loquaciousquark · 1 year
we’re watching twister tonight at movie night (naturally, as it’s @eponymous-rose‘s birthday selection week), and in the opening young helen hunt’s father is sucked out of a storm cellar by a tornado and dies
@silksieve, blandly: and then she grew up and killed a hundred tornados and wore them as a coat
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servantofclio · 1 year
10 Favorite Movies
Tagged by @mordinette, thank you!
Not necessarily top ten, just movies that popped into mind today:
1. A Fish Called Wanda - just one of my absolute favorite comedies
2. Everything Everywhere All At Once - blew me away in the best of ways
3. Encanto - maybe favorite Disney movie? watched it a couple of days ago and am still stuck on the earworms
4. Galaxy Quest - a perfectly loving parody
5. Glass Onion - had so much fun with this, I should watch it again
6. Mad Max: Fury Road - such great action, such incredible pacing and momentum
7. Alien - so simply chilling + I adore Ripley
8. Casablanca - it’s just. so good.
9. The Heroic Trio - early-career Michelle Yeoh in a beautifully bizarro action fantasy
10. The Empire Strikes Back - partly nostalgia value, admittedly; possibly the movie I’ve seen the most times?
Tagging @thievinghippo, @loquaciousquark, @probablylostrightnow, @mystery-moose, @jadesabre301, @silksieve, @eponymous-rose, @fistfulofgammarays (in all cases only if you want to) and anyone else who feels like it!
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eponymous-rose · 1 year
The 3rd Annual Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer New Year’s Eve Stream!
IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN (kind of, one day late, it's fine).
Yes, it’s that time again! Join myself and a rotating cast of several (possibly including but not limited to such awesome folks as @loquaciousquark, @mystery-moose, @silksieve, @fistfulofgammarays, @probablylostrightnow, @servantofclio, @jadesabre301, oh gosh, just anyone hanging around who can join!) as we defeat the Reapers and ring in the New Year the right way. Which is to say, probably with a lot of weird challenges. Randomized weapons and characters, anyone? How about an all-Geth-Juggernaut team? Tech Armor only? Dare I say… Cerberus baseball?
My Stream
Quark Stream Too 
Happy New Year!
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pseudofaux · 3 years
I love your writing and would love to see something from you about Nightshade! How about Goemon/Enju first night? Or someone else of your choosing from Nightshade?
I am so happy you requested this, it’s great to get a chance to write for someone who has been such a thoughtful and appreciative reader. Your comments always make me feel like I can take my writing wherever I want! AND Goemon is one of my faaaaaavorites from Nightshade... so this is a real treat. 🙇🏻‍♀️💜 I really hope you will enjoy it! One thing: it’s their first time, but it’s not night. I hope it will still work for you. The idea of Goemon having sunny, lazy, loving [REDACTED] was TOO GOOD AND RIGHT.
This is the LAST of the Valentine’s Day tipseus (only four days into March, feeling #great about that), I’ll make a masterlist of them tomorrow and put it on my... masterlist. 😏 Thanks to everyone who sent in a request! I’m really happy with a lot of what I made. Each request was good practice + a chance to exercise self-discipline and stick to task. This will probably be one of the last times I take free requests like this, and I hope any/everyone who read them enjoyed them!
He was stretched out in their room at an inn-- each inn was exciting but they were starting to blend together-- on a lazy morning. Enju was sitting in front of him, still close from where he’d hugged her before dozing off. She was rolling up the extra pairs of clothes they’d washed while in the town. It had been such an easy stay, such a nice place. They’d visited shops and springs. They’d had some time to grow even closer.
There was a sensual energy between them now. Not something violent or crackling; it was golden and warm, like a sunrise on a safe morning. It made her feel like a cat, she wanted to stretch all her arms and her jaw and tongue in the soft shine of it and then curl up as it warmed her to some inhuman level of satisfaction. She did not yet know it, only that it hovered beyond her. Closer every day. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to run to it, but she loved it when he pulled her close, and sometimes when his hands cradled her face and his tongue coaxed hers, she wanted to grab at that energy. She grabbed at him instead, and when she did, he always groaned.
It always gave her goosebumps, made her fidgety in his arms. She was lost in thought, hands still over the clothes when his voice by her hip interrupted her thoughts.
“You know,” Goemon said, his voice even lower and lazier than usual, sleep-slurred, “I think our eyes match.”
