#silas/shane only ‘taught’ bonnie expression
melmedardasworld · 1 year
The way the writers retconned Silas being the creator of the immortality spell failed hilariously.
Clearly, she was the better witch of the two, using traditional magic btw to steal her spell for him and Amara.
Hell, witch!Silas even used the Solar boundary spell she taught him to trap her and Sefan in the cabin.
Only thing I can attribute to him is him teaching Bonnie Expression, but I wonder if he’s actually used it himself (because it is the most powerful form of witchraft using only your will) during his time or if someone else he knew.
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Caught In Between 34. The Final Location
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Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 02.16.21
Word count: 2.6k
Based off: 04x17 “Because the Night” || 04x18 “American Gothic”
CIB Masterlist
A/N: This part is quite a doozy for Klaus and Athena. I decided to stick the two eps together because the 04x18 scenes I picked were fairly short and I wanted to share the piece of info that reveals a bit about them. I hope you enjoy!
Even though I wasn’t present for the little party Elena decided to throw. I thought it’d be nice to help Caroline clean the Salvatore house up. After I got ready I head over. As soon as I made my way in I could see why Caroline needed my help.
“It looks like a tornado blew through here,” I say walking into the house.
“Tell me about it,” Caroline says taking a sip from a random cup. 
“Well, what can I help with? Well, I mean where can I start?” I ask.
“Anywhere. The trash bags are in the kitchen,” Caroline says. I head to the kitchen and grab a trash bag. As I head back into the main room I hear a voice I’m not particularly keen on hearing. 
“Tyler made it his life’s mission to kill me. You can’t hate me for driving him away,” Klaus says.
“She can and so can I,” I say walking into the room. Klaus looks up at me, almost with a guilty expression, but I just write it off as Klaus being broody.
“Hello, love,” Klaus says almost returning to his normal self.
“Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to spiraling, so go away,” Caroline says.
“Actually, I asked him to be here. We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls,” Stefan says walking up next to me. Stefan explains the situation to us as we continue to clean up.
“So some blood went missing from a few hospitals. What about Elena? Don’t vampires with their humanity off tend to overindulge in human blood, or were you the exception?” Klaus says turning to Stefan.
“It’s not Elena,” Stefan says.
“Well, let’s just say for a moment that it was Silas. I’m struggling to see how this affects me,” Klaus says sitting down.
“Look. Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he’s supernatural, so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck on the other side,” Stefan explains.
“How Shakespearian,” Klaus responds taking a sip of his drink.
“But if he destroys the other side altogether, he can take the cure, die, and pass on, but in destroying it, every dead supernatural being will return to our side,” Stefan explains further.
“That means every werewolf, every witch, every vampire,” Caroline starts.
“Every hybrid,” I add.
“I wonder how many of those you personally killed. Care yet?” Caroline finishes.
“My interest is piqued. How do we stop him?” Klaus asks.
“Bonnie said Silas needs to complete 3 massacres to do this spell. Before Professor Shane died, he convinced the pastor to blow up the council. Next, he had you kill your hybrids, and now he only needs one more massacre. So if he’s here, that’s what he’s doing. We need to find him,” Stefan says.
“So what’s the play?” I ask.
“We look to see if  Shane had any info we didn’t know,” Stefan says. We all nod and head to Shane’s office.
“What are we even looking for?” Caroline asks as we walk in.
“Well, If Shane really was working with Silas, chances are he was helping him plan his next move,” Stefan says as we look around.
“Where, on his evil villain to do list-- steal blood, perform 3 massacres, pick up dry cleaning?” Caroline says.
“Actually not to nit-pick, but we evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning, that sort of thing,” Klaus says.
“Why is he necessary again?” I ask.
“I second that,” Caroline says.
“Well, we don’t know what Silas can do, so if we do have to go head to head with him, an original hybrid who can’t die might come in handy,” Stefan explains.
“Would a hybrid who doesn’t want her friends to die be a good enough substitute? Cuz you got one right here,” I say raising my hand.
“Sorry love. But I’m not letting you go head to head with another immortal being,” Klaus says.
“Was I asking you? Was I asking him?” I ask looking at Caroline and Stefan.
“Besides the point. Stefan and I work well together, or at least we did in the Twenties,” Klaus says.
“Well, granted my emotions were off,” Stefan says.
“And that’s why you were way more fun. Just as Damon is probably relishing in Elena’s emotionless company in New York,” Klaus says.
“My brother knows what he’s doing,” Stefan says.
