kirans-wonderland · 4 months
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Excuse the very messy rendering :D
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krenenbaker · 8 months
Pumpkin Craving
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Pairing: Silver x Idia
Summary: Silver discovers just how intriguing a pumpkin can be.
Notes: This is the second day's prompt ("Pumpkin Craving") for the 2023 TWST Rarepair Halloween event. It's short, but a peek into how I may imagine Silver's mind to be.
Tags: @haruhar-u, @minty-bubblegum, @cheezy-moon, @thehollowwriter, (@red-viewe and @shortstorylover - you liked my post about being tagged but didn't comment, so I tagged you just in case. Let me know if you'd like to not be tagged!)
Please let me know if you'd like to be included or excluded from future writing of mine, or only want to be included in specific types of creations.
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I didn't expect to like a pumpkin so much.
But the way it makes you so confident is incredible.  I've seen your excitement and fire a few times, but you usually keep it shrouded beneath a different demeanour.
It's interesting; tonight, it seems that pumpkin is both your helmet and your shield. It's giving you the confidence to be out, talking with people. I found you here as I was looking for Malleus, with you excitedly speaking with him and Rook, and standing as strong as a true knight... And I would know what that looks like.
But... I wonder what you'd look like standing beside me. Especially when you're like this: confident. Tall. Full of fire.  Not flustered, like you always are when you're around me. 
Maybe your costume is giving you some sort of special powers tonight. Or maybe it's just allowing you to show your true self, the one underneath that nervousness you hide behind.
I didn't expect to like a pumpkin so much.
But I think I like what's beneath it even more.
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444names · 1 year
portuguese names BUT excluding "e"
Aariola Abradra Adadomon Adanoé Adovia Adutra Aldas Alfona Alfor Algio Alianto Aliniz Alira Aliros Aléxim Amacrio Amafiros Amangto Amaria Amarruz Ambos Aminha Amonsão Amorina Ampasaus Ampauloís Ampauxo Amuno Amândo Amântião Ananca Ancia Andra Andris Anicorna Ansaísa Ansta Antas Antor Antur Apozinho Aptilso Arboson Aringon Armarião Armina Armília Arnas Artoro Ascargio Astimor Austálio Aília Balvo Banicos Barcuno Bardo Bargila Barida Barigoda Bario Barra Bartugo Basilia Bassia Bastorio Basão Bilissa Bitão Bracio Branda Brapaidas Braza Braça Bricavo Bristo Bruissa Brunoé Bróna Bróniza Bávindo Bávito Calary Caldo Calho Calia Camigodo Caminho Campano Camélião Canda Canio Cantas Cantião Cantônida Caranto Carco Carcona Carcus Cardia Carga Carão Cascal Caspo Catanto Cavaldo Cavito Cavão Cinha Cipauxo Ciustão Cloto Cloísa Cláco Coaquita Coaroza Conia Conobort Consanto Conçaldo Corgingto Corgo Coriana Corio Crias Cricidas Crina Crinho Cristia Crudá Custa Cácilda Cácio Cásia Cásimia Cátisla Cânio Célisério Céloís Cílino Dalho Dalinho Danco Danda Dangéno Didassida Digasão Digoral Dinarrita Dindro Dingto Ditatinor Ditório Donisa Dudinha Dànata Décias Dériquida Dérisa Fabia Fabra Fabrantos Fabrudu Fagna Farda Fartina Faulcão Figianda Filino Filvodo Filárisa Finha Flopor Fracran Frana Frapomão Fábildo Fátinor Fátinso Félia Gabio Galaz Galcão Galdo Galisbor Gaminas Gasco Gidoso Gilvo Ginard Ginho Godisboys Gomélia Grada Grano Graza Griana Gundruda Guniz Gustonça Guálva Hargia Hinano Ifiga Inola Isbos Istria Jacona Jacor Jaisca Janca Jantos Jorgina Joros Jorranso Jorro Josartomé Jucia Judana Judora Julcilho Julri Junquim Justa Jácias Jónio Júliandro Lacásio Ladro Liangénia Lilho Lilva Lobrais Lomon Lorna Losous Lucar Lucia Lucida Lucio Lucílino Ludia Luido Lyrto Lácio Lídiano Líditto Líviana Lívis Lúcim Lúcipólia Macinho Macás Madora Madra Madrício Mafigo Malcio Malho Manas Manazio Mancordo Manizaria