Sometimes she still couldn’t make heads or tails of the things he said. But she could always tell when the joy in his laughter was because of her confusion, the way it was just then. His chuckle was low like his voice had been, and his tongue rubbed the edges of his teeth like he was savoring a hidden taste.
“When I look at you,” he explained, propping his head up on a hand (some days he never got off the floor if he could help it), “And when I get close, like this, and look at myself in your eyes...”
They had been kissing and embracing one another so often lately that she expected it, actually leaned down just a little to meet him and began to close her eyes. But he stayed where he was, and when she blinked her eyes open he was grinning at her.
“When I look at my reflection in your eyes, Enju, the color is the same,” he said. And then he did move toward her, and whispered, “It’s very pretty.”
She felt hot to the very backs of her ears, his presence enough to overwhelm her and his voice like that enough to outright stun her. His laugh brought her back. The tiny kisses and the way he nuzzled her cheek kept her pinned in place with gentle weight and no sharpness at all. He’d done some shinobi maneuver to sit with her when she was lost in his affection.
“I don’t know what my eyes look like,” she confessed, closing her eyes again and letting him press his lips to the start of her braid.
He pulled back. “Is that so? Can’t have a beautiful thing like you not knowing how lovely she is. I’ll get you a glass,” he promised. He promised her so many things, and though many of the promises were for things that would only be proven true over time, all the immediate ones he kept. He had her trust.
When Goemon pulled her gently into his lap, she moved with him. It reminded her of the day he’d first tied her hair. Now they did that for one another every day, an unspeakably sweet intimacy she cherished. A tiny, animalistic part of her wanted to pounce on it, same as the way she wanted to grab at the lust between them.
“You haven’t even looked at yourself in a pond?” he asked. His arms came around her and his knees went up on either side of her, more like pillows than a fence. He curled around her back and the width of his hands rested on her belly. The unspoken promise was warm as the morning-- this was more direct than most of his teasing.
“Oh,” she said, “I guess you’re right. I just don’t have a good sense of what my face looks like. I’m not sure I could tell you what color my eyes are.”
Right beside her ear, he murmured, “That’s definitely a shame. When we settle somewhere, I’ll get you a glass. And before that, the next time we buy you something nice, we’ll ask the shop to bring out something so you can see yourself.”
She smiled and he kissed her cheek and asked if she was happy.
“Very,” she whispered, nodding.
“A glass will be good to have,” he mused. “There are... other things we can do with one.”
She leaned back against him and enjoyed the way he made himself as soft as possible to allow her to be comfortable. “Like what?” she asked, honestly curious.
So completely was she relaxed against him, she felt the precise second he got less soft behind her. His chest held a breath, then expelled it on a laugh that seemed more likely to curl around their feet than float. Happy, with a note of stress. She didn’t like hurting him, but wasn’t it good that she wasn’t the only one with that heavy yearning when he held her like this? Enju didn’t know exactly what he was implying, but she knew what kind of thing he was talking about.
“I’ll show you when we have one,” he promised
She smiled wider and closed her eyes. “I’ll hold you to that,” she said. One of his hands left her belly and trailed up her throat and chin, his touch cherishing her like a painter’s brush.
“Not if I hold you to me first,” he said, all that golden energy brought suddenly to a boil. “What do you say to that, hmm?”
She opened her mouth to take a deep breath before answering, and his fingertips pulled very gently at her lower lip, stroked her chin, went back with just a little more strength to touch her tongue. So her answer was the throaty sigh she had come to know over the last weeks, and her hands going to his forearm to keep him in place.
“Yes,” she said, wetting the tip of his finger with the word. “I say yes.”
He groaned like she’d kissed him, even though she had not. Not yet. And then he did something very fast with his arms and she was rising up and in them, tucked tight to his body, moving through the air as he carried her over to the inn’s bedding. It was still a rumpled mound of cloth. And a very soft landing pad, it turned out.
As always, his hand behind her head kept her safe. As usual, his eyes on hers-- were hers really such a beautiful green-blue?-- made her glad for his protection. In his hands and his gaze, tucked beneath the hidden strength of his body, Enju felt as small and treasured as a miraculously discovered pearl.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“What aren’t I doing,” Goemon said. “What haven’t we been doing, hmm?”
