qrowbadluckcharm · 3 years
@silversupermom​ asked: " you... you killed them all. because of what they did to me? "
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Qrow looked over to her, red eyes dulled slightly and face solemn. “I...you know they deserved it...” His voice was darker than usual, Harbinger gripped in his hand.
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red-the-rose · 3 years
“it’s also a gun”
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strykingback · 5 years
Starter for @silversupermom​
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“I’m just an old soldier at this point doing what he thinks is right. No need for all the praisin’” Jack said  putting his weapon away  and sighing a bit. “Sorry to also ask ya this as well. Do ya know if theres a bar nearby,I just need a drink after all that fighting.” He said looking at the fading bodies of the dead Grimm walking off and getting ready to move onto the next place. 
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tattooxcargoshorts · 5 years
Stop bullying the senior citizen, dear.
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“He started it! Its not my fault I had a meeting that ran long the day Ruby looked at me with the cameras around...”
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teamoliv-archive · 6 years
👙 - Is your character trendy or do they just not give a damn? (Toward Lapis)
Get To Know My Character Meme
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Lapis’s sense of fashion is effectively non-existent. He prefers utilitarian clothes with plain appearances, allowing only a few small fashion choices when it won’t get in the way mostly revolving around color choice or small accessories.
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koeniginschnee · 6 years
“Nope. You’re not getting out of ten minutes of rest this time.”
A curious look followed the statement. It was not as though the other had any actual authority over her and when she chose to take--or skip--a break. 
“While your concern is noted, I have too much to do before I can think of taking a break. So if you will excuse me....”
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weaponsandcookies · 6 years
This War Of Mine
All of this crazy time travel shenanigans felt like Greek to Yang. Though while she wasn’t able to make much sense out of the reasons why all these random divergences happened, she was able to put together a picture in her mind of the events of each timeline. Trunks’ tale was one of heartbreak and tragedy, and the blonde found herself clenching her fists so hard her skin turned pale as snow.
Why does shit like that always have to happen? Good people... innocent people... always getting hurt... It’s stupid. So fucking stupid. Images of that monster tearing through the student body, stealing Penny and Ruby away like one of those fairy tale goblins flitted through her mind. And to think I used to say “I wanna be a Huntress for the thrill of it...” Only Ruby ever realized what it really meant... She was the only one who really knew what it was like to fight to protect others... What could’ve been going through Trunks’ head? He lost everyone. Gohan also lost everyone... And I’m already like this after losing just one...
I’m barely holding it together as is...
If she hadn’t received the news that Ruby would be okay after a small stint in the afterlife, she had no idea what she would’ve done. 
But she did know that whatever it was she did would not end with her living.
Her second mother’s comments about her mom briefly brought her out of her thoughts, thankfully in time to hear about the horrifying tournament the bugman had decided to throw, and its ultimate end. Her somber frown had turned into a jaw-dropped gaze- she still had no clue how someone so young could have that much power. Or how a father could have that much faith in his son, to risk the very world itself...
Her own goof of a father flashed through her mind. Followed soon by Qrow, Raven, Summer- She still had so much family left. So many left to protect. 
The hints of a flame began to stoke themselves within her.
 This wasn’t just Gohan’s fight. It was hers too.
She was going to be there until the end. Fighting at his side like a true Huntress would. 
“Ruby’s not here right now,” she muttered to herself, clenching her fist and staring at it, clearly focused on something else entirely, “So I’ll carry on her wish. Keep training, sister. By the time you get back, I’ll show you just how much I’ve learned. We’ll protect our home just like Trunks and Gohan did theirs.”
Gohan quite literally stumbled, disoriented by the sudden pull on his energy beam. A short gasp slipped out, his eyes widening in shock- how had his father done that?? He’d seen him knock away or catch energy blasts, sure, but never seen him disperse them without a single thought. No...wait... he didn’t disperse it. Had he- His father’s words confirmed it. Somehow, Son Goku had been able to absorb his ki, apparently by wresting control of it, making it his own, and pulling it back inside him. 
Gohan had never even heard of a technique like that. 
But he didn’t have time to stand there in awe. The sheer amount of ki packed into that orb was astounding, and even after it exploded into dozens of crescent blades, he knew that it was going to hurt like... well, losing an arm.
But it was too late. All he had time for was crossing his arm over his body, anything to defend himself from the heavy barrage-
The impact created a massive dust cloud, each blade ripping through the rocks around Gohan like they weren’t even there before slamming right into him.
And when the dust cloud cleared...
A heavily panting Gohan revealed himself among the rubble, a shimmering green sphere-like barrier of greenish energy surrounding him. “You aren’t the only one with a penchant for borrowing moves.” A cheeky grin graced the hybrid’s face, the boy inwardly thanking his dozens of fights and hundreds of image training battles against the Androids. 17′s barrier technique was definitely the most defensive move he’d ever picked up.
As for offensive?
“Try this one on for size, dad! Infinity Bulllet!”
