silver-inked · 1 year
3, 12, 1nd 13 for the wip ask game? 👀
#3. My most recent WIP is a month old. I started it after a huge burst of energy and I wrote down ideas for several fics but this one is the one that has stuck (the rest are on a long pause). I have no idea when I will finish it because it’s become a monster that consumes my brain but doesn’t write itself. Which is bad, because I already had one of those and I can’t finish the previous monstrosity either (RIP Unboxing Intro).
#12. I have multiple drafts mostly because when I write story always changes five times at least from what was originally planned. This time around, I was originally writing just a Saya fic and Black Cat team up fic, which turned into a Cindy Earth-65 meets Saya and Black Cat that digs deep into their relationship with “our” Cindy, which turned into Cindy Earth-65 does all of that but also Saya gets to have an existencial crisis and deal with her inner motivations and family issues. So help me, idk if I will ever finish this, but I promise I have a vision!! I swear!
#13 I Don’t know exactly what the summary will be or the tags. This fic puzzles me. Maybe something like….
Almost a year after failing to strike the deal of her career with the gangs in New York City, Saya finds herself cutting lose ends and preparing for her final showdown. This time she won’t fail.
New York however isn’t so keen to have Saya back. After the reveal of one of her father’s scandals, reporter Cindy Moon is one of the first to reach out and ask for a statement.
And how could Saya say no to her?
But things aren’t as they seem as months pass and Saya prepares for her final checkmate. Every visit to New York becomes more unsure as Cindy’s past starts to bleed into the crime scene of New York and onto Saya’s doorstep.
And then one day to the next, Cindy Moon becomes another. The new Cindy Moon could give Saya everything she ever thought she wanted, but faced with the chance of working with Black Cat find out the truth, will Saya choose what she has been working towards or will she give Black Cat a fair fight for “our” Cindy’s love?
Thank you for the asks!! I loved doing these!!
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