He leans in, his lips brush your own one, then a quick succession of pecks, he nuzzles your noses together, before pulling away and fidgeting, messing with his hair.
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Send a Heart for a Specific Kiss!
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7,14 and 17 nsfw 😉
I’m usually kinda shy around the people I like, I can flirt though, it’s just, not good, I tend to laugh a lot, get closer, I- try not to upset them or encroach on their space, but if they accept the flirting. Then, I’ll up my game.
Using excuses to touch them. Smiling more often, different tone of voice when I speak to/about them.
Giving is fun, receiving is fun, therefore, both? I’m a switch.
Praise (give/receive)
Dirty talk (give/receive)
Bondage (give/receive)
Cockwarming (give)
Oral (both)
Delay/denial (usually giving)
Consent is sexy 😊🥴
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That’s all I can think of for now...
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3 and 11?
Describe how I look?
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But you, can see me?
I’m 5’6, I weigh 140-160 lbs, I tend to bob in my weight. My hair is to the middle of my shoulder blades when it’s down, I always wear a ring I got from someone important, I just can’t remember who? My hair is blonde, some of its black, mostly in the front. I have partial heterochromia! It makes me have blotches of different colors in my blue eyes (it’s brown/gold) I have a gap in my front teeth! My Adam’s apple bobs when I laugh. My pants flare at the end. (They feel like yoga pants) the crystal in my waist cincher is a Citrine. My eyelashes are pretty long. People don’t get close enough to me to see but- I have freckles!
What do I smell like?
...I like to think I smell good? like something warm. Like wrapping up in blankets next to a fire, like hot whiskey or humid rainy nights, like gardenias when they grow wild, like a lot of smells that take me back... If you ask Julian, he might say I smell like home, but it’s probably just my aftershave....
(If you wanted the nsfw ones, re ask!)
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Even the nsfw ones are open ;)
Apprentice questionnaire
@thearcanaweek I’ve been sitting on this list for an age and I figured the free-day might be a good chance to share it maybe it will help someone or amuse them. The question are grouped together loosely in a theme and get weirder as you go down.
What is their full name?
Zodiac sign
In detail describe how they look 
How old are they?
What clothes to they like to wear?
What’s their favorite piece of clothing?
Any piercings? 
Do they have any other jewelry they wear?
Any tattoos?
How old are they?
What do they smell like?
What are their four trinkets?
What kind of magic are they good at?
What kind of magic are they bad at?
Of the four, six or seven magical elements which are they most connected to? Four: fire,air water earth. six: fire,air,water, wood,earth, metal. Seven:fire, air, water, wood, earth, metal, aither.
What does their gateway look like prior to their memory loss?  What does it look like afterwards?
Do they have a familiar? If they do. What type of animal is it? What is it’s name? Is it still around after they lost their memory?
Have they ever cursed someone?
How do they handle those headaches/migraines?
What tarot card do they connect the most with?
Where were they born?
What is their favorite color?
What is their least favorite color?
Are they right handed, left handed or ambidextrous?
What were they like as a child?
What were their parents like?
Do they have any siblings? If the answer is yes how many?
Do they have any other relatives they are close with?
What are they afraid of?
What do they identify as?
Do they have any allergies? 
Do they have any other medical problems?
What about mental health issues? 
What’s that personal hygiene regimen like? 
Favorite rock or gemstone? 
Favorite tree?
Favorite type of weather?
Least favorite type of weather?
What is their favorite season? (remember winter is summer and spring is fall)
How many languages could they speak before the memory loss? How many do they currently speak?
Do they sing or play any instruments?
What do they tend to joke about?
After a stressful day how do they relax?
Guilty pleasures?
How do they act when they first meet someone new? How quickly do they warm up to them?
In what order would they prioritize Love, fame, money, power, and knowledge?
List four or more things they love to do
List four or more things they hate to do
List five or more things they have said that sum up who they are
How do they react to (both verbal and physical) conflict?
What kind of bad habits to they have?
What kind of character faults do they have?
What’s their best trait in their opinion?
What do they think of their appearance?
How do they interact with people in a position of authority? 
Who did they look upto as a kid?
How do they interact with kids?
Do they want kids of their own someday?
Are they religious? If so what god/goddess or gods/goddesses do they worship?
What do they think the meaning of life is?
What would they want their last words to be?
What do they want to do before they die?
What/how do they want to be remembered for after they die?
How do they express affection?
What do they normally eat for breakfast?
Do they like spicy food?
Favorite fruit and or vegetable?
Do they like sweets?
Do they drink alcohol? If they do, what do they act like when their drunk?
How do they take their tea/coffee?
What food would they refuse to eat?
Is there anything they eat that most people would find unappealing?
When going on the road what food could they not live without?
What meal gives them a sense of nostalgia?
What do they do when no one’s around?
How would they react if a prized possession got stolen?
What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
What would their favorite modern invention be?
In a new unfamiliar place what do they do?
Someone just threatened them what do they do?
A rather well rich looking woman just dropped her purse and didn’t notice. What do they do?
What’s the worst thing someone has said to them?
What is the strangest thing they’ve ever come across?
Someone just stole food from them what do they do?
They meet a man at a crossroads. The man says they can have everything they’ve ever wanted. What happens next?
As a child what would they say they wanted to be as an adult?  ie. When I grow up I’m going to _______
What’s their D&D alignment?
What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done?
Have they ever got in trouble with the law or been arrested?
Do they know how to win a fight?
Are they good at hand to hand combat?
Have they ever stolen something?
Have they ever killed someone?
What/who do they find disgusting?
What upsets them the most?
What anime character would they be?
What disney character would they be?
What monster would they be?
What mythological figure would they be?
