flailwielder · 2 years
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auralatrocityabyss · 6 months
The Art of Necronomicon #3 Zine
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P.K. (Abigor) and Graf Daemon Van Zazas (Nefarius), Editors
Full zine (and others) can be read here:
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stoneoferech · 1 month
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triste-guillotine · 5 months
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SUMMONING "Minas Morgul" CD 1995
1. Soul Wandering 2. Lugburz 3. The Passing of the Grey Company 4. Morthond 5. Marching Homewards 6. Orthanc 7. Ungolianth 8. Dagor Bragollach 9. Through the Forest of Dol Guldur 10. The Legend of the Master-Ring 11. Dor Daedeloth
"Here beside me,under endless howling winds My dying race is wandering homewards, Led by an old man to shores that don't exist, Just emptiness remains...
On and on goes our march gruesome as the light of sun, cold as winds that hide in me
Hour after hour, day after day my lullaby is turning and falls gently on this sleeping land like a hawk trembling of hunger and like a burning source...
Two years have passed and still my race is wandering through foreign shores... Homewards....
My soul is now formed as a knife forwards the heart of your heaven. And so I die...
Still my folk keeps on marching... Homewards..."
The front illustration of the album was taken from Mark Harrison's cover painting for Roger Taylor's "The Call of the Sword" (1988) novel.
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darrowsrising · 2 years
Hello! I hope i’m not bothering you, I wanted to ask something about the conquering era and you literally are a RR encyclopaedia: as we are getting bits and references to silenius &co, i was wandering where was exactly the moral high ground back then. idr if this was expressly stated in the books, but it’s clear golds hold the story of the conquering in a way which is almost myth-like, so i was confused, because on one hand the light bringer thing and the rebellion against the occupation of the american empire looks fair, but again on the other hand it’s the word of a fascist society still. maybe good intentions ruined by desire of power? was ever stated in the books, for example, darrow’s opinion? hope this makes sense ahahah
I love answering asks - most of my interesting takes come from them - so you never bother me with them. Thank you for your ask.
Thank you also for your compliment, but the true enciclopaedias are @violethowler and @hyena-frog
I use mostly my memory, while they actually keep detailed quotes. And they are more interested in the Conquering Era than I am. I am a Reaper Era kind of girl - Ave Messor.
I think we should keep a timeline in Reaper years too - in the 34th year of our Lord and Saviour, The Reaper of Mars, The Morning Star, Bringer of Light, Breaker of Chains...; - 100 years Before Reaper; etc.
I will tell you my take on it, not sure of the accuracy of events, but this is what I understood, giving that the eradication of homo sapiens started as a result of the Conquering.
Earth became too authoritative and destructive for humanity to be able to live on - climate change/scarce resources/overpopulation/ecosystems wiped out due to war. They created the Colors to adapt to harsh environments and literally survive after Earth has been pushed to its last breath (a World War III and other stuff). The purpose was to fast track terraforming on nearby planets, so that humanity would not end. They engaged in eugenics and other fucked up stuff. But the Colors were not above homo sapiens. They were the pet projects, bred to ensure humanity's survival.
But what Earth thought would be their salvation, quickly became their enemy and subsequent death. Earth learnt from their mistakes too late. They obviously tried to destroy the Colors and stop humanity from becoming forced into classes, but it was too late. Earth lost control on their pet projects, they wouldn't provide for their masters, they wanted to be the masters.
Luna was the first to be terraformed and it quickly became the main place of power, although we still understand in the present timeline that Luna cannot be protected or fed without Earth. Luna, mainly if not totally populated and controlled by Colors, bit the hand that fed her. The Golds led the conquering, led the war Colors through battles, led the other Colors to rebuild humanity into a neat and tidy society.
Earth allied against the common enemy, but it was obviously too late. Obviously, authoritative regimes bred the environment - Earth was stiffling progress (very capitalist phrasing, but that is actually a reasoning they used a lot in the books to explain the Conquering) by witholding resources to bend them to their will and acted as masters, not as fellow human beings. Hard to mine and feed the Storm Gods on Mars, Venus and Mercury when Earth is your only source of food and water. At least that is how I interpreted.
