farya’s doing here.
--Speaking of characters I don’t like... Farya’s BFF Atike. But here’s the thing: every aspect of Atike and Silahtar was excruciating to me, watching her basically stalk this man who was clearly not into her and then emotionally blackmailing him into marrying her.... no! It was bad! BUT. As much as I dislike that Atike, I really love the Atike who is Ibrahim’s twin and loves him and wants to protect him, and I know that’s only going to grow, so I can’t write her off.
--I love Kemankes. He’s devoted to Kösem! As every person should be!
--Murad... is simply not it. I loved Murad the kid in s1, and I’m still not sure what is missing here for me. Is it just that he’s mean to his mother? Is it that all the moments of him having emotions that aren’t anger and hate were with a character I don’t like (Farya), thus making it difficult for me to connect with him? Maybe it’s that we start the season with him already acting out against Kösem, which made it tough to jump onto his emotional wavelength and feel his feelings with him? Or maybe it’s that he’s a terrible person who is at this point basically a mass murderer? (Were I a denizen of Istanbul, I would simply never speak my mind and actually also never go outside, because it legit seems like Murad is just prowling the streets looking for people to kill!) With all of that being said, though, there are levels on which the Murad/Kösem conflict really does work for me, because they’re both so inflexible and fixated on their own power above all else that they can’t see how much they need each other. Kösem is smarter about this than Murad, but not as much as she should be. And that does work for me, because their dynamic is pure tragedy: they should be working together, but every facet of who they are pits them against each other. 
--Kösem’s other sons are great so far. I fell for Kasim, I love his earnestness and his playfulness and his devotion to his mother (being good to Kösem is, in case it isn’t obvious, my #1 criterion for all characters), and knowing what’s going to happen to him is very upsetting. And Ibrahim... shockingly, I adore him. He’s hitting a lot of the same beats as Mustafa in s1, not just because they’re both “mad” sultans, but because I feel like these characters realistically dramatize what would happen to a person’s mind living in this horrible environment. Ibrahim’s fear, paranoia, instability--they are all strike me as highly reasonable responses to living as he has. So knowing what will happen to him, who he’ll become, and how Kösem will turn against him, also makes me sad, because we so clearly see the core of vulnerability that the rest of his personality is built around.
--Sinan Pasha is unreal in terms of his longevity. At the end of the world it will be cockroaches and Sinan Pasha.
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fymagnificentwomcn · 4 years
What are your thoughts about Silhatar Mustafa?
Mhm pretty much indifferent to him, but as many, deserved so much better?
I mean later on he was horrible, but he wasn’t himself anymore following Gevherhan’s death and his disastrous marriage to Atike.
When we meet him we know he’s Murad’s best friend and has a reputation as ladies man, seems like a guy seriously devoted to his work, but having a messy private life lol.
The person he seems most attached to was Murad, we see he is very much concerned about his well-being and happiness, for example he is very glad seeing Murad being happy after a ride with Farya (later changes his attitude towards her after the pig incident). He also has a soft spot for Ayşe (in platonic sense), which mirrors Ibrahim’s fondness for Mahi due to being treated as part of their family (and this relationship stays strong until the end, even in her last episode, he pleads on her behalf with Murad).
It’s clear he and Kösem aren’t great friends, but they both have learned how to co-operate with each other for Murad’s sake, he also seems to have similar relations with the rest of family – there doesn’t seem to be exceptional closeness between him and the rest of the family other than Murad, but everybody manages to get along.
The show starts when Mu/rat loses his previous main male favourite (and I don’t intend here any romantic undertons either ahaha) aka Musa, and Silahtar is given his position. In later flashback scene we see what Mu/rat expects of him – absolute loyalty. Obviously Musa has left big shoes to fill in and Silahtar is undoubtedly aware of this.
Suddenly Silahtar’s professional life and his messy private life intersect because he gets caught between two sultanas – one which he begins to have feelings for and the other who begins chasing after him for a change.
