#silana things
legendaryskyscale · 1 year
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First up for my Charr showcase are the half-siblings Aella Cindersong and Tharissin Forgelock.
Aella is a Sellsword with an extreme hatred for Flame Legion. She used to hunt down Flame Legion on sight, but these days she's been hired by a group exploring the Fractals of the Mists. With the current story of GW2, she's still harbors hatred for Flame Legion, but she doesn't kill them on sight anymore since the events of Grothmar. Just don't think she'll be chummy with the Flame Legion any time soon
Tharissin is an Ash Legion forgemaster. He's a mute and he communicates with sign language, writing in his notepad, and later with the aid of a communicator gyro that he can just type into and it'll speak for him. He's an avid lover of fishing (before fishing became an actual thing in GW2 so that was perfect for him) and could spend all day just fishing with a good fishing buddy.
Now for the non-lorefriendly Charr
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First image is my spliced Sylvari, Iredyne. He was spliced with his Fern Hound. The ingame model is very different from the concept I have for him, but I decided to make his werehound form ingame with the Charr model
Same case happened with the next character, Mender Lunaria. She was also a Sylvari who got spliced into a big cat. Both Iredyne and Lunaria were experiments done by my rat bastard Asuran, Ardjin.
The four-horned tiger Charr is my Charr-sona. They don't have any real story behind them other than me wanting a Charr-sona lol
Pink kitty is Silana Felfire. She's "Just An Ordinary House Cat." Nothing more
Big golden lad is my King Ghidorah fantoon. Again, no story to him other than my love for Godzilla movies and King Ghidorah being my favorite kaiju ever <3
And that's all my Charr so far. Again, I'm not super familiar with Charr lore and hopefully I can actually plan out a story with Aella and Tharissin at least
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catscratching · 1 year
8. What do they think about romantic love? Do they have baggage surrounding it? Do they idealize it? Is it an object of longing and wanting, or were they really not thinking about it until they started falling for the other character? What are their expectations like?
Seda has baggage about many things, romantic love definitely being one of them.  As I’ve embarked on the journey of learning more about her, she’s definitely been a change from characters I’ve written about in the past.    I covered a bit about her baggage in previous asks, but the TLDR is that Seda spent her life feeling like nothing she ever did was enough for a healthy, loving relationship.  
Her mother cared, but Silana was a distracted-type parent that didn’t bond much with her child, partnered with someone that was struggling with gender identity, sexuality and class/social position.  Seda’s first lover was coercive and controlling, and the series of partners after left her feeling unfulfilled and guilty.  
She pursued excellence in her craft (with some revenge on the side), kept all dalliances superficial, and in the privacy of her heart, longed for something real.  She never considered pregnancy - after all, a child would love and cherish their mother, and she could pour all that love out into motherhood.  She wanted a partner, an equal, an adult - someone that she could take care of, and let take care of her.  But she never took any steps to allow that sort of relationship to grow; finding Fakhri caught her entirely off guard.
Seda is a practical, rational person.  She knows that the romance depicted in the stories is idealized fiction; that real people just aren’t like that.  Given her background, she’s tried to take each day as it comes and not expect too much, but it was hard not to dream about growing old surrounded by a loving family.  She kept telling herself that it was just a daydream, but with each step they take toward making it a reality, her grip on that final bit of insecurity and denial loses strength.  It won’t be much longer, now.
[I will say that she is beginning to unpack some baggage, and as often happens with such things, it may get messy for her personally.  But her feelings for Fakhri are so deep and intense that she’s unpacking them so she can be the partner he deserves, and if any of the mess splashes over onto him, it’ll likely stem from her trying to deal with these things herself so he won’t worry.]
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•───────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅───────────────────•
Edit: I totally mucked up which answer went with which ask. Corrected now! :D
⋅☾⋅ ask list ⋅☾☽⋅ other answers ⋅☽⋅
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metalshockfinland · 8 months
CAPRA Drop New Performance Video 'Silana', New Album Out Now
Photo credit: Tyson Pate – Album artwork by: Nat Lacuna Metallic hardcore outfit Capra have unleashed their sophomore full-length, Errors, via Metal Blade Records / Blacklight Media Records. Maintaining all the elements that made their 2021 debut so compelling – raucous energy, frantic riffs, the from-the-gut lyrics and soul-searing delivery of vocalist Crow Lotus – Capra has stepped things up…
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talicor · 2 years
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The most recent arc of season 2 involved Manhunt’s backstory (and by extent, Falchus’)… let’s just say there is a LOT going on.
Got a good look at the dynamic between Falchus’ witch mom and Manhunt’s grandmother (also a witch lol gotta love pseudo-rival covens), as well as some other people in the North as they’re all ripped apart by the decisions made to respond to the church’s increasing violence
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Dad ?...
Note : This story happened Post Stories 2.
           Children’s names : Joël and Silana
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Rutoh Village, Alcala
Sobbing ... This was the only thing we could hear from these children that were once full of life. As well as tears being the only thing they we could see on their faces. No more smiles, no more laugh, nothing.
Ever since their parents died from a monster attack, Joël and Silana were almost silent ; it was like they were in a shell.
But they were not alone, their children friends were there : They were trying their best to bring a smile on their faces, but it didn’t work... Ever since that tragic accident the kids were under their grandmother’s care. Everyone in the village, including elder Maolo, thought that staying with their grandmother would help them overcome their grief, but it was the contrary that was happening right now...
In fact, both Joël and Silana hated their grandmother. Nobody knew about that ; the kids never talked to anyone about that... But one day, the adults will understand why...
“Mom and Dad are not dead ! I’m sure they are somewhere in the region !”, Joël yelled at his sister. Joël has always been a bit of an airhead, but about his parents’ demise, he was reckless : he never accepted the truth...
“Joël, they’re not here anymore...”
“Lies ! Nonsense ! How could you trust the adults about that, sis ! They never found our parents ! I’m sure they are still wandering in Alcala !”
Silana was speechless. She never saw her brother like this before. She was deeply in thought about this, but her choice is now made.
“Alright, Joël, let’s find Mom and Dad together !” She said with determined eyes.
Her brother was happy to see that her sister still has hope for their parents, so they went to Alcala without any adults knowing. The only solution was to go on the evening after Alwin finished patrolling the surroundings of the village. This was their only chance, and they took it without any hesitation.
It was raining tonight, and a lot actually, but that didn’t stop the children at all. Upon progressing in Alcala, they’re getting closer to Mt. Harzgai.
“Do you think Grandma will notice that we left ?...” Joël asked his sister.
“No, she will not. She is already sleeping.” Silana replied, “Moreover, she doesn’t even care about us remember ? It’s like hearing about our parents’ death didn’t seem to have break her... She looks totally fine...”
Silana stopped in an instant, for a second she thought she heard something. Soon sounds of footsteps will follow, but Joël freaked out so much that he fell down and get stuck in tree branches. 
“Joël !” Silana was obviously scared for her brother, but as the footsteps were getting closer, Silana looked around in shock. The silhouette of a huge Monster was approaching her. The poor girl was petrified at the sight of this enormous Fulgur Anjanath monster.
“Hey !” A voice was heard near by. It was a tall figure holding some food, the Monster looked at it with envy. The man took no time in throwing the food away from here, which worked since the Fulgur Anjanath was running after it. The man then rushed to Silana’s side, checking on her to see if she was injured.
“Are you okay ?” He asked while putting his hands on her shoulders. The young Wyverian couldn’t believe it. The man who saved her life was Zellard ! He was back in Alcala ! Being lost of words, the girl simply nodded , but she will quickly tell him that Joël was stuck down there. Zellard took no time in helping the poor boy. In fact he was out pretty quickly, but Zellard didn’t get down the tree, and rather propose Silana to join them.
“Come with us, Silana. We’re gonna stay here for the night, it’s one of the safest areas down here.” Zellard reassures the children. Silana immediately joined them. The children were not afraid anymore. They felt safe with Zellard despite his intentions back then... Maybe they don’t know what he tried to do... But one thing that’s sure, was that they were happy to cuddle with him. After all, he is an Alpha Wyverian, and Alphas are fiercely protective towards the children. We can even say they were relieved to be alongside Zellard.
“What are you doing here all by yourselves, kids ? It’s dangerous, especially during the night.” Zellard asked. It was Silana who told him everything about their parents and grandmother. She will even reveal something shocking to the older Wyverian.
