#bnb prediction game
silverlineswap · 2 years
How to Minimize Losses and Maximize Profits in Crypto
Are you looking for a way to make some extra money? Have you ever considered investing in prediction markets? If not, now is the time to start! Prediction markets are an exciting and potentially lucrative investment opportunity that can help you diversify your portfolio.
Prediction markets allow investors to bet on the outcome of future events. By predicting correctly, investors can earn profits from their investments. However, it’s important to understand how these markets work before diving in headfirst
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Earning From BNB Prediction Gaming platforms: How to Minimize Losses and Maximize Profits
BNB prediction gaming platforms are becoming increasingly popular as they offer users the chance to earn real money by predicting the outcome of various events. These platforms allow users to bet on sports, politics, and other markets with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. The potential rewards can be quite lucrative if your predictions are correct.
However, like any form of gambling there is always an element of risk involved when betting on these types of games. It’s important that you understand how these games work before investing any money in them so that you can minimize losses and maximize profits. Here are some tips for doing just that.
1) Research Your Market: Before placing any bets it’s important that you do your research into the market and familiarize yourself with all the different factors at play. This includes researching teams/players/politicians involved in each event, understanding current trends in the market, and keeping up-to-date with news related to each event. Doing this will help give you an edge over other players who may not have done their homework properly.
2) Set Limits: One key factor when playing BNB prediction gaming is setting limits on how much money you want to invest per game or per day/week/month etc.. Setting limits helps ensure that even if things don’t go your way one day, your losses won’t spiral out of control due to excessive betting amounts.
3) Don’t Chase Losses: Another common mistake made by new players is chasing losses after a bad streak has occurred — i.e., increasing their stakes in order to try recouping lost funds quickly rather than waiting until luck turns around again naturally (which it inevitably does). Chasing losses often leads people down a dangerous path where they end up losing more than they initially intended to — something which should be avoided at all costs!
4) Take Breaks & Reassess Strategies: Finally, taking regular breaks from playing BNB prediction games can also help reduce risks associated with gambling addiction while allowing players time away from screens so they can reassess their strategies without being influenced by emotions or fatigue caused by long hours spent online trying win back lost funds etc.. Taking breaks also gives players time away from screens which allows them to focus on other aspects of life such as family & friends etc..
Following these simple steps will help ensure that anyone interested in earning real money through BNB prediction gaming platforms minimizes their chances of suffering large financial losses while maximizing potential profits earned through successful predictions made during gameplay sessions! Good luck!
Is playing BNB Prediction games and earning — good, on a long scale?
It may sound like an odd concept, but it can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The idea behind this type of game is simple: by predicting which asset will go up in value over time, players can earn profits without having to put too much effort into researching or analyzing markets.
This makes it attractive to those who don’t have a lot of experience with investing or trading but still want to make some money on the side.
Is playing BNB Prediction games good for a national economy?
We know, you would’ve never expected a title like this but what if it made some real sense? — If you ask us, we’ll say, YEAH! It makes sense! Let’s explain how!
The answer depends on how you look at it. On one hand, these games can be seen as an investment opportunity that could potentially bring in more money into the country’s economy.
Players who make correct predictions can earn profits from their investments, which would then be taxed by the government and used to fund public services or infrastructure projects. This could help stimulate economic growth in certain areas and create jobs for people living there.
Overall, while playing BNB prediction games may offer potential benefits to a national economy through increased tax revenues and job creation opportunities, it is important to consider the best option considering all the possibilities for our economic status.
Should you start Investing in BNB Prediction Games with INR 1000?
If you’ve been following the cryptocurrency market, then you know that Binance Coin (BNB) is one of the hottest coins out there. But what if you have a minimum of INR 1000 and want to get involved in predicting its price movements? Is it possible to make money from this type of investment?
The answer is yes! There are several prediction games available on the internet where players can bet on whether or not they think BNB will go up or down over a certain period of time. These games usually involve making predictions about how much the coin will move within a given timeframe, such as 24 hours or 7 days. Players can win prizes based on their accuracy and even earn real money if they guess correctly.
However, before jumping into these types of investments, it’s important to understand some key points first. First off, investing in any kind of prediction game carries risk — so be sure to do your research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Additionally, since these games are unregulated by any government body, there is no guarantee that your funds will be safe should something go wrong with the platform hosting them.
That being said, if done responsibly and carefully monitored for potential risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies like BNB — playing prediction games could potentially yield great returns for those willing to take calculated risks when betting on its future price movements. So if you have at least INR 1000 lying around and want an exciting way to invest it — why not give BNB prediction games a try? Who knows — maybe you’ll end up winning big!
Investing in prediction markets can be both rewarding and risky at times but following these tips should help ensure success over time! With proper research and calculated risks taken along the way, earning from prediction markets isn ‘ t just possible — it’s probable ! Good luck!
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tillman · 1 year
how does zato feel to play across all the GG titles? like what are the differences you think between strive/xrd/xx in his gameplan?
sorry this ask is like a month old now but i kept pushing it off cus i dont play enough strive to have the most solid grasp. and for the record im not like amazing at fighting games this could all be against how hes actually meant to played but in my experience its sooomething like this. long post. i love thinking about this stuff.
+r specifically is my absolute favorite rendition of the character. i think venom overall is still my favorite character in all of fighting games but plussy eddie comes real fucking close.
xrd and +r eddie/zato feel really similar, how specifically they want to run their gambit is slightly different (+r eddie has a lot more mix potential with numerous unblockables and really fun combos that can last for ages if youre dexterous enough while xrd zato wants to focus more on the bnb, keeping the corner on lock, and working around how kinda weird they made little eddies moves). it helps vice summon in +r is basically exactly summon in xrd, so having the overlap of specific things you can do is really helpful for looping them together. i also really like the unique things each one has! great white isnt GOOD persay but its one of xrds most fun moves. and puddle is just. man . i love puddle. <- average eddie player sentence. find an eddie player who isnt hopelessly obsessed with puddle. you cant.
strive zato is the blacksheep and its taken me a while to figure out why i feel so differently about him than xrd. they feel pretty similar (only one set of summon moves, same kinda corner pressure you want to be running, etc etc etc) but i think specifically because of how different little eddies moves feel it mixes up the entire character. zato also looses a lot of his air movement and tools which kinda brings him down to playing mostly a grounded game with only a few times where you actually want to be in the air, theres no good way to hit UP with his jumping buttons like you could before which is like... strange? when +r and xrd eddie rely a lot on stalling in the air and using his INSANELY good air moves to your advantage. (i miss shadow gallery and nobiru too much in these situations)
i dunno how much of it is just strive being a less complex game (not a bad thing! i just play zato one!) that strive zato feels a lot more gorilla to me. in the brainlessly hitting buttons and clapping along when the opponent cant do shit way. there was a lot more dancing around in the other games while strive zato can very easily just push you into the corner with a single well timed oppose. while feeling less fleshed out and like you have less options, he definitely feels WAY more powerful and like. totally fine on his own in a way +r and xrd would crumble in a second without eddie summoned in the same situations. none of this is bad its just different. zato is hands down the most fun character in strive to me.
also not to say hes like. brainless! i think the fun of strive zato is playing the "how can i keep you in the corner game." trying to predict exactly how the other person is going to try and escape my pressure and reacting just in time to catch them and force them back into the eddie+invite+c.S pressure is just TOO fun. like literally THE MOST fun. while +r has the insane corner gambits you can run with damned fang and chaining eddie ]p[ and drunkard and puddle and the weird shadow gallery loops and doing insane unblockables, wall slump and carefully avoiding resetting to neutral is another kind of insane high. i really love it.
i think they did a really good job with strive zato also in making little eddie feel like he genuinely compliments zatos movement incredibly well with how he does move. in the old games having nobiru and mawaru just means you can dominate the entire screen with very little effort, throw in fly/the fly k cancel in +r/the different invite summon in xrd/etc and you can force the other person into some real fucked situations that feels insanely good. strive zato doesnt have the SAME movement, but damn if 6H and a well timed Oppose not have the exact same absolutely evil joy of a big eddie drill -> jump p unblockable in xrd. you know?
anyways. same character, same general feel for the most part, i think the just more close quarters and fast gameplay of strive compared to the other games makes a unique experience i enjoy just as much as the more slow methodical fucked up shit of the old games. big fun.
all of this to ignore forever zoner zato from TML. that shits evil. even if he does have a DP in that game . even if its... punishable......... on hit.......
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decentrawood123 · 11 days
Decentrawood: The Future Doge? Why DEOD Could Be the Next Big Thing
Decentrawood: The Future Doge? Why DEOD Could Be the Next Big Thing
Cryptocurrency has a history of unpredictable surges, with tokens like Dogecoin (DOGE) leading the charge as some of the most unexpected successes in the crypto world. Once dismissed as a meme, DOGE turned into a multi-billion-dollar asset, driven by a passionate community and its widespread adoption. But what if we told you that a new contender, Decentrawood’s DEOD token, could follow in Dogecoin’s footsteps—and perhaps even surpass it?
Let’s dive into why Decentrawood (DEOD) is being hailed as the future DOGE and how its unique approach sets it apart in the crypto space.
1. Dogecoin: From Meme to Mainstream
Dogecoin’s rise to fame was nothing short of legendary. What began as a joke in 2013 became a global phenomenon, largely thanks to its community-driven focus, celebrity endorsements (hello, Elon Musk), and a fun, accessible vibe that made it easy for beginners to get involved in crypto. Despite its humble beginnings, Dogecoin climbed to new heights in 2021, making millionaires out of early adopters and proving that even "joke" coins could disrupt the market.
Dogecoin’s success was largely based on its community and brand appeal, combined with increasing acceptance as a form of digital currency for tipping, donations, and transactions.
2. Decentrawood’s DEOD: The Future of the Metaverse
Now enter Decentrawood (DEOD)—a native token for a metaverse that blends entertainment, culture, and gaming into a cohesive, immersive platform. While DOGE rode the wave of viral meme culture, DEOD is building its foundation on a much broader and sustainable concept: the future of digital interaction through the metaverse. Here’s why DEOD has the potential to be the next big thing:
Metaverse-Driven Utility
Unlike Dogecoin, which started as a meme with limited utility, DEOD powers a complete ecosystem where users can buy virtual land, avatars, NFTs, and access premium play-to-earn games. This token is backed by real utility, which creates intrinsic value beyond speculation.
In the Decentrawood metaverse, DEOD acts as the currency that enables users to not only enjoy an immersive experience but also to earn real-world returns. Whether it’s staking, buying in-game assets, or investing in virtual real estate, DEOD is woven into every aspect of the platform’s economic model.
Gaming, Culture, and Entertainment
Where Dogecoin has meme-driven value, Decentrawood taps into massive markets like gaming, entertainment, and digital culture. The platform allows users to explore cultural landmarks, participate in live virtual events, and engage with cutting-edge gaming mechanics. This taps into real demand for virtual experiences, ensuring that DEOD isn’t just a speculative asset—it’s a useful currency in a growing digital economy.
3. Community and Growth Potential: DEOD’s Secret Weapon
A Passionate Community
Much like Dogecoin, Decentrawood’s community is already showing signs of strong engagement and growth. The platform is regularly adding new users as it continues to roll out exciting features, from NFT staking rewards to partnership announcements at events like Token 2049 Singapore.
A Growing Ecosystem
DEOD has already secured notable listings on major exchanges like MEXC and has integrated with the BNB Chain, providing more opportunities for liquidity and adoption. As Decentrawood expands its metaverse and gains more traction, DEOD is poised to become a key player in the metaverse economy, much like Dogecoin has become in the general crypto space.
4. Market Sentiment: Will DEOD Be the Next Doge?
When Dogecoin began its meteoric rise, no one could have predicted its success. However, it tapped into an emerging market of crypto enthusiasts looking for something fun, viral, and profitable. Similarly, DEOD is targeting a massive, fast-growing market: the metaverse.
As more investors and users see the potential of metaverse platforms, tokens like DEOD could experience the kind of rapid growth that Dogecoin saw during its prime. While Dogecoin’s value was driven by memes and hype, DEOD offers real-world utility and is backed by a solid, expanding ecosystem.
5. A New Era: Decentrawood vs. Dogecoin
While Dogecoin and DEOD come from entirely different beginnings, there are some undeniable similarities:
Strong Community: Both tokens thrive on community engagement, with Dogecoin winning fans through memes and DEOD capturing attention through immersive, interactive virtual worlds.
