#anti silas
cancerian-woman · 1 year
Bonnie and Qetsiyah are the only two women among all of tvdu to get cheated on and are constantly villainized for reacting to what happened to them. Now, my only issue with Qet is how they reduced this powerful and prominent women to only caring about Silas. As for her reaction she got both Amara and Silas together. Nobody was missed from that period. A nice case of fuck around and find out. The Bennett witches never got to have emotions outside of serving everyone else or being these grand creators of something so I loved how they introduced Qet. Amara and Silas both got what was coming. What made Qetsiyah any different from Klaus or Silas? She’s just a woman lol. Bonnie got cheated on and no one wanted to tell her and IF she didn’t overhear the discussion she wouldn’t even have been told in the first place, yet plenty of fans have this argument that Bonnie should’ve been more understanding to Jeremy’s feelings or that because of the Gilbert device(another thing created by a Bennett witch mind you lol..) she deserved to be cheated on in the first place.
These discussions about cheating and what should’ve been done would be so different if it was Elena or Caroline, Katherine blah blah blah :P
Edit: i lied lol, i do have something else im mad about. The lack thereof with Bonnie and Qetsiyah but Bonnie aint allowed family.
in the end all this Silas-Amara and Qetsiyah triangle did was center another Bennett witch in this never ending petrova mess.
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melmedardasworld · 1 year
The way the writers retconned Silas being the creator of the immortality spell failed hilariously.
Clearly, she was the better witch of the two, using traditional magic btw to steal her spell for him and Amara.
Hell, witch!Silas even used the Solar boundary spell she taught him to trap her and Sefan in the cabin.
Only thing I can attribute to him is him teaching Bonnie Expression, but I wonder if he’s actually used it himself (because it is the most powerful form of witchraft using only your will) during his time or if someone else he knew.
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dottyistired · 2 months
i'm not seeing any posts about it here yet, but they solved the silas birchtree riddle on reddit and there's some pretty juicy lore! first, entering "paranoid" backwards nets this conspiracy board:
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then, from the black letters in the corners of some of the pages people pieced together the code "connect the dots", backwards again, gets a whopping 12 page chapter about the ciphertology cult! it's...something.
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so in summary, bill puppeted a guy's corpse, became a cult leader, seemingly married over a hundred people, mass-possessed his followers, tried to get them to build his portal. his lone dissenter was a spinster who made anti-bill chick tracts and started a fire. a waco-style shootout ensued, killing silas' already-rotting corpse a second time in a disturbingly detailed manner. at some point he made some of his followers drink the kool-aid too.
entering the lady's name, emmaline butternubbins, into the computer finally gets you the reward for solving all the riddles: hd wallpapers of various graphics from the book of bill. but frankly this is more interesting and fucked up to me.
(alt text under cut, wip)
[Image 1: A cluttered conspiracy board centered on Bill Cipher. Red string and pins connect various newspaper clippings, photos, drawings and pamphlets.]
[Image 2: A history-book style chapter page. Header "LESSER KNOWN AMERICAN CULTS."
"Have you ever heard of Orchard Lake, Kansas? Chances are you haven't. It was erased from every map, book, and historical record, and the US Government's official position on it is "stop calling us or we'll send a drone to your house." (I learned this the hard way.) But if you drive to the exact latitude and longitude of you'll see bullet casings, faded billboards, and bow ties strewn across the desert sands.
That's because Orchard Lake had another name before it was wiped off the record: BillVille.
CHAPTER 3: BillVille
The First Cult In History That Was Right
FIG A: A tumbillweced
As a historian of esoteric religions, I thought I'd discovered the strangest sects America had yct to offer (see "Chapter 3: Kevin's Gate") but that all changed when I found the following items tucked away in an old trunk in an estate sale on the out- skirts of Bootstrap, Missouri."]
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scientistservant · 8 months
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My redesign of Sir Pentious. He’s mine now.
He’s a sorcerer/illusionist instead of an inventor. He can use magic, including hypnosis, as well as store things in his hat.
Penny’s stripes and eyes, including the ones on his inner hood, glow in the dark. His amount of eyes have also been greatly reduced, because holy shit, I pity the animators. The eyes on each side of his hood are false ones, merely patterns.
Haven’t designed them yet but his eggies are still around! I love the idea that he lays them himself, because oviposition is rad, and Sinners being unable to have offspring while Lucifer and Lilith were able to have Charlie is incredibly stupid and makes no sense. So Pen has been given egg-laying privileges.
And a new name. I just have to think of one. It’s 5 am and I’m going to bed.
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clowningcrows · 10 days
lol just saw a lesbian nsft blog that has “men dni” on every single post and yet their pinned post says, “this doesnt include trans men, since that isn’t clear for some reason” like hello????
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cartgirl08 · 17 days
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Monster Hunter Bill AU
This is an AU. I've been thinking about a lot and decided to finally draw some couple of drawings of it. And a summary of the idea of the AU Give me your thoughts and what you think about it you guys can ask questions about the AU.
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ariaovon · 11 days
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AVL oc time! — Silas and Dagmara? Oh, they go way back.