“Why do you think your grandmother will not be worried ? You’re her grandkids after all.”
“Because she doesn’t really care about us. Plus now we are safe with you. And I don’t want her to see you either...” Silana mumbled that last sentence.
“Really ? May I ask why ?...” Silana didn’t answer that question...
“She hates you.” Joël suddenly shouted “She said it’s all your fault that we are orphans, but that makes no sense ! You weren’t even here !” This literally stunt Zellard.
“...What...did she told you exactly ?...” Zellard asked reluctantly.
“She said something about monsters going wild and that it was all because of you...” For one moment, Zellard felt guilty, as he thought it was the events related to Oltura that caused Joël and Silana’s parents’ demise. But this feeling quickly fade as Joël continued : “But all the bad stuff happening was over, the human Rider was even there to certify us that it was over, that there were no raged-thing Monsters around anymore ! And our parents were declared dead months after this ! I don’t see why it would have anything to do with you !...” Tears started to come out of his blue eyes. However, Zellard didn’t know how to react : the fact that their grandmother told them that it was all his fault, was it a plan so the kids will hate him forever ? Little did she knows the kids will notice the “plot holes” of her stories, and understand that it was all a lie. After all of this, all the heaviness Zellard felt in his heart faded in an instant, a sight of relief coming out of his mouth. Zellard then wrapped his arms around the kids to warm them up :
“You know what kids ? I’ll make you a promise.” He looked at them before gazing at the sky “I will bring you home...”
“And face off our Grandma so she could be nice to you and us ?” Joël stopped Zellard. He could only look at the boy before finally answering :
“If this could help you like your Grandma, and if that’s what you want, then I’ll try.” Upon hearing that, Joël was stick to Zellard like a panda was stick to his bamboos. With this warm hug the three Wyverians fell asleep, guarded by the shining stars.
The next morning...
The sun was shining bright in Alcala, this woke up Zellard who was at first blinded by the light, but the Wyverian will be stunt when he saw the Fulgur Anjanath staring ath them, with its’ teeth being only a few meters from them. Zellard didn’t do any movements, but unfortunately Silana woke up and started to scream upon seeing the enormous Monster’s mouth in front of her. Zellard quickly put his hand to her mouth while silently telling Joël to not do anything. Thankfully, the cry of another Monster caught the Fulgur Anjanath’s attention, so Zellard quickly told the kids to get down the tree. Both him and Silana managed to get down but the Fulgur Anjanath quickly turned around and managed to hit Joël with one of his electric attacks before running after the Monster he heard again. Zellard was able to catch the young boy before he fall into the ground.
“Joël !” Silana screamed when she saw her brother’s unconscious body on Zellard’s arms.
“He’s not breathing !...” Zellard shouted in panic after checking on the boy. He is trying his best to make his heart beat again while her sister could only watch as she mourned her brother. After a few minutes, the young Wyverian boy started to cough so Zellard immediately took him into his arms to bring him back to the village as fast as possible.
As the three Wyverians were getting closer to the village, the Fulgur Anjanath came back again, but this time they were protected. A young Nergigante suddenly appeared between the Monster and the Wyverians.
“Archangel ! You’re here ! Did you follow me all the way through Alcala ?” Zellard shouted towards the female elder dragon.
“This monster’s yours, Zellard ?” The Wyverian nodded while heading to the village as the Nergigante was winning against the Fulgur Anjanath. But before he could come, Alwin was there with Shaulk, both were happy to see each other alive and well (Zellard is wounded but whatever), as the last time they saw each other they were both in a not-so-good condition. However, Alwin noticed the injured child in his arm while Zellard noticed half of Alwin’s face was scarred (the left side). Zellard explained everything and Alwin took no time in helping the Nergigante defeating the Fulgur Anjanath, who finally ran away to its natural habitat.
Alwin will join Zellard to explain what he did this time for the kids. The villagers were relieved to see how much he has done for everyone after his downfall (saving the Crystal Empire and stopping the Changelings and Mysterious Riders from trying to bring back Oltura again). However, the only person who felt hatred upon seeing him was the children’s grandmother, who wasn’t expressing any happiness after seeing her grandkids back, which obviously shocked everyone. Zellard, with a heavy heart, took it upon himself to explain what the children told him about her and how she blamed the older Wyverian for the parents’ death, which disgusted everyone.
“Zellard already had enough weight on his shoulders, don’t you think ?” Elder Maolo angrily said at the old woman. He then turns back on his advisor : “I knew you would come back one day, I knew you would make it.” He said with a grin “Welcome back, Zellard.” The villagers all screams out of joy, thus making Zellard cried. Hearing one of the kids made him cry even more :
“Zellard you’re finally back ! We can play together like we did before !” It was the little blonde boy who always loves to hang out with him. Zellard could only give him a hug as he was still crying.
Later on, the three of them were taken to the nurse. Ena decided to see her father figure and she will see something that will warm her heart. Zellard was sleeping with the children in his arms, they were also sleeping while waiting to be taking care of. Zellard opened his eyes and could only smile at the young Wyverian when it was ultimately decided that the children will not be under their grandmother’s care.
“So, what you gonna do, Zellard ?” She asked him about the children.
“Ena. It’s already done. I’ll take them under my wings, now.” Ena smiled at this beautiful sentence.
“Kids, I am not your dad. The reason of that is because I will never replace him. He may not be here with us anymore, but that doesn’t mean he is not your dad anymore. Therefore don’t call me Dad. I am your foster father, your father figure, your tutor or anything else. But I will never be your Dad. Your Dad is up here, watching you from the sky, alongside your Mom. They will always be by your side no matter what. And I will stay with you forever for them.”
                                                                                                     - Zellard.
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Still On My Mind (pt. 2)
A continuation of this wonderful fic by @lavellanlove, based on our novel-length RP. In which Cyrus finally has a chance to realise he’s developed more feelings than he expected for Maleus...
At the sound of a knock on his door, Cyrus stirred, groaning softly as he pried his face from the surface of his desk. The tourney, and everything that had happened, had left him utterly drained. Rubbing his cheek roughly, he cleared his throat and called, “What?”
There was an uncertain pause. “Ser -- uh, Ser Cyrus?” the voice beyond the door asked. He suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. Take away the family name, and suddenly Orlesians didn’t know what to do. But he answered in the affirmative and the door creaked open, revealing a young woman in serving attire. “Apologies, Ser. You have a parcel.”
Frowning, Cyrus looked her over once then turned away. “If it’s from someone called ‘Joustis’, just toss it over there.” He gestured sharply to the left side of the room. In the silence, he could practically hear the slow, uncertain movement of her eyes.
“The... fireplace?” 
She seemed taken aback, but recovered quickly. “My apologies, but it is not from, ah... anyone by that name.”
That was truly unexpected. Who on Thedas would be writing to him? Curiosity piqued, Cyrus turned and stood, tugging his shirt sharply back into place as he moved. “Fine. Give it to me.”
They met halfway across the room, and with a hasty curtsy the servant practically fled for the safety of the hallway. Inspecting the letter and small package, Cyrus turned it over in his hands. The penmanship was... well, excellent, frankly. The letters of his name seemed to come alive on the front of the envelope. 
He set down the parcel and reached for his belt, tossed haphazardly on the side of the desk, he slid out a small blade and slit the top of the letter...
Dearest Cyrus,
Fuck, that alone was enough to give him pause.
You have been on my mind, perhaps even more than I expected you to be. I’ve been thinking of our conversations and how far we’ve both come from where we each began. Wondering how you are doing with all that you’ve been through and all that’s yet to come.
I am sorry I could not stay for the Tourney. Truly, I am. More than anything, I hope that its events grant you peace. You deserve that much, and more.
Regardless of how it turns out, know that I wish to be here for you, and would like nothing more than for you to allow me to be.
All the best,
At first, the words made no sense - he read them with such haste that they blurred together in his mind. Then, frowning, he read them again, this time with the purpose of finding some hidden meaning. A code. A cry for help, perhaps, concealed within a heartfelt letter. Something. After all, that would make sense. It would be a reason. A purpose.
This... didn’t make sense.
The conversation he’d had with Maleus wasn’t something Cyrus dismissed the moment he’d left the embassy. In truth, he’d played it over and over again in his head the entire way to the Tourney; first as a matter of practicality, as the man had offered some valuable insights, then in shame as he realised how utterly pathetic he must have sounded, unloading his problems to the son of Ianto, the Terror of Llomerryn. As though the two could ever hope to compare.
