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Silver Fern Education Consultants proudly presents the HPAIR Leadership Program, an unparalleled journey towards achieving leadership excellence. Join us in this groundbreaking experience scheduled from April 26th to 28th, 2024, as we welcome the program to Chandigarh.
Seize this unique chance to strategically invest in your future and earn a certificate from the Harvard College Project for Asian & International Relations upon successful completion, enhancing the prestige of your achievements.
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Best Universities In UK | Top UK University Rankings (2024 Edition)
India’s diplomatic and political relations with the UK are blossoming like a love affair. Both countries are deepening their strategic partnership across all spheres. This also implies that students from India have much to look forward to if they aspire to Study in the UK. Moreover, there seems to be a paradigm shift in preference from North America to the UK. 
Above all, the UK has world-class institutions that represent centuries of legacy in academic excellence.  Most of the top-ranked universities in the UK fall under the prestigious Russel Group. These universities are at par with the IVY League Universities in the US and the top Universities in Canada. From the most dynamic business programs for international students to psychology courses, UK universities offer massive value.
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All in all, if you plan to study in UK, this might be the most favorable time ever to plan for it. Speaking of why the United Kingdom should be a preferred study abroad destination, the reasons are listed next. 
Studying in the UK: Know The Advantages 
The benefits of studying abroad are plenty and worthwhile for sure! Speaking studying in the UK, the similarity between India’s and the UK’s education systems strikes the first. To explain, just like in India, the UK also has three-year bachelor’s degrees, unlike North America.
Having said that, undergraduate students save the effort and tuition fees for an entire year in comparison to Canada and the US. 
Furthermore, most master’s programs in the UK are for a tenure of one year. Having said that, even postgraduate students have an advantage to look forward to.
Besides, the weather conditions in the UK are relatively less harsh than in Canada. However, the weather alone cannot be a good enough reason to study in UK, right? 
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So, now that you know why it is gratifying to study in UK. Next, we must shed light on the top universities in the UK. In this blog, we present to you a list of top UK universities featured in global rankings.
Our list of top universities in the UK is as per the Times Higher Education Global Universities Ranking 2024. So, let us get going and explore the United Kingdom. 
Top 10 Universities To Study in UK 
1. University of Oxford  
Well, it’s neither Harvard University nor Yale University! It is neither Stanford nor MIT! The University of Oxford is at the top of the global rankings by Times Higher Education. Yes, not only is its ranking first in the United Kingdom but it is the best university globally. Here’s a small Trivia about the University of Oxford! The University is the most ancient university in the native English world. Located in the city of Oxford, the university comprises more than 40 colleges and halls. What is even more impressive is that the university has more than 100 libraries. 
Known for its superlative education, the university offers programs in social sciences, law, engineering, psychology, humanities and so on. The overall experience that students at the University of Oxford obtain is unparalleled and inclusive. To add, with an international student population of 42 percent, the university offers a homogenous mix of cultures. 
2. University of Cambridge 
Located in Trinity Lane Cambridge, the university has a homogenous student population representing 120 nationalities. The university is ranked second best in the world for life sciences programs and sixth for business and economics. Besides, it is ranked the third best in the world for clinical and pre-clinical in the world.  If you plan to study in UK to pursue business or science programs, this university must be on your list!
3. Imperial College London
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Moreover, if you are planning to pursue a computer science program in the UK, this is a perfect choice. Imperial College London ranks high at the global level for computer science programs. What is worth noting is that the majority of students at the institution are international students. To be precise, 62 percent of the student population comes from other parts of the world. 
4. University College London
It is noteworthy that UCL is the first UK university to extend equal education rights to women. Hence, from the purview of modern feminism, UCL holds a special place in history. However, there is a lot more to the university than this historic event.
Standing tall in the heart of London, UCL is the Alma Mater of a plethora of  Nobel Prize winners. Further, UCL offers a broad spectrum of academic programs to domestic and international students. The most renowned faculties at UCL include physical sciences, life sciences, humanities, brain sciences, engineering and so on. In fact, the university has highly prestigious programs in arts and humanities. 