He was well aware Gevherhan might be too far above him and perhaps got scared about having for the first time real feelings for a woman, so he entered into what he thought a casual relationship with Ester. However, he could have sensed that Ester wanted something more, she was pretty vocal about bearing her loneliness aka widowhood badly and wanting to have someone by her side long-term. Then he actually did decide to pursue Gev and like he said start a new chapter with his life, close the previous messy private life and start anew with the woman he truly loved. He also intended to immediately come clean to Mu/rat and ask for Gev’s hand, even at the risk of being executed.
Ironically, what proved to be an obstacle was not where he actually was at fault (Ester), but where he was innocent (Atike).
As I said, Ester serves here as foil to Atike – she has much better reasons to be bitter and want revenge, but ultimately she draws a line and leaves the matter. And LBR nobody would have cared so much about her as about a sultana… but this sultana is lying, even if she herself believes in her delusions.
The whole situation truly gives me Atonement vibes, and as in Atonement it has a bad ending, but here it gets a bit more complicated because of Silahtar’s love and loyalty being connected also with another person – Murad.
I said it multiple times – in the end the real love triangle is Silahtar-Gevherhan-Murad.
As I mentioned in the beginning, from beginning Silahtar is very protective of his friend and sultan and also wants to do as best as he can in his job. He is also a bit naïve about Murad – during the Kasim matter, he scolds Kemankeş for having helped Kösem hide the truth, but he himself has no bad intentions and does not want Kasim hurt – he believes Murad will not pursue the matter as far as he ultimately does.
Similarly, he makes digs at Kemankes to not switch sides for Kösem’s.
When he asks Murad for Gev’s hand, he is sure his friend will treat him at least justly. But boy he was disappointed. Murad doesn’t even ask him about the whole matter and trusts Atike blindly. Then puts him in that praying cell to make Silahtar understand that the most important thing in his life is his padişah and absolute loyalty to him.
To make matters worse, once Silahtar is released from prison, his “friend” decides to complete the “lesson” with “absolute loyalty test” – marry Atike.
Murad is well aware Silahtar does not love Atike and does not want to marry her. He actually uses his beloved (?) little sis and traps her in marriage that has no chances of being ever happy to test Silahtar’s loyalty.
And Silahtar, traumatised and brainwashed by everything – chooses loyalty to Murad. Of course if he had said no, he would have been executed (though Gev would have more strength to live seeing he didn’t abandon her), but he still chooses a sad life trapped in his private life with a woman he now despises… what is left is truly only Murad and his service to him.
In a way, it’s strange that following Gev’s demise Silahtar becomes obsessed with the person who caused him this misery – but at the same he lost everything, all he has left is Murad, he made his choice, chose Murad, so now all he can do is stick to his choice and save what he still has.
When Murad comes to Silahtar when the latter is mourning Gevherhan we see he has learned his lessons by now – Murad is distraught because his mother told him he was guilty of his sister’s suicide, so Murad (as always) makes his friend’s pain be about him and asks whether it’s true. Silahtar now knows what answer Murad expects and states that “all our lives and our paths, life and death, belong to you” and remarks that if Gev had accepted Murad’s will as we all should, she would have been alive. It’s deeply sad to state, but Silahtar knows Murad truly wants no other answer than this. However, before Murad’s appearance, Silahtar recalled telling Gev that only she made him feel alive and now he tells Murad he is practically dead and trapped in his life, and that he needs to live with his pain and regret forever. He actually says similar thing to Atike - yes, he chose loyalty to Murad over the woman he loved and now has to bear the consequences for the rest of his life. Atike, of course, does not get it and still belives they might have a happy ending.
It’s a very dark reality for him now, no wonder he pretty much loses his mind out of this grief, and it only gets worse because he realises Atike will never divorce him and will not even rest until he tries to be a husband to her.
When he comes to her and they “kiss” he taunts her to divorce him and sees that even when he mocks her she’s so obsessed with him, she won’t go let go no matter what. Kösem actually would be happy to see Atike divorcing Silahtar because we know she never liked him, the only obstacle is Atike’s obsession. So later he tries to play the husband part even though it’s clear he continues to despise her.