Now, this letter...?
In truth, he had felt a connection to Maleus. Something he couldn’t explain in the moment, and had put down to a specific kind of shared misery, born from ruminating over less than ideal childhoods. Eventually, his attention pulled in other directions, he’d tried everything in his power to forget the conversation; the comforting touches, the wise yet caring words. Maker, he’d even tried to forget the swiftness with which Maleus had spirited him from the Winter Palace, getting him out of harm’s way the moment a threat had been made. The man had acted without hesitation. Without care for his own safety. Shit, he’d even put himself at risk by going out to negotiate with Silana Lorvain; saved Darren’s life without so much as raising a sword. 
What could a man like Maleus possibly see in someone like him?
With that question in mind, Cyrus re-read the letter. Slowly. Purposefully. His chest tightened at the apology; at the sincerity behind those written words. The hope that the duel between his father and Silana had brought him peace. 
It was better Maleus had not been there. Better that the whole affair go forgotten, for what good it had brought.
He was still holding the letter when another knock at his door interrupted his thoughts. “What?” he snapped, sharper than he intended. “What now?”
The door opened, far more confidently than before. “Good to see you’re as chipper as always.” Ralon stepped into the room as though it was his own. Just fucking typical. “Just checking in, prickles. You’ve been cooped up since...”
He trailed off. Cyrus knew why. Regardless, now was... this wasn’t...
The letter suddenly felt heavy in his hand.
“This isn’t a good time, Ralon.”
“Yeah, didn’t really expect it to be. Kinda why I’m here anyway.”
“No, I...” Cyrus set the letter down, as though that would somehow cause it to vanish. It had quite the opposite effect, with the tall Antivan craning his neck to take a look at the objects on the desk.
“What’ve you got there, huh?”
Some part of Cyrus screamed at him to lie. But... what good would that possible do? If this was something he... no. He couldn’t lie. “A letter,” he said simply. He might not lie but that didn’t mean he was champing at the bit to divulge everything. “And a... parcel.”
“Already?” Cocking a brow, Ralon wandered over and sat on the edge of the bed to the right of the desk. “That was quick. Shit news travels fast, huh?” He paused, a frown suddenly pinching his brow. “Unless... is it from your father?”
“Then who?”
There. It was out in the open. Ralon cocked his head. “Abano?” he asked. A smile spread across his lips. “Guess you two got along, back at the embassy, huh? How’s he going?”
Cyrus swallowed. Fuck, why was this so hard? “I... good, I suppose.” He fingered the edge of the letter, unsure of what to do with it. What to say. “You two are together, right?”
Ralon snorted, kicking one leg over the other as he leaned back on the bed. “Since when did you start taking an interest in my love-life?” When Cyrus didn’t rise to the bait, Ralon sighed. “I mean... we catch up, whenever he’s in town. Exchange letters sometimes, checking in on each other. That sort of thing. I wouldn’t say we’re together. We just... get together.” He waved a hand absently. “Port in a storm, and all that. You know I’m not one to pass up a good opportunity with a good person. They’re hard to find.”
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Cyrus bit back the urge to just demand a straight answer. “So... what? Are you a couple or just screwing around?”
Ralon barked a laugh. “Is that all there is? Tethered at the hip or heartless fuck-buddies? Like I said, we get together, we have a good time, we go our separate ways. But we’re not looking to tie the knot, if you get me.”
It took a moment, but Cyrus supposed he got him. However, Ralon appeared to be catching on, the line of questioning sparking a curiosity in him. “... What’s the letter say? You never told me.”
Cyrus smoothed the edge with surprisingly unsteady fingertips. “It...” He tried to find the words. There was a good way to do this, wasn’t there? A right way? “He’s checking in on me. Seeing if I’m alright.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Cyrus could see Ralon tilt his head slightly, regarding him. “Yeah? That’s thoughtful of him.”
“Yeah.” It... really was. Outside of the small band of misfits he called a squad, Cyrus had never had anyone do that for him. “But... I don’t know what to make of the rest of it.”
“Shock of the century. You want me to translate? Mal sometimes waxes poetic when he gets carried away.”
Maybe that was the easiest way. Was it the right way? Cyrus had no idea. But before his mind even had a chance to catch up, he was handing the letter over, and Ralon’s brown eyes were flicking through it, scanning the neatly penned lines. 
Cyrus watched him. Watched for any sign of... Maker, he didn’t know what. Bitterness. Betrayal. Anger. Something. After all, serious or not, Ralon and Maleus had been hooking up. It was possible...
A smile spread across Ralon’s lips. “Cyrus, this is pretty much a love-letter.”
The news was like a slap to the face. “I... what? No it’s not. Is it?” Cyrus shook his head as if to clear it. “How the fuck did you get that?”
“Oh, come on!  ‘You have been on my mind.’ ...  ‘ You deserve that much, and more.’ ... ‘ I wish to be here for you, and would like nothing more than for you to allow me to be.’ ” The smile spreading into a full-blown grin, Ralon waved the letter in the air. “I don’t know what you two talked about, but you sure as hell left a mark.”
At first, Cyrus’ mouth just opened and closed. He had no idea what to say to that. He’d assumed he’d read too much into it; that he’d interpreted affection where there had simply been amiable concern. But Ralon knew Maleus as well, and as much as Cyrus hated to admit the Antivan was better than him in anything, relationships were much more his forte. 
In the end, he asked the first thing that came to his mind. “That... doesn’t piss you off?”
Glancing back at the letter, Ralon’s smile faded slightly, but it didn’t fully leave. “Ah, not really. I mean, sure, we had fun, but it was never some big exclusive thing.” He folded it carefully and held it out to Cyrus. But, as Cyrus tried to take it, Ralon held on. “What about you, though?” When Cyrus just fixed him with a confused look, the Antivan continued, “Are you just looking for a port in a storm, or...?”
Heat rushed to Cyrus’ cheeks, surprisingly for the first time since their conversation began. It seemed shock and nervousness had kept the flush at bay. “I... don’t know.” Brow pinched, Cyrus tugged the letter out of Ralon’s grasp and shifted in his chair. “When we spoke... I’ve never talked about that shit with anyone else.”
“What shit?”
“None of your fucking business.”
Another grin flashed across Ralon’s face. “Okay, so that’s a point for I’m into him. What else?”
It felt ridiculous, sitting there discussing his potential love-life with Ralon of all people. “He... gets it. The shit we talked about.All of that...” He made a vague gesture out the window, where the Tourney continued into its final days. It was clear, from his solemn nod, that Ralon knew he was not referring to the tournament itself; rather, a specific duel. “I don’t talk about it. Not to anyone. But with him...” Cyrus groaned, reaching up to rub his eyes. “I don’t fucking know - it just felt like I could.”
“Mal’s got a way of getting people to open up.”
“It wasn’t just that.” Lowering his hands, letting them rest in his lap, Cyrus gave a sharp sigh. “He talked about... finding my own way. Being my own Captain. It just... made sense. He knew how it felt to be defined by some other asshole’s actions, and for the first time...”
When Cyrus trailed off, Ralon give him a moment before prompting him gently. “What?”
“It felt like I didn’t have to be.”
Silence fell in the room. It was heavy, but not painful. Profound, but not uncomfortably so. Ralon was nodding to himself, a strange look on his face that Cyrus couldn’t quite place. As for Cyrus, he was so caught up in feelings he’d had no time to consider that he had no idea what else to say.
Luckily, Ralon always had an excess of words. “What’s in the package?”
The parcel. Remembering its presence, Cyrus reached for it, sliding it towards himself. He unwrapped it with fingers that shook slightly; why, he couldn’t for the life of him say. But soon he was holding a box, its weight solid and comfortable in his palm. “He didn’t have to get me anything,” was all Cyrus could think to murmur. His eyes were focused on the object, so he didn’t catch Ralon rolling his.
“Just open it already.”
Cyrus did. Inside the box, nestled in a soft foam, was... an ornate compass. Mesmerised, he lifted it out, turning it towards the light from the window. The needle swung around, red tip honing in on north until it pointed firmly in that direction no matter how he turned it. 
“Guess you can find your own way now.” Ralon’s words were soft, and when Cyrus finally tore his gaze from the compass, he could see a strange warmth in the Antivan’s eyes. He reached out and patted him twice on the knee, the action reassuring. Comforting. Approving. “You should write back,” he suggested, then stood, the bed creaking slightly beneath him. 