Explosive Growth Potential: Dogecoin’s value shot up seemingly overnight, and DEOD is showing similar signs of exponential growth as the metaverse continues to expand.
Mass Appeal: Dogecoin appeals to the masses with its fun, casual tone, while DEOD targets the broader gaming, culture, and entertainment sectors, appealing to a wide audience of metaverse enthusiasts.
The major difference? Utility. While Dogecoin’s growth is speculative, DEOD’s growth is based on its tangible applications within a growing virtual economy. This gives DEOD the upper hand when it comes to long-term value and sustainability.
Conclusion: The Future is Decentralized, and DEOD is Leading the WayDogecoin may have started as a meme, but it ended up revolutionizing how the world views cryptocurrency. Similarly, Decentrawood’s DEOD token has the potential to reshape how we engage with digital economies in the metaverse. By offering real-world utility, an engaged community, and a rapidly expanding ecosystem, DEOD could be the next big thing, following in Dogecoin’s footsteps—but with an even stronger foundation.
If you’re looking to invest in the next big thing in crypto, DEOD could be your ticket to massive returns in the future.
Join the revolution today, and hold DEOD as it continues its journey to the top!
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market-news-24 · 4 months
In a groundbreaking move, users can now stake BNB and FDUSD to farm $NOT tokens. This innovative method allows individuals to earn rewards by participating in decentralized finance. Join the trend and start farming $NOT tokens today! Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Notcoin, a popular Telegram game, has attracted millions of users to the world of Web3. The game's simple gameplay has resonated with users, resulting in a peak of six million daily active players and a total player base of 35 million. Players earn in-game currency by tapping on a gold coin within the Telegram app, with energy levels that deplete and refill over time. By inviting friends to join the game, players can enhance their experience and potentially increase their earnings. Notcoin also features a global leaderboard where players can see how they rank against others worldwide. To boost their earnings, players can utilize various boosts and power-ups, including daily refreshable boosts and permanent boosts purchasable with Notcoin tokens. Cosmetic upgrades are also available for players to personalize their gaming experience. The upcoming launch of the $NOT token, listed on The Open Network (TON), has generated excitement within the Notcoin community. The token distribution model ensures a fair distribution to players who earn Notcoin through gameplay, avoiding the creation of early whales often seen in other crypto projects. Community participation is encouraged in Notcoin, with opportunities to earn $NOT by exploring Web3 products and contributing value to the ecosystem. Binance has announced the listing of $NOT, allowing users to stake BNB and FDUSD to farm Notcoin tokens. Participants can stake their BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to farm $NOT tokens over a three-day period. Additionally, Binance offers a Megadrop concept where loyal BNB stakers can receive tokens from future projects listed on Binance Launchpool by staking BNB for extended periods. By participating in the Megadrop, users can increase their chances of receiving airdrops and maximizing their rewards. The $NOT token's potential is significant, with predictions of listing ATH prices and Market cap ranges as the ecosystem develops. The future of Notcoin looks promising, with plans to introduce new gameplay mechanics and features after the token launch. Open Builders, the creators of Notcoin, aim to enhance the game with additional features to create a more user-friendly interface. Community involvement and ecosystem growth are key priorities for Notcoin, emphasizing a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem for users. Overall, Notcoin's innovative nature, fair distribution model, and large user base provide a strong foundation for future growth and success. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is Stake BNB and FDUSD to Farm $NOT tokens? You can stake your BNB and FDUSD tokens to earn $NOT tokens through a farming process. 2. How do I stake my BNB and FDUSD tokens? You can stake your BNB and FDUSD tokens by following the instructions on the farming platform.
Make sure you have the required tokens in your wallet before staking. 3. Can I unstake my tokens at any time? Yes, you can unstake your tokens at any time, but there may be a waiting period or penalty for early unstaking. Check the farming platform for specific details. 4. How do I earn $NOT tokens from staking BNB and FDUSD? By staking your BNB and FDUSD tokens, you are providing liquidity to the farming platform, and in return, you earn $NOT tokens as a reward for your contribution. 5. Is staking BNB and FDUSD to farm $NOT tokens safe? As with any investment or staking activity, there are risks involved. Make sure to do your own research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Always be cautious when participating in farming activities. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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businses · 10 months
Top 10 Crypto Projects of 2023
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The year 2023 has witnessed a remarkable evolution in the cryptocurrency market, with various projects striving for dominance. Among them, OzoneSpace has emerged as a game-changer, introducing innovative features and reshaping the industry. Let's delve into the top 10 crypto projects of 2023, starting with OzoneSpace and followed by Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance Coin, XRP, U.S. Dollar Coin, Solana, Cardano, and Dogecoin.
OzoneSpace: The Game-Changer
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, OzoneSpace has captured the spotlight with its groundbreaking innovations. Combining unique features and market potential, OzoneSpace aims to redefine the landscape. Investors are keenly watching its growth, anticipating a significant impact on the crypto market.
Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, continues to dominate the market. Its resilience and decentralized nature make it a cornerstone of many investment portfolios. Market trends suggest that Bitcoin's influence is likely to persist, with potential for further growth.
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum, with its smart contract capabilities, plays a crucial role in the decentralized ecosystem. As Ethereum undergoes upgrades and development, its impact on the market is expected to remain substantial. Investors are closely monitoring upcoming developments.
Tether (USDT)
Stablecoins, such as Tether, contribute to market stability by pegging their value to traditional currencies. Tether, as a leading stablecoin, plays a vital role in mitigating volatility. However, regulatory challenges pose considerations for investors.
Binance Coin (BNB)
Binance Coin, originating from the Binance exchange, has evolved into a multifaceted asset. Its use cases and strategic partnerships contribute to its market significance. Understanding BNB's price movements and market predictions is essential for investors.
Ripple's XRP has made waves in the financial industry with its focus on facilitating cross-border payments. As XRP gains adoption, regulatory challenges and future prospects are key aspects to consider for potential investors.
U.S. Dollar Coin (USDC)
The rise of USD-backed stablecoins, like U.S. Dollar Coin, reflects the demand for stability in the crypto ecosystem. Understanding USDC's role and ensuring regulatory compliance are crucial for those considering it as part of their portfolio.
Solana (SOL)
Solana distinguishes itself with unique features and advantages, making it a preferred platform for decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. However, potential scalability issues require careful consideration. Investors are advised to stay informed about developments on the Solana blockchain.
Cardano (ADA)
Cardano's focus on sustainability and scalability positions it as a promising project in 2023. As Cardano implements smart contracts and engages with its community, investors should assess its potential for future growth.
Dogecoin (DOGE)
From meme to mainstream, Dogecoin has captured the attention of investors and celebrities alike. Its unique journey, coupled with challenges and future prospects, makes Dogecoin an intriguing addition to the top crypto projects of 2023.
Evaluating the Risk and Reward
As with any investment, the crypto market comes with its share of risks and rewards. Understanding risk factors, implementing effective risk management strategies, and assessing potential rewards are crucial for making informed investment decisions.
The Future Landscape of Cryptocurrency
Looking ahead, the cryptocurrency market is poised for further evolution. Emerging trends, technological advancements, and regulatory developments will shape the landscape. Investors should stay informed and adapt to the changing dynamics of the crypto space.
In summary, the top 10 crypto projects of 2023 offer a diverse range of opportunities for investors. From OzoneSpace's innovations to the established dominance of Bitcoin and Ethereum, each project brings its unique strengths and considerations. This article serves as a starting point for further research and due diligence in navigating the exciting world of cryptocurrency investments.
How do I start investing in cryptocurrencies?
Starting with research is crucial. Understand the market, choose reputable exchanges, and consider diversifying your portfolio.
What sets OzoneSpace apart from other projects?
OzoneSpace introduces unique features and innovations, positioning itself as a potential game-changer in the crypto space.
Are there risks associated with stablecoins like Tether?
Yes, regulatory challenges and potential volatility are considerations when investing in stablecoins like Tether.
Should I diversify my crypto portfolio?
Diversification can help manage risk. Consider a mix of established and promising projects in your portfolio.
What upcoming developments should I watch for in Ethereum?
Keep an eye on Ethereum's upgrades, developments, and its role in the expanding decentralized ecosystem.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The FTX bankruptcy lawsuit reached a key juncture in the second week of September after the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware approved the sale of $3.4 billion worth of crypto assets.The court also approved $1.3 billion in brokerage and government-recovered assets as part of the liquidation process, with $2.6 billion in cash bringing the total tally to $7.1 billion in liquid assets.Among the different cryptocurrencies set for liquidation, Solana (SOL) tops the pile with a value of $1.16 billion, and Bitcoin (BTC) is the second-largest asset held, valued at $560 million. Graph from a stakeholder update outlining the worth of assets based on Aug. 31 prices. Source: United States Bankruptcy CourtOther assets to be liquidated include $192 million in Ether (ETH), $137 million in Aptos (APT), $120 million in Tether (USDT), $119 million in XRP (XRP), $49 million in Biconomy Exchange Token (BIT), $46 million in Stargate Finance (STG), $41 million in Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) and $37 million in Wrapped Ethereum (WETH).Bitcoin, Ether and insider-affiliated tokens can only be sold after giving a 10 days advance notice to U.S. trustees appointed by the Department of Justice. The court also permitted hedging options for these assets.The allowance for hedging is significant because FTX can use various financial instruments, such as futures, options and perpetual swaps to offset the losses.The ruling drew industry-wide attention due to the significant amount of crypto assets approved for sale, with many questioning the potential impact on the crypto market. Joshua Garcia, partner at Web3-focused legal firm Ketsal, told Cointelegraph that determining whether the liquidation was the right decision is challenging. He said that bankruptcy courts have to focus on what is good for creditors, and creditors may care more about the recovery of funds rather than a potential slump in the price of the assets being liquidated.“Whether or not this decision impacts the token price is perhaps not the court’s primary concern. The potential or imagined market impact may mean nothing to a judge or creditors committee if it doesn’t make creditors whole, at least in the eyes of the court. The concern here is millions of users suffered substantial losses due to FTX’s actions. Making victims as whole as possible is the top priority.”The discovery of billions of dollars of liquid assets also relieved many creditors in the case. Blake Harris, an asset protection attorney, believes unearthing liquid assets can be a game-changer in the FTX bankruptcy case. He told Cointelegraph that the newfound liquid assets “could offer more flexibility in asset management, allowing for a strategic approach that balances immediate legal requirements with broader market implications,” adding that “the discovery of such assets could provide some relief in terms of meeting immediate financial obligations, but it’s also essential to consider how these assets will be managed moving forward to prevent similar situations in the future.”Market analysts predicted that Solana and Aptos prices have the highest chance of facing price volatility after liquidation based on each token’s daily trading volume.How much of an impact will FTX’s liquidation have on the market?#SOL (81%) and #APT (74%) will have the most impact when you look at the daily trading volume of each token#BTC, #XRP, and #BNB liquidations will have very little impact on the market as each are 1% or less of… pic.twitter.com/XXIoZbKfBm— Velvet.Capital (@Velvet_Capital) September 17, 2023 FTX liquidation won’t risk a crypto market cascadeThe bankruptcy court has taken measures to ensure that the liquidation of FTX assets won’t become a burden for the crypto market.The court order permits FTX to sell digital assets through an investment adviser in weekly batches in accordance with pre-established rules. Galaxy Digital has been entrusted with liquidating the assets and maximizing returns for FTX’s creditors while ensuring market stability.