He went for the spot he liked to love at the side of her neck, the one that was tender if she touched it these days, thanks to all his attention. But he didn’t pull the skin with his mouth like she expected. Instead, his hand slipped from the back of her head to skim down the bedding beside her body, until it landed at the knot of her obi. “This alright?”
She nodded tightly and his lowest chuckle yet, hot against her throat, made her leg muscles tense and flex.
“Just be gentle,” she said to the ceiling tiles.
Goemon brushed his nose along the side of her throat, back and forth. Back and forth. He kept going as he undid the knot in his hand and dragged her clothes open. Enju’s leg muscles flexed again and then relaxed, and with them her back and shoulders. The soft layers of fabric below her cradled her body as he told her of course he would, wasn’t that the point? He stroked the edge of her open kimono, never quite touching skin.
“Has this been difficult for you?” he asked. “Waiting?” Fingers landed on her naked middle with the lightest brush of touch.
She gave him an mmmhmm, then a gasp as one of the fingers, wide enough that she thought it might have been the side of his thumb, stroked into the curve of her navel. She felt somehow tuned by it, primed. There was something in her soul that touch set into the same crouch her body would bend into before it would broke into a sprint.
“Tell me whenever you like something,” he said, finally kissing her neck with even more gentleness than she’d asked for. “I don’t want to keep it from you, so just tell me whatever I do that you like. And anything you don’t like.” He pushed himself up a little bit to look down at her, expression so heated and tender it made her ache for his kisses.
After she agreed, she told him as much, and he smiled as he came down to give her the kind of kiss she liked best: slow and dizzy making. She he was already laying down, so there was no risk of falling and it could be all bliss. She put her hands on his cheeks and let him love her mouth while she loved his. Then, when she was all relaxed again, he did something she really liked. That thick, warm thumb traced all the way down her belly, over a curve on her body that felt like a cliff face, a waterfall, some important precipice she was about to learn the meaning of.
“Do it,” she whispered. She could feel her own blush, could even feel the way the heat of it was trapped by his face and returned to her, but it was nothing next to her need. “Please.”
“Polite, polite,” Goemon drawled. And when his touch stroked gently against her, she throbbed so deep inside herself it nearly hurt, and she lurched up with a gasp. Thankfully he was a ninja and saw it coming. He moved back in time to save their heads from colliding.
His face was all concern. “Bad or good?” he asked.
She couldn’t quite say good. She kept her eyes on his as she laid back down, and watched the grin curl up one side of his face.
“That good?” he asked, following her for more kisses. Shyly, she lifted her hips, minutely seeking the return of his hand.
“Don’t forget to talk, pretty girl,” he said kindly. So she said “Please,” again, and got to watch his beautiful blue-green eyes narrow and go dark. And then she closed hers and gave herself over to his tongue in her mouth and his touch somewhere new and very, very lucky.
It was slippery, but not too slippery. Every time he rolled his finger in a circle it brought a new moan out of her, tiny but inescapable. Especially because he stayed so close to her, chest half against hers, mouth never leaving her. He seemed to drink in each noise, and gave her a few to drink down as well, breaths of praise and soft groans. She could feel his hips shifting beside her and it made her feel somehow powerful. 
“So perfect,” he whispered. “Still like it?”
“Yes!” she gasped out when he sped up. Still such a gentle touch, but faster now, less time for her to live between the short strokes of contact. Her thighs laid themselves open a little wider just so she didn’t overheat.
“That’s a good girl, so good. Want to try something you might like even more?”
With great struggle, she managed to open her eyes and look at him skeptically. It made him laugh, bright and loud, and rub the tip of his nose against hers. “Your choice,” he told her. “But I’d recommend it.”
“...Alright,” Enju said. She already liked what he was doing. If there was something more, she wanted to try it. She knew he would take care of her.
He pressed down, following along her skin, and slid his finger lower. She could feel herself parting for him like the flesh of a peach, unconscious but very willing. She had never seen a fruit give under pressure so very light as his was now. Still, there was the stickiness of a peach, or dango drizzled with syrup, like they’d had at one of the other inns.
He’d brought her out of misery and into a world of flavor and joy. She knew so much now.