“Does he? Don’t underestimate the allure of darkness, Stefan. Even the purest of hearts are drawn to it,” Klaus says looking over at me. “Still, I’m sure it will all be fine,” 
“I think I found something,” I say looking at the book I have in my hand. “‘Symbolic Figures in the Dark Arts’ Didn’t Bonnie talk about expression triangles?” I say bringing the book to the desk and pointing to the picture on the page I had open.
“‘In some schools of magic such as expression, human sacrifice can be used as a focus for power. It’s rumored that the addition of two supernatural sacrifices compounds the mystical energy creating an expression triangle,’” Stefan reads.
“Humans, that was the council fire. Demons, Klaus’ hybrid failure,” Caroline says.
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it a failure. What’s the third?” Klaus says wanting to move past the statement.
“Oh, no. Witches,” Caroline says.
“Great. I can’t believe Bonnie is gonna go through with this,” I say.
“Well, we need to figure out where it’s gonna happen. I’m gonna see if I can find or contact Bonnie,” Stefan says and leaves the room.
“Is there a map?” Caroline asks. We look around and Klaus finds one and sets it on the desk.
“There’s been two massacres. Pastor Young’s Farm,” I say and Caroline points to where it is on the map and I make an X.
“And the old Lockwood cellar. Where you spitefully slaughtered 12 of your own hybrids is here,” Caroline and  points to the cellar. I make another X and draw a line to connect them.
“According to the book, the expression triangle is equilateral, putting it here,” I say drawing an X and two lines to find where the witch massacre would happen.
“Somebody’s been skipping their geometry classes. There are actually two places where the massacre could be,” Klaus says and draws another triangle below mine.
“Well, you didn’t let me finish,” I say.
“Hey. What’s going on? Did you find Bonnie?” Caroline asks as Stefan walks into the room.
“No, but I talked to her dad. I think I found Silas,” Stefan says. We all split up to find which location where the massacre was taking place.
“I just want to see where we are,” I say as Klaus and I walk through the forest.
“You know, when we split up, you did have the option of going with Stefan and Caroline,” Klaus says.
“I don’t think so. If I recall the conversation correctly. You said ‘Athena and I will go together’ and then you whisked me away...again. You know is this just another one of your little ploys to get me talking to you alone, and not about Silas or the cure, right?” I ask but get no response. “Do you know how to read a map?” I ask.
“Yes, and do you know who taught me? My friend Magellan,” Klaus says.
“I didn’t know you could make multiple friends. Was he drawn to your darkness too?” I ask.
“Actually, I was referring to Damon and Elena when I said that, but clearly it struck a chord with you,” Klaus says.
“It’s because it’s not true. There’s no allure to darkness,” I say.
“Really?” Klaus says and turns to me.  “So you’ve never felt the attraction that comes when someone who’s capable of doing terrible things for some reason only cares about you?” Klaus asks me.
“Are you referring to you and me?! Because I never knew this side of you until you decided to rain all hell on my family and friends. And before you say anything about Ray’s pack, they were my family. They’re the ones who helped me become the person I am today. The fearless werewolf you decided to make a hybrid of your own will, not mine. So no, I don’t know the feeling you’re talking about, because the man that I knew you as was the one who loved me unconditionally. I heard the stories, but I only saw the good in you, until you decided to mix me up in your supernatural--I don’t even know what this is,” I say feeling a tear fall down my face.
“We’re here, although judging by the lack of witches, here is not the correct location,” Klaus says. We start to head to the other location where Caroline and Stefan went to.
“They’re linked. Bonnie’s gonna kill them,” Stefan says.
“Not if the witches kill her first,” Klaus says.
“Klaus we need to save her,” I say after he pushes Stefan against a tree.
“How? The only way to stop the witches is to kill them, and then Silas gets what he wants,” Klaus says.
“Spirits, take her soul. Free her from darkness,” One of the witches says holding a knife above Bonnie. Caroline doesn’t hesitate for a moment before stabbing the witch with her own knife, stopping the ritual.
“No!” Klaus yells. All the other witches die, completing the expression triangle.
“The triangle is complete,” Bonnie says. We quickly get Bonnie and head out of the location. After we made sure Bonnie was safe, I headed back to my house, trying to take in what happened tonight.
“Hey. How’s Bonnie,” I say answering the phone.
“She’s fine. But she doesn’t remember anything past the island,” Stefan explains.
“I’m just glad she’s ok,” I say.
“Me too. I’m gonna let Caroline know,” Stefan says before hanging up. 
The next morning I was going to head out to check on Bonnie until I noticed an unnatural amount of messages on my phone from Klaus. Knowing he wouldn’t leave me alone with this many messages, I thought I’d go see what he wanted.
