silverlineswap · 2 years
How to Minimize Losses and Maximize Profits in Crypto
Are you looking for a way to make some extra money? Have you ever considered investing in prediction markets? If not, now is the time to start! Prediction markets are an exciting and potentially lucrative investment opportunity that can help you diversify your portfolio.
Prediction markets allow investors to bet on the outcome of future events. By predicting correctly, investors can earn profits from their investments. However, it’s important to understand how these markets work before diving in headfirst
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Earning From BNB Prediction Gaming platforms: How to Minimize Losses and Maximize Profits
BNB prediction gaming platforms are becoming increasingly popular as they offer users the chance to earn real money by predicting the outcome of various events. These platforms allow users to bet on sports, politics, and other markets with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. The potential rewards can be quite lucrative if your predictions are correct.
However, like any form of gambling there is always an element of risk involved when betting on these types of games. It’s important that you understand how these games work before investing any money in them so that you can minimize losses and maximize profits. Here are some tips for doing just that.
1) Research Your Market: Before placing any bets it’s important that you do your research into the market and familiarize yourself with all the different factors at play. This includes researching teams/players/politicians involved in each event, understanding current trends in the market, and keeping up-to-date with news related to each event. Doing this will help give you an edge over other players who may not have done their homework properly.
2) Set Limits: One key factor when playing BNB prediction gaming is setting limits on how much money you want to invest per game or per day/week/month etc.. Setting limits helps ensure that even if things don’t go your way one day, your losses won’t spiral out of control due to excessive betting amounts.
3) Don’t Chase Losses: Another common mistake made by new players is chasing losses after a bad streak has occurred — i.e., increasing their stakes in order to try recouping lost funds quickly rather than waiting until luck turns around again naturally (which it inevitably does). Chasing losses often leads people down a dangerous path where they end up losing more than they initially intended to — something which should be avoided at all costs!
4) Take Breaks & Reassess Strategies: Finally, taking regular breaks from playing BNB prediction games can also help reduce risks associated with gambling addiction while allowing players time away from screens so they can reassess their strategies without being influenced by emotions or fatigue caused by long hours spent online trying win back lost funds etc.. Taking breaks also gives players time away from screens which allows them to focus on other aspects of life such as family & friends etc..
Following these simple steps will help ensure that anyone interested in earning real money through BNB prediction gaming platforms minimizes their chances of suffering large financial losses while maximizing potential profits earned through successful predictions made during gameplay sessions! Good luck!
Is playing BNB Prediction games and earning — good, on a long scale?
It may sound like an odd concept, but it can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The idea behind this type of game is simple: by predicting which asset will go up in value over time, players can earn profits without having to put too much effort into researching or analyzing markets.
This makes it attractive to those who don’t have a lot of experience with investing or trading but still want to make some money on the side.
Is playing BNB Prediction games good for a national economy?
We know, you would’ve never expected a title like this but what if it made some real sense? — If you ask us, we’ll say, YEAH! It makes sense! Let’s explain how!
The answer depends on how you look at it. On one hand, these games can be seen as an investment opportunity that could potentially bring in more money into the country’s economy.
Players who make correct predictions can earn profits from their investments, which would then be taxed by the government and used to fund public services or infrastructure projects. This could help stimulate economic growth in certain areas and create jobs for people living there.
Overall, while playing BNB prediction games may offer potential benefits to a national economy through increased tax revenues and job creation opportunities, it is important to consider the best option considering all the possibilities for our economic status.
Should you start Investing in BNB Prediction Games with INR 1000?
If you’ve been following the cryptocurrency market, then you know that Binance Coin (BNB) is one of the hottest coins out there. But what if you have a minimum of INR 1000 and want to get involved in predicting its price movements? Is it possible to make money from this type of investment?
The answer is yes! There are several prediction games available on the internet where players can bet on whether or not they think BNB will go up or down over a certain period of time. These games usually involve making predictions about how much the coin will move within a given timeframe, such as 24 hours or 7 days. Players can win prizes based on their accuracy and even earn real money if they guess correctly.
However, before jumping into these types of investments, it’s important to understand some key points first. First off, investing in any kind of prediction game carries risk — so be sure to do your research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Additionally, since these games are unregulated by any government body, there is no guarantee that your funds will be safe should something go wrong with the platform hosting them.
That being said, if done responsibly and carefully monitored for potential risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies like BNB — playing prediction games could potentially yield great returns for those willing to take calculated risks when betting on its future price movements. So if you have at least INR 1000 lying around and want an exciting way to invest it — why not give BNB prediction games a try? Who knows — maybe you’ll end up winning big!
Investing in prediction markets can be both rewarding and risky at times but following these tips should help ensure success over time! With proper research and calculated risks taken along the way, earning from prediction markets isn ‘ t just possible — it’s probable ! Good luck!
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cryptoupdates · 2 years
Why $SLN Token is a Big deal for Small Businesses?
“SLN’s Blockchain and virtual assets for SMEs”
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SMEs account for 90% of all corporations and 50% of all jobs worldwide. In rising economies, SMEs with inside the formal area make contributions as much as 40% of countrywide earnings whilst developing 7 out of 10 jobs. Their function in monetary increase is critical because the World Bank estimates six hundred million jobs want to be created through 2030 to take in the developing worldwide workforce.
The World Bank’s Enterprise Survey identifies loss of admission to finance as one of the most important barriers for SMEs with inside the casual economy. This can negatively affect their operations and increase the call for SME finance in growing economies standing at $8.9 trillion, whilst the present-day credit score is $3.7 trillion. This financing gap, along with looming outcomes from automation and abilities shortages, illustrates a stark truth for plenty of SMEs. SLN’s Blockchain technology, however, has the capacity to assist SMEs to build, grow, and adapt to lots of those challenges.
Aminu, a hypothetical artisan in Nigeria, has a small commercial enterprise in Abuja’s small-commercial enterprise marketplace. The marketplace connects farms, nurseries, bakeries, meat and seafood providers, cheese makers, specialty meals producers, crafters, and artisans.