List three songs that you associate with them.
I’m going to re-blog it with then more adult questions for those that want them.
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Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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Ghoul & Goblin for the Fantasy Asks? ~ marigolds-and-rhun c:
<he messes with his hair, avoids eye contact>
What makes me happy?
My friends really make me happy, reading a good book, a good rest, my familiar, Fafnir. Fresh cut roses, long summer nights, soft blankets, moonlight through the windows. A crackling fire. Many things make me happy.
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And for the other one.
It’s honestly, all of my friends, (some of them he’s so in love with it hurts)
Like Julian, he’s always there for me when I need him, he can be dramatic sometimes, but I’ve always liked that about him. It gives him a certain character. (Not to mention he’s cute) but he always gets a laugh out of me.
Or Muriel, he’s soft spoken and quiet, he let me feed his chickens once and I almost lost a finger, but, then I fell asleep against his side, his heartbeat is really soothing. He always helps me relax.
Or Asra! My mentor! They’re the nicest ever and I owe them everything! And they’re honestly the funniest person ever sometimes.
Sometimes, though Julian hates to hear me say it, I like to talk to Valdemar, I don’t know if they like my company, but I like to hear about their work. They always give me funny looks. Like they’ve seen me before 🤔🤔
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people being interested in my oc
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Fantasy Asks
Fairy- What is something that you get excited about? 
Mermaid- What are you looking forward to? 
Elf- What are you proud of? 
Dragon- Sexuality? 
Griffin- Gender? 
Unicorn- Who do you look up to? 
Spirit- Have you ever been in love? 
Ghost- Favorite song? 
Poltergeist- Favorite song lyric? 
Ghoul- Who is someone that makes you laugh easily/who’s company you enjoy most of, if not all of, the time? 
Goblin- What makes you happy?  
Dwarf- Favorite tv show? 
Vampire- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
Werewolf- Who is your family? Who do you live with?  
Siren- Favorite color? 
Hobgoblin- Do you like anyone? 
Wraith- Any scars? 
Specter- Have you ever been in love? 
Chimera- Will you/do you want to get married? 
Changeling- Do you want children? 
Oracle- Do you like children? 
King- Describe your ideal day. 
Queen- Age? 
Princess- What is your relationship with your parents like? 
Prince- Birthday? 
Necromancer- If you could spend a week with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? 
Castle- What is something that not a lot of people know about you? 
Tower- What is (at least one thing) something that you’re afraid of? 
Magic- Describe your crush without saying their name. 
Enchanted Forest- Height? 
Magic Healer- Any pets? If so, what are they? 
Potions- Relationship status? 
Potion Making- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
Divination- What do you think about yourself? 
Visions- Do you miss anyone? 
Curses- How do you show affection? 
Charms- Are you religious? 
Hexes- What’s your favorite smell? 
Jinxes- If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? 
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Unspoken Fluff Starters
A gentle brush against fingers.
A head pat.
A short shoulder rub.
Leaning into their side.
Joining them in silence.
A quick hug from the side.
Sitting with them.
Bringing them a drink.
Bringing them food.
A hug from behind.
Stroking their hand.
A slight nudge of the elbow.
The lightest ‘boop’ on the nose.
A head to head touch.
A quiet evening walk.
Sharing a meal.
One resting on the other.
Giving them their coat.
Handing them a small gift.
A comforting smile.
Making space for them to sit.
A soft brush against the face.
A quiet kiss.
A comforting hug from the front.
Sharing a nap.
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I finally found a design I was satisfied with for my oracle for Stellamore!! Their name is Jekyll and they came to listen to the stars and be nice and theyre all out of stars to listen to (Background is from the official game!)
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Usually a pretty light sleeper! I wake up at the first sign of light, and can’t go back to sleep easily if I wake up..
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random asks
what was the last thing you read?
favourite movie?
favourite book?
dream date?
do you have a crush?
what are your hobbies?
what’s your favourite time of day?
if you could look like anything, what would you look like?
are you a romantic?
what’s your favourite type of weather?
what do you like talking about?
what are your turn ons?
turn offs?
if you got a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
do you want any pets?
dream job?
dream place to live?
dream vacation?
do you want any piercings?
if you had kids, what would you name them?
what are your best traits?
worst traits?
what’s your worst fear?
what do you want to eat right now?
what’s the best vacation you’ve been on?
favourite city?
favourite social media platform?
favourite article of clothing?
do you play any sports?
favourite meal of the day?
what are you excited for?
not excited for?
when was the last time you cried?
dream house?
what’s something you hate about the world?
what’s something you love about the world?
what scents do you like?
what kind of sleeper are you?
sweet or savoury?
are you a cat or dog person?
how long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
free! ask anything
when do you feel safe?
are you trusting?
what fictional characters do you identify with?
what labels do you commonly get?
what soung would be your life anthem?
what issues are you dealing with right now?
how can someone win you over?
what’s something about you people don’t know?
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He jolted back, tossing himself backwards in the sand and scooting away. Making a surprised yelp when his rear hit the hot sand, he blinked at them, “You have a tail...” mermaids? Mermaids existed?
“I’m sorry...” he retorted, shifting onto his knees and reaching out slowly, hands shaking as if he were approaching a wild animal, trying to soothe them with gentle words. “I didn’t mean to scare you...”
He paused. “You saved me?” His cheeks burned red with embarrassed flush. “...thank you.... c-can you understand me?”
🌲 (Wouldn’t let me use my apprentice blog so ;;) @Vince-The-Apprentice
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Vince’s masquerade outfit!
Just a flat coloring ;;
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Took forever! But it’s still pride month right?? ♥️♥️♥️
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This took FOREVER. But in time for pride month!!
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