Something in Cyrus twisted at that moment. Panicked. “What the fuck am I supposed to say? I...” His stiff fingers curled around the compass. “I can’t match this, Ralon.”
The Antivan’s hand came to rest on his shoulders. “You can thank him, for a start. Tell him what happened. Tell him how you are - and don’t lie about it for once, okay? At least give the guy the truth.” He released him and headed towards the door. However, just before he left, Ralon paused, then added, “If I were you... I’d also tell him you want to thank him in person for that gift he sent you. It’s a damn nice compass.”
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Book Spotlight Thursday: The Emissary
Going to try and make this a thing now. I am currently reading book 2 of this series, so I thought I would spotlight the first book The Emissary: The Selanian Chronicles Volume 1 by Peter Krausche.
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The premise is this:
In the summer of 1982, a year after the assassination of President Ronald Reagan, Philip almost runs over a beautiful but mysterious young woman named Silana living in the forests…
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 6 Entry 3
And finally we made it to today.
I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. Not perfect, but better.
When I checked in at the front desk of the Pokémon Center, there was a gift waiting for me-apparently the lady had sent me a Pokémon! There was a note too, and she said it was a Pokémon you don’t typically find in Alola. Her guess was that some vacationing trainer had released it at Ten Carat Hill. She kind of...glossed over how she got her hands on it.
But I now have an Onix. His name is Cairn and he’s caught up to the rest of the team pretty quickly. I think I may start asking around if anyone knows where I can get a Metal Coat...
I trained a little with Cairn and Caspian, just getting a feel for how they fight. Caspian can already school! I’m so proud of him, but he’s a bit mischievous. I think he likes the attention of having a trainer. Or maybe he’s just pleased he’s not a prey target anymore.
I also spent...more time than I’d like to admit practicing the dance for Hydro Vortex, the water-type Z-move. It seemed like it would be pretty useful against the next Totem, but...I still keep doing...something else instead. I don’t know where I got these other moves from. I got it eventually.
Once I felt we were ready, I took the team up the volcano to take on Kiawe’s Trial. Just as expecting, he was waiting. 
At first, he was pretty ambiguous about his Trial, only saying it was different from the ones I’d done so far. It turned out to be like a memory game: I had to watch his Marowak two two dances, and tell him how they were different.
Right now’s probably a good time to mention that Alolan Marowak aren’t ground types, huh? They’re fire and ghost types. Thus the volcano.
I wasn’t...that great at it. And every time I got it wrong, the Marowak got mad and I had to fight them. I got the hang of it eventually, and also got into a battle with a Hiker named David in the process...but eventually I did it! My prize was a fight was a Totem Alolan Marowak. 
It was much bulkier than I was ready for. Cairn barely hurt it, and then it summoned a Salazzle to help it out. Plus it had Brick Break. I didn’t have much of a choice but to switch to Caspian, who got poisoned right away. But he and his school managed to hit Marowak with a Hydro Vortex and knock it out, leaving just Salazzle. I tried to heal him up so he could take her down, too, but I forgot about the poison, and she had Venoshock. Even though he hung on after the attack, the residual poison took effect. Silana was able to finish her off.
So that was the fire trial.
Kiawe congratulated me, and give me the Firium Z. I didn’t think I’d have much use for it, but I think I heard Lopunny can learn Fire Punch...He also registered a Charizard to my ride pager than can fly me most places...in case I don’t feel like surfing on Mantine, I guess.
I went back to Royal Avenue to heal up and check on Caspian. Honestly, he seemed less upset about it than I did. I’m really...grateful.
With everyone fighting fit again, we headed for Route 8...and were stopped by Zossie and Dulse once again. I’m starting to notice I run into them in places where there’s almost no one else around, if any. It makes me wonder a lot of things. In particular, they talked a lot about my ‘aura’ and how bright it is, especially when using Z-moves.
Did they...did they see me practicing?
Dulse said something about how ‘their world’ used to be just as bright and colorful as this one...I’m just more and more confused. Then they excused themselves, saying they had a meeting.
I wasn’t about to let them slip away again this time, so I tried to follow them. Not like it was hard; they kind of stick out.
They met with a man wearing a super thick lab coat, exchanged a few words, and were gone again. And I guess he saw me, because he stopped to talk to me. He said his name was Colress, and he was studying...something. I should have been paying more attention, but I was more upset that Zossie and Dulse got away. He gave me the TM for Flame Charge for my trouble, though.
Apparently there’s a Pokémon Center further down the route, but I was feeling pretty deflated and tired-like I said, I’m still not all better. There was this weird temp building on the side of the road, so I decided to stop in there.
It’s run by a research foundation called Aether. They were more than happy to let me rest there. And guess what? Remember that pretty Vulpix I talked about seeing before? It was there too! But I guess it was pretty scared of everyone...until it picked up my scent, and it perked right up. I even managed to get it to eat some malasada.
So I’m staying there for the night. Gonna help out the Vulpix. One of the employees explained that it’s an Alolan Vulpix, which means it’s an ice type. That’s super unexpected.
Oh! One more thing! I met a weird guy on the way here, and he gave me a map to a place called Poké Pelago. Maybe I’ll take Charizard out there tomorrow...
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xylitolictrolls · 8 years
Listen okay,,,,, I kinda want silana to get found out and reported to HIC somehow after she's "of age" and everything (which in my headcanon is like,,, 10 sweeps?? After they'd be 21 in human years) And she has to fight her and gets a scheduled appointment and everything, and even guards that basically make sure she doesn't run away and it's finally the day when they have to fight - But then after that I'm not sure what I want to do with her? Would I have her win or die?? Or should I just stick to having her live out her life in secrecy, getting more secretive the older she gets until she's practically a recluse and only communicates with people she knew before then
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catscratching · 1 year
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[In an effort to kick some mental health bluhs and get back into the swing of things, I started mashing the button on @nuclearstorms' OC Questions generator – I’ll be doing more prompts and random snippets as I’m able. ]
Q: How does your OC handle rejection?
A:  Seda handles professional rejection with grace and aplomb – she knows her value and her worth, and if someone cannot see that, well.  That’s their problem, not hers.  Personal rejection, on the other hand…
Seda crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, watching the tall, handsome Highlander pull on a loose white shirt and pick through the loose tangle of rings, necklets and other finery piled on the top of the cabinet where he kept his clothing. 
Her chest was tight, as though all of the oxygen had been pulled out of the room, and a heavy, sick ball had settled into her stomach.   “I thought you were staying with me, tonight.”
She hated the way her voice cracked at the end of the sentence.  She sounded like a mewling child, not a woman grown of twenty.  Lifting her chin, she strove for indifference, even though her eyes had begun to burn with the emotions roiling within.
“What?”  Rucio looked up, distracted as he selected an earring from the mess and began to put it on with ease.  One she had given him for his name-day.  Bastard.   “Nah, you know I need to spend more time with Celia.”  Oblivious to her thoughts, his lips turned upward in a wolfish smile.   “That’s a fierce woman.”
Celia was the latest; his excuse had been that she had connections that he needed to cultivate for the growing business.  The business Seda had spent the last three turns helping him build. 
“Of course,” She said, her fingers digging into her upper arms.  Fierce.  Fierce.  He wanted fierce.
“Oh, and I need you to have the ledgers ready for the first bell,” He gave himself a cursory glance in the looking glass, and seemingly satisfied, wrapped a bright crimson sash around his waist.  He moved to the door, pausing to chuck her under the chin with a careless gesture.
“Have a good night, Pet.  Maybe move some of your things back to the Monoceros, eh?  It would be better if I saw you there, from here on out.”
And then he was gone – and Seda was alone.  She entertained thoughts of revenge – burning all his belongings held a certain appeal, as did cutting little holes in all his favourite shirts.  But she did none of these things.  When the young miqo’te ignored the advice of her more experienced friends and allowed herself to become entangled with an ambitious, up-and-coming smuggler, she had had no idea just how deep and dangerous the waters would be.   If it were known that she no longer had Corcoran’s protection…  
The days that followed were a bit of a blur.  She made it to the packet boat and got on board before the tears began to fall, humiliation and anger on their heels.  The ledgers were presented as requested, and she vacillated between crushing disappointment and relief that Rucio did not seek her out.
•───────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅────────────────────•
Some can see that their partner is unwilling or unable to put the emotional investment and time into a relationship that they need and walk away.   Seda… was not one of these.  Rucio eventually came back, and she let hope bloom once more, only to have her heart break when he left again.   This cycle continued for another six years before she walked away from him – and he’s never forgiven her for it.