Before the pandemic, Aminu used to promote his merchandise with inside the marketplace, especially for cash. Since Covid-19 restrictions, the marketplace, like many others with inside the region, transitioned to a web store. Like many different small commercial enterprise proprietors with inside the Abuja marketplace, he tailored without difficulty to online income and accepted virtual bills. It has enabled them to attain new audiences — in Abuja and beyond. In fact, Abuja’s small corporations together entered into a partnership with a mid-length store in Germany. This German organization now takes quarterly orders from Aminu too.
SLN’s Blockchain answers store prices whilst simplifying bills
Aminu’s small commercial enterprise is being paid in virtual currencies through the German store, that’s then settled in his neighborhood financial institution account in Nigerian Naira. With a stable coin account, the patron transfers the corresponding quantity for every quarterly order to a virtual pocket of Aminu’s small commercial enterprise. Aminu can maintain the stable coins for funding functions or settle a percent of the quantity to his Naira financial institution account.
Affordable and green cross-border bills are true for Aminu’s small commercial enterprise now, helping his commercial enterprise model, without the excessive forex expenses from conventional cash switch services. Importantly, Aminu’s small commercial enterprise can begin saving and constructing credit score records to get admission to leading centers in the future.
Due to the enlargement into new markets, the small commercial enterprise has moved to a bigger warehouse. Here, Aminu and his newly employed assistant are operating extra correctly and without problems at the developing variety of orders. He’s searching while shopping for a brand new gadget to boost productivity and thus, boom the variety of quarterly orders.
SLN’s Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how small- and medium enterprises (SMEs) are coming near their businesses.
In growing economies, SLN’s Blockchain bridges an opening and opens new markets for lots of enterprise owners.
With the linked nature of SLN’s Blockchain method growing economic system SMEs can get admission to new markets, whilst boosting monetary increase at home.
SLN’s Blockchain generation is a platform for designing economic offerings to bridge many gaps in today’s digital marketplace system. While conventional databases bring information for unmarried entities only, SLN’s Blockchain connects a collection of entities and lets records be synchronized throughout multiple, impartial stakeholders.
SLN’s Blockchain utilization is mainly desirable for small businesses. It presents them with a less expensive and green street to make and acquire payments, get admission to funding and financial savings products, and construct a credit score history. Enabling extra admission to this generation can foster SME increase, which, in turn, complements process advent and monetary development.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
When it comes to blockchain technology, there are various layers that are involved in the process. Each layer has a specific function and plays an important role in the overall system. In this article, we will take a closer look at layer 0 of blockchain technology and what it entails.
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Layer 0 is the foundation of blockchain technology and is responsible for managing the basic operations of the system. It handles tasks such as verifying new blocks, maintaining the ledger, and ensuring consensus among nodes. Additionally, layer 0 also manages communication between other layers and ensures that data is properly formatted before being passed on.
One of the key features of layer 0 is its ability to handle large amounts of data efficiently. It can process transactions quickly and securely while maintaining high performance standards. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses that need to handle large volumes of data on a regular basis.
Overall, layer 0 is an essential component of blockchain technology and plays a critical role in keeping the system running smoothly. By understanding its functions and capabilities, businesses can make better decisions about how to use blockchain technology in their operations.
How it’s constructed & where it’s placed?
One important factor in the strength of a cryptographic algorithm is the layer protocol it uses. There are three main layer protocols: Layer 0, Layer 1 and Layer 2. Each layer protocol has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Layer 0 is the oldest and most basic layer protocol. It was developed in the early days of cryptography, before computers were even invented. Layer 0 relies on mathematical formulas to encrypt data. These formulas are very simple and can be easily broken by a computer. Because of this, Layer 0 should only be used for very low-security applications such as sending passwords over the internet.
Layer 1 is a newer layer protocol that was developed in response to the vulnerabilities of Layer 0. It uses a series of mathematical steps called hashes to encrypt data. Hashes are much harder to break than formulas, so they provide better security than Layer 0 encryption methods. However, hashes can still be cracked with enough time and effort . For this reason, Layer 1 should only be used for medium-security applications .
Layer 2 is the most recent layer protocol and offers the best security possible . It uses a technique called public key cryptography to encrypt data . Public key cryptography is much harder to break than either Layer 0 or 1 encryption methods . For this reason , it should only be used for high-security applications such as online banking or shopping.
Is Layer 0 — a solution bringer?
Layer 0 is a protocol that can solve many of the problems that plague current networks. By creating a new network layer, layer 0 can provide a more efficient and secure way to transmit data.
One of the biggest problems with current networks is congestion. Layer 0 can help reduce congestion by allowing packets to be transmitted more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, layer 0 can help prevent packet loss, which can cause disruptions in service.
Another issue that layer 0 can address is security. By encrypting data at the source, layer 0 can make it much more difficult for hackers to access sensitive information. Additionally, layer 0 can help protect against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, which are becoming increasingly common online.
Taking a deep look, layer 0 provides a number of benefits that can improve the performance and security of your network. If you’re looking for a way to solve some of the most common networking problems, then layer 0 may be just what you need.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
What’s a Rug Pulling?
Crypto rug pulling is a term used in the cryptocurrency world to describe when someone or a group of people deliberately try to manipulate the price of a digital asset for their own benefit. This can be done by buying and selling coins on an exchange to create artificial demand or supply, or by spreading false information in order to influence other traders’ decision-making.
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Let me give you an example!
An example of crypto rug pulling occurred in early 2018, when the price of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) surged from around $1,000 to over $4,000 in just two days. It was later revealed that a large number of BCH had been bought up just before the spike and then sold off again shortly afterwards, which caused the price to drop back down.
To summarize :
Rug pulls are when a cryptocurrency is suddenly removed from circulation, typically because its developers have decided to end support for it.