“I got you messages...All of them. This better be life and death,” I say walking into Klaus’ mansion.
“Go away,” I hear Klaus say.
“Klaus? Where are you?” I say. I walk towards where I heard his voice until I saw him clenching the piano seat on the ground. “What happened to you?” I ask as it looked like he was in pain.
“I need more time. Stop hounding me!” Klaus yells.
“Excuse me? You messaged me more times than I can count,” I reply.
“Athena. Is it really you?” Klaus asks shakily.
“Of course it is,” I respond. Klaus sighs in relief. He struggles to sit on the piano seat but manages to anyways.
“Prove it to me,” Klaus says.
“I really don’t have time for you to want to solve our relationship problem right now. I have more important things to deal with,” I say before turning around.
“Wait, please. Silas. He stabbed me with a white oak stake. There’s a little piece of it stuck inside of me,” Klaus explains.
“Why would Silas attack you?” I ask.
“Well, I was in no position to ask questions. Suffice it to say, I’m hurt. So you can understand why I called you,” Klaus says.
“I’m not really sure what I could do to help you,” I respond.
“If I die, you, Caroline, Tyler, all of your friends die with me,” Klaus says.
“Fine, just tell me what to do,” I say.
“Well, it’s quite simple, really. I need you to cut the stake out of me,” Klaus says pointing to the already bloody shears on the floor. I pick up the shears and Klaus turns around so I could start to try and get the stake out.
“I swear there’s nothing in here,” I say before digging a little deeper. Klaus screams and slams his hand against the piano. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry... You know what, I’m not,” I say ripping the shears out. “I’ve already got my hands full with helping my friends and you trying to pine for me is not helping. So if you want my help, stop getting in the way,” I say. I move to the couch as Klaus struggles to try to get the stake out himself.
“I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. Help me!” Klaus yells.
“Will you stop getting in the way?” I ask.
“You really think I’m just going to stop getting in the way when your life could be in danger?” Klaus asks.
“And you know how many times my life was in danger because of you? If you want to get in the way, why can’t you just do something decent for once?” I ask back.
“Because Tyler Lockwood tried to kill me,” Klaus says.
“We’ve all tried to kill you. Hell, I even put you down for a time. But you’ve tried to kill most of us. Why are you going through all this effort to keep me safe when I don’t even need you to. You made me who I am, so why am I not strong enough to protect myself?” I ask. 
“Because I can’t lose you again!” Klaus yells.
“And I’m strong enough to protect myself, hybrid or not. Why can’t you see that?” I ask.
“Because I lost you the first time I met you! You...you we’re in my arms and I let you slip away,” Klaus says.
“Because I wanted to,” I responded.
“No...no. The first time we met. The very first time,” Klaus says confusing me.
“What do you mean? I didn’t even know who you were when we met,” I say. 
“It’s gone,” Klaus says quieter, ignoring my question.
“What?” I ask.
“The pain. The pain is gone,” Klaus says feeling his back. “Oh, see, it was never there. He got in my head. Silas got inside my head,” Klaus says shakily. “You took my mind off it. You brought me back, Athena,” Klaus says cupping my cheek with his hand.
I move his hand off of my face, “If Silas can make you of all people, believe that you’re dying...what can he do to the rest of us?” I ask. Klaus goes to clean himself up, leaving me to process and figure out what Klaus meant by the “very first time” we met while I cleaned myself up.
“I’m heading back to mine,” I say walking past Klaus.
“Hey,” He grabs my arm and pulls me to face him. “Thank you for helping me,” Klaus says.
“Of course. Just don’t think I’ll come running every time you scream for help. And don’t spam my phone either” I say.
“Promise,” Klaus smiles.
“I just have one question. What did you mean by the very first time we met? When was that? I remember the first time we met, we bumped into eachother when I was leaving a cafe,” I say.
“My love. That is a story for a different day, but I promise I’ll tell you one day,” Klaus says and kisses my forehead.
“So you’re just gonna leave me guessing?” I ask.
“There are more pressing matters right now. But I promise I’ll tell you soon,” He says. 
“Fine. But you can’t break that promise, seriously,” I say.
“Promise. Can I ask you a question?” He asks and I nod. “Will you ever love me again?”
“Uhh...I--I can’t really answer that question right now. That’s pretty loaded. But I’ll think about it. I uh guess,” I say and head out.
🏷: @tristanacarry​ | @commentaryfanfic​ | @april-14-blog​ |  @simonsbluee​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @keiko0​ | @xetherealbeautyx​ | @vxidnik​
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