5. University of Edinburgh   
Above all, the world-class quality of education at the University of Edinburgh is what we must focus on. Business, economics, arts, life sciences, psychology and law are some of the most reputed programs at the university. 
Lastly, did you know which institution is the Alma Mater of Charles Darwin and Alexander Graham Bell? Well, the University of Edinburgh it is!
6. King’s College London 
Besides healthcare, the institution is renowned for its social sciences, physical sciences, psychology and engineering programs. The research environment at King’s College London is highly conducive and tailored to produce excellence.
7. London School of Economics & Political Science
The student community at the London School of Economics and Political Science represents more than 140 nationalities. Moreover, LSE has strategic collaborations with Columbia University, the University of Cape Town and Peking University.
8. University of Manchester 
The University ranks high for programs in life sciences, social sciences, business and engineering. Moreover, the university ranks way higher than other universities across the globe in terms of research quality. Interestingly, the university has produced 25 Nobel Prize Winners over decades of its legacy.
9. University of Bristol
Ranked 81st in the Global Universities Rankings, the University of Bristol is next on the list. Yet another university in the eminent Russel Group, it was the first UK university to sound a climate emergency. Speaking of its research excellence, it is ranked 5th in the UK for research quality.
The University of Bristol is popular for its arts and humanities program. Besides, other academic disciplines include law, education, psychology, business and engineering. 
The university has a student population of around 30000 students in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The best part is that international students account for a considerable percentage of this population. 
10. University of Glasgow 
Last on our top 10 list is the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Standing tall and handsome since 1451, the University of Glasgow has centuries-old credibility to flaunt. In fact, in 2023, the university was conferred the Scottish University of the Year honor. 
Given the university’s firm commitment to sustainable development goals, it is among the top 20 universities in QS Sustainability Rankings.
Moreover, it is one of the top universities in the world to study medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences and pre-clinical programs. The university also offers a wide range of programs across arts, humanities and social sciences. 
To conclude, indeed, the United Kingdom is now being looked at as the go-to study abroad destination. The sentiment is absolutely shifting from Canada to the UK owing to a multitude of reasons.
As a country, the UK has some of the most iconic, ancient and prestigious universities in the world. Of course, the University of Oxford sits at the top of the global rankings. 
If there is anything more you want to know, or any assistance you may need, reach out to us. We, at Silver Fern Education Consultants are always there to empower you and lead you to your dreams. 
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Top 10 List: Best Universities to Study in Canada
It’s amusing how innumerable international students migrate each year to study in Canada. It will blow your mind when you learn about the actual number of international students moving to Canada. 
As per IRCC, in 2023, Canada received more than 900,000 international student applications. In fact, IRCC forecasts that the number of yearly international student applications will reach 1.4 million by 2027.  
These mammoth numbers convey a fascinating tale of the craze among international students to study in Canada. Students from all kinds of academic backgrounds and with all kinds of academic ambitions are prioritizing Canada. 
In fact, the larger share of international students’ influx in Canada is from Asian countries. The question is, what makes Canada a top priority for international students? 
Decoding the Craze To Study in Canada
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As per an article, the number of applications for Canadian study permits has increased by 300,000 per year. So, the trend of applying to Canadian universities and colleges among international students is only getting bigger. It seems to be a precedent for the next 10 years at least. The global aspiration to study in Canada is becoming larger each day for sure. 
One of the key reasons explaining the surge is the forward-looking and pragmatic education system of Canada. Canada offers a wide range of Study Abroad Programs offering better prospects for employment. From engineering to psychology, the scope in Canada is any day better than in India. 
Secondly, Canada is home to some of the most eminent global universities. The University of Waterloo, McMaster University, University of British Columbia and Windsor University are only to name a few. For any international student, it is a matter of sheer pride to pursue higher education in any of these institutions. 
Studying at UBC or the University of Waterloo is almost like a guarantee of career success all across the world. Do you wish to study at one of the top Canadian universities too? Are you serious enough about this ambition? Do you know about the top universities to apply to to study in Canada? We at Silver Fern Education Consultants are there to guide you at every step. 