How to find it :
This can cause the value of the currency to plummet. Here are six ways to spot a rug pull:
1) Check the project’s website and social media accounts for announcements about ending support for the currency. If there is no announcement, it’s possible that the rug pull was accidental or unplanned. However, if there is an announcement, it’s likely that the developers have decided to end support for the currency.
2) Look at how long ago the announcement was made. If it was recently made, it’s more likely that the developers have actually pulled the rug out from under the currency. If it was made a while ago, it’s possible that they’ve already ended support but haven’t announced it yet.
3) Compare how much value the currency has lost since the announcement against how much value other cryptocurrencies have lost in that same time period. If this particular cryptocurrency has lost more value than other cryptocurrencies, there’s a good chance that it was pulled from circulation on purpose.
4) Check whether any exchanges still list this cryptocurrency as being available for trading . If no exchanges list it anymore, then it’s likely that this particular cryptocurrency has been pulled from circulation .
5) Use CoinMarketCap to see how many people are currently holding this cryptocurrency . The lower this number is ,the more likely it is that this particular cryptocurrency has been pulled from circulation .
6) Look at what happened immediately after (or before )the announcement . Did any big investors sell their holdings? Did prices crash? These could be signs that a rug pull occurred.
The effect it has on market:
This can be very damaging to investors, who may see their holdings lose value overnight.
Rug pulls can also be disruptive to the market as a whole, as they can cause uncertainty and volatility. For this reason, it’s important to do your research before investing in any cryptocurrency, and to be aware of any potential risks involved.
Manipulating the price of cryptocurrencies can be extremely profitable for those involved, but it can also be very risky. If someone buys into a rumor without doing their own research, they may end up losing money if the rumor turns out to be false. Additionally, buying up large amounts of coins can cause prices to spike temporarily, but this can also lead to a crash if investors decide to sell off their holdings en masse.
For these reasons, it is important for investors to do their own research before investing in any cryptocurrency and avoid getting caught up in any rug pulling schemes.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
SBER, Russia’s Biggest Bank, Now Supports MetaMask’s Cryptocurrency Wallet
Sber, Russia’s largest bank, has lately enforced support for the MetaMask bitcoin portmanteau. The bank revealed the relinquishment of blockchain technology, indicating progress with DeFi and Web3. The advancement displays an ecosystem integration for Ethereum. also, the material suggested fresh possibilities for its private blockchain.
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Now supported by the largest Russian bank Crypto The largest bank in Russia is Sber, and this protestation is in line with recent advancements it has made in the area of digital means. This new blockchain will allegedly” point comity with smart contracts and operations on the Ethereum network,” the composition continued. According to the study, this also means that inventors can move entire systems and smart contracts from Sber’s blockchain to open networks.
The most recent addition will also be integrated into the MetaMask cryptocurrency portmanteau. Alexander Nam, the director of the blockchain lab, spoke about the advancement.” I’m pleased that our community will be suitable to operate DeFi operations on Sber’s structure,” he said.” Sber Blockchain Lab works nearly with external inventors and mate companies.” Nam noted that Sber will be suitable to connect fiscal institutions and inventors thanks to the new integration. Eventually, with a view to probing further practical business operations of blockchain, Web3, and decentralized means, In recent times, Sberbank has been at the vanguard of the nation’s blockchain systems.
As a result, the bank submitted an offer to introduce Sbercoin, a stablecoin, in 2021. also, as late as June, Sber blazoned a digital bargain once the operation was approved. The coming stage in that process is the integration of the cryptocurrency portmanteau MetaMask with Sber.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
What happens now that FTX is over for Bitcoin, altcoins, and crypto in general?
SilverLineSwap — Crypto News
FTX has vanished, and it appears that many centralized crypto platforms may follow suit. Is there, nevertheless, a silver lining? 2022 was a difficult year for cryptocurrency, and November was especially difficult for both investors and traders. While it was excruciating for many, FTX’s demise and the subsequent virus that threatens to bring other centralized crypto exchanges down with it may be beneficial in the long term.
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A record amount of coins were transferred from exchanges to self-custody by investors.
As reported by Cointelegraph earlier this week, crypto investors withdrew record sums of Bitcoin, Ether, and stablecoins from exchanges in a panic. Separate reports indicated a significant increase in hardware wallet sales as investors grasped the value of self-custody in their portfolios. If the number of insolvencies and “temporarily suspending deposits and withdrawals” notifications continues to rise in the next weeks, it is probable that the trend of coins leaving exchanges and entering hardware wallets will continue.
Inflows to DEXs and Defi increased, which might be a portent of things to come.
Cointelegraph also recorded an increase in decentralized exchange (DEX) activity and inflows to Defi, which coincided with record withdrawals from exchanges. Following the events of the last two weeks, trust in centralized exchanges and crypto firms may be eroded, and the present and next wave of crypto investors may gravitate toward the more Web3-focused DEX and Defi protocols. Of course, Defi and DEXs require a more open structure and protocols to verify that user money is protected and spent “correctly.”
A constant stream of negative news might provide an excellent opportunity.
From a technical standpoint, Ether’s price appears to be a little soft right now, and recent news about the FTX thief holding the 31st largest Ether spot position, as well as concerns about censorship, centralization, and US Office of Foreign Assets Control enforcement on this “whale” and other Ethereum-based protocols that have exposure or bankruptcy proximity to FTX and Alameda, could stir up some FUD that impacts the altcoin’s price action. Uncertainty regarding when the Shanghai upgrade will be implemented, as well as investor concerns about when staked coins can be withdrawn, are other intriguing topics that might sway short-term sentiment against Ether. The thesis is straightforward. ETH has maintained support around $1,200-$1,300 very effectively throughout the previous months of adverse market movements, but could the possible problems indicated above lead to another test of the level? Stakers are effectively spotted long and generating yield, therefore at this point, initiating a low-level short trade with taking profits orders around $700-$600 might be profitable.