Like a rapid-firing machine gun, Gohan let loose blast after blast of pink energy from his outstretched arm, a near-endless barrage of low powered shots. Seemingly without a care for whether they landed or not. If even a few were to hit, it would leave an opening for more of them to hit, which could deal some nasty damage to anyone, even someone like Goku. He had to admit, as destructive as the Androids were, their techniques had been worth studying. Never, though, did he think that he’d ever be using them himself.
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silversupermom replied to your post: //I went to the mall today and bought the Pyrrha...
There’s a Ruby figure with a Summer cloak? Tell me more.
//Yeah! Unfortunately it was just in the RWBY RT box which I don’t think is still available and idk if they’re gonna release it separately ever
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Letters to Mom
It was like a dream.
When her dad told her, she couldn’t believe it. It was too good to be true.
Summer Rose just… couldn’t be alive.
She was only alive in her dreams.
It had been a few months after she started Signal when the first dream happened. For years she’d understood that her mother was dead. Even with the aid of Huntsmen saving people, even the youngest of children were rarely a stranger to death. It was something everyone had to grasp when death could come at any moment. So was life in Remnant, even within the walled safety of the kingdoms. And yet… she saw her. Sitting there with her. Making tea for them.
Ruby wasn’t even sure it was a real memory. It couldn’t have been. She didn’t like tea when she was young. Yet every sip warmed her heart. She’d tell her mother about her day, her plans on her weapon… and sometimes Summer would respond. Give her ideas for new modifications.
Okay yeah, it was kinda silly to think that her mother was actually helping her. Weiss would have said it was just her psychic- psych? No, psyche? Yeah, that. Her psyche helping her out. Ruby wasn’t quite sure what all the specifics of it was, even now, but it had something to do with her mind helping her resolve problems in ways that made her feel comfortable. And tea with her mother was one of the most calming, comfortable things she could imagine.
But that’s all it was. Imagination.
But still. Seeing her, even just some patched up dream version of her. It was nice. She had dreams like that several nights in a row, and then it would stop. Only to return after a random amount of time. She… never told Yang about them. Didn’t want to worry her. She hid behind her smile; buried herself in her blueprints. In a way, she became serious about being a Huntress and grew well above her classmates due to this desire to hide it all.
A bit ironic, in hindsight.
The dreams had led her to visit her mother’s grave for the first time since they put it in. Training to be a Huntress… it had made her even more aware about the consequences of death in this world. And it… made her want to feel closer to her mother. Why did she always wear the cloak? Not because it was some sort of fashion statement. Because her mother wore one.
And when it was wrapped all tight around her it felt her mom giving her a hug.
She still had one of her mother’s old white cloaks. Dad didn’t even notice that she packed it away with her things when she went to Beacon. On nights she was couldn’t sleep… she would take the cloak and wrap herself up in it, silently conveying all of her troubles to her deceased mother, leaning on her for some much-needed support.
The first time she visited the grave after those dreams… she didn’t know what to say. She just knelt there in the autumn leaves, red cloak billowing behind her. She couldn’t say anything the next week she visited either. Or the one after that. The first time she spoke was when she competed the first version of Crescent Rose- well, the first successfully working version of it- and practically flew as fast as she could to show it to her mom. Her voice had been low and quiet, barely above a whisper. Laced with pride and sorrow. Pride in herself for using what she knew to design such an elegant weapon. Sorrow that her mother couldn’t truly see it.
She had another dream that night of her mother fawning over Crescent Rose during tea.
While she was away at Beacon, she couldn’t continue these weekly visits to her mother’s grave, so she had to find some other way to speak with her. Especially after she had another dream the night she arrived, her mother wishing her well with a tray of cookies along with their tea.
She woke up that morning craving her mother’s freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Not even the school’s cookies would do.
Her first sleepless night at Beacon was the night after their Initiation. She knew her mother was a team leader and… well… didn’t think that she herself was good enough to be one. She was two years behind after all, everyone else should have way more experience than her… So, wrapped up in her mother’s pristine white cloak, she’d taken out her notebook and a pen and began to write.
Dear Mom,
You were right. The cookies aren’t as good here as yours are. But the rest of the food is pretty good… I certainly won’t go hungry here! Hehe…hehe… Today was Initiation. We had to find these relics in a Grimm-infested forest. I ended up being paired with this really arrogant girl who acted like she was the best thing since cookie dough. And I want to be her friend but.. I keep messing up. I bumped into her yesterday and made her explode… I interrupted her attack against some Beowolves… It was this whole big mess that led to her having to save my life. We ended up teaming up with Yang and her partner Blake- she’s super mysterious and loves books, you two would definitely get along well- to defeat a Giant Nevermore, so that was cool.