This bring me to my point - the reason why Golds insist Colors are above homo sapiens is the very Conquering. That is what started the entire bias for the 'original' human race, even a Red is considered above homo sapiens. It is okay to learn from them, respect that humanity had them at some point in the natural evolution, but always know that they are dead for a reason and never coming back. There is a reasob why Golds are the peak of the pyramid - they were at one point one step below and they refused to ever be like so again.
Earth wanted to exterminate their 'failures' and save 'true humanity'. They came close, but failed and perished for it. They found out too late that...facism is bad. Idk how exactly to express it. They simply had to get pushed against the wall to see what they have done, the consequences of their own actions. They sort of grew a moral backbone for a bit, but too little too late and not enough.
However, every camp has its disidents - Akari au Raa had fundamental differences with Silenius au Lune. Silenius' vision became more proeminent and followed, so Akari's vision was vilified - which has consequences today in the Core-Rim tensions. I understand that Lady Victory had a hand in it, according to rumours, the more obvious one being reflected in the cultural differences of Rim Golds and Core Golds.
And obviously, the pyramid system ended up eating itself up. So no one was really ever in the right. It is a vicious cycle, but even when you look at it from a flat point of view - Earth oppressed the Colors, then the Colors pushed back, won and opressed one another. If Earth had won, maybe they would have learnt their lesson once and for all, maybe change for the better, look for peace and harmony with nature etc. Maybe they kept doing it. But the Golds won, so we'll never know. Slavery was on the table for them anyway - they were never going to change that fundamental thing, regardless of views. And now we have Reaper, so it's getting way better.
Silenius has a razor called Lightbringer, he was the initiator of the Conquering, the charismatic leader that brought together and inspired people to fight with him. He was a very apt politician as well because it is easier to conquer than to mantain a reign - Virginia herself follows his teachings, as they are universal truths, regardless of regime. I believe he was also called as his razor is, because he brought light/inspired hope in uncertain times. Lysander says he brought order to chaos, I think it is interpretable.
However, the point still remains, moral highground between homo sapiens and homo aureate? I think both sides are bad. I honestly do not think the Golds fell upon Earth for nothing, or just because Earth was bitchy. There was obvious cruelty and vileness at play. But also, what the Color system wanted from humanity is equally cruel and vile.
Again, maybe Earth would have finally stopped and reassed and reorganize into something kinder, which still matters, as far as the story, or at least some characters, are concerned. I understand that from the hatred towards the Conquerors lowColors seem to have and their belief that slavery wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Golds. I don't necessarily agree for various reasons, but I understand why it happens. I think anyone would dream of something like that in their position, maybe even be frustrated that it does not exist.
I don't think Pierce is trying to give anyone the moral highground, to be honest. He's using them as lore/history tools for his worldbuilding. It also affects some of his characters, especially the new POVs. It's obviously harsher towards the fascist conquerors and their actions - especially the sterillization of the homo sapiens population, but it also does not exactly victimizes the Earth, he uses it as a causionary tale that the Golds should have listened to, but didn't - the more they tried not to be like the Old Earth, they ended up in the same place, maybe even worse.
He's just trying to explain why things are the way they are, which I think he's doing a good job of.
Af least this is what I believe, given the information that I have. I might be wrong on some stances though (if anyone has more details, please spill and correct me 😄 it's not Darrow related)
Speaking of Darrow, I remember Virginia in GS, recounting the events of the Conquering, important Gold history to Darrow, while he sounded almost digusted, instead of proud. That was one of the first instances when I think she was...suspicious of him, maybe he hated the Gold Houses. But we never truly get his feelings on the matter, although he obviously would not side with the slavers. If someone knows lore, please add to this.