“Breathe,” he reminded her, and gently pressed one finger inside her, so slow it was sweet as syrup, so slow she felt every new place he touched. She sucked in a breath only when his knuckles bumped against her and could go no further, and the air went into her on a sound of need. He pulled his hand back, steady as an archer, and then pressed into her again and she cried out his name-- she couldn’t help it.
“That’s something else you should say,” he told her in his lowest voice yet. “Say my name, just like that, whenever you want.” But there wasn’t much chance, because he kissed her again, and this time there was clear hunger in it. The way he was usually kissing her when they pulled themselves apart.
They didn’t have to do that now, she realized as she cried out into his mouth again. They could stay, and she could venture right into that golden cloud of mysterious, desirous warmth they’d made between them.
Goemon slipped another finger in beside the first, and the stretch of it made her body go stiff. He slowed and she said “More, it feels good,” because it did and he’d asked her to tell him. There was a sense of widening within herself that didn’t feel like anything she had ever experienced, and she liked it. She liked it even more when he kissed her, said “Alright,” and began to stroke her again with his thumb as his fingers moved. She wailed into his mouth, then hissed-- her muscles clenched tight around his fingers with every brief touch above them.
“That’s it, love,” he said quietly. If he hadn’t been so close, she might have missed it over her own sounds. His free hand brushed aside her open kimono and finally covered her breast, all the gentle warmth of his palm making her whimper at the feeling of security in the face of something so new. He had not touched her skin directly like this before, and there was some roughness on his palm that provided a friction she valued in the otherwise pliant cupping of his hand. It felt warm and safe, like the lining of a jewel case made just for her.
“So beautiful,” he whispered. “It’s certainly been difficult for me to want you for so long, you know.” He worked her body with his hands and kept talking to her, sharing his thoughts and the things he noticed about her body. She felt him moving in a new way and watched as Goemon raised one shoulder, then the other, and his own (always loose) kimono started to slip down his back every time he moved his arm. She wanted to watch his body reveal itself, but he began to put a little curve in his fingers inside her, catching the top wall and dragging tenderly against it, and she could do nothing but bend her body in a reflection of his curve to meet him, chest up, head back.
His mouth went down to her lonely breast and made her feel decidedly not lonely. How could a person use their teeth so gently? The warmth of his mouth was indescribably intimate but reminded her of being cuddled, surrounded by the love and softness and heat of a body not her own. As he sucked one nipple and rolled the other between his fingers, hot need spread through her body, an antidote (to what, she faintly wondered) reaching all her extremities. She swore she could feel the tickle of it in her muscles. One day she hoped she might make a medicine so pleasant.
“Enju,” he said, and hearing him say her name was always wonderful... but oh, to hear it muffled by her breast in his mouth was another thing entirely. He gave one hard sick, still gentle but more, and then pulled his body back from hers. She missed him immediately, so much that she felt her first discomfort in all this when his hand left her breast, trailing down. It was still warm, still contact, but not the kind she wanted. And there was nothing inside her now where before there had been him, and it made her miserable.
“Don’t pout,” he laughed. “I’ve waited longer than you. But now it’s time, hmm?”
It was late morning, and they were at one of several inns that were beginning to blur into one experience. This wasn’t their home, but it was where they were. Together.
“Yes,” she said slowly. Solemnly.
He sat on his knees between her legs and used both hands, one slick and one not, to stroke her until the fingers of both his hands slipped over all her wetness, landing on her as raindrops would an uncovered stone. She was certain she was just shy of not being able to stand the emptiness. His touch was good; her greed confused her and added to the need she felt, lust at a pitch she had never yet sung or even knowingly heard. She did not think he had ever been so turned on, either, no matter what he said.
Goemon caught her eye and winked. His charm knew no bounds. “Up,” he said gently, a sticky hand touching one of her knees. She began to bend and he caught the inside of the joint to bring it up so he could kiss the point. Just a kiss, but he looked right at her when he did it and it made her clench around nothing.
“I don’t want you to have to do any work, really,” he told her, bringing up her other knee and pulling her hands to the backs of her thighs. “But this is the easiest way. If you hold on here, it will give you something to squeeze if you need it, and you’ll be able to lift and lower your hips. That gives you some control.”
She nodded, and he smiled and shrugged off his own clothing at last. She had to look down her naked body to see his, and what a sight it was. His skin was as golden as that energy between them, his long frame marked by the sun and a few scars. She had some, too. When they were done, or some other day, she wanted to kiss each one. Brave, beautiful man. Her Goemon.