Things may have been different, if she’d grown up with her mother’s people – or somewhere other than the Shroud.  The other Keepers living in the area regarded Silana with suspicion; she appeared out of nowhere, pregnant and aloof.  All overtures were rejected.   It was not a good time for elezen/miqo’te relations, and once it became clear that Silana’s child was mixed blood, the frostiness increased.  The local matriarchs wondered if Silana thought herself too good to contribute to the tribes, and the Wailers were convinced she was responsible for every incident of ‘angry spirits’ in the region.   (That she ‘sullied’ a former Wailer and convinced them to live with her only reinforced this for both sides.  No one cared that Bocquet loved her – and Seda – for their own sakes.)
Incidents during her childhood and young adulthood made strong impressions – and it was a pivotal encounter with some young Wildwood Wailers in training that made Seda leave abruptly after Silana’s death.
After Rucio, she steadfastly refused to get emotionally entangled with anyone.   Any time a casual bed-partner indicated interest in exclusivity or a deeper connection, she found reasons to end the relationship – and in one case, completely ceased all contact.
She resisted falling in love with Fakhri as hard as she could – he was special, he was a friend she couldn’t bear to lose.  Caught up in the moment, she kissed him; a brush of lips to seal an agreement – and nearly dropped everything to run away when the ghosts of that past rejection roused.  Thankfully, Fakhri is an incredibly patient man, and gave her the space she needed to come to grips with her feelings – and decide what she wanted to do about them. (Although I think it would have been devastating to both of them if she had chosen to walk away.)
Will she react poorly to rejection in the future?  Unlikely, unless Fakhri experiences some massive personality changes.  Time cures many wounds, and having a relationship of equals cured many more.  She’s much more comfortable in her own skin, and even more secure in the knowledge that if she needs to talk about or work through something, he’ll have her back while she figures it out. And if she's asking for something he doesn't want to give - whether it's a 'not right now' or a 'not ever', she's got a much more steady foundation to stand on while she manages the emotional fallout.
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catscratching · 1 year
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I posted 339 times in 2022
That's 332 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (17%)
283 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 320 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#fakhri man'tik - 67 posts
#seda ballard - 61 posts
#queued - 26 posts
#seda - 21 posts
#fakhri - 15 posts
#ooc - 12 posts
#♥ - 10 posts
#wondroustailsofffixv - 10 posts
#reference - 9 posts
#rp - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#but all the books set in a particular universe have it - even amongst characters that have no reason to share the trait
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Wondrous Tails of FFXIV
Arak sighed as the sounds from the main part of the apartment died off into soft murmurs and rustling linens, burrowing down into the cozy nest he’d made for himself in the laundry basket.  It was about damned time.
He was pretty pleased with himself, all things considered – his Person had been a difficult case, and while he had no regrets about taking Fakhri on as a project, it had been more challenging than he had first expected.
The Viera had seemed determined to drive himself into an early grave, and the little Companion had had his work cut out for him; herding his chosen Person onto a path that didn’t dead-end without being noticed was challenging even for the best of them.  That Arak had ended up in the body of a small rodent… well.  He chose to see the assignment as a statement of confidence in his abilities.
Finding the little miqo’te had been a stroke of luck.  He’d kept an eye out for potential acquaintances for his charge – Fakhri’s tendency to be a loner wasn’t, in Arak’s opinion, terribly good for him, and his attempts to help his Person find a someone to bring him back to life hadn't been successful.  When Seda had wandered in, the little rat had sensed there was something different about her; something special.  She ended up being perfect.
And now, after all the setbacks, after missteps on both sides, old fears faced… his whiskers arched with satisfaction as he heard the soft whispers from the other room.
“I love ya girl.”   A low humm and more rustling.
“I love you too.”
And then there was nothing but deep, even breathing, and Arak joined his little family in sleep.
@wondroustailsofffxiv, @gray-morality
9 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Domestic habits / Love Languages
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Wondrous Tails of FFXIV
Fakhri had stepped out, taking Arak with him, and Seda exhaled heavily, relieved to have the flat to herself for a few hours.  He had been incredibly accommodating, and she had done her best to be a good flatmate, but it was a small apartment, and she was practically living in his armpit.
She was careful – so careful – to try and avoid her housekeeping habits and preferences from coming across as criticism or a negative statement against his own lifestyle.  But the fact remained… in such a small space, clutter quickly became overwhelming, and she had always preferred cozy organization.
More than that, acts of service were one of her strongest love languages.  Tending to their shared chores, cooking, cleaning and tidying made her feel as though she was doing something tangible to show Fakhri how much he meant to her. 
Mama would laugh, she thought to herself with a smile as she put fresh sheets on the bed.  Bocquet probably will, when I tell them.  Between them, she and Bocquet had managed her mother since she was a toddler; Silana had been warm and loving, but absent-minded; her thoughts were always on something more important than meals or housekeeping.  Fakhri wasn’t buried in research all the time, but he had other things tugging at his attention – as much as she tried to be a restful, emotional presence at home, there was still another person in his space he had to shield against, when before he could relax entirely.  All the same, living with him had, in so many ways, felt like home in a way she didn’t know how to express.
By the time her partner returned, she was curled up with a book, the flat’s windows open to catch the scent of petrichor as an early spring storm passed over.  Rejuvenated and refreshed, she got up to prepare their evening meal; a new Hannish recipe he had mentioned casually a few weeks previous.
Sometimes love was hard.  But sometimes… it was as easy as clean sheets and a homecooked meal.
@wondroustailsofffxiv @gray-morality
10 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Wondrous Tails of FFXIV
It was one of those evenings.
Fakhri had stepped out to lighten the pockets of some pompous ass with more money than manners, and Seda had not been needed.   They had found that they worked well as a team; she used cosmetics and clothing to subtly alter her appearance while he used glamour.  One distracted the target while the other got whatever it was they came for.
But the intended tactic tonight had called for just one player – and the rumor mill suggested that their mark had a short fuse.  Fakhri was the better player, and he could, if it came to it, step out of sight, change his glamour, and walk away.  Seda was much more vulnerable.
So she found herself at loose ends, wandering the flat and wondering how things were going.   Arak was shadowing Fakhri (something she approved of), so she didn’t even have the distraction of talking to their fuzzy companion to distract her.
“Bloody hell,”  She muttered to herself.  “He’s always managed fine without me.  Settle down, Ballard.”
He had… but he had also found himself stripped naked and beaten in an alley before, too. 
Finally, she decided to spend the time doing something productive, and took the dagger from its hiding place.   She had been doing the forms for a few weeks now, and it past time she started using the blade again; she needed to acclimate herself to the weight and balance of the weapon.
It was still challenging, even as slow and measured as she was going.  Her muscles trembled with the effort of holding each position, and sweat began to trickle between her breasts and down her back.  When her knees threatened to collapse beneath her, she put the blade away and began to do some yoga stretches to cool down, breathing deeply and evenly as her body protested.   She was straining to hold Downward Dog a little bit longer when her arms gave out, dumping her unceremoniously onto her face.
She lay collapsed onto the carpet, huffing to herself that she had let herself get so unfit… when something caught her eye under the sofa.   Frowning, she wriggled closer and reached out to draw a plain wood box out of its hiding place.  It wasn’t large enough to hold another set of Oracle cards, and while the wood was smoothly finished and the box well made, there was nothing that leapt out at her to suggest its purpose or contents.
Curiosity prickled.  Normally, she did her best to avoid snooping.  Their flat was perfect for one person – for two… it was decidedly ‘cozy.’   Living so close to one another, they both went to a good bit of effort to be courteous – and while it had had some unexpected consequences (Seda suspected that they both had erred on the side of excessive caution with regards to physical intimacy, and if they had been less polite about it… ahh well.  Water under the bridge), generally she felt like it helped maintain cordial relations between them.
But this wasn’t anywhere she’d consider personal or private.  They each had their own shelf in the wardrobe; he had a place in the bathroom where he kept personal items.  So she didn’t hesitate long before wriggling into a cross-legged, seated position and flipping the brass latches open.
She didn’t really have a preconceived notion of what she might find inside; Fakhri was a man of varied interests, and while he lived a very minimalist life (something she understood and approved of), he still took pains to take care of his belongings, and bought quality items when possible.