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They love to argue, and when their arguments get too intense, they love to kiss eachother. ON THE MOUTH. Between meetings, perhaps. - Or even on secret dinner dates, that are definitely not dates, or anything unprofessional like that.
This is what decades of suppressed feelings and attempts at keeping things 'strictly professional' does to people, I believe.
They love to hate each other, but they hate how much they actually love each other.
Like healthy adults ought to! /jk
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Realizing if I put Melchior, Sahota, and Alexei on a team they could overthrow any government in under 48 hours
meanwhile, if I put Cerus, Judd, Caelon, and James on a team I don't even know if they could manage a grocery run
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bear-boi-5 · 9 days
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It's official, Sasha has a new brother called Silas :3
Silas definitely inherited Anti's entire vibe but make it so it's primarily focused on the creepy side
He's often seen just standing in dark places staring soullessly at people and things. He's very very quiet so you won't know if he's suddenly standing right behind you until you turn around
I'd definitely say Silas is more of the Antikitty fankid
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bendrownedbodypillow · 4 months
I hate zionists. They are a disgrace to Judaism and everything it stands for
"Never again" until it's palestinian babies being shot in the head
"Never again" until it's innocent fathers searching for food
"Never again," until it's in the Middle East
Zionists have never picked up the Torah in their lives because they'd know they were wrong, if they read it they'd know the righteous "Israel" they speak of was not a murderous state, he was a man, a man that stood for peace and a man chosen by the Lord to guide His people
Look at Proverbs 1:3-4, I'll even translate it for you
Proverbs 1:3 To receive the discipline of wisdom, justice, and right, and equity;
Proverbs 1:4 To give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion;
Do those sound like "kill everyone who stands in your way of colonization" to you?
Zionism can not coexist with Judaism. The Jewish people do not have a "sacred land," We are everywhere. We have homes, lives, right where we are.
Our promised land is a safe home with those who love us. Palestinians should be entitled to the same promises and freedoms
Free Palestine, end the apartheid
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ranminfan · 2 years
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Minimalist art I made mostly of Fin. These were mainly practice of the visuals I'm going for and familiarizing myself with their silhouettes.
This style is really growing on me.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 8 months
TVD season 4 ep 13-18
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Ok, so Jeremy's dead lol. Can't say that I'll miss him. He killed Kol so...fair game
Elena turned off her humanity. Also when she broke down (episode 15), the acting was really good, miss Nina was acting like rent was due.
Also, I had no idea that the audio piece I always hear on the internet was from TVD when she breaks down "What am I supposed to- I can't even- there's nothing left for me to do"
Girlie burned her house down! I did not expect that at all!
So, Silas killed Shane and can take on anyone's form...well that's not terrifying whatsoever.
He stabbed Klaus with the white oak stake and my man was scared! I've never seen him so scared lol he was trembling. I just know Silas is gonna be a menace and of course, my man Kol was right but nobody listened to him
Also when they were on that stupid island, Elena had the audacity to try and go after Rebekah! Like, girl sit your ass down! She's an Original have some damn respect, did you really think that was gonna work? 😭
Charlie Bewley is in this? He played Demetri in Twilight, only he was a vampire there, whereas in TVD he's a vampire hunter. Can someone pls tell me if his character is supposed to be Scottish or Irish? I genuinely can not tell the difference between the two accents, ok English isn't my first language I know there's a difference but I cannot tell the two apart lol
I don't understand why they were all under the presumption that there was an unlimited amount of the cure. They were all talking like there was an abundance of it, but when it was revealed that there was only one dose they were all like the Pikachu meme face. 😧
Katherine and Elijah? Really? Idk how I feel about it tbh.
Also, the fact that Elijah was so chill around Elena? Like, you know she played a part in your brother's death. ok...
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Helloooo people! The new lore from the Book of Bill (and the website) has led me to a obsession over the Anti-Cipherites and the Ciphertology Cult. And well, this blog now exists to contain it.
So, if you feel so inclined, let's talk about it! Please? Please??
(Still setting things up right now, so please ignore the mess)
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queercherrypie · 11 months
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I love how TVD is so self-aware of how Delena stinks. Damon and Elena have to try so hard it's so pathetic.
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Damon's face be like: "Dude, don't ruin my illusion by pointing facts in my face. I don't want to think about it. Elena is the perfect Katherine I always wanted. She chose me (tears). "
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skellybonesandtrees · 8 months
Either because he's terrified of going to prison, or because he expects to be arrested and then light up a fire under his base, Bolsonaro is calling for people to manifest on Feb 25th. The cherry on top? The parafernalia they'll use to speak to the people is going to be paid for by one of our most infamous megachurch leaders. Always, always the evangelicals looking to help the alt-right.
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clowningcrows · 20 days
the way i know for sure that we as a society are probably well and truly fucked is because i fill out job application after job application after job application yknow what? not only can i not find a fucking job but i’m also stuck answering fuck ass stupid useless ai chatbots in order to apply to A Lot of them. not only do i have to lay out all my experience and education and job history and skills just to see if a capitalist society deems me worthy enough to make money to live but I AM STUCK BEGGING A ROBOT FOR A JOB. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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