maidfrin · 2 days
"it's kind of cutes but....do you like need a break" -friend hearing me get incredibly nervous and shriek in fear at a video game
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sillystringpony · 4 months
Hey tumblr can you stop sending me notifications calling my mutuals my “crushes”. Yes I love them but that is a Thirty Year Old British Man
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the-snowfall · 1 year
oughhuofhh *violent sobbing* <-still not over the juanaflippa days
There's just. something about this little girl who's first day is spent being ignored because your caretakers are already getting fucking divorced and any other time its them putting your life at risk <//3 They make the shittiest cave room because both of them cant build for shit and tell you its your new home.
They still let you decide your name, even if you can't properly talk yet.
By the time you see one of your parents again you've already lost a life because of their absence. Still, your father measily fights off the approaching monsters for you. He accomodates for your needs and lets you eat first, even though he's starving too.
Your first toy is a gun. Your first proper time spent with your dad is watching him make a pact with the devil. What is it like to witness someone unable to afford the bare minimum? What is it like knowing that the reason he is putting himself in these situations is because of you?
Your first toy is a gun because your father can only measily defend you. Your first murder was in the middle of a lullaby inside your burning home - except it's not as serious as it sounds. Your father's lullaby is an improvised rap, dedicated to you. You are dancing and jumping around, the glowing embers dont hurt either you or him and only bring more light into your tiny, tiny room that slowly starts to feel more like a home.
The next time your parents reunite they argue again.
It's weird how they bring out the worst of each other. You spend your rare few times with your mother and you understand that she loves you too. He makes you cake, you go fishing together and she gives you armor and a chainsaw as a gift for Easter. You go to sleep soundly that night because your mother is right there with you in your room.
The next time you wake up, it's to their happy tears and warm embraces because they missed you too.
You know your parents are good- even if theyre not. They're good because they are trying to be and you get to be the center stage, witnessing all of it.
So you watch as your father kills your best friend
and you see the swinging blade belonging to your mother approaching you,
you love them anyway.
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wally-and-co-gaming · 2 months
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hey! howdy! I'm Wally and I'm writing this pinned post for us!
welcome to Wally & Co! we're a group of friends who stream just for fun! we'll play all sorts of games and stuff! it's all silliness!
The Co.
Wally - he/it/pup - @transpuppetboy
Eves - she/her - @evesandfriends
Five - she/her - @inking5
Silly - she/her - @razmonik
Echo - she/her - @e-lynn-chuols
Edgar - it/he/neos - @cathackz
Sona Refs TBA
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maidfrin · 13 days
STOP! before you make an extreme decision or take drastic action of some kind, think about SIFFRIN
are you:
S - sick?
I - indignant?
F - fatigued?
F - famished?
R - resentful of anyone trying to help you, even loved ones?
I - in a state of distress?
N - needing a hug?
if you answered yes to one or more of the above, fix that and then get back to your big decision!
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maidfrin · 3 months
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of course the bouchard would bring a pipe to a fight where the other person brought Some Guy That Disappeared For A While And Has Too Much Haunting Knowledge In His Brain
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maidfrin · 3 months
alice dyer is the funniest woman alive. she calls her ex things like Baby Shrimp. she maybe-jokingly told her new coworker I Want You, and when the coworker was caught off-guard, alice said the coworker was so so in love with her and then she left before the coworker could reply. she calls the computers at work cute in a flirtatious manner. she hates the british government. she calls one of the work programs' tts voices sexy. her way of dealing with work being scary is genuinely to "stop paying attention". her friend tried to comfort her about her ex moving on and she immediately said she was going to drown said friend. she wants bigfoot carnally. she describes her way of talking as "irritating, yet faintly erotic". who's doing it like her
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maidfrin · 2 months
isat is literally just that one post about "the time being you can see it too?"
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maidfrin · 1 month
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hey everyone
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maidfrin · 2 months
i think we don't talk enough about how funny isabeau is especially wrt siffrin. he blushes when siffrin looks scarier/less silly in acts 3/4 (versus not blushing during some of the same conversations in act 2) and retroactively thought it was Really Cool 😳 when siffrin lost their shit at him in act 5. he woke siffrin up to say "i don't wanna tell you the thing i woke you up to tell you rn. Gn". he sees sketches of people Doing Things as it is called and just says "oh neat!". he keeps guessing absurd shit for odile's research despite having known for a while that she wasn't researching anything, just because he liked keeping up the bit. his crush on siffrin is so obvious that everyone in the party knew except mirabelle and possibly siffrin for a while (based on the fact that they go "what could he possibly have to tell you...?")/alt. siffrin saw him being Like That and remained in denial about it for multiple loops. he gets WILDLY jealous about someone else calling siffrin Sif and the fact that siffrin made odile a little wooden figure of her. he giggles and blushes at the thought of having a Dead Siffrin Ghost hang out with him. he immediately performs mental multiplication between two large numbers upon said numbers being mentioned, and gets the answer right, and when odile is like "what the fuck?" he just doesn't address it. he gets so embarrassed at siffrin calling him cool handsome beautiful ETC that he crushes a cookie to mere crumbs in his fist because he "has the heart of a delicate maiden" and got flustered. you can make him wear paper mache hands as a weapon. his post saving-the-entire-country plans include becoming a fashion designer. he audibly keysmashes, somehow. he told siffrin that he knew they liked him because "i have eyes". he's so funny and i love him
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maidfrin · 2 months
underrated isat moment is, if siffrin hits his hip on the counter in enough loops, they kick it in frustration, to which bonnie and isabeau respond by also immediately kicking the shit out of it to make siffrin feel better. and the funniest thing is it WORKS
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maidfrin · 2 months
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my laptop fans kicked up to top speed while i was making this image so i think if i try to make it any better quality then my laptop may explode
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maidfrin · 4 months
it's because you're always on that damn Hill Top Road
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maidfrin · 3 months
every time julia and trevor are referred to as family i feel so emotional do you even get it. almost every time they're together, someone refers to them as father and daughter. they've both lost their only other family and they were some of the only people left who could even ever hope to understand each other. who could understand the monsters they faced that left them both orphaned and alone without any family, in systems where the odds were stacked against them, and how they led them to find each other even if they both became monsters in the process. when she died he mourned her like a daughter. do you understanddddd
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maidfrin · 4 months
hey um... i just talked to some woman named y/n and i think the guys in that one gif are lying about that whole "celibacy" thing
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maidfrin · 1 month
she'll fuck me if im good enough at two suit spider solitaire i know it
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