Thank you very much for your ask,
Howl on 🐺💖
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
sols story in hyperion got me sobbing.. I didn't expect to feel so saaaaad this book is making me experience every emotion in the human range one at a time
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worldhistoryfacts · 9 months
We still see a lot of Dionysus, especially in Egypt, long after the emperor Theodosius had made Christianity the official state religion of Rome in 380. In the 400s, 500s, and 600s, Egyptians were still producing textiles like this, which shows Dionysus, holding a bunch of grapes aloft, with a satyr and maenads (his female revelers):
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Here’s another, showing the god’s worshippers frolicking:
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This one shows figures from the Dionysian myths — his tutor, Silenius, Pan, and some of his female worshipers:
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{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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violetqueenofwands · 11 months
Light Bringer Thoughts after reading the first four chapters on Amazon’s preview:
Wow first page and it already feels like book 1 again hearing Darrow talk about his boggy containment suit.
Aurae is precious and I love that she basically gave Darrow one of those ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ books.
Also omfg Cassius you fucking whore you LEFT HIM THERE?
Thraxa can choke me with her with her prodigious thighs
“Welder 23. Ignore your existential dread for a moment and do reply”
Bearded Daddy Darrow confirmed!
Darrow calls leadership a tightrope and not a stiletto because he probably DID use Meditations by Silenius as toilet paper
Is the Grimmace Sorrow Sphere where they make the Grimmace Milkshakes?
Aurae; looks like a dryad, sings like a siren, talks like an oracle and absolutely serves cunt
Poor Screwface. He has become more laundry than man.
“I’d never seen a man so finally at home in his own skin.” So you’re saying for Screwface his carving was similar to a gender affirming surgery? Taking this a confirmation he’s trans.
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I think we all need to start referring to Cassius as ‘The Wayward Chin
✨✨Dominus Portobello✨✨ (the 30 megaton nuke the size of an ostrich egg with a fanged smiley face drawn on it)
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“I liked being on top.” — Cassius Bellona
Obvious joke aside about Cassius being a bottom now, verbalizing this is so important to his growth.
He tell Darrow he wanted to think he was “One of the ‘good tyrants’… Honor was made to hide behind…like a crown or an Olympic cape.”
They put Sevro in a box and sold him on ebay to One Direction Apollonius
Darrow has 90 days 30 days before The Bad Apple puts him to death
Cassius reminds Darrow he’s not a good duelist, Darrow asks him how’s the arm doing, yknow, the one he cut off during the Gala.
Aurae in engineer overalls would also have me joining the scrambling pack of men and lesbians trying to help her carry a container.
Conclusion: I am not remotely buckled in for this metaphorical ride and this book is gonna toss my emotions around like a rag doll
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chatte-noire · 9 months
Light bringer x scheming
an appreciation and condemnation of the schemes, moves and manouvers in light bringer. who served them the coldest, and who was bamboozled? This is only about stunts, not about morals or likability.
Lysander's scheming took a whole new level and I was really surprised at the little coup he staged with atalantia in the collosseum. In the first half of the book he really had the monopoly on well placed and daring maneuvering.
I think his best stunt was the compromise on the dockyard of venus, managing to keep apollonius, and win the carthii and julias block while simultaneously showing up atalantia, reinforcing the alliance with the rim and starting the attack on mars.
I wouldn't have expected him to be able to hold the alliance with applelonius for even a few weeks, now its been a whole book, I'm exited to see if Darrow can use the minotaur against lysander in red god.
yes in the attack on phobos he wasted ships and men and money and copied darrows helldiver strategy.. but he also surprised virginia with his strategies and finally took enough of phobos to have the upper hand in negotiations, something I wouldn't have expected him to be able to do. esp. after atlas called phobos impregnable.
in the first half darrow honestly took the scheming L. when I read the excerpt 2 weeks before buying the book I was CONVINCED that they didnt just land in apollonius obviouss trap, like pls let this be a trick. Darrow is such an experienced schemer, he must have expected a trap? but no he was like, tattoos look right, must be my bestie in this easily accessible prison. Its especially naive because he broke apollonius out of deep grave and so knows that apollonius knows how he would plan a prison break. and that backup plan was also flimsy, I expected better from him haha
on Europa Darrow had a nice scheming comeback, like recreating the Dead Horse strategy and beating Fa? Iconicc. bringing both obsidians (with a vote) and rim (with diomedes' oath) closer to democratic values? inspiring. Brokering collaboration between Rim, Daughters and Obsidians? A strong feat. that speech with the daughters was nice too.
but.. (and I'm not saying it didn't cost him a lot and will probably keep costing him dearly in red god) lysander still kept his scheming level established in the first half of the book. so much trickery, let's see how long he can keep it up before he drowns in it. He was backed into a corner by atlas but managed to trick both Atlas and Cassius, defeat the rim and gain a horrible weapon with one move.
