#silkbag but unhealthy
Pirate au part seven segment 3
PLEASE READ before you read
White is not nice that’s not said in a joking way, warning there may be some things you might consider gross that you learn Thaddeus likes to do. So unless you really don’t mind horror or gore even in mention ...I mean it’s probably not that bad but I am gonna panic and at least I have warned you...but uh...if you don’t mind repo the genetic opera you should be fine lol heh heh yeah anyway last part of this segment for now. you have had your warning.
Okay  also so there’s a few suggestive and you sure as hell know what’s happening moments in this one it’s nothing particularly graphic but still hence the reason  it’s mostly under read more and , White hat and Slug finally make an appearance. their names are Thaddeus and Edward.
Now we reach the third part of this seventh segment, if you’re reading this and new to my blog know that I post anything story like at a painfully slow rate, but you are always free to ask questions, old and new followers, just be aware that headcannons and ideas can change at a drop of a hat lol, I’ve mentioned before I’m not the best at continuity and just kinda go with whatever I’m inspired to write at the time. Love to you all <3 
 He knew he shouldn’t, that Acylius would most likely not want him anywhere near him, but Amadeus knew he was the only being alive besides him who suffered at the hands of Thaddeus’s cruelty, who did not revel in it like Edward did. Phasing through the glass he transformed into a mercreature himself, he had two , one was that had a fish tail the other long winding tentacles, dark and shimmering, only glinting with flecks of red in the brilliant light of the sun, here though in this moment he chose his fish tail…he’d hoped throughout his life he’d figure out how to breathe as freely as those who did live beneath the surface, but even Elderichts have something’s they cannot achieve, he could breathe a while but the time was always so limited, at least the surface was close so he didn’t need to panic .
His tail was of a brilliant blood red, marked with black, fins at the front, deep grey, deep grey almost black in the front line center. 
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 Hat explained gently, his voice was soft in this moment, he did not want to aggravate him or put him further on edge, he watched as Acylius’s ear fins twitched, while he was not looking at him, it was clear he was at least being listened to, that was reassuring. 
“There were other siblings but he killed them…Emory left before Thaddeus could and I was born later, I have my reasons as to why I managed to stay alive, to why I fought to…but my story is unimportant in this moment…” 
Black Hat moved in closer, his shoulders relaxing as Acylius made no motion to move but stayed in his sand nest he’d made himself to feel comforted, Mew Mew Loaf stayed in the corner, but something told Hat if he so much as considered hurting her friend she’d bite his face off. 
  “He hates us….because he’s jealous….because in our kind the richer the colours, the more status, the more power he had, children in our world are never really children, we are not born to be loved but to survive, I and one other brother survived White…”
“The lighter of our kind are seen as ugly and unwanted, he wouldn’t believe me now even if I told him that things are beginning to change, but despite that, even if he did, I know he enjoys being a monster far too much, I don’t expect you to forgive me but I truly am sorry.”
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That tone, did he have to say it like that, in such a predatory manner, eyes so fixed on him that if he so much as flinched Acylius would see it and he was coming in closer, he could easily escape but a part of him wanted to surrender just a little, to see where this was going, if it was of ill intent he could easily escape.
 There was a shift between them and Amadeus noticed that Acylius’s demeanour had grown eerily calm as he moved in closer. “I know you are sorry, and Eldericht pleading forgiveness is practically unheard of…but it does not undo the past, it is the future that needs to be tended to, fixed, altered, and rectified…”
Hat started to move back, his presence seemed to sooth him now as if it stroked the aura that he was constructed from, purring like a dark serpent winding around him, the sensation slithering “Your species have always been so peculiar, those in the beginning unable to see the beauty in the light of pearls and splendor while the darkness moves dying in the shadows cold and alone and look where it has gotten them, in every living species there will always be a shallow nature.”  
Pressing the tip of his claw under Amadeus’s chin, it was sharp enough for a small tendril of blood to make its way out, curling and winding as smoke does, Acylius’s lips parted slightly as it slipped passed them his nostrils flared, the colours on his scales rippling as a wave does across the shore, his eyes closed and a bite of his lip. Hat’s heart was racing, so that’s why Thaddeus so desperately wanted him back, he was right this was a Legion demon, one of the very few beings who could match their power if not surpass it if well fed.