SilverLineswap | SparcBets | FTX | Bitcoin | Altcoin | Future of cryptocurrency | ETH | Crypto Investors | Cointelegraph
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silverlineswap · 2 years
The Repercussions from FTX continue: BlockFi is apparently considering insolvency, and SALT has halted withdrawals and deposits
Silverlineswap crypto news
The impacts from FTX continue BlockFi is supposedly considering bankruptcy, and swab has halted recessions and deposits. The anticipated ruin form of BlockFi comes only a day after the company disputed reports that the maturity of its means was kept on FTX.
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BlockFi confessed to having” substantial exposure” to FTX and its connected realities in a sanctioned update given to guests on November 14, but asserted it has” the needed liquidity to probe all possibilities.” Nov. 8, BlockFi’s author and principal operating officer, Flori Marquez, assured druggies in a Twitter thread that all BlockFi products were” completely functional” because it had a$ 400 million line of credit from FTX US, which is a separate reality from FTX, the global reality affected by the liquidity crunch. It may come as no surprise to hear that numerous further enterprises will be impacted by FTX’s demise in the coming weeks.
According to a dispatch transferred to its guests on November 15, crypto lending provider swab also said that it’ll halt recessions and deposits to its platform” effective incontinently” since” the collapse of FTX has harmed our business.” Until we’re suitable to estimate the degree of this damage with specific information that we’re certain is factually correct, we’ve suspended deposits and recessions on the Salt platform incontinently,” the business said in a dispatch recorded in a tweet circulating online. Shawn Owen, the CEO of SALT, disputed that this was a hint that his establishment was” going void.”
We didn’t post this as a notice of ruin,” he said. We’re taking a break to deal with the fallout from FTX and to check that none of our counterparties pose any new enterprises, so that we may do with the topmost prudence and all sweats geared at avoiding ruin.” We will have further information shortly.” Cointelegraph reported on November 15 that the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Liquid has blocked recessions due to the current extremity among centralized crypto exchanges. Liquid, an FTX- possessed cryptocurrency exchange, turned to Twitter to intimately advertise the suspense of edict and cryptocurrency recessions on its Liquid Global platform.
BlockFi is purportedly ready to file for ruin just a day after disputing that the maturity of its means was stored on FTX before the exchange’s collapse, according to a source familiar with the case, as reported by the WSJ.
Silverlineswap | SPARC BETS | FTX | Block Fi | cointelegraph | Twitter | CEO of SALT | Cryptocurrency | Centralized exchange
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Why does the Younger Generation prefer Cryptocurrency to Banks?
SilverLineSwap-Crypto News
Younger investors believe that cryptocurrency will provide the best return on investment over the next decade. The Crypto Council for Innovation (CCI), an industry body supported by firms like Coinbase, Paradigm, and Fidelity Digital Assets, recently conducted a study to learn about the opinions of young voters regarding bitcoin. According to the study, a candidate’s attitude toward cryptocurrencies may influence the outcome of the US midterm elections.
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According to CCI’s study, a large number of respondents support bitcoin and want it to be recognized as a major and genuine component of the economy. According to the report, young people are particularly interested in cryptocurrencies. The CCI polled 1,208 respondents between October 8 and 10 to gather more about their views on cryptocurrency.
According to the study, 13% of respondents possess cryptocurrencies, which is higher than the 5% of bondholders and comparable to the 16% who own stocks and 12% who own mutual funds. This group of HODLers, according to Cory Gardner, CCI’s political relations senior strategist and a former Colorado senator, may have an influence on the forthcoming elections. According to the research, credit unions and cryptocurrencies were rated higher than banks by the majority of Latino and African American respondents. According to the poll, respondents favored social media (36%) above traditional news sources (31%), as their favorite source of financial information.
“Regulators have to understand where people get their information from”,
Gardner said.
Opinions of Respondents
In contrast to 36% who wanted bitcoin to be seen as a “vehicle for fraud and abuse,” 45% wanted politicians to regard cryptocurrency as a “significant and legitimate aspect of the economy,” and 52% thought cryptocurrencies deserved stricter regulation. However, political identity is not a role in the debate between bitcoin proponents and opponents.
Silverlineswap | Today’s crypto news | Youth people like crypto | cryptocurrency | crypto regulations | future of crypto | Crypto Council for Innovation
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Is Bitcoin going UP or DOWN? Here's what's actually going on with the Bitcoin Price
SilverLineSwap — Crypto News
Do the data imply that Bitcoin has finally found a bottom, but is it time to buy? Since March 2022, traders and so-called analysts have predicted a policy shift or pivot by the Federal Reserve of the United States. Such a move, it appears, would demonstrate that the Fed’s only alternative is to print itself into oblivion, further depreciating the dollar and establishing Bitcoin as the world’s future reserve asset and ultimate store of value, On November 2, the Fed hiked interest rates by the predicted 0.75%, and markets and crypto surged as normal. 
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But there was a twist this time. Prior to the FOMC meeting, there were a few unsubstantiated leaks claiming that the Fed and White House were planning a “policy shift” According to FOMC remarks and during Jerome Powell’s press conference, Powell highlighted that the Fed is aware of and monitoring how policy is affecting markets and that the latency of interest rate rises is noted and taken into account.
According to the Fed, “in order to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2 percent over time, “In determining the pace of future increases in the target range, the Committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments.”
Doesn’t that sound a little pivotal? The crypto market appeared to disagree, as immediately after Powell’s live comments, Bitcoin, altcoins, and stocks reversed their modest single-digit gains. The surprise here isn’t that Bitcoin’s price fell before the FOMC meeting, surged when the expected hike was announced, and then fell again before the stock market closed. This is to be expected, and I wouldn’t be shocked if BTC returns to the lower end of the $21,000 range now that $20,000 looks to be a firm support level. What’s shocking is that there was some pivot language, and markets didn’t respond properly. Let that serve as a cautionary note against being overly invested in tales. Trading the FOMC, the consumer price index (CPI), and rate rises, in my opinion, is not a good idea. Sure, if you’re a day trader with huge finances to take advantage of those 2% or 4% changes, or if you’re an experienced, talented professional trader, go for it. However, as seen in the data below from Jarvis Labs, trading FOMC and CPI may just chop traders up. If your goal is to be long on bitcoin and expand your stack, intraday price movements on a less-than-daily time frame are unimportant. So, rather than concentrating on micro-events such as the Fed’s continued rate hikes, a strategy it intends to stick to until inflation falls to its 2% objective, let’s take a look at other indicators that analyze Bitcoin’s existing market structure and future performance.