So it took her a few moments to parse what she was seeing, nestled into a velvet cushion.   It was beautifully carved; the artisan had taken pains to shape the curves to take advantage of the wood’s natural grain, making an object of great aesthetic beauty as well as function.  
“Why would he have a dil—“  She broke off, noting the swooping, curved handle; something all responsible people wanted for this particular type of toy.   “Oh. OH.”  
She was torn between the desire to close the box and shove it back into its hiding place, and to examine the massager a bit more closely.   It felt… uncomfortable, as if she had caught him pleasuring himself and was watching without his knowledge or consent.  (She would, she admitted, happily watch if he knew she was there, and enjoy seeing how long she could last before… er. ‘helping’.) 
At the same time, this was an aspect of his sexuality she had been hesitant to ask about; it was awkward enough, knowing that he had had perfunctory experience with women before, that she had been the first he had developed feelings for.    She still had difficulty silencing the fear that he would one day decide that the experiment was over, and that he still craved a male partner. 
On the other hand… She lifted the plug out of its cushion, running her thumb over the smooth wood and hefting it on her palm, feeling its weight and trying to imagine its use.  The mental image evoked was enough to make her flush, her skin prickling with heat as her imagination gleefully suggested some of the ways the toy could be used by a partner.  It would substitute for the anatomy she lacked quite well, if he wanted to include her in its use.    
She needed to know more.  Tucking it gently back into its box, she got to her feet and reached for her linkpearl.
“Seeeda,”  A feminine voice purred.  “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I need some advice,”  She settled into the sofa, the box in her lap.  “About toys for men.”
“Oho?”  Rustling came across the link, a man’s voice murmuring in the background, Cat’s voice a bit muffled as she answered.  “Personal, darling.  You don’t want to hear this anyway.”
More indistinct sounds, then Catrienne’s voice returned, clear and brisk.  “Alright.  There's only one kind of toy you'd call me about; tell me everything.”
By the time Fakhri returned, flush with the success of his evening, the box was safe in its hiding spot, and Seda had received both an education, as well as the name of a very skilled leatherworker.   She just needed to decide how to broach the subject.
@wondroustailsofffxiv @gray-morality
10 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Caught in the Rain
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Wondrous Tails of FFXIV
[ Thus begins the first of my final prompts; I have enjoyed this challenge so very much, and welcome all the new followers I've gained. I hope you all enjoy reading of Seda and Fakhri's adventures as much as we do writing them. ♥ ]
Footsteps sounded on the path along the river, barely audible over the muted rush of the water below.  Bocquet sat on the rough bench they had painstakingly chiseled from the surrounding stone, leaning back against an exposed root, face turned up toward an overcast sky.
They had come more frequently, after Seda and Fakhri’s visit; the resolve to go to Thavnair had faded, in the face of the challenges of daily life.  The conversation with Arak felt like a dream – why would a forest spirit waste its time speaking to them? – and the often-fragile grip they had on reality began to slip.  It was easier to sit here, with Silana's cairn, and watch the water, letting their thoughts trickle away like the leaves that fell on the surface.
Opening their eyes, Bocquet regarded the newcomer, then turned back toward the river, voice dry.  “I thought I smelled something foul, and there you are.”
A tall elezen with the sun-bronzed skin of a Wildwood smiled, his eyes shadowed behind a pair of wire-framed spectacles.  “Prickly as ever, I see.  Sometimes I wonder why I bother.”  
Their exchange had the ease of habitual banter, and he sat beside the still figure holding vigil, settling back on the bench with every indication he intended to join the androgynous Bocquet in their reflections.
“I do too,” Bocquet murmured after several minutes of silence.
“Pardon?”  The forest was never truly quiet; birds sang, insects hummed, the rising wind danced through the trees, creating a rustling sound not unlike the whisper of a woman’s ballgown. 
“Wonder why you bother.”  Bocquet hadn’t moved, but there was an air of expectation now, of waiting.
Anisai was quiet in his turn, shifting his backside slightly to ease the ache of sitting on the rough stone, giving the question due consideration.  Finally, he said in a low voice, “I loved her too.”
It wasn’t what Bocquet had expected; their eyes snapped open as they turned to their companion.  “You never said anything.”
“What was there to say?  You had made your choice,” Anisai shrugged, his voice still soft.  He had come to grips with it years ago.  “It would not have changed anything; I would have loved you both, and forever been on the outside looking in.  It was better for all three of us that I stepped away.”
Bocquet blew out a breath, reeling from this revelation.  “But why are you here now?  I’m not— Ani, I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t think there will ever be anyone – “
“I’m not here to try and seduce you,” Anisai snorted.  He then sighed, and tentatively leaned back against a different root, trying to get comfortable.  “Word gets around, Q.  You have grown more and more reclusive, and people talk.”
“If this is about what happened with Sedani,” Bocquet straightened, visibly bristling.  “I will not apologize or let them brush it off as grief.  That boy is damned lucky I didn’t skin him alive.”
“Peace, peace!”  Ani raised both hands in a placating gesture, his brows drawing together.  The incident in question had happened two decades ago; that it was still fresh in Bocquet’s mind was troubling.   “When was the last time you came into the city?  Rolfe and Ysabel said they never see you either.”
Thunder rumbled overhead, the air changing, becoming electrified.  Anisai had the uncomfortable sensation of an impending storm of an entirely different sort; Bocquet had been powerful when they were young, eschewing their gifts and letting them wither.  Would they reach for those abilities now, to avoid uncomfortable truths?
Bocquet looked away, unable to bear the weight of their companion’s eyes.  It had not been that long, surely, since they were at the Hawthorne’s.   Before the children visited, yes, but… Hm.  And Gridania itself?  The last time had been… their shoulders tightened as they realized they couldn’t remember.   Food was easy enough to come by in the Shroud, and their needs were simple; Rolfe Hawthorne had always been willing to trade fresh meat for whatever Bocquet couldn’t provide themselves, and…
Nophica’s tears, it had been a long time, hadn’t it?  Anisai’s hair, like their own, was tinged with grey; and the lines on his face had deepened.  How long had it been since they had seen their old friend?  Had they even wondered at his absence?   Shame burned like acid in their belly.  No – they hadn’t.  They had thought he stayed away because… Because my ego wanted to believe he couldn’t bear to see me happy with another.  And once she was gone…
“I stopped at the house,” Anisai said quietly. 
The thunder above them growled again, the first droplets of rain beginning to patter down the foliage.
Bocquet’s shoulders drew up, like a turtle trying to pull into a shell.  They hadn’t cleaned since Seda and her Fakhri had left.  Why bother?  Their needs were few, their life… 
“You had no right,” They growled, defensive.  “Invading my home.”
“I care about you, jackass, and it doesn’t take a mind-healer to know you’re not in a good place.”  He took a deep breath, raking his fingers through his hair. 
“How is Seda?  Someone said she came through a few weeks back.”
Bocquet made a soft sound, deep in their throat.  How to explain that their girl no longer needed them?  That she had a good partnership, that Bocquet had noticed her grow restless toward the end of her visit, seen that the little cottage in the woods was too small for the brilliant fire that had been born there.
She would be fine; her man would care for her, and the spirit rat would guide her. They felt they should be happy - proud, even - that she had overcome so much to find happiness. But all they felt was empty and alone. So... incredibly alone.
See the full post
10 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Shower / Grooming
Wondrous Tails of FFXIV
[Warning - Nudity]
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Every Miqo’te had their own preferences in terms of personal grooming.  Some loved water and sought it out at every opportunity, others eschewed it as much as possible, fastidious about their tails and preferring to avoid getting them wet.
Seda fell somewhere in the middle.  She washed daily – one could not live in a hot, humid climate like Radz-at-Han without it; but she didn’t do the full body, scrub from ear-to-tail-to-toes but once a week, generally speaking. 
A normal day’s wash was a careful shower – rinsing her hair by flipping it forward over her head, washing her body, and then sponging the suds away.  Her tail stayed more or less dry, to be brushed out – and if she was going to be doing something particularly dirty, wrapped in a linen cloth.
As they grow more comfortable with one another, more often she’ll stretch out on the sofa or the bed and let Fakhri brush her hair or tail.  When she was young, her mother would brush her hair and tail each night before bed, and as an adult, she didn’t have anyone she felt comfortable allowing to have such an intimate connection.  Until now.