The court also permitted FTX “to utilize staking options available through their qualified custodians using their respective private validators if the Debtors determine in the reasonable exercise of their business judgment that such activities are in the best interests of their estates.”In the first week, there will be a $50 million cap on the sale of assets, followed by a $100 million cap in the succeeding weeks. The cap can be increased up to $200 million per week with the previous written consent of the creditors’ committee and ad hoc committee after court approval. Anthony Panebianco, a commercial business litigator, told Cointelegraph that legally, a court may permit a debtor to liquidate its assets “outside the normal scope of business” in order to maximize the value from the sale to repay creditors, adding:“The interesting part is that the court took an additional step to look at the general marketplace for the assets it is granting liquidation of. That is, the court is looking at protecting both creditors and non-creditors of FTX by the manner in which it has ordered the liquidation process.” He also highlighted the different liquidation strategies for BTC and ETH. He said the “court-approved hedging arrangements for Bitcoin and Ether are subject to certain investment guidelines,” adding that “the court did not include Solana in these eligible assets for hedging arrangements, likely because of FTX’s large position in Solana. All three appear to be eligible for staking arrangements, again with oversight.”Among all crypto assets held by FTX slated for liquidation, Solana became a major point of discussion owing to the $1.1 billion of the asset on the bankrupt crypto exchange’s balance sheet. According to market analysts, people considering a short position should be wary of the unlock period of the tokens held by FTX, with a complete unlock in 2028.Looking at FTX’s SOL staking unlock schedule, a significant chunk of these tokens will slowly make their way to the market via linear vesting or scheduled unlocks until 2028, with the largest unlock scheduled for March 2025. Most of the SOL is locked in staking contracts. The linear vesting program offers a simple mechanism to gradually release a token balance over certain periods.Currently, only 24% of the total $1.16 billion SOL tokens have been unlocked. Apart from Solana, Aptos tokens are also 100% locked and will be unlocked in phases over the next few years.Solana unlocking schedule. Source: An Ape’s Prologue/XIn its own analysis, Coinbase crypto exchange said that the scheduled and phased liquidation will keep the market stable, noting the strict controls in place for selling certain “insider-affiliated” tokens and a major part of FTX’s SOL holdings locked up until around 2025 due to the token’s vesting schedule. While many experts state that markets are more or less safe amid the FTX liquidation, the exchange’s saga is far from over, with former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s legal team sparring with prosecutors for special conditions ahead of the trial.Moreover, the exchange’s alleged illegal behavior has dealt a significant blow to public trust in the crypto ecosystem.
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cravoseacnes · 1 year
🎁 Airdrop Link ➡️ https://ift.tt/bdDIjA9 🕰️ Don't miss out, this offer is limited time⏱ ✅ Dogecoin is a decentralised cryptocurrency based on the doge meme. #Dogecoin #Dogecoin_Token #Dogecoin_AirDrop ✅ Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency featuring the shiba inu dog, "Doge". Introduced as a joke, dogecoin quickly developed its own online community. Today, JC discusses more information about Dogecoin and how it has been used in the past. Disclaimer: Informations provided in this video does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice. Do your own research (DYOR) and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions. #️⃣ HASHTAGS: dogecoin, doge, elon musk, bitcoin, dogecoin news, ethereum, dogecoin price prediction, dogecoin update, dogecoin news today, dogecoin breaking news, cryptocurrency, crypto, shiba inu, dogecoin price update, doge news, doge price, dogecoin today, buy dogecoin, dogecoin latest news, dogecoin price, doge latest news, doge news now, dogecoin tweet, dogecoin breaking news now, doge update, buy doge, doge news today, elon musk tweet, shiba inu news now, bitcoin news, shiba inu price, dogecoin прогноз, coinbase, final stand, btc, binance, dogecoin to the moon, eth, догикоин, to the moon, blockchain, cardano, coin, michael saylor, dogecoin прогноз 2023, mark cuban, token, robinhood, dogecoin обзор, илон маск догикоин, tesla, elon musk dogecoin, dogecoin криптовалюта, криптовалюта dogecoin прогноз, биткоин, dogecoin price target, cz, dogecoin news update, dogecoin 2023, shiba inu news today, криптовалюты, investing for beginners, floki price, догикоин прогноз, прогноз, криптовалюта, twitter, floki inu, крипта, заработок, accept dogecoin, инвестиции, shiba inu coin news today, pancake swap, uniswap, smartchain, bnb, ada, hosky, sundae swap, doge to 1 dollar, hot wallet, cold wallet, diamond hands, tesla for doge, dogecoin elon, shiba inu coin prediction, metaverse, valhalla, doge coin, floki, shiba inu coin, shiba inu price prediction, floki news, floki valhalla, kevin oleary, dogecoin day, dogecoin analysis, dogecoin doge day, doge analysis, dogecoin analysis today, tothemoon, dogecoin latest news update, dogecoin июнь, dogecoin прогноз на июнь, doge day, dogecoin прогнозы, investing, trading, elon, baby doge coin, dogecoin prediction, прогноз криптовалюты dogecoin, прогноз dogecoin июнь, crypto investing strategy, догикоин прогноз 2023, dogecoin майнинг, #dogecoinанализ, #dogecoinпрогноз2023, курс dogecoin прогноз, currency.com официальный канал, #dogecoinпрогноз, xrp, meet kevin dogecoin, трейдинг, криптоновости, shiba inu coin news, how to buy shiba inu coin, новости, shiba inu news, how to buy shiba inu, shiba, day trading for beginners, цена, илон маск, coin post, dogecoin price analysis, dogecoin crytpo, dogecoin crypto update, финансы, когда doge по $1, shiba inu token, crypto currency, shiba inu crypto, ripple, sec, shibu inu, money, investment, much wow, dogecoin song, etf, stonks, how to get rich, millionaire, herrfuchszurich, son durum, para, borsa, yükseliş, meme, etheryum, kripto, son dakika, altcoin, рипл, güncel, teknik analiz, fun crypto song, bakkt, doge memes, блокчейн, snl, dogecoinmillionaire, halving, уполовинивание, памп, халвинг, cryptowallet, dogearmy, baby yoda song, area 51, dank memes, spacex, dogefather, hodl, разворот, рост, hold it, кризис2020, кризис, майнинг, майнеры, game stop, mining, stock market, covid-19, буллран, туземун, bitmain, asic, wallstreetbets, jaime rogozinski, wallstreet, dogecoin price prediction hindi, dogecoin price prediction 2024, snoop dogg, dogecoin coin news today, shiba coin, shiba inu latest news, shiba inu future, shiba coin news today, baby doge coin future, baby doge news, dogecoin pump, dogecoin price pump, dogecoin twitter, tesla accepts dogecoin, baby doge price prediction, baby doge coin update today, doge монета, doge мем, , илон маск doge, илон маск dogecoin, илон маск и doge, лучший мем токен, обзор dogecoin, dogecoin монета, криптовалюта doge, мем монеты, какой мем токен купить, мем токены, dogecoin news now, michaelsaylor, kriptograt, 1$, fed faiz, haber, hedef, doge binance, yorum, açıklama, abd, doge token, analiz, dogetoken, pump, tweet, yükselecek mi, haftalık kapanış, amazon, dogecoin , догикоин кран, , dogecoin dogecoin, dogecoin, dogecoin airdrop, dogecoin новости сегодня, dogecoin 2023 elon musk, jeff bezos, dogecoin amazon, 6 temmuz, elonmusk, dogecoin что это, dogecoin новости, ftx, tesla car, tweets, mkbhd, what is bitcoin, dogecoin meme, doge meme, ethereum news today, dollar, dogecoin tweets, what is dogecoinDogecoin is a decentralised cryptocurrency based on the doge meme. by Trustpad Airdrop
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bigbraincrypto · 2 years
Lucky Block Crypto
Lucky Block (LBLOCK) is an Ethereum-based lottery platform offering passive income through Play-to-Earn (P2E) games, dividends from non-fungible token (NFT) holdings, and unique incentives and prize draws.
By increasing security, transparency, and resilience, the platform is designed to reduce the financial and operational risks of crypto lottery games. The goal behind Lucky Block is to further increase transparency and fairness within gaming, creating a worldwide lottery system in which Every players enjoy better winning odds, while providing a reliable investment strategy for token holders and contributing back to the community. As of right now, the team is working to get their token listed in other cryptocurrency exchanges, with an official site keeping this information as well as instructions for using Trusted wallets.
The official site does indeed provide instructions to guide an ordinary user how to purchase the LBLOCK token. As things are looking up, considering that this project is not fraudulent, an optimistic forecast of Lucky Block (LBLOCK) tokens puts their lowest price close to $0.015. Looking at the trajectory of Lucky Block (LBLOCK)s price, it is evident that the token has continued its appreciation in the last days at the price.
Bringing in will hopefully help drive Lucky Blocks userbase in the long run, meaning that this 2023 guideline price prediction of Lucky Block estimates LBLOCK may hit an estimated $0.01000. Lucky Block Price prediction 2022 The lowest BSC token value was $0.000037 in August of 2022 — the price today is now settling in around $0.000044-$0.0950, right before the listing of LBLOCK V2 on Gate.io. The V1 tokens lblock price may then rebound along with its price — more about its Ethereum Bridge here, as well as Lucky Block V2.
Once you own the BNB, you can then convert your stake to an LBLOCK, at which point you can move your new tokens into a crypto exchange wallet that supports the BSC to keep them safe. An Anonymous wallet is the largest V2 Lucky Block (LBLOCK) token holder, with nearly 2.45 billion tokens, which is 36.75% of the total token supply. When a global lottery is held, 70% of the jackpot is awarded to the individual winner, 10% is donated to charities, 10% is spent on marketing, and 10% is split amongst all holders of LBLOCK tokens, in proportion to their ownership.
Play-to-Earn platforms are quite popular on the cryptocurrency market cap nowadays, they did quite a bit in keeping the NFT niche alive. Play-to-Earn platforms have contributed a great deal to reviving the NFT market, and they are also fuelling the interest in entities outside of this space.
For more:-
Visit — https://bigbraincrypto.blogspot.com/
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truthblockchain · 2 years
Blockchain Gaming Market To Reach $65.7 Billion By 2027
The revenue impact and advisory company, MarketsandMarkets, has shared its Global Blockchain Gaming Market report. The report covers a forecast period between 2022 and 2027, predicting the market will reach $65.7 billion by 2027.
The current market size of $4.6 billion is expected to grow at a CAGR of 70.3% within the five-year period. MarketsandMarkets stated that BNB Chain’s growth would see the highest CAGR growth of any platform during the forecast period.
The increase in investments and funding in blockchain games have been identified as core drivers of market growth. Other drivers have been determined as the elevation in popularity of the play-to-earn model, along with the rising NFT trends.
MarketsandMarkets stated that the Ethereum (ETH) segment would see the most prominent market size during the forecast period. The major blockchain games using this platform, such as CryptoKitties, The Sandbox, Gods Unchained, and My Crypto Heroes, will impact that growth.
The company expects the Asia Pacific region to account for the largest market size in the next five years. About half of the world’s 3 billion gamers are located in the Asia Pacific region. Due to the region’s current interest, MarketsandMarkets identifies Southeast Asia as a quickly developing blockchain gaming hub for the community.
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m7v2 · 2 years
Best Gaming Cryptocurrencies to Invest In December 2022
It's practically impossible to keep up with all the many investment opportunities available in the market as the bitcoin industry grows. Some people still find that trying to predict the movements in popular crypto alternatives like Bitcoin and Ethereum is the most enticing line of action. Others find that from an investing standpoint, promising up-and-comers like Ripple and Cardano make the most sense. And still more people might be more receptive to some of the suggestions we made when examining the "Best Penny Cryptocurrency to Invest 2
However, some investors may also be interested in looking at other classes of cryptocurrencies with relation to prospective utility, in addition to distinct subsets of the cryptocurrency market. It's vital to keep in mind that new digital assets are constantly being created, most of which have a definite function. Occasionally, though, a group of new assets appears that appears to have investment potential.
This is precisely what seems to be taking place with gaming. One is the realisation of blockchain technology's promise as a gaming host. In fact, VentureBeat.com had recently revealed an astonishing $1 billion valuation for the Forte blockchain gaming platform! However, we're also starting to notice the steady rise of new crypto assets intended for uses in gaming.
These are trends that most likely are only in the beginning stages, but they have a lot of potential. Due to this, we decided it was high time to list some prospective gaming cryptocurrencies that investors in 2022 should take into account.
Enjin Dollar (ENJ)
Enjin is no joke. This gaming community is already substantial and has lately expanded thanks to a collaboration with Microsoft. Enjin's goal is to effectively obfuscate the distinction between digital assets with real-world value and in-game assets. Enjin is already assisting in the addition of precious NFTs to the cherished video game Minecraft from Microsoft, but the community is also actively promoting its own currency, the Enjin Coin (ENJ). 
Built on the BNB, the M7V2 is a platform with the ability to burn (BEP20). They provide new-age money and the most profitable trading strategy. There will be a centralised exchange, e-commerce, and gambling. In total, we have $210,000 in stock (21 Million). With the exception of sales tokens, we will begin burning 10% of the market's tokens in the first month, and until the ninth month, all tokens will be completely diluted. As a result, market prices will increase, and our centralised exchange, gaming platform, and eCommerce site will create demand. Modern and future money known as M7V2 provides consumers with incredible incentives and is backed by gold and oil. Electronic commerce refers to internet transactions. Almost all transactions involve goods and services.