Mantiagna Mantor Manunho Marana Marbas Marmo Marna Marona Marão Maspaio Masta Matiminha Maula Maximbra Maximos Mimoisa Mindola Mirob Modorro Moisaro Monstia Monço Morao Mordo Morto Moton Máliana Málio Mária Máximira Míliagão Môniz Nazino Nicartor Nicoro Norrona Nundo Nácianda Nácio Nádio Nápona Nélia Néloís Nóbra Odrota Ofigo Ourtéria Paina Paisa Paiscoso Paldamirs Panconata Paola Parado Paraia Pardo Parra Parso Pascons Pasia Passio Passusto Pastás Patita Patria Paulison Pauro Paurvalso Pauza Pavis Piminho Pingo Pinoé Pirgaza Pláco Pláritos Pláudanto Poldo Poliano Polla Pomba Pomélia Ponria Porga Postino Pozarto Pragosos Pramâniz Priandro Quilvito Quiros Quita Quitor Radronst Raléxim Ramar Ramáliza Ranor Raulilda Razio Raújoa Riagda Riana Riaspaio Rinto Riochagda Ritórina Roditão Rodri Romão Rosolias Rozira Rugazia Runhadria Runidélo Runçal Rutra Sabia Sabila Sabião Santanço Siasta Sicos Sicto Sidora Sidélis Silhão Silia Silino Siloto Silvidia Silvito Simato Soanto Sostis Sárina Sério Síltalita Sônito Sôniza Tancon Tanuno Taraz Tinda Tipra Tomora Torna Trashino Triquis Trícila Tária Tériano Ulila Urtéria Ustim Ustino Valda Valgilaus Valor Valténo Varia Viano Vianson Vicard Victo Viona Vitava Vitora Vitão Wascinto Xavia Xângto Zéfiano Zéfilson Álino Ândrampa Ériana Érica Óriolávia Úrinstaro Úrson
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andershaws · 3 years
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misterteaser · 4 years
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Eu, um dinossauro e o Rocha! 🦕 . Foto de @silvidias. (em Lourinhã) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBF2bCYJzZg/?igshid=u3hlvhigcosw
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asktheneverfairies · 9 years
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
things someone I know has called Silvidia:
daddy issues x great dad
constantly asleep x probably never sleeps
blue hair and pronouns x what are pronouns
chronically online x chronically offline
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
soooo this painting but Idia and Silver…
but the fruit is a pomegranate…
(artistic nudity under the cut)
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
imagine imagine imagine Silver and Idia sitting under that tree that’s in Silver’s groovy and and Silver is singing cause yeah he can and Idia is just laying his head on Silver as he listens. AND ITS THIS SONG!! THIS ONE!!!
(guys it’s true this song even mentions a spinning wheel please it’s canon)
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
can we talk about how silvida coded this is..
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kirans-wonderland · 2 months
lyrics that made me think of Idiasil
“didn’t know my world was dark until you came”
“My goddess of light, spring and all things good”
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
The temptation to make an SilvIdia playlist…
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
5, 8, and 13 for the twst ask game? ^w^
-what is your favorite unique magic?
Ruggie’s ‘Laugh with Me’
-what is your favorite ship(s)
Recently was put on Silvidia and loving it. Aster is currently making me think about Rolo and Neige.. also I’m not sure about Leona and Vil but this song is so them
-who is your least favorite character?
That’s hard because I don’t really not like any of them… (except Vargas). I’d have to say because I don’t know much about them right now, Ace and Silver. (But I have so many Silver writing requests that I’m having to do my research on him)
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andershaws · 3 years
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andershaws · 3 years
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asktheneverfairies · 9 years
so frostmyheart is not aboard the ship quite yet but it'll just be waiting here for you whenever you're ready, feel free to jump on
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