Ironically, he develops sort of his own obsession, but with Murad. Pretty much tries to remove everyone around Murad and most sadly tries to turn Murad against his mother and brothers. He suggests both changing the law and putting Murad’s brothers to kafes, which is an action very uncharacteristic of his old self. Still, it’s clearly not a vendetta against Murad because we see he still clearly cares about him, e.g. when he hides from him the fact that Farya (whom he strongly dislikes) had connection with Murad’s children death. He does confide it in Kösem though because he knows that while she will scold Farya, she will also keep quiet not to cause Murad any more pain. It again proves that while these two never liked each other much, they were able to set their differences aside for Murad’s sake.
This is not just restricted to his family, but also to Murad’s other men – Abaza, Kemankeş – because he shows Murad the letter from Kösem to Kemankes not only to strike at her, but to make Murad doubt Kemankeş too and he taunts Kemankeş with being Kösem’s spy (which is true because now Kemankeş is reporting Kösem Murad’s tyrannical behaviour, the opposite of what he was sent to Kösem, I love this irony sm ngl)
Kemankeş however is not interested in becoming Murad’s male favourite, but a new serious rival pops up – Yusuf. And a new triangle emerges 😊 Silahtar cannot hide his jealousy at all, even Atike notices it, though as always she mistakes it as him being jealous of her, same with Kemankeş who taunts Silahtar that Yusuf’s relationship with Murad curiously resembles his relationship with “someone else”.
I really despair we didn’t get more of Silahtar/Yusuf/Murad thing NGL, but I’m sure it would have gone this way if Caner had not left the show, I doubt Silahtar would have ever abandoned Murad at that stage, especially since historically he was his most loyal man until the end (“the person who was always loyal and genuinely attached to him since his youth” as Du Loir suggests) and was even in terrible despair upon Murad’s death, sooo.
In short again, he’s not among my fave characters, but he truly deserved so much better because he was living in actual hell and dark place later on, and ironically Murad was well aware of this as he remarked over his body that “for some people living is so painful, they feel trapped and in chains, death is actually relief for them, and only those who remain suffer” (aka exact repetition of what Sil told Murad about Gev following her death).
- Joanna
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mihrunnisasultans · 7 years
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“In the darkest nights, you shine like a star, my sultana… with the power of sunlight that scatters its shine. Even moon runs away before this mighty splendour. I, Ibrahim, your slave, is blinded by the light. There is no salvation for me my sultana.” Ibrahim to Hatice
“You are so beautiful, so full of light that the skies become merry by you, smile with you. While this is how it is, can someone be shocked that a man should fall in love with you? For this reason, for as long as I live, and even if I go under earth, just know I am your subject and slave, that is enough.” Silahtar to Gevherhan
Happy Birthday Margot! (@gevherhans​)
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I had to told you, happines in this place is a dream  ♡
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wishfulromancing · 7 years
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you have set such a fire burning inside of me, that the sun itself has to fan those flames
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ghafahey · 7 years
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muhteşem yüzyıl kösem + gay bi text posts ( murad edition x ) 
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dramasandactors · 7 years
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magnificent-sultana · 3 years
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Pashas in period dramas-
1. Rustem Pasha
2. Abaza Mehmed Pasha
3. Silahtar Mustafa Pasha
4. Ibrahim Pasha
5. Dervish Pasha
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bookingacruise · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
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goingholiday · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
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holidaystobalkan · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
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fymagnificentwomcn · 5 years
Ayse was Murad's only haseki sultan but if you look through the dark pages of Ottoman, you see that Murad had also a male lover named Yusuf who was known as "oglanci", he took young boys from the folk and gave them to the Sultans, Pashas.