Almost all exchanges of goods and services for money take place within American boundaries. TCP IP's creation may have offered an answer to locked-down digital platforms. a perfect market, similar to banking, where entrepreneurs and customers may simply transact with one another without any outside interference. The sector has been dominated by robust eCommerce systems.The M7V2 token is a community-controlled asset created to help the future. It will function as a decentralised protocol layer for community-sponsored cultural advancement activities.
GameCredits (GAME) (GAME)
In essence, GameCredits was created to streamline, improve upon, and expand the in-game purchasing process. There is a difference here, even though a coin like ENJ has the ability to give in-game goods real-world value. GAME is more focused on helping users buy extra gaming content the way many people already do, which is by using credit cards or payment processors linked to console and mobile gaming accounts. We would view it as an intriguing investment opportunity for the simple reason that it will become one of the more practical day-to-day cryptocurrencies if it can establish itself as the preferred choice for these kinds of payments. GAME currently has a market cap of about $20.4 million and is trading at $0.145.
CoinPoker (CHP) (CHP)
One of the most exciting bitcoin gaming ideas we've seen is CoinPoker. There has been discussion about cryptocurrencies becoming the new norm in online poker gaming for a number of years. Even if the potential is bigger, this would be considerable given the current state of the poker industry. There is at least a prospect that crypto poker gaming will significantly increase Americans' capacity to play real-money games without breaching the law, effectively reopening the U.S. market to the poker business, as is detailed in an article on bitcoin and online poker by Poker.org. While none of this is certain, CoinPoker is currently in a strong position to benefit from the opportunities.This is a blockchain gaming platform that allows users to play games using a mix of stablecoins, cryptocurrencies, and its own native CHP currency. CHP is currently trading at $0.02001 and has a market capitalization of over $5.5 million.
Ionomy (ION) (ION)
Ionomy is a platform that is transforming how games are created and played, according to Blockchain Gamer Biz. And even this brief explanation conveys a lot about the technology's status as one of the most thorough explanations of what cryptography in gaming actually entails. Ionomy is essentially a blockchain that allows game developers to create unique games that employ cryptocurrencies to reward players, collect payments, and even distribute prizes. The platform is probably only getting started, but it has already created and improved some intriguing games. While this is going on, ION, the native digital currency of Ionomy, is likely the most well-known coin mentioned. ION currently has a market cap of close to $339,000 and a value of approximately $0.02474.
MobileGo (MGO) (MGO)
The final gaming cryptocurrency we'll discuss today is MobileGo, and it's a compelling example. It is essentially a particular variant of GameCredits, which is already used in hundreds of online games, and is based on the Ethereum network. MobileGo is intended to make it simpler for users to buy in-game improvements and content using cryptocurrency, similar to the bigger GameCredits concept. And because it's already connected to several well-known games (including World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and others), it has developed a significant value even outside the purview of GameCredits. MGO has a market cap of almost $2.1 million and is currently trading at $0.02188.
Tokens used in cryptocurrency games are comparable to those used in conventional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. They were developed using blockchain technology and are digital currency.
Players can utilise cryptocurrency gaming coins in-game to improve their gaming experience by purchasing upgrades and character gear. As gamers are increasingly rewarded with more than simply level-ups and gaming achievements/trophies, the expression "play-to-earn" has grown in popularity within the gaming community. The phenomenon of crypto gaming tokens is intriguing. While many games have very busy communities with millions of users every day and every week, the tokens connected to those crypto gaming games have become very stagnant and have been for a while.
As you can see, the intersection of cryptocurrencies and gaming is giving rise to a lot of interesting ideas. Additionally, these ideas are already useful and give gamers practical uses for them. So, even though investing in cryptocurrencies is never guaranteed, it makes sense to consider these game-related coins as potential investment prospects. 
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decentrawood123 · 17 days
DEOD’s Bullrun on BNB Chain: A Game-Changer for Crypto Enthusiasts
DEOD’s Bullrun on BNB Chain: A Game-Changer for Crypto Enthusiasts
The world of cryptocurrency is constantly evolving, and right now, all eyes are on DEOD, the native token of Decentrawood. With DEOD officially integrated into the BNB Chain, excitement is building in the crypto space. From holding rewards to exclusive bonuses, this bullrun is shaping up to be a game-changer for investors. In today’s blog, we’ll explore why DEOD is making waves and how you can capitalize on this incredible opportunity.
### 1. What’s Driving DEOD’s Bullrun?
DEOD’s integration with the BNB Chain has opened new doors for investors and crypto enthusiasts alike. The BNB Chain’s benefits—such as faster transaction speeds and lower fees—make it an ideal platform for holding DEOD tokens. This integration has increased the accessibility and popularity of DEOD, pushing it to the forefront of high-potential tokens in the market.
With the added visibility from being on PancakeSwap, DEOD is rapidly gaining attention from investors seeking a high-growth token with real utility.
### 2. The $20,000 Bounty Program – A Golden Opportunity
A major highlight of DEOD’s bullrun is the $20,000 bounty program, which rewards the top 200 DEOD holders on the BNB Chain. This program offers a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to maximize their earnings simply by holding DEOD.
How it works:
- Buy and hold DEOD on the BNB Chain between August 16th and September 15th, 2024.
- The longer you hold, the more points you accumulate. Points are calculated by multiplying your DEOD holding by the number of days held.
- The top 200 holders will share the $20,000 bounty, with rewards distributed based on each participant’s points.
With only 50 spots left and new participants joining every day, this is your chance to secure your place and enjoy high returns by just holding DEOD.
### 3. High-Value Holding Rewards
Holding DEOD on the BNB Chain isn’t just about increasing your token count—it opens doors to exclusive rewards. By holding DEOD, you can unlock high-value NFTs, premium land parcels, and in-game assets within the Decentrawood metaverse. These rewards are not only rare but also hold significant real-world value. Some land parcels are already selling for thousands of dollars, and avatars are proving to be highly profitable.
The growing interest in DEOD holding has driven the token’s price upward. As more users hold DEOD, demand increases, creating an upward momentum that benefits both short-term traders and long-term holders alike.
### 4. How to Buy DEOD on PancakeSwap
Getting started with DEOD is simple. If you're ready to join the bullrun, here’s a quick guide on how to buy DEOD on PancakeSwap:
1. Step 1: Connect your wallet (MetaMask or Trust Wallet) to PancakeSwap.
2. Step 2: Search for DEOD by entering its contract address.
3. Step 3: Swap your BNB for DEOD and confirm your transaction.
Once you’ve bought DEOD, simply hold it on the BNB Chain to become eligible for rewards and join the growing list of holders participating in the $20,000 bounty program.
### 5. What’s Next for DEOD?
The DEOD bullrun is just beginning. With the successful MEXC listing and integration into the BNB Chain, the future looks brighter than ever for this promising token. Decentrawood’s strong community and innovative features have positioned DEOD as a leading player in the metaverse space. But the question remains—how far will DEOD go?
Crypto experts are predicting significant price growth as more users adopt DEOD, making it one of the most lucrative investments in the current market. With further listings and developments on the horizon, the potential for DEOD is massive.
### 6. Conclusion: Don’t Miss Out on DEOD’s Bullrun
If you’re looking for a great opportunity to invest or expand your crypto portfolio, DEOD’s bullrun on the BNB Chain is your golden ticket. With rewards, the $20,000 bounty program, and the backing of a strong metaverse platform, DEOD is showing all the signs of a token poised for massive growth.
As spots for the bounty program fill up quickly, the time to act is now. Buy DEOD today, hold it on the BNB Chain, and watch your investment grow with one of the hottest tokens in the market.
Join the DEOD revolution toda
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kerlonshopper · 2 years
Poly bridge
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None of the above issues gave been fixed. Unable to zoom in to select individual pieces when they are small. These can be made out of any material, and they are referred to as 'wood. Diamonds, more commonly referred to as 'muscles', are a term used to describe a diamond-shaped support with a centerpiece to hold it together. Poly Network has also integrated over 20 blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, HECO, OKC, Neo, Ontology, Zilliqa, Elrond, Gnosis Chain, etc. Altering a completely separate structure can cause another structure to fail. Starting position (left), and final position (right). Poly Network is a global cross-chain protocol for implementing blockchain interoperability and building Web3.0 infrastructure. It will often fail and cause random problems. Except that the level speed alters the physics. It can be used to finish off a slow moving level to try again etc. The speed you set the level at is not the speed the vehicles move. evidence have either a poly(A) overhanging read that is bridge to a poly(A) sequence. When it eventually fails and collapses you can just use the Undo function right? Not always, Reversing to a successful build using history often causes a previously working structure to fail. Tail Contig sequences that end in a poly(A) stretch represent. You can make a successful bridge, pass the level and then attempt to remove parts to get under budget or simply make it as cheap as you can. The 'Bridge segm' spinner sets the segments of the bridge. 'Taper Amount' and 'Taper Curve' set the amount and the curve value of faces bidge.
The '' button select the previous/next spline knots.
The 'Points:' spinner add knots to spline. Not great on a touch screen if you have fat finger syndrome. The 'Corner', 'Smooth' and 'Bezier' button change the type of spline knots. Well polished overall but has some huge issues:
Higher Resolution Video Replays: Record high-resolution video replays to show your funny and crazy failures and amazing successes with your friends or on social media.Great fun, rapidly stops being a bridge builder and becomes a 2D stunt simulator.
Employ complex moving designs into your bridge with multiple moving parts.
3-Way Split Joints: Drawbridges and hydraulic contraptions can now be enhanced with 3-way split joints.
Diagnose and fix problems easily with this new simple tool that highlights the first piece broken.
First Break Indicator: When your bridge is falling down it can be tough to see where it all goes wrong.
We’ve also included over 100 original Poly Bridge levels to replay in the Workshop Campaigns section of the in-game Workshop! Group and order your workshop levels together in the new Workshop Campaigns! Design entire campaign worlds including multiple levels with a common theme and difficulty progression. Accurate and predictable, it guarantees the same simulation outcome for everyone, keeping the competitive aspect of the game alive!Ĭompete against other players in the new separate general and unbreaking leaderboards! Leaderboard entries are verified on submission to ensure a fair experience for all players.īuild bridges with your favourite streamer! The Poly Bridge 2 Twitch Extension allows viewers and streamers to work together viewers can design and submit bridges directly to their favourite streamer for them to test in-game! Learn more at Ĭreate unique levels from scratch and submit them to the in-game Workshop with an improved Sandbox level designer with new objects, customizable ramps, and over twenty vehicles to choose from! Show off your creativity, make your own puzzles, and find an endless variety of levels made by other players! We went above and beyond this time, crafting a custom physics engine optimized and fine-tuned specifically for bridge simulations. Now your bridges can be even more flexible! Take on levels with some added cushion and bounce your way to victory with the new Spring material.
New levels, new mechanics, a custom physics engine, workshop campaigns, and much more! Rediscover your engineering creativity with even more hours of puzzling fun!Īdrian Talens returns with a new full-length Soundtrack! Relax to the soothing and critically acclaimed music with 13 completely new tracks plus 18 of the original Poly Bridge songs remastered! Enjoy over an hour and a half of the familiar and gentle acoustic guitar rhythms.
(1) PC User Manual for Token Transaction on Poly Bridge 2.0.
About This Game The acclaimed bridge-building simulator is back and better than ever! Q2 Whats the relationship between Poly Network and Poly Bridge Poly Network incorporated.
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primorcoin · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/ripple-and-armin-van-buurens-armada-music-to-launch-an-album-in-the-metaverse/
Ripple and Armin van Buuren's Armada Music to Launch an Album in the Metaverse
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The blockchain company Ripple joined forces with the music integration platform Styngr and the record label Armada Music to release an exclusive album in Maladroids (a video game built on the XRP Ledger).
It is worth noting that Armada Music is one of the leading entities in its field, while the renowned DJs – Armin van Buuren, Maykel Piron, and David Lewis – are its three Co-Founders.
Ripple’s New Project
According to a recent press release, the collaboration will aim to launch a music album in the play-to-earn game Maladroids. Developed by Ripple’s modular ecosystem onXRP, the game will allow players to compete with each other and earn XRP tokens as rewards.
The album will add to the participants’ excitement of Maladroids’ release. The music integration entity Stingr and the record label Armada Music vowed to bring two major EDM artists – Tom Staar and Kryder – who will perform new tracks each month across the first 180 days of the game’s launch.
In addition, the upcoming feature plans to introduce audio emotes and audio NFTs to users. Speaking on the initiative was Styngr’s Co-Founder Alex Tarrand:
“Seamlessly launching an entire album through a game is a groundbreaking opportunity. We are thrilled to be collaborating with record labels like Armada Music to bring brand new tracks from some of EDM’s top artists to blockchain gaming that leverages the best-in-class capabilities of the XRP Ledger. To do all this in a game as fun and competitive as Maladroids is truly something special.”