See the full post
13 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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catscratching · 2 years
The Death of Dreams
[ This wasn't the story I set out to write, when I took the screenshots. It's changed a few times over the past month, but it will be interesting development as it progresses. At least, I hope so. ]
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“If you’ll sign here, Mistress, I’ll be on my way.”
Seda squinted dubiously at the sturdy crate at her feet; the messenger had struggled to bring it inside, and she had directed it to the office.  It wasn’t overly large, but it was apparently heavy, and she had no idea what it contained.
Scrawling her signature on the appropriate paperwork, she examined the lading bills again as the courier left.  It was definitely addressed to her – in an unfamiliar hand. 
“Salaah?”  The office door opened, and one of the new staff poked his head in.  They were slow to grow comfortable calling her Seda, and oft used her more formal title within the organization.  “Do you have a moment?  Nafiwaa needs to go over the grocery orders for the week.”
“Of course, Malfud,”  She replied with a smile, pulling her hair back from her face and twisting it into a rough knot.  “I’ll be right there.”
She put the mysterious crate out of her mind as she stabbed the bun with a wooden hairpin.  Nafiwaa had taken over the kitchens – much to the relief of everyone – and ruled them like a queen.  She didn’t know the woman’s story; most of the newly hired staff had been reticent to speak of their pasts – but it was obvious she had experience in cooking for a crowd. 
If she learned nothing else from her time in Limsa, she knew that the quickest way to make yourself miserable was to annoy the people you paid to cook and clean. 
So the chest sat for several days as they developed a working routine; preparing meals for the people that needed to be fed, cleaning, organizing and running the various business interests that ostensibly funded their efforts. 
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Seda didn’t think of it again until she went looking for an accounting ledger that had slipped between the crate and the wall.  Staring at the label nailed to the wood, her brow furrowed.  The sender was as mysterious now as they had been when the parcel first arrived.
It took more effort than she expected to lever the top of the crate off; someone had gone to a great deal of effort to secure what appeared to be angular packages wrapped in oilskins and packed in a thick bed of straw.
“This is a great deal of effort for… books?”  The waterproof canvas flipped away from the top easily enough, releasing the familiar smell of leather and paper and ink – and revealing a thick envelope on the top with her name scribed in the same hand as the lading bills.
She sat on a nearby crate, picking up the envelope and breaking the wax seal with her thumb, humming under her breath as a second, smaller envelope fluttered into her lap.
Seda –
Forgive both the tardiness and familiarity of this package; I am a long-time friend of your parents, and have been assisting Bocquet with some personal matters.  I located the enclosed items in a recess of the attic – we did not examine the contents; Bocquet did not recognize them, and the note was in your mother’s hand.
Anisai Sevin Gridania
She was abruptly glad she was seated; with the recent visit to the Shroud, she was certain Bocquet would have mentioned any such cache of items if they had known of their existence.  And she did have vague memories of moving her mother’s belongings to the attic in those dark days after her death.
The second envelope was thin, her name scrawled in familiar handwriting on the exterior, the wax brittle with age.  Trembling fingers traced the outlines of her name as her vision blurred.  She hadn’t given much thought to her mother’s writing; Silana wasn’t much for writing letters or notes, so it had never occurred to Seda to look for journals or grimoires.
Sedani, my most darling girl –
I have run out of time, and there is much you need to know.  I had hoped to tell you these things myself, but events have unfolded more swiftly than any of us could have expected.
A blot of ink separated the sentences, with several little dots around it as though the author paused to gather her thoughts.
I had hoped to see you grown, to tell you these things myself, to explain.  I can only hope you will understand and forgive my choices.   Bocquet was a refuge; camouflage and safety, for all that I came to love them.  But you, my precious kitten, are my legacy. 
It took time, to process what she had; to think about how she wanted to approach it.  The books were neatly stacked but hadn’t been sorted by date or contents; that would be the first thing she needed to deal with.  The alchemical texts and notes from her mother’s student days went into one pile, her hand-written notes and commentary in a second, then the journals and packets of letters and other papers into a third.
At the very bottom of the chest was a loosely wrapped parcel of linen, revealed to be an elegant gown in white and gold, thirty years out of fashion.  The moment she opened it, the scent of lavender and verbena puffed off the fabric like a ghostly caress from Silana’s wardrobe. 
Closing her eyes and pulling the mass of silk and gold thread into her lap, Seda lost herself in memories – of playing with her mother’s clothing when she was small, feeling elegant and beautiful, even though she knew she was a clumsier, more awkward version.  Those days had been full of laughter and light, Silana leaving her studies to spend time with her daughter in games of make-believe, with Bocquet joining them as their duties allowed.
The tears came, finally – as she cried the child’s grief two decades late, mourning both the physical loss of the woman that bore her as much as the death of all the suppositions and fantasies she had woven over the years about who that woman was.  For even though the chest could bring answers to questions she’d had all her life, those self-same answers would destroy the idealized version of Silana that lived in her heart. 
Something tugged at the bond she shared with Fakhri; something harsh and ugly and – Her eyes snapped open, wide.   What lie between them didn’t convey thoughts or emotions clearly; most of the time she just got an impression of support and warmth.  She’d always thought it a fancy in her head, that she had listened to too many love ballads and imagined it as a manifestation of their love for one another. 
But in that moment, she knew something was wrong.  Very wrong - he needed help.  She burst from the workroom and nearly collided with one of the staff, the young woman’s eyes wide with surprise, her hand lifted to knock.
“Ahh… Salaah?  The Sahib, he asked me to ask you to prepare the infirmary.” 
Her stomach clenched with fear, but she kept her face serene as she nodded crisply, her sandals slapping against the stone floor as her haste belied her calm exterior.  Hikmat would save him.  Oh gods, please let him be in time. [Continued]
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catscratching · 2 years
Domestic habits / Love Languages
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Wondrous Tails of FFXIV
Fakhri had stepped out, taking Arak with him, and Seda exhaled heavily, relieved to have the flat to herself for a few hours.  He had been incredibly accommodating, and she had done her best to be a good flatmate, but it was a small apartment, and she was practically living in his armpit.
She was careful – so careful – to try and avoid her housekeeping habits and preferences from coming across as criticism or a negative statement against his own lifestyle.  But the fact remained… in such a small space, clutter quickly became overwhelming, and she had always preferred cozy organization.
More than that, acts of service were one of her strongest love languages.  Tending to their shared chores, cooking, cleaning and tidying made her feel as though she was doing something tangible to show Fakhri how much he meant to her. 
Mama would laugh, she thought to herself with a smile as she put fresh sheets on the bed.  Bocquet probably will, when I tell them.  Between them, she and Bocquet had managed her mother since she was a toddler; Silana had been warm and loving, but absent-minded; her thoughts were always on something more important than meals or housekeeping.  Fakhri wasn’t buried in research all the time, but he had other things tugging at his attention – as much as she tried to be a restful, emotional presence at home, there was still another person in his space he had to shield against, when before he could relax entirely.  All the same, living with him had, in so many ways, felt like home in a way she didn’t know how to express.
By the time her partner returned, she was curled up with a book, the flat’s windows open to catch the scent of petrichor as an early spring storm passed over.  Rejuvenated and refreshed, she got up to prepare their evening meal; a new Hannish recipe he had mentioned casually a few weeks previous.
Sometimes love was hard.  But sometimes… it was as easy as clean sheets and a homecooked meal.
@wondroustailsofffxiv @gray-morality
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 6 Entry 2
Alright, yesterday. I didn’t get a lot done, really, because I felt a little sick. Maybe I should’ve dried off more after the Trial...
I think I got going after noon. I went back down to Paniola Ranch where, after scaring away some Sudowoodo, I met Dulse and Zossie again. Dulse wanted to battle me again, but he told me he was going to use a Pokémon that wasn’t from Alola. I thought it might be a Girafarig or something (that seems like his kind of Pokémon).
It wasn’t. I’d never seen anything like it before.
He called it Poipole. It was kind of...it looked like how people described Sinnoh’s pixie trio to me? But not. And it was tough, too. All I really know is that it had Venoshock. So it’s a poison type...?
And then they were gone again. They didn’t...tell me anything about what’s going on.
I continued south. On the way, I ran into a girl with a HUGE Mudsdale! Like, I’d seen a few at the ranch, but they paled in comparison. It was big enough to be a Totem Pokémon! The girl, she was in a confrontation with a few Skull grunts, and she asked for my help. Between her Mudsdale and Silana, we didn’t have much of a problem. The grunts went running.