 “In this world, this dimension at the very least I am older than you, but I have met others older than myself in past lives, I have hidden behind my fear, made weak because  I dared to be of noble heart, or as one might call a Hero but I have been neither that nor villain…” He traced lone long claw along Amadeus’s jaw and over his bottom lip
 Thaddeus had been trying to break it’s will so it would tremble and bow before him and if he had succeeded in that…White would have been unstoppable.
Amadeus let out a soft whine, he felt so pathetic, but he’d been aching just to have him this close, and they were close, he could feel the warmth radiating from the demon in front of him and noted the slight twitch at the corner of Acylius’s scarred lips, where old needle marks had been made to sew his mouth shut to make it smaller. “If you devoured me…how strong would…”
 Acylius clasped  his face with one hand making Amadeus purr, his chest vibrating, the grasp was tight enough to have his lips pucker, even this small sign of dominance was doing things to him. “The Ocean itself Amadeus would be a mere puddle.” 
 Fuck, fuck, fuck he felt like prey, a part of him wanted to be devoured, to feel his fangs, his lips upon him, hands clawing down him and to be desired as such, so desperate and hungered for, oh he could relate to the satisfaction of eating a meal like that and after years of abuse at the hands of White…he would offer himself if only to stop Thaddeus. 
“I denied my powers and what fed them, ignored the need of devouring the flesh and soul of another, to consume something that could make me…whole.” 
“Not all Legion s walk on land nor grace the skies, I have no intention of eating you though, I have grown to enjoy your company, but it is a sad thought that constantly haunts me that with just a few men, their lives forfeit to me, could have saved us but things need to end and some worlds are only short lived, fate has its design even if we do not agree with it.”
“Demencia and 505 are off limits every-“ 
“No not them or you…you say Thaddeus has chosen tomorrow, it’s the one day I will have legs, that I am forced to, he has planned it out carefully, I will not be as agile and I will be on deck with you, standing by your side in the day that was made and exists once in the span of four years, the others on this vessel will do just fine.” 
His voice was husky, fingers loosening their grip on Black Hats face, claws now trailing down over his chest, down, down over his tail to rest on his hips
Acylius leaned in , their lips only inches away and Amadeus was watching the beauty of those blue eyes as they swirled in colour between thought and emotion.
“You did not think I had lost the power I gained when you fed me that kill you so willingly offered me…why you practically asked to court me with that meal, how cute.”
 Hat glanced at Mew Mew Loaf the little cat gold fish who feigned innocence after all it was her who’d suggested Hat give him that to eat, he let out a sound of surprise when he felt Acylius tap a claw on his chest and felt his body change back to his bipedal one, did he just really force him to change back !? 
The blood in his body rushed south, he wanted to be pinned by him, to be taken and feel it, that age old hunger that existed even within the oldest of beasts. 
 “Acylius are you sure-�� 
“Well if you’re not in the mood, you’re always free to walk out.” The door to the captains quarters locked so suddenly and with such force that the lock nearly exploded. 
“Hmm I’ll take that as a yes Captain.”
 He purred chuckling softly , tenderly placing kissing along his jaw, teasing his fangs long and sharp over his throat as hands explored him, seeking out every line and inch of him, mapping out his body and adventurer eager to search out the beautiful terrain before him, he’d sensed the moment of Amadeus’s arousal and with how eagerly he reciprocated , between passionate kisses and sweet moans he found himself sinking into something wonderful…something dangerous…and beautiful all at once…
“Hmm I do so much prefer you with legs, yours are so pretty.”
He dare not utter the word though, not the word love into the world where it could crumble and turn to ash , the thing he’d felt when he’d been small and he’d saved Amadeus all those years ago…he just wondered if his pirate king and guessed yet who he was or would ever realise it.
 Mew Mew Loaf was in the corner blushing brightly and buried herself under the sand, she would just let them get on with that, though she might have peeked once or twice giggling, she did find it odd though how the captains hat never came off, oh my there they were going at it again, water splashing over the side of the tank and Hat was far from quiet.