Kaj Leroy – top executive of onXRP – predicted that the album will be a “fantastic experience” for gamers. Those will get the chance to compete with each other and “discover great new music” from popular musicians, he added.
NFTs and Music
Earlier this year, two of the most famous dance music festival introduced non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to fans.
After postponing its events in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the multi-day music and arts festival held in California – Coachella – returned this April and granted visitors more opportunities than usual. The Solana-built digital collectibles – “Coachella Keys Collection,” “Sights and Sounds Collection,” and “Desert Reflections Collection” – were some of those features.
Arguably the world’s largest music festival – Tomorrowland – also interacted with the Metaverse space. Several months ago, it teamed up with crypto exchange FTX to bring Web 3 and NFT experiences to its fans during the iconic concert in Belgium this summer and the one in the French Alps, which will occur in March 2023.
Back then, Sam Bankman-Fried – CEO and Founder of FTX – said it is “exciting” to see a collaboration between the crypto world and the music industry. He further argued that Tomorrowland’s initiatives will give attendees a “fun and interactive way to gain access to exclusive events.”
Featured Image Courtesy of Sherpa Land
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ailtrahq · 1 year
In the tumultuous world of Cryptocurrency, Pomerdoge (POMD) emerges as a beacon of stability amidst the legal challenges faced by prominent players such as Binance (BNB) and Ripple (XRP). While these established coins find themselves embroiled in regulatory hurdles, Pomerdoge successfully navigates through an exciting presale phase. Let's jump into the details. Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale Pomerdoge (POMD)'s Unique Blend of Fun and Finance Pomerdoge is a rising star in the Play-to-Earn (P2E) crypto realm, designed to connect players worldwide in an immersive and competitive gaming landscape that rewards participation. Rather than merely providing entertainment, Pomerdoge transforms gaming into a lucrative venture. Players can accumulate POMD tokens, exchange in-game Assets, secure prizes, and experiment with NFTs. The platform's mission revolves around building a vibrant economic realm where the reward is intertwined with recreation. The heart of this burgeoning ecosystem is the POMD token, an ERC20-based currency that streamlines transactions and fuels the platform's intrinsic reward mechanism. Early birds partaking in the presale can anticipate a piece of the game's profit pie just by holding onto their POMD tokens. While POMD holds immense utility within its home turf, it also proudly waves the memecoinflag by ambitiously aiming to outshine stalwarts like PEPE, Shiba Inu, and DOGE. And while Shiba Inu may have ruffled DOGE's feathers, Pomerdoge is gearing up for the coup de grâce. Although still in its early phases, Market watchers see a goldmine in Pomerdoge, predicting it could offer windfalls surpassing the impressive tracks of PEPE and Shiba Inu, both of which skyrocketed over 10,000% post-launch. The Pomerdoge presale presents tokens at a mere $0.0115 during the first phase. As the presale advances, prices are slated to climb, giving early investors a golden ticket before the POMD token graces exchanges and the true Price dance commences later in the year. A Tipping Point for Binance (BNB)'s Future? Binance, the reigning titan of the Cryptocurrency exchange world in terms of Trading volume, finds itself on uncertain grounds. While its supremacy is challenged externally by emerging competitors, it's Binance's internal actions that pose the most significant Risks. Ironically, Binance's Achilles heel might be its own doing. Their evident nonchalance towards regulatory compliance, paired with perceived opacity and a lack of accountability, has painted a target on their backs. Highlighting the potential storm on the horizon, the Department of Justice (DoJ) has initiated charges against Binance over alleged money laundering activities. While the DoJ gears up for potential regulatory actions, there's a palpable anxiety about the possible repercussions, such as a panic withdrawal from Binance that destabilizes the broader crypto markets. Binance's current Price trajectory also mirrors this growing unease. From its impressive April peak at $349, Binance's value has receded to a concerning $218. With the crucial $200 mark acting as a pivotal support, any further descent might push Binance's valuation to a bleak $100 or potentially even lower. Why Some are Trading Ripple (XRP) for Pomerdoge (POMD) Ripple's watershed victory against the SEC this past July set off seismic waves in the crypto sector. With XRP clearly defined as a Cryptocurrency and not a Security token, Ripple's valuation soared overnight from a modest $0.40 to $0.95. This surge epitomized the crypto realm's thirst for regulatory clarity. Yet, this jubilant narrative has taken a somber turn. Presently, Ripple languishes at $0.50, a far cry from its recent zenith. Traders capitalizing on the rally might explain the downturn, along with a broader Market decline, particularly due to bitcoin falling below the $26,000 mark. The conundrum now is Ripple's inability to sustain its post-victory momentum, let alone touch the coveted $0.95 mark.
This begs the question: What catalysts are required to propel Ripple back to its all-time high of $3.30? This prevailing uncertainty has seen some seasoned Ripple enthusiasts pivot to the Pomerdogepresale. Pomerdoge's staggering $2 million raised during its presale juxtaposes starkly against Ripple's dwindling performance, spotlighting a promising alternative for those in search of more vibrant prospects within the crypto arena. Visit the links below for more Information about Pomerdoge (POMD):  
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metaverseblock · 2 years
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We couldn't agree more. The social scene will be shifted toward blockchain in times to come.
Read more: https://cointelegraph.com/news/myspace-founder-predicts-blockchain-gaming-to-be-dominant-place-for-socializing
#myspace #social #platform #metaverse #block #nft #blockchain #defi #gamefi #crypto #news #BTC #ETH #BNB #p2e #元宇宙 #幣圈 #followforfollow #followforfollowback #f4f #follow_back #followback
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insfiringyou · 5 years
BTS - A Celebration to Forget (All Members)
Contains: Fluff. Smut. Humour. Cheating. Breakups. Fingering in public. Oral sex. Presumed vaginal sex. Angst. New relationships forming. 
V throws his girlfriend Cassandra a surprise party at a suburban hotel to celebrate her getting a part in a stage production of Cats. The alcohol-fuelled party acts as a catalyst for regretful acts, a breakup and a new relationship being formed. This is set after the events of ‘The Play’ but before Suga desperately proposes to Jeong-sun in ‘Stranded’, prior to their breakup. 
This is a major chapter in our headcanon universe (find out more about our headcanon universe plot and characters here) and involves all members of BTS and most of their headcanon girlfriends: Cassandra (V’s gf), Angel (Jimin’s gf), Jeong-sun (Suga’s gf), Ji-eun (RM’s gf) Min-seo (Jin’s gf) and Young-soon (Jungkook’s gf). Supreme Boi is also here and this fic introduces Ara (Jimin’s second girlfriend). 
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook 
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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The low murmur of chatter from the kitchen drifted through the hallway and Jungkook clutched his cell closer, shifting a little to the left to allow Yoongi to bypass him on the stairs. The older male was likewise talking on the phone and, while he would never ask, Jungkook had some idea of who might be on the other end of the line. He had not yet spotted the dark-haired girl he had once seen kissing Yoongi here tonight, and wondered if his band-mate was feeling as sad about her absence as he was his girlfriend’s. They had been in China for the past week and he hadn’t yet had the chance to visit Young-soon since returning to Seoul the previous evening. While he had spoken to her on the phone throughout the trip, all he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms and see her smile as he picked her up and spun her around in the hallway of her apartment. He also couldn’t wait to give her the giant stuffed panda he had bought for her at the sanctuary in Sichuan.
“Are you sure you can’t come later?” Jungkook asked his girlfriend for the third time that evening. He was seated on the third step of the grand staircase which adorned the foyer.
“The conference doesn’t finish until midnight.” She sighed on the other end of the phone. “They’re doing it on FaceTime with someone from America. I’ve got to watch the desk until then.”
“What are you doing?” He asked, thinking she sounded incredibly bored.
“Playing Solitaire.” She smirked. He could just about hear the low noise of the computer game in the background and couldn’t help but smile sweetly to himself. His cheeks had been rosy since she had answered the phone ten minutes before; the sound of her voice comforting him. “You could always come here.”
He shook his head although she couldn’t see him. “Taehyung would kill me. He’s been planning the surprise for over a week.”
“What musical was it again?”
“Does she have a big part?” Young-soon was referring to Cassandra, Taehyung’s girlfriend. The news had come shortly before their visit abroad and the older member had been unable to stop himself from talking about it almost non-stop all week.
“Not really, but it’s her first time in such a big venue.” He moved against the wall to let a couple he didn’t recognise squeeze past him. “Taehyung says she’s really excited about it.”
“Tell her I said congrats.”
“I will...” His voice drifted off as the sound of laughter from across the hall caught his attention. He peered through the slits of the banister to look through the doorway where he could just about spot Cassandra and Taehyung talking to Donghyuk by the drinks counter in the kitchen. The woman had dyed her hair from its natural brown to a deep cherry red colour, matching the rose, deliberately or otherwise, which adorned Taehyung’s lapel. While Jungkook had spoken to her on a number of occasions, he always found himself tongue tied. She seemed perfectly nice and easy to get along with; at least Yoongi and Hoseok never seemed antsy around her, but the image of her completely nude on stage with her pale body streaked in artificial blood, always seemed to come back to him at the most inopportune moments. Young-soon had laughed when he explained this to her, saying he shouldn’t get so wound up whenever he sees a pair of breasts, but he had to protest that she hadn’t been at the play, and therefore had no idea just how intense the plot had been.
On the stairs, Jungkook groaned. “It’s no fun without you. Everyone else has brought their girlfriend.” He complained, picking at a loose thread in his jeans with boredom.
“You’ve got Hoseok...and Yoongi.” His girlfriend reassured.
“Yoongi’s on the phone to someone.” He said, not correcting her on the fact that, if his suspicions were true, Yoongi wasn’t as single as he once assumed. “And I can’t find Hoseok.” He thought about it. “I’ll probably go home soon anyway.”
“Well, I’ve got to go.” Young-soon said. The sound of the computer game in the background had ceased and Jungkook suspected her boss had just walked through the door. “Try to have fun.”
“I will.” He said without much confidence, bottom lip sticking out a little. “I love you.” He finished.
“You too. See you Tuesday.” She hung up. 
Upstairs, Yoongi heard Jimin and Angel approaching the spare bedroom he was currently occupying, voices raised. He had been looking for somewhere quiet to speak to Jeong-sun, with the downstairs area being too rowdy and raucous, but most of the second floor rooms were already taken. He stood up from the edge of the bed and slipped out the door, giving them both a brief wave with his spare hand as he entered the first guest bathroom he found and closed the door behind him.
“Where did you say the hotel was?” Jeong-sun asked, her voice clear on the other end of the phone despite the hundred miles or more between them.
“It’s near Hwangsong Park.” He murmured, pacing the small room a little. The suburban hotel, which was typically used to host weddings, 21st birthdays and anniversaries, boasted a quiet back garden, fifteen en-suite guest rooms and a mini golf course.
“That’s quite far...did you get a taxi?”
“I drove Hoseok and Jungkook.” He explained. “Supreme Boi’s been renting it on Air BnB for the past month.”
“You’re company are clearly paying him too much.” Jeong-sun said, the smirk in her voice obvious.
“I think he won the jackpot on a scratchcard.” Yoongi shrugged. He had heard this from Jimin and suspected it was likely true. Over the past six months, Donghyuk had not been shy when it came to flashing his cash at every possible opportunity. His girlfriend echoed his suspicions a second later.
“That would explain the party on the yacht.”
There was a moment of silence as Yoongi smiled to himself. There had been no real need to call her other than wanting to hear her voice. She was already in Gwangju when he returned from China and the need to have her close to him, in some way or another, was overwhelming.
“This bathroom has heated flooring...” He murmured, sliding off his sneaker to feel its heat against the sole of his foot.
“Are you that bored?” He gathered she was rolling her eyes and grinned, knowing she was right.
“I just like talking to you...” He shrugged to himself. “How’s your dad?”
“The usual. He wants to take me fishing tomorrow.”
His lips widened in a toothy grin. He couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the thought of his girlfriend in a body warmer and wide-brimmed hat, sensing it was the last thing she wanted to spend her time off work doing.
“It’s not that funny...” She sneered.
“I know.” He calmed himself down. “You might enjoy it...” He suggested, predicting her answer before it came.
“I doubt it.”