“My... Goemon,” she said softly. She smiled at him, feeling a little foolish, but his smile only looked pleased, and he said “Yours.” Then his mouth came back to hers, and one of his hands pushed the hair off her forehead and made her feel so very safe and loved, yet again.
His other hand was pulling at his length. She tried to catch a peek and he laughed. Warmly, he promised “I’ll show you another time. Unless you really want to see it now.”
She shook her head and opened her mouth to kiss him again.
“Good girl,” he growled, and she could feel his arm moving faster. Once his knuckles brushed one of her hands, still holding the back of her thigh, and she whimpered into their kisses. Her body wanted his touches again. Or this glorious more he was offering her. She wanted with a selfishness that startled her until she could feel him, thick and blunt, just where he needed to be.
“Remember, you move your hips to help if you need to,” he told her. And then he began to truly push into her and she never wanted to move again, she wanted to stay right there in that moment, in that place, and forever feel the delicious burn filling her, no faster than his fingers had. It went on in a slow, slick forever and she panted and sighed every soft sound of her comfort that floated out of her body on her breath.
“Almost,” he gritted through his teeth. “Tell me how you’re doing.”
“Fine,” she wailed. “Keep going.”
His laugh was almost raspy, but too thick and low to sound harsh. She loved his voice so much. She moaned out his name, trying to keep quiet and not at all sure of her success. Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears, keeping time with the pulse she could feel around him. That haze of attraction between them had hidden the most perfect heat and now she was there, in it, with him.
When his body was pressed against hers, she felt as though he was settled into every place where her form had any give at all. He did not rest heavily upon her, only completely, and it was wonderful.
“Goemon,” she whispered.
“Thank you.”
He made a sound of mild amusement with his tongue and his teeth, closer to a cluck than anything else she could name. “You’re awfully well-versed in what to say, for someone who hasn’t done this before,” he told her. His troubled look (it was so rare to see him anything but easy and calm!) made her giggle.
Enju wanted to hug him, but she kept her hands on her legs. He seemed to be waiting, but she really didn’t know what to say, so she did what he had recommended and shifted up just a little, tensing the muscles of her bottom to push her toward him.
He swore, more callously than she had ever heard him say anything before that moment.
“I take it... that means... you want more?” he asked. The tightness of his voice made her feel proud, somehow. Proud and foolish and in love with him. She thought if she spoke she would never stop talking, so she bit her bottom lip and nodded instead. And shifted again, just to see how good it would feel and what would happen.
What happened was he groaned and leaned forward, rested his elbows by her arms on the bedding, and whispered “Little minx,” before he kissed her soundly and ground himself against her, which forced her mouth to open on a gasp. She squeezed the backs of her legs and tried to grind herself right back, but she couldn’t figure out just how.
Now he laughed, and his kisses turned gentle again. “Just tell me what you like,” he reminded her. “You can have as much of it as you can take.”
“That,” she whispered. “More of that, with your hips.”
He did some other thing with his hips, which was also very nice but not what she had asked him for. The new side to side motion made her whine, but he kept doing it so well it was hard for her to find her voice.
Eventually she did, and she scolded him with it. “Goemon! You said!”
He laughed again. “I did, I did. Forgive me for teasing you,” he begged. “I promise, I’m teasing myself, too.” And then he did it again, properly, pushing them so close together it was like he was touching her in that magnificent way from before, all over again. Now while deep inside her body. It made the most pleasurable shudder rack her body, jittery in her limbs before it left them as relaxed as a steam bath.
His way seemed to be to move slowly and completely. He would pull back until she felt the faintest hint of cool air between them (well, cooler than their bodies), then push his hips down and forward into her and just keep going until they both grunted. The steady pace was enough to pull all her sinews taut as a net, and plenty to make her feel as though she would lose her mind. She did not need control, he was taking perfect care of her.
So she let go of her legs so she could hold him instead. She kept one foot tucked near her body and let the other slide down along the bedding, and put her hands back on his beautiful face.
“I love you,” she told him again. “This is incredible.”
“Don’t make me blush,” he said, but his cheeks were already so ruddy it would have been hard to tell if she did. She waited for his eyes, and when they came to her she looked right into them, marveled at their color against his face, and told him they were beautiful.