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It’s a bit hard to discuss this issue using contemporary views of sexual orientation/  Homoeroticism was actually surprisingly common in the Ottoman Empire due to the way women were perceived. Walter G. Andrews& Mehmet Kalpaklı in “The Age of Beloveds: Love and the Beloved in Early Modern Ottoman and European Culture and Society” (generally this whole book is an excellent source concerning homoeroticism in Ottoman society) claim that it was similar to the situation in Ancient Greece - women were seen as more suitable for sexual love, while men for the higher, spiritual one. Moreover, any respected woman was seen as a representative of whole family’s honour. As such, authors claim that most of Ottoman divan poetry is in fact addressed to (mostly young) men, and the issue is even more complicated because Ottoman (and modern) Turkish are gender-neutral languages. Having fun with men was actually often seen as natural before settling down to have a family.
Also, because of the private nature of relations with free, Muslim women, because it is offensive, both socially and legally, to express publicly one’s attraction to a woman who is not one’s wife (and one’s wife is never a fit subject for public conversation), the love that could most properly be expressed as a public (poetic) love was that between males. Moreover, it seems to have been considered more proper (and less dangerous) for a young man to adopt the essentially submissive, self-sacrificing posture of a passionate lover toward a beloved who was male and, hence, a legitimate wielder of power in a society where men were expected to dominate in the public sphere. Beyond this, we will present evidence that, generally, the culture of the court and court-dependent elites in absolutist monarchies—both Ottoman and European—expressed itself in part as homoeroticism.
Homosexual or homoerotic relations weren’t also punished as severly as in Europe in the same time period:
In Ottoman society, sexual or erotic relations between men or men and boys were seldom punished, especially if they were carried on in private, and homoerotic relations were in a much less serious class of crimes than illicit sexual contacts with women, which could, in theory, result in death by stoning.
And yes the issue of homoeroticism often came together with patronage of young, pretty boys:
In eroticized patronage relations, however, when the beloved is more powerful, richer, and more highly placed, gifts are replaced by devotion and refined entertainment (sohbet [(intimate) conversation], poetry) and sexual gratification by material rewards of various kinds (a caftan, money, a job). Everybody did this, from the top on down. Even the sultan rewarded the pages of his palace school—the beloved boys of his court—on various occasions by having trays of coins scattered for them to scramble after.20 This can be visualized as a system in which scrambles after something.
Ok, this was just a brief discussion of historical backgound, now time to discuss Murad. It’s hard to assign a sexual orientation to him, to be honest. One thing that is pretty much sure is that he preferred male companionship to female companionship; he didn’t like to spend time in harem, while he spent a lot of time with his male favourites and had strong emotional bonds with some of them, and we don’t have stories of similar relationships concerning him and women. Another sultan who is said to have homosexual inclinations, which is Mehmed the Conqueror, was claimed to enjoy sexual relationships with both men and women, but not having strong emotional bonds with either sex (at least Babinger claims so). As for  Murad and sex - it’s just one big mystery. He definitely had sex with women because he did produce several children, but whether he enjoyed it or just forced himself to sleep with concubines to produce heirs - we don’t know. There were definitely rumours about him not not taking women to bed eagerly, like him having a male harem or multiple versions of the story about Kösem sending him boys - one says she sent him concubines dressed as boys, so that heirs could be produced. But those are all rumours.
Now to what sources say about relationships with his male fvourites:
Bobovius stated that: “Murad talked mainly with men, as opposed to Ibrahim, who liked to listen to music in company of his odalisques” and that in these matters: “Sultan Ibrahim behaved in ways compliant with what nature expects of us, as opposed to his brother”.
Musa Çelebi
Swedish ambassador Ralamb wrote that Sultan Murad fell in love with young Armenian named Musa Celebi and after losing him never fell in love again: “Jannissaries took the young man away from him, threatening him, and then tore him to shreds in front of Murad’s eyes, and the Padişah fell into love melancholy”.
Evliya Çelebi mentioned that when during one of the parties someone recited elegy about Musa, Murad openly cried in the company of all other men.