Has Bitcoin’s MACD histogram shifted bullish?
Moving average convergence and divergence is another measure that has traders talking (MACD). Throughout the week, numerous traders referenced the indicator, citing a convergence of the signal line and MACD as well as the histogram becoming “green” on the weekly timescale as promising indicators that Bitcoin is nearing a bottom. While statistics cannot validate if a market bottom has been reached, comparing current readings to historical market cycles and Bitcoin’s price behavior suggests that BTC is currently undervalued in its current range. BTC’s price may be nearing a bottom, but this does not rule out the potential of a crypto and equity market-related sell-off, which may spark a quick wick down to the annual low.
Silverlineswap | Sparc bets | Trading view | MACD Indicator | crypto market | Bitcoin price | equity market | consumer price index | Bitcoin’s MACD histogram | crypto pricing bullish
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silverlineswap · 2 years
CBDC’s pose no danger to Cryptocurrency, according to Binance’s CEO
SilverLineSwap Crypto News
Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao believes there is potential for CBDC’s and cryptocurrency and does not see it as a threat to his firm or the sector. Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao appears to have changed his stance on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), saying at a conference that CBDC’s do not pose a danger to his firm or the cryptocurrency market. On November 2, CZ spoke about CBDCs and their importance in the crypto business at the Web Summit in Lisbon. The Binance CEO stated that CBDCs will confirm blockchain technology and establish confidence among people who are skeptical of the technology, adding, “I very much believe that the more we have, the better.”
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According to Reuters, he also stated that governments embracing blockchain would be a positive thing. However, he stated that blockchain does not equate to crypto, which he described as “deflationary.” CZ’s attitude toward CBDC’s looks to have changed from his prior statements. He stated last year that they will never provide the same level of freedom as cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. “The majority of central bank digital currencies will have a lot of control linked to them,” he said at the time.
Central banks around the world are rushing to develop, test, and implement CBDCs, with some pointing to China as the front runner. However, there are ongoing fears that a programmable digital currency provides central banks with unparalleled power over who may use it and what they can spend it on. CBDC’s may cause issues for individuals who desire less government participation in their financial lives, according to Cointelegraph. Last month, political pundit Peter Imanuelsen expressed alarm about the extent of control governments would have over people’s wealth, referring to it as “global communism.”
He theorized that a CBDC connected to a digital ID may be used to crack down on dissidents or manage carbon-friendly expenditures. According to rumors, Turkey is one of the countries intending to establish a digitally ID-linked CBDC in 2023. According to the Atlantic Council, 15 nations, including China, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, South Africa, and Russia, are now testing CBDCs.
Nigeria, Jamaica, the Bahamas, and eight Caribbean island nations are among the other countries that have implemented a CBDC. The United States lags behind the rest of the world because it is still in the debating phase, and Americans’ reactions to a digital dollar have been generally mixed. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) promoted programmability as a CBDC quality that may contribute to “financial inclusion” in October, although some believe the reality may be quite the contrary.
SilverLineSwap | SilverLine | Today’s crypto news | CBDC | Digital Currency | Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao | Binance CEO | Digital rupee | Cointelegraph | Blockchain Technology | International Monetary Fund
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Binance's $500 million infusions were Motivated by Twitter Monetization and free speech
SilverLineSwap-SPARC BETS
Binance will also help Twitter’s integration into Web3 by enforcing crypto payments and planting a devoted platoon of on-chain specialists to stop spam bot accounts. Binance CEO Changpeng” CZ” Zhao has explained the logic behind its $500 million investment in Elon Musk’s Twitter, citing monetization eventuality, crypto community free speech, and the occasion to” help bring Twitter into Web 3.” CZ made the reflections at a CNBC Squawk Box occasion on October 31st when he described what motivated his investment with Elon Musk in acquiring the social networking point, noting
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“I believe Twitter has not been monetized well, it has not grown well, there are numerous politic problems like bots that spam my commentary, there are scammer accounts on there, and it’s not been run well.”
“But I believe the platform has enormous value in and of itself, and we are extremely auspicious, especially now that Elon is at the helm,” he continued. Binance’s support for Musk’s preemption of Twitter has not wavered since it originally blazoned it in May 2022. Sequoia Capital Fund, Fidelity Management, and Research Company are also investors. The Binance CEO stated that Twitter’s grueling price valuation had no bearing on their investment choice since they saw long-term prospects as solid, while also furnishing crypto a” place at the table” when it comes to free speech
“We ’re long-term investors; we believe in strong entrepreneurs; we believe in strong platforms; we believe in free speech; we look at this from a 10, 20, 50, or 100 — time base, so a little price change on a yearly base does not bother us.”
Still, opinions on which Twitter accounts are reactivated won’t be made by Musk, who stated that a new “content temperance commission” will be in charge of determining which banned stoner accounts are reinstated. still, in a tweet, the billionaire entrepreneur stated that the council will use its discretion with” extensively different opinions.” CZ claims it invested because it intends to help Twitter move to Web3, similar to by offering cryptocurrency-grounded payments to the social media platform.
“We want to help break those immediate problems, like charging for enrollments, that can be done veritably fluently by using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.”
According to a Reuters report on Oct 28th, The crypto exchange plans to form a devoted platoon to work on implicit crypto and blockchain-grounded results for Twitter. The new platoon will probe how to make on-chain results to address issues similar to spam bot accounts. Binance’s $500 million investment in Twitter places it as the 4th-largest shareholder among 19 investors.