It cost him the Rim Alliance and his humanity, but we already know his morals and ideology are a feeble construct held up by delusion and wanking off on silenius. and the rim armadas were destroyed by atlas so to lysander it probably only seems like a temporary loss until they come crawling back to society when hunger defeats them.
Sevro's stunts were refreshingly constant and awesome. Like.. escaping apollonius and fighting him in his own house?? rescuing his bumbling saviours? and the most bestest move: convincing the Daughters of Ares to work together with them by holding such an iconic speech like.. wish we would have gotten to see that in first person. just like Volgas ascension as obsidian queen. They both had such iconic and smart moments off screen. pierce doesnt want them to steel the stunt limelight me feels.
Aurae was able to follow her goals throughout the book, while managing the boys, the daughters of ares and diomedes. she had an emotional and moral bond to each one of them, but managed to stay true to her own values even as the parties were conflicting.
honorary mentions:
Lyria smuggling herself unto the archie, she knows how to take advantage of her size, even more impressive because darrow had the same experience with rhonna and still didn't realise (or didnt care?)
Apollonius snatching up Darrow and Cassius
Virginia having an informant in the Society (her clone bro?) and her making a pact with and freeing the obsidians. I would have loved to see more of her, she always delivers top tier schemes (except for when she is outschemed by society rats).
they were outschemed, honorary mentions:
Volga following Fa: even if he wasn't Atlas puppet,,, he's still such an obvious upholder of Gold values and tyranny, but volga didnt want to see any of it. this makes her following him so horrible, I hope it doesn't all get blamed on Atlas, I mean Volga was fine with everything except for atlas' involvment. I don't know if she was naive or blind or ignorant or greedy but that was some top tier delusion.
Lysander bedazzling himself: this is the most hilarious and complete trickery. That guy just believes every fucking excuse he can give himself, he just gobbles them up. He might have freed himself from his AA Puppetduo, but the real puppeteer in his life is his delusional ideology and hybris.
Atalantia: she had such a good and safe plan, she just didn't realize that lysander doesn't care for his friends enough. now she is some ships and influence poorer, lost her watchdog, her nephew/lover (ew) and the grip on Lune's heir
Diomedes: Lysander had him wrapped around his lying finger and he did nott see that dishonorrr coming. Cassius didn't see it either, but I think he would have tried to save lysander anyway. The himbo bamboozlement lost them the garter and Cassius was murdered, at least he could kill Fear on the way.
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boneskullravenriver · 2 months
I know we all hate Lysander but finishing IG chap 41 right now, the bit where he finally reveals who he is to the Rim Golds is such a chilling, absolutely fantastic image. Like, it's something that I can imagine in a tv show and the reactions from the audience, you know? It's cinematic. The way he immediately switches back to his native accent and leaves everyone in the room gagged with this:
“I am the blood of Silenius the Lightbringer, son of Anastasia, son of Brutus, grandson of Lorn au Arcos the Stoneside and Octavia the Sovereign of Man. I was born upon the Palatine, west of Hyperion, at the heart of Luna and the City of Light. I may know little of the Rim, but even in the heart of the empire, they spoke of the honor of House Raa. Of the Moon Lords, chief among them the Ionian Golds. Where has it gone? Has it deserted you? Has it fled after the tremors of war? You may have lost it, forgotten it, but I have not forgotten mine. And my honor will not let me sit idly as this travesty unfolds.”