Outside the bathroom, Jimin and Angel headed back downstairs, edging against the banister to avoid Jungkook who was playing a darts game on his phone without much vigour. They walked across the foyer and stood in the kitchen doorway, glancing around the crowd of guests.
“Which one is she?” Angel asked, brushing her dyed blonde hair over her shoulder casually. It had gotten a little tangled during their brief tryst in the bedroom where she had attempted to get him worked up with the palm of her hand. Frustratingly, he had protested that he wasn’t in the mood. Despite it being so unlike him to turn down the opportunity for a quick release, she had felt somewhat relieved. 
“Don’t you recognise her?” Jimin frowned as he pointed at a girl with red hair in the centre of the room.
“She’s changed her hair.” The comment came out a little cattily. “Where’s she from again?”
“Holland I think...”
“What language does she speak?”
Jimin shrugged as they entered the room, moving automatically towards the counter which boasted a number of alcoholic drinks. He had only heard Cassandra speaking in his own native tongue. “Korean?”
Angel ignored his answer as she looked around the room, a little bored. She noticed a white man in the corner who seemed to be the focus of attention with a group of men and wondered if, like Cassandra, he worked in the theatre. “Do you think he’s got a girlfriend?” She murmured to Jimin, pointing discreetly at the man.
“I don’t know. Why?” He glanced at the figure with an air of indifference.
She shrugged. “He seems quite popular.”
“I don’t recognise him.” Jimin said, making Angel frown. She had expected a different type of reaction from him. Jimin walked towards the marble counter and was bumped into by a short woman wearing a baby blue camisole and matching shorts who appeared to be likewise making a beeline for the alcohol.
“Sorry...” He apologised, stepping aside to allow her to go first. He turned back to Angel who was unintentionally watching the woman as she poured herself a glass of vodka and orange juice, her eyes fixed on her tanned legs, visible below the short hem of her shorts. There was something strange about her outfit which Angel didn’t quite have the inclination to focus too much on.
“Do you want a drink?” Jimin asked his girlfriend.
She nodded, blinking. “Something strong.”
Across the room, Namjoon and Ji-eun stood opposite Cassandra and Taehyung as they sipped their glasses of red wine. The two couples could not have looked more different, with the older pair dressed smartly in matching black. In contrast, Cassandra wore a long, floaty paisley print maxi dress and Taehyung boasted a suit in a dizzying, royal blue; the red rose in his lapel complimenting the splash of colour well.
“How many weeks is it running?” Ji-eun asked the other woman politely as she drank from her glass. Namjoon’s hand brushed her hip gently, holding her beside him.
“Just twelve.” Cassandra replied. “The original cast member dropped out with an injury, so I got the call back two weeks ago.” She glanced at her boyfriend with a relieved smile. “I couldn’t believe it.” 
Taehyung smiled back, his pride in her evident.
Ji-eun placed her hand on top of her boyfriends and met his gaze, inadvertently mirroring the pose of the couple opposite. “That’s great. We’ll have to get tickets...” She tried to sound enthusiastic but it came off a little awkward. She knew that, like herself, Namjoon would be thinking of the last play they had seen together, where Cassandra had stripped off completely on stage.
The other woman didn’t seem to notice the slight apprehension in Ji-eun’s voice. “I’ll sort something out. There’ll be plenty of tickets for everyone at the matinee.” She beamed.
Taehyung looked at her hungrily, sneaking his hand across her shoulder. “I don’t want Jungkook seeing you in that little leotard...” His fingers brushed through the ends of her red ponytail in a gesture which seemed surprisingly intimate for the public space they occupied. “And that tail as well.” He purred, gazing down at her beneath thick black eyelashes.
Namjoon shifted uncomfortably. “Is it a singing part?” He asked
She nodded, looking at him. “A duet. Macavity.”
Taehyung smirked, moving her hair over to her other shoulder playfully. “It’s about a very naughty cat.” He sensually skimmed her neck with his fingertips.
Namjoon nodded. “I know. I’ve seen it on Broadway.” 
Ji-eun moved from foot to foot beside him, clearly feeling just as awkward.
Brushing her cheekbone with his knuckle, Taehyung smirked. “Shall we go and find Eric Shun?” He murmured, making her giggle loudly. Her cheeks turned pink as she clasped his hand in hers.
“Yeah...I have to thank him.” She nodded, letting him lead her from the room.
“See you later.”Ji-eun called after them before turning to her boyfriend, quizzically. “Who’s Eric Shun? Is he foreign?”
Namjoon sighed, watching as the young couple headed up the staircase, just visible through the open doorway. “It’s a made up name.”
“Oh.” She thought for a moment. “I thought he just had cruel parents.”
Namjoon grinned and pulled her by the hips to nestle closely against him. She sighed loudly, feeling his fingers move along the curve of her waist beneath the silky black fabric. “I feel overdressed.”
He shook his head, skimming upwards until he reached her spine. The dress was incredibly low cut at the back, exposing her smooth, condensed milk coloured skin. “Don’t be silly.” He protested, murmuring quietly against her ear. “That dress looks really sexy on you.”
She couldn’t help but smile as his low voice vibrated through her body but quickly moved away when she spotted Jin and Min-seo walking into the kitchen. Jin approached them looking a little dishevelled and warm; unbuttoning the top button of his white shirt beneath his suit. His girlfriend trailed closely behind, tugging the hem of her knee-length lilac dress and smoothing out the crumples which had formed in the delicate material.
“Sorry we’re late, the taxi broke down.” Jin explained, dabbing his perspiring forehead with the back of his hand. “Is everyone already here?”
Namjoon nodded. “We got here about an hour ago.”
“Where’s Taehyung and Cassandra?” Jin asked.
“They went to see Eric Shun.” Namjoon said blankly. 
Jin threw back his head in laughter as Min-seo clutched at his sleeve, smiling shyly. “What, what?” 
He shook his head and reached for her hand, taking it gently. “It doesn’t matter.” He recovered himself. “I’ll tell you later.”
Ji-eun, glad to see Min-seo, stepped forward. “Do you want to get a drink?”
The younger woman smiled and nodded, stepping away from the two men. Ji-eun linked arms with her easily. Since their first meeting on Donghyuk’s rented yacht several months before, they had gone on several double dates together with their boyfriends as well as one memorable solo shopping trip where Ji-eun had tempted Min-seo into buying herself a new set of underwear and nightgown to wear for Jin. The younger woman had protested a number of revealing garments with a polite and awkward blush, but had agreed on a silky pink night dress which, she had to admit, accentuated her cleavage nicely while covering her stomach and thighs. She had yet to wear it for Jin, feeling bashful whenever she thought of donning it.
Ji-eun led her towards the drinks counter, only stopping to nod her head at a shorter woman who had left the table when she saw them approaching. “Is she wearing pyjamas?” The older woman asked, picking up on the strange detail that Angel, earlier, couldn’t quite place. The matching blue shorts and cami the woman was wearing was certainly not designed for everyday use and looked out of place at the party. Min-seo turned to watch her leave the room as she walked towards the foyer. She shrugged easily and Ji-eun shook her head with a frown.
“I don’t recognise her.” The older woman said. “She must know Supreme Boi.”
Min-seo smiled as they passed another of Jin’s band-mates she recognised. His hair was dyed bleach blonde and was wearing a patterned white shirt and a pair of well-fitting navy trousers; somehow able to look both formal and casual. “Hi Yoongi.” She smiled, timid and mouse-like. He turned politely to say hello.
“Did you come with -” Min-seo started, meaning to ask about Jeong-sun. Despite only meeting her twice, she had found her instantly likeable; a calming and reliable respite from the intimidating people she usually ran into at parties. While she had grown to feel more comfortable around Namjoon’s girlfriend as they spent more time together, she couldn’t help but still be a little anxious when they were alone, particularly when Ji-eun asked her questions regarding her sex life with Jin. She knew it was only natural to be curious and that it was something most women discussed with their friends, but she still felt that it should be kept private. She couldn’t help but speculate that Jeong-sun would have the same reaction if asked and that, like herself, she would want the details of what happened in private with Yoongi to stay that way. She wondered if they could invite her the next time they went shopping. She had never heard Ji-eun mention Jeong-sun, but then again she had never heard her talk about Jimin’s girlfriend either.
“Do you want a cocktail?” Ji-eun interrupted, pointing towards the variety of bottles which littered the counter.
“Oh, what?” Min-seo’s thoughts were scattered as she turned to look at the older woman.
“They have plenty of mixers.”
“Oh yeah, thanks.” She turned back to Yoongi, realising he was still waiting patiently for her to reply. She waved a little awkwardly as Ji-eun pulled her away towards the counter. “See you later Yoongi.”
He smiled at her before weaving his way through the crowd and into the foyer. Ji-eun watched him go. “I always see him on his own. Never with the others...” She commented, unfastening the screw-top lid to a bottle of clear liquid. 
Min-seo followed her gaze, noticing the way he clutched his phone to his ear before he left. “I think he’s just shy.”
“Namjoon doesn’t seem to think so. He told me he writes a lot of their songs.”
“Really? I didn’t know that.” Min-seo watched as Ji-eun poured a couple of cap-fulls of the liquid into a red plastic cup. She hovered the bottle above a second cup.
“Do you want vodka?”
In the hallway, Yoongi grasped his phone, struggling to be overheard over the clatter of noise. “Hang on Jeong-sun, I can’t hear you...I’m just going to step outside.” He noticed the front door had been propped open and walked towards it, stepping past the staircase. Jungkook had since left his spot on the third step but Yoongi could hear his voice, protesting quietly.
“I’m not drinking...”
“Come on JK. It’s a party, you have to drink!” Donghyuk complained. Yoongi glanced around the hall, looking for the source of the voices.
“Yeah, it’s a party...” He heard Hoseok echo, agreeing with Supreme Boi. He figured they must be upstairs, just out of sight. The vastness of the foyer was making their voices bounce in strange directions.
“I made some punch I think you’d like.” Donghyuk offered.
“Oh, the punch is great!” Hoseok exclaimed, clearly a little tipsy himself. “It tastes like mangoes!”
Yoongi rolled his eyes as he stepped out the front door. “Better.” He pressed the phone back to his ear and began to follow the curve of the building around to the spacious garden at the back.
“I said he uses a spinning rod.” Jeong-sun said, carrying on the conversation they had started in the foyer.
“For fishing?”
“No, for pulling girls.”
Yoongi grinned at her dry reply and took a seat on the patio. Several sets of metal tables and chairs adorned the space around the back of the building and he chose one with an ashtray.
She continued. “He got his bait mixed up with his beef sandwich filling the other day, he keeps it all in the freezer.”
“Your dad sounds fun.” He smiled.
“He ate it anyway. Apparently it doesn’t taste too bad with brown sauce and garlic.”
Yoongi could hear the grin in her voice. He paused, thinking. “How long are you in Gwangju for again?”
“A week.”
He sighed. “I’ll be in Tokyo when you get back...” He said sadly.
“I figured.” Her voice had a tone of acceptance to it which Yoongi found hard to swallow. There was a pause before she spoke again. “Why aren’t you with the others?”
He remained silent as he turned around to glance through the window behind him which looked into one end of the kitchen. He could just about make out the two figures in the corner. “Jimin and Angel are arguing.” He murmured. Even from this distance, he could see the way she was avoiding his touch and, earlier on, he had heard them bickering upstairs.
“I know, she told me.” Jeong-sun confirmed.
“How bad?”
“I wouldn’t buy your best man suit just yet.” She grimaced.
“He’d ask Tae first.” He murmured, thinking. “I think she’s a bit much for him.”
“Yeah.” There was a pause before she spoke. “She’s a bit much for me sometimes.” She admitted reluctantly. In the background, Yoongi could hear the loud sounds of splashing water and the huffs and puffs of a man struggling with something. If he didn’t know better, the noise could be interpreted as something vulgar. He grinned, despite himself.
“What’s your dad watching?”
“Deadliest Catch.” She said drolly, making Yoongi laugh.
“Why’s it so loud?”
“He refuses to get a hearing aid. I told him he could use my discount.”
Yoongi smirked, knowing it was no good. From what she had told him about her father, he seemed ridiculously stubborn. Turning to face the garden, he heard Hoseok’s loud, echoing laughs from somewhere around the corner. In the other direction, he observed a lone figure walking around the side of the house, clutching a red plastic cup.
“Jungkook’s wandering around like a lost puppy.” He commented, watching as the maknae stumbled on a piece of loose AstroTurf and almost lost his footing.
“Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?” Jeong-sun asked, curiously.