Emir Güne aka Yusuf Pasha
There were rumours about their possible affair, especially since they spent so much time partying in each other’s company, sometimes they even spent together three days and three days in row in Yusuf’s palace, which was often a place for their extravagant parties (source: A New Relation Of The Inner-Part of The Grand Seignor’s Seraglio by Jean-Baptise Tavernier.) Yusuf was clearly disliked by people, not only because of being Persian, but also because of leading Murad the wrong way and encouraging his partying& other bad habits. Naima mentions that after Murad’s death, Ibrahim allegedly said that: “Yusuf Pasha’s life is unnecessary” and confiscated the famous party palace.
Silahtar Mustafa Pasha 
Du Loir described him mostly in connection with rumours about Murad’s death - there were some about him wanting to leave the Empire to Silahtar, but LBR even if Murad did plan to put an end to Ottoman dynasty, the Crimean khan claim is much more believable. Other rumours said that Murad died in Silahtar’s arms or wished so because Silahtar sincerely loved him since their youth. There were also some stories about Silahtar wanting to kill himself out of grief following Murad’s death.
- Joanna
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egetravel · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
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trekkingbulgaria · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
0 notes
travellingbg · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
0 notes
metrotravels · 5 years
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Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty
Shows and fireworks on the Golden Horn
That day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.
The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols. Ahmet III was trying to show his power and wealth to his people with, this street parade instead of revealing his supremacy to the entire world in the battlefields. With the feasts and festivities he organized, with the mansions he had built during the Tulip Era and with all the luxury, he had changed the outlook of the capital city and ushered a new epoch in the Empire. The wedding day was a historic day for Istanbul. Everybody on the streets was happy. Joy was in the air. The streets were overcrowded. The windows were wide open. Faces beneath the veils were praying for the happiness of the bride and for the wealth, dashing look of the Sultan and his procession.
The procession was literally throwing money on the streets. People were stepping on each other to snap the coins. The procession arrived Eyiip, at the palace, prepared for Fatma Sultan. The procession participants disintegrated. Everyone had an entertainment to watch. Padishah and his wife went back to their palace. In the evening shows were staged on the Golden Horn, while fireworks were being lit on rafts.
Silahtar Ali Pasha dies in war
After this tiring and overwhelming wedding, which lasted for 25 days…
Silahtar Ali Pasha could not have Fatma Sultan. He had to send her back to the palace and wait for a while until she grows up and becomes a young lady. Silahtar Ali Pasha had to wait eight years for Fatma Sultan’s adolescence. He never had a chance to have a single private moment with her. Unfortunately, he died in Pclervaradin War before he could reunite with his fiancee, for whom he spent a fortune and organized feasts for weeks in order to gain supporters for his love. He became a martyr before he could realize his dreams.
Kosem Sultan marries her daughters
In the Ottoman Empire, the Sultans could marry before they were adolescents, but they could not share the same house with their spouses. This tradition was started by the well-known empress, Valide Kosem Sultan. For the sake of fortifying her position in the palace, Kosem Sultan married her minor daughters with the elite and reputable pashas of the time. Likewise, Ahmet 1 married her daughters Ayse Sultan and Fatma Sultan at the age of 13.
Sultan Ibrahim married Gevher Sultan at 3, Beyhan Sultan at 2. Emine, Ay§e and Safiye Sultans, the three daughters of Mustafa II, were married at 7. As mentioned above, Ahmet III had his daughters Fatma and Ummugulsum married at 5 and 2. Moreover, he married Atike Sultan at 12. Mustafa III married his son §ah Sultan at 3. This abnormality continued until the reign of MahmuL II, who pul an end to this situation and set the marriage time as the adolescence.
Multiple marriages
This weird tradition described above and the ongoing wars had a natural consequence. The sultans were widowed many times and were married more than once. The daughters of Ahmet I, Ayse, Fatma and Safiye, all married 6 times, which was a dynasty record. This record is followed by Safiye and Emine, daughters of Mustafa II, who married 4 times. So did Atike Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III.
Source: https://www.ensarislamoglu.com/palace-weddings-ottoman-dynasty/
0 notes