To begin with, in this blog, we tell you about the top 10 universities in Canada as per 2024 rankings. These rankings of top-ranked universities in Canada are as per the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.
Top-Ranked Universities to Study in Canada: 2024 Edition
1.) University of Toronto 
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For sure, Toronto is the city where everyone wants to be! It is a city known for its liveliness, multicultural environment and of course, the University of Toronto. The University of Toronto is the most prestigious and premier university in Canada and the hardest to get to. 
The University of Toronto finds itself in the 21st spot in the world university rankings. With a 21 percent international student population, the university is the top choice for ambitious international students. Further, the university offers more than 700 undergraduate programs and around 200 postgraduate programs. 
The University of Toronto has the most inclusive study abroad programs. If you aspire to study in Canada with a worthwhile future vision, this university must be on your list. However, to make it to the University of Toronto, you have to be at your absolute best! 
2.) University of British Columbia 
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University of British Columbia, better known as UBC is a name that needs no introduction. UBC is a globally renowned brand when it comes to the most prestigious universities worldwide. Located in the beautiful city of Vancouver, the university is ranked 41st in global rankings by Times Higher Education. 
UBC’s programs in social sciences, business & economics and life sciences are ranked among the best in the world. Besides, the university is popular for its research-centric environment and research quality. 
Also, you will be happy to know that UBC boasts a massive international student population. To be precise, international students constitute 34 percent of the total student population at UBC. 
Further, UBC is one of the oldest educational institutions in Canada and has two campuses. While one campus is in Point Grey which is 30 minutes away from Downtown Vancouver, the other campus is in Kelowna. Lastly, if you wish to study in Canada, it is important to know that UBC is also quite generous with study-abroad scholarships. 
3.) McGill University 
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Following UBC on the list is McGill University sitting at the 49th spot in Times Higher Education Rankings. McGill University is located in Montreal, a lively city in the Quebec province. 
Let’s draw your attention to some key highlights about McGill University. For the last 15 years, McGill University has been consistently ranked the best research university in Canada. For 12-plus years, it has been the best Canadian university in terms of study abroad scholarships. 
The university is known to offer the highest prospects for international scholarships and bursaries. These insights are consistent with Macleans’ rankings and not mere assumptions. 
McGill offers a wide range of academic programs ranging from computer sciences, engineering, law and social sciences to psychology. Students from more than 150 countries study at McGill making it one of the most multicultural universities in Canada. 
4.) McMaster University 
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If your study in Canada plans are hellbent on Ontario, McMaster is another top university to aim for. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster University has a proud legacy of decades of excellence in research. With respect to the Times Higher Education rankings 2024, McMaster is ranked 103rd. Moreover, it is ranked 33rd in terms of impact. 
McMaster University is known to have one of the top med schools in Canada. So, if you plan to study in Canada to become a doctor, McMaster must be a top priority. Besides medical, McMaster University is also popular for its engineering, business and social sciences programs. 
McMaster embraces Diversity & Inclusion and has students and faculty from all over the world. So, as an international student, you would not feel overwhelmed by cultural shock at McMaster. However, the bottom line is that the entry requirements are going to be typical on any given day. 
5.) University of Alberta 
If you are looking for a premium and affordable university to study in Canada, the University of Alberta it is. Located in Edmonton, the University of Alberta is far from the bustling cities in GTA and hence, far more peaceful. However, peace in itself may not be a good enough reason to choose a university. So, let us talk about rankings and academics! 
The University of Alberta is ranked 109th in the global rankings by Times Higher Education. It is one of the oldest public research universities in Canada. Further, the University of Alberta is one of the best Canadian institutions for engineering, clinical and health programs. 
Moreover, the university also has international student scholarships and co-op programs to offer. Even if we leave scholarships aside, the university is quite affordable relative to the excellence in academics offered. If you are not very rigid about GTA or Ontario, the University of Alberta is a true value for money institution. 
6.) Univérsite De Montréal 
The academic legacy of this university is as fancy as its name! Univérsite De Montréal is one of the leading research universities in Canada. It is amusing to know that the university receives around 700 million dollars in funding for research per annum. Having said that, Univérsite De Montréal is among the top five research universities in the country. 