He grinned at her and reached back to fit the back of her raised knee into his elbow. The next time his body pressed against hers, her own eyes went so wide she thought she saw all the walls of their room. Possibly beyond them.
After she stopped moaning, he asked, “Do you think we match, then?”
“I hope so,” she whispered.
“Oh? How pretty I must be,” he murmured. She laughed and buried her fingers in the softness of his hair, and pulled him gently toward her kiss, deeply in love and floating in the feel of it.
He kept her laughing, kept her delight as bright and bursting as fireworks as they made love well into the afternoon.
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fistfulofgammarays · 4 years
Comforting pet or stargazing for Mass Effect!
@silksieve here’s one for stargazing!
This last mission might be her least favorite. They’d made it out again at least. Crawled through the derelict Reaper’s corpse and left with an IFF and a geth platform for their troubles. But it’s a harrowing, ugly journey, and the worst part isn’t the monsters. Or, rather, it isn’t the monsters as they are now.
The Illusive Man doesn’t stoop to excuses. He’s straightforward in his willingness to sacrifice his pawns. Some people might find that admirable.
Cerberus has provided Shepard with a uniform. She doesn’t wear it.
After debrief, she showers and idles aimlessly in her quarters for a few minutes, palms itching with the need to do something. She should be writing up reports or calculating the logistics of the Normandy’s next jump, or exorcising her demons on the exercise equipment. Instead, she makes her way right to the bottom of the ship.
The lights on the engineering level are headsplittingly bright and sterile, and the noise of the trash compactor is an intermittent muffled thump in the background. The air stinks. She’s pretty sure Zaeed smokes cigars down here, but he hasn’t been careless enough to get caught and she hasn’t been careless enough to catch him.
She’s careful to make some noise as she comes down the stairs, and by the time the doors open, he’s busy cramming something into a pocket. He straightens up as she enters and gives her a nod, but doesn’t stand up from his workbench. He’s got the old rifle disassembled in front of him, a greasy rag in hand. “Shepard.”
She leans up against the wall at the opposite end of the room from him. There’s a nice view of the stars out the window. Every once in a while, the trash compactor thumps and a cube of compacted waste is unceremoniously ejected into the abyss, hurtling across it. She doesn’t bother starting a conversation. Zaeed’s a chatty old bastard. He’ll do the work for her.
“Real shitshow today,” he pronounces after a second. “Fucked what happened to the other team.”
Her mouth thins. “They shouldn’t have been left down there. It would have been kinder to execute them.”
He gives her a sharp look. “Yeah. And if you’d been in charge, you’d have done it.” He locks the barrel in place with a click. “That’s what I like about you, Shepard. You keep things simple. Clean.”
It’s an unflattering assessment. It’s the kind of thing people said to her after Torfan when they wanted her good opinion. “There’s nothing simple about an order like that,” she snaps.
Zaeed is unfazed. “Problems can be complicated. Solutions are simple. Or at least they are when the CO knows what they’re doing.”
“That’s about what I’d expect from a man whose squadmates tend to have a short shelf life.” It’s below the belt, and she knows it.
He sets the rifle down and watches her levelly for a minute, his artificial eye pale and glassy. “Fighting dirty, Shepard,” he says lowly. The moment passes, and he takes up the rag again. “You’re not wrong though. Way I see it, you’ve got people like me. You hand me a complicated problem, I’ll find you a simple solution quick. Problems stop being complicated once you cut enough pieces out. And then,” he says with a long swipe of the rag down the barrel, “there’s people like you. Someone hands you a problem, you’ll rearrange it. Shove the pieces around. Cut out the parts that don’t fit, where you have to.” He jerks a thumb at the trash compactor. “Like that. At the end you get a nice neat solution too. Just a lot more parts make it through.”
The trash compactor thumps, crunches a pile of scrap into a neat cube, and drops it into the chute. A second later, it’s hurled across the view.
“Massani,” she says wearily, “if you’re trying to get on my good side by comparing me to a trash compactor your technique needs work.”
“You pay me to shoot things, Shepard, not to come up with inspirational bullshit.” He leans over and rummages in the ratty rucksack stowed in the corner. “Here.” He tosses something over to her.
Reflexively, she catches it, and stares incredulously. It’s a palm-sized plastic bottle of shitty tequila, slightly squashed.
“Apology if I hurt your feelings,” Zaeed drawls.