But then Professor Ozpin named me team leader and I… I don’t know what to do. I’m only 15. I don’t know the first thing about leading people into battle… And the stares I get… Everyone knows I’m younger. Pretty sure some boy said I was the youngest Beacon student in over a century. Everyone looks at me like I’m… Zwei dressed as Grandma Xiao Long. No, wait. He did dress as Grandma and he looked great. So. The opposite of that? Dangit, now I lost my metaphor.
I wish you were here to talk to me… I could really use your help.
But I should probably go to bed now. It sounds like Weiss is waking up and she’s gonna have a fit if I leave this light on too long.
She wrote letters just like that every week from then on, detailing her adventures at Beacon to her mom. It was… frankly the only way to cope with the stress. It was rough. It was so hard to play catch-up. Sure, she was a good student at Signal, but she skipped two whole years. How was she to know about the stuff they would have covered in History during those years? Sure she was still doing well in Combat- aside from Port’s written tests about his stories. Jeez, maybe if that guy actually taught them something useful she wouldn’t be calling him Professor Poop.
As Ruby approached the bedroom door, all of these memories and thoughts plagued her mind. It was the polar opposite of one of Weiss’ rants. With those, her mind just instantly emptied and she ignored practically everything. But here, it was like she’d become hypersensitive. She could feel every bit of her breathing, point out the small imperfections in the oak wood bedroom door.
In the end, she just forced herself to throw the door open.    
And there she was.
She looked like seven bullheads had ran her over, but it was her.
Just as beautiful as she remembered.
Ruby hadn’t realized she was crying until the drops hit the wood floor. Quickly wiping her eyes, her shaky voice muttered, “I-It’s you? It’s.. r-really y-you?”
She bolted to the bed and immediately flung her arms around her mother. The tears fell like a dam had been broken, and in a way it was. All the tension built up from years of not being with her, all the emotion she’d been holding back… It all struck her happy mask like a single tidal wave, smashing her defenses with one forceful blow.
And the younger Rose’s voice was so soft, like a whisper in the wind, a single red petal falling to meet with the white petal already resting on the ground.
“Momma… I’ve missed you so much…”
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wonderalmighty · 3 years
"Ranma, right? I heard that you've been kind to my daughter, Ruby, despite her less than social nature. She even said you helped her train a bit. That means more to me than you think. As such, I offer you the greatest honor a Rose could give. A plate of my homemade cookies."
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“..huh...yer ruby’s mom what um.......................” Processing....processing..unable to process. “Errrrrrrrrrrrr.............................thanks?” Well that was just dumb so he awkwardly took one of the cookies. Why are people being this nice to him lately............what
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qrowbadluckcharm · 3 years
@silversupermom asked: “I’m so tired… but there’s no way I’m going back to sleep after that.”
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“Don’t blame ya. I can’t sleep either...”
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adulescensimitor · 5 years
“Mrs Rose.”
It was quiet in the house, with Ruby finally asleep and Yang likely so as well. He didn’t know where the other members of their teams had gone, but right now, only he and the other two had come here to the home.
It wasn’t as if he had anywhere else to go. His own home was so far away that it might as well have been on the moon for all the good it did him to think of it. Shaking the thoughts away, he offered a short bow to the older Rose in greeting. He didn’t feel like sleeping now. Perhaps he wouldn’t, for a few days more, or until the fatigue overtook him. Whichever came first.
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“I wish our meeting could have been under better circumstances. Ruby mentioned you a few times. Quite a lot after she came back from her visit, actually.”
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blacklctus · 6 years
~ {   How long had it been? Since last an outsider stepped foot this deep into this section of the forest? At the very least, for a certain someone, it was practically void of human life, and while it best remained that way, it wasn’t like a single person could keep people from their own curiosity. Still, it was dangerous.
   --- Enough so that this someone was required to step in at this particular moment. With the fragile balance of this ancient forest, it would be best if those foolish enough to step inside were hastily pushed back out... but this one was searching for something...So a little... forced conversation was needed, given recent-ish events.... Her face, hidden by shadows, went unseen as, silently, the tip of what felt like an arrow was pressed against the back of the intruder’s neck, a faint heat radiating from it...
                   “Skilled or not, this place will kill you... Why are you here?”
@silversupermom​ / ‘Meeting of Matrons’
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huntsman-ash · 6 years
"For one so young, you have such cynical eyes."
“Lets say I’ve...seen a lot.”One special eyed person to another; albiet his were just weird, rather than lethal. He wished red eyes did cool stuff. But no, not really, it was just a Mantle mutation. Dust exposure tracing down genetic lines.
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koeniginschnee · 5 years
“I wish we knew each other sooner.”
“You do?”
That was unexpected. Despite the comment, however, Winter was certain that the other would not have wanted to know her earlier in her life. It all really depended on how much ‘sooner’ she meant.
“I cannot fathom why that might be.”
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mirrorfell-blog · 6 years
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       this woman looked familiar. she couldn’t quite place it, eyes softly squinting, as if it’d help her memory. 
       “ i’m sorry, do i know you ? “
@silversupermom gets a ruby | sc !
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