The university ranks high for its business & economics, arts, clinical and pre-clinical programs. In arts and humanities, the university offers worthwhile courses in linguistics, archaeology, philosophy, Theology and so on. 
The University is ranked 111th in the global university rankings and is located in the homogenous city of Montreal, Quebec. 
7.) University of Waterloo 
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It would have been quite surprising if the University of Waterloo was not on the list! The University of Waterloo is a highly popular and eminent university known for its extraordinary education and entry requirements. 
It is ranked 158th on the global list of universities and is one of the best universities for engineering and technology programs. In addition to that, the university is also known for its physical sciences programs including astronomy. 
The multicultural environment of Ontario makes the university even more welcoming for international students. Speaking of international students at the university, they comprise 21 percent of the overall student population. However, it is one of the toughest universities to get into to study in Canada given its entry requirements. 
8.) University of Ottawa 
The University of Ottawa is ranked 177th on the Times Higher Education list. Here’s a fun fact! Ottawa is the capital city of Canada and not Toronto as many tend to think. Having said that, what is better than studying in the capital city of Canada? In the capital city, you will have access to all the opportunities in the world! 
The University of Ottawa offers programs in computer science, law, engineering, life sciences, arts and psychology. The university is fifth in Canada in terms of research intensity and seventh in terms of growth of research income. These insights speak for the university’s legacy as a research-intensive institution. Lastly, the University of Ottawa is also one of the best in Canada when it comes to medical schools. 
9. University of Calgary 
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The University of Calgary is on the list of top 250 universities on the global rankings. This makes it the second most premium university in Alberta after the University of Alberta. The university is extensively diverse as it extends education to international students from more than 120 nations. Further, the University of Calgary offers more than 250 programs across different levels of education.  
Students are likely to get a large number of research opportunities as the university supports a conducive research environment. To add, the university offers a broad spectrum of specializations in engineering, social sciences, life sciences and physical sciences. All in all, this is one of the best universities to study in Canada. 
10.) Western University 
Located in London, Ontario, Western University is last on our list of top 10 universities in Canada. With international students comprising 24 percent of the student population, it is for sure a multicultural institution.
For undergraduate students, the university offers around 400 personalized combinations of majors and minors. Moreover, for postgraduate students, the university has more than 160 doctoral and master’s programs. In fact, The Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry is among the most prestigious medical schools in Canada. The university boasts a modern research infrastructure committed to making an evident impact. 
So, with this we conclude our list of top universities to study in Canada. We are sure this list was of great help and will assist you in making meaningful decisions. If you need any assistance besides that, Silver Fern Education Consultants is there for you round the clock. 
Also Read 
Top 10 Universities To Aim For To Study in Australia
Benefits of Studying Abroad You Need to Know 
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Author Bio : Mr. Almasto Kapoor
I believe that wisdom and information amplify when shared with others. With more than 14 years of vast experience in tertiary education and having assisted a plethora of students in accomplishing their higher education dreams, I’d like to believe that my knowledge is substantial. To make this knowledge count, I love sharing it with students to apprise them of the intricacies of overseas education and to go with that, my keen interest in writing makes it an even more fulfilling thing to do!
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Canadian Universities’ Scholarships for International Students
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Are you aspiring to pursue your higher education at one of the top universities in Canada? If yes, it makes great sense that you have a clear idea of the scholarships for international students in Canada that are offered by the most prestigious universities in Canada. Needless to say, to win a lucrative scholarship from one of the top universities in Canada can be a life-transforming opportunity for you. 
Having said that, in this blog, we shed light on the most prestigious scholarships in Canada for international universities. When we talk about Canada, we lay great emphasis on the country’s multiculturalism, progressive education systems, and the country’s warmth towards international students despite freezing temperatures. 
As we all know, Canada is home to some of the most eminent global universities and colleges in the world. With the likes of the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, McGill University, McMaster University, and so on, Canada offers a host of top-notch institutions. 