Her first impulse is to throw it back. But when she half-turns, she catches sight of another little plastic bottle by his elbow, already open. After a moment, she sighs and twists the cap off. What the hell. They’re both off duty.
“Apology accepted.”
Zaeed lifts his bottle. “Cheers.”
They both drink, and she settles against the wall for the long haul.
(She goes through half the bottle, listening to Zaeed’s idle complaining and watching the trash compactor spit neat cubes into the stars, wondering when after Torfan she’d begun to learn to bend her problems instead of breaking them.)
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gardening club under the cut, lol
Just got ac and happy to water flowers if you want! I heard this helps :)
aw, thanks! i can give you a dodo code and leave some fruit/extra DIY recipes i have for you to take if you like. :)
arfuraf replied to your post “new hybrid flowers keep popping up on my island where i’d thought it...”
Flowers are a lot more complicated than the polygon article says, most of the information on popular game sites are outdated. The gist of it is that flowers have genes and certain gene combinations might get you colors not stated in outdated guides. If you are interested, here's a good place to start https://aiterusawato.github.io/guides/acnh/flowers.html
wow, thanks! i had an inkling it was a lot more in depth than the guide indicated, but had no idea how much. i’ll have to really dig into this and move some flowers around, lol.
nightingaleseeking replied to your post “new hybrid flowers keep popping up on my island where i’d thought it...”
I know that flowers from mystery islands can throw a wrench in the works, and there’s probably a lot more going on under the hood than I have the patience to figure out, lol :P so I’m just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.
yeah, fair. i’m trying to strike a balance between ‘totally obsessed with generating more of THIS flower’ and ‘this is a game, chill,’ lol.
tigerpika replied to your post “new hybrid flowers keep popping up on my island where i’d thought it...”
this is happening to me to, I am definitely getting hybrids that shouldn't be possible according to various guides
good to know! yeah, i think the in-depth guide arfuraf gave up above gets more at what’s actually happening. really interesting.
ourimpavidheroine replied to your post “new hybrid flowers keep popping up on my island where i’d thought it...”
Oh, I am getting hybrids where I didn't expect them either. Mostly I am just covering my island with flowers and seeing what happens.
a really beautiful solution. :)
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bettydice · 4 years
aban-asaara hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “thisonelikesaliens hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “WHAT’S UP...”
I've only watched one episode of Tiger King but I've been told it gets much better/worse (my friend described it as a "seven-layer dip of pure garbage" haha)
that sounds FANTASTIC ngl
silksieve hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “WHAT’S UP PEEBS”
And the new Emma is excellent and everyone should watch it!
noted! silksieve hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “WHAT’S UP PEEBS”
Well, I got back into Diablo! Also Brooklyn 99 and westworld
I have Diablo installed and ready to go now :) and yay more B99 love!
snippetsrus hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “WHAT’S UP PEEBS”
Elder Scrolls: Online. The Elsweyr expansion.
nice! I tend to forget there’s an Elder Scrolls MMO, hope you’re having fun!
nelsynoo hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “beauregayd hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “WHAT’S UP PEEBS” ...”
I would replay Mass Effect but SOMEONE has my copies of the game...
Nel, at this point you should just buy the games again, you’re never getting them back and also I have to like that guy now because wow have you ever met a nicer and more talented person I don’t think so, just let him have the games
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Thank you all so much! It has indeed been a good day! (Well, work had its slightly annoying bits, as work does, but then I got to come home and eat pizza and cake with Clio and read your lovely messages. <3)
Now I’m going to go watch this confetti clean itself up. Should be cool!
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theherocomplex · 5 years
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Thank you all so much! I hope you’re having lovely days, too! <3
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mystery-moose · 6 years
bettydice replied to your post “10 Favorite Movies in GIFs”
Yes I am and I have no regrets moose mcwarframe!
silksieve replied to your post “10 Favorite Movies in GIFs”
epersonae replied to your post “10 Favorite Movies in GIFs”
There are a few movies that I consider “perfect” in as much as they are so well-constructed from both a story and an execution perspective that I would change absolutely nothing about them.
Die Hard and Hot Fuzz are absolutely on that list.
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loquaciousquark · 9 months
tell me you have progress shots for that astarion x tav art? c:
Anon, I had no idea Procreate could do this! Thank you for teaching me something! :D
Quite a bit of flashing from 5:18 to 5:30 and briefly at 8:18.