Like brooo what the fuuuuck. I would pay to see this in live action. I begggggg for a live action so badly. I need to see the Tiktok edits. I NEED to see the fights and *hear* with my own two ears all the quotes that leave me at the edge of my seat, you know??
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flailwielder · 2 years
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mosertone · 2 years
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Silenius by?
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triste-guillotine · 1 year
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ABIGOR “Supreme Immortal Art” CD 1998 (’...The chosen ones have command of the language, That needs neither mouth nor words. Our minost soul transformed into notes. We are element as well as entirety, So what is paradise if not hell’)
1. Satan in Me 2. Supreme Immortal Art 3. Soil of Souls 4. Eclipse My Heart, Crown Me King 5. The Spirit of Venus 6. Blood and Soil 7. Magic Glass Monument 8. Exhausted Remnants
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darrowsrising · 1 year
'"Power must be claimed. Wealth won. Rule, dominion, empire purchased with blood. You scarless children deserve nothing. You do not know pain. You do not know what your forefathers sacrificed to place you on these heights. But soon, you will. Soon, we will teach you why Gold rules mankind. And I promise, of those among you, only those fit for power will survive."
But I am no Gold. I am a Red.
He thinks men like me weak. He thinks me dumb, feeble, subhuman. I was not raised in palaces. I did not ride horses through medows and eat meals of hummingbird tongues. I was forged in the bowels of this hard world. Sharpened by hate. Strengthened by love.'
Darrow haters using the circumstances forced upon him - living in mines, not given education beyond what necessary for drilling, not given basic items for survival - to highlight their fascist scumboy as though it's a good thing, has always been disgusting to me. A silver spoon in your mouth or a horse between your legs makes you privileged, not better.
Why does Gold rule mankind? Because they want it easy and orderly. Because it's easier to blame demokracy than accept that all human beings are important and they are worth the difficulties that comes with implementing the rule of law. It's easier to die with glory than live for more than your station in life.
They failed to shepard humankind and any attempt of reviving this sick system should be met with instant death. No debates. You cannot debate with someone that wants your destruction, the middle ground will just keep moving towards them. It will nwver be better - the same system that had Silenius created all the tyrrants after him and even Rim Lords have failed to protect the Colors from their own selfish entitlement.
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Como muchos sabrán, Tolkien y su legado le ha dado maravillosas entregas a toda la sociedad en este planeta: muchos artistas han continuado creando en base a este legado, y musicalmente, el Black Metal es uno de los subgéneros que más le debe al Maestro en ese sentido. Y es justamente que hoy, 31 de Octubre, esta joyita, cumple 21 años de que ha visto la luz! El 'Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame' salió el 31 de Octubre del 2001, fue grabado en el Rachtschattenstudio(Austria), y la portada fue diseñada por Mark Harrison (compilada en su libro de pinturas "Draco Niger Grandis"). Fue Napalm Récords quiénes se hicieron cargo de este lanzamiento. El disco comienza con la célebre frase en la Lengua Negra de Mordor: "Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatulûk, Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul" Hay que señalar, además, que fue el primer álbum de Summoning en tomar y utilizar samples de audio extensos desde la producción Sonora de las Películas del "Señor de los Anillos". Es que cuando escucho South Away, ni les cuento lo que me da en el pecho!: una sensación de devastadora calma antes de la batalla! Una nostalgia pomposa de los soldados cabalgando a su destino! Les dejo un extracto de ese tema para que me comprendan: "And the crowns of the seven kings, and the rods of the five wizards. South away! South away now! Far away seek the sunlight and the day. Hail Éomer, King of the Mark" [Pueden escuchar el crack aquí: https://youtu.be/Pw8wrIp2Yd4] Summoning en Metallum: [ https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Summoning/Let_Mortal_Heroes_Sing_Your_Fame/115 ] 😌🔥👏🏻💖 THANK YOU PROTECTOR AND SILENIUS FOR ALL OF YOUR GIFTS 😌🔥💖👏🏻🎊🎉.~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZRfdCpXjKNKtwgBdNJpRbDG-K8ITjYAS3miQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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a1dropout · 11 months
Silenius au Lune. The lightbringer
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