However, what also needs to be talked about in detail is the spectrum of scholarships offered by Canadian universities. Well, it is amusing for you to know that there are hundreds of scholarships on offer for international students in Canada. There are scholarships on offer for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. You never know which scholarship opportunity may be a perfect fit for your profile! So, let us get started without further ado.  
International student scholarships offered by Canadian universities 
Top undergraduate scholarship programs in Canada
Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships
What is the first name that comes to your mind when you think of the most prestigious universities in Canada? Well, for most of us, it would be the University of Toronto. So, for all of you who dream to study at the University of Toronto, you must know about Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program. This is an elite scholarship program offered by the University of Toronto. To elaborate, the scholarship program covers a wide range of student expenses ranging from tuition fees to the costs of books and residence costs as well. However, what you need to know is that this is a highly competitive scholarship program and only the best of the best have a fair chance of winning it. Needless to say, it is hard to get to the University of Toronto and even harder to win a scholarship from the university. However, if you have strong academic credentials and a profile you are proud of, there is always a fair chance. Besides, this is where we come into the picture, to assist you in preparing a profile that can take you closer to grabbing the Lester B. Pearson International scholarship. 
Scholarships by University of British Columbia for International Students 
Yet another top-bracket institute in Canada, the University of British Columbia also offers attractive scholarships for international students. The International Scholarships Program at the University of British Columbia is inclusive of around 50 scholarships awarded each year to international students under 4 different classifications of scholarships/awards. These awards are elaborated on below. 
Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award 
Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award 
International Impact Award 
Vantage One Excellence Award 
UBC International scholarships are tailored for students with exceptional abilities, the knack for bringing positive change through leadership and academic excellence. If you dream to pursue your higher education at the University of British Columbia, there are some highly meaningful merit-based scholarships to look forward to. 
York University International Scholarship 
On the list of top universities in Canada, York University would certainly make it to the elitist of the elite category. In fact, it is one of the most popular universities among international student aspirants. Having said that, you will be glad to know that York University offers scholarships ranging from 80,000 dollars to 180,000 dollars for international students. However, these scholarships are for students enrolling in four-year degree programs. 
Entrance Scholarships by University of Calgary 
Are you looking to pursue your higher education from Alberta? Needless to say, Alberta is one of the most sought after destinations for international students in Canada. Further, when it comes to Alberta, the University of Calgary is what the brightest students aim for. Having said that, you will be more than glad to know that the University of Calgary offers scholarships to international students worth 60000 dollars for a four year degree program. Of course, getting the scholarship is subject to other essential requirements of GPA and other eligibility criteria. The exact details can be found on the official website of the University of Calgary. If there is still any doubt, you can trust our highly reputed services of profile enhancement and scholarship applications. 
President’s Scholarship: University of Winnipeg 
Manitoba is a picturesque and popular Canadian province with some highly eminent educational institutions. Among these, the University of Winnipeg is among the most discussed universities and colleges. If you are looking to move to Manitoba for higher education, the University of Winnipeg should surely be on your list. Speaking of the scholarships offered by the University of Winnipeg, it has the prestigious President’s Scholarship for World Leaders program to offer. The scholarship is for international students applying to the university and the amount ranges between 3000 dollars and 5000 dollars. 
 Top graduate scholarship programs in Canada 
University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships 
If you are planning to move to Canada for a graduate program, you would have surely heard about the University of Manitoba. The University offers annual scholarships worth 18000 dollars and 14000 dollars for Ph.D. students and students enrolling in master’s programs respectively. 
What you need to know is that the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship awards fall under the category of merit-based scholarships. Having said that, you need an exceptional academic and extracurricular profile to stand a fair chance. However, don’t you worry, we are there to assist you! 
University of Waterloo Master’s Award of Excellence 
University of Waterloo is another top ranked university in Canada that many international students want to get into. Any guesses where the university of Waterloo is in Canada? Well, Waterloo is a popular and lively city in the province of Ontario. 
Coming back to the University of Waterloo, the university has lucrative scholarship opportunities to offer to international students. The Master’s Award of Excellence by the university is a scholarship program majorly for students taking up graduate programs that involve extensive research work. 