“Yeah. She couldn’t make it.” The younger male turned back the way he came, realising the garden was almost deserted, and disappeared back into the house.
“What about Hoseok?” Jeong-sun asked.
“I can hear him but I can’t see him...” He smirked and, as if on cue, his best friend turned the corner from the opposite direction he had seen Jungkook leave. “Here he comes.” Yoongi grinned as he climbed the stone steps onto the patio and stumbled over drunkenly. The younger male slipped the phone from Yoongi silently and pressed it to his ear.
“Hi Jeong-sun!” He exclaimed noisily, immediately knowing who was on the line. “Why aren’t you here?” He tottered from foot to foot on the paving.
Yoongi could hear his girlfriend’s voice on the other end as he got up from the patio chair. “I’m in Gwangju at the minute.”
“Wow!” Hoseok proclaimed. “How’s the weather?”
“Humid. My dad’s taking me fishing on the river tomorrow.”
“Oh, I used to love going there! Make sure you take mosquito repellent.” He blurted, stumbling a little over his own feet.
“I will.” She agreed easily.
“What have you been drinking?” Yoongi grimaced, his lips tugging upwards in an abashed smile.
“I don’t know, Donghyuk gave me it.” Hoseok admitted as Yoongi took the phone from him.
“That’s a bad idea.” He moved the cell to his ear.
“I’ve just had one!”
“Go get some water.” He instructed before sitting back down on the chair.
“He sounds like he’s having a good time.” Jeong-sun chuckled.
“He won’t be in an hour.” Yoongi observed him on the decking by the edge of the garden, standing beside Donghyuk who swiftly handed him another cup of punch. Hoseok sipped it greedily, making Yoongi roll his eyes. He turned back to the phone. “I miss you.”
“Don’t think about it.” His girlfriend advised. “I’ll see you soon - after Tokyo.”
Yoongi smiled softly. “I’ll bring you back some Matcha.”
“Don’t bother, it tastes like snot.”
He snickered under his breath, not wanting to draw Donghyuk’s attention. “I love you.”
“You too. Take care of Hoseok.”
He smiled and shook his head, reluctant to hang up. “I’ll try.”
“I kept the leotard on for you...” Cassandra breathed sultrily as she finished unfastening the final button on Taehyung’s white shirt. The blue suit had been discarded in the next room on the double bed along with her tights and shoes. He smirked, brushing the wide sleeves of her dress from her shoulders and stretching the elasticated bodice down her body. The ginger and white tabby stripes of her Lycra costume became visible as he uncovered her, pulling the loose bust of her oversized dress away from her breasts and allowing the fabric to pool at her feet. The small en-suite they were currently occupying was in the room Donghyuk had taken as his own. They figured, after testing several of the guest rooms and finding them locked, they were less likely to be disturbed in the master suite. 
“You forgot to bring the ears.” Taehyung murmured as she turned herself around to grind slightly against his crotch. He let out a low, carnal moan at her touch and she stepped away, teasingly. Frustrated, he hooked his forefinger beneath the elastic at her bottom and pulled her closer, making her gasp loudly. 
“I didn’t know you were throwing me a party.” She smirked, her breath increasing as he brushed his hands along the partially exposed curves of her fleshy backside and up along her ribs, gliding easily along the smooth fabric. “Why does Donghyuk have pineapple capsules in his bathroom?” She muttered in a breathy voice as his hands cupped her breasts and pushed them together. They were facing the glass cabinet above the toilet, watching each other’s expressions in the mirror as he slipped his fingers beneath the bust of her leotard, running his fingertips gently along her cleavage. The bottle of capsules, placed on the shelf below the mirror had caught her eye. 
“Why do you think?” He smirked, meeting her gaze in the glass as he slowly pulled down her top, stretching the material over the fleshy roundness of her breasts until her pink nipples were visible. His lips moved to the side of her neck where he kissed along the flesh sensually, opening his mouth against her skin and making her whine as his palms cupped her chest. He massaged her bare breasts erotically in circular motions. 
“Won’t he be mad?” Cassandra moaned as Taehyung took a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pinching it briefly. 
In reply, Taehyung reached forward with his spare hand and tugged on the draw below the mirrored cabinet, opening it. Cassandra glanced down at the array of condoms which filled the draw. Every brand and variety she could think of were represented there and she couldn’t help but smirk at Donghyuk’s blatant confidence as she pulled one out at random.
“Glow in the dark?” She grinned, meeting Taehyung’s eyes in the mirror once more. 
“In case the lights go out.” He breathed against her neck, touching his tongue to the skin there briefly before he let go of her body and shuffled in front of her, getting down on his knees between the cabinet and the toilet. She smirked as he ran his palm along her exposed thigh, easing her leg onto the closed lid of the commode to gain better access as he slipped his finger under the gusset of her leotard and eased the fabric to the side. His head slipped between her thighs easily as he ran his tongue along her exposed core, savouring her the taste of her pink slit as he ate her out hungrily. 
Watching as he crouched beneath her, she grasped her large breasts in both hands, massaging them and snapping her head back in pleasure at the feel of his mouth on her quickly-swelling clitoris. He moaned into her wantonly as he opened his mouth wide against her pussy, assaulting her with quick, sloppy motions as he slipped his arms around her back to pull her into him by the arse. Needing more, she grasped a handful of his brunette hair and pushed his face desperately into her crotch; savouring his animal-like grunts as he stuck out his tongue and lapped at her like she was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. 
They almost didn’t hear the bathroom door open, if not for the cries of “Oh god! Occupied!” which echoed around the tiled room. They both turned in unison to look at the source of the outcry and found Hoseok jolting backwards in a desperate attempt to close the door. 
Taehyung, his lips and chin glistening with Cassandra’s juices and his fingers still hooked around her leotard and holding the gusset away from her slick pink opening, grew increasingly frustrated as Hoseok fell backwards onto his backside as he scrambled into the bedroom next door. Cassandra watched on, too shocked to move and cover herself, as the older male made an attempt to grasp the inside handle and failed miserably. 
“Close the door!” Taehyung called out, heatedly. Hoseok nodded and pushed the door with his feet, managing to get it shut. 
“What’s going on?” A female voice asked from the bedroom doorway. Cassandra thought she recognised it as belonging to Ji-eun. 
“Don’t go in there!” Hoseok cried as he got to his feet. “Tae’s in there!”
In the bathroom, Taehyung rolled his eyes as Hoseok ratted him out. He moved back in to kiss Cassandra, pulling the stretchy fabric further aside as he closed his lips around her clitoris, pecking it a couple of times. 
“Is he okay?” She asked above him, her hand resting awkwardly on her boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“I don’t care at the moment...” He murmured bitchily, pressing his pout against her wet nub. “I hope he broke something.” He continued to capture her clit, alternating between chaste, closed-mouth pecks and gentle nibbles. 
Sighing above him, she reluctantly pushed him away. “Come on. Let’s get dressed.”
Outside the bedroom, Ji-eun followed a very startled Hoseok down into the foyer where they separated. Hoseok went into the kitchen to find some more alcohol in an attempt to forget the sight he had just witnessed while she side-stepped the woman in the blue pyjamas who was munching on a bread stick. She looked around the downstairs rooms for her boyfriend, not noticing the stranger walk out of the open door and into the garden. The woman followed the terrace around the building until she came to the wide patio outside the kitchen. 
Yoongi was alone at one of the tables, smoking a cigarette. He flicked the ash from the end into the terracotta tray indifferently, thinking about nothing in particular, when the short woman caught his eye. She smiled softly and sauntered over to the circular table, the knitted boot-style slippers on her feet making no sound against the pavement. Her features, while not unattractive, were slightly unremarkable and forgettable; the fact she was a couple of inches shorter than average being her only truly discernible feature other than her bigger than average bust which jutted over the top of her low-cut camisole. While he was sure he had never seen her before, she reminded him of someone. 
Slowly, she sank down onto the chair opposite him, wincing a little as the cold metal connected with her bare thighs. Yoongi took a deep drag of his cigarette, closing one eye against the pillar of smoke as he watched her reach out for the half-full packet he had left on the table. Her eyes never left his as she smirked and took a cigarette from the packet before lighting it with his purple clipper. She returned it to the table and inhaled slowly, wanting a reaction from him. 
Yoongi glanced at her, unimpressed. “Sorry, I’m taken.” He said. 
She blew out the smoke messily and stood up. Yoongi’s eyes followed her nonchalantly as she walked back the way she came across the patio, blowing out frustrated columns of smoke as she disappeared around the corner. She skulked past Namjoon who was seated at another table near a flower bed of fragrant roses and threw a cold look at Ji-eun as they passed. 
Namjoon watched this exchange with amusement. “What was that about?” He asked as his girlfriend joined him behind the table. 
She shook her head. “No idea. Did you see she’s wearing pyjamas?” 
Namjoon smirked. “Maybe she’s a guest at the hotel. Donghyuk didn’t say whether anyone else was renting along with him.”
“Maybe.” Ji-eun agreed listlessly as she placed her palm on his knee. “Min-seo and Jin went home. She has work tomorrow.” She began to stroke his thigh softly. “What are you up to?” She asked. 
“It was too hot inside.” He explained while watching her hand. “It’s a nice night.” 
She murmured in agreement and he touched her slender waist, encouraging her onto his knee. 
“You look really sexy...” He murmured, pressing his lips against her dark hair and inhaling her raspberry scent along with the soft floral of the fragrance she wore. His hand ran across her exposed knee as she wrapped her arms loosely around his wide shoulders, feeling secure. 
She smiled at him, embracing his desire as he echoed her movement and stroked her thigh. “I’m glad you think so.”
He nodded, refusing to drop her gaze as he slipped his hand higher, brushing it under the black hem of the fabric. “It’s really short.” He murmured in a low voice as he felt between her thighs, teasing her soft, cool skin before pressing upwards, slipping his fingers along the smoothness of her labia. His breath hitched. “Too short not to be wearing underwear...”
She smirked, pressing her nose to his with a grin. “I was wondering when you would notice.” His hand was paused against her slit and she sighed, quickly looking around to check that nobody was looking. “Don’t stop...” She whispered against his lips, gasping when she felt two fingers push between her folds and find the tight ring of her entrance. 
Across the terrace, Yoongi finally stood up from his seat, feeling his backside and thighs growing numb from the cold metal and knowing if he stayed where he was he would be tempted to call Jeong-sun again. He decided to take a walk. He spotted Namjoon and Ji-eun seated around the corner in a shady part of the garden, locked in an embrace and kept his distance, his gaze fixed on the dim gravel pathway which snaked its way through the AstroTurf. Ji-eun noticed his presence and briefly pulled Namjoon’s hand away from the space between her thighs, tugging down the short hem of her dress until she saw his blonde hair disappear behind the garden wall.
Jungkook was seated alone on the steps which led to the back door, chin resting against his knuckle in a pose which looked eerily like the statue of the thinking man. Yoongi offered a small wave as he joined him. The sight of Namjoon and Ji-eun being so affectionate together in public had brought another stab of longing to Yoongi’s chest as it occurred to him that even if Jeong-sun had been able to come tonight, they would have found themselves sneaking around like horny teenagers afraid of being caught necking by their parents, in an attempt to not be seen. Now, here was Jungkook sulking and drunk because Young-soon had been at work. Yoongi tried to remind himself that they were both alone and gloomy for the same reason, but he found it hard to feel as sorry for the maknae as he was currently feeling for himself. At least the other members knew about Young-soon. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked Jungkook, pulling another cigarette disinterestedly from the pocket of his jeans. The night was warm and pleasant; the sweet and heady scent of flowers drifting on the air around the large brick building. 
The younger man shrugged, clearly intoxicated. “I wasn’t going to drink.” He protested, sitting up and watching as Yoongi lit his cigarette and exhaled. His eyes followed the silver plumage of smoke and hesitated. “Can I have one of those?” 
Yoongi shook his head. “No.”
“Oh.” Jungkook accepted this without question and got to his feet. “M’going to get some fruit juice.” He waved, taking the stone steps one at a time. 
“Good idea.” Yoongi murmured as Jungkook entered the building, leaving the back door open a fraction behind him. He turned back and finished his smoke in silence, gazing up at the stairs ahead. There were hundreds visible in the navy sky now they were away from the light pollution of the city. The soft tinkling of laughter brought his attention back to the door behind him. 
He could see through the pane of single-glazed glass that Jungkook was speaking to the strange woman who had taken one of his cigarettes. They were standing, side by side, in the narrow and otherwise deserted hallway at the back of the property, drinks in hand. Yoongi suspected Jungkook had forgone the fruit juice in favour of some more of the mango flavoured punch which had gotten Hoseok so giggly earlier in the garden. 