6:59 was for @silksieve, who was getting all my progress shots, hahaha.
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servantofclio · 4 years
#11 for Branwen/Solas, and also #23 about them or generally.
11. Do they have any inside jokes? 
Wow, what a great question for them. I haven’t thought about this before, so I’m going to think out loud here. Their inside jokes would have to be pretty deadpan; Branwen has a fairly serious temperament, and a dry sense of humor that takes a while to show itself. Solas’s humor is more dry or obscure, too, for the most part. So their inside jokes will be occasional sly references to things they’ve done or said in the past: Solas’s Winter Palace hat, affection for baked goods, and so forth. Branwen strikes me as more likely to initiate these jokes; I think it would take Solas a while to find appropriate ground (for example, he can’t really joke with her about Dalish customs, because he mostly doesn’t understand or feel much sympathy with them). They might start with making quiet jokes to each other about their companions.
23. Did you tailor your OC for the other in the romance? 
In Branwen’s case, not... exactly. I knew who the romanceable characters were in DAI, but I didn’t know much about those characters. I knew she had a bias against human men, so that ruled out some options, but other circumstances might have pushed her toward another character. I found Solas intriguing from the start, though, and I liked their interactions, so I sort of leaned into that aspect as I continued developing her personality in the early game. One thing I like about them together is that she treats him with respect and listens to his advice, but doesn’t really view him as a mentor or authority; to her, especially early on, they are peers and equals, and in fact he’s someone potentially in need of her protection (from the templars / seekers / shemlen in general). To Solas that is a huge shock to the system. When do you suppose was the last time someone told him “I’ll protect you” and meant it? He probably fell in love with her right then and there, but didn’t realize it immediately.
In general, it depends. The first time I play a game, I usually avoid pre-game spoilers, so the first OC is not tailored for any particular romance. The second or third time around, I’m more likely to be aiming at a chosen romance, and so I make an OC that seems compatible. My original Shepard didn’t have a planned romance in mind, but I planned Val to romance Garrus and gave her a personality that I thought would mesh well with him. Similarly, my first Warden was a bit of a blank slate, and fell into the Alistair romance because it was there and adorable, and then I planned the second one to go with Zevran.
Thanks for asking!
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
silksieve replied to your post “punishandenslavesuckers replied to your post: The...”
post a picture of your butter chicken! I am totally trying that recipe.
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I didn’t take a picture yesterday, so here’s some nuked leftovers (well, the rice is fresh). Turned out pretty well! I think I’d recommend upping the garam masala, the brown sugar, the turmeric, and the curry powder, and maybe only using 3/4 of the tomato paste - it did get a little overwhemingly tomato-y. Still, really tasty experiment!
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fistfulofgammarays · 6 years
Welcome back!! Hope you had fun. :) best thing you did?
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Haleakala! I made it out to the second red hill you can see in the distance. It’s way bigger than the photo makes it look - it’s close to a 12-mile round trip hike. It’s a really neat, slightly spooky landscape.
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psicygni · 6 years
silksieve replied to your post: hey, so i saw your "i hate trump" post, & let me...
Not quite sure why you’re getting all these anons all of sudden, so here’s a heart and some hugs: <3 oooo
thanks, friend! yeah, me neither... 
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silksieve replied to your post “Nobody tagged me to list 5 things I’m happy about in my life right...”
tetrahedrals replied to your post “Nobody tagged me to list 5 things I’m happy about in my life right...”
Agree w/ these tags so much, thanks for sharing some positive stuff!
*hugs* Yeah. I say eloquently. I hope you have positive things to hold on to.
thisonelikesaliens replied to your post “I’ve spent most of the day running around doing things I wanted to get...”
I was gonna offer to fight your brain but that'd probably be counterproductive. So. *drill sergeant voice* AT EASE BRAIN
Y’know what? Go ahead and fight my brain. It probably deserves it.
OK, on second thought, you’re probably right on the counterproductive thing. The brain weasels do seem to get a bit quieter when I read your drill sergeant voice.
kleptotello replied to your post “I’ve spent most of the day running around doing things I wanted to get...”
A bit quieter still. (I’ve been trying to loll them to sleep with the new Florence and the Machine album. Which is excellent. But not exactly a lullaby.)
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