The Master’s Award of Excellence essentially offers financial aid of 2500 dollars per term up to a maximum of five terms. So, if you aspire to study a research-based graduate program, this university and its Master’s Award of Excellence are what you should definitely be aiming for.
University of Calgary Graduate Awards
If you have a fair idea of the top destinations in Canada, you would definitely know that Calgary is among the best cities to be in. Further, speaking of the best universities in Canada, the University of Calgary is an institution with its own distinction. 
So, if you are looking for a graduate program in Canada, the graduate awards by the University of Canada will surely have you interested. 
To elaborate, the University of Calgary Graduate Awards are inclusive of graduate scholarships ranging from 1000 dollars to 40000 dollars across various academic disciplines. Seems intriguing for sure, doesn’t it? Besides, you can always learn more about these Graduate Awards by visiting the official website of the university. 
So, mentioned above are some of the top-notch scholarships in Canada for international students. As you saw, there are ample scholarship opportunities in Canada for international students to look forward to. The higher the universities’ rankings the tougher the claim to getting a scholarship. But just a subtle reminder, to help you identify and apply for the top scholarships in Canada, we would always be more than happy to help! Wishing you all the very best! 
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Most Popular Cities In The UK For International Students
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In terms of academic heritage, the United Kingdom has a lot to boast about. Be it the era of modern history or the contemporary world, the UK has always been the epitome of an academic legacy. This exemplary legacy is laden with some of the most prestigious universities and colleges in the world. With the UK being home to the likes of Oxford and Cambridge, a plethora of students dream to pursue higher education in the UK each year. In fact, the list of eminent educational institutions in the UK is endless and hence, the UK is one of the most beloved study abroad destinations. 
Not only does the UK offer a highly conducive educational environment to international students but also some of the most remarkable scholarships for study abroad. If you have what it takes to stand out from the crowd, you very well stand a chance to grab one of the most wholesome scholarships in UK for Indian students. Who would want to miss out a once in a lifetime opportunity to study in the UK on a scholarship after all? 
However, it is often seen that people’s knowledge about the UK and its cities seems a little restricted. For most Asians in fact, the UK is synonymous with London, the capital city of Great Britain. The fact of the matter is that there is a lot more to the UK than just London. This is exactly what this blog aims to emphasise. In this blog, we shed light on the most famous study abroad UK cities that international students should be aiming for. Needless to say, when you move abroad as a student, knowing about colleges, universities, and scholarships for abroad study is not enough. You also need to consider the cost of living, opportunities for part-time jobs, and other key factors. These factors can eventually help you choose a city that is tailored to your plans and prerequisites. 
Having said that, let us get started without further ado. Let us check out the most happening, meaningful, and popular cities in the UK that have international students highly interested. 
Best Cities in the UK for international students
No surprises here! London had to be on the list of popular cities and it had to be right in the first spot. London’s enormous popularity among international students has a lot to do with its appeal and aesthetics. It is an iconic city that finds its name among the most famous cities in the world. Moreover, London’s multicultural hues and breathtaking diversity make it a highly attractive city for students from all parts of the world. 
From King’s College London, London School of Economics to University College London, the city has academic institutions of the highest order. This is exactly the reason why the city has its own distinguished legacy of being a global hubspot of international students. However, London also happens to be one of the most expensive cities in the world. Having said that, unless you grab one of the UK scholarships for Indian students from a college or university based in London, the cost of living may turn out to be too overwhelming to afford. Nevertheless, there are other cities as well that are equally amazing and slightly lighter on the pocket. 
Are you a Manchester United fan by any chance? If yes, you would surely know about the city! 3 to 4 hours away from London is the city of Manchester which is unbelievably popular because of the iconic soccer club named after the city. Besides, the city is also famous for its institutions of excellence including the University of Manchester, The Manchester Metropolitan University, and others. 
Needless to say, a hardcore Manchester United diehard fan would perceive studying in Manchester as a surreal opportunity. Also, Manchester is the heart of the United Kingdom’s cotton and textile production and has the distinction of being the first industrialised city in the world. So, as you can see, there are more than one reasons why this city is so massively popular. 
The Scottish city of Glasgow is next on the list of the most sought-after cities in the UK. Institutions like the University of Glasgow, City of Glasgow College, Glasgow Metropolitan College, and others give the city its reputation of being an academic hub. 
Moreover, the city’s pristine ancient architecture adds immensely to its aesthetic appeal. One considerable difference between Glasgow and London is the cost of living. When compared to London, the cost of living in Glasgow is much more pocket friendly. Not to forget, this city too offers some of the most amazing scholarships for international students in UK. 
It is hard to believe that a student from any part of the world would not know about the highly prestigious Oxford University which has been a benchmark of university education since 1096. Having said that, the reason why the city of Oxford in central southern Europe is profoundly popular is the distinguished Oxford University. 
Cardiff, the capital city of Wales is yet another celebrated study abroad destination in the United Kingdom. The St. John’s College, University of Wales, Cardiff University and other celebrated universities and colleges give the city its recognition as a prominent center of education. Furthermore, Cardiff is also known for offering an exciting night life and a host of sporting events that offer students a perfect getaway from the monotony of life. Cardiff is an elated city to be in with eminent educational institutions that can transform lives. 
In no way is this list exhaustive. Cities like Edinburgh, New Castle, Cambridge, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham and Warwick are equally good. However, as mentioned above, the cost of living may significantly vary from one city to another. If you are looking forward to move to the UK for higher education and win a handsome grant as a part of UK scholarships for Indian students, Silver Fern  is more than happy to guide you and assist you in accomplishing your dreams of studying in the UK. What are you still waiting for? 
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Here are some of the recent sucess stories, If you too want to jump-start your study abroad journey, share your profile and get expert guidance from Silver Fern Education Consultants in your city sangrur, awaiting you with massive discount and scholarship opportunities in institutions across The UK, The USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. For more information call us at: 📞 96462 77857 📞 1800 419 9697 #silverferneducationconsultants Overseas education consultants empowering students to become global leaders. Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana #SilverFernEducationConsultants #silverfern #sfedu #universitydeadlines #Canada #testimonial #education #canadaimmigration #canadianvisa #EducationConsultants #StudyVisa #Universityspecialists #studyabroad #studyincanada #studyoverseas #student #internationalstudents #studentvisa #overseaseducation #studyabroadlife #overseaseducationconsultant #sucessrate #premiumapplication #overseaseducationguidance #overseaseducationconsultants (at Sangrur) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClXvg8JhdNH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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May Lord Vighna Vinayaka keep enlightening your lives and shower you with bounties.
Silver Fern wishes a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all !
#HappyGaneshChaturthi #ganeshchaturthi #ganeshchaturthi2022 #lordganesha
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Following the success of North India's largest Education Conclave, which hosted 52 of the world's best universities and colleges; Silver Fern Education Consultants brought together the Second Edition of The Higher Education Conclave 2022 !
The event has served as a link between students, their parents, and educators from schools across the globe, proudly providing students with a world of options to consider while also facilitating learning opportunities to empower them as individuals.
The Higher Education Conclave 2022, a two-day educational event for international higher education was held in Chandigarh on August 12th and 13th, 2022. The second edition of the event offered an exclusive opportunity for all participating institutions, colleges, and schools to engage with one another and have a notable presence in the community, while also providing students with a plethora of options to consider and choose from.
We at Silver Fern strive to create events & opportunities that encourage and support brilliant minds to achieve their goals through the proper channels, and become Global Leaders.
Call us at:
📞 96462 77857
📞 1800-419-9697
Overseas education consultants empowering students to become global leaders.
Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana
#silverfern #sfedu #HigherEducationConclave2022 #Canada #StJohn #StJohn's #Chandigarh #education #canadianvisa #EducationConsultants #StudyVisa #Universityspecialists #studyabroad #studyincanada #studyoverseas #student #internationalstudents #studentvisa #overseaseducation #studyabroadlife #overseaseducationconsultant #sucessrate #premiumapplication #overseaseducationguidance #overseaseducationconsultants
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Are planning to study abroad and still confused about which Country, College or University to go to ?