SilverLineSwap | SPARC Bets | SilverLine crypto news | Today’s Crypto News | Binance | Twitter | ElonMusk | CZ | Binance Trading
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silverlineswap · 2 years
What is wrapped Ethereum (wETH) and how does it work
Silverlineswap — Sparc Bets
wETH is an ERC-20 compatible and tradable version of ETH that can interact with other ERC-20 assets. Traders who trade on the Ethereum network are likely familiar with the ERC-20 technical standard and have traded and invested in tokens that use it. After all, its utility, transparency, and adaptability have established it as the industry standard for Ethereum-based projects.
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As a result, many decentralized applications (DApps), crypto wallets, and exchanges support ERC-20 tokens natively. However, there is one issue: Ether Because Ether was created before ERC-20 was implemented as a technical standard, they do not exactly follow the same rules. So, why is wrapped ETH important? To put it simply, ERC-20 tokens can only be traded with other ERC-20 tokens, not with Ether. The Ethereum network introduced wrapped Ethereum to bridge this gap and enable the exchange of Ether for ERC-20 tokens (and vice versa) (wETH). wETH, on the other hand, is the ERC-20 tradable version of ETH.
What exactly is wrapped Ether (wETH)?
As previously stated, wETH is a wrapped version of Ether, so named because wETH is essentially Ether “wrapped” with ERC-20 token standards. Wrapped coins and tokens have the same monetary value as their underlying assets. So, is it safe to trade and invest in wrapped Ethereum? In the case of Ethereum, the answer is yes. wETH is pegged to the price of ETH at a 1:1 ratio, so they are effectively identical. The only distinction between wrapped tokens and their underlying assets is their use cases, particularly for older coins such as Bitcoin and ether. Wrapped tokens are similar to stablecoins in some ways.
Stablecoins can also be thought of as “wrapped USD,” because they have the same value as their underlying asset, the US dollar. They can also be redeemed at any time for fiat currencies. Wrapped Bitcoin is a wrapped version of Bitcoin that has the same value as Bitcoin. The same is true for other blockchains such as Fantom and Avalanche. Wrapped Ethereum tokens can be unwrapped after they have been wrapped, and the process is simple: users simply send their wETH tokens to an Ethereum network smart contract, which will then return an equal amount of ETH. Wrapped tokens address most blockchains’ interoperability issues and allow for the simple exchange of one token for another. Users cannot, for example, normally use Ether on the Bitcoin blockchain or Avalanche on the Ethereum blockchain. Wrapping allows underlying coins to be tokenized and wrapped with the token standards of a specific blockchain, allowing them to be used on that network.
What is wrapped Ethereum (wETH) and how does it work?
Unlike Ether, wETH cannot be used to pay network gas fees. However, because it is ERC-20 compatible, it can be used to expand investment and staking opportunities on DApps. wETH can also be used to buy and sell through auctions on platforms such as OpenSea.
To wrap Ether tokens, send ETH to a smart contract. In exchange, the smart contract will generate wETH. Meanwhile, ETH is locked to ensure that wETH has a reserve. When wETH is converted back into ETH, it is burned or removed from circulation. This is done to ensure that wETH is always linked to the value of ETH. wETH can also be obtained by exchanging it for other tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange such as SushiSwap or Uniswap.
So, what exactly is the purpose of wrapping Ethereum? The ultimate goal, according to WETH.io, is to update Ethereum’s codebase and make it ERC-20 compliant on its own, eventually eliminating the need to wrap Ether for interoperability. However, wETH will continue to be useful in providing liquidity to liquidity pools, as well as crypto lending and NFT trading, among other things, until then. In short, it’s not really a question of ETH vs. wETH because wrapping Ethereum is a workaround rather than a permanent solution. With the number of upgrades planned for the Ethereum network over the next few years, Ethereum appears to be getting closer to better interoperability by the day.
What is the best way to wrap Ether (ETH)?
Ether can be wrapped in a variety of ways. As previously stated, one of the most common methods is to send ETH to a smart contract. Another option is to use a cryptocurrency exchange to exchange wETH for another token.
In the sections that follow, we’ll look at three ways to generate wETH:
Using OpenSea’s wETH smart contract:
In this example, we’ll use the OpenSea platform and the wETH smart contract to convert ETH to wETH.To begin, go to the top-right corner of OpenSea and select “Wallet.” Then, next to Ethereum, click the three dots and select “Wrap.”
After that, enter the amount of ETH to be converted to wETH. Then select “Wrap ETH.” This will invoke the wETH smart contract, which will convert ETH to wETH.
A MetaMask pop-up window will appear, requesting that the user sign the transaction.
Once the wrap is finished, a confirmation message will appear.
The converted wETH will be available in the user’s OpenSea account’s wallet. The wETH will be distinguished from ETH by a pink Ethereum diamond as its logo.
Creating wETH with Uniswap
When using Uniswap, a user must first connect their wallet and select the Ethereum network.
Then, at the bottom of the field, click “Select Token” and choose wETH from the list of options.
Now, enter the amount of ETH to be converted to wETH and press the “Wrap” button.
The transaction must then be confirmed from the user’s cryptocurrency wallet. Gas fees in ETH will also be required at this stage. Once all of the details are correct and the transaction has been confirmed by the user, all that remains is for the transaction to be confirmed in the blockchain.
MetaMask is used to generate wETH.
When you open the MetaMask wallet, make sure the network is set to “Ethereum Mainnet,” then click “Swap.”
Then, in the “Swap to” field, choose wETH.
After that, enter the amount of ETH to be swapped. Then choose “Review Swap.”
A window displaying a conversion rate quote will appear. Because it involves converting ETH to wETH, the exchange rate should be 1:1. Click “Swap” to complete the transaction.
What is the best way to unwrap Ether (ETH)?