Yoongi sighed as he stood up and walked a little through the garden, passing the fragrant and pretty flower beds as he followed no route in particular. He thought of Jeong-sun, away in Gwangju with her dad for the next week and, after that, when he she got back he would be playing the Tokyo Dome. He knew he should just invite her; pay the measly 144,000 won it would take to get her to Japan and have her stay with him in the hotel. Hell, they could even rent an apartment together. The others would never have to know. He could fake a sickness; not have to perform on stage and instead spend the week alone in solitude with her while they ordered takeout, not even having to leave their bed for more than ten minutes at a time. 
He realised he had ended up back at the door where he started and glanced through the glass. The hallway beyond was empty; there was no sign of Jungkook and the short woman. With a knowing sigh and a surprisingly large amount of frustration, he reached for his phone and found the maknae’s number in his recent messages. He typed quickly with his thumb and pressed send: Don’t do anything stupid. 
He was right in knowing he had never met the short woman before, but her familiarity suddenly became clear. It was something in her smug confidence and the way she held her hips when she walked. Jungkook had met someone like this before on the same day Yoongi had been paired with Jeong-sun in a closet during a game of seven minutes in heaven. This woman was shorter and did not have burgundy hair, but her intention was just as clear. 
“Aren’t we going home?” Angel asked, finishing the cup of Strawberry Daiquiri Jimin had brought with them. 
He shrugged, looking around the kitchen and seeing that the majority of the guests were still in attendance. “I want to stay for a bit.”
Angel sulked but remained silent as she put some distance between them, walking over the kitchen counter and pouring another cup of pre-mixed cocktail. Her face lit up when Donghyuk walked over from the doorway, looking her up and down slowly, visibly admiring her. They had been friends, and occasional fuck budies, for years and, unlike Jimin, he actually knew how to have a good time. 
“You look really good in blue.” The man smirked, ignoring Jimin’s glances as his gaze fell to the deep crevice of her dress. “Is it cold in here?” He smirked. 
She grinned widely, looking down at her aquamarine dress. “You can see my nipples, I know.”
“I’m not complaining...” Donghyuk looked briefly at Jimin, waiting to see if the younger man was going to do anything, before slipping in closer. 
The loud crash of heavy glass hitting marble filled the room and Jimin, thankful to be getting away from Angel and Donghyuk, rushed over to the source. A young woman was crouching on the floor, trying to soak up the pink liquid she had knocked over, with a tea-towel. Jimin glanced at the cabinet, seeing it had been his half-full bottle of Daiquiri. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, rushing to her side. She was petite and delicate looking, with a heart shaped face and big, expressive eyes. 
She glanced up at him, meeting his gaze apologetically. “I’m sorry, I’m so clumsy!” She fretted, her cheeks staining pink. She looked up at the overturned bottle which, thankfully, hadn’t broken. “Was it yours?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jimin said, standing up. “I’ll grab some towels. He returned a moment later clutching a wad of kitchen paper and started to blot at the sticky fluid, mopping the floor haphazardly. The girl continued to fuss over the accident, growing more and more flustered and upset with each passing moment. 
“I’m really sorry!” She cried out, trying her hardest to clean her side of the mess with the now sodden towel. 
“It’s honestly nothing, don’t worry.” Jimin put on his softest voice, feeling guilty that he had inadvertently made her feel this way. He took a quick glance over at Angel and Donghyuk and observed them both peering at him and the girl from across the room. 
“I brought some wine if you want it. It’s in the fridge.” The girl said as way of repayment and Jimin shook his head; he had drunk enough that evening anyway. Cassandra came walking across the kitchen towards the pair. 
“Ara, is everything alright?” She asked, bending down to help with the spill.
“I made such a mess!” The girl moped as the older woman methodically dried the last remnants of the alcohol, eventually standing up to discard the soaked towel in the washing machine. As Jimin watched Cassandra leave the room towards the pantry he saw Angel and Donghyuk trailing after her, holding hands. He wondered why he hadn’t bothered saying anything to them earlier, despite them blatantly flirting in front of him, and why he didn’t feel jealous now. He guessed he had known that things were over between him and Angel before they had even stepped foot out of the taxi that evening. 
“Are you alright?" The girl asked, following his gaze towards the doorway. 
Jimin turned back to her, meeting her big brown eyes. “Fine...” He smiled and held out his hand. “I’m Jimin.”
Her expression lit up her entire face as she returned his smile, transforming her previously anguished features into something beautiful. “I’m Ara.” She held out her sticky hand and began to shake before she noticed. “Oh!” She exclaimed bashfully, flashing her teeth in a smile which looked, to Jimin, both a little goofy and adorable. “I’m sorry, I smell like strawberry daiquiri!”
Directly upstairs, the lady in the pyjamas led Jungkook by the hand into the master bedroom. 
“Is this Donghyuk’s room?” Jungkook asked, peering around the dark space. The moonlight outside illuminated the laptop and speakers on the desk in the corner. 
“Who?” The woman perched herself on the edge of the double bed, pulling open the draw in the bedside table. 
“Supreme Boi.” Jungkook clarified to a shrug. “Oh, aren’t you friends?” 
She shook her head absently, rummaging through the pairs of socks and wires in the draw with interest. 
“Do you know Cassandra?”
“No.” The woman peered at him. “I live across the street.”
“Oh.” His drunken mind took a moment to figure this out. “How did you get in?”
She shrugged once more. “The front door was open.” 
Jungkook laughed, suddenly finding this funny. He stepped over to the bed, leaning past the woman to close the draw. She stuck out her bottom lip and turned to look up at him. He hovered by her, still letting out a few amused giggles. She reached out and touched his waist softly. 
“Do you work out?” She asked with a surprising amount of curiosity as she ran her hands along his stomach. 
“Sometimes.” Jungkook smiled timidly. 
“I can tell.” She smiled wisely, as though revealing a secret. She slowly pulled up the edge of his un-tucked shirt, revealing his bellybutton. It took him a moment to realise what she was doing before he quickly tugged it down, grinning with embarrassment.
“No!” She exclaimed dramatically, smiling. “Let me see!”
Jungkook thought for a moment, his better judgement battling wildly and struggling against the several cups of mango punch Donghyuk had concocted before the party. The woman gazed up at him beneath her eyelashes; her expression deliberately soft and harmless. 
Jungkook smiled. “You promise not to touch?”
She nodded innocently, taking a quick, cheeky peek under his shirt in a slap-sticky way which made him chuckle, before sliding the shirt completely from his muscular body and dropping the fabric to the floor. He looked at her as she stood up beside him, a toothy, child-like grin on his lips. She couldn’t help but tweak his nipple a little.
“Don’t!” He squeaked, but his grin remained. 
“You show me yours..I’ll show you mine.” She smiled, before placing her palm flat on his right pectoral with a dramatic sigh. “There’s nothing wrong with you! You’ve got a great body.” She exclaimed, talking in the educational tones of someone who knows best. Although he had not declared otherwise, her tone confused him, making her compliment stand out as something exceptionally kind. 
“Do you think so?” He asked, wide eyed as the woman slowly eased him onto his back. “My girlfriend says I spend too much time at the gym.”
“Is she crazy?” She asked theatrically. 
He shook his head, peering at the woman as she began to straddle him. “She’s perfect.”
The comment took her off guard and she suddenly found herself worrying. “Is she here?” 
Jungkook shook his head. “She’s got to look after the desk.”
The woman relaxed. Jungkook wasn’t making much sense, but at least he seemed sure his girlfriend was not at the party. “What’s wrong with it?” She mocked. 
“No, she’s an administrative assistant.” Jungkook spoke, pronouncing the words clearly, as though incredibly proud of her.
The woman shrugged as she settled against his crotch. “Sounds boring.” She reached towards the centre of his jeans and squeezed him gently through the fabric. Jungkook let out a low moan as she moved her palm back and forth. “Are your jeans tight?” She whispered. 
Jungkook shook his head. “No, they’re okay.”
Continuing her motion and basking in the small, breathy sounds he made beneath her, the woman paused briefly to slip her breasts from her camisole, pulling them up one by one over the lacy trim of the fabric. Jungkook licked his lips unwittingly at the sight of her large raisin coloured nipples as they appeared above her baby blue top. She didn’t need to encourage him; his hands automatically moved to push them together, squeezing them in sexy, kneedy motions as his mouth lulled open absently. 
“Do they feel good.” She asked, returning to his crotch, popping open the button which held them together. 
“Yeah...” He moaned in a breathy voice. “They’re big...” He sounded completely entranced as he continued massaging her. 
She smirked. “You can suck them if you want.”
He frowned; his expression momentarily uncomfortable, as though something incredibly painful had occurred to him. The thought seemed to dissipate and grow smaller in his eyes as his eyes moved along her naked breasts. “Are you sure?”
She nodded and shifted off his knee, moving backwards to cradle his neck as he moved on top, their roles reversing as he pushed her down into the covers. “Knock yourself out.” She said as his lips puckered around the hard bud of her right breast. He seemed to lose himself in the motion, moving from one breast to the other as he gently sucked her nipples. She wondered, after a few minutes, whether he would ever grow bored of the act and gently encouraged him away, growing a little restless. Instead of backing off completely, he pressed his head between her cleavage, using his palms to brush her breasts together as he kissed along the inside of her flesh, moving from the right to left, back and forth as he nuzzled her a little with his nose. As his eyelashes brushed against her softly, she slipped him out of his underwear and squeezed his length, holding him in her hand and working him up. 
Eventually, he pulled away so suddenly the woman worried he had finally sobered up enough to come to his senses. Instead, he looked down at her body, running his dark eyes along from her breasts to her curvaceous legs. 
“Are you wearing pyjamas?” He frowned. 
Her lips curled up at the corners and she rolled over onto her back, reaching back to unhook her bra beneath her camisole. “They’re Victoria Secrets.”
Behind her, his expression darkened momentarily as they battled with a memory. She didn’t see and instead wasted no time in sliding her shorts and panties down her thighs, revealing her soft, round arse. 
“Do you want to fuck?” She asked in a breathy voice. 
Jungkook frowned. “It’s not our room.” He protested.
She shrugged. “We can be quick.” 
Two hours later, the grandfather clock in the foyer struck 2am and Yoongi walked into one of the spacious living rooms, finding Hoseok nestled into a sofa fast asleep. He sighed, reaching down to nudge him gently. 
“Hoseok!” The younger man stirred. “It’s time to go!” Yoongi said quietly, not wanting to wake the other guests who had also found themselves dozing.
Hoseok opened his eyes with a grimace. “Is it late?”
Hoseok groaned, curling back into himself. “Can’t I just stay here?”
“No. I’m driving back.” Yoongi started to walk away and Hoseok quickly got to his feet, grimacing at the pain in his head. On the porch outside, Yoongi checked his cell for any missed messages and found none. As he walked back to the Hyundai he had parked in the gravel drive, he found himself gazing along the windows on the second floor. 
Luckily, Hoseok fell asleep as soon as Yoongi pushed the passenger door shut, meaning any questions about why they were waiting so long for the maknae could be avoided. The night had finally started to cool off and Yoongi turned on the heating, directing it at Hoseok who clutched his jacket to himself as he snored. 
Eventually, a dark shadow crept out of the front door and sank down against the stone steps outside. Yoongi could see, even from this distance, the younger man rubbing his tired eyes. He had fallen asleep following his climax, rolling over onto his side and away from the woman who had taken him to bed. The sound of the door-handle rattling had jerked him awake and a pair of voices he thought might have belonged to Angel and Donghyuk drifted through the crack under the door as they searched for a spare room. He left the room minutes later, dressing quickly on the descent down the staircase. Now on the porch step, he clutched his shivering body against the chilly night air. 
Yoongi sighed as he realised the maknae had not noticed him and honked the horn, making Hoseok jump. Jungkook’s head snapped up, squinting as the headlights were turned on. Slowly, he walked over to the car and got in the back, fastening his belt automatically.
Yoongi glanced at him through his rear mirror, noting the way he appeared to be sobering up by the second; the blurry, confused look leaving his eyes and being replaced by a dark sense of awareness and understanding. 
“Did you get my text?” Yoongi asked in a low voice as he turned the key in the ignition. Beside him, Hoseok had already started to drift again. 
He watched in the mirror as Jungkook removed his phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen. Jungkook was silent as he pocketed the device and covered his face in his hands. 
Thank you for reading. To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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