Well then, The Higher Education Conclave 2022, Chandigarh by Silver Fern Education Consultants brings 50+ Top-tier Colleges & Universities both National and International under one roof !
We cordially invite you to The Biggest Education Fair in Tricity.
Grab the opportunity to interact with the representatives from 50+ Top-tier Colleges & Universities of UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & India.
Interact in One-on-one sessions with the representatives & get expert assistance from a team of professionals for a hassle free application process.
Hurry up and Register on: https://hec.thesfedu.com/ to skip the queue and avail massive discounts on all application processes at the event.
You can also avail upto 100% scholarship opportunities & on-spot application fee waiver at the event.
Hurry up as the offer ends soon.
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Chandigarh
Date: 13th August 2022
Time: 10 AM to 5 PM.
For more details, please get in touch with us at:
📞 96462 77857
📞 1800-419-9697
Overseas education consultants empowering students to become global leaders.
Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana
#SilverFernEducationConsultants #silverfern #sfedu #universitydeadlines #Canada #testimonial #education #canadaimmigration #canadianvisa #EducationConsultants #StudyVisa #Universityspecialists #studyabroad #studyincanada #studyoverseas #student #internationalstudents #studentvisa #overseaseducation #studyabroadlife #overseaseducationconsultant #sucessrate #premiumapplication #overseaseducationguidance #overseaseducationconsultants
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Making the decision to pursue your higher education is a big step. Choosing to do so in a foreign country is an even bigger one.
But don't worry !
Silver Fern Education Consultants has got your back !
We bring to you the biggest opportunity to meet with the representatives from renowned Universities and Colleges of USA in  One-on-one interaction.
You can avail upto 100% scholarship opportunities & on spot applications at the event.
Hurry up as this is a limited period offer !
Register now on our website to skip the queue and avail massive discounts on all application processes at the event !
Register here: https://hec.thesfedu.com/
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Chandigarh Date: 13th August 2022 Time: 10 AM to 5 PM.
For more details, please get in touch with us at: 📞 96462 77857 📞 1800-419-9697
Overseas education consultants empowering students to become global leaders.
Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana
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The path from dream to success does exist of you keep working for it.
Meet Teesta Bharadwaj, sharing her experience with Silver Fern and how we helped her in getting admission to Georgian College.
Many congratulations to her and we wish her the very best for her future endeavours.
If you also want to Kickstart your career, contact our experts.
For more information 📞 1800 419 9697
#silverferneducationconsultants Overseas education consultants empowering students to become global leaders.
Canada | Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana
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Meet Ekamveer Singh Ghuman, sharing his experience on how Silver Fern helped him get admission to a program of his dreams.
Many congratulations to him on getting admission to University of British Columbia, Canada and also bagging a scholarship worth $ 80,000 CAD.
We wish him the very best for his future endeavors.
If you too want to jump-start your study abroad journey, share your profile and get expert guidance from Silver Fern Education Consultants, awaiting you with massive discount and scholarship opportunities in top-tier institutions across the globe.
For more information call us at: 📞 96462 77857 📞 1800 419 9697
#silverferneducationconsultants Overseas education consultants empowering students to become global leaders.
Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana
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Meet the Representatives from New Brunswick, Canada Aaron Cao at Silver Fern Education Consultants' Chandigarh! Learn about the university's admission requirements, courses, faculties, and your student eligibility from the experts one-on-one! The University of New Brunswick is one of Canada's best universities, and here is your chance to meet with a representative from the university in an exclusive session. Get an opportunity to obtain a 100% Application Processing Fee Waiver for The University of New Brunswick, Canada at Silver Fern Education Consultants. Saturday, 17th September 2022 from 1pm to 3pm Limited Spots Available For more information 📞 9646277857 #silverferneducationconsultants Location: Silver Fern Education Consultants, Sco 261, First Floor, behind Nirman theatre, Sector 32D, Chandigarh 160031 Mumbai | Vadodara | Chandigarh | Sangrur | Mansa | Amritsar | Patiala | Ludhiana
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