Unwrapping Ether can also be accomplished manually, for example, by interacting with a smart contract. For example, ETH can be unwrapped in the same way that it can be wrapped using OpenSea’s wETH smart contract. The only difference is that the user must click “Unwrap wETH” instead of “Wrap ETH. “The same is true for swapping wETH back to ETH, which can be accomplished with Uniswap or MetaMask. On both platforms, the process for unwrapping is essentially the same as the process for wrapping ETH described above. The only difference is that the values must be modified (from wETH to ETH).
What are the risks associated with using wrapped tokens?
One of the major disadvantages of wrapped assets has been identified by Ethereum co-creator Vitalik Buterin. The main issue with many of these wrapped assets, according to Buterin, is their sensitivity to centralization. Wrapping assets are currently not Turing-complete and cannot be automated using the Ethereum blockchain. As previously stated, wrapping is typically only performed using central programs, raising concerns about possible manipulation and abuse. Wrapped tokens are dependent on the third-party platforms that issue them, inevitably subjecting wrapped asset decisions to central entities. Buterin expressed concern about the possibility of such a mechanism undermining the blockchain industry’s core principles of decentralization and transparency.
Wrapped tokens’ future
Wrapped tokens currently allow blockchains to interact with one another. This enables a much more decentralized ecosystem in which tokens can be easily traded or exchanged across platforms. Better interoperability solutions, such as updating blockchain codebases to be compatible with each other or using bridge chains, are on the horizon. The plan for Ethereum, at least, is to gradually phase out the use of wrapped tokens like wETH in tandem with network developments. Wrapped tokens are not going away anytime soon. They will continue to play an important role in providing valuable services to those in need. Wrapped tokens, for example, can act as a stabilizing force between different blockchains by assisting in the maintenance of consistent prices between them. They can also aid in the facilitation of cross-chain atomic swaps, which are becoming increasingly popular. Wrapped tokens, on the other hand, will likely become less necessary in the long run as blockchains become more interoperable.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
UK Lawgivers bounce to Fete Crypto as Regulated Financial Instruments
SilverLineSwap-Crypto News
The lower house of Parliament agreed to include cryptocurrency in the conditioning to be regulated under the planned Financial Services and requests Bill, which formerly wants to extend payment laws to stablecoins. On Tuesday, lawgivers in the United Kingdom decided to fete crypto means as regulated fiscal instruments and products in the nation.
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The House of Commons, the lower house of Parliament, gathered on Tuesday for a line-by-line reading of the proposed Financial Services and requests Bill, which outlines the United Kingdom’s post-Brexit profitable policy. The lawmakers meditated on a series of suggested variations to the bill, including one submitted by assemblyman Andrew Griffith to include crypto means in the horizon of the country’s regulated fiscal services. The draught law formally contains vittles to expand restrictions to payments-focused stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies that are tethered to the value of other means similar to the US bone or gold.
“The substance then’s to treat them (crypto) like other forms of fiscal means, not to prefer them, but also to bring them within the compass of regulation for the first time,” Griffith, the financial services and megacity minister said during an administrative meeting before lawgivers overwhelmingly suggested to keep the correction in the legislative package. The original crypto sector, which lately hailed Rishi Sunak’s selection as the country’s new Prime Minister, expects to profit from attempts to broaden the legal recognition of digital means.
Sunak was finance minister in the Boris Johnson press when the requests law, and hence the stablecoin restrictions, were espoused. The crypto provision, which is grounded on a new clause 14 description of “crypto asset,” clarifies that crypto means might be brought within the compass of the current vittles” of the Financial Services and requests Act 2000 dealing with regulated fiscal operations, according to Griffith. The proffers may control cryptocurrency elevations and make associations that aren’t permitted to operate in the nation immorally.”
Before planting the powers, the Treasury will confer with assiduity and stakeholders to ensure the frame reflects the particular advantages and troubles handed by crypto exertion,” Griffith said. According to Griffith, including cryptocurrency in the compass of the bill will ensure that the country’s Treasury is prepared to respond snappily to developments in the crypto sector and deliver regulation in a ”nimble” manner that’s harmonious with the country’s broader approach to regulating the financial services sector. “Before planting the powers, the Treasury will confer with assiduity and stakeholders to ensure the frame reflects the particular advantages and troubles handed by crypto exertion,” Griffith said.
still, the guidelines have a long way to go before they come into law. The bill must next pass through the Chamber of Lords, Parliament’s upper house before the variations are given final consideration and royal assent by King Charles III.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
How to make a Calculated Prediction on SPARC
SilverLineSwap-Crypto News
What is Trading?
Trading cryptocurrencies entails taking a stake in the direction of each cryptocurrency’s price, either against the dollar (in crypto/dollar pairings) or another cryptocurrency, via crypto-to-crypto pairs. A particularly well-liked method of trading cryptocurrencies is through CFDs (contracts for difference), which offer greater flexibility, the use of leverage, and the option to take both short and long bets.
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How to predict the price of crypto? For traders, analyzing cryptocurrency price movements is essential since it warns them when to enter the market. Additionally, it aids traders in making the best choices on whether to purchase, sell, or keep cryptocurrency.
Three methods exist for forecasting cryptocurrency price trends:
Technical examination:
Statistical patterns based on previous price movements are used in technical analysis. The basis for technical analysis is the notion that cryptocurrency prices exhibit patterns and recurrences. In order to predict whether the price of cryptocurrencies will rise or fall in the future, experts concentrate on analyzing price changes and trading volumes.
Fundamental research:
The fundamental analysis adopts a different strategy from relying on past price movements. It examines the elements that affect how pricing trends change. It emphasizes the reality that a cryptocurrency’s value can be undervalued or overpriced, and that when this happens, adjustments need to be made.
An emotional analysis:
As the name suggests, the emotional analysis uses the trader’s feelings and emotions to forecast the patterns in the price of cryptocurrencies. Crypto analysts pay attention to emotive phenomena like panic selling or buying binges based on public expectations and perceptions rather than just the market facts.