 Yep she was going to her sand nest again, but oh my god finally, Acylius had been pining for weeks, at least he might be a little happier now, he deserved it. 
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@villainousqueenofhel​ gave me permission to use her art work <3
White Hat with his Glamour on to his his real face and Edward Slug (design for him may change later never know)
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Down below the Ocean’s surface Thaddeus glided through the undiscovered waters of the world with Edward gracing his side, sunbeams breaking through glistening over White’s tail of pearl and sky blue scales with gold translucent fins veil like and swaying with each movement. 
“Sir, do you think the others are starting to suspect something?” 
( I don’t have a voice chosen yet for Edward, so if you have any suggestions I’d love to check them out <3) 
“And what exactly do you think they are starting to expect Slug?” 
(If you wanna know how I hear Thaddeus’s voice, look up V for Vendetta Hugo Weaving) 
“Well people have started to go missing since Acylius disappeared.” 
Edward returned plainly. 
“If they ask my dear sweet Eddie, blame it on their fallen king who oh so willingly greeted me into his kingdom like some naive little child.” 
White smirked, voice sweet but cruel, there was no kindness there.
 Thaddeus had decided he’d journeyed for long enough and wished to rest, they’d reached a clearing of rocks surrounded by lush green plants that danced invitingly, sitting himself down motioned with elegant hands for Slug to sit by his side. 
“Tell me Eddie how beautiful you think I am, you’re the only one I believe amongst those social climbers.”
 He purred claws gently stroking over Edwards chest only to bury them into his flesh as he allowed his glamour to fall away, his perfect face with soft lips disappearing as it was replaced with a maw of fangs that were forever exposed, protruding from his skull, unable to smile or express such little things, only his golden eyes giving away any sign of emotion.
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 However Thaddeus cared little for sentiments, he wanted to look soft, to be beautiful and he hated people most of all with all their plump little faces and pouting lips, those fools who would call themselves ugly had no idea that such an ancient beast could envy their flesh, all these beings he was constantly surrounded by with elegant lips he would tear from their faces in the darkest of nights until Edward had come to so lovingly cut them, perfect precision, in the privacy of his room he’d wear them and pretend until they’d rotted away that they were his. 
He pulled Edward forward, oh he could never tear apart his most devout follower, no…he’d thought about it a million times, just killing him like all the others, but Edward’s words were far too genuine and stroked his ego almost as well as those lips of his could suck his cock.
 Hearing his gasp as fingers curled around his throat, squeezing just enough to aggravate the gills on his neck, the ones on Edwards cheeks trying to draw in oxygen, you could see it in Thaddeus’s eyes that he was smiling at the slight sign of struggle, oh he wouldn’t kill him, he was far too fun to dispense of…though if he could get Acylius to be his broken little pet… It wasn’t that he loved Flug, far from it, no what he loved was the idea of having such a powerful being beg and whine, calling him master as it crawled  and allowed itself to be used as he desired. 
“Come now dear Edward, look into these eyes and tell me I am more beauteous than the heavens themselves, these accursed sea water does so dull me without the blood of rich coloured scales to feed on, lie to me.”
 White listened a moment before sighing, rolling his eyes and making a disgruntled sound
 His madness was beginning to show with each word, slamming Slug down onto the rocks under him, his voice slipping into to demonic tones, head tilting, purring contentedly as he felt Edward stroke along his cheek and smile up at him in that tenderly obsessed smile of his.
“You’re more beautiful than the seven Oceans and heavens above my dear, if I were a rich in scales and colour I would offer you my blood, all I can do instead is offer my love.”
 “Yes which is useless but the sentiment is appreciated all the same I suppose.” 
Letting go of him, he rested by his side propping his head up with a hand and looking over him, watching as Eddie touched along his throat, clearly worshiping the touch he’d been given.
 “Why don’t you put that love sick expression somewhere far more useful, use those pretty lips Edward, remind me why I let you keep them hmm.”
 He crooned. 
Tracing a claw along his jaw line, chuckling knowing that Edward would be more than happy to oblige, Slug had been obsessed with him the moment they’d met so why not use him as he saw fit.Tonight they would stay here and then tomorrow he would reclaim that pathetic excuse of a Legion demon.
 End of part seven
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