Afterwards, she introduced herself as Hapu, and thanked me for my help. I wonder if I’ll see her again...
The last thing that happened was I made it to Royal Avenue. It’s...a little city centered around a battle style called Battle Royal. I went to the stadium to go check it out, and I kinda got roped into a battle, my opponents were Hau, Gladion, and a really popular trainer called the Masked Royal. I feel like I’ve met him before...
It should have been an easy battle. I had Cha out. But I didn’t ‘win’; Hau did, because he knocked out a Pokémon before anyone else. Part of me feels like I should have done better, but...I was also really proud of Hau for winning.
But I guess he noticed I wasn’t at 100% either, and he got really worried. He insisted I should go rest the rest of the day at the Pokémon Center. The Masked Royal was very insistent about it, too.
On the way out, I met the next Trial Captain. His name is Kiawe, and he’s a dancer of sorts. He told me that he was impressed by how Hau and I battled, and he was excited for me to take on his trial at Wela Volcano Park...but he also stressed I should do it tomorrow.
 So... that ended my day. I called the lady I had been staying with back on Melemele Island, and she told me she was going to send me something in the morning.
It made it a little hard to sleep.
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 3 Entry 1 (part 2 of 2)
Okay, let’s keep going.
Hau said that his grandpa uses fighting-type Pokémon, so I actually felt pretty prepared. I had three flying types in Noctua, Cha, and Cybele, and a psychic type in Silana.
Oh! About Silana! I really, really love her. She’s a little clingy, but she fights really hard and I think I like using psychic types!
But...yeah. So I hurried back to Iki Town, where Hala was waiting for both of us. And the battle went pretty well! At first it didn’t look too good; Machop’s Revenge did a ton of damage to just about anything I sent out. But we took that out, and then Makuhita went down to Silana...then came Crabrawler.
I got so scared when I saw that Z-move headed right for Cha, but he took it like a champ, and turned around and destroyed Hala’s last Pokémon.
It feels weird to say that was the end of my first Grand Trial, but it is. I didn’t even use a Z-move. Not that I actually wanted to; I was worried I was going to do the wrong thing again and embarrass myself.
That wasn’t the end of the day, though.
Besides a new Z-crystal, Hala gave me this cool item called a Ride Pager. It basically lets me call upon certain Pokémon whenever I want to, in order to get past obstacles. Because apparently they don’t use HMs in Alola. Right now, I can only use Hala’s Tauros to ride around and break rocks, but that was more than enough for me. I spent a good amount of the afternoon just riding around the island, searching anywhere and everywhere.
I was supposed to meet the professor at the marina in Hau’oli City, but I didn’t get there until nearly dusk. Oops. And then I wanted to try out this cool place called the Alola Photo Club. I’ll have to send you all the picture of myself and Noctua later.
When I was finally ready, I was actually stopped by Hau, who said we should try surfing with Mantine to the next island. The professor even encouraged it, and said he and Lillie would meet us at Akala Island.
On the way to the beach, I met Professor Oak’s cousin! His name was Samson, and he finally told me the purpose of the Totem Stickers: apparently if I collect enough, I can get really big Pokémon like the Totem Gumshoos! So it looks like I’ll have to pay extra attention everywhere I go.
It...took a little while to figure out. But the Mantine I was riding was super patient, and by the time we actually set off I felt confident enough to try some tricks. I’m glad I did; it was so fun and we got to the island in no time!
We met up with Professor Kukui and Lillie at the marina, and also two new faces: Olivia, the Kahuna of Akala Island, and a Trial Captain named Mallow. Apparently there are three trials on this island, so I may be here awhile.
Other than that...I talked a little more with Lillie about Nebby, but I didn’t tell her about that feeling that he was trying to tell me something. She just said Nebby seemed to really want to visit all the ruins where the Tapu are supposed to live...I told her we’d go to the Ruins of Life together when the time came.
It’s funny, but I’m starting to feel kind of like an older sister to Lillie and Hau.
I also ran into two Kalosian trainers! There names were Sina and Dexio, and they work for professor Sycamore...but they were just here on vacation. Still, we got a lot of weird looks for talking in Kalosian.
I even took on Dexio in a battle. His Espeon was really tough; I’m gonna have to train harder if there are more trainers like him coming up. But it was worth it: Lapin evolved into a Lopunny right afterwards! I’m so proud of him. Tonight I’m giving him a super relaxing brush-out for all his hard work.
Speaking of which, I’m staying at the Tide Song Hotel. It’s not the fanciest place here, but it’s still super nice, and a step up from staying at the Pokémon Center-not that the Pokémon Center isn’t nice! But Maman and Papa sent me with some extra cash, so I might as well have a good night’s sleep...right?
Oh yeah, it’s Maman’s birthday tomorrow. It might even be tomorrow in Kalos...I’ll have to give her a call in the morning.
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 2 Entry 2
Days are long when you’re a trainer. At least they’re eventful.
While I was writing up my last entry, a friend approached me. It was an Inkay. Sometimes...I forget psychic types can read minds, since Maman refuses to be anywhere near them. But she seemed really determined to get my attention, and so she’s part of the team now. Her name is Silana, and I don’t know what I’m going to do when I go home.
There were even more surprises waiting for me when Lillie and I got to the Pokémon Center. Before we even got through the doors, this man came up to me with a Rockruff. He said that he couldn’t take care of it, and was looking for someone who was good with dogs.
Her name’s Dia and she’s a little rowdy right now, so I think I should train her a little before I send her to Maman-mostly for Papa’s sake. So she joined the team, too.
My lesson at the Trainer’s School went...pretty fast. It helps that I’ve been in school for a long time, now. So no one got that hurt, and I think I impressed the teacher! But more importantly, I met a person named Ilima. Apparently he’s the Trial Captain, and he liked seeing me battle. It felt nice to get his praise.
With all of that wrapped up, Lillie, Hau, and I headed over Hau’oil City. That’s where I first set foot in Alola, but I didn’t really spend that long there. So it was nice to be able to actually explore!
Rotom got an update to his programming. He can take pictures now! Except I’m not very good at it yet...but maybe in the future I’ll be able to send you all pictures, too. I also ran into Ilima again-well, several times, but the first time was unexpected. He was putting up some kind of golden sticker. He said it was something called a ‘Totem Sticker’, and that I should try to collect a bunch of them. But he wouldn’t tell me what for.
It felt weird pulling it down right after he left, but so be it.
Then, when I went to meet up with Hau at the Masalada shop, there were some...people. I guess they’re a gang, but they aren’t really like Team Rocket or anything. They called themselves Team Skull, and I had to battle them. Not that it was hard. I kinda felt bad. But apparently they were stealing Totem Stickers.
No sooner had I finished that than I ran into Ilima yet again, and this time he wanted to battle. It was...actually kinda hard. Silana had no trouble with his Yungoos, but it took her, Noctua, and Dia to take down his Smeargle because it kept burning everything with Ember. We pulled through in the end, though. I guess he trains normal-type Pokémon?
Again he told me how impressed he was, and said he thought I was ready for his trial. I guess...I still don’t understand that. So beating him isn’t like beating a Gym Leader; I have to do another thing.
Which meant on to Route 2. It was...pretty straight foreword, I guess. The only thing was that I started to notice Nubbin was acting kinda sad. I guess she didn’t enjoy battling as much as she thought she would. So I decided to take her back to where I’d found her. But on the way I found a Pichu who wanted to tag along for at least a little while. Her name is Voltage, but she’s a little scared of other Pokémon.
I also found a cool beach! I guess people surf on Mantine here? I wanted to try, but they told me I wasn’t ready, and should come back later. But it was nice to relax there for a little bit. I didn’t notice how tense I was from all the battling.
The last thing that happened...on the way to the Center at the end of the route, I saw those two people again. I don’t think they noticed me this time, but they were talking about trying to get into Verdant Cavern, where Ilima has his trial. Something about...’The Blinding One’? I don’t know.
They scare me, a little.
I decided...I’m going to take on the trial in the morning. It was dark by the time I got to the Center, and...it sounds weird, but it feels like it’s going to be safer to do it in the day. I’m not afraid of the Pokémon, but...it’s hard to explain.
Since it seems like Ilima likes normal types, I ended up catching a Spearow for a girl, who traded me a Hawlucha in return. His name is Cha, and he’s pretty amazing! I think I understand where Maman get’s her spirit from, now.
...I miss Papa.
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