Understanding charts:
Charts are essential for assessing the patterns in cryptocurrency prices. A candlestick is a sort of price chart that shows the high/low, and open/closing values of a derivative, securities, or currency and is utilized when doing technical analysis.
Candlestick pattern:
Bullish patterns and bearish patterns, which are further broken into the following categories, are the two basic divisions of candlestick chart patterns.
Bullish Patterns: The following types fall under the bullish patterns:
This pattern suggests that despite strong selling pressure, a massive purchasing binge raises prices.
Backward Hammer:
This trend predicts that purchasers will soon have influence over the price of cryptocurrencies, followed by sellers.
Dawn Star:
This suggests that the selling price has dropped and that the bear market has begun.
Bearish Patterns- The following types fall under bearish patterns:
A Man is Hung:
This shows that there are more selling forces than buying pressures.
Shooting Star: This signal shows that the market is being overtaken by selling pressure.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Most Institutional Investors Hold or plan to Buy Cryptocurrencies
According to a poll of institutional investors’ desire for digital assets, 43% already possess digital assets. According to the most recent Cointelegraph Research poll of 84 professional investors worldwide, 3.3%, or about $10.42 billion, of the respondents’ $316 billion assets is invested in cryptocurrencies. Some questioned investors reported having more than 50% exposure to digital assets, although the typical amount invested in cryptocurrencies is about 3%.
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According to 44% of respondents, the risk-return ratio was the most significant factor to consider when investing in cryptocurrency. “Diversification” and “My firm is sure that the technology will be relevant in the future” were judged considerably less critical.
Not only Bitcoin.
As expected, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, as it is held by 94% of institutional investors that possess cryptocurrencies. However, Ether is close behind with 75%, and security tokens and stable coins trail with 31% apiece. Institutional investors are considering adding tokenized securities and Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to their portfolios in addition to cryptocurrencies. Metaverse platforms are another appealing industry for institutional investors, with projects in the field already attracting $120 billion in investment by 2022. According to McKinsey, 59% of customers are enthusiastic about shifting their regular activities to metaverses By 2030, the sector is estimated to have a $5 trillion market effect.
Crypto funds and derivatives are popular among institutional investors:
Despite preferring direct crypto investments over investment funds and structured products, most institutional investors obtain exposure to digital assets through passive funds like Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust. Overall, yearly inflows into cryptocurrency trusts reached $9.3 billion in 2021, but a drop in crypto values in 2022 put significant pressure on the share prices of these funds, with passively managed funds taking the worst hit. Crypto funds and derivatives are popular among institutional investors. In addition to purchasing shares in actively and passively managed funds, institutional investors also participate in the crypto derivatives market due to its high liquidity. For Bitcoin, spot markets provide a fifth to an eighth of the liquidity of derivatives markets, and for Ether, a quarter to a fifth. Professional investors appear to be more interested in the latter asset, as its open interest in options ($5 billion) just eclipsed Bitcoin’s ($4.8 billion).
Investors are particularly concerned about liquidity risk:
The most significant barrier to cryptocurrency adoption, according to 51% of respondents, is liquidity risk. The more volatile an asset is, the less cautious investors want to keep it on their balance sheets. Tesla liquidated part of its Bitcoin assets in the spring of 2021 to demonstrate to shareholders the asset’s liquidity. This went a long way toward convincing not only Tesla shareholders but also the rest of the equity markets that holding digital assets like Bitcoin may have advantages. Cybercrime and fraud risks, as well as operational risks, follow suit, a significant shift from the findings of a Cointelegraph study done in 2020 when regulatory issues were seen to be the most serious. However, they remain a considerable barrier, prohibiting one out of every four professional investors from purchasing Bitcoin, according to the study results.
This material is just for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice, investment analysis, or an encouragement to purchase or sell financial products. Specifically, the text is not intended to replace individual financial or other advice.
SilverLineSwap | SilverLine | SPARC BETS | Sparc BNB bets | Tesla | crypto market | crypto traders
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Walmart CTO says crypto will become a major Payments Disruptor
SilverLineSwap-Crypto News
Suresh Kumar predicted that cryptocurrency will become an important payment tool in the Metaverse and social media, as these platforms will be a key way for customers to discover new products.
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Suresh Kumar, Walmart’s global chief technology officer, believes cryptocurrency will be a “major” area of disruption in the future, particularly in how customers pay for virtual and physical goods. On Oct. 17, Kumar discussed Walmart’s positive attitude toward digital assets, stating that “crypto will become an important part of how customers transact” for both physical and virtual goods. “I believe there will be three major areas of disruption.” “Crypto falls in the middle of it,” he explained, explaining that “the way customers get inspired and discover products” is changing. Kumar also stated that the Metaverse and live streams on social media apps will be used to market to a large number of customers and that cryptocurrency could be an important payment option in these areas.
“When you specifically talk about crypto, it is going to be about the discovery of products, whether they are physical or virtual inside, either in the Metaverse or upfront and then how people transact.”
This could explain Walmart’s recent entry into the Roblox Metaverse, with the launch of Walmart Land in late September. There are a variety of virtual experiences available, including games, a DJ booth, and a Ferris wheel, as well as virtual merchandise products called “verch” for users’ avatars. At this time, nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrency are not integrated into the Roblox metaverse. However, Walmart previously indicated in January patent filings that it may look to create digital currencies, tokens, and NFTs in the Metaverse space in the future. “We want to make sure that customers can transact and buy with as little friction as possible, and that they can derive value from it.” And I believe that is where a lot of the disruption will begin in terms of different payment methods and different payment options, “he said.
For some time, the multinational retail giant has been rumored to be working on implementing crypto payment support, but so far only false alarms have arisen, such as the fake deal with Litecoin announced in September last year via a dubious press release. As of October 2021, there were approximately 200 Bitcoin ATMs installed in Walmart stores across the United States, with plans to increase that number